How to fly and intercept VOR radials (explained in less than 5 mins.)

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what is going on guys is Alex here today I'm here at Suncoast aviation in a Cessna 172 athle my favorite airplane probably because that's what I've been flying most of my aviation career but anyways today I want to talk about B waters okay there's a lot of videos out there that go super in-depth on bu ours and I mean amazing videos but today I want to focus on the flying aspect of things okay how to fly any radial as fast and effective as possible what's that's what I want to talk about okay because I have a I don't know if it's my trick or if this is a widely taught but I have a little trick that I want to share with you guys and yeah make it easier on you okay so let's go right ahead gns 4:30 over here okay so obviously the first step is to go ahead and put the view our frequency in there and how we do that is by clicking well yeah by pushing this button over here and that allows us to change the vor frequency okay in the nav one so we already have the Cyprus vor frequency over here 108 point six and give me a quick second there's a jet coming by it's gonna wait till they pass by [Music] there you go little bod all right so the first step after you put the frequency in here is to identify the frequency okay you want to make sure you're in the right frequency and for that you just push over here if you ever forget it says push for ID and we're gonna push there and then the next step is to go up here in the audio panel and click on nav one actually this one you have to like click and hold and this is how you're going to be able to identify the vur so this is going to give you a morse code that you're going to match with your sectional chart okay so that's how you know that you are in the right view our next step and this is super important is to press the CDI button from you know you got to change that from GPS to be lock a lot of people refer to this button like the $700 button because if you forget to press that button it could cost you a check right okay so now next step is to set up WR with the radio okay so let's say the instruction is fly and intercept the 1 to 0 radio from the station so anytime they tell you to do from you simply gonna put that same radio on the top okay so if it's from always put the radio that it was mentioned in the instruction on the top okay now once you've done that you're gonna see what heading that is in this case is 1 2 0 and you're gonna go ahead and you're gonna fly 1 2 0 okay so this way you're gonna be flying parallel to this radio now you guys once you're parallel you guys see where these little triangles and other airplanes they're like but like little dots that represents 45 degrees okay so you always pretty much let me make this just like if we were turning so where's the heading of one to zero so you always intercept a radial at a 45 so now the next step is to see where the needle is in this case is to your right so what you're gonna do is you're gonna get your bug and you're gonna put it right on the triangle and you're gonna fly to where you're heading bug is okay so this is pretty much going to give you the 45 to this radio then the CDI the course deflection indicator is going to start moving in board and ride when it's right outside of the doughnut that's when you're gonna start turning into your radial okay now let's say it was 1 2 0 goop this station then what you gotta use is the opposite radio okay you see how that flag switch so you're gonna use the opposite - 1 - 0 which is 3 0 0 so in this case if it was to the station you're simply gonna go ahead and fly a heading of 3 0 0 alright there's three zero zero you're gonna bug it and in this case it says the CDI is saying that their radio is to your left you're gonna go ahead and put your bug to the forty five indicator right there you guys see that and they're gonna fly towards that heading and this way you're gonna intercept the one to zero radial to the station at a forty-five as soon as the CDI starts getting towards the outer side of the donut you will start flying a heading of three zero zero until you intercept the radio [Music]
Channel: Alex Bengoechea
Views: 97,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TuyqzodILk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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