Michael Koulianos "Revival Is a Person" Azusa Cleveland

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[Music] this is the greatest hour to follow Jesus [Music] [Music] cereal ever filled in so now we're to go in Jesus comes hey come Lord come Lord again and again again and again coming within the coming of the law it's the wind of the Holy Ghost LOI because it's about Jesus tonight says the Lord it's about Jesus I know the name of the revival man his name is Jesus I said I know the name of the revival man his name is Jesus see the LMF into your money I became more more more more MORE Lord some of you just need a drink [Music] there he is [Music] we say yes Lord we say yes Lord we say yes Lord say yes Lord these are not drunk as you suppose I said these are not drunk as you suppose help me on the drums these are not drunk is yousef Oh because there's new wine tonight there's new wine tonight there's new wine tonight let them have you just forget about everything right now just forget about everything forget about your neighbor forget about this event forget about me forget about the call forget about everything and just look at Jesus and fully yield right now because what you need more than anything is the Spirit of the Lord [Music] and he's here and he's here and he's here and he's here times of refreshing law times of refreshing law times of refreshing law times of refreshing law ha [Music] so easy it's so easy if you just want to drink just open your heart and look at Jesus more more father more you told us to ask the view we asked for bread you won't give us a stone send the Holy Ghost [Music] [Music] just kill it kill it kill it kill [Music] [Applause] [Music] so fire here feel fire here fire [Music] fire of the Holy Ghost Jesus the great baptizing the fire of the Spirit oh [Music] don't look at me don't look at me you'll miss your moment you'll miss your moment look at Jesus you say I came here to pray you can't pray without the Holy Ghost doesn't work he's the spirit of prayer [Music] [Applause] it's about revival but it's it's more about Jesus he's revival [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's here we know you're here Jesus we know you're here you feel your presence [Music] [Applause] our tears are precious to the Lord but I heard him say times of refreshing are coming times of refreshing are here a [Applause] [Music] river of the Holy Spirit [Music] his glory can evangelize and his presence is the message Jesus himself is the message many of you been seeking him in secret he said I'll reward you in and the old man and he's come tonight to reward you with himself to give himself to you well don't miss this tonight yield yield don't worry about how it looks just give your life over now [Music] [Applause] [Music] the cups run over Lord let our cups run over [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it's Jesus's greatest gift to the church the Holy Spirit he said I won't leave you as an orphan I'm gonna send my spirit we're not asking him to come he's calm he's just waiting he it's like he waits at the entry of our heart Oh on the threshold of our of our hearts toys look I'm right here but you won't look at me I'm the burning bush would you turn aside and just have a look tonight just look at me just some attention more Lord more more MORE Jesus we want more we want everything you have we want everything you are we want everything in your heart we don't care how it looks we don't care what it makes us look like we can we don't we don't care we just want you we just want you our sermons don't do it unless you sit on our sermons Jesus you know you're finally praying when you forget you're praying of course it's about prayer but it's it's more about Jesus we're worshiping when we forget we are worshiping that's when we know we've stepped in Jesus I want you to lift your hands all over the room just lift your hands every eye closed ask him to touch you something new something fresh oh you can trust him in this encounter he's the faithful shepherd he'll shepherd you right through it some of you came here thinking I need Jesus and something else the Holy Spirit spoke to me a few weeks ago he said Michael how can you have more than everything I'm everything you don't need more than Jesus you just need him I said you just need Jesus [Applause] maybe you're sitting there saying why are you talking to me about Jesus so much because I met the Holy Spirit you meet the Holy Spirit you'll you won't have to try to talk about Jesus Jesus do it let this revival head sit up waves of glorious present just help me on the keys soft on the keys the Lord's touching you let him don't stop it don't shut it down don't quench it Jesus needed the power of the Holy Spirit how much more do we need the power of the Holy Spirit our ideas our strategies our efforts they don't work unless he doesn't and he's this beautiful wind and this you help me almost keys in this beautiful river that's always moving but you can't muster him up but you can join him we cannot produce the move of the Spirit but Jesus said he's blowing we don't know what we can't see him we don't know where he's coming from but we see his effect friends tonight jump in jump into the wind jump into the river of the Holy Spirit you say I'm not a Holy Spirit guy I'm an evangelist he's the greatest evangelist in the universe he loves Jesus more than all of us here put together he is the one who is madly in love with the Lamb of God he's infatuated with Jesus and when you get him you get his infatuation along with it he's here he's here you have to try to not let him touch you tonight you have to try I looked at dan Daniel kolenda back there I said I wonder if they're tired I was a little worried that some of you would just get up and leave the Holy Spirit has a way of waking us up I've heard people say it's not about feelings I get all that but man I'd rather feel the Holy Spirit than anything else if I can feel my shirt and the scene I'm sitting on I want to feel him so the Bible says it's in him we live in him we move and in him we have our being he's real he's real I said and he's here tonight and he's closer to you than the person next to you and he's closer to you than the air you're breathing he's here I said he's here I said he's here he's so close why would you miss him tonight I feel the heart of God deep in my soul crying out to you asking you come on don't miss me tonight why would you miss somebody who's so beautiful so perfect so loving so kind why would you miss the one who's lying and lamb on the same day the one who raises the dead and washed his feet that Jesus is so perfect why would you miss him right now because he's breaking your paradigm let him break it friends he does not break her yoke he destroys the yoke he could fix oh honey for somebody else to put the one he broke back on but Jesus destroys the yoke of religion tonight why would you leave him what is it what hear me what is it about him that's not beautiful to you what is it what is it about Jesus that's not perfect and wonderful and drawing you in tonight what is it about him what's he ever done to you you say man this preacher messed me up he hurt me has Jesus ever hurts you what's he done what's he done what's he done become it put on a body and give himself to be mocked and rejected and given over to hateful hearts and stretched out and beaten and stripped and traded heavens diadem for a crown of thorns this is the one with everything in me I'm begging you to come to him tonight I've heard preachers say I'm not gonna beg you but I felt the Holy Ghost one night touched me he say he he doesn't care if I miss him oh yes he does Jesus looked over the city of Jerusalem and he wept the empty web be wept and this is why he left he said they didn't know the hour of their visitation in other words I walked through the city and I rubbed shoulders with them and I I healed their sick and I washed feet and I multiplied fish and bread I I did all of this stuff but they didn't want me they didn't want me they didn't know I was there then he knows the hour of their visitation tonight Jesus is in this room and if you miss him tonight he'll cry over you he'll cry over you tonight I'm talking about a perfect lamb I'm talking about the one who made a whip and whip them and healed them in the next chapter he's so perfect he's so perfect he's so perfect the one who sees you tonight the one who's looking at you tonight the one who's not only here but he's in our midst he's here he's the air were breathing that's why you feel his glorious power going through your body if I could jump over that rail right now and lay hands on you I would but you don't need me to lay hands you need the hand of the great Baptizer in the Holy Ghost to touch you tonight and in Jesus name I release the fire of the Holy Ghost on the fire of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Spirit the one who loves the Lamb of God oh Jesus we worship oh Jesus we worship oh Jesus we worship you blind us you distract us you wrap us up and you make everything else look like what it really is just worthless let's stop and everything we go through all the pain Lord all of the stuff Jesus is a shadow in your glory oh Jesus we give you praise we give you praise we give you praise we give you praise blessed blessed blessed blessed Lamb of God your work is glory worthy of glory [Music] Jesus Jesus you know I wouldn't leave right now if my house was burning down there are moments when Jesus comes so close my friend Steve he'll set him Brown so friends jump in jump in jump in just know where to go when Jesus comes snow snow where to go snow where to go when the Lamb of God is calm you see in this glory we're not black or white we're just kids just his I will never build unity around unity but we can build around Jesus fill it all around him friends [Music] sense in my spirit the William the wind the wind of the Spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] yield shield [Music] Lu I have been going through hell for months man something in me I don't know how to explain it felt in my heart if I could just get get to Cleveland that Jesus would meet me there I felt like I was climbing I don't know how to explain Jesse and I've been walking through some stuff it's been painful but something in my soul I felt like man if I can just get to where he is and I know he's everywhere but if I can just get to where he's where something has been planned since the foundations of the earth if I could get there where he's moving where there's a pool that's being stirred if I could get there I'd find food that the world doesn't know about I'd find a presence living bread that makes me invincible because he distracts us Tim Tim sim I didn't know if this would happen I was hoping it would something happens when you worship [Music] friends I feel a mandate from the father to declare to you tonight that Jesus is enough that Jesus is enough he's always been enough and he'll always be enough put the name of Jesus back on your lips [Music] Jesus is the father's only sermon he's the Holy Spirit's favorite message it's because he's so beautifully so humble and so making so strong he's the one who is always giving his life over because of that the father and the son are blown away by who he is you see and I hear heaven screaming we think he's amazing I wish you would too he is enough is enough he's enough Jesus is enough and anything else is just adultery you see Jesus and even if it's a spiritual pursuit it's just adultery because if it's not from him it's not of him and from him and to him and through him it's a little it's a harlot and there's only one love he receives it it's first love for his beautiful beautiful face you see so you think when I I came here to get healed tonight well I know the healer name is Jesus so I didn't come from Jesus I came for fire I know somebody whose eyes burn with fire because he is fire you say I don't need I don't need Jesus tonight I need to know how to get through life I know this Shepard who whispers so perfectly he's so beautiful you see he's so wonderful I know this shepherd named Jesus whose rod and staff will comfort you and lead you and fend off the wolf on your behalf for somebody named Jesus it was a friend and a shepherd and he's a lonely bridegroom because he wants our company he wants us he wants us he wants you he wants you to know I'll tell you this yes there's a Jesus Movement here those Jesus people are gonna so stare at the face of Jesus that he's going to possess them with this voice and one clarion message it's gonna pierce the heavenlies and flood the earth and it's gonna be this this is the Son of the Living God Jesus Christ of Nazareth Shahan how do I get that how do I get that how do I burn you just let the one the Holy Spirit have here tonight just let him have you I rebuke every devil I rebuke every devil in this stadium three Devils religion three devil of discouragement shame rebuke you in Jesus I want you to hear me I want you to hear me you say how can you preach right now and God touching people it's the best time to preach it's not our words it's the substance on our words it's the moisture on our words it's a weight on our words that's what happens when Jesus good I'm asking you tonight please hear me I'm asking you a question and that I don't want anyone moving this is a life-or-death question I am NOT asking you tonight if you've prayed the sinner's prayer I'm not asking you tonight if you've been to an altar I'm not asking you tonight if you've been baptized I'm asking you have you met the god man Christ Jesus do you know the one that I'm talking about tonight you say well how do I know if I know you'd know but the Bible says whom the Sun sets free is free indeed if you're bound tonight if you're shackled with bondage if you're shackled with sin if you believe the lie that part of the Christian life is just being bound you believe the lie from the pit of hell the life life in Jesus is a life of freedom and joy and peace yes there's hardship but there's new wine to numb it I'm telling you it's real hear me hear me please hear me I'm not asking if you go to a church I'm not asking if you listen to preachers I'm not asking if you read your Bible I'm not asking if you fast and pray I am asking you to you know Jesus Christ the Son of God does he talk to you do you talk to him do you feel him does he feel you are you bound by sin you want to be free I want you to stand up right now should I want to be free I want to meet this Jesus you're talking about you stand up you stand up all over this place you know Christian events don't save people I host Christian events only Christ saves people altars don't save people only Jesus saves people you say Michael that's me tonight's my night I want to meet the Jesus you're talking about I want you to stand I'm going to give you a few more moments this is beautiful more Lord I'm telling you there's a place in the presence of God where the glory of God becomes like this mighty evangelist you know it's true Lou you've been there I want everyone to stand if you can't if you can't I understand fire fire it's where the rubber meets the road it's it's a real deal but some of you been going to church you know you've just been numbed you've been inoculated by kind of going for this you say no tonight I am giving my entire life over to the one who gave his for me if that's you I want your hand to go up you said this is it tonight I want you to pray the best you can it's not so much about getting every word right it's about knowing who you're talking to say father come on father Here I am take my life I give you my life the best I can receive me as I receive you take all of me Jesus you are the son of the Living God you died on a cross for my sin and you've been raised from the dead because your God Almighty because you're the King of Kings you're coming back for a holy people I'm Yours you're mine wash me in the blood of Jesus amen [Applause] just lift your hands to the Lord [Music] cereal 11 the Oricon cereal 11 the or Mondale band the epic just lift your voice to the Lord in the spirit and I see really bendy on Monday I'll bake him just lift your voice and sing him a new song tonight senior 11 de orden mundial banda serial MF n D or moco vocalist omnia serial MF and the air make just trust the Lord right now I know what he's doing I feel it deep in my soul see the 11 D or moco it's so end of the whole ego the wind of the Holy Ghost now Jesus said if we ask the Father for the Holy Spirit did he gladly give him to us you say what do I do you just ask and receive it's not so much about tongues it's about the Holy Spirit do you say I'm already speaking in tongues oh there's way more so I'm gonna pray and ask the Lord and you're gonna receive I'm just gonna do the praying because if you leave you washed in the blood and you're not burning you know you won't be able to fulfill the destiny on your life you need the power of the Spirit just lift your hands to heaven I'm gonna pray and you're gonna receive father you told me as a boy that I'd see Nations touched by your spirit started here in our nation fill the people with the person of the spirit clothe them in power Jesus that's it for si telling you the currents of God are flowing the Lightning's of God more more be filled with the Holy Ghost be filled with the Holy Ghost be filled with the Holy Ghost to get daily teaching from Michael and to follow our events schedule around the world please follow us on Facebook Twitter and Instagram be sure to subscribe to the Jesus image TV YouTube channel as well by partnering with Jesus image you will help us take the saving and healing power of Jesus to the world you're giving changes lives forever for more information please visit us online at Jesus image TV or write us at Jesus image p.o box nine five zero six four zero bleep Mary Florida three two seven nine five thank you for your prayers and financial support Jesus is the answer for every life everywhere [Music] you you you
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 14,878
Rating: 4.8557377 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Image, Upper Room, Jessica Koulianos, Jesus, Bonnke, Azusa, Todd White, Bill Johnson, Lou Engle, Bethel Music, kanye west, Kolenda, Upper Room Music, Michael Koulianos, Bethel, Jesus is king
Id: 9s0uEWHMjis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 15sec (2355 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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