Mexico's BIZARRE Street Foods!! Do They Really Eat This??

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this is absolutely the most strange bizarre mexican food i've ever seen in my life mexico just like their salsa your experience here can be mild mmm or extra spicy oh my god they're really hot extremely hard today it's gonna get caliente i just had a quinceanera in my mouth as we hunt down the most unusual what is this thing super strange shockingly wild food creations you'll find in mexico city they made pork skin into a pickle from creepy crawly taco fillings you can feed all the legs oh my gosh to a late night street food stall serving some bizarre body parts oh that's a lot of flavor so throw whatever you knew about mexican food out the window today we're going off menu [Music] this unique food journey starts at most machetes here they sell massive oblong quesadillas with an insane variety of filling options sure you could get the standard chicken or beef but what about cow stomach ever tried that in a quesadilla fallujah ah here i am today's eating partner palutej he's a local food youtuber who documents some of the best recipes around the country you're far away from me but between us is so much this delicious incredible this is like a big big big quesadillas most biggest yes i've ever seen in my life what is this like a foot in the house maybe like 50 60 centimeters wow that's like 11 feet i don't know how to convert things these quesadillas are one of a kind and it's not just about the size they have over a dozen filling options many you've probably never even heard of before do you know what all these are yeah that's pancita that is the beef stomach there's also rajas poblanos that is type of chili there's also tinga chicharron that is pork rinds i also heard one ingredient that really stands out you said there's cow's stomach yeah yeah cow stomach exactly today we're getting machetes two ways first with cow stomach because cows have four stomachs but we only have one light so you know yolo and the second one that is called super cubano it literally means that it has everything our first cheesy masterpiece starts with the dough flattened in a press powered by hand toss the dough on the flat top and when it starts to firm up pile on the ingredients cow stomach then three mexican cheeses cream cheese manchego and queso oaxaca fold it up and let it fry until it's golden brown and crispy take a look at this there is a load of stomach in there i want to take a peek listen that cow's stomach is really strong it's like a little yeah if you go to a farm and smell and you're like oh it smells like a farm that's what that smells like kind of all right let's try this out okay [Music] wow that is intense it's very unique how are you doing enjoying or suffering i'm kind of in a mix of both i'm just suffering but it's like a good suffering you know because the cheese is pretty good i mean the dough is amazing the flavor of the oil i mean everything is a good experience do you like the stomach can i be honest it is a bit challenging for me it's a powerful flavor just because of the flavor or because of the texture too i can't even feel the texture because it's kind of mixing with the ooey gooey cheese but the flavor is very powerful it's powerful yeah you know what i think is really messing with me it's like this is one of my ultimate comfort foods a tortilla and cheese and then someone puts cow stomach in it i think that's what's throwing me off because i'm like i'm waiting for this moment of like this endorphin rush of cheese and then i met with cow's stomach can we try the other one next in line the super cubano this quesadilla is packed with just about every topping they have it starts with oaxacan cheese spread on top the over two foot long quesadilla now the toppings mushrooms shredded beet ground beef ground beef with potatoes chicken squash blossoms cow stomach again corn smut chicharron and finally cream cheese [Music] this is a different quesadilla yeah it looks similar but inside it couldn't be more different are you ready yeah i'm going to start with this one that is the flor de calabasa oh and i'm going to start with that one which is one type of cheese let's try it out oh i really love this one this is pumpkin flour it's amazing one of the most amazing things you can find here in mexico city this tastes like a sour cottage cheese it's really interesting they have two different sauces here salsa verde which one do you like more for me i will choose salsa verde a little bit of green sauce yeah go for it okay let's try it out cheers better right it adds like a big kick to it that is so much cilantro i think the spiciness is almost coming from the cilantro itself what other bites do i have here what was that chica chicharron shredded meat and mushrooms you ready let's do it oh it's delicious cheesy meaty oh i have a big mushroom bite i have poblano chili and they're made with sour cream corn and also onions oh yeah one of my favorites so far it tastes like canned mushrooms i grew up in a trailer house and that is like eating caviar i'm getting full we got to walk around a little bit and go find more food let's go vamonos vamanos [Music] welcome to san juan market mexico city's most famous market for exotic meats and daring delicacies here you can find anything from crocodile to armadillo and a whole laundry list of creepy crawlers tinorita can i shake your hand nice to meet you meet the queen of this creepy cuisine sonora martha marie we came to this doll because she has so many special ingredients a lot of them used to be alive and they used to be crawling bugs they're everywhere have you eaten all these just this one this one this one just this three have you eaten all these see she's telling me that he has taste everything and she likes it because of the textures because of the flavor and all the colors and everything so you like it that's the government that she loves it well what about um let's see yeah over here it's her favorite i think okay show me this creepy bugger is known as a hissing cockroach they're one of the largest species of cockroaches in the world growing up to two to three inches in length though they come from madagascar originally these were farmed in mexico city [Music] oh it's good it is not that good for sunny but it is pretty good i mean i like it well it smells like someone's hair that hasn't been washed for like 300 days for me it is like chicharron did you say dandruff it tastes like dandruff [Applause] i don't know it's so weird and i don't mean to be mean but she didn't prepare it she just put on a stick and rammed it through its butt i don't feel that bad it tastes like bad breath it tastes like halitosis that's a fantastic appetizer thank you so much you're a wonderful chef so i think we should get a few different things what is this one right here this is basically an end in mexico we call it a big-ass ant hey because you know it's like the jlo of ants the ants with the large posterior they're known as chikitana ants the most popular ants in mexico known for being notoriously difficult to catch not only can they bite but they can also fly fortunately in their current state they can do neither here sonora starts with a blue tortilla made from blue corn which gives it its blue color now the big ass ants slap them on the griddle and add a bit of salt add that to the tortilla add cheese and enjoy or at least try to enjoy we have our tacos here i want to first start by giving it a whiff the corn smells good oh no the ants two dances now listen not everything that smells bad is bad take me for example you don't smell that bad i mean you've been here for three days so thank you really makes you think about life huh a little bit dry yum it's very crispy super crispy you can feed all the legs and the wings oh my gosh yeah wow yeah these bugs are so big look at this do you want to try just an ant yeah of course you know what it tastes like in here we call it chicharron yes like pork rind yeah it tastes like a chicharron that's been fermenting a little bit it's an uncanny type of flavor and experience and then when you eat it with the cheese it's just not a very strong flavor our second course akosilis a species of micro crayfish native to mexico prehispanic folks used to eat them in tacos long ago the recipe is simple tortilla crayfish a sprinkle of all-purpose seasoning and a squeeze of lime add some guac and dump a load of these aquatic creatures on top she did not hesitate to just completely eff this up with these little tiny crawfish it is slammed full of yes i'm gonna grab one it's wild it weighs almost nothing and it looks just like a tiny little shrimp let's try it these are the better ones little spicy little salty you know yeah it tastes like it's been mixed with spices they taste like chili salt yep all right let's try it out for me this is the best combination ever because it's salty and i love this salty flavor it's super salty you know this is like drinking food like i feel like we're missing a beer right now the flavor is much more mild than the last one it's kind of like a comfort snack kind of right [Laughter] i've eaten a lot of bugs around the world but this next one i've never seen before these are a type of beetle it's one of the most commonly eaten insects in mexico tortilla toasty bugs seasoned with chili oil salt and orange juice [Music] guac beetles fold and serve next we have these beautiful colorful beetles they have this iridescent kind of color on their wings so they're shiny and they change color let's try it out [Music] oh my god you need to chew it a lot a because this is the the whole bug i mean oh you know what it's like it's when you eat popcorn at the movie theater and you get a kernel stuff yeah yeah yeah spot welded on the back of your throat and you're like oh it's exactly like this it's very sharp papery and kind of spiky it's dangerous but the flavor this is my favorite flavor out of all of them oh really kind of smoky toasted roasty flavor coming off of it yeah that blends well with the guacamole some of the best food experiences you'll have in mexico happen in the streets street vendors found everywhere throughout the city serve snacks between big meals called antojitos or little cravings here we have one of the craziest antojito stalls around when it comes to unique street food this is one of them what is it called again locos crazy doritos crazy doritos exactly your doritos and you're like oh how crazy could you make doritos this crazy man this is a snack made from dorito chips but they add a whole lot of loco with other toppings and pickled pork skin normally this dish would be served inside a doritos bed but here they load it with so much there's no way it could all fit it starts with the dorito chips add pickled jicama and pickled carrots next japanese peanuts with chili and regular japanese peanuts then a fried corn steak snack called choritos lemon flavored chili and lemon flavored and chipotle flavored now for the most bizarre element pickled pork skin and a lot of it finally a dash of chamoy sauce and valentina sauce then chili powder lime and you're ready to eat one of the most unusual crazy street foods in mexico city [Music] i think we should start with a dorito let's try it out whoa oh the lime there's a lot of lime over there there's like some vinegar it's very sour super sour i thought this might not be healthy but you put a lot of carrots in mine and also they come out yeah you gotta hit your mom and carol yep you can feel the freshness of the jicama and the carrot for me it's like the perfect combination something like fatty and then you are not regretting it because you are tasting like the fruits and the vegetables i got a dorito i'm gonna build on top of this i'm gonna put this what is this the wheat flour chip reflowered chip then the pork skin pork skin has to go on there then some carrots some cucumber and i think that's oh that's all that's gonna fit whoa oh perfect oh ultimate nacho yeah go for it this is wild man i think it suits mexico so well it's super colorful it's unique the flavors are loud and vibrant there's sourness spiciness saltiness all together in one dish and just a ton of different textures and flavors to choose from the pork skin i think that's my favorite part it's pickled so it tastes a little bit sour but the texture it's kind of gummy yeah a pork gummy which is like the perfect snack at this time of the day going into night time it's perfect [Music] in mexico city when the sun goes down the street food vendors pop up but some stalls get more action than others musicians busking on the sidewalk lines of hungry locals coming home from work desperately in need of a safer retreat the big draw here is corn but it goes a lot deeper than that boiled corn corn on the cob then there's this late night snacks i didn't expect to find here ma'am senorita wow this place is awesome this is sonora santa loreto she started this stall with a small pot of boiled corn right here in 1977 since then she's added a lot including her signature bone marrow dish you called it skittes esquites exactly what is it's a type of mexican corn based snack typically it's made from mature corn grains that gets boiled in salt water then saute with butter onions and some protein finally when everything stews and softens it's served in a cup here they make it in two different but daring ways with chicken feet or with bone marrow you also have chicken feet i'm a big fan of chicken feet how are you making it here you want to see a patita right now why does she want to grab the foot from yeah yeah okay oh she's bringing her foot down yeah the foot is on its way boom and she's gonna prepare it okay a little chili powder and a little bit of salt she's gonna put that's it i'm not sure what to say she brought one foot yeah just one foot who gets the [ __ ] for you oh i'm so sorry yeah you like two feet later double the feet okay i'm gonna try it out already i can feel it it is so soft extremely soft i can see it oh look at that it's like holding it apart yeah apparently alum cheek and feet it's a simple but brilliant preparation i mean it's so fresh without lime on there and just a little bit of heat that's wonderful ma'am thank you so much for this experience i can't wait to try the food we're warming up with chicken esquitas this giant pot of corn chicken feet and chicken gizzards has been simmering all day when your order is placed it's scooped up with a little bit of everything and topped with a shake of chili powder all right look at this here so here is served in a styrofoam cup because it's really hot it's the perfect nighttime food because it's a little bit chilly here i got to try it already but uh i think you should try it too let's go and try it together it's extremely soft i mean it has a lot of flavor a lot of collagen too yeah that's a great texture because you don't want it to be too tough you know in vietnam they like it to be really chewy but if you go to hong kong it's so steamy there's almost no texture at all and this is right in the middle yeah yeah as you dig down there's kind of a broth should we try it out yeah of course good touch on the lime yeah it's almost hard to call it a broth it's almost like a lime juice lime juice yeah you're sitting in here some people might call it a chicken stomach some people might call it a gizzard you ready yep that is delicious it's got chili powder on there so it's kind of hot but the texture is outstanding when i had these growing up my mom would kind of fry them in oil and they're kind of tough here this is super soft really good time you know delicious super refreshing super citrusy and it just really soft meat you can tell she cooked this with love our final dish or uh i guess cup it's called do it a similar corn base is stewed with big beef bones and cartilage for hours until the marrow becomes soft melting rich fatty flavors with a starchy base when it's ready they layer in corn then skillfully remove the soft buttery marrow from the bones more corn mayo crumbly queso fresco a dash of chili and a squeeze of wine today was all about really unique food and this is a great way to end right here you ready yep final bite whoa oh that's a lot of flavor i mean whoa i just had a quinceanera in my mouth yeah that's a pretty good description i really love these kitties i think this is the most popular ones and i know why i mean they have a lot of flavor the texture is excellent it's pretty soft they have a lot of fat as well the mayonnaise with the cheese with the citrus that is a powerful flavor oh this one's stealing my heart i love it sunny just fell in love with this there's so much of it yeah there's a lot of bomero do you know how much this costs this is only 65. so it's about three bucks it's a lot of food it's a full meal it's hearty it's gonna fill you up especially at night like a late night's neck what's brilliant to me is someone has taken marrow they took the inside of a bone and turned that into a meal that's why i like mexican food because we took advantage of these things like maybe in other countries they just throw it on the trash yeah and so i feel right at home this is perfect for me that's good my dude awesome best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits of peace you are so bored of cucumbers and making pickles that they're like let's just pickle skin from an animal she's telling me that it is super soft what is suave how long have you been doing this 20 years 20 years more than 20 years yeah that's a lot since you were five years old these are the weirdest ants i've ever seen because they just have a really big ass yeah i know right yeah yeah yeah guys that is the end of our video so many unique foods and so many fun new experiences with my man baluche yeah thank you sonny for inviting me to this oh sorry sorry do you think i was pointing at you it's incredible to have you on you're so knowledgeable and energetic and guys he has his own youtube channel it's in spanish but it also has beautiful shots of food so anybody from anywhere can really appreciate it you'll like it you'll like it check out his channel right here is the name follow subscribe see so much more about mexico and mexico city than i could ever show you and uh just unsubscribe for me you can have my subscribers thank you very much that is it for this one thank you so much for watching guys i will see you next time the peace oh you nailed it yeah you didn't even have to be told what to do
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,428,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best ever food review show, befrs, befrs team, sonny side, Mexico, Latin america country, Mexico city, latino, Mexican food, where to eat in Mexico, Aztec culture, Mexican culture, Mexican traditional food, Food Tour in Mexico City, AZTEC FOOD, street food in mexico, cheap food, exotic food, unique food, bugs tour, QUESADILLAS WITH CHEESE, Tacos, CHICATANA ANT, RIVER BUGS, BEETLES, BONE MARROW, Chicken feet, SUPER CUBANO WITH CHEESE
Id: LqW6ieycBM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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