Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty by Tyler2022 in 1:26:01 - AGDQ2019

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let's see we have $50 here from return or 74 saying right in what's going on right in right in Oh looks like we're ready with our next run which is Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty with Tyler 2022 take it away all right hello everyone hey how you doing want to do a quick count roundup right here we have plywood and Python kiss and mini leg King they're gonna be helping us and they've ran the game extensively in various amounts of ways and this run is gonna be especially difficult because it's on the highest difficulty setting and we are gonna try to go for the big boss ring which basically means we have to beat the game in under three hours have no continues no alerts and we can't kill anyone to be pretty brief but um so you guys ready yeah yep the crowd are you ready yeah all right started all right I got this timing here soon in three two one [Applause] just so everyone knows Tyler is a match King it's really true so yeah welcome to the first chapter of meld your soul to the tanker we're gonna be playing a Solid Snake for this part of the game it's about nine minutes long snake controls a little bit differently from the character in the latter part riding instead of cartwheeling like riding does bank roles and the role unlike the cartwheel isn't fast to do all the time you only want to roll into like load zones or like upstairs stuff like that he's kind of like an old dude so he's he's a little bit rusty but that's okay so going into decade I was gonna take a shot here or dodge it it's pretty good it's damaged but I unfortunately missed the role or something so but I'll have more health but it's not that big of a deal also a little bit miss role there yeah it doesn't really because the boss coming up kills us in one hit anyways so it doesn't matter if you get shot or not really as far as your health is concerned hold this guy up and run by you're gonna see a lot of holdup strats in this run holding up guards as long as you don't you know show that you don't have a weapon or clipped or whatever and hang around holding up guards is a really good way to keep them keeping situated while I get by them this room interestingly enough is easier on European extreme compared to like normal difficulty because the cameras stationary actually moves around Haitian area and lower difficult yes yes and shoot the wall there to distract the guard roll up the stairs a little bit faster than running up them and coming up to Olga Olga fight she can go one of two ways left or right she goes left the fight can be faster cuz you can skip dialogue from Olga but if she goes right we won't be able to skip that dialogue it's just random you just have to know which what to do depending on which way she goes and fair reminder again one shot one kill she's quite quite the shot in European extreme this is left Olga we're gonna have Olga spot us that's part of the setup hide and then we're gonna tranq her behind the tarmac hear his heart and yeah she's just gonna keep on taking it you just pace out your shots once their head pops up again and that's Holga in perfect Lu right perfectly really good here practice I wasn't getting that too often so that's kind of surprising that I got it right there so beating Olga gives us the USP I believe the USP and we need the USP in order to actually progress through the engine room which is our next destination you can actually go there without beating Olga but you can't do anything because you can't shoot out the sensors for the semtex shutouts dazu yeah so this next room there's really nothing to it we're just gonna grab some ammo on the way through and then keep heading down just kind of backtracking back to where we were before just taking a different room though so this room we're gonna shoot this guard they're just gonna way from to turn around and slip right by you and here we're going to do a warning shot in this hallway and we're just gonna bump into this guy and then round the corner and it'll be all set you know worthwhile mentioning we're on not game over if discovered so if you're on game over discovered stats like this you can't do where you hear that like music playing that the guard has spotted you so right there you might be wondering why he didn't get an alert Tyler actually shot the guards radio and busted it basically meaning that he can't call for backup we're gonna be doing that a fair amount in this run it's used quite often to avoid alerts in certain sections and if you if you'd hit if you turn a guard and then roll into him it will actually instantly knock them out okay nice little trick there you see him quickly shooting those nine bullets you're not supposed to do that naturally but if you swap the weapon you'll skip the animation of cocking the it's a really good trick to get at nine bolts out quick things very careful here I don't want blow off the ship all right good no no [ __ ] blow up yeah yeah and there is actually supposed to be a cutscene in that room that he just passed through with the censors there but thanks to the fact that he was in a caution mode that cutscene doesn't actually play so so right here we're waiting for a certain section in the hallway that's the Tyler's visual cue and we're going to shoot this guard up ahead and he's just gonna look around and it just so it works out that he's not looking up right and then we can we can hold him up do a punch buffer there to make it past that guy classic Stratton Metal Gear doing punch buffers each ride he really tried tranquilizer got him first anyone just right here there's gonna be some backup ammo normally one grab this but I mean this one's kind of free and in a little time loss but we definitely this for the fight coming up because we're gonna be using a lot of inline bullets but here we go here comes the guard rush so guard rush basically just has to tranq all these guards he's gonna do a normal shot right there and then that's just the buffer him so that he doesn't actually go too far back a couple of these guards like this guy in the back that's walking back or he'll never hit you once he gets behind cover though then he actually has a chance to but while he's walking back and shooting you have you're not gonna get hit yeah we're all kind of waiting in bated breath because at this health he only can take once yeah you know we think one head and then he's done three shots from any garden this game you're dead on European experience that's very solid tired rush so immediately following that tricky fight we've got a our first trick of the run actually something we call ladders ladder glitch now basically we're going to be equipping the camera and trying to mount the ladder at the same time which the game does not know what to do with you at that point so we do some inputs and you know I don't think I don't think ladders are very important just ignore them entirely after that it's a simple matter just running from the projectors knock that guy out and you got a roll next to the guy next to the box there or else you'll bump into him and he more often that not he'll actually just spot you on the spot and in the hold doesn't matter what setting you're on it's automatically a game over and you can't actually roll into these cars and cause like sort of a domino effect of Marines falling over but getting out of there after doing that without getting caught is very inconsistent so you won't be seeing that unfortunately so uh now in in the third hole we're gonna finally see Metal Gear and these are very convincing photos we're gonna take care you guys Marines logo yeah we're exposing this for what it is with these photos yeah so when they were changing the game from ps2 and basically upscaling into the HD version they kind of made some errors with the hitboxes for getting the correct photos so the Marines logo is actually on the complete side of Ray and we can't see it from where we're standing but it says right there as you saw that yeah totally little marine talked about easily you're right and that's the tanker section everyone so that's the first half of the game first chapter by the way so my coming out there's gonna be a lot of cutscenes so do we have any donations to read out of course okay we have $30 from avalor Freeman's second time donating mgs pew is a game that has had such a close place in my heart since its 2001 release after losing my father to cancer early 2018 I've been attempting to speedrun this game as my own form of comfort much respect to all the runners who can blitz this game of effortlessly and thanks for that follow on Twitch Tyler let's pick cancer rat right in the lolli Lou Lalo's thank you so much so now we're in chapter bushes feet turn right in which is the main character and we're similar to what we were doing the ladder glitch but with the scope here we're gonna kind of go over the ledge here and all of a sudden this water isn't real this is the last time you'll see ride in swimming and air it's gonna happen a bit later but this actually saves a couple bit of time I was looking early when you open that door normally it plays a cutscene of the guard that we're gonna swim right by that guy I don't falling over but he doesn't fall over you may skip the trigger for you he looks very comfy yeah the sort of plant is essentially another tutorial because you can start on plan if you want rather than doing tanker plant so you're gonna get more tutorials a lot of codex here and by the way happy oh wait didn't what where's happy birthday oh there it was the first day so at this point after these few little cutscenes and codex here these guards are gonna wake up and there's actually no time to really be saved in this room but you can definitely lose time so what Tyler's gonna do he's gonna just take up position behind this guy who's very very sneaky behind this box and well uh we'll start to make sure these guys won't be an issue the reverse groin punch the advanced techniques yes it's really awkward hitting the groin by the way like it's a pretty small hitbox but it's useful since if you hit someone in the groin they're out for about 30 seconds and they also instantly knock out regardless of if they've been tracked or not you can just hit them and they'll instantly go down all right now we're out of the docs theory which is kind of like the training area and now we're actually gonna be playing the game a little bit but I was not a couple minutes of just dialogue cutscenes and tutorial reactions that we would have gotten earlier but so there's another small opportunity for donations if you had any we have $40 filmed slipover e saying snake can you hear me snake snake had to donate during my favorite game series of all time good luck for all the runners and thank you gdq for doing this marathon all right thanks so much do I have time for one more okay we have $20 from cameron cram both saying hey Tyler as promised here I am this luck on your run mate in before dimension police gets metal gear supports also a comment from me wouldn't be complete without a pun to go with it so make sure you gear up to snake your way through this run and show the world how solid of a player you are Thank You Cameron appreciate it so Carl here is suggest that we go into hanging mode to get past these guards here but for Speros you have a little bit of a faster strat than that's what we're gonna do is we're gonna cartwheel over these little noisy tiles here and just knock over this guy let's be on our way yeah the cartwheel is a very very effective tool for pretty much all of the run whether we're bumping into people or just a general movement because as mentioned earlier riding a little faster when he's cart wheeling thanks to his recovery frames being shorter yeah when snake rolls he has to actually get up but ridin just lands right back on his feet so you can do it more often and it's faster than snakes roll that needs so fancy it's very fancy very athletic calm it air here because you know why not and asked us to save but we all needed that just gonna skip through that it's really important that we don't say yes because it actually does take a while depending on how many saves you have on your ps3 it could take like 20 seconds for it to load all the saves so yeah hey Tyler do you remember what tomorrow is no trying to try to ask me about one hour from now maybe maybe I'll come to terms with it alright see I coming up is actually the major thing about New Game+ we're playing on New Game+ here and you can skip a couple of cutscenes coming up with Pete Pete Schulman explains how to freeze bombs we already know we don't need to listen to it so you save a couple minutes from that besides that the only other major difference with New Game+ is the bomb layout and strut D and the Ames spawn in the hospital room besides that it's the same game and I believe no sunglasses no - you would have sunglasses on which for snake looks very odd but riding it's a little bit fitting in my opinion hood so that cutscene with us filming that we just skipped is about like five six minutes [Music] yeah it's a pretty lengthy cutscene and we obviously don't wanna watch that because this game goes by in game timer and during the cutscenes the in-game timer is ticking so we want to make sure to skip every cutscene there's another warning shot and we're just out of there you don't got worried about that guy now it's night four zero now take that out real quick and we're gonna be going in a counterclockwise order here and we're not gonna do spread seed because we do not want the guards to spawn in there and also doing that one last sets up things all bit better towards the end cuz there's gonna be a like cutscene followed by a codec and we want to save that for whenever we were on the beastie connecting bridge just to make it a little bit easier for us but for most these models are gonna be calling back to Stillman and then he'll be you know saying okay you get dispose of this so gonna get a couple of Kota calls here on these struts too but this first one here is pretty straightforward once we get in destroyed a then things get a little bit weird and going down into F E and D those all get very tough and very hard so um we're gonna go through this bridge here and knock this guy over actually knocking the ocean but it's no big deal cuz he doesn't count towards the final kill count for whatever reason he's just like an accidental dentist an accident yeah yeah we didn't we didn't make him fall we just hit him and yeah gravity did all the work yes so this one has two bombs and it we have one at the very top of the roof and then one downstairs in the Pump Room this first one we're gonna try to hold up the guy and then roll into him knocking him over we did so now have to be quick to get out of here try and defuse this bomb and run out as fast as I can and you didn't ask me so that's good yeah and there and there is actual speed tech force freezing these bombs too you want to be aiming towards the corners because the for whatever reason it's not proximity based it's actually based on how many how many facets of the bomb you're spraying there we go so I can try a little trick coming up here what we call coolant rise so if you clip the coolant in first person view and stand up you'll actually skip the animation that would standard be there if you did it in third-person view it seems like a second every time you do it now coming over here we're gonna be using for smoke on bullets which is quite rough because we only have nine bullets in here and I get a bounce house will be will only have three left which will be for the final sigh over so you really can't miss anything here otherwise things are ours gonna be full of us lower so right here do my second roll and then I'm gonna shoot the site for three times and then shoot those guys Radio out and then go to the chaff which I'll have plywood go through the essence this is gonna be going by open a little bit yeah you need to throw a trap the moment you enter this room because if you don't it's gonna be very tight here because he has to finish the whole call out he nearly finished the whole call if you whip that by just like half a second you're gonna get an alert there and then you stand in just the right spot here you'll hit that that bomb with the coolant it's a very weird spot because you have to be able to see the bomb itself from that little crack and this caution is actually beneficial for this EF bridge because we'll be able to skip a little mini cutscene it's pretty nice and use the chaff here to deal with these ciphers this is one of the worst rooms and the rooms in the game by the way there's claymores on this bridge and it's very easy to bounce into one of them especially this first corner yeah nice yeah Brighton has a this weird thing going on in this game where if you could try and clip a corner too closely he'll just bounce straight back down it's nonsense but you know what can you do I'm just yeah but now that we're in caution there's actually gonna be an additional guard here that guy with the big helmet big dark helmet he's the backup unit if a backup unit ever spots you that's an automatic alert so you got to be very careful with those guys especially later on and show one core we have a box here which is gonna show a familiar game Tyler for those of you that are Konami fans you seen here in a second yeah and the box is a very important tool in our Arsenal that would be very useful and we'll be using it quite a bit throughout the run for a lot of purposes actually yeah it's multi-use for sure I come here we have a small breather we have a cutscene coming up and then merge is gonna be right back had as though it was just a small breather yeah we're gonna be seeing the Box used quite a bit even in the next strut let's go through all the uses of a box it's got to know how useful this box is okay number one lower profile cars are not gonna see you as well number two you don't take hits done if you get shot which is really useful number three if a guard spots you and you clip the box immediately after they are done spotting you you won't actually they won't shoot you for whatever reason which is really nice when we only have three hits until death and then for you get a tighter turning radius which is really nice when avoiding claymores like on the EF bridge yeah and the only actual downside to that would be that because you're just you're your Crouch walking in a box you're moving a little bit slower and also you don't have access to your cartwheel oh but other than that yeah the box is pretty much our best friend like I will be awake now cuz they're only down for about one minute now but I'm have to do a very specific hold up here and then Amelie go in the box and then come back over here didn't shoot they don't shoot you for whatever reason when you get them they're very scared of the box they're afraid of it so coming up here is the New Game+ route for strut D depending on what you're on new game plus or plus plus you had a different route here for the bombs so Tyler's gonna go for a fast shot on this guy across the room he's gonna move over here I put the box to avoid getting spotted then get spotted by this guy tranq him roll into him he's gonna land on the platform and we're gonna trace this guy across the way drop down to the rail this guy's gonna see us but we're gonna roll onto him as we get up because we're that athletic wait a moment use the cutscene to avoid getting shot here with the iframes spray the guys so he doesn't call tranq him roll into him he's asleep and now we're gonna go defuse the other two bombs and this is a really complicated room as you can see very fast and Tyler makes it look like Easy Street why would you need to take a breath after that Oh speak commentating yeah but I was a Vulcan two of the Bombers puzzle we only have one more left and then about two more left after that so but this is the main bulk of it and we are still on big boss pace whoops and we have no continues we haven't taken any extra alerts haven't killed anyone so we are on very good pace here getting past the EF bridge with zero continues is very good since that bridge can kill a lot of runs so this is an interesting little bridge here this looks scary but we're gonna approach this guy quit the box again because he's scared of boxes and then head into the next strut as long as you don't hear the alert chime as you enter the next strut you didn't get an alert by the way useful little useful little things throughout the run to kind of keep ourselves in line with stats so if we had to fuse this bomb when we were initially here picking up the sensor right there would have played a cutscene and that would actually start the timer to get to start a and defuse the bomb in like the basement area so we want to make sure we do it in this specific way because we'll actually get the cutscene on the way out of here and that just gives us more room to work with on their way there so we're gonna be told that maybe you go to the bottom of strut a to defuse another bomb and that's why we got sensor B but we have three blows left here what's gonna be just enough to take out that cipher and having an empty magazine here for the SOCOM is very important for the next slide and that'll be for the next mine coming up and then later on for the Harrier coming up here so what we did in the tanker shrank a guy they can be like huh and just sneak right by them very intelligent guards nice many fell asleep and this poor guy he got out of the ocean well no sorry I know he just claims all the way up and then forgot I can patrol and just gets knocked right down he's having a bad day you better get paid overtime hazard pay sorry I'll go down to the elevator going down into the dock area for strut day what you have to seize the file bomb to go to the very first boss fight of this plant chapter here coming up but right here you actually hold select here you know what answer on the very first frame now they'll be important later on for arsenal gear and a couple of sounds like other areas but that saves a little bit of time but that will be very important later on yeah there's not too many codecs you can buffer like that but the ones the ones you can are pretty nice so oddly enough the European extreme position for this bomb is like the easiest one it's really counterintuitive like normal and hard the bombs are in a bit more sneaky areas but this one's just kind of like just sitting on the wall it's like the one bone they throw that man has like no subtlety on European extreme no yeah he's my lazy just from doing from for like you know easy and all that oh whoops there we go a little minor hiccup a little early on that a little early he was trying to for the frame perfect' codec answer all right here comes fortune the boss fight were we avoid getting shot yeah so the basic strap for this is we're gonna actually use the fact that our SOCOM is empty to pop out and shoot which gives us iframes however if we had ammo in the weapon itself we would actually trigger a mini cutscene where the bullet just kind of whizzes past er which slows things down a little bit so and we're also following this little pattern here that specifically so that we can like reduce lag and also just kind of keep ourselves occupied if you're on out you're just gonna just the whole rest of I so there's not too much else to talk about just make sure that you time it correctly because if you are a little bit off you can actually hit you which you can take one hit but second hit you're gonna be in bleeding so you gotta be really careful here she so not as far as one more here but she always sorry next cycle excuse me she'll do five or six depending on randomness and she did not I don't feel couple grabbing this I'm not gonna grab it there's a little late on that one yeah we are we're gonna need some ammo coming up for the next play up on the strut a heliport and the coolant there is just to set up the menus when you go through a cutscene depending on how you what weapon you have out you're gonna have a different weapon when you equip it here so it's just a way to set up the menus also really important we didn't mention this but if you want to run this game definitely have the previous option not on equip because previous allows you to reduce your menus quite a bit see if those guys let me play it here oh it's not you sometimes you can open up the door for you but that depends on your position and I was a little bit off but it's alright employ and polite cards who would have thought now coming back here it's gonna be a little bit different for us right up but again the Box gonna be very useful here going into this room right here and go in the box hide and then do to tranq shots [Music] again using that tactical reload trick to skip the retain bring I'll cover that guy and just be on our way so this trip on EF Bridge is much less scary because we have the box to kind of cut the corner bit better however this time we don't have the chaff as backup so we do have to kind of wait for this guy to just kind of get out of our way and yet another warning shot here so the process room is really loud just cuz a lot of boxes moving through here and we need to distract this guard here up on the stairs and I did place it correctly so too far to the left and then they will actually hear that and then that can cause the alert most likely so and that's good as well so now this would be the first actual boss fight of the game for the plant section cuz for Toulouse isn't really a boss I was kind of sad around but this one there's a lot of stuff to do and he's a bit random as well yeah man the big thing here is the start the most important part of fighting this boss on extreme and European extreme because if you set up this fight properly you'll be able to stick to them and being able to stick to them he won't be able to lay more bombs and cause a huge headache so Tyler's gonna freeze this bomb turn the corner get his escape and that whole fall over and if you're good with your shots you can get two shots off when he lands on the port we're not gonna do that here quite like you would normally it's gonna dance around shooter skate again now stick to him there we go and menus can be kind of sticky in this game but um yeah he bounces around kind of randomly and it can be a little bit difficult to get the double shot that you want yeah sometimes when he knocks down on the ground he can actually bounce and look like you're just lined up properly to hit his head and then he'll just turn the corner yeah and while we're chasing him down in trying to manage getting to headshots per knockdown we also have to keep a very close count of our of our SOCOM ammo because it takes six dots on européenne extreme to knock them down and and that's Batman yeah nice bite no bombs place which is very good because if you're a bit slower then he'll start placing bombs I believe you can place up to five bombs and you get maybe something like thirty seconds to defuse them which is near impossible so it's good that I didn't plan it like zero so that's good so here's me a lot of cutscenes coming up so we have time for probably like three to five donations thank you we have $50 from Neil 20 saying hey Tyler it's your friend Neil it's amazing to see how much work you put into this run and I know you will do amazing good luck for me and all of the card gaming community this donation goes through whatever you choose I meet the soundhole to dog inning because anyone is curious for that ending we've got $25 from the humanity saying brother it's been too long I remember staying home sick from school to play this game we have seven dollars and seventy seventy seven cents from banana the switch saying good luck Tara and Tyler less than three thank you we have $20 from Raichu 165 saying love you Tyler Hart best of luck from all of your friends at MGS are we're all rooting for you thank you appreciate it alright now we're getting back into the gameplay here so we're gonna do a kind of a weird menu here gonna go to the box and now you're not cussing we actually got the video which is the enemy disguise but we still need one more weapon which is fine enough located in strata at the bottom so we need to kind of backtrack over there again and go in a pick it up yeah the basic the guards then the strut one core they all have the same uniform they'll have the same gun so if they see you walking around with the uniform but not the gun they gets really suspicious so we just want to make sure that we there's no suspicion cast on us besides the cartwheeling of course yeah are we know I mean I cartwheel everywhere don't you it's optimal movement of course unless yeah how much just negative ear a little too old for that sorry you're gonna do a little punch buffer here to make sure that the guard up top does not see me then new verón down here and we're gonna try shoot the wall here to do a little distraction shot we did not get accepted just take this guy out and there he goes yeah that shot us a bit weird to land because you're basically trying to auto aim and hit the wall but not the guard but the spot on the wall where you generally hit is really close to that guard so you have a pretty high chance of hitting him instead Tyler really demonstrated there though that you have to sometimes make those adjustments when you're running this game because one little thing changes and you have to know okay I need to do this instead because if you don't do that usually that's gonna cause an alert and a game over here another mandatory call by Rose she calls us pretty often in case you haven't noticed yeah it's alright so the guards he will get suspicious if they see you rolling but those cameras actually they won't nothing will happen yeah whoever's operating the cameras he just doesn't care he's not paid enough so we have to go find Ames which is pretty easy to find cuz he's the only guy in there with a mullet but he asked me to interact with him so we need to get the directional microphone from this room right here specifically if you like metal gear to Solid Snake we're gonna get a sneak preview of a Boston that game the running man has got a reference to yeah the Russian version that they show cutscene for him doing a stretch right here we're skipping it and then another cutscene where he bolts around the room he just runs around he just runs around there he goes off see you later fast elevator that's nice that's orangey as well so coming up here there was a recent visual cue found to actually get to the retinal scanner and then choke a guy instantly and then I'll just go to the room so right here I'm gonna knock on the wall as fast as I can little slow but once he finally you know comes over here then we'll be able to show off into the choke into the retinal scanner and I found by azu appreciate that Azu Azu also found the I think it was the new game+ tried for struck DS yes he did correct so shout outs them he does some crazy optimizations for this game so I believe during the cutscene I thought that we have the old lady's bomb we do so all these are old ladies except for Ames so this is really easy to spot him trying to see where he is that oh he's in a bad spot so I may have to use yeah I mean use the glitch here so what I'm gonna do is one do a punch punch kick wait for em to stop shaking and then once it's done shaking just immediately go to the retro microphone and we're good to go normally you have to wait around and that just wastes a lot of time and that's just a lot safer but it's a very weird glitch yeah and that's another symptom of new game+ and onward is that a new gameplay are on new game rather you can always tell where Ames is going to be he's in a set location but on uncompleted saves he moves around randomly and is we think it's a what a frame frame count it's probably a friend count thing the only thing time-based is the spawn seed but funny enough right here we're actually gonna go back to the original spawn point so I don't know why they move them around cuz you know he's right here so kind of weird so whole show encores on alert we've been revealed we still have our B to you but we don't have the math it's still as camouflage properties which we'll be using later but it's all then we're gonna use our box or trusty box to avoid getting shot and this port I got ranked this exit from the first floor is a little tricky gonna throw a chaff immediately to take out the cameras and there's gonna be a backup unit guard here again very important we take them out because if we don't any spots list that's an automatic alert unlike these typical patrol guards all right he's not shooting me that's a little faster yeah and we want to make sure as we're as Wizkid adilyn on out of there we grab that ammo - for sure it's important that's a that's a pretty simple auto aim shot nothing - nothing too fancy in fact most most of these are just used making use of the auto aim to take care of those diapers make sure they're out of our way and we're gonna head into strut F to pick up a sniper rifle the PST one so that we can start getting across this shell one two connecting bridge thankfully our final trip through this strut yes it's a pretty challenging strut a little punch buffer there so we don't run into this guy it's really close the one American back of uniform every reason they just ran out of budget like okay let's get an American because everyone else is Russian is interesting what it's my theory that that's actually Johnny oh yes they don't be more believable so a bit bizarre we're on infinite caution here a weird glitch if you get a caution in that room but strangely enough that's actually preferable because then strut D if you run out of caution there's a chance you'll run into the backup unit and again if they spot you that's an alert night um so uh part of the reason we took out those cameras the first time we went through studies so we could take that line through there make it nice and easy and I mean you're also on kind of a timer waiting for the box nothing else may as well just do it it's right here you see like we're gonna get really close to them and one people to see us we're normally he'd be seeing us pretty quickly but it's a no but the door for us very politely and he kind of fell through the floor or something cuz he's nowhere to be seen here so don't worry well alright now it's happening section we have to take out all these sensors here in order actually for us onto the carrier fight which there's scattered about and a lot of them are in very strange and weird locations that are not very nice there's more sensors on extremes so you got to you gotta know where just aim and tires kind of show off you likes using the the SOCOM here you can use the psg1 but you know pretty cool like sniping with a SOCOM way across like that and you can hear a click when you hit the sensor that's your audio to to know you hit it yeah and the trickiest sensors are up on these ciphers because yeah that was close hold your breath Oh sometimes that Burke also get in the way I've had to happen before okay the reason we're all worried about that there is because if you hit this if you hit the ciphers with the psg1 it's a one-shot kill and if you kill the cipher for whatever reason it doesn't count as blowing up the sensor it just kills you instead off the bridge so that's the immediate game over so this is about the hardest fight in the game so I'm gonna let them take care of it and then trying to do this here so see if I can get this first try it so clap first alright so this is the Harrier fight ideally here Tyler's gonna go for five shots at the start you have to do a very tricky shot in the air here and then a fifth once he flies over this truck it's nice he got it perfect valeria it's not over yet this is your stretch even if it's faster it's harder he's gonna fly over and hopefully he's not gonna swim in the ocean cuz the hair for some reason can if it wants to do yeah the the flight pattern that the harrier takes is more or less that depending on how many shots you can take but sometimes it's a little random in like altitude and what he just did there was actually a visual cue to skip that cutscene so we could in auto lock on the Stinger missile launcher and that allows us to take that shot and the missile just kinda does what it wants to do please no no yeah he shot me which which ruined my setup to try and go against the rail I approached his gone and hanging above but that's unfortunate back in his head and that's is completely random yeah they fight again the Kasatka moves around randomly in the air and sometimes they can get in your way when you try to line up a stinger shot yeah and the higher difficulties it's more likely that they're just gonna camp in your way which cheap difficulty yeah we were really weren't kidding this is by far the hardest fight in the game both one of the hardest to learn and the hardest optimize in part because the Kazakh can just ruin your day like that and there's really nothing you can do yeah and another added layer of fun to this fight is that you're constantly on the HD collection you're constantly fighting a frame lag just from shooting the stinger and there's nothing you can do to avoid it so [Applause] [Music] but I think we're gonna get this double here yes okay okay good that's why it means that he will not get in the way at all so we're camping up against the railing on the opposite side from where there Harry is coming in so we can pop out use iframes pop back out and then take another shot which if you miss time that it explodes in your face and on European extreme it will actually kill you so got a time that correct later else you know bad bad things and that there is the UH what we call the hook shot which really shouldn't be possible within the framework of the game but for some reason you know I guess writing was a very apt watcher of the movie wanted then again right there we were abusing our iframes the basically just stand around so we didn't get damaged from the mess we go they're really hard fight yeah very random very good Hatton so alright so again but we're gonna say no obviously because we're speedrunning willing you to say oh sorry now the leap of faith which is fairly challenging you have to time the roll just right here yeah yeah you know just toss yourself passively off a bridge don't equip that sorry don't text and run okay man we went through this earlier today oh nice just get that a little minute yeah yeah very nice if you rolled just enough then you can get them any cuts in there and these guys are gonna notice those cuz you know the bridge Explorer they're like what Tech's going on here but we're gonna flip on past them and again the btu does help here with the camouflage proper use to where we can't be seen here but I'll be doing an awkward role into the ladder and then climbing it immediately branch is very nimble like that I guess yeah you know he he hooked his hose onto the wrong and just flips up yeah it's very impressive we're gonna do a clever little knock up here to avoid this guard seeing us he's just gonna be turning over there and walk right by them and this by the way this just for fun this is faster doing like this it just speeds up the animation a little bit how fast can I go so up ahead there's a this next little bridge section is got like four or five ciphers all across and we just save that one chap specifically for this bridge each and every one of our chance that we've used throughout the run have been very very specifically routed eyes for that we get maximum effect out of it they're really overpowered but you don't want to go out of your way picking more up so we have a couple of uh cousins coming here so we may assign for one or two donations we have $20 from irridescent saying a metal gear at gdq Tyler how is this possible Congrats on making it to the stage buddy all of us in the mgs are Dysport are cheering you on praying for the God Eames have some Australian GMP for your efforts good day to the couch - all fantastic Metal Gear runners peace 20 is going to the jak 3 glitch exhibition it's not maybe one or two more we've got $15 from lolly loo lay low saying it's currently after 2:00 a.m. I had to stay up to watch my favorite Metal Gear game good luck and I hope you managed to avoid drowning I'll try we have about to find out we have $25 from Thoreau 155 saying hey Tyler in couch Sora here just want to say that I thank you for being a friend and a mentor to me and the that the MGS are are cheering you on I'm so happy for you that you were doing this show these guys are great matching skills and don't forget once you're done with this run go to bed it's a school night less than three thank you sir I appreciate it all right everybody pick up the Nikita and we're gonna be pressing down with the right stick to can do that really quick 184 but the hitboxes for this game can be kind of weird and you can sometimes miss it but luckily that one was a bit cooperative there it's really funny when you missed it because you you look really cool when you do the flip you're like oh I didn't pick it up so you have to like awkwardly turn around and we we weren't mentioning it but you might have noticed before we entered the CLT core that we we removed a clothing item they're actually having the BDU equipped as you're entering this shelter core is it's detrimental because it'll slow down your loads for no discernible reason and okay just enough that was probably maximum height so thrown this time there causes him to actually fall into the good rng pattern here so he's actually gonna duck and he'll be running from the control panel what you think that would be kind of bad but the other pattern is that he could fall over and that whatever reason kills him even though he's further away from the blast I don't know if I understand that too much oh okay Tyler stop it sorry what are you doing well the conversation here with the President of the United States currently going to the former president here in a bit poor guy got lost up to say but we already know all this we're gonna skip on through it it's got information on the speedrun conspiracy we can't show it off here I'm sorry I'm sorry okay oh that's okay we're smoking the door now think you're is gonna be talking about taking a photo now I'll be you guys but the photo looks very different from what I took so well we we will compare and contrast here in a second once he actually goes to the cutscene I took these photos two years no it's a little weird looks photoshopped to me yeah wasn't me so coming up to the vamp section here we're gonna be using C forget it fine okay so come on so the up one section we have to use one other glitch here which involves swimming into a corner which we're gonna set up of the main square right now the m9 and the stinger but just when at a corner very specifically matching circle and the left directional button and will start to rise up and kind of skip the actual swim is catch the coming section and then go right above it but it's a bit difficult this was found by I believe yeah and there is a glitch that you can do here on the original Sons of Liberty version that's a lot easier but you can't do that here unfortunately so we're gonna have to swim up kind of like at the starter plant a little bit a little bit a bit harder as well yeah a lot more challenging and you have to do this within a certain period time otherwise you're really not gonna save that much time strangely enough it seems like oh wow you're gonna swim over the whole section but in reality it's a very tight situation with an iron glitch alright and we made it so whatever reason we're gonna just you know go here cameras can go a little whack because we are in somewhere where I'm supposed to be at and then there's the door leading to vample one here so just gonna pop on through here and start the fight thank you so I don't know about you guys but I'm a big fan of punch-out pretty good yeah yeah game yeah yeah I don't know why I just felt like it bringing that up alright sorry here have to see where he lands he lands in a bad spot he's farther away and we don't have a very good visual cue on where he's actually gonna be he's flashing us cuz he doesn't want to be hanging he right here right here keep in mind this flash that he does so one-hit kill so if you misplace their movement here you will die there do double punches in a rhythmic rhythm so we don't you know lose them you want to stay within his range so he keeps on counter as okay yeah and the the hitbox on that knife is a very deceptive thing you could you could be like alright so we got that kicks that means that we get that fast cutting position thank you yeah you can be several pixels away and he'll still shank you do I have time for a real quick donation yeah I have time for yes yes over oh look one yes I have $10 from mr. game and chow saying I think the name of this game is terribly misleading the guards aren't solid at all and I've yet to see a single gear they're coming up don't worry we're getting one here soon so in this in this little tiny swimming section we have a very very important item for European extreme all right we all like to laugh about it cuz it's just this is the funny time loss but yeah that's the that's the body armor and that'll come into play in the game yeah but no we get to meet everyone's favorite character emmerich yeah games kind of get a little slow here a little relaxing time you know we've got a lot of going on so we have to get like you know show a little bit which then ramps up at the final climax where things are gonna be crazy so you thankful that this is actually happening because get a little bit of a break a little bit of a breather yeah it's a solid 10 minute because yeah stroll yeah 10 minutes bro no big deal and she can't swim because she has tranquilizers pumped into her legs so we have to actually swim for her and she's on our back we have to keep an eye for her gauges well which oh she also can't swim yeah so she's very emphatic about how she cannot swim now you know Leah grab her hand and then walk over here but we're gonna leave her here she'll be fine she'll walk right to the room right here I see right there what a great ass yeah with a create escort but it's okay we'll do a lot of hand-holding here in a second so a lot of that so we skipped swimming kind of coming in but we you have to swim back and we're very thankful because coming up there's a door that you're supposed to open on the way there you can open it on the way back thankfully we're not stuck yeah the way the flags are set up once you hit vamped one door opens but this the second door in that in that section doesn't actually have a flag associated with it so it's just it's just closed thankfully like why would said there's a valve on the other side we can just turn that also the glitch we used to get into vamp early you can actually do that before grabbing the Nikita and go into the president but after you beat vamped you kind of soft lock yourself cuz you can't actually leave the room the door's locked we don't have the keycard to open the doors so yeah very cleverly the president has the key to progress after that point most of the car keys are all through like cutscenes so trying to actually break the game and try to go in areas that we're not supposed it was pretty hard because we can't really interact with the cutscenes in two weeks at that point the game is pretty locked down now you can't access some doors earlier on because you can extend the hitbox further out but the door actually checks for your card whenever you have to enter a new room as well so you can be stuck behind the door which can be not so fun it has a soft lock so a couple of a couple of notes here we wanted to make sure Emma's health doesn't drop below the a in her name and that way she won't just kind of crouch down and try and recover some health and also pay no attention what's happening on screen there it's fine everything's fine she's calling on little hug so normally you're supposed to use the coolant to get rid of the bugs on the ground she doesn't like bugs hate bugs but rather rather than getting rid of them we're just gonna force her across I mean it's faster just have to brave her fears so this walk is this walk can be a little dangerous and we're gonna be using a trick coming up here we're gonna park Emma just ahead of a cutscene trigger and kind of try and bump her past it in such a way that we skip the cutscene okay but not only does it skip a cutscene it also actually makes these two guards ahead disappear entirely so take a stay here a trick this first guy here event rank this guy before he even realized what's going on sorry guy it's a pyjama party it's fine what all right all right I'm grab his hand again and leave the area because this is a very slow walk we're gonna be going towards trot l2 oil fins because we have to walk all the way across and get to strut E and that's gonna be a very long section which is essentially like an autoscroller in seven did nine minutes or so there's actually a small little time saver you can do into loading this area by bumping Emma through the loading zone but it's pretty precise and if you actually don't get it correctly Emma will fall through the floor and permanently be stuck on the bottom of the map and you won't be able to progress someone on this couch knows it pretty well well name it specific people I don't know who it could be but I'm one one of us so they're very confused right now they'll know what's going on yeah no you don't you hear that phone ringing oh no oh yeah that hit her that can happen sometimes but you hear the phone ring and you don't want that equipped there why can't it look at him I wonder why where is he oh there he is there he is what are you doing up there buddy he's strutting his stuff he's getting his cardio in not done yet and this uh this last section is pretty easy it's just a couple of guards you get a not shoot the wall okay that's okay are you worried about it yeah that guy had to put on his binoculars to see us doesn't have that very good eyesight yeah an actual note about the game is that when when the guards actually use the binoculars they have effectively infinite range vision so it's pretty broken yeah so here is the infinite sniper section this is one that we don't only lose time on we can't really save much time so this is a spot for a variant of donations which I think we should do them now or later in a bit maybe we could explain this section before we get into it yeah there's a few challenges here we need to tranq some guards we need to destroy some claymores so Emma doesn't run into them and then there's gonna be some ciphers that we also have to take out like Tyler said really the only thing here is you don't want you can't you get save time you can only lose time and the only way you lose time is if a guard spots Emma it's not an alert but it causes Emma to cower in fear and we want her to keep on moving across the fence the drugs have worn out and she needs to get going because story reasons track these tranq these claymores it sounds kind of bizarre but it's destroyed you mean we want to put them all nicely yeah now there's gonna be some guards it's it's a set pattern so as long as you know when the guards come and you're ready for them pop a pant azzam cuz that uh studies your aim and take them out pretty simple yeah like probably just that the pattern is always said it's always gonna be from the top left then the bottom right and then the bottom left and then there's a guy who just kind of meanders off the top left again once Emma's like beneath the beneath the balcony there my shot you'll be an MLG pro in no time now we have time for probably two to four donations thank you we have $100 from D limes 13 Wow nice saying love seeing my favorite game at agdq performed by the best player on the planet good luck tonight and the entire mgs our community is behind you lot of supportive people thank you guys appreciate it we've got $10 from doomed Danny saying hey Tyler this run is great all of us the Tekken community are super proud of you keep it up heart yeah you have card game you have mg SR and Tech and I'm part of a lot of communities we'll try to make as many friends as I can through these video games we've got $5 from a geek saying giving up some cash for Tyler in his solid run we have $60 from Ariel 30 saying keep up those tactical cartwheels we have $50 from decima saying so excited to see an mgs to run good luck to Tyler in all of the other runners and remember to kill the animals this is a non-lethal run we have 75 dollars from gunslinger Barra saying Metal Gear Solid 2 is still my favorite game after all of these years I always try to donate during a Metal Gear run and this one has been excellent we have $20 from not that droid saying Metal Gear Solid is my favorite series of all time and having the chance to watch someone speedrunning it and contribute for a good cause is always great my mom fought a cancer in 2012 and video games helped me and my brother a lot through that tough time in our lives she won the fight against it in 2014 I don't want anyone to live the pain that having a relative having this and every single penny matters in the fight against it let's go guys thank you alright so that was the last column there now we only have one more guard take out and then we have a couple ciphers and we've are taking care of all the claymores so far and spank is gonna of course show up right about here he's like hey can I help not really you could have been you know doing stuff all over here but he just kind of comes in late yeah you had to go fight somebody whatever that was mmhmm yeah if you're on the lowest difficulty he'd like you pretty much calls you me he's like hey man you need some help I'm here it's okay I got this for you you can't handle this on your own in one regard up here how's Radio 2 so whenever she goes actually behind these pillars we can't do this which is interesting when I read one more quick one yes $100 from Yujin saying a new agdq prevents cancer good job mama Dora insane incentive psycho mantis otherwise you'll get hit with diarrhea we've got $15 from Jane s saying mgs2 have to donate for the first time during my favorite grant game series dedicated to Jessica diagnosed with cancer last month cancer sucks but GDQ and all donators and runners are awesome poor Johnny what a weird guy don't see me running around the corner right now those are last nine first actually take out so we don't have any more to take out and always sorry we have one more it'll be come in later excuse me now with her the snake code a call was gonna happen right and between these two pillars here Johnny's kind of like the speedrun mascot for us we like making jokes about him he's like the he's like the moral center of the milkers he has a relative or at least himself in almost every game right all but one oh I saw a well done yeah so if you're not under the effects of pent as amine your your aim is all over the place and it's difficult to actually do that sort of thing once you use box we're right in between here we're gonna start the second vampire which is very short because the sniper has no like rate of fire limit so we're gonna be mashing as fast as we can and try to hit him in the leg and he's gonna be down pretty quickly got the ammo first take some Fantasma good that bad King thank you now I have to head over towards the shale encore cuz that's where there are key and because she actually got stabbed right as he was actually getting down so we have to go all the way over there again which that will start the final statement of the game which arsenal gear that's where things get really risky and can get very challenging as well it's pretty much the calm before the storm here yeah and they give you 200 seconds but it's gonna take about I don't know 50 50 so my value adds it's not a bear hello yeah the timer is absolutely not a concern me so you're like like normal and stuff they give you like 600 and I've seen as much as like 1,500 seconds which is you gotta be you know not even trying at that point so throw this last chapter Nate here let that sniper pass through now how we left chillin core earlier will will say the same here so have to be careful and my pattern was good enough so there we go yeah you can drop as few as two panels but as long as there's enough space to cartwheel between each you're pretty much golden all those spots the game you know gives you the option basically between hanging mode and cartwheels cartwheels are faster but riskier hang mode is safer and on your exit initially if you make too many fall down you won't be able to cartwheel over and you gotta be a little slow and sidle along yeah and that's uh that's a long bridge to be just kind of meandering over a little advertisement yeah yeah HD collection everyone so that's our second to last save boss in the game we got one more coming up alright so right here the actual strategy guy tells you you need to press triangle so you don't lose any health but contrary to popular belief if you just don't do anything you'll be fine so I'm use this as a little bit of a break stretch you know seems a little risky I'll be fine don't worry about it I was choking me wait Circle Square triangle Sheila we're fine yes so this is Arsenal gear the final area of the game and has some of the really cool strats and also it's really scary the start of this we're gonna lose a third of our health to a punch thanks alga appreciate it mmm that's our trade for being able to be released from this Oh which looks like the area yourself oh she's a wicked punch right there mean right hook and you could just sit around and wait but you need to talk to Rose so it's faster just to call rose and chat with her if you just wait around it'll eventually happen and it'll be a required call but like plywood's just that as fast there's just a column right over collar right away so we have no gear we have no clothes if it's just kind of just manor around with nothing on and we have to only go through one more room and then we'll get Arsenal finally but this room is a bit tricky yeah and this is the most important codec buffer in the game because if you buffer the cut codec can take it on the first frame possible you can do that and not get spotted which is very very very helpful right there once this knee rises then you can press select for this codec Colonels going haywire don't mind him and this this part is also pretty scary I'm gonna avoid this camera and then a cartwheel past this gap and it's a pretty challenging gathering of frost and you got it it's very easy to either fall or cartwheel too early and fall in cartwheel into that tangu very important we do because if they see us that's an alert automatically yeah instant alert keep in mind tyler has not gotten any extra alerts that continue was the only thing that affected as big boss rank so really good job now very very good job now this hallway we're gonna be in here for a decent chunk of time the first time through we just gotta take six calls move forward a little bit not too far though yeah you know there's a very very set set of lines where rows just she don't want to talk to you if she doesn't want anything to do with you but if you stay within those lines at six calls just take him on the first frame they're available and then the second time we're gonna get our sword and all we've got to do then is swipe it a couple of times and again move forward a little bit that's gonna call before rows here and there we go so we have time for maybe two donations all right we have $100 from ender one three nine saying shout out to the back couch for their emotional support of Emma holding hands during this level should be an MGS run traditions we have twenty five dollars from or oh two one seven saying can write and teach me how to swim through the air stealth is good yeah right here don't have really much to do just lastly sword once and then just kind of waste time for another fifty seconds or so and then when we start the endgame which is the two tingu fights arrays followed by the final fight with solidest so this is the endgame officially right here so things are gonna be very tough very scary coming up yeah it it's gonna look very quick and hey Tyler I don't think you can make it through that door okay let me try again okay sorry yeah so coming in to tangu one here this part is not a joke I mean we're having some fun here but this part we're gonna be skipping the tango one fight but we have to get to the door first and getting to the door is really dangerous we're gonna use a combination of stuns in the box to get there and remember we already lost a third of our health so we can now we only have one hit and we're dead I was taking it easy this guy okay the very start is really challenging you cannot really hit there otherwise there's a very low chance of actually getting out of their lives so the goal is to get to the door and what we're gonna use is a punch punch kick and first person once there we go the kick happens he's gonna go out of third person and that's gonna push him past the door and get through this fight now the the potential exists to actually come into this section with five stuns making it a whole lot simpler but it's also slower to grab that extra now is let's get right there he's got the whole fire right there yep now we stop one more thing to do now what's next right coming up we've won snaked actually spawned with the m4 and that is defendant for the health so we want to need a punch someone sorry I want one more time what are you thinking [ __ ] so now that we have low enough health to out to bring up the m4 which is important coming up so this is tangos who and this is another skip snakes gonna fend for himself and Tyler's gonna bring this tangu over back to that entryway as far away from the fight as possible and choke this Tengu slowly you know we're not trying to kill this guy we're just trying to kind of keep him alive Wall Street does this thing and it's it's worth noting that the manipulation for snakes weapon it was actually very very recently found like I'm talking two weeks maybe yeah and before then it was completely we had no idea whether he would spawn with either is a USP or his m4 and with the m4 it makes it so much simpler because as you can hear he's just going wild out there he has he's a fairly good chance of dying if he has the USP so big shout outs to a zoo for figuring out that it's just a health situation so this trick actually was discovered by a a cheater a very notorious cheater very notorious cheater but he did find this and it is it does work basically the game just gets really confused that this tangu has been alive for so long you know tangos are supposed to get incapacitated or die this late into the fight so the game is just like you know what I don't know what's going on forget about it you're just gonna give get through this and there we go I think is you fired that's the skip a huge amount of times otherwise you have to fight through many different waves of them saves a lot of time we have time for maybe one more donation we've got twenty five dollars from Alicia ex-life hey so proud of you Tyler one more yes one more we have one hundred dollars from a kawaii Ocelot saying frightened turn off the game console right now we should be fine which we find for this one thank you it's gonna be a very long fight hope you guys are ready for it this is B it's the epic fight of this game the raised fight we have to take out the equivalent of 20 health bars of raise that's around 20 raise another one [Music] [Laughter] [Music] about to start here in a second this is pretty much the most intense fight of the run it's very challenging to learn similar to Harrier as far as difficulty the very start of this fight is pretty scripted as far as what raised he's aiming at so he starts in the middle goes right goes left and you're the big things you need to know raised will take critical damage if you hit them in the mouth so if you hit their knee their mouth gets exposed they do more damage it's I believe three crickets and one non critical it and they're dead yep and there's two different ways to get those crit hits hit him in the knee and they also can do a battle cry or use their lasers back and get them in the mouth that way so once you bring the middle ray down to about a third of that last hit rather they'll start jumping up on stage and that's where the pattern starts to get a little hairy we've scripted out the first several but eventually they're gonna break break ranks a little bit more so basically we are standing a set distance away we want to be as close as possible to these guys so that the missile travels less distance and we can do more damage more quickly but we also want to make sure we're we're also trying to manipulate which attacks we're getting because they're all distance based as well we're really trying to avoid the long distance attack which is it's me rocket which on European extreme everything but the machine gun is a one-hit kill so and the knee rockets are notoriously difficult to dodge so we really really want to avoid that so we kind of stick a little closed medium range yeah so the rayon stage is the one you really got pay attention to that's the one that can give you the nee Rockets the raised on the outside they'll kind of walk around the perimeter until they get to a set position and at that point they can start firing rockets as well they're a little bit easier to deal with you just kind of cartwheel to dodge them but the rate on stage if that fires Rockets your life's gonna flash before your eyes very quickly on European extreme and Tyler will be trying to stand on or near the stinger ammo pack and by doing that he's gonna keep on getting those finger and those missiles so he can keep on firing shots and all throughout he's been using the the hook shot method to try and avoid the wingtip uh-huh well unlike that that guy wasn't very nice you don't wanna get hit in the face there you go they had it's just these little minor things to make sure you're actually hitting your shots keeping keeping stingers out as often as you possibly can and just surviving really really nice shot from Tyler there he had the shot where you get him while they're doing their battle try it's a nice free shot since you're saving a missile shot hitting him in the knee you got to be really careful the way Tyler's doing this he's standing pretty close to the I'm shooting rockets that's not good and the big thing here is just avoiding when they may jump on stage or go off stage they can stop you and that's that's a one-hit kill we're all kind of waiting in bated breath because 20 arrays is about six seven minutes so one mistake and it's all over any European expecting really unlucky will say this is pretty much the most intense focused part of the run you have to be it's kind of like you know you're juggling your spinning plates this whole fight keeping an idea of where these rays are around you keep on putting out that damage keep them all situated so they're not firing missiles at you or whatever yeah a lot of runners will actually go ahead and just take off their headsets and just focus entirely see right there that's what what I was talking about I was close very close you get the benefit of being close to that for that distance for the missile shop but much more likely to stomp on you if you're not careful but Tyler's really used to this trap as far as standing near them there's different ways of setting this up on European extreme some runners knocks it further in the back just to avoid that situation yeah and it was stated earlier but improvisation is one of the biggest skills you could possibly bring into doing him just who runs you have to know what your options are at any given time and that goes double e4 raised because if something less than expected happens you you need to know okay I can dodge it by doing this or I can avoid it entirely by doing this so improvisation is number one pretty much another the real key thing is control of stinger here those who are mentioning before about lock-on and stuff you can either fire shot lock-on and then there's gonna be a shorter distance there versus if you walk on then fire but again we want to fire those missiles as quickly as possible pumping out that damage Tyler doesn't even give a care it was that was brilliant yeah and now that we're in the D Series models we're getting pretty close to the end just got do 3G or 4G and do 5g to go and again we don't really have to kill them we just have to deal that damage equivalent yeah we just need to take our twenty Ray health bars and you'll actually notice this because the e-series will start to show up but we'll have won the fight before all of their health bars have been depleted yeah sometimes they can actually fire the the water cannon from offstage it's very rare but I happen very very good my mom is there but for the most part it was good yeah only a couple scary moments yeah not too many so now we're going to get into a sword fight on top of Federal Hall with the former president yeah but first we have to get choked real quick and this one you do have to match triangle you have to do because we'll be 15 seconds long which isn't too bad for me yeah on PlayStation 2 though this torture can be up to 60 seconds long or 65 yeah it's really bad it's pretty rough and you still have your European extreme health bar on the HD collection they actually give you a I think it's an easy yes really difficult to give an easy difficulty health bar for the torture here and for the final fight against solidus and there's the matching boss you know a little trick there if you have trouble with that look towards a Ocelot and snake you actually it's a little bit easier with the mash mhm it fills him with determination a lot of cutscenes here as well and gonna be going into the final boss of the game solidest which that one has a little bit of a cool tech as well that's a lot of cutscene lots and things to talk about which is not important to us right now we seem to finish the game right I want to go over-estimate that's right yeah if we were to sit through all of these cutscenes and codecs well on our it's well over 40 minutes I'm like yeah it's very long lot to talk about do I have time to sneak in a real quick donation yes yes yes that's great because we have $1,000 from anonymous who simply says no kill run remember to tranq the animals we want to be fast but no kills correct we have to fill our animal conservation platform so yeah here's the president of United States he's a samurai expert too soit's so a real cool thing part of this the boss designer if you attack him on his bad side where his eye patches he won't be able to block it but if you attack on his good side his eyes he'll block it so I'm just gonna be doing a loop here with punches to take him out non-lethal e so you attack on his good side with two slashes not too used quickly or else you'll knock them over and then go to the bad side and knock them over man on fire cartwheeling no big deal another big challenge of this fight is the camera the camera the camera is as you can see is kind of panning around as we move around and give me a little bit distracting not only that but it also affected like the directions you move when you push the analog stick in a certain direction it can be unexpected at times and of course if you're on this ledge and you move a little bit off like that you can fall off you're not gonna die or anything but it is kind of annoying thankfully solidus is not a big deal and it's a big relief after the raised fight you know so phase 2 well like it's interesting apparently yeah but he loses his uh his dong COK arms and he's gonna start scooting all over the place and we're gonna reinitiate the loop but the first attack we want to see coming back out of this is the people's elbow which sadly didn't happen oh yeah that's what we do not want to see he can do a double overhead slash you can't block that you know you have to be ready to get out of the way again we're on HD collection so it's not gonna do a ton of damage if you're on ps2 you know out yeah but like I said just reinitiate the loop and no big deal yeah this the camera on this fight really does not like being up against the edge of the arena and just so happens that doing the loop will pretty much always put you at some corner of some kind and that makes the camera just very strange and it's it's kind of woo come on dude it's wrong with you again woah solidus too spicy tonight he just wants that camera time the big stage nope real finish perfect car will finish here we go here we go very nice very nice so was the final time nice 1:26 that is well under estimate so real quick shout out to a bunch of people because without them I would not be standing well sitting here right now first of all Jaguar came watching his run a halt who got me into speedrunning itself and what this game specifically there's a lot of people that have contribute to the game strafe machine azu tricks plywood pathologist mini Omega King right you you have you're a distance you have I'm reckless there's a bunch people in the community in general that have made this game what it is today and I do thank you all and thank you all for accepting me for this run and think of all the donations and do keep it up and thank you so much yeah yeah if you want to learn one of these games check us out at metal gear speedrunners done alright thank you so much guys thank you Tyler it's one eat 22 for his run of Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty I've got a lot more donations here for you so stick with me we've got $25 from Kitty Hamilton saying a donation dedicated to katana wielding former presidents with tentacles and Cowboys with possessed arms we've got $10 from blast proccesing exclamation point already donated at the start of the Metal Gear Solid 2 run but Tyler deserves another this run is spectacular and Tyler is an unstoppable machine I need scissors 61 we've got $25 from the mid boss my mother is a two-time cancer survivor and I have a full cash sighs Metal Gear Solid 2 tattoo I couldn't pick a better reason or game to donate during we've got $50 from Ruxin off our own shout-out to the novel kangaroo notebook by Kobo Abe one of Kojima's main inspirations for mgs - I just read it and it's almost as bonkers as beating this game in 95 minutes we've got $40 from Slayer Hellboy saying I lost a good friend of mine last year to cancer happy to support the foundation to kick cancers butt good luck to all the runners and all hail the cod of war speaking of which we have a bid war coming up soon for God of War 2 which is the game after shadow of colossus of the colossus which is next currently the costume choice for God of War 2 is leading with cotta for at $3,200 with Athena closely trailing at $2,000 Athena can surely catch up so make sure you donate we've got $50 from Marcus saying thanks for running mgs2 European extreme is incredibly difficult so seeing it run with such precision is a sight to behold I have to agree Marcus I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen the entire time we've got $100 from the moonmaster saying shout out to my boys griffey poo and em cry boy John may not be with us any longer we'll have mgs2 to remember him by now let me just tell you about one of our wonderful sponsors katana zero is a fast paced neo-noir action platformer focusing on tight instant-death acrobatic combat in a dark eighties neon aesthetic visit katana zero comm for more information and to wishlist on Steam or it can find them on twitter at ascii soft and now coming up we have an interview with the God of War two runner regnal g o w it away keys iran hello awesome games done quick are you sick of me yet cuz i've been here a lot today i'm keys iran I'm here with Ragan Allah how are you doing today I'm doing okay I'm very nervous but uh okay so you're gonna be running God of War two mmm which you should know that guys you should look at the schedule so I want to kind of figure out what got you into doing God a war to I've always had a love for the series I like I played it when I was a young kid my brother got me into it but uh I like really really really enjoyed that the the comment system the violence the the attention to the mythology and I don't know I just fell in love with the series and I've played every game on release six dollars pay for it pre-ordered it I love it like can't get enough of it I have a time in every game every single game even the newest game and yeah I just love it so is it fair to say that number two is your favorite of the bunch yes definitely I think God of War two is the I think it's the best of the the old combat system as the the best sub weapons and the magic is pretty good and the speedrun is really fast yeah heard of the other ones now we were talking about this before the interview but you had mentioned something really interesting so the God of War series actually has a really big Brazilian speedrunning community you want to kind of go into that a little bit yeah there was a there are a lot of people in Brazil that have just gained access to the ps2 consoles and they started playing God of War and it's like they're Mario to them or their Zelda that's all they grew up with and they loved it and if you want to like have a perspective on how massive God of War is into the speedrun community look on god of war threes leaderboard and literally 95% of it is all Brazil that's really there's like a strong passion coming from that country for the series mm-hmm and you're here to help here that fashion um you kind of want to tell everyone at home the biggest reason that you're here to show off god of war - my biggest reason here yes so I've got over to it's a very technical speedrun it uh pretty intense it doesn't really stop never at all the brakes that I ever had in the run I took out because I found a faster way so it kind of just goes and doesn't stop it's very intense pretty excited to watch that now let's go over to some social media questions real quick I've got a couple for you so we got one from the lylat or hi Lila how many bees do you think Kratos could fight I would say a few thousand at least I mean he's pretty strong the bees you ever been stung by a bee bees are scary I am NOT hearing I'm not a fan of bees that we though we also maybe there will be a game where he does that Oh that'd be a lot of fun we also have a question from fuzzy games on what's the best god of war game to speedrun first I would say God of War three God of War 3 has a very straightforward route there's a way you could break the chain inside Hades if you know anything about God of War three there's a way to break it in the beginning of the game and it completely it sends you straight to Zeus and the run is about 52 minutes the current world record is 52 minutes but a lot of the tricks are straightforward they're very beginner friendly and yeah it's a pretty decent speedrun so just to start I would say got over three let's get back to two God of War two now you were telling me about a really nifty trick it's called swim glitch I believe swim glitch is a is a glitch that exists in all of the main series trilogy it goes got over one two three and ascension they all have a form of a swim glitch but basically the premise is if craters hits a surface of water outside about outside of bounds kratos will just swim through the air and it's gonna be a highlight of kata for two coming up tonight so it's it can it could skip a lot because you potentially you can fly everywhere it's similar to the middle of your solid swim glitch that it was being displayed just thirty minutes ago mm-hmm very similar but are there any other neat tricks that we're gonna expect to see in your run well there's one called the Atlas quake high jump and it's basically the premise of an atlas quake high jump is you continually reset the animation of casting a quake in air which when you see it Kratos will kind of rise up in place but if you enter the menu and switch through your weapons it'll cause Kratos to break out and he'll gain that momentum and he'll like rise up and I'll using it a lot over the course of the run and there's some really high ones some really uh really scary ones now God of War two does have a bunch of different costumes and if you aren't aware at home there is a bid war going on right now for which costume will be used in the run now do you have a preference like do you have a favorite costume out of the bunch my preference I would have to say is code of war because I think usually yeah like a fish caught of war and it's literally credits in the fish costume and I think it's very fitting because uh there's the swim glitches utilized very like very frequently during the run there's two instances one large one that's like five minutes of the swim and it'll look really funny if you're if you're wearing a fish costume I mean that sounds pretty exciting to me I personally want to see a fish just going all over the place so be sure to get those donations in for those yes now one last question for you I asked this earlier to someone else what do you think your time is gonna be well with my safety saves I'm only doing two take one than I can think of but uh with all my safety strats and other optimizations I think I'm seeing myself getting like 105 106 maybe 104 I don't know we'll see alright well awesome thanks for taking the time to take this interview with wrong we got ragging all again I am Kizer on he's gonna be doing God of War two later Yeah right after showers applause Thank You Keyes around and regnal geo w so up next we have a speedrun of Shadow of the Colossus 2018 by Church neo so if you enjoy seeing gigantic monsters cut down to size really really fast I highly suggest you stick around for it until then we have a few more donations we've got $10 from Sydney 130 saying hey gdq it's that the kid chiming in with my first ever donation during my favorite game of all time mgs2 I've made so many of my friends through our mutual love of Metal Gear and I'm so happy to give back to a cause close to my heart this is dedicated to Fred who was most of cancer this summer and is currently halfway through chemotherapy he's been so strong through every hospital visit and I'm so glad I got the chance to show him the power of twitch to do some good it's the least I can do to help somebody else this fight against cancer as well good luck to Tyler shoutout to Hideo Kojima and here's to writin the coolest kid around we've got 250 dollars from Scott 46 saying always good to see agdq doing good good luck to all the runners we've got $100 from sogar gofyn saying cancer sucks but y'all are awesome move fast stay strong keep up the good work okay hands emo emoji I think that's what it is we've got $25 from mad Riddler saying I love aging accused so much I watched this in sgdq every year I don't normally have the means to make the donations I want to make but now I do I want to give back to a community that has given me so much entertainment it's not much but every day I'll donate $25 just to show my appreciation let's save the animals and kill cancer thank you Matt Ritter we've got 15 dollars from Alex $1.99 saying that portal Run was crazy great job guys keep up the great work over there my first donation of many I look forward to seeing more of them we've got $60 from Niko mkw III saying hi people I watched for a lot of years but I never donated today I donate to help the little golden cat bird to fly thanks for being such a lovely event GDQ heart
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 860,103
Rating: 4.8314672 out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2019, AGDQ2019, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: 3DDMhcxUoAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 35sec (6155 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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