Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater by Jaguar King in 1:29:29 - AGDQ 2018 - Part 34

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I'm pretty sure this is reused footage. I remember watching this exact thing another year.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ch4riz4rd 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

now do it with the cutscenes

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/goldstandard32 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
Snake Eater with Jaguar Kings so stick around if you were here for the awesome Metal Gear Solid block in the meantime we'll go ahead and be reading some donations while we get that set up we have $40 here from squish a burrito who says huh just a box $5.00 from Spectre grim please whatever you do do not mail your fission thank you so much for your donations we had a $50 donation for money factor $20 donation during the Metal Gear Solid Blanc for my best bud Kevin Hina and I are both loved that series and pretty soon I'll be moving away from him for a while I'm gonna miss him we had a $20 donation from space cow who says contrary to what the platypus said cows also love to donate calling all my barnyard buds to pitch in oh wow just to note we do have quite a few incentives going on throughout the marathon we have a bid war coming up for the time of day during burnout paradise we are still trying to reach the four thousand dollars for risk of rain monsoon difficulty which is an extremely hard difficulty version of the game where only looks like eight hundred and forty dollars short on that one which we can definitely still meet that and get that hard difficulty get some harder runs going into the marathon we're also at two thousand six hundred and seventy four dollars of the 7,500 needed for harmony and dissonance as a bonus run any percent if you want to see more Castlevania in the marathon definitely donate towards that incentive I know I want to see that that's my my choice for sure we have $50 from Jace Park here's $50 towards champions Road Super Mario 3d World is the first 3d Mario game I liked and I never thought I'd ever like a 3d Mario game let's new champions Road and get that true ending champions road is an incentive for Super Mario 3d World that is currently at five thousand dollars and or sorry five thousand thirty-five dollars of the ten thousand so we're already about halfway there we have $10 from liquid snake who says did you like my sunglasses couch couch says yes all right thirty dollar donation from Paradise mania one of my friends died of cancer in the second year at college this donation might help the cancer cure progress donation to runner's choice enjoying the broken Metal Gear Solid run we had a $25 donation from Louise Santiago donating from New York where everyone always compliments my GDQ shirts seriously if you haven't checked out the yetis 2018 selection do it that dark beast ganon shirt is amazing thank you to everyone involved and making gdq's happen including the artists who put out awesome t-shirt designs every year we got a $25 donation from super-green gal thanks Christina for introducing me to games done quick here's to my mom battling cancer you got it girl and we have a $50 donation here from man dose one to seven my grandfather fought off cancer twice in his life before finally passing away early in 2017 to Round three cancer research has 100% the reason I was blessed with as many years with him as I was keep up the good fight we had $100 donation from TF g0 huge metal gear solid fan had to donate during it I've watched both gdq's the last two years live and watched mostly others throughout the year waiting for the next one well thank you so much for the generous donation and glad that you're enjoying your time watching the event we have a hundred and fifty dollar donation from persona les greetings from New York my mom was diagnosed with cancer when she was 18 and wasn't supposed to make it fast forward 48 years later and she is still cancer-free but sadly I lost two uncles to cancer in the past two years let's get as many donations as we can to kick cancers butt had to donate during the metal gear solid block cause it's one of my favorite game series of all time good luck to the runners and thank you for helping out this great cause we have a $50 donation from Hal - who says I've been looking forward to the Metal Gear Solid runs all day that was insane we have a 200 dollar donation from Mughal Mughal says hi to our friend and diem Vinny watching from home love from the audience and kill the cancer alright looks like we are going to be running a quick twitch ad here so thank you everybody for watching and we'll go and run that ad all right while we're still getting set up here for Metal Gear Solid 3 I'll go ahead and read a couple more donations we have a $5 donation from yr2 64 who says nobody suspects the nanomachines nanomachines we have a $20 donation from cube to 1/5 I've watched gdq for the past year but I've never felt as attached to it as I have now a few days ago my friend Ashley died suddenly and unexpectedly from an aneurysm brought on by a brain tumor I've been doing with the shock for the past few days I'm donating today in memory of her and the story she loved to tell we have a $200 anonymous donation thank you so much for that donation we also have a $1000 donation from cat goats who says I'm so stoked to see Metal Gear Solid 3 broken and to give to such a good cause good luck to the runners during all of gdq thank you so much for that donation we have a $5 donation from the Queen I wouldn't want to miss out on helping this great event Goma boys and by the way me and Prince Charles love Burnout Paradise let's go for a midnight run so that is for the time of day in Burnout Paradise which is a bid war currently permanent day time is winning at 546 with 24 minute days about a hundred dollars behind in permanent midnight about three hundred behind and we also had a $50 donation from Warren traveler I lost a friend to cancer a few years ago early detection is very important and the sooner we can find cancer and other diseases before they become deadly the better keep up the great work everyone all right looks like we are all set up and ready to go so I'm going to throw it over to Jaguar king with the Metal Gear Solid 3 snake eater Oh actually wait right there okay cool cool okay hello everyone I'm Jaguar King I'm John King nice to meet you all and this is Metal Gear Solid 3 snake eater okay so let's get started this is gonna be European extreme difficulty which mean we're gonna I'm gonna try to do Foxhound strats I'm gonna just hope that I will get Fox hands to run by the end of this one and we're just gonna see so we're gonna go new game we're gonna go with I like I'm just one and that's because I just loved the mgs 1 speedrun that plywood just did I agree I think just check it out if you missed it and also because there's less menuing to do so here well if you choose I like him just one definitely do not want to choose I like him just too because you're gonna get a character that he might not like at the beginning of the game so let's get started European extreme in three two one go so this is Metal Gear Solid 3 and we're gonna try and beat this game really as fast as possible without dying I'm gonna try my best so this version applying the PlayStation 3 version HD collection which was released back in 2011 it's based on the subsistence version that was released on ps2 in 2006 and it's not the same as the Snake Eater version which is the vanilla version of this game for example you have like two camera modes in this game the first one is the subsistence camera mode ricans pretty much freely control it and the Snake Eater camera mode I'm gonna stick with the Snake Eater camera mode most of the time because it's my preference to do so and there will be certain part during the run where I'm gonna have to switch to subsistence camera mode for extra precision on movement so I'm gonna go and pick up my stuff which is hang bar this tree branch and I'm gonna have a bunch of codec conversations and cutscenes for us to skit now this view and European extreme it is going to be something where he cannot be caught or seen by any Gertz at all otherwise that works on the game over so no deaths no being seen Oh getting caught a lot of different ways we're gonna have with that yeah definitely we cannot get ourselves spotted by any of the enemies we're gonna just try to avoid them as much as possible and we're gonna try also to do some of the strats that can be quite hard actually in certain areas to do so yeah this game compared to Metal Gear Solid 1 & 2 has a lot of precision in the movement on European extreme if you want to go really fast you have to know where you're moving and when to roll when to shoot to distract guards it's it's quite a challenge compared to mgs1 and - in that way and for sure it's kind of like juggling between different things because you distract them with one thing then they're about to see you but do they need to start with a different thing and kind of switching back and forth between boxes shooting the wall that sort of thing yeah there's a lot of stuff that's going on during this one so I'm gonna try my best to explain almost everything in it so the first strategy I'm gonna see me do during most of the run is something I called quick headshot and in order to do it I have to go into first person node and then quickly pressing r2 and l2 and shoot a guard right in front me just like that and this will tranquilize the guard and shoot him right ahead and you'll instantly put him to sleep this trick would not work with almost every guard that's because the guards needs to be at the same level of terrain as as you in order for the quick shot to work out also you cannot you can't pump it to the guards and pretty much roll at the last possible frame to knock them over and you will see me do this multiple times during the run when they have the exclamation mark the white exclamation mark above their head they're blind aren't they yes kind of so here's another quick head shot okay control is not cooperating okay there we go so there's gonna be a third soldier right here I'm gonna shoot to distract him and then I'm gonna sneak right behind him once the guard are pretty much occupied they will not notice that you're close one thing here is the guards will hear your footsteps if you are closer to them but if you are ended up being occupied by other stuff they will not they will just forget about that you are definitely here so this is so we're playing during something we call the virtual submission which is a five minute introduction to the game our mission is to rescue Sokoloff which is a Russian scientist okay come on okay this is bad controller please yeah unfortunately the controls in this game okay that's our first death rip Foxhound sorry about that so this game the controls of this game is not good actually I like mgs2 this game controls sucks so much it's not that great it has a lot of problems especially with the aiming it's not easy so I shot this guy twice so he can go to sleep as I said before controls is not that great whatsoever they are extremely heavy compared to mgs - and that could be a problem especially if you are mgs - speed runners and just hop in terms yes three you will have to deal with all the differences and controls and movement and almost everything yeah say what you will about writing but you cannot say that he's not agile and quick and Old Snake here the original naked snake is kind of clunky you know that roll but it's still a little bit dicey sometimes to move quickly without being spotted yeah that's the reason so we have rescued Sokolov and we're gonna have to return all the way back to the bridge area and that's the end of the first mission so we're gonna start after that the Snake Eater mission but first of all we're gonna have to get yourself hurt by someone and we're gonna cure ourselves and then off to the snake eater mission so if you have any donations to read now it's a good time yeah we had a fifty dollar donation from warrior of Mars snake eaters my all-time favorite game super hype for the theme song and put a chokehold on cancer we also had a $50 donation from sniper tigress who says that that platypus doesn't know what he's talking about which I appreciate 50 dollar donation from I hate Elvis best of luck Metal Gear runners may your reload times remain exhilarating snakes a very talented doctor by the way oh yeah yeah there's a couple different systems in this game that weren't in part two so you have a system where you can heal yourself get injuries don't really make use of that too much as kind of that start and later on after the torture I believe and there also you lose stamina over time and then you need to eat food to replenish that by hunting which doesn't really get used at all because well you don't really need to because you're going fast and there's going to be a camouflage you'll get from a boss later that will actually make it so that your aim is not in people impeded by that so if your stamina gets really low you actually get shaky aim but a lot of the bosses in this game gives you bonus camo if you beat them by reproducing their stamina so they give you kind of bonuses with that and that's what you want to do anyways because you don't want to actually kill anything in this run yeah there's a lot of stuff that's been new to this special this iteration of Metal Gear the camouflage system the killer healing yourself the food thankfully we do not need to eat anything during this run thanks to account of lodge that we're gonna get later into the game so now we have made that turn someone and we have lost all of our items so we're gonna have to continue without any of them we have the stun grenade do not have any weapons to help ourself here I'm cooking the grenade this will silence my footsteps this is a really important stress that you need to do and this will allow you to sneak in behind guards without ever noticing you and you can pretty much continue you will see me or all most of the time when I climb up terrain because that's actually much faster to do so than walking in so this is actually one of the hardest area in the game especially early and let's see if I can get it okay and nice okay we got it so this area is so hard actually it's it might look easy but it's not it's not that easy at all that guard could see you very very easily if you're not perfect so one of the things that when they did the HD collection to the to this game they increase the framerate the ps2 version of limb gs3 is run at 30 frames per second the HD collection is 60 frames per second and although the 60 frame is actually really great and smooth and fluid at all the problem is does not come without any consequences unfortunately 60 frame is kind of buggy especially when you are close to a tree or a wall you might end up getting stuck next to that tree or that wall and pretty much lose your momentum and ended up getting yourself spotted my one in a these guards here I just picked up the box and this box is really important during the run you will see what I mean later here I enter the store and then exit and then we meet Eva it's a great trigger so Eva is this honest a codebreaker who actually defected to the Soviet Union she will help you during this one by giving you items and stuff so the first tricky almost boss fight and again the Ocelot unit and I'm gonna focus on this particular area and let's my the couch explain it for me okay well at the start here there's gonna be multiple guards coming in we want to make sure we don't actually shoot the first guard in the head because that will make it well all the next guards come in very very quickly so they are going to be onset spots finish all the guards in this game are not random they're always gonna be in the same spots so it's all up to you to execute properly because this guard will pilot right there shoot him in the head and we need to do that with everyone else here as well now being able to handle every guards position know where they are it's a scripted encounter if things go off-script that's when things go south very quickly definitely remember he cannot be seen at all otherwise this game over and that was actually a good hasta la nice so no we are done with the Ocelot in the unit now we can continue throughout the run so one of the things that's new to this version of little Gear Solid 3 is that you cannot use all you cannot equip all the weaponry and equipment that you have you have to go into the menu and equipment from your backpack so I picked up the bug juice here I'm gonna have to equip it I'm gonna remove the sticker the binoculars and it could lost the cardboard box and the bug juice so the bug juice is actually used for an area coming up right now it's the lake and I'm gonna use it to spray myself with the bug juice because in this lake there is leeches that can leech up into your body and you will lose stamina because of this and staminate this game is actually important to explain as you can see the bar underneath my health bar is the stamina meter and the stamina will deplete during the when you play during your playthrough throughout the game and the only way to refill it is by eating certain food thankfully we do not need to do any of that we do not need to eat any kind of animals or plant or anything at all all we have to do is just equip a camouflage which is the animal camouflage when you get from the next boss fight and that will keep your aim steady if you have your stamina depleted and you do not have that camouflage snake will have his aim will be not studying and it will keep bobbing and waving right on the left and become really hard to control his aim at all so we use the animal camouflage and that's the reason we do not need to use any to consume any food at all during this run so this area I need to do it really really fast because if you are slow there's a dog at the end of this area he might seize you this fence is actually electric can electrocute you so and there are some mines I'm gonna shoot right here this will alert a dog and he will bark that and he will distract three guards on the upcoming area and that will allow me to sneak up really easily without having to worry about any of them this is a good example of using the box as you can see using the box allow you to climb up train more easily and also stairs as well and it's also hilarious yeah also you can use it to distract guard and grab their attention to come investigate and there are plenty other users to the box you will see and layer into the one so that's the dog that I'm talking about and we're gonna exit the area to the next one you really don't want to get spotted by that dark besides the fact of losing a game over you have to do that whole area over again that's a huge time loss pretty lengthy you can see it's a big area indeed so this area there's nothing to do here you just can keep going over and over there's a guard here that I need to shoot with my pistol he's gonna run away and hide behind the tree and that while Duke that I'm gonna sneak right behind him and I'm gonna enter to the first boss fight in the game which is Ocelot revolver ocelot and also that is kind of random I'm gonna try to beat him really really fast I'm gonna use the non-lethal means I'm gonna shoot and throw a stun grenade turn around so I do not end up life being planning myself I'm gonna use it another stun grenade I'm gonna equip this SOCOM I'm gonna shoot that goat it's really important to shoot it actually wrap go or go port align all my days he's gonna see he's gonna see the guy that goat is actually killed okay that's actually a bad orangey but that's fine always hats hat show some respect Jaguar King okay and that's ocelots there it is so so this area this area is really dark I know you guys cannot see anything here but don't worry because this area are you actually meant for you to wait a little bit until snakes eyes adjust to darkness it's really dark and you can either use the torch start looking for a torch in this area and use it or you wait for snake eyes to adjust to darkness or you can do as I do by increasing the brightness on the monitor and just keep going yeah we just outsmarted the devs by doing that forget you devs I have a monitor also well note that he did take off the silencer for the boss fight because sponsors are limited use so you want to make sure you conserve some of that for later so after Ocelot we have another boss fight coming up and that boss fight is the pain and he is a pain by the way he is by far the hardest boss fight in the game expect to see me die at this boss and this boss fight is not an easy boss fight at all you need to be a hundred percent consistent with it the problem is that he's he have a really small head box in his head and which makes it really really hard to kill so I'm gonna try to focus really hard on this boss fight and let my people in the couch here to explain this boss fight for you guys so a big part of the pain is knowing how to use your resources to their fullest potential he's gonna be using grenades and smoke grenades to stun the pain and then shoot him in the head and by reloading precisely he can get more shots off than normal oh no okay so the grenade fell into the water it happens sometimes that's actually a bug there's nothing I can do about it let's see if we can fix this all right so normally that's smoke grenade would have went off and he would not even a little the Hornets Adam okay good phase one there's another face so yeah missing grenades here can be very costly because there's only so many that you yes that was a beautiful beautiful Ricardo is an amazing boss price yeah so um I actually have a question about the first grenade that you missed you said that it was you said that it was an input thing mostly it's factual there's a bug in this game if you throw the grenade for some reason it will fell into the water and we don't know why the cause of that the idea here is that you want to throw the smoke grenade at his feet so he can rid of the bees that he will send after you okay the problem is that sometimes this bug will happen and you have to adjust accordingly yeah and it that it ended up really really beautiful actually so does it have anything to do with the pressure sensitivity on the controller no it has nothing to do I hundred percent sure that that grenade was thrown perfectly right so do you think maybe it's a framerate thing like is that also something that can occur on ps2 I'm not sure if it is a frame thing maybe it is but I don't think this will happen and that's definitely one of the weird things about this game compared to mgs to mgs2 on ps2 actually does run at 60 at certain points but this game was designed around 30 and of course when you transition from 30 to 60 weird stuff can occur definitely yeah usually the game's logic is coded to specifically run events at 30 frames per second so whenever it's running at 60 that you get all sorts of strange oddities and either inputs animations enemy AI things like that it's pretty common in fifth gen six gen console games actually yeah indeed definitely that's that's one of the biggest problem on this game especially running on 60 frames some weird stuff happens and we have no explanation for it the only explanation that we can have his blame it on the frame rate because this game was not done to be 60 frames per second game so this area coming up there is a trick that I need to do here in order to prepare for a a boss fight coming up soon so first of all I'm gonna do a head shot here I'm gonna shoot two barrels which is located right here oh my god I killed one holy crap that's fine I shot him they're not sorry about that so notice the bar you notice the bar that's the end bar health bar and we did damage to him by shooting the barrels next to them killing enemies by exploding barrels is actually considered as an accidental kill and will not count during the score but I ended up shooting that gun is not so that's definitely gonna count exactly so coming up is one of the hardest tricks as well I need to do this on a certain movement let's see if we can do it okay we there you go he's got it nice and this guy's dead ready so I said that use boxes to climb up stairs as well really really fast also you can use them to do stuff like that what what okay it's hard to say this but that never happened before so I'm supposed to like pump into that guard but apparently that did not work for some reason I don't know why it kind of looked like he was a little bit further back or something okay Wow okay oh it's ready to focus out a little bit here so I'm stop talking interesting hit detection but anyways yeah so he destroys that barrel we're going for Foxhound rank uh if an enemy is killed by collateral damage than it actually does not count negatively towards a Foxhound ranking that was bad so he's able to just blow up the barrel and kill that guard and I won't and his kill counter will not increment yeah sorry for all these deaths it's actually a really tough area to do especially this jump it's not easy to do okay looks like we're gonna have to do the alternate routes it's pretty precise because you need to get onto the lower part of that box you roll at the wrong time there's gonna get caught up on the rail and that is not what you want to do oh come on knock okay it looks like I'm gonna get spotted is he looking that way okay oh nice there we go nice recovery thankfully those gamers were not very very long thankfully there are really long game overs later in the game so this this area is dangerous there's a lot of traps here there's one specific trap that I do not want to trigger because I'm gonna need it later and you will see what I mean later is that when he just rolled over yeah that's the one that I rolled in it's a very special trap that we love yeah so we're one of our favourite traps and you will know what I mean by that soon so our goal here is we need to go and meet someone called gran and he will give us the key so we can get access to that warehouse you know try to shoot this guy okay and we're gonna sneak in and use our scientist uniform just make through this area so for people watching this at home what are the benefits and drawbacks of using snake eater camera or versus like subsistence camera for you tomorrow about a preference for me I prefer the snake eater camera there are parts of this one where I use the subsistence camera for movement but overall I prefer the snake eater cam it's up to your preference so here I'm gonna switch to the scientist uniform which is this one this will allow me to roam freely inside the base without getting bothered by any of these guards and you could pretty much do whatever you want inside and you will not be even getting bothered by any of them as long as you do not end up hitting a guard you should be fine you can also bump into them and they will not mind at all they would just yell at you oh yeah the guards can't tell who you are but the scientists know who the scientist really is the guy with the bandana not a sign yeah the scientists will definitely recognize that you are not one of them and they will trigger an alert if they see you close by one of the soldiers will not care will not just care anything about that so interesting trick here now that I need to do so there's a scientist and a guard I need to bump into this scientist to delay his alert phase and then go into the cutscene trigger and I'm gonna do that the same thing but instead differently while I'm exiting this area so this is grant and he will give us the key to the warehouse that we were in earlier and this will allow us to continue forward so there is a guard and there's a scientist I need to use the box at a specific time and then I'm gonna remove it right now it's really important to do so because if you keep the box that guard will seize you and then cause an alert but if you take it really low really late or early the scientists will see you and then he will cause an alert as well yes so essentially the the box is something where the guard can tell your box and that's not good but he can't tell who you are when you're a scientist but the scientist can so you're gonna you're kind of switching back and forth yeah you cover both of them at once yeah it's just a timing thing you need to get the timing correctly in order to avoid both of them so now we're gonna exit and we're gonna go back all that to the warehouse now we're gonna use the camouflage that I was talking about the animal camouflage which you get it from Ocelot by beating him non-lethal II and as you can see my stamina bar is really low and it's actually almost above half by the time the stamina bar can lower and lower you will start losing aim losing your steady aim and that's why we're gonna use the animal camouflage until we get captured later into the run you pretty much avoid food throughout the whole game until the very end and you're not even the one that's eating yeah you're feeding someone else some some ramen I believe yes noodles the animals camo is really overpowered because they want to encourage you to do non-lethal a little bit but uh so coming up is one of my favorite boss fights in the game the fear and you will see I have something special for him this is seriously the best part of the run yeah definitely don't take your eyes off it blink and you'll miss it Oh No okay I think we should be fine check what why'd you kill yourself you'll see what oh no no you have been fooled okay we have to kill ourselves that that sucks you will see what I try I'm trying to do okay so that was my fault I truly apologize so let's do this again where am i what okay this is my I screw it up oh my god I can't believe that happened okay I think he's far away let's just hope he's still there [Music] and there we go oh we got it hey he's dead don't even touch him you don't even need to touch him unfortunately that I screwed up a little bit at the beginning that so I truly apologize for that so now I have beaten the fear and we're gonna equip the gas spray we're gonna heal herself from the poison she inflicted on us and the arrow now we are on our way to continue as well box okay good to go Stan what happened back there is that when he when he failed the trick is essentially he triggered the trap early and then the stun didn't keep him stunned in place so he couldn't keep getting hit by there off the log so that's why you had to restart that fight so we're gonna grab the attention of that guard jump down rip and we're gonna shoot right there don't worry about snakes bones he's all right compound fracture ain't no thing one of the greatest soldiers of all time yeah this is how we do this area this area used to be one of the hardest area to do in this game but thanks to a Japanese speeder named saucer actually he found a way to do it more safe so shout outs to him and now we can pretty much continue throughout the run so if we have any donations now it's a good time yeah we had a $2,500 donation they say what a thrill Snake Eater is a favorite game among many in the fan gamer office thanks again to everyone who bought some gdq merchandise from our site your purchase made this donation possible we also had a $20 an 18 cent donation from my literal mom like my actual mom I already donated last night but have been inspired to donate additional funds tonight towards such a great cause the donation can be applied to a host choice Happy New Year doll involved in 2018 agdq event and keep on running okay thank you very much so I'm shooting here to destruct this guard and then we're gonna continue one thing that to mention in this game that snake when he get hungry his neck was his stomach well roll and you're gonna have to adjust your movement because the guards will hear your stomach being drawn in and that will cause an alert as well so coming up is a boss fight that is considered to be the hardest boss fight in the game to some people but I'm gonna show you a way to beat them in pretty much one cycle I guess so everyone say hi to the end so we're gonna use a smoke grenade I'm gonna throw it at this location this will allow me to sneak in without getting shot by him you can sneak you can see the end on top of that he'll you can see the flash from his sniper rifle so what we're trying to do is trying to sneak behind him and then try to use the gas spray and combination with stun grenades and smoke grenades to beat him and keep him on stun lock until he dies so a lot of different ways of actually fighting this boss like it spans multiple areas if you get the sniper rifle role early on with like new game+ or I think you can kind of get a different way you can actually kill him early there's also a weird little trick you can do where you actually wait an entire week in real life or change your system time or a week ahead and then like you'll actually die of old age that's the coward's way gonna do that yeah don't do that it's also not very fast so well I mean the cutscenes are quite so here I'm cooking my grenade I need to get closer to him then I'm gonna use the gas spray okay I need to get cool okay oh no this is not good crap yeah sorry don't worry this is bad oh my god what am I supposed to do right now look up that's not a that's that's a stun grenade isn't it yeah okay this is holy Sh holy crap okay we go okay this is we're gonna try to do an alternate way to beat him mmm oh my god this run is going to hell actually so he is hiding right there we're gonna have to he's right there we're gonna have to sneak in behind him okay we're very very very much off the rails right now so how did he listen to me he's that is not supposed to happen okay this is not good God dang it oh my god this is okay so I'm gonna say I truly apologize I'm gonna have to invalidate this one so I'm gonna have to exit load a save state because this fight is actually you cannot game over from this fight the thing is with this fight is that if you ended up dying against the end what happened is is that you will lose your stamina bar and he will take you all the way back to the grand facility and that's six minutes lost so we do not want to do that thankfully I have a safe state on on this part and we're gonna use it here so I truly apologize I'm so sorry i'm a bad speedrunners' I do not deserve to be here don't be so hard on yourself that you hear that you hear that Jaguar King I truly appreciate it thank you very much anyway so no I mean truth truth be told this is a this is a kid run so far I I was so far was good except for this this by far the end boss fight is the most turn fine boss fight because you cannot make any mistakes you cannot definitely make any mistakes even if you are doing a marathon run that's basically you cannot do anything so where is all we can use you can load the safe and just skip like a week ahead using my stress now huh okay so the thing is that we cannot load the safe into the end boss but we're gonna have to load the safe before it which is the this area in order to fire them so this should be the same so let's see yeah that's the thing about this game with several of these bosses when you do them right it looks really easy but often times the backup strats are pretty much non-existent there is no backup strat for the fear if you don't pick up the ak-47 yeah the end Kiko's all over the place it's like these are multiple large Maps you have to track them down you have to hope he doesn't see you people don't really practice backup strats for that fight because it's very much just a reset point if you mess it up like even for marathons like you're pretty much it's not impossible to to fail obviously which does it just happened but so I'm gonna have to focus here so yeah I need to focus on this fight right so the grenade the little thing to mention earlier on when he shot those barrels outside of the warehouse that did drop the ends stamina bar which is just a testament to how many approaches you can take in this game that you can do that and help yourself out a little bit here all right you got this ma'am here it is so I better get this because my wife will be mad at me yeah she's watching the run hi wifey so [Laughter] sneaky box approach everyone okay here we go breathes there we go there's the flash give him the Smackdown with those Nate's yeah there's multiple types of hits done and basically what he's doing is he's just pelting him with the grenade the grenade doesn't have to do its intended effect or anything like that but basically what it does is it creates a stun state which effectively disables his invincibility frames right he actually hits him with the grenade itself not the explosion oh wow okay okay okay we're good okay so what happened there is a bug usually that last gas pressure should kill him but we should be fine because I know where he is gonna be right now so all we have to do is just snipe him from afar away that's one shot here nope nobody so he's a wily one that old man very pesky okay he's supposed to be here I don't see him Oh is he oh my god you gotta be kidding me okay he is in an area that it's really really hard for me to snipe where he is oh my god this is so bad oh he sniped me I apologize what am I supposed to do now I can't find him I can't do anything holy crap can you get even if I find him on the map I don't know oh my god this I have never had a really bad see that like that yeah he's like he's like he's like right over there you see the red circle yeah he is on a bad area that's not easy for me to snipe and the problem is I cannot locate him oh my goodness seriously this is actually really really bad I think of it this way we're keeping this fight exciting where are you snakes starving okay I can see him but he might snipe them oh my goodness yeah let's run for it please don't denied me it's just a box I'm enjoying this fight personally yeah this since thing is if he shoot me again that's I have to do another load safe oh my I have to load it safe again it won't happen shoutouts to hungry snake okay I do not have anything - okay here he is that's the little now that's a lot closer than what the fight looks like under normal circumstances not in so much in a speedrun but under normal circumstances it's like the moment of triumph after going after him for a half hour or so but yeah that was really really bad I truly apologize it was still good you ever you ever came it you ever came it that's that that is that is the that is the one thing that's we the batters Redemption I was good I mean you did everything really well it's just you had that one pixel the magic pixel the magic pixel yes frame imperfect it's now a good time for a couple quick donation absolutely go ahead cool so we had a $50 from Jaguar Queen oh my god who says you better get sub 1:20 or else you will sleep alone for a week so the pressures on we had a two thousand dollar donation from a mildly suspect duck who said I'd offered the runners moral support but I have questionable morals so have a donation instead on another $20 from Courtney says hey Jake working I think you're awesome keep up the good work thank you very much so I actually just read a pretty funny tweet on the monitor here it said it said the end might be able to outrun Father time but he can't outrun Jaguar King also this letter is the hardest boss in the game oh yes bloody boss also there is the tune of Snake Eater here that's what the guards like to play on the speakers fortunately is being interrupted by snake Hungry's stomach [Music] the trees Snake Eater [Music] still the dreams also I would like to say tune in after the this one end we're gonna have sue me to sing the whole Snake Eater song after this after this one then if we can end it we can end all will end this so this the mountain areas are one of the hardest areas in the game as well movements is precise I cannot be really really fast or slow so I need to move at a specific pace okay this guard all right I think we're good so I cannot use the box here so I need to roll because if I use the box the guards will see me so we're gonna keep rolling until we exit this area there's a lot of guards in this area the whole goal of this mountain top section right there is to match the timing with the guard movement if you're a little bit off you're gonna get spotted okay so there's a guard on top here all I have to do is just press shoot and ease down I'm gonna pick up some ammo here yeah that one's funny because it's just you literally hold square and it automatically shoots them we're coming up on one of the hardest screens in the game or actually like the hardest screen in the game the mountaintop and then one of the biggest RNG bosses after we Hey yeah you can do that trick as well jump for joy doesn't really help for speed but yeah we're doing a little fun thing snake is an astronaut what what's that box oh yeah the guards gonna react really well to BA legendary super soldier and if you think that is bad wait until you see layer into this oh my gosh it's been uh it's been said that the next generation Special Forces from Metal Gear Solid 1 have like extremely high IQs IQs of like 180 or something yep 180 suffice to say the soldiers of Grozny grad aren't aren't quite on the same plane so this is the hardest area in the game I need to get a headshot on this guard on top or shoot him anywhere in his upper body okay we got it we're not done yet done yet we're not done yet this I need to move really really fast because there's another guard now I need to get in I need to get passed through before he sees me here's that guard oh okay we got a yellow perfect bats mound top done right this is by far the hardest area and again I ain't got a lot of my ones dies at this area trying to hit shot that guy with the tranquilizer is not easy at all it's almost frame paced and you have to position yourself perfectly in order to shoot him and put him to sleep so we need Eva again and she will tell us about our next objective which is going into Grozny grant and sneak some uniforms I mean steal some uniforms from there so I'm gonna equip the sniper rifle that we got from the notorious one the end you get it by beating him non-lethal E and we're gonna use that sniper rifle for throughout the rest of run against bosses so now coming up is one of the most we have the hardest boss in the game which is the pain and the second one isn't gonna be the end we have also the most random boss in the game coming up which is the fury he is the really random expects to me to see me that die against him because he is not an easy boss fight' he's not he's not hard but the problem is he is really random and there's a lot of stuff that can goes really wrong in that particular boss fight when done well looks completely free but when it goes anywhere but what perfect then it come becomes a really really big problem really fast yeah the trick here is that we're gonna use the sniper rifle and shoot him really really fast without missing at all so let's see if we can do this okay here we go I'm gonna focus on this boss fight okay here's not the right side okay that's what bad rng okay he's right on top of there in front of me which is good all right Oh where did he go oh nice looking good so far it's always that last bit though yeah okay job well done wonderful this boss is really not that is so random thankfully I was able to get a good orangy from him although that was slow but it's actually really nice that you can kill him without dying at all so that is actually really nice so now we have pretty much done with all the hard part of the run we can pretty much on cruise control right now throughout the rest of the run if we have any more donation now it's a good time yeah we had $10 donation from Bob toad one who says donating just to say Jaguar King it's looking like a tough run but we're all glad that you're here and we'll keep donating to support you thank you very much we also had a $25 donation from warrior of Mars about $25 donated for Jaguars skill don't feel bad Jaguar the end always gets his target just think back to that Mastercraft pain recovery good run thank you very much okay so we talked about how this bog the box is opie you can use it to climb up terrain stairs also you can use it for a different stuff as well apparently guards have some issues with the box hi goodbye they're just very focused okay very their friend very very much tunnel vision you know yeah they do not care about your running box go on in front of them some of the detection AI on this game it's not it's not exactly so I make some noise here because we're gonna have to get a certain individual to show up close by and that her individual is rycoff he looks familiar so we're gonna stunt him and then drag him in and we're gonna have to take him to the locker room so we can steal his uniform also these guards do not care that you are here so okay got it investigate that box yeah what was that box yeah that box is important so just never mind our commanding officer getting dragged off he'll be fine now we're gonna equip the face camouflage oh okay that's fine and the officer yeah you can look at his face his face is tired from dealing with everything so now we're gonna have to meet Sokoloff which is located right here and we're gonna get ourself captured and then tortured as well losing an eye sad face so after that we're gonna escape the area there gonna be a cutscene coming up it's unskipable cutscenesthat's nice go ahead yeah we had a hundred dollar donation from vendee gur I normally never catch this but I am excited to finally be able to watch some amazing runs my mother has cancer and early detection helped keep it dormant for thirteen years hopefully you guys destroy your goal this year we also have a thirty dollar donation from L pockets donating during my favorite game series block Metal Gear Solid looking forward to see the rest of the Metal Gear Solid 3 run it was the game that taught us all what is tasty in the jungle and what is not thanks to all the agent EQ staff and runners for putting on such a great event every year and we also have $20 from Afridi who says Jaguar King you're an inspiration never give up we're all with you yeah thank you [Applause] we also have a $50 anonymous donation just as so glad to see another agdq let's kill cancer there's nothing to do here there's a cutscene that you cannot skip let's see we have a 1500 our donation from Gwen Gwen Thien I've been wanting to donate for a long time now lost my mother like so many other losses keep on racing guys and let's destroy cancer we also have some donation incentives coming up like the risk of rain monsoon difficulty which only needs three hundred and twenty dollars it looks like to hit that donation incentive and we're three thousand dollars into the seventy five hundred needed for the harmony of dissonance bonus run so if you're looking for more Castlevania in the marathon or a harder difficulty for risk terrain go and donate towards those and we have a thirty dollar anonymous donation says greetings from Austria keep up the great work we also have a ten dollar donation from Animaniacs euro I've been watching gdq for years but finally have some money to donate this goes out to a dear friend who lost a loved one to cancer yesterday here's a donation during my favorite game from last year to show that cheater known as cancer who's boss cheaters never win I'm actually just riveted by this I apologize it's a very very basic yeah it's one of the more brutal scenes and games in general as far as the torture scene you can see it's kind of using that ruled filmmaking you don't show something and then you imagine what is actually happening and that can be way more intense than what you actually see it's pretty cool all right now we're done so we are getting ourselves we are captured here so we're gonna have to escape the cell here first we're gonna equip the fork and then we're gonna use the cure system to remove the transmitter and the fake death pill and we're gonna use it immediately to kill ourself say hi to Johnny he's back so he's gonna investigate this and he's gonna run away so here I equip this cigar and keep it in okay so I just knocked out Johnny because we're gonna have to pick up some stuff on his possession the smoke grenade and some noodles apparently Johnny's benefit noodles here so we're gonna need it to distract a guard coming up in this area I equip this to guard because I need to lower my health for the upcoming boss fight and you will know what I mean soon enough so here I'm gonna you throw the noodles right here I'm gonna use the smoke grenade to silence my footsteps this will allow me to sneak behind that guard and into this area exit this area right here so nothing in this area to do here all I have to do is just run left in to the door to the next one to the next area it's a bit of a relief given how many screens in this game are so precise we have a screen that's just go left you're good and we're gonna throw a smoke grenade right here to strike a guard and then I'm gonna cook another grenade this will allow me to sneak next to this guard and I'm gonna throw another smoke grenade to this dog he's gonna start coughing just allow me to sneak in because garner again can also game over here on I think this is why Russia lost the Cold War I think this is the demonstration probably so into the sewers and this is we're gonna escape but before I do so I'm gonna go and pick up a safety item which is the lifeMed usually on a fox sound rank you do not pick up you do not even pick it up or use it at all but I'm gonna pick it up for a certain part layer into the one that just to make it more safe so we're gonna jump down here and brakes make it snakes legs and continue seems to be walking pretty well fur for poor guy just fell he's at 30 40 feet you know I mean dude just lost his eyes so I think breaking a leg is not an issue at all to him okay this is the one Metal Gear game that I know of where you actually want to lose health intentionally with a cigar or cigarette yeah I think so also one cool little thing that you'll notice is that in the first-person mode the right side of the screen is a little bit blacked out because of the eye that he lost and the torch were saying yeah if you opened the first-person mode you will see the right side of snake is blacked out which means that he lost his eyes because of that just a amazing little detail this game provides actually Bell Gear games are very detailed I think that's one of the things that attracted me to it I don't know about you guys but oh yeah me too so there's lots of little things you can do in this game yeah Easter eggs and secrets lots of different ways are approaching everything in this game really so this is the sword the second the other boss fight I'm gonna kill myself by drawing myself here yeah that's the cigar where we have to use the cigar for just to lower our health enough so we can kill herself faster I remember back in the days a lot of people were confused about this boss fight they just keep going over and over and they do not know that you had they have to die and use the revival pill to continue forward yeah that's kind of cryptic action that fight can last quite a long time if you don't know what's going on which no one really did at the time cuz you swim through an entire river or Creek of just dead bodies that you've killed up to that point so if you've killed a lot of people like if you're messing around and doing a lot of stuff with guards you'll swim pass a lot of people and then you get to the end and then nothing happens and then you just start over and then you have to kind of figure out you gotta use the well one or two things the other your kill yourself intentionally or you use the pill to kill yourself either way works we've already use that earlier for the fear so coming up as bunch of cutscenes that nothing we have to do here so read more donation possible uh yes we have a hundred fifty dollar donation from rich T who says I was just looking at it and I suddenly got this urge to donate no not just an urge more than that it was my destiny to be here on the donate page yeah and then when I donated I suddenly got this feeling of inner peace I can't put it into words I feel safe like this is where I was meant to be like I'd found the key to true happiness you should come donate then you'll know what I mean good job for that what is it exactly that he's referencing the box so snake have this conversation that if you equip the box and call paramedics which is an APC on this game he's gonna start explaining why he likes this box oh I think not param it was a second figgins he's girls me I don't want to know what you mean yeah that's it's the box actually it's an amazing piece of conversation so now we are almost at the not almost but we're closer to the end of the game we're gonna pick up the box see this is box B here and then we're gonna do some mini we're gonna equip bunch of weapons here and k22 and what nineteen SP deed okay and then I'm gonna equip the box that we just got it I'm gonna read the cigar okay and now we're good to go this particular box being necessary for a truck right later on yeah all right so different boxes taking two different places there's ABC and so on and all that all the different games for a rental gear so you pick up the because we want to actually take a shortcut using a truck to drive us somewhere Oh what no okay this is not supposed to happen I'm sorry that for some reason that you will get a caution it's actually random to do so although I delayed my shots really really late but whatever okay that was supposed to happen and of course the guards will not care that there's a box in front of them now we're gonna continue forward into this truck which is located right there and we're gonna use this box to teleport inside the shadowheart when the area where they keep you - I'll go hunting and the objective for us is that we need to plant 3 C 3s Story 4 3 C 3 is inside the shack AHA Shagga hot area and blow it up but first of all before we do any of that we're gonna shoot right here to get the intention attention of every guards in this game yeah I'm a box this is the first fuel tank for the shell Gohan the second one here there are workers but they will not react if you have a box so I think you might really care but they will generally trigger alerts right yeah if you if you are in front of them without a box they will not trigger it they will trigger an alert right there a couple who are like you're just like passively let you go I guess yeah so coming up is the Volgin boss fight and [Music] I'm gonna do a trick different than what Molotov did three or five years ago so let's do this I'm gonna focus on this one skip the cutscenes first we're gonna grab him then we're gonna equip the SVD okay good shoot him twice but that our that's the first face we're still not done yet okay okay Wallace so you might noticed I actually used a lethal weapon instead of using one lethal weapon like every other boss fight so you might wonder why and that's because volgen does not die from that fight so it will not count as as a kill actually because it's not dead why would it count so now we are on the escape or the chase sequence Volgin has widened inside his shadow hard and we're gonna try to use the RPG and inflict as much damage as possible also we're gonna use stun grenade to stun these guards usually you can you will use the Cold War camouflage that you got from beating Vulcan non-lethal E but we don't need to do any of that we can use the stun grenade to stun them and yes we do have infinite ammo here so we can fire off as many of these as we want yeah the goal is trying to inflict as much damage as possible in order for the fight of the actual chagga hot fight later will be much shorter than before because all this damage will count toward that fight did we actually talk about the weapon cancelling in the inventory before Oh a little bit but not really yeah go ahead with that okay so basically what he's doing is he's canceling the reload animation by unequipping andrey equipping the rocket launcher yeah that's actually way faster than waiting for it to reloaded the chamber and we do this with the mark 22 the Mosin Nagant and the the rocket launcher yeah it's a trick it's done in just about every Metal Gear game and like and I'm just one for example actually reloads your entire ammo count whereas in these games it's not reloading but it's making that faster fire time look how fast for cooldown if you will and it's not like a glitch if you look at the mgs1 manual it's a listed trick so it was a like an intentional design decision to let you do that if a developer actually meant for you to do that yeah you want to chip as much health as possible which means get your fingers a bit tired here some epic cuts these here with some epic music as well so there are like six chase areas in this game this is the first one coming up is this one is actually quite hard I need to be on point on throwing my stun grenade I'm gonna put the life Matt on equipped right here in a little in order if things goes really really wrong because at the end of this area there's a rocket launcher guy that you need to stun if you fail to stun that god he will kill you so I'm gonna use their life met in order to get it more to beat this area more safe here's one of the rocket launcher guys but I don't have to worry about that because all I have to do is throw this thunk right next to him okay now one more round okay this is where you take most of the damage you can see I have lost a lot of health ok this coming throw is the most important one you need to throw it at specific time right now okay we stun him that guy if we do not stun him you will shoot our rocket launcher and pretty much kill you and kill the run and you're gonna have to do this area all over all over again so we're not done with the chase we're gonna have some bikers behind us but this time we're gonna use the mark 22 to take them down I only need to shoot the driver to take them down so it's not easy to do so because the but your bullets aren't affected by travel time so you're gonna have to adjust a little bit when you shoot in yeah the big thing with these autoscroller parts is just knowing where enemies are gonna show up and then it's pretty straightforward just aim well oh nice domino effect yeah nice there is one part where there's some flying enemies though that they can kind of glitch out a little bit that's coming yeah that part that's a little annoying when that happens gotta love those sound effects when they fall off the motorcycle crash okay no okay we're not done with the chase sequence just yet this time the shall go Hodgins will be right behind you and we're gonna have to do more damage to him as well just like we did with the first chase sequence okay so I'm gonna try to shoot as many missiles at him to lower his health this is where the bulk of the chip damage comes in and you can take off nearly a quarter it may say you're wasting your ammo but he's totally wrong yeah we're shipping out his health bar a little bit the goal here is to get at least 25% of his health gone also this is one of the R&G thing about this fight sometimes he will back off a little bit and then you have no choice but to wait for him to come in closer so you can shoot him again or else do shots will miss and he's ducking off again the idea you want him to keep to him you want him to be close to you so he can shoot him as fast as possible and deplete your health okay so the bridge area there are Eva's put like four bombs and we're gonna have to shoot them all in order to destroy part of the Shagga heart and then we're gonna do some swag stuff here Eva's gonna yell at you no scope no scope I appreciate the applause but all I have to do is just press the turn so chaga hard this fight is pretty much dependant on Eva his Eva movement and also I need to shoot I cannot shoot right now because the shot guard is it have invincibility frames I can only shoot when the sparking behind it actually stop sparking actually right now okay nice was able to sneak that shot these these shots can be pretty tough because he's like on an angle on a side you have to basically hit it perfectly at times it depends on how he moves but yeah certainly this fight can really be a timed leader and there's nothing you could do about it unfortunately you can't order IVA to go left go right yeah whatever she wants he's just like oh you want to want to go this way this is where I want to go you're pretty much at the mercy of her mood whether she was gonna go right or left it's up to her good shot so yeah that's really hard to sneak that shot so in order to damage the shall go hard you have to shoot one of its thread and then shoot him right behind it once once Eva goes behind the shell go hard just like right now in order to do damage oh okay nice good three more two more shots right okay that's fine okay Eva was cooperating really well so that's the first phase there's gotta be another phase we're gonna have to shoot volgen in the head with the sniper rifle non-lethal sniper rifle by the way you cannot use the lethal one no lethal weapon today okay please don't glitch out oh he glitched out so I cannot do any damage to him that's unfortunate this is one of the side effect of the 60 frames per second I had talked about earlier okay we're gonna try to run away this is gonna be a little bit slow unfortunately I can't do anything about it I'm gonna have to wait for it stop shooting you can see the frame rate is taking a heads here Oh what come on game okay what more shots okay that was kind of bad but at least we did it so with more chase sequences well they're gonna be three more and then we're done pretty much done with this boring stuff oh nice we got all of them so they're gonna be drivers coming out behind you and these jet pack as well will coming up in the next area so we're gonna have to continue forward and use the stun grenade to stun these bikers as well so this is pretty much an autoscroller so if we have more donation now it's a good time yeah we have $50.00 anonymous donation that said did you know that platypus don't have stomachs and also that use gravel to fill in for their non-existent teeth also if you're looking for any more platypus facts please go to slash games done quick thank you we also have a hundred dollar donation from Andre 173 greetings from Germany i love the late or I love the late shift at work playing rocket League till 3:30 in the morning and I'm watching one of my favorite games being ripped money goes to the runner's choice which is the Castlevania bonus run we're currently at three thousand three hundred and thirty-four dollars of the 7,500 needed for that bonus run we did reach the four thousand eater for the risk of rain monsoon difficulty though by the way which is awesome we have a $5 73 cent donation from who Fumi g16 first donation of the marathon I figured Metal Gear Solid was the perfect block for me to donate with a Konami number donating to the wear cat ears incentive yeah so that's actually four half coordinated uh run later on in the marathon if you want to see half coordinated wearing cat ears donate towards that awesome thank you for your donations really appreciated please keep them coming so this area this area here is one of the most ultimate one killer into the game so the guy on the middle this one can pretty much glitz you out and there's nothing you could do about it he can hover on top of your head and he will keep damaging you and you can do nothing cannot do anything at all oh I'm in fire ok yes I'm gonna have to switch camouflage yeah you can catch fire so I have no choice but to switch camouflage here a new set of clothes you're not on fire come on okay just a quick change on the motorcycle it's all good yep good stuff and yeah he'll do it when he's fighting mostly the guys a little could be too high for you to aim and if that happens it's really bad yeah that's one of these side effects of this 60 frames per second because this will not happen on the ps2 version but will happen here so this version runs at 60 frames per second but it is actually rare for that for it to happen but it does happen I had last ones let just right now now I cannot shoot him Thank You game so all I have to do is just wait for on a true opportunity to shoot him I cannot aim higher I cannot do anything so all I have to do is just hope that he can go forward a little bit so I can shoot him just like now right in the butt thank you very much now that's the devil's bargain of 60 frames per second you the game goes by faster but stuff like that can happen this is why I get the life by the way yeah that's the main reason why we get the life med just because of this part so there's a log here we're gonna blast with a rocket launcher we blast it okay just to make sure all right now we are pretty much done with this horrible area that looks like we're gonna have to use a life mitt but that's okay that's fine still have one more chase sequence and we're pretty much done one from all the chase sequences in this in this game you have time for more donations okay now we have a $50 donation from Mightiest fully respect the cause coming from someone who is a survivor have a fun week everyone we also have a $50 donation from Ace racer I never beat that boss on my first playthru matter if you're solid three as a teen and I've never forgotten it thanks to the games done quick staff and runners for fighting the good fight for cancer prevention thank you so much for the donation we have $100 donation from honorable TB who says shout out to Johnny five aces and the goons and the something awful gdq chat thread much love and a three hundred and twenty dollar donation from commissar gray 84 who just says make it rain which I assume has the motion associated with it a twenty dollar anonymous donation this donation is to thank agdq for their hard work currently recovering from surgery or I'm currently recovering from surgery so I really appreciate the distraction from the pain let's do it oK we've got him off so finally we are done with the chase sequence but we have another mission to do which is the escort mission thankfully we are almost at the end of the game so there's gonna be two more I'm sorry three more areas and we're done amazing job Eva amazing job this is where we will be finally using our food yeah not yet Lucknow just a little bit in a little bit a little bit so eva is injured and we need to cure her so we're gonna open the menu and start curing her right now fair warning watch out for your suppressors oh yeah thank you for reminding me that nice but I should be fine because I have the headset on yeah I have like two shots of suppressed verse so we should be completely fine so the suppressor thinking about in this game is actually that depletes the more dealer to use it so we have to pick up suppressor in order to continue using suppressor in this game so if you lose the suppressor your gun will be really loud and guards will hear you again this is the time where you have to switch it suppressor if things went pretty much perfectly so now the guards are pretty much behind us there you can see them back there they're gonna show up in a little bit so we're gonna have to outrun them to the next area thankfully the guard will not see Eva because if one of the guards come closer to Eva she will duck and they will not be able to see her at all but they will pretty much spot you instead of Eva so you need to be careful so this escort mission is really boring all I have to do is just wait and signal for her to come in if you are too far from Eva she will stop and then she's gonna start wondering where where are you so I'm gonna have to be at a safe distance between not too far and not too close not too far for her to stop walking and not too close for the guards to see me can see them right there but as far as escort missions go this is pretty straightforward you just have to maintain that correct distance to make sure she doesn't fall behind okay so the next area the first thing you're gonna need to do is we're gonna have to feed Eva some food because if you do not do so she's gonna feel tired and that she's gonna stop walking and she will not move until you feed her so we're gonna give him some instant noodles okay looks like she enjoyed them so we're gonna shoot some guards there are some guards in this area so we're gonna have to navigate through this area carefully so we do not end up getting spotted by one of them yes yeah that guard is actually a toys for spotting you maybe it has something to do with the camouflage because I switched the camouflage looks like I'm gonna point all of yeah I switched the camouflage later before and it might have something to do with it you were supposed to have this camouflage but it happens so the tiger sharp in particular no longer the animal camouflage yeah you don't need the ammo come a flood anymore so we're gonna shoot this guy shooting this guy is not easy to do okay this is not good looks like I'm gonna have to reset this area since this is at the beginning of this this guard in particular is not easy to shoot because his the way his hitbox works is kind of weird actually I don't know it's way different than the any of the other guards that I have encountered you need to be extremely precise for the order to do that shot and you have to do it really really fast because he's gonna turn around and walk away this little-ass screens in the game and you know even at the end even though the first half of the run is definitely the more challenging aspect to it you could still get your run sniped here just from one little mistake and that's the big thing about speedrunning Foxhound or Big Boss middle gear is that you could have a great run and then just have one faulty mistake in it and it's just over yeah speed running this game actually is not an easy task and I I'm gonna warn you if you're planning to speed on this game I suggest you start speedrunning other little gear games than this one because this game is actually a hard game to learn it's not an easy it took me a while for this game for me to for this game to click on me so I can start enjoying it but it's not an easy game so you're gonna have to invest a serious amount of time in order to properly learn the routing and the tricks on this game easily so much kick that plant right there to distract a guard right underneath me I'm gonna shoot two guards coming up so I'm gonna have to wait for this guy to go away a little bit then we're gonna continue there gonna be two more guards left that I need to take care of actually one more guard that's that one there's gonna be another one which is hiding inside these bushes but you can just ignore him or shoot him if you want to I don't feel better she's done with almost every guard in the game so coming up is the final boss of the game the boss she's not moving that's the thing I did not signal for her before she goes away after she jumped down you have to signal for her to come in or else he will stand in and she will not come out she will not keep moving okay any day now Eva music's very fitting for this and it looks like we're gonna get this slow pattern I'm not gonna explain why well let's just say there's a part of Eva that you can look at that can't kind of tell you how the R&G was going to line up on the next bus exactly so the boss works the same thing as the end here I'm gonna have to keep her on stunlock in order to beat her you use a certain counter at the right time with CQC close quarters combat and it disables the boss the whole goal here is to one cycle her and unlike the end where you throw stun grenades at the end instead we're gonna throw them up in the air okay we're gonna use the stun grenade we're gonna throw it on the air this stun grenade okay good Oh what all right that's not supposed to happen but okay I'm gonna have to do an alternate sprouts I'm gonna have to wait for her to escape so I can chase her and counter her again as long as you know when the counter this fight is actually quite easy this time I'm gonna use the stun grenade by hitting it her with the grenade itself just to keep it on stun lock I'm gonna shouldn't finish her with two bullets and that's the boss and we're gonna celebrate by shooting this frog on top if I can shoot it so coming up is an unescapable cutscene I would like everyone to be quiet for a little bit this cutscene is actually requested by my wife it is not this cutscene it's the cutscene after that and since I already went over estimate and over 120 and since I do not want to sleep lonely for a week just like she said I'm gonna let this cutscenes to avoid the wrath of Jaguar Queen so this is our skippable cutscene you cannot skip it whatsoever well you just like sniffs it a little bit gotta verify it's real this is this this is food can I so hungry the whole run he only eats in the cave with the waterfall on a cutscene besides that nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] I would like everyone to salute the boss the mother of the Special Forces all right thank you everyone now we'll have one more confrontation with Ocelot so there are two weapons we're gonna take the left weapon it's the one with the blank bullets in and it's much faster to do so all you have to do is just shoot just mash shoot shoot shoot and you're pretty much done with the game time is not over yet time will stop the moment the credit songs start up and you can the game will allow you to save here in order if you want to see the full end link which is a really powerful ending shout outs to mister Hideo Kojima for making this amazing game although I suck at it but whatever so get ready for time and time very good run overall just I would say the end was kind of a big the big issue but everything all the boss fights were actually a memory the fury was great yeah the fury is great the pain was great I mean although all the boss would normally have problems with you just nailed perfect it's kind of amusing that yeah the end is not even a hard boss fight it's just the execution it DP kind of good but he's not even hard I mean I do I'm not even worried about it I did not expect this will happen but anyway I would like to give some shoutouts to the everyone watching this run shoutouts to the gdq staff for giving us the opportunity to show this metal gear solid block shout outs to plywood for his amazing run for mgs1 which is way better than me shoutouts to the agdq crowd give yourself a shout-out and I would like to give also a shout outs to the Metal Gear speedrunning community include extrav machine tyler right you and i cannot count them all but shout outs to everyone who is part of the Metal Gear speedrunning community also I would like to give some to do some sell outs so if you are pretty much interested on speed ring Metal Gear any cata Metal Gear game you pretty much feel free to join our discord channel this is we're gonna have to do you're gonna find a lot of amazing speedrunners and amazing tutorials for various Metal Gear games you're pretty much free to choose any game that you want a speedrun and we're gonna have a lot of talent runners for it and they will definitely teach you and hold your hands on running your games help you running your games and so I think we have the donation instead of being met sube is gonna be the one singing Snake Eater give it up for Sumi you guys we can hear yes also is you the queue audience feel free to sing as well even if you do not know the song just pretend that you know it's just gonna cut out this song first I don't know this I can still hear the other song the game audio feed first what a thrill with darkness and silence through the night what a thrill I'm searching and I'm melting to you what a fear in my heart but in you're so supreme I give my life not for honor but for you in my time they'll be no the way I fight I'm still in a dream Snake Eater [Music] someday you go through the rain and someday you feed on a tree frog its ordeal the try to survive for the day we see new love ah [Applause] not for honor but for you in my time there'll be no crime it's the way I fly I'm still in a dream ah [Music] in a dream Snake Eater everyone song Jaguar Queen don't let us move on the counter thank you very much [Applause] see you guys next time Sena wow that was an amazing
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 718,638
Rating: 4.7443089 out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Awesome Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, AGDQ, GDQ, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: s-NTi96u_Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 39sec (6459 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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