Silent Hill 2 by Punchy in 50:14 - AGDQ2019

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very very awesome donation we have $1,000 from sketchup' he does have a heartfelt message I lost my father and grandmother to cancer and even before that it played a very ugly part in my family's history so if I can help anyone that has cancer currently recruit entirely then this is nothing but a small price to play I really this was supposed to be the castlevania block so I could say begone cancer you do not belong in this world but I'll happily donate now and I'm looking over I think they're ready let's go ahead and jump into Silent Hill 2 being run by punching alright hello yeah Wow hi I'm punchy I'm Maxie lobes I mcdhh Isis on plywood and I'm not gonna waste any time whew let's just jump right in this tune any % time go I didn't even do three to one cast let's just begin the game excited man brilliant didn't crash when the opening FMV we are in business okay so right away we gonna save the game and we're gonna continue to save the game a lot games saved everyone because you can store the text which allows you to immediately bypass a barrier that prevents you from picking up the map so we can immediately go through the Silent Hill without picking up the map so we don't have a map for the entire game this is relevant later remember it he's going blind so also every single time text is drawn to the screen in this game when you pick up an item when you examine something it refills your star with it because the game assumes oh he stopped to look at something you should fill his stamina quicksaving also draws text to the screen and because the PC port did not think this through especially well it also refills your stamina so I'm gnashing trick save a whole bunch in order to continue to go fast and I will do this constantly throughout the run yeah I got 1683 from someone named Isis hey punch remember if you have more than one thousand six hundred eighty three saves I'll donate $20 to your choice from the guy on your couches Oh genius genius 1683 yeah at gdq express that guy's has had a run of this game and he finished with 16 83 quick saves so my goal is to beat that for this run which might be something of a challenge given the you know if you quicks a bad that you can crash the game or break it so like goading me into quick saving more is like asking for things to go wrong I'm gonna do it anyway because I'm feeling like playing chicken with this game's programming which by the way very poor I did absolutely very bad idea but fun because now this PC port is a interesting like it was ported by British studio creature labs and while they do primarily make PC games the development of this was rushed like I'd I'm not I don't say that idly by the way I developer themselves like talk to us and said yeah this was rushed they were candid about it they were refreshing like British candid they were like nah we slap this together and like a weekend man yes so many features of the PC pool are busted and don't work properly and as a result of that you can do fun glitches and that's where like the heart of the speedrun comes from is just doing lots of glitches where you wouldn't normally be able to do it so you know this long run towards downhill to start with you can make it a lot faster with the quicksave glitch it feels that's down over and over again and eventually we'll be able to get to the gate and we can do our first instance of like well second instance of like proper tech storage with like cutscene overlap because while you are storing text like I did at the very beginning of the game briefly very beginning of the game the game cannot run like two of these simultaneously it can't do it so if there's a cutscene that tries to overlap this kind of text box that I'm storing it won't activate which can you can use it to get past certain triggers like the opening trigger that normally makes you like go down a hallway road rather and it gets like a cutscene where you get the radio in the plank if I can hold this all the way there are no other viable text boxes within this entire stretch you got to hold this halfway across the town if I start mushing quick say for light but too long drops it none zero matter if I have a backup in case that does happen because sometimes the PC port lights would just randomly stutter and drop it for you which is great fun I enjoy that very much it happens both of you think it does happen a lot it's not good it's very not good anyway so a note on control style so those of you who have played the style host series may noticed a difference in the way I'm moving noticeably and that it's actually really smooth that's wrong because I was a game with tank controls you may be thinking okay what's going on with that fella he'll two and three have a alternate control style hidden in the options menu just no one ever touches well you can make it so the movement is based on like relative to the camera rather than relative to the character also this is the coasting trigger unlike bypassing here that way I can skip the radio on the flank so because of this control style change I can move in like whatever tank controls be damned I do not require this sort of thing so I can turn on a dime amazingly quickly like this like you can you cannot make tones that sharp on tank controls you cannot be done but as a result of that silent hill you may know is a game that uses a lot of like fancy cinematography and angle they it likes to frequently do Dutch angles as well so every single time the camera does a Dutch angle my controls will invert at 90 degrees it's like oh so you really don't have to remember memorize every single camera angle shift in the game yes you do yes you do because if you don't you will like slam your face in the wall and look very stupid and sometimes it might happen anyway because sometimes the controls don't update relative to the camera angle fast enough it's brilliant the key is invisible but it's still here yeah he doesn't pick it up coz it's just not there yes walks over he's like I got it it doesn't it just doesn't load the graphics in properly I don't really know why but you can still pick up the key it's not intangible the best part is that you don't have to bend down to pick it up yeah you don't you skip the animation so it's more time two for one that's the best part brilliant so because of this we can skip straight into the apartments we don't go through we don't get the radome triangle because we don't have the plank we don't have a melee weapon and that is actually a potential problem if you don't pick up a melee weapon by a certain point you are stuff locked we will remedy this problem later but the game expects you to have it but fortunately because you don't pick up the radio we don't have to bear is constant hissing noise the entire game like you do for every other Silent Hill run because in every other style home when you get near an enemy constantly for 40 minutes always every single run maddening are you telling me there's something wrong with that radio yes what's wrong with that radio also some rooms like to like do completely the opposite of all the movement direction you in personally I like to wiggle the stick a lot to make it orient the camera properly and then I call those random angle rooms which is a misnomer because they're not random but like whatever I earned it so it's whatever so we need to get the flashlight here because half the things in this game cannot be interactive with if you do not have a flashlight well this is kind of dark yeah I'm ain't moving when the camera like suddenly shifts like that like make it look way easier than it is it took me a while to learn all this stuff most people have ran this game on tank controls because like 2d controls but not pioneered until recently like we call this control style 2d controls in fatal frame it's actually called like objective and subjective style because one of them is objectively better than the other very true why they put these controls the linear for like the pea brains out there who don't understand tank controls and like relative to character movement and like congratulations thanks you've made speedrun like irreparably worse for me forever I'm bitter about this and I will be until the end of Colleen I think they put that stuff in the new light remaster of the original Resident Evil on Steam as well and I'm mad about that as well I'm just mad control stop blows but you'd weigh fastest you got to deal with it way faster and also the person who actually figured out that it was faster and did the testing was a super gamer yeah he pioneered the style so are you gonna go for the scream skip oh yeah of course so he'll be a scream Here I am paying attention to it normally James some people start up but like what was that some kind of noise not for here we are soft look at this point I can't like turn my light I don't know for whatever but for some reason if I hit the warp on it's like deactivation I can use those again I don't hear it head also shows up yeah if you climb that wrong you smoke what the game it's terrible if you time that wrong you stuff bought the game but like confident easy free everytime we're hitting your favorite puzzle though right oh yeah so puzzles in this game are random all of them it's great they're all randomly generated on game style according to the initial seats I'm allowed to use the word RNG without sounding like a Luddite and so you know if you know what you hit no no like you game no you're gonna get four o'clock now genius yes so the initial puzzle position is random the solution is the same but the initial position is random and you can only scroll the clock hands around so quick so this is a common reset point for the right if I get three o'clock I'm resetting and restarting the contrary you're only at 4 don't worry I'm gonna get full he's betting on 4 I'd say 7 4 I'm betting on 8 give me give me give me genius 11 and that's really really good good I got three why does this happen and I can push it out of the way you clap a good are injured orange is crazy bronzor on a roll so you see these these camera angle changes right here kiss like this is this is hold right is it whoops suddenly 360 we this is hold down but continue to hold down and 10 tap the camera button and then immediately switch to up unless you block the wall like a [ __ ] there's a camera button yeah yeah Orion sit behind you but you have to be very carefully otherwise you're like diver wall you'll look very silly when you do that yeah learning speedy in this game the apartments are a nightmare this windy the camera angle does things like this is another instance of a where I need to hold down and like be very firm in doing so because luckily it won't like change your direction as the camera angle shifts but you have to be firm you to not wiggle it in the slightest otherwise it will update your position and you will crash into a wall and you will be mad about it and this is a PC port issue that I will now demonstrate the ps2 version has a much better camera then this game does James James stain Frank this James James okay yeah he's gone the PC port cannot keep up with the movement it can't it just it will not send to us I think it's all the quick saving possibly I'm not quick saving enough there in this 1682 it's over Matt okay now our outside again so like stamina refilling once again becomes a concern so mashing quick save again to make James run it at full sprint with his wonderful movement is so exaggerated and James's stride he's a hunk a hunk that really absolutely is dreamy look at him look at him go okay so now we need to solve puzzles salla hello subscribes to like the Sierra game style of puzzle logic turning completely the wrong direction we were all like oh no it's a lot with the camera angle for whatever reason it's really again with the fact that the camera angle suddenly in votes my controls like 90 degrees every time it does that it's like oh suddenly I'm facing a wall and can't use the can of juice on the garbage chute like I want to genius I want to use and the tiniest adjustments will completely throw you off in some rooms it's it's pretty pretty difficult it's massively annoying ya know the double-reed you know you're really interested in the story don't look at what he'll for Walter Sullivan whoa I couldn't find the textbook there's a textbook that there's like garbage I have no need for this I'm going to look at that and say mood but I can't do the jokes it's not working well we got to read it off don't worry I told you the joy I explained the joke thank you whoever said crowd loudly this is a stumble cancel this game on the PC port has weapon hotkeys that LA to cycle between your weapons quickly you can also use the number keys on your keyboard doing that allows you to cancel certain animations but again this power must be used sparingly unless you completely screw the game scripting up I know where to do it but like doing it all willy-nilly is a great way to just ruin everything ask the keyboard is the superior method of playing no way I'm using a controller because like when you're playing 2d controls analog stick does just give you more fine input like keyboard is very rigid for this but you do need to mix the controller also say how to edgebug track what's the best thing about crack I say that a bit quickly but we had we had CGI but crack on that it wasn't glorious oh we can't show them too much we'll be seeing a tease but later just a hint it'll be fine correct yeah we need to let me taste we need to pay at ease but a visit before we can progress it's just a thing you need to do it's trigger hunting well that Lee see more of these it's now progressing into blue creepy the general objective of this area of the game is to find three coins put them in a puzzle get key and then escape and fight a boss clearly just a way to mount yeah this doesn't actually really have a health or he has more a time' as it were function form a timer than a health bar I don't like this camera because it does that in the span of five seconds then my controls change from like up is right right to down down to last eccentric Center is just messy we still haven't even seen the worst room in the apartments yeah definitely get that clean one thing I want to add is while you're doing exceptionally well on this you play on beginner actually has an auto aim feature and you have avoided every interact on the paper it is awful yeah James will hang out that ackley and mix the control styles because you're using Mouse in order to like access the menu here is slightly faster than doing it the normal way don't automatically turn yeah if you do it too early you can like turn while the menu opens by because it processes movement input during like the menu fade-out which is absolutely I hate it stop no other gaming series has that problem is too exclusive it's also weird that the fastest puzzle option is still normal yeah this is any percent and I'm playing on beginner acting difficulty because any percent but normal a little difficult you think Oh easy real difficulty should only be faster it's wrong wrong you did common-sense again you fool here's the worst whisper game yeah this waiting it the whisper sprite suddenly up left suddenly turns around just does it again like every single time I'm doing a camera angle change like this I'm wiggling the stick wildly in the hopes that it Orient's properly and actually that was really smooth that was that was pretty I will say hello it's sad we didn't get the whispers yeah the whispers play randomly that okay so this is a boss fight rather interpretation marks he'll try and swing a sword at me he'll fail one two three four five six seven okay that's done by leave we're clapping for that brilliant if you hold the gun out and run into like that particular area pyramid head just doesn't swing at you obviously I don't for like 36 for this isn't thought easier woo and fun fact this is the one place in beginner that you can die this is the only place right yeah it's always a one shot yeah the overhead spring the pyramid head those does not do damage it kills you in any difficulty it doesn't have a damage value it just tells the game kill the play off well the damage value is death exactly yes can't save you can't what what loud what am I supposed to do it if not save the game get negative saves no and that's the apartments go left it did the thing where I held left and it went down right I why why how like sometimes when entering rooms the game will do the opposite of what you tell it to do late literally just the opposite you will hold up left and it will go down Ryan is like very curious it's consistent what runes do this is because the camera hasn't had time to catch up yet why it does this I hadn't no it's not a problem with tank controls because character relative movement in the game of the camera must to a bunch of angles is clearly superior and I will defend this opinion to the James James James by James okay bye Oh Barry by game it came back don't worry about it yeah that happens if you creek slave during that custody and James just breaks loose and goes yeah the quick slave has a lot of functions it it destroys everything but again you have to use it carefully it can break the game they can't just I didn't know that one you can just click save and James will just run off into the middle distance and eventually do you load that chunk of the map because you can because I can uncle corner genius it's true survival horror you're just letting Maria catch up yeah she's kind of slow Maria pays the late ending type actually that's the point ending typing is a factor in this category but the PC port is busted and will automatically award two points in favor of the Maria ending regardless of what you do because one of them is like distance from Maria and a speedrun with ordinarily score like flat nothing on this category because we beat we'd be ballin but the peace report just Awards you a point every single time you're like more than X away from us people and we'll always get this point always and as a result of that that plus the one point that the game gives if you don't take any damage because that's the mother if we need to pick up to crannis off log later by the way because there's a calculation it's like does the player take X amount like X percent of damage less the Maria if you take no damage the calculation is like uh can't divide by zero crap give him the point so you if you play well you will probably get the Maria rending it's just how it works the ruling is actually good for any percent it's bad in like other difficulties though really rough is it time for pizza we check and keeps up we check in pizza it's time for visa but is it really pizza we got like an entire piece yesterday Eddie you have to see more of Eddie's butt crack me not quite those like I'm scared you don't even remember I saw your butt man how can you forget well I mean he tries he tries he does try he has a pizza overdose Oh No curious bowling bolt be fair I cuz I acted the same way like every bowling alley I've ever been to good reaction times you just sit there and eat Arby's thank you that's literally all I wanted to do look great up it was worth it I don't know if I sponsor this event I probably shouldn't say things like that without knowing what I'm talking about just say they have the meze they do have the meats anyway back to our regularly scheduled jogging through foggy streets once again mashing Creek say for my life I won't not like I want to win the bet I need to like go intensely slow like waste time they're just like dancing assertable mashing quickly you're gonna with like 3000 by the way that's that's the big goal I hope you do games saved even was completely unnecessary run saved good rng and runs will come to you but only if you post a game saved in this chat I really wish we had a sign saying game saved so one regret I do lovely music in heavens knife ever so little no it's gone well hi this is another okay so I need to wildly wiggle the stick to make sure he doesn't immediately turn around and block the top-left corner of the door because pc port baby yeah if you hold down you'll go back which makes no sense camera relative absolutely infuriating maddening oh we are coming up on little haven the second hospital sound hell is this - there's Brookhaven is Brookhaven a mental hospital yes Milla the other hospital and they have origins which made out Camilla a mental hospital and then you had origins of social gave you Cedars Grove sanitarium so there are now three mental hospitals in one town so I call these a lot of them wait add that to can't wait to read off these numbers by the way oh yes so there will be codes we need to find throughout the hospital I'm very bad actually remembering the code so I'm just let my couch do it just leave it up to chat good night okay so like I hold the world record in this category but I have never once gonna live one of this without having the chat remember the codes for me so technically like the world record belongs to literally everyone who watches my stream it's like 300 person called it ain't that many I'm totally glad rating they help you IRA in the first number here we go ideally you want me like one one one one you want repeating digits you want dubs or trips or quads what's up one eight one four what a map or not 14 18 14 ZZ man that's what happened that year I don't know two years after the war of 1812 how about the door the war of 1812 actually happened in 1814 oh well woops I don't know these things in tricky alloy this one is not random though yeah this one is always the same once again mixing the styles you gotta use mixed input it's not her to to be late to play really enough the polls actually based on the difficulty so if you're on easy it's different very hard it's different but paranormal it's always 733 5 ok so that we left Maria to lay down in a room there ordinarily if you checked in on her again you wouldn't gain another point was the mayor ending but Chalker PC port Awards automatically because anyway we are coming up here to trigger a thing oh no its Pyramid Head James watch out look at the fences bends he's got headphones on he can't hear us anyway so now there's the Red Cross in the corner get used to that cuz that's gonna be there for pretty much the entire run that means I'm on basically like two hits away from dying yeah there's the system if you 168 168 one blind 14 so I'm gonna stay on like nearly dead there like the remainder the run which isn't relevant cuz like worrying about that would entail getting here and that's not gonna happen I don't get hit right but you remember the numbers no not at all 1814 81 61 I'm glad you remember a 6-1 it's kind of hard to read the blood by the way 1814 the war of 1814 what was this 81 81 107 on the last one I can't it might be yes the last one it's yeah no a compass one cuz it started on seven okay right that's the only condition of like the numpad cause they can be any combination of numbers the only thing the only rule governing is that they can't be the number that the cylinder starts on that's it at least you got the treasured piece of hair you can in fact get like oh no that's fine yeah it's moving never doubt me never doubt like right on it world record holder by the way you got me there no I don't well you are being like one of five categories don't be bragging I will not have it for a humble brag on my couch I did get this hat condition alright so coming up on ya called question abyss which by the way before you start snickering yes that is the symbolism Congrats you're very advanced this is the boss a vial of blood it's awfully if we if we position our shots correctly they should both die in one hit but the slash lip sometimes don't die quite quickly sometimes they like to move halfway across the universe before dying it's like die now yes good brilliant good good fine I'm very happy you didn't get the slow death we're just Qualls across the world it just goes across the room and then dies like okay thanks oh wait I have all day and now you get those alternate controls yep boy howdy okay so now we're in alternate Hospital the goal is not really clear from the outset of the Olson Hospital other than just leave and in order to do this need to find like various loose interpretations of keys their various loose interpretation some doors and that's just how some logins work in this case its rings but one of us hidden in a fridge that-that'll chest not losing the ring in a fridge who hasn't been there you know you also need to find Maria yeah Maria's don't know who can help us get the fridge open well she has the muscle yep she has the meats I took a while for that one to sink in now Mac once again I gotta like Rob the joystick vigorously in order to get it to turn properly in this room okay so this is unnecessary this is just a habit that I have of just mashing buttons just put it down right here about the bottom left corner left down the whole movement right here as the One Ring are you saving the game punchy no I'm mashing it looks like on the screen you're saving the game hey now I'm saving the game you sure I'm safe in the game this dream has been saved always save your game folks if you're getting a lot of these stairs right now this is a PSA save your game you'll regret it if you don't okay cool I have the angle see enamine Direction position and how aggressive they want to be is totally random so they can just I can do things if they fancy it but like there's beginner but yeah like they could get in the way they can get in the way they can force you to take a slower line so that's the only elevator ride you can skip for some reason just arbitrarily that's the one you can do because there's like a semi cutscene that plays never just gives the whole elevator ride anyway we need to bury it to get a fridge open the worst part about the elevator though is that it actually runs in game time yeah it doesn't pause the game doesn't in this game why why isn't this game sorry mmm-hmm hide your life slide you're lucky I'll go through so much huh huh what has it has a dog that's always the dog with you people dog people I'm a dog person I love dogs yeah it is it is the best ending in like the style house areas which you find folks did donate for I see those I got Mellie instantly this is a the dog getting incentive did get met like well before this man started that camera anger was the worst one in the game man nailed it why do you always lose part of that what definitely clad without plaid for that camera angle mister Silent Hill runs you gotta take what you can get when it comes to that sort of thing okay so this room every single time the camera angle changes is facing downwards but I'm already holding down so how do I change my direction onca flailed the joystick always every single time the camera angle changes play all the joystick to hope it like reorient taste my pants anyway but you are actually saving it I want to save that's good he is saving it easy game saved game safe I thought that movement can be a pain cuz I how do you time when you already fight moving in the same direction why I didn't actually know that hey what it works I'm have to do that next me I get any % like ideally you'd like flip it 90 degrees and then straight down again but like realistic you can just want to wobble it or hit your favorite part of the run by the way yeah checking maps love it we don't have the map here's the thing we never picked the map up so there's a little mental well they love beds they left a map for you for this reason they knew you weren't gonna grab it he's marking the map that I don't have because I never picked it up this this cutscene is fraudulent I disagree with it I like odds still on the table by the way you don't even take it no we don't cuz we have the mat except we don't have the map anyway so now we are in outdoor nighttime Silent Hill and we will eventually be able to abuse a new variant of quick slave stories that will become very useful throughout the remainder of the run but otherwise we're just sort of running through not foggy but dog streets so studio please get some donations for me lots of donation I oh wow good if I don't leave you finally be back we have two hundred and seventy five dollars from owner RM well you cross Toluca Lake on a boat we'll post a lot of empty quote we love you punchy from the chat thread love you 250 dollars from Damon saying I see punchy running silent hill I donate $25 from influencer of personas had to give my first ever donation during my first ever live gdq to my favorite runner running my favorite series you go punchy thank you very much i feel these comments all balance out the the hate that seems to draw within you up punching how dare you continue 16 bit ferret donate $25 saying hey a punchy and couch love seeing this game being ran again keeping an awesome best of luck $5.00 from friendlies thing I had a donate during James Pleasant jogging the fog I like it uh you good I say I'm happy he's not getting his feet pokegear it's gonna kill you're pretty bad yeah these enemies can't hit you for the floor I don't ruminate over hard but they can do it okay so now that we're through here light goes off it's too dark the map that we don't have but nevertheless because it's too dark to read the map the game now completely screws everything up and can't spawn anything because it can't run any events the Mille taneous lien that includes enemies pointing without there's supposed to be an enemy here there was an enemy here on now doesn't matter yep it also won't spawn in like cars and signage and things like that just random objects will start disappearing from the universe and that's cool because that cutscene be skipped way back in the beginning the game it filled that trigger still that just good just cuz we skipped it doesn't mean it left very rude of you to think that actually regardless still that so we have to find a different way to get past this and it's too dark to read the map is a very versatile form of text stories because you couldn't always find a place where it's too dark to read the map once you hit like the second half of the game treaty was turn your light off and hit the map button so even though you lack a map let it go we got past that corner without activating the cutscene so now we can go over here and grab the wrench you need to be like half way up the stairs you can pick up the wrench without having the bending down animation occurs we're too close you bend down never been down honestly there we should clap for that that was really your grab good we're clapping for that right there what item grab fun fact - this is the one spot on console that it's faster because you have to run around really I don't know yeah because real barrier yeah because you can just go up the street on consoles oh did the plank yep this isn't Eva this is an easy way to handle this if there's no me that be enemies around and like yes it like weave around them or it could just be two dogs to read the map and just not spawn anything like hey why I played the game when you cannot play the game speeding is all about that sort of thing are you thing is too dark to speedrun the game definitely to dock to dock to read the map and will always be to doctory than that because we don't have one oh so they're supposed to be cars now you can see these dark patches in the road maybe it might be too dark to see them as well as reading the map it's also too dark to save the games definitely saving the game mad hard way we get all the way there oh this walls gone there you go it comes back as soon as I let go I look at the storage and we don't need it for the remainder of this so we can leave our light on while we progress to the park key I think of the meantime studio donations yeah we have three hundred and two dollars from wind slash shoutouts to Takara I know loves this game and this run love you hey punchy what do you think is better UFO ending or doggy ending donation to runners choice dog gaining is definitely better but UFO ending is underrated like I want to be a hipster about it it's a good choice man Harry's in it he is here's one Harry by the way not even fear stupid piece yeah a literally just took his model from the ps1 game in awesome blocking Laurie's really the perfect model absolutely fantastic I'm just gonna say don't forget the key will be like five minutes if you miss it I ain't forgetting the key and doing it this time I've done it before so if you fix a wrong here game crashes like done no no way name ain't touching that I've done this before it's bad there's no recovering from that if you like in quick save to Ellie and he got the key let's caught for that case I'm a quick quick saved during the fade out there of the key using the quick save allows you to gain control slightly early when it starts to fade to black like that so I can move but obviously it's fading to black I can't see what the hell I'm doing so I have to like blind move around which as I've established when you're playing with these controls you don't have a fixed input like if the camera angle changes and you're not like very prepared with the rhythm you'll probably like moving like 360 motion and repeatedly and you won't go anywhere I nailed it and it didn't really look like anything this kind of hard but it's challenging and there's another one of those coming up at the end of the game as well there's a few of those throughout the road if there's a lot of time surprisingly yeah it's non-trivial because the photos take a while the pause there by the way that I did when I was picking up the key is because pausing also cancels the fade in and allows you to access the menu slightly faster you save a little bit of time doing that a little bit it's worth it this games all about them tiny optimization that's survival horror speedrunning in a nutshell yep exactly cut them corners find those frames skip those fade ins question Utley I mean common nomenclature sure save those games always saving the game cuz yeah when you have low health like I do your stamina calf is super low so you have to like mash it quite frequently otherwise you start losing speed a lot faster than you would otherwise and I don't want that I want to run at full speed look at change is marvelous hips weights fantastic imagine imagine being the man who got paid to animate that it's the perfect way to jog really yes so now we're going down the long hallway and I'm still I'm a mash great I'm milking this role as what man bit for record mashing quicksaving daughter's point was I'm doing it because I'm milking it hard do time it's personal are you getting 3000 I'm gonna get three seven are you saving the game I'm definitely saving the game studio donations while I walk down a long staircase all right we have 25 dollars from a puzzle box Silent Hill 2 is not only one of the greatest survival games but it's hands-down one of the best games of all times I knew I had to donate while punching crushes another Silent Hill game for an amazing cause what else was I gonna do just sit here and eat pizza good luck on the rest of the run long hallway isn't it yes very you got time well hamster donated $10 thing loved punchy's educational Silent Hill one run last you're hoping to learn new random quirks about Silent Hill - oh okay so I'm gonna hit that button immediately equipping the pipe with no downtime another quirk of a PC pool you can do that so we need that pipe like I said because if you don't have them l11 by specifically at this point in the game you are just a flock that's it you lose dragon bub cuz you need another elephant to break down this weird bit of the wall and guns are not acceptable for this purpose you need an L a weapon or a chainsaw chainsaw work space Mellie laughs my accounts I'm saving the game but the game save can't stay on the screen for very long in this room I don't know why it's excited okay so now account debug rooms get the game will probably crash here so bug room is like a random puzzle normally but if you do a quick cheeky quick save and quick load here you can duplicate the key and thus gain access to like the key without having nice and yeah that saves time over a massively rng puzzle or you just kind of enter a three-digit number that's entirely random yeah it's a real aim it's you do it on 10 star that discovery thing was like a very net positive for the game because like frankly the last thing this game needs more randomness this game already has enough of it so this this dodge is actually like worse on any percent than it is on like higher difficulties because this guy pays like so profoundly little attention to your presence but he can just do whatever he wants whereas like on other difficulties he actually tries to like move to match you so you can predict him and make Juke in you can't do the own beginner the the best defense is ignorance as per usual be my mother for life it's worked out pretty well for me so far again I thought I mentioned you mastering the auto aiming is very good like I I don't want to undermine it at all it's been very impressive it hasn't happened but sometimes when you like trying like press X on a door to use it James will like suddenly whip 180 degrees around to like target a nearby enemy because it has like easy mode auto aim it's the worst feature in every game is then I don't know why it was like still implemented in the series you gotta get ready so close to the door if you're just a little bit off he'll just flip it's even worse than Silent Hill 3 as well yes wait it's terrible so what's the count this camera angle is she I think so you can use all three at the same time so and we hit that quick saving you may hear footstep very subtle I've already moved away from the podium before this is begun hit quick stays again I've gained control but what's the camera angle wanna do that's a straight line that she that's pretty good if the camera angle decides to like be drunk and like swerve around haha suddenly moved in like totally the opposite direction of what I wanted to do did not happen so that was actually like quite smooth very pleasing we still on that low health but in it ain't no bother nothing gonna hit us so we are currently in the process of collecting a wax doll a lighter and they forced you so that we can form a handle for a vent on it because again this this game subscribe so like the Sierra style of puzzle logic we melt the wax with the lighter to create like a firm footing for the horseshoe in lieu of just using the pipe that we have this just takes a few second I guess I've ever been to Maine I'm pretty sure like every door there is like that how could they do such things that make no sense in the extremely boring game of voice going down down yep you're saving the game down are you gonna kill me elevator yes I'm gonna kill any other there's really no grab the ammo grab the ammo and this elevators long do do read some donations while I take a selfie the best selfie by the way we took some earlier all right we're saving the game for you it's a dig on as you play will hold it for you I gotta get him okay in the spot boys in the Sophie I it means I mean yeah I'm in the way all right oh they're here oh yes alien genius I had like a really small night selfie by the way well photos saved and I have a $50 anonymous donation saying game saved can't save you fool well you can't save here that was the worst time to read that donation go for another one all right I'll let's see we got $10 from Cuzco Soros saying hey guys don't have to have much donate but every bit counts also punch don't forget to save the game well don't forget we are landing I will save the game alright guys so you're gonna grab the great knife no you don't need agree well yeah and doing it you can grab like pyramid heads buster sword here and it's used on some other categorise they just ain't used on this one the Buster's like barely exist don't even fight the one in this area so the labyrinth is a confusing area with cubes in it this solution is always the same on this little difficulty thankfully and it's always like to moose was title so this camera angle is black this set of rooms is really bad yeah the way back here is white basically I've never found a consistent method for is this leaning left hip box there's also really bad he didn't give this painful lot of that letter this painful lacquer I say by the way that puzzle supposed to be green punching nope okay we pull up the shameful ladder because like the the hit books for the the wire Clippers and the ladder overlaps so it's really really easy to hit the ladder by accident you're trying to grab the Wi-Fi doesn't have to go back in the room it looks very dumb how them they can even happen but hey we take those this part looks really confusing but you pretty much just take the first Junction every time ways and so ways down why every single time you like go above the ladder and this was the only enemy in the game that's like non boss that we're gonna kill cuz this guy this guy's in the way get on my way delay shoot again dead that's quite a hard boss fights Wow ha OH truly difficult you have to delay that shot if you like shoot both the shots too quickly it won't kill no I don't know why you have to also do this on the right side of the sky otherwise you will not get through him it looks like you have more space on the left no you don't you have to do it's like that just how it looks don't ask me I didn't make the game no I do want to say the runs are really good so far especially the clock RNG do you think it'll play an arsonist no it's like 1 in 6 I think you're gonna get it I believe I think you got it ok so firstly we're gonna use is too dark to read the map page to skip this boss fight real quick light no problem there's supposed to be a boss fight in this corridor it's in this room on the right nah I want to do it so blind often if they hang on does it to fight a tough skip a tough escapes oh there's a puzzle here if you need to find the news that corresponds to the arsonist I could have looked at the solution I didn't I just kind of guessed and hoped it was the right one it's 1 in 6 like do we get blind or no I'm calling bottom middle I spy you have a one in six shot of getting that and if you get it you know you save like time from not going into the room to check the solution and the runs are at the point where like you you kind of thought to go for it it's like wow do you really have to reset 5 out of 6 talihutai runs to this puzzle it seems really bad yes moving on yes it is really bad and it ain't even over yet oh yeah it gets worse it does get worse and that's probably like the biggest bottlenecks no that's like my biggest reset point besides the very beginning at least you didn't get at 3 o'clock true I don't know aggressively grease that of a clocks yet though I ain't in that level hold it by the way how it be quick cheap I spoke to the shotgun because we need that for an upcoming boss boat also it's still saving that game it's ok so the reason why I like saving the game or willy-nilly can be kind of risky is because if you do it while a room is loading or like you overlap an event in a way that like it doesn't like which can be anything it feels like sometimes you will corrupt the text so random items will say toilet when you pick them up you do not want toilet never get the toilet is bad and this ranges from anywhere from harmless but amusing to like harmless but losers you time because the text box is now slow or crashes the game they're the latter effect is fatal to your run also and tries to meet again just keep on trying I'm so just haunt constant there's one boss Mike Amir blue hmm almost save the game okay forget is almost fun as the boss by blinking you miss it dead that's just the first place it doesn't have damage from like point-blank fun fact you actually killed what the pistol deliver [Applause] and that's the boss can't say I can't say cannot save so I got real close to him and got him while he was trying to throw a punch this game actually has like a counter hit system like it's a fighting game or something way attacks the collide with an attack animation do more damage you have to delay that shot a little bit so you get like point-blank shotgun damage maximum like point-blank range all the pellets hit double counter hit damage dies in one hit hey the boat vehicle section my lineup was all right on that the way I do that is like too full all rotations to the right and then just hold forward and hope to build it lines up properly and it looks like she'll end up properly studio well windfall 83 is donating $10 saying awesome duty Hughes so far love and loving this silent hill run punchy's a passive-aggressive commentary toward the game continues to leave me in stitches I do like this game I assure you I broadly prefer three you mind you please don't crucify me but two is good it has a nice thing I cried at the ending the first time I played it's really good it's really moving I'm not gonna say that in this run there's really movingly delivered go for another one's video we have fifty dollars from hurt Zilla while james Sunderland's adventures are fun to watch by itself punchy's and couches commentary makes it even better games save can you even say with that cutscene or that boat nope ooh the boat is also based on your movement speed so if you accidentally equip the Buster Sword before you go in it the boat will move it up snail's pace yeah minutes they hide a quintessential title puzzle item outside of the the hotel before you go in it which confuse like it confuse me badly the first time I played this game a pickup is really hard puzzle item should be in the puzzle location they should not be outside of it but the legal now I start for the bus perk in the game game design piano sure it invisible piano child be gone you had to do it to him I shouldn't waste that much hammer yes okay so now this is a hard trick an actual one yours methods harder than mine I have you full prophecy have I go out of bounds you have to use this to dog to read the map to bypass into a loading zone and you need to slowly inch yourself along this wall such that you fall parallel to it and that is that is not correct at all not even remotely need to fall parallel to it far enough out that you fall down but not far enough that you fall back in bounds in the setup for this is just incredibly annoying yeah this is one of the hardest parts of the game and credit to justice for finding this out of bounds method I was him I have to blame him for this yes yes yes it's extremely difficult by the way like is not easy at all this really does separate zone yeah this game also has a bad problem with joysticks by sometimes when we're setting to neutral it likes to throw you to the left because game sucks okay that worked you get it though hold on I don't think this is he gonna get it no I'm pretty sure he's got it the listening that's good you doubt me dude I don't doubt you you doubt the piddle it'll work pilot or goalie saving the game just in case plywood doubts almost almost almost recovering a moment here he's gonna fall there it is that's the bounce you can't fall not enough though oh yeah definitely I understand the concern on that yeah now I was good I've done that enough times sometimes I just like Yolo and it works I just went for it cuz I felt it like three times it really does suck though that's kind of what world record relies on at this point yeah it's at least is not by rift kiss at least didn't plan briefcase truth so that skips us into the hospital baby Hotel basement straightaway without having to go through like all this nonsense on this whole floor with like the employee elevator putting all your items away so we can just get to the basement directly find puzzle items and exit to the top floor with no difficulty whatsoever in total that out-of-bounds save something in the region of about 20 seconds it seems like it should be more eating but it still it looks cool I like it I sing your ball key we do spinning to actually like get out of the basement like once you get we were in the basement used to need to find the way out and then back up to the top but we do not need to employ elevator key this is a question I posed to it that's not oh it's you can't use that huh boss in the game guys one item in the whole universe you can use a can opener also there's light bulbs in the can I don't understand this it's an American thing yeah I know no Japanese breakfast I don't understand this it's inexplicable to me but like so mundane that it must be something I'm just saying right now you're gonna get the word luck for your briefcase you're a lucky man oh yeah there's a briefcase combination that can have one of 19 possible combinations not 20 the soundhole wiki is wrong I keep reversing my edit that is not a joke by the way reversing my edit just edit who's Martinez be polite they have the word dull in the word list it's not bad I have been through the code I'm calling time not that the game's over but it's the word I got over cuz it was sad yeah I'm guessing love that is my guess for the briefcase good go for dark if you are extremely spicy you can just like not pick up the item to let you see the solution and just Yolo guess it this almost never works but you it's an option it saves five seconds that's what five seconds if you get it quickly let's see open open open okay how boring well it's open like your opportunity to save the game I must enter quickly oh oh we could just enter slowly that's also an option that's fine doesn't matter need to get music boxes again does things we thought you three items put them in a place got a key do things oh credit to the team for making a really complicated crypt over there for that briefcase alright yeah all the random puzzles in this game I like we've I've tried to look into orangey minute for it like proper orange even it the the process that determines the exact like outcome of those is incredibly thorough which is annoying because it means I can't work with the orange II actually settles once you enter the hotel no it's not a game really everything is yeah moment you I've upped the briefcase the difference no no no I learned some meaning big man Japan found that out we've learned that recently we are making developments into this but like the game is actually really robustly programmed on that front which annoys me to no end like I will complain if the game is programmed badly I will complain if it's programmed well you can't win just don't don't try why try use at the say of the game I'm doing a good job at that right now don't miss the VCR is impossible oh it's the finished hitbox in the game it is really obsolete technology like where are you gonna use a videotape at a VCR I can't use that here he says blockbuster they don't exist there's like one of the last uh this can come out there's blockbuster okay everywhere yeah no okay right yeah I forgot the skins really old isn't it I was wrong like maybe Alaska I think I just made everyone in the audience feel like 20 years old oh yeah it's the joy of blockbuster and Hollywood video I remember that one I've no idea you guys talking about this is culturally completely beyond me that is a lot of health kits though I ain't touching them I don't need them you think I need health kits what about that mo I might need ammo I did waste like two shots on the invisible child do you need to save the game though yes sir recovered immediately leave water firewater is the elements sanal to this town coming off is impossible I never get it if I get it this turn this sounds impossible in the history of video games don't get poked that's not happening I'm koukin Edie dodge it so we're coming up on the two final bosses here I can kill this in potentially two shots if I get a very good like hit off on him sorry this might be two or three I'm not sure boss might need to not get in the way ray boss fight and I get the eggs always get eggs Easter the eggs are symbolic I think I don't know how they relate to the game in all honesty ask the wiki actually stone we've established that yes the reason you just edit in the reason the eggs are symbolic they'll reverse it they will they will keep reversing my idea to cowards they are afraid of the truth okay so now we will go into the options menu all controls not change I'm playing on keyboard now why you ask you'll see but now I've changed the control style back to standard tank control so like turning now makes sense rather than being a pile of nonsense again I want Abhi's okay so the reason of the change to tank controls here is because on this section for dramatic effect I assume it prevents you from running up these stairs but you can strafe run up the stairs they didn't think of that you can't stray from the other control style so yes like the control switch does work out significantly faster because imagine walking up all these flights of stairs but like strafe running is it weird convenience right at the end the game so get all the benefits yeah oh okay ah immediate loss that's bad that's why I don't like Maria whatever she should die in two hits let's hear that time is by the way that's how many saves 4055 beat that I milked it for all it was worth I missed I already put in the donation during the raw and rough went in yes the game we did it no I bet on keyboard see use keyword of the entity help whatever yo punchy through my Thunder I got 20 bucks for him ik Dyson saying I'm a man of my word here's 20 towards your choice bunches on this day like during the boat cause I'm I suppose you're in beat it genius so was the lady disculpe the guy it was me saying grats on the stage that's a lot of things yes a lot of save I score it's way too many things well you did have help I did have help so now cuz you wonderful people donated for it dog ending the best ending I wanted UFO on the other hand it is the better ending a whole question which one of my slaves actually has the that's a fantastic question we'll find out live what hasn't happened right third that's the wrong one it has to be the one with I definitely have a safe oh please do not panic I'm panicking I'm not panicking oh no it's good okay alright and Cantera excuse me you have to take your controls where there's the videotape just put the doggie in there know if that use the videotape that is a requirement of defending for reasons I don't really understand you don't put bones in your VCR stop opening the menu what button what button do I have this bound here this problem of learning this game on CD by the way now ladies and gentlemen okay [Applause] we got your sign punching my know she was we found it they the old gods okay fine I will accept that hey got you 2500 it did I became a lot [Music] who that man's kneecaps that continues to go where some of these crypts come from I think the game what me [Music] yeah that sums up how I feel really about noise and he's fat gun beautifully face interview better than the crack I don't know where this bowling clip comes from he just pulls out of nothing I actually run this possible to happen [Music] yeah push that shell through the best joke ending in all the video games whoo I don't know how to show that or not whatever well I did it happened deal with it you saved it you saved it no it's not getting you find people donate it for that I hope you enjoyed it it was like oh that's never a result that was thought to everyone thank you very much for having me thanks to my wonderful couch stop trolling me didn't buy everything well you have a game saved I did save the game the whole bunch up next we have Tomb Raider - and after that Tomb Raider range of Darkness I personally recommend these runs like hang around for that you have made it - real GG two hours the Tomb Raider runs a great please enjoy it [Music] thank you punch me for that Austin Silent Hill - you run coming up next we got Tomb Raider - bye smooth operatives after that Tomb Raider the Angel of Darkness by a plastic rainbow and after that near automata by fullest so we got a full night ahead of us the spooky games are over for now we can go ahead and rest easy I do want to shout out to episode 18 who donated $3,000 $3,000 from weapon still 18 I don't need money I just want memes let's start 2019 right [Laughter] all right we're gonna go ahead and take the stream down for just one moment it's gonna be you know a quick fix for us a quick little tech adjust but we'll be right back nothing's gonna really happen or you could go ahead and post all the emotes that act like everything is burning down I will do that we'll be right back at awesome games done quick 2019 you all right we're back streams live so once again welcome back to awesome games at 2019 we are raising money for the prevent Cancer Foundation the prevent cancer foundation is the only us-based nonprofit organization solely dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection their mission is saving lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection the vision is to stop cancer before it starts we have $100 donation from anonymous with games saved and 250 from anonymous as well thank you very much game commander donated $50 saying donating early for the near automata run since I'll be asleep good luck fullest time look I'm looking forward to seeing that great cosplay commentary it's going to be great so coupon donated $25 saying there are better few cures for extra late night blues then exercise like foggy jogging thanks to all the staff and runners at gdq for all the work going to an amazing cause now work those fingers punchy missing link ex don't need 250 I woke up with the start at the start of punchy Silent Hill to run so I had to donate good luck with saving your game in the wonderful world of bid wars Nier automata filename has a new leader there's gonna be on the state youngest has taken first place no shadows the chunk is for being the current number one filename for NYADA mana $3,600 has been raised to name slipping chunga's that's that's pretty impressive alex navaro about a hundred bucks behind and to be or not to be the pun nine hundred dollars behind still a tight race Chris 97 donated $50 saying night squad night squad go-go-go night squad night squad can't go slow Zann Thani 930 needed $10 thing I lost my mom a few years ago to cancer want to help make sure you can stop happening to others looking forward a Tomb Raider in Silent Hill good luck miners thank you all man bear paradox donated $100 thank you man bear paradox coming up in challenges sonic forces extra stages about $2,200 away so if you want to go ahead and get the full sonic forces experience got to get those donations going and hit that $7,500 target additionally the bonus game sonic mania plus is 22k shorts if you want to see some of the best sonic recent sonic in quite some time 22,000 dollars are missing for that Josh two to seven donated $50 love the scary games getting run I can never play through that myself I get way too scared so it's awesome to see a play through Thank You Josh and I hope we can go ahead and break down that that horror game blockage we have tuna dollar donations from ade figured I'd donate now and give a shout to my fellow late-night East Coasters donating for the Sonic Minneapolis Race because the more games the better everyone keep on keepin on it is about 3 a.m. here on the East Coast so we are in the middle of an 8 like late night block here at awesome games done quick 2019 raising money for the prevent Cancer Foundation don't forget donators canvas went prize here at awesome games done quick just go I'd check out the games done quick website stuff we have right now is the agdq 2019 next level banner as well as an awesome replica master a sword and Hylian Shield go ahead check out what we got we'll always be displaying the prize available too at the bottom of the screen every now and then so go ahead keep on watching for those cool things you can win
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 723,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2019, AGDQ2019, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 0sec (4200 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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