BioShock Infinite by bloodthunder in 1:47:09 - Summer Games Done Quick 2020 Online

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and with that i'm hearing you're ready to go i'm going to send you guys over to blood thunder with bioshock infinite take it away hello everybody my name is blood thunder or you can simply call me bt if you're up late at night like you are tonight a couple days ago you may have seen me run amnesia to dark descent but uh tonight we're gonna be a little less scary a little bit more comfy we got a long run it's pretty cool uh joining me on commentary is my good friend jamaican bacon if he wants to introduce himself hello i'm jamaican bacon yeah and he's gonna help me uh kind of fill up some of these low points we got a lot of cutscenes to watch as well um if you haven't seen our run before there's a lot of story and if you haven't played the game and you uh don't want to get spoiled you know you're warned of that but we're gonna start a new game go over easy because uh combat's not really a big deal in this and uh timing's going to start here in just a second basically once this little cutscene is out of the way and that's the start of the run right there are you afraid we're getting some confirmations because we have dlc installed which is going to give us some things later on once we get to the blue ribbon which is way down the line right now we're uh we're introducing stuff going on here and uh we're starting a little boat right it's gonna look a little weird there's gonna be a little water in the boat just because we have to lower the graphic settings here gonna freak you out don't worry the water in the boat is perfectly normal it's perfectly fine if you're wondering what's going on we're going to a lighthouse because we've been tasked with wiping away the debt by bringing the girl to uh certain people we have two lovely people in the boat with us we'll find out who they are later on but they are the test twins very important this figures ride is also very important uh let's see what happens first we need a couple things this box we need a nice handy-dandy pistol because this is a shooter and we're gonna shoot some people it's also a lovely card for elizabeth if you're wondering what the category of the hrh mod means we broke it down in the interview with keyser on earlier but it's basically going to let us do a lot of really cool strats an hrh stands for a certain gear that gives us a certain ability later on and we'll talk all about that then that is way down the line first we're going to grab this ladder make our way up to the lighthouse somebody meeting me here knock on the door to get in here everyone's being rude they're not actually here so we're just going to run through up to the top hello [Music] stuff and not get stuck so for this run um the reason we do lower the graphic settings so much and end up breaking things is because we need really high fps for certain tricks there's also a downside once we put this nice code uh the downside is that items just like to grab onto you and not let go you're just gonna like get stuck on walls occasionally so if i'm running around i gotta be careful not to like a corner too tightly yeah the collision doing some weird stuff is incredibly funky in that if you have a really high fps the game starts to consider you as clipping so that tends to happen a lot while you're running forward so booker doesn't know as well he doesn't know a lot of stuff as we come to find out but uh this lighthouse isn't an ordinary lighthouse um it actually allows us to gain access to the city of columbia which is up there not down below you know if you've played bioshock 1 and 2 you may remember rapture this game has basically nothing to do with rapture some people love that some people hate it it is what it is we're going to hop in this comfy chair here despite clearly seeing the risk restraints booker's surprise that they restrain him he's not the brightest of characters locked in here you get a little glimpse of booker right there in the reflection it's a pretty handsome fella hallelujah so beautiful very scary place to be though so much in parallel to the first game you know you gain access to the city one's way below the surface one is way above the surface fish out of water [Music] in a city that isn't quite what it seems father comstock he's uh he's an interesting character all of this is perfectly safe i'm sure osha has no complaints about it whatsoever we uh we got a couple donations this is a good time for it's for uh it's kind of gaining access to the city not a whole lot really happening for the speedrun sounds good um we have 15 from tuxenaut saying thanks for all the entertainment we have 50 dollars from oily rain clouds saying thanks for still putting on this event during these times it's a great cause that needs support now more than ever yeah i was gonna fix that at the low screen we have twenty five dollars from maria's saying love the runs love the cause hate the frames love to all the speed got friends for a couple more we have ten dollars on the intro martin 151 saying hello from sweden keep up the good work we have 100 from tree man first time as a long time watcher donator great to see good runs coming out from all the runners excuse me this is the part where i'm gonna purposely try to stay away from the walls these little pillars will get you stuck run forward and talk to this preacher it's gonna basically allow us to access colombia american kind of a little bit faster than this still a couple more donations we have 100 from omax 242 saying hey doctors without borders catch i just need passage we have ten dollars from dragon pasta saying woke up at 3am to watch his awesome run with my brother good luck and good morning so the preacher uh he's blind but he goes to baptize us and just kind of pass out let's cover muffin take a bath but this one doesn't look clean i'm just gonna pass out from this um get a little flashback to this office which is kind of connecting some of the story threads going on here talking about this at some point not now it's not important now this is a vision of uh what's to come very scary place a man and drowning we're not still into the meat of things we gotta find the landmark first a little skip that we get to do right here we don't have to wait for this bridge to come up we do a little strafe jump here let's hop down the bridge is finally coming up right as we get to the end which is perfect for us just gonna make our way straight through uh bioshock infinite in comparison to bioshock one and two is much more linear in nature so really there's not a whole lot of need to explore anything and also these people are just staring off at nothing clapping uh the parade's over there he's like clapping um so like there's not really any supplies we need to go out of our way to pick up we're just gonna blast through the main path take shortcuts when possible beautiful parade to pass by so all of these different sections are connected um either by bridges or they'll move around so you're just kind of getting the details of the world building here this next area is usually pretty cool casually it's the raffle and fair um the fair part's cool the raffle not so much the fair has so many games you can play you can win some prizes i like good stuff the raffle gets a little sketchy um this car is pointing us to the monument tower which is where elizabeth is currently stop do not alert concerts making our way through down or not downtown but just through colombia itself to get to the tower it's the shooter we lost our pistol initially so we don't have any guns and normally when you go to the raffle that's where you get your uh your combat stuff if i told you a man we run through here also that guy back there is my favorite npc in the game he's amazing uh handyman you normally get your first vigor here which is possession um it's slow to pick it up and that little slime allows us to get out of bounds back behind here and if we jump off this corner we can load later on into the map skipping the entire raffle uh so when it told us not to pick 77 it wasn't even useful we just don't go to the raffle uh normally there'll be a fight here with the firemen we're seeing the devil's kiss uh let's set up some fireworks because why not that's beautiful so we still don't have the sky hook or any of the weapons or the vigors the game just kind of gives us the sky hook here it's like oh you've made it to the blue ribbon you must be past that part so i mentioned at the very beginning of the run uh we're using dlc and that gives us a lot of infusions which are upgrades so we're gonna put them all in the salts why are you following me salt is used um for vigors and the more you have the more you can use which is awesome we're gonna pick up some money from the dlc and two gears we're gonna get fleet feet uh and sugar rush and then we get our shield right here so sugar rush is the first one we're going to talk about if we pick up a food item or a drink we get a 50 50 speed boost for three seconds which is really nice because you can run and then our gun back so now we have all the stuff for the run um in terms of combat gun we got some gears we got some some shields anytime i can pick up food uh sometimes it's consistent sometimes it's not where it spawns uh we get a little speed boost that's always cool and fleek feet allows us to run faster when we're like strafing around so if i need to run backwards or sideways uh we move a little bit faster that way just looking for some snacks those are guaranteed right there a nice hot dog and soda what better for running than a hot dog and soda a little apple right there for a boost and this is the fraternal order of the ravens which is a pretty interesting area but we're just gonna blast on through because we don't have time to deal with all these people pick up another infusion right here by the end uh i'm gonna max out salt infusions you don't necessarily need to do that for the run but it's just a little nicer when you get to the later fights to have the most that you can so at this point we also picked up devil's kiss which is uh left hand is our bigger it's basically plasmids if you play bioshock one and two um you can hold them down to charge them up as a trap or you can just let them off initially and we'll see that come into play here in just a moment another little and we gotta see this graphic so here's a crow they kind of come into play a couple times they like to teleport around and make it really hard to fight but he's going to try to spawn behind us here hit those two traps and uh let's go ahead and die so he also dropped a vigor that we want or murder crows but anytime you pick up a vigor the very first time it's presented you get a little animation that's like 15 seconds if you pick it up anytime after that you don't get the animation so we're gonna get it much later on a couple boosts here hopefully we get lucky find some more it's also worth knowing that whenever he picks up the food in the game out of like a garbage can that's a random spawn so sometimes you get really lucky and get a lot of speed boost and sometimes you don't get any food at all yeah there's little bits of rng here and there like having money to buy upgrades later on can play a part but for the most part it's very minimal we're gonna go for a trick here called cargo boosts which because we have to move this cargo box out of the way we're gonna try to jump onto the skyline at the exact time it's passing not get it that's a little bit of a shame and you kind of get boosted along this this line really really fast and you can um skip going around a long way here too big of a deal it's not worth resetting over i'm gonna hop around there the reason you're gonna see me shake my mouse whenever i jump to something mainly hooks is whenever you land um you get like a little weird landing animation but if you happen to just freak out your mouse before you land on it you can skip that animation entirely and jump off right away and here's a nice elevator ride um we just kind of get stuck here so i went ahead and modified in some photos of my cat thor so as this goes up let's get a look at him and his cute face we got time for a donation or two sounds good we have 25 from his enemy saying oh boy 3am woke up just to watch this we have 20. from michael 240 saying here's another 20 call of my previous 20 dollars can we get a train of 5 10 15. you have seen live so happy to so if you guys remember at hdq if you watched my bioshock 1 run there they had the famous windows 10 uh blue screen skyrim prank you can do that with this game and many other games we can just modify a video file which is what's playing there a lot of people ask me hey are you going to do some sort of trolling again i thought about it i had a lot of ideas but you know what i like looking at my cat so we'll just do that makes things a little bit nicer so we're going to kill off these these fools to actually lock us from opening the store just kill them off real quick this is our first real face-to-face meeting with father comstock who is elizabeth's father he's kind of the main antagonist sending his troops against us um trying to prevent us from both reaching elizabeth and then uh from taking her away so they just burn the ship i'm gonna jump out of it real quick it's not always faster to jump further along the line sometimes it is depending on how it curves but it's not always the case very minimal time save time loss either way so monument tower this is finally the place where elizabeth is kept we're gonna make our way up the tower um we'll go and meet her we got some boost that we can do along the way and pick up some some cans of beans oh man a 12 12-hour quarantine i can't i can't imagine what that's like being in quarantine for just 12 hours 72 hours oh it's getting crazy pick up some more beans along the way there's actually a little sneaky infusion hidden back behind this desk we'll pick that up oh my god 168 hour quarantine huh i bet that must be rough this is one of many elevator rides this game really really loves its elevator rides the buttons are always in different places too yeah you can't just get used to turning to the left um if you do that you'll miss a lot of them so grab your snacks grab your popcorn and your your beans and coffee now we get to meet the lovely elizabeth who just happens to be right here [Music] everyone in chat wave to her she's so excited about paris now she's gonna run off and we're gonna chase after there's a lot of doors that must remain closed at all times in this building um okay get a second cut soon i love the drawings of songbird back here have time for a quick donation sure uh we have five dollars from nico 89 saying five dollar train for thor the cat whatever that was nice it's got nothing to do with the job at hand i think thor's uh he's worth donating five bucks for i'll say um people really seem to love thor the cat so far i mean it's it's easily the best part of this entire run i don't mean to spoil anything coming up but it the run will not get better than that i'm sorry chat so that we've watched those two cutscenes i found out how much elizabeth loves paris we're actually gonna go and meet her so we have to pop her head out here for some reason they built this on the outside instead of the inside this game has a lot of uh a lot of things if you if you really try to think about it and think about it logically they just don't make any sense you have to like let's go out on a limb and accept it it's like ant-man if you really think about the logic behind ant-man it won't make any sense just accept it for what it is and you're good my name is there's an apple on this table here which if you take it it actually saves two hours if you don't take it i don't know what happens then you don't want to be here when he gets here dressed there's usually a lot of little things and runs that kind of just become a part of the community uh this apple's a hot contention whether you eat it or not some people think it cost you records some people always pick it up i say go for it an apple a day keeps the bad luck away we have this key that we brought with us it was in that box if you remember back at the beginning here's a little seam through the wall no big deal don't think about it that's going to get us out of the monument tower earliest escape sequence songbird is her guardian he's kind of like a big daddy to a little sister from bioshock one or two and he's gonna attack the tower and he's gonna make it shake if you jump at just the right times you can avoid getting staggered and um you won't get slowed down as much so every time it staggers go into a little animation if you happen to jump at the wrong time then you just get permanently stuck at that speed it's a bit of a gamble yeah we're just uh we're escaping here there's also an extremely rare one where you jump at the wrong time and fall through the map and then you have to re-watch a lot of the elizabeth stuff so eliza smith has superpowers as well if we just happen to stand here we can see her use them in action and her face is in the wall i don't know why she never used that beforehand but she'll grow into her powers at some point what am i what am i you're the girl who's getting out of this tower here comes long bird he's a cutie this run and this game really needs an option to pet songbird i think that'd go a long way that's probably why he's really upset no one gets that about him you get to pet him in the opposite timeline making our way up these wonderful stairs elizabeth's just teleports up here we'll see if we just keep running forward a lot of times elizabeth will just pop up um she just physically can't keep up so right here we're gonna reload checkpoint just to make things a little faster once we get to the top and uh this is the best song in the game it's the bonk bonk song might uh i might get why it's called the bong bong song [Music] it's a banger for sure so this is all a cutscene um we're just gonna ride around on the skyline for a bit as we try to get away from songbird who's just destroying everything in his path doesn't care what happens to elizabeth or the tower he's just uh he just wants to be angry a couple more donations and put those in sounds good as i'll say right now there's a lot of love for thor we have fifty dollars from uh saying gotta donate the cat slider these are the true profits we have ten dollars from jane xt saying donating for thor cute cat we have ten dollars from mr bubbles saying huge fan of the bioshock franchise and love watching it being sped ram welcome to the circus of values and high thor we have twenty five seconds i mentioned when we first met uh when we first met elizabeth there's a lot of things that just don't make any sense like how booker always survives these big falls or how he doesn't dislocate his shoulder um but just if you think about it it won't make any sense so we survived that and back up in this flashback in our office here having a nice sleep on our uh on our floor elizabeth is in the flashback now that's all fine so that's basically the intro tutorial for for bioshock infinite uh battleship bay is where things are going to start this animation is broken because of the change in like graphic settings and stuff it looks a bit strange he kind of looks at us for a bit no it's me elizabeth are you all right where am i back in the land of the living here let me i'll be fine you almost drowned you need to i said i'm fine yeah from this point on elizabeth is going to be our companion it's not quite an escort mission um she's going to tag along teleport around throw some gear she can throw health ammo money guns at some point she just leaves us on the beach because she hears some music she's like okay you'll be fine here sure and then at some point we wake up here booker is about to do his best batman impression where is she and check these no boost there no luckily she didn't get too far at all she's just over on the pier we got a little boost there hey miss i miss miss elizabeth hello oh this is wonderful well come dance with me mister i don't dance come on let's go why what could be better than this how about paris this is where we're talking about that we're gonna take her to paris we're just there to freer um we have no ulterior motives we're super trustworthy and uh we completely betray her uh so we're just gonna jump over there pick up these sodas we're gonna do a pretty cool trick in this next area so if you play the game you might remember the choice between the bird and the cage where you kind of meet the blue testes once again as they keep popping back up uh we actually are going to skip that or at least try here so there we are we're going to try to get up here first try nice um and we just leave them never pick it up everyone's just now finding out about the tower that it was uh attacked and destroyed elizabeth is also a master of lock picking so she's going to open that up for us and we're going to boost through here and this is the part where h reach an hrh mod becomes um important we're going to boost through here and uh we already picked up some gears in the the blue ribbon well this is the first place you're supposed to normally encounter them so at this point in the run how it used to be is picking that up would be a one in 52 drop rate of getting the hill runners hat or h for short because that's an awful grind and you can literally be there for 20 to 30 minutes grinding it out the community decided to allow a mod that guarantees that we'll get hill runners hat at that specific point just to make it more consistent and uh to really improve the competition so that's what hrh mod and that's why the category is called any percent hrh mod and you can tell the mod is active by the little tiny hat icon in the top left it's a little hard to see but it is there and what that gear will do for us is anytime our shield breaks which is the yellow bar in the top left we will get another speed boost so you can actually stack that with sugar rush from before which is the snack uh snack boosting you can do some really crazy stuff with that but first we're gonna just go ahead and start the fight i'm not gonna wait around here the options really don't matter the end result's the same but some of them just get out of the uh animations faster okay guys some weird stuff and pick up our shotgun this game has a two gun limit so you can only ever have two weapons equipped at any one time right now we have a machine gun in the shotgun that will change at some point but right now they are the best we have get some supplies really supplies don't matter for the most part except for money we want some we don't need a ton but there are a couple upgrades we want to buy so these guys are going to demonstrate the hrh for me hopefully yeah but yellow glass breaking is a sign of hrh mod kicking in and because we did the skip not picking the bird or the cage elizabeth never returned the boxes so she just kind of like held on to him [Music] you're a monster what did you think was going to happen kind of understand the nifty going into the next era will wipe it but just singing this cutscene is always great you are an investment and you will not be safe until you are far away from here so this is where elizabeth really realizes that we're here to kill people and get her out um she doesn't quite know our true intentions yet but you don't get to draw it all she becomes okay with the fact that we just murder people you're bleeding come here it's fine booker's a handsome man what can you say what happened back there it's not the last of it is it i don't know there have time for a quick donation yep go for it we have five dollars from swear joggers saying five dollar donation train for the prophet thor so uh now we're going into soldiers field and uh one thing this game really likes to do bioshock as a whole i mean gaming kind of does it but the bioshock series really likes to do it is show you the end objective that you're trying to do and then send you to a completely different area so soldiersfield field's going to present us with the challenge of needing shock jockey and instead of just being able to get in this area we're gonna have to run all the way over to the hall of heroes and deal uh go with that area first um later on we'll be able to skip these big diversions but this is one we can't skip because the area we need to go to is way up there where that door is not loaded in and those cables unfortunately do not have collision the devs were smart enough to realize that if they had collision we could probably just break it so um i'm gonna let jb explain what's about to happen yeah so we'll climb we mentioned elevators earlier and this trick is actually called an elevator so when you are not considered on the ground you are actually able to slightly clip into walls and the game will attempt to correct the problem by letting you climb the collision so he climbs up to the top of the building by just walking into it and jumping a little bit he's able to stand on top and this conveniently lets us go to the other side of the level so we can continue doing the rest of soldiers field without having to do the starting area and you do a lot of back and forth um so this kind of just lets us advance a lot earlier and just go to the next fight yeah we got a first try luckily it's not really a difficult skip but you don't want to mess it up that gets us past an elevator uh an actual elevator not the trick we call an elevator um where you deal with the b and songbird comes to attack again so we're just going to manipulate these guys to spawn over here so it makes them really easy to take out in one big swoop we're going gonna get a crow to spawn who's always really annoying the kill um let's see how it goes so one thing i'm gonna be doing um pretty much this entire run when i'm doing fights is also being conscious of my health starting in the hall of heroes which is the next air we go to we're going to be doing what's known as death warping and that requires really low health but you don't want to be too low otherwise you can't activate h um because we kind of do a combination of the two so we got uh murder of crows which we could have picked up earlier but as i said there's like a 15 second animation if we'd done so so getting out there is much faster we also passed up [ __ ] bronco um so we would have gotten the animation there as well and we'll get that on the way back and come up here and we're gonna get rid of our machine gun once we get to this next section we're gonna pick up the rpg and the rpg's our first way of doing stealth damage which is going to allow us to break our own shield and get speed boost whenever we want so i kind of want to set up the next area to have two shots to death so one shot will get me down to invincibility frames and then another shot would have me die and respawn the reason we want this is because the next door here we're going to um jump through as we're dying with the speed boost from the hrh uh that's a death this is the hardest death warp and probably the hardest trick in the entire run yeah really far through the store all throughout hall of heroes he'll be utilizing this so as you see him shoot his feet he just wants to get his health as low as possible the game also will add a few iframes to make sure you don't die immediately and so he has to kind of wait that out without losing his speed boost so there's a slight window where he can still run forward and have your full speed game from h that was second try which is actually pretty good this is one we don't want the speed boost for we're just gonna get down to the one hp or essentially one hp and just kind of do a running jump through here so whenever you die you kind of lose some collision you won't fall through the floor go through walls but you can go through gates and doors which you're not supposed to be able to do and that allows you to access triggers on the other side which a lot of times it's like oh you've made it here you must have the store open so it just unlocks it for you whenever you respawn you can just uh walk on through so we have elizabeth picklock here uh and we just ran back to activate two soldiers which prevents the soft lock later and then from here we're going to uh bypass the whole different dimension warping stuff uh which is like the tutorial in the next area we're just going to do another death warp with the boosts through this door this is another trigger that's like oh you've made it this far this door must be unlocked at this point um yeah you're meant to go while that itself isn't big uh we can go down this hallway and access a different trigger which is going to spawn in slate who has our shock jockey so we might pass the fight by just coming down this hallway here yeah they expect you to go all the way around the level but all of the checkpoints are behind all the doors conveniently for us and that lets us just load the different sections we need to like slate being there finish it sparing slate killing slate doesn't really matter for anything in the run but it's just a little bit faster to uh to spare them and we can't actually get shock jockey any other point so we're gonna see the animation um for this one so if you're wondering how long they really are just think about skipping this every time pretty decent length and now all we have to do is make our way back out to the front so overall this was a pretty good hall of heroes not too bad at all this is one of uh if not just the hardest split in the run so we put that down to deal with those two guys and you're gonna notice when i run up here i'm going to run through a gate and that's why we spawned the two soldiers in earlier so we don't soft now we have shock jockey we can return to soldiers field access the gondola ride and make our way out of here just picking up some money along the way there's kind of two ways to do soldiers field two um returning back down there's one way where you jump off and uh you wait a little bit lower but then you have to deal with more enemies and it's just a real hassle to save a couple seconds so we're gonna take the safe way get back here and then the uh skyline is an axis like accessible yet um normally this other area is down here um you'd weigh that but pretty safe and we're just gonna make our way all the way back and start a fight so if you've got a couple donations go for it gladly we have ten dollars from thor cat saying have a perfect run blood thunder you're the best we have five dollars from stephie miss saying thor looks like the sweetest kitty can you give him a good pet for us later thank you absolutely third pick up bucking bronco um we could have got it before because it is somewhat useful but the animation's just not worth it so we get it there it's going to help us out in this next fight and you can go on with some more donations uh and we're gonna start a really annoying fight to do not that it's hard or difficult but it's just really long that doesn't really do a whole lot for us so we have to wait for this gondola right there to come all the way down and uh these ships are gonna keep flying in we just have to make sure everyone's dead before the gondola reaches the bottom whatever there's some additional stuff we can pick up in this room nothing crazy some of the basic supplies oh she found some money and she doesn't want to there's a brand new type of enemy uh that we're gonna meet here which is the rocketeers and you can spend time to fight them but the easiest way to deal with the guys that shoot rockets like him is to use bucking bronco to boost them up into the sky and then just knock them off with melee we're just going to take care of the normal ones boost him up knock him into the void and uh yeah he'll just fall down it's a really scary death for him but we don't want to deal with them anymore and also just shoot him off if you want easy-peasy now we have to deal with a bunch of just regular soldiers which are not difficult at all to fight so we're going to come up here access this gun animation um so we skipped the whole bringing in different stuff the whole tear tutorial with elizabeth that's her mechanic you can access different uh things so we can spawn in one of these tears per fight or at any given time so we could just change it if we want to but we're going to stand here wait for these guys to show up and then start blasting their stuff gondolas is very slow so perfect time for donations got some we got plenty we have a hundred and fifty dollars from neko46 saying songbird is not angry he is just four apart everyone seems to love thor oh we have five dollars from anonymous saying you sound like the bob ross of bioshock streamers love your cat we have a hundred dollars spike vegeta was the bob ross of speedrunners but you know i'll take it but bioshock streamers i spy could run bioshock you do it potentially time for one more yep we have a hundred dollars from bonnie 2k1 saying there's always a gdq there's always a great cause there's always an abundance of amazing runners constants and variables greetings to all the runners and staff from a home office in austria we have five dollars from sega saying let's keep the trains going five dollar train for thor and haiku train as well forget the hammer for thor the cute cat deserves a five dollar train there's a patriot over here there's two guys just chilling on that roof um i hope they spawn in because they need to die pretty quickly uh maybe they did i'm not sure um yeah here they come there's an elizabeth oh that's them fortunately these enemies wanted to be jerks let's take them out uh now we're gonna get our health down as low as we can so we're gonna do a death warp on the gondola but once we get to a certain point okay these guys really really want to be annoying um the fights and this game in general has a lot of just inconsistencies some fights later on have the potential to soft walk out of nowhere um so anytime it happens it just it's kind of annoying to see but yeah we're into this nice gondola ride up with elizabeth we're gonna just talk a little bit and then as soon as they're done with their dialogue we're going to do a nice death warp office kept repeating a woman's name anna i don't want to talk about that i'm sorry i i shouldn't have pried where are you from new york it's kind of a little getting to know you conversation going on here and the way the the respawns work is there are essentially a lot of invisible boxes in the game and so once you're within one invisible box the game decides to then change where you respawn so that's why there's so many different death warps in this run yeah so we're just uh basically getting off of this a little bit sooner and as we respawn here you'll see the gondola stall coming to the top so pretty small time save but it's pretty nice at the same point get these guys out of the way another wonderful elevator ride up to the top um luckily it's a pretty short one we're still just continuously boosting by shooting the ground in front of us breaking the shield hopefully finding some snacks along the way we're gonna pick up some money another assault infusion so every time i pick that up you can see the bar on the bottom left get a little bit bigger um this is a pretty big twist for elizabeth everything she finally realizes that we're not here to just set her free and take her to paris 40 north by 74 west that's not paris that's new and she is not happy about one thing i had in that tower was time mr dewitt time to study things like geography i owed money and there's a fellow who he offered to wipe away my debt in exchange for you i'm gonna try to talk to her but she's done talking at this point will you just turn around and talk she's gonna start swinging and now we're dead not really booker has a pretty good pain tolerance so he's getting knocked out for a little bit and elizabeth is going to attempt to fly the ship on her own but she doesn't make it too far as we'll see here and uh we'll get some new faces in another perfect time for a couple donations oh we have a big one we have two thousand and twenty dollars from zay goggles saying hey late night gdq this year has been pretty rough and i hope everyone is weathering it the best they can things will get better hopefully assist in part by our efforts both in donating and minimizing the spread thank you to the runners commentators donators staff and twitch chat for making this summer a little bit better keep up the good work blood thunder and twitch chat don't you think a lot of these statues have a bit of a grey face uh we also have five dollars from henny saying really happy to finally see bioshock given the gdq and it's even better to see bt showcase what has changed since the last showing go look on the run bud remember that neither bird or cage is canon also jama is incorrect eating the apple definitely curses your run team no apple put my five dollars towards hearing the lovely fiona chant some nice songs in asgan nice thank you so much honey this is daisy fitzroy um she plays a part with you and the story of this game not so much in the speed run so i mentioned before in soldiers field that the game likes to show you the end point and then send you on a different diversion in a completely different area so this is one of the big parts where we get to skip all of that once we get into the factory um basically because we skipped the entire raffle section uh columbia as you can probably guess is a pretty racist city uh we're having a little uprising so daisy is like hey if you want your ship back which is what we're currently on you have to go get some guns for us and uh help our uprising and we're not going to do any of that we're just going to we're going to skip the whole gun quest line and go straight not before we get to see booker survive yet another great feat he's gonna drop like 50 feet straight onto his back but he's good he's gonna get up and run away you'll do a pretty cool jump here it's a very small time save but you can stack the sugar rush in that bottle with h boost over this and just kind of skip running around the docks a little bit there very small time safe but really really cool this is also another pretty small time save but it's going to get us past this cut scene of seeing elizabeth try to sneak on board a different ship as a stowaway i was going to hop around there using hrh boosting and that prevents some of these things to get in our path like that cargo box normally it would block you and get the crouch under it which isn't something we uh really want to do this stuff is uh supposed to be knocked over by elizabeth and she's going to open some tears elizabeth balloons apparently slow you down which is weird um this isn't going to get us any any further but anytime you respawn you get health back and you get ammo back so so we boosted a lot through that area uh we take a death so that we can get uh both of those things back we kind of speed up the rest of the level and you have to wait there anyways so it just kind of works out and here's a fight it's not too bad but we absolutely wrecked this first guy's day he's just chilling having a good day on the job we just pop down and start blasting so in the middle of this fight we're going to go ahead and pick up another salt infusion luckily for fights enemies always spawn in the same place what they do after that's a little random but for the most part they uh they like to behave and this is the only fight where a turret will count as an enemy and so for this fight to progress you have to take out that turret that's never the case in any other fight in this game and it's kind of strange but that is what it is so the reason we're not knocking this guy off is because he's a volley gunner and not just a rocketeer and we want his uh we want his volley gun it's going to act very much like the rpg but it's not going to do nearly the same amount of damage so we can really use this to boost through levels without having to take too much damage um and that's a little fast way to get over there normally just ride it around and i'll do here's a handyman we saw one at the fair way early on in the game but uh you know they're an enemy that you kind of see in this game a couple times another wonderful cut scene here where booker somehow survives all of this and uh perfect time for a couple donations sounds good we have 25 dollars from the pterodactyl saying there's always a speed run there's always a marathon there's always a donation we have 25 dollars from nathan 216 saying donating because of how adorable thor was for dlc he's always a store everyone loves store sending love for thor i will be sure to send him all of the love after this is over i will i will pet him for for many hours here we're getting the trust of elizabeth again well not really trust but she's like you're really my only way out of here so i guess i'll team up again which is nice so right there you just kind of get stuck for whatever reason can't move any but we're gonna buy two upgrades we're gonna buy damage boost for our volley gun we're gonna buy damage boost for our rocket or rpg and because i'm a little low on ammo we're gonna go over here and buy some uh this is where money is like it's nice to have but it's not super important it's pretty easy always have some money in this game so this is factory um we're gonna start a big fight here and then we're going to attempt to skip this entire gunsmith quest line so take out two guards and you also cannot lock pick while in combat that's why we take those two guys out place down two traps to kill off some enemies that spawn in take out a patriot which is like a big mobile enemy they got these nerds this guy trying to run away popping up and that should be everybody perfect uh we're gonna do another death warp because a lot of times elizabeth will start some dialogue and things won't progress until that dialogue done but if you interrupt it with a depth then the game will just consider her dialogue finished and you can move on so elevator we need to come up will not get to uh to where we need it until she's done and we're gonna set up another death warp believe it or not get down to our iframes and then we're going to do a death warp through the glass of this elevator what this is going to do for us is spawn is basically right below um so elevators right there we're going to boost off of this jump around this corner hit the seam of this wall land out of bounds expertly walk through here pop through this wall and that gets past the entire gunsmith quest line really fun because we did that um the sky hooks here aren't accessible so we didn't do another death warp through this gate so we're gonna try to set this up without dying from these rockets okay i think we're good so a lot of times the game's like oh you died at this specific spot we're just gonna raise you here it doesn't have a real rez point um so yeah you just death warp through and it's like oh you died on the other side of this fence here you go so let's pass the factory um we're gonna run through here get to an elevator and elizabeth is gonna start talking about all of these people that we have never met in this run uh she feels really guilty about it doing her best sponge car impression daisy's gonna tell us like some things that don't make any sense for the speed run because this is also trying to introduce the idea of multiple timelines in different universes which really comes into play at the end it's one of those things that if you try to think about logically and try to piece together you're going to find plot holes it just happens you either love it or you don't some people really hate the story in this game some people really really love it um yeah that's why daisy is going to say it you know i've seen you die you helped us out before that's because in her timeline that's what we did but in our timeline of course we're here um doing random stuff so that's why this dialogue makes zero sense i've got time for for a quick donation it's over your takes time all right we have fifty dollars from ogive one three four saying donating for an extremely good cat and the doctors those are important too but seriously that cat i had a role in this catastrophe if if you want to pretend that we're purely innocence in this then that's your prerogative but now we're going to talk to daisy she's going to tell us i've seen you die you must be a ghost because that's right clearly we shouldn't have been here i got you your guns i'm here for my airship this is all setting up uh this next fight where we basically have to confront daily this game really likes its elevators we get to the top here and uh there's a couple of a couple of enemies just chilling once you can just absolutely wreck your day by shooting a rocket right here in front of the door is undertow which is a really really useful vigor that we're gonna pick up later so we skip the animation in the meantime we're gonna pick up a lot of money let's just chill in here a lot of supplies and we're gonna set up for the fight so a couple things we're gonna do is we're going to temporarily drop our rpg for a great gun so we're going to use this to kill off a handyman that's going to spawn i'm going to pop up here place down two devils kiss traps one on each side and this is just to prevent some enemies from standing up here which they like to do um get on the skyhook and wait for a ship to pop in because this is a fireman but you're supposed to be right after the raffle but we don't they're pretty much tanks so much like the rocketeers we're gonna i actually boost me all the way over nice we're gonna knock him up into the air and then hit him off the map at some point we'll do this there we go get that guy into the void these guys off hopefully elizabeth's gonna throw some some health she probably will now we're just gonna stand here until the handyman spawns in and the reason we picked up murder of crows earlier and it becomes really really useful here is it's going to distract the handyman from us uh for us so we're going to throw that at him he's going to get attacked by crows and we can just shoot his weak spot which is the little heart in the middle of his chest he's got help at least i was gonna clean up some enemies uh this is a fight that can soft lock sometimes enemies will get stuck in this main building and they will not escape but we're good that was actually pretty clean for the most part here's daisy she realizes that we're right here um and she doesn't want us to get in so we also picked up our rpg again so yeah we want that crank gun's only useful for that fight we have to act gonna boost elizabeth in here use the boost to get through she's gonna go deal with daisy um what's her distractor here is this it is this your movement daisy this is what needs to be done you see the founders ain't nothing but weeds cut them down and they just grow back if you want to get rid of now the raspberry jelly will spill everywhere and make a real mess elizabeth elizabeth uh she just killed daisy fitzroy and she's you know obviously freaked out as she should be but booker doesn't really care we're just going to get another infusion we're just going to max this out yeah as i said he already feels better about the whole thing so the boost down here chase after she has to change her attire from all that jam listen i think you should talk today she got a she got a little bit of jelly on her on her clothes so she's gonna go change and we're gonna go ahead and access controls here gonna set our course i have zero idea how these controls actually work because he just keeps pulling them and they change somehow hey she's already changed cut off her hair looking real nice um i don't know if it bothers anyone else but this central command is like tilted it really bothers me for some reason that it's not even how do you wash away the things that you've done something you kind of notice over time you don't just learn to live with it she now has to live with the guilt of uh actually taking a life which is between us she's not quite happy with but our old friend songbird is about to make an appearance there he is what a cutie he doesn't really care what happens he's like you know what i'm just going to attack this um it will play out how it how it does if you ever see her skirt glitch out it's actually just from having high fps the cloth physics start to freak out a little bit nice little wallop right there yet another point where um they probably shouldn't have survived but you know they do why not all right here you are here's the test twins again they're going to kind of introduce the fact that songbird is controlled who would have guessed buy songs depending on which song you play and how you play it which instrument that affects what can happen you've done it now he's coming back he's coming back the notes were correct basically the enemies just don't spawn if you walk around the fight so comstock uses these songs yeah it's not going to look like a skip at all um it is really easy to do so where is it you're looking to run this this is like the easiest thing you can possibly learn well at least they left the piano we're gonna just move this piano out of the way um once we run up to this bridge we're gonna jump off the side of it and just kind of take a shorter path and this gets past the trigger that's right at the end of the bridge it's gonna spawn on enemies so just jumping here makes them not spawn easy as that we're going to boost through here here's another point where um interrupting elizabeth interacting with something will cause her to skip it so she's going to start picking that lock and she's going to use that as a time to explain some stuff or talk i don't remember what actually happens but if we run away she wants to follow us because um that's just in the games coding and it breaks the pick locking here we're gonna pick up charge and undertow two really nice figures we're gonna get undertow eight which upgrades it uh pick up some more ammo we're about to run into another fight where we have to wait for a gondola ride to pop down this one's notably shorter than the last one also going to try to find a bit more money because in the next area we want 740 in order to buy one last upgrade i think we're like 600 or so this area really really likes to hand out big things of money let's see if we can get lucky we don't get the last upgrade it's not the end of the world it is just a clip increase for the volleyball so instead of shooting eight shots it can shoot 16 without reloading 694 49 15 mario so now get our upgrade here comes the enemies we're gonna use undertow the figure that we just got to pull enemies in stun them for a second just unleash the vlog going into them um the reason i use the volley gun for a lot of fights instead of the rpg despite the rpg doing more damage is just ammo resources it's much faster to use the polygon you have a lot more ammo to do so the rpg really comes into play when we want to really really take damage quickly here's another wonderful gondola ride it's kind of like a horizontal elevator the technology that allows the city to kind of just makes you really think about the test twins which you kind of get into the backstory of them in downtown emporia but we're not going to do all that so couple more donations we can fit in here sounds good we have 50 from tina and ali saying keep on doing what you are doing has been something i've been looking forward to and it's been awesome seeing runners go burrow [Music] saying would you kindly donate five bucks despite this being the wrong game for this meme yeah that's a bioshock one meme but you know we'll still take it so as we get up to the top here uh we can't do any death warping off of this one unfortunately but once this is open we're going to set up a death warp and we're also just going to boost through here it's one of the great things charge can do um we're gonna use it later on the skip some stuff but you can just charge to enemies and bypass having to run a little bit so we're gonna run up these stairs use it to target this nerd a little bit further we're just going to keep on boosting so this death warp is going to uh get us past a gate it's not actually going to fully get us past it but it's going to allow us to basically get out of combat long enough to pick this lock um it's not gonna despawn the enemies or anything so if they come up here quickly it could be a problem but it usually never happens so now we're out of combat for a second she can pick the lock we also get an ammo back which is really nice we have to deal with these two enemies this guy likes to hang up there so we just pull them uh down the that's the whole fight there's actually a lot of fights you have to go through there normally gets past all of it we're gonna set up another elevator but we got a little little code we gotta find first and uh you know your games this code may look a little bit familiar why are you so keen a good old zero four five one person in a cage that develop an interest in such things i suppose so and i won't be locked up conveniently left here in really big letters like big fonts so we can see it easily but oh no the statue is summoning songbird it's like hey they're over here uh songbird for some reason has very very limited vision and he just will not spot us despite the fact that he really should be able to hear once he's gone uh we're gonna see something that's always funny on this run we see how how much of a size difference there is between booker and elizabeth um just keep an eye on their hands you'll see what i mean booker either has the biggest hands ever or she has the smallest hands um it's a little ridiculous like his thumb alone is the size of her entire hand all right so i get this into downtown emporia um which if you've played the game this is the part where you are introduced to lady comstock elizabeth's mother who has passed on and she's become a ghost and normally you'd have to go and fight the ghost in like three different locations and it's this big wrap around so you can get into comstock's house and that's all really annoying so we're not going to do any of that there used to be a really really annoying skip to do here involving a handyman and charging to him but uh we're gonna get up here and one of my good friends zim zimbabwe found this a long time ago pretty cool skip that uh looking to hear and get over this gate yeah it's a little shocking you basically have to spam the iron sights on your weapon which we haven't really used a lot and it allows you to delay yourself in the air long enough to just barely get over it yeah so we got it there it's a little slow but um we got it there's a vigor you can get there i don't honestly remember what it's called it's not useful we don't pick it up we're gonna go to clip increase that's our last upgrade we're gonna buy theoretically you could buy some more but it's never really worth it uh we're gonna make our way over to the comstock house gates which kind of two ways of dealing with uh you can either do this weird death warp setup where you death warp through the gate and then jump off into the void and put you back on the other side of the gate or you can do a uh a little bit newer trick it's still it's old at this point but if you haven't seen a run in a while uh it's pretty cool this one invo involves the high fps uh like slanted walls we're not actually off the ground but because the way this is angled um you can just like clip through here by fps yeah this specific wall just happens to be the exactly perfect angle for this trick to work earlier with the soldiers field it allowed us to elevate her up but in this case like bt said he's not off the ground so we just go through instead so we clip through one wall and we gotta clip back in bounds depending on how you're angled and like your fps i can change how you clip through and how fast you clip through it's a little finicky sometimes but there we go made it on through uh besides hall of heroes songbird skip which is the next thing we're about to do here is that's probably the hardest part so we'll see how this goes we're gonna activate h we're gonna hop on this wire for just a little bit get it first try nice so normally you'd run up here hit the lever and you'd start a cutscene where songbird comes in and he's gonna take elizabeth away from you but because we did that we still have elizabeth we skipped the cutscene and now we're at a different version of the comstock house we're just going to keep boosting bt made that look way too easy it's actually very difficult for new runners that cable has collision only for a little bit of time there's also an invisible wall to start so you strafe jump with the boost around the wall and then right before it loses collision you jump off of it into the middle and that activates songbirds um so charge has one of the coolest tricks you just target this turret from the bottom floor zip your way all the way up to the top skipping a lot of content really really easily it's one of my favorites to do it always looks so cool all right so we're just going to boost through this house try to jump over this not today um get up top so that we can access a lever and then we're going to take an elevator ride back down we're going to set up a death warp as well be careful of my health but try to boost as much as i can this is also supposed to be like a scary section of the game with like jump scares and these things called the boys of silence i think these guys but they just that's the only one you see they're not really a thing in this run at all so right after this i'm going to reload checkpoint um and we're going to do a death warp here in a second um the reason i'm reloading checkpoint is to hopefully prevent elizabeth from despawning later on so we're really not supposed to have her at this point she's supposed to be uh in captivity the game is a little bit confused and there's a chance when we go to freer from captivity that she will despawn from the map for 30 seconds and we don't really have a consistent way of preventing that um but sometimes that works sometimes it doesn't here's lou test twins again we wait there for a second not the soft flock they're just teleporting around they're pretty cool characters now we're gonna see a old lady elizabeth the asylum uh this this part of the game really really goes into the whole different timeline parallel universe uh stuff which really can't cover if you if you want to look into that stuff i'm sure you can find youtube videos or look at the wikipedia page for it um just to bring you here essentially she's she's from a different timeline where we never came and freed her and i heard you screaming they attack new york and set the world on fire so she's gonna help us um she's gonna try to help us prevent that from happening in our timeline because we have high fps there's a little trick we can do which is kind of fun say what you will about no wave saves any time but uh [Music] everything is the fans on that version of uh columbia aren't spinning i guess they just never thought you'd look up enough to see it this note she's going to give us this message to our elizabeth saying hey this is how you can prevent this from happening but it's coded and uh we can't read it ourselves i actually believe the uh columbia in the sky is not 3d at all either it's a 2d video 1912 before she now we're back in our own timeline uh there's elizabeth we gotta go set her free by pulling two levers i'm just gonna kind of boost through here [Music] once we pull the second lever uh not this one the next one we can't really die uh enemies can't really hurt us we also don't want to like boost like we're doing now because the entire map is gonna like shake and move kind of like how the tower did when songbird attacked it earlier and that's a chance to clip you through the floor if you're like boosting uh really really fast so we're just going to run forward and let the stuns happen now we don't worry about any of these enemies and this is the point where elizabeth will either despawn or she'll stay in the map once we free her there's a moment when she would normally like spawn back in as a character it's kind of weird um at that moment in time she'll either pop out of the map or she'll just stay there you gotta pull this giant needle out of her back he takes it pretty well we get lucky we can skip an animation let's see so there is a chance when you hit that interaction to hit the next one which is right here and you just skip that first one entirely go straight to tying of course elizabeth is going to get up off this this table and she's gonna go get her jacket and uh elizabeth when she spawns in tornadoes which sounds weird but just go with it trust me uh when that happens we'll see whether she despawns or not if she does it's 30 seconds lost nothing we can do about it you forget i know you i'm not going to let you kill him really and she's still in the map all right cool yeah right when we go to put on the skyhawk we could see whether she disappeared or not got pretty lucky there that's nice there's a lot of other things that can go wrong between here and the end we're not too far from it but uh in terms of map progression but there's still a lot of content that we have to get through here and the end of the game is not kind at all a lot of runs over the years have been lost from this point onward the reason we need her at the end of this map is to open this lockpick so if she despawns you're just stuck here waiting we have given her the notes and she cannot figure it out except for this symbol handed the prophet which is the next battle definitely one of my least favorites um because i mentioned things can just go wrong there's a lot of fighting you got to do here and a pretty cool trick known as deck skip that can just be really really unkind we're going to start a lock pick here on the door and then interrupt it with a depth get past all of that dialogue basically at this point we need to get onto comstock's uh airboat zeppelin in order to do that we need to get another smaller boat to spawn in so we can take that over to it um but this boat sometimes doesn't like to spawn in we gotta kill off some patriots first yeah this game is very particular about the state that the game needs to be in when uh like certain boats spawn in or whatever so you just have to make sure you meet the conditions which kind of lends itself to doing the fights as fast as you can so if we're lucky the boat's already spawned in if not yeah so uh we need a boat to like basically fly in here and wrap around uh for whatever reason sometimes it just likes to take a while sometimes i like to imagine that running back here helps spawn it back in but we'll see just kind of have to play a waiting game at this at this point so if you've got a couple donations now's the perfect time there's the boat that we do we have 15 from lost void saying did someone say bioshock 1 memes all i can say to that is welcome to the circus of value enjoying watching you and every other runner crush their respective games we have ten dollars from damn daniel dahm three saying bioshock is one of my favorite game series and i'm glad i can watch this while working keep it up gamers that's one weird thing that can happen which i didn't even realize until i was practicing for this is sometimes the corpses that stay on the boat will prevent you from accessing this lever and they can get propped up in like this corner and the only way to like progress is to then knock them off which becomes a real struggle so luckily it didn't happen today um a little throwback to the intro when we get asked are we afraid of god and he says no i'm afraid of you we're just going to be kind of on an ottawa scroll where we have to go and fight a whole bunch of troops that are going to prevent us from getting to the zeppelin so keep those donations in because we we've got some time for those to play out i'll do we have 25 from eddie 66 thing bioshock infinite is one of my favorite games so why not donate during this run love from germany we have twenty dollars from eurochan thing bioshock done fast would you kindly donate more wait wrong game my bad we have five dollars from lady rock laura saying here's some money we have fifty dollars from anonymous saying airships and kitties two of my favorite things keep going strong blood we have 25 from cypher 66 saying would you kindly play this game as fast as possible it's more up to the game than it is me but i will try uh a weird thing about this fight is while you're waiting for these ships to despawn the next one you can actually be seen like just waiting off screen down there unfortunately you can't really do anything to them but that's where they're gonna attack next but we still got some more time for donations we have twenty dollars from anonymous saying praise thor thanks for keeping the festival running and supporting an important cause we have five dollars from density saying hey bt you're doing great one question though where's your team that is a good question where is my team thank you density you're gonna knock this rocketeer off um sometimes these enemies like to jump back to the ship so yeah this guy's over here just chilling hi nice death luckily we just respawned right here deaths really are inconsequential in the grand scheme of things like you lose a little bit of time respawning but really you don't lose progress at all which is nice um deaths do cost you money so every time you die you lose a little bit of all the money you've gathered and i believe in 1999 mode if you run out of money entirely then you die or you like permadeath that's not the case on easy so even if we had no money i think at that point you just restart the level but even that's not a big deal that's the last enemy that we have to fight here so we're gonna get up here and go for deck skip which is uh it's gonna go back to the whole slanted wall clipping up stuff the elevator tricks um but this is by far the picky the most picky one because it requires really high fps you want ideally like 350 uh which is really hard for a lot of runners to hit but let's see what happens here yeah 350 is actually uh similar in bioshock one as well but that's kind of like the breaking point for how the physics calculations work so once it like just gets higher and higher it just starts to calculate it faster and faster and this uh bounce here was actually found very recently you can actually jump right in that spot and you just bounce all the way up there used to be a really annoying strat for that before and then this is where we cross our fingers and and really hope the game is kind to us because this is not as easy as the other elevators this is also the hardest area in the game to get a high frame rate there's just a lot of effects on enemies in this area now we're up on top we have to get up on top this little arch that was really quick for deck skip and that gives us access to this skyline which allows us to jump on one that usually has pods on it and this whole area is waiting for all these pods to drop so by jumping up there and jumping back down we can just bypass that whole waiting that's like two minutes uh of nothing but sitting there and waiting you don't fight anything you can't speed it up it's just waiting so that was really really nice yeah good job i'll go right into another trick we're going to run through engineering deck and go into profit cabin skip let jb talk about yeah so for profit cabin you are going to take the rail and then spawn in part of the final fight map and then you're going to go back and go up to the top and then you can actually jump down where you're there's no collision on a certain part of the ship and then you can stand beside that and jump inbounds inside of the ship and this lets you bypass just a huge chunk of the unskippable cutscenes to just activate another unskippable cut scene instead okay so normally normally when you die there you you automatically see the animation of opening the door play out so not seeing it right away kind of scared me but um yeah uh that whole thing that we did is to remove some of our collisions so we can do fun things like this um if you're a dentist this would be really really handy you could just get in here check the molars oh i think those wisdom teeth need to come out but it's going to allow us to skip a door later on that's really the only use for it spend a lot of time setting it up um so it's not huge in the grand scheme of things but it's really cool skip there's a little model of the tower tiny elizabeth up there kind of adorable this is the uh kind of the climax of the game we finally get face to face with father comstock we're gonna meet up with them uh we also put away our weapons i need to do this we're gonna be really civil about this ignore the flashing don't worry about that also because we did profit cabin skip it loads in some textures early so he's gonna have some raspberry jelly in his hair don't worry about that you know he's he's a messy eater some revelations elizabeth everything i've done i've done to keep you safe safe from what i don't know why he doesn't just wash it off it shall sit the throat yeah i mean you can't really see it to be fair so maybe it doesn't know it's there but the archangel you also might hear a screeching sound in the background it's because when we did profit cabin skip elizabeth like never left the zip line properly uh so that's his heart stuck on the zip line making that sound an interesting thing i've set mighty armies to stop you i've rained fire on you from above i did all of that to keep you from when all i needed was to tell her the truth ask him child ask him what happened to your finger ass dewitt she's your daughter you son of a [ __ ] we're gonna take over i get a little aggressive handle it the way booker handles everything getting raspberry jelly all over the place we're helping him take a drink you know we need to stay hydrated every now and then this next part is where profit cabin skip comes into play so by losing some of our collision is going to allow us to uh walk through this door i normally have to wait until elizabeth's not talking to pick lock it but hey we can just jump on through you know what access this and uh yeah we'll go take a peek at the note and see what it has to say oh yeah i can't i can't read that i wonder what it says oh we better go hide i'm just gonna hide in the statue for a little bit here so coming up is the final fight of the game this also has a chance to sloth walk and it really likes to um more than anything else but we'll see how it goes um after this is just a whole bunch of story stuff let's see what happens and while i'm going through this final fight i'll probably let jb kind of take over explain what's going on because oh it's not particularly hard a lot's going on so yeah oh no she found me actually the very first run i ever did of this uh elizabeth's soft block for 10 minutes so fingers crossed everyone [Music] yeah you usually don't find out that this fight is soft locked until the very end of it so you go through the entire thing and then realize that it's not going to progress and you have to do it all over again and it's really really obnoxious so let's uh hope it doesn't happen today songbird's finally going to come around he's going to be on our side finally such a cute boy go go go go booker he'll help us we can use him now this is the box popular coming in the fight um just daisies people yeah so there is a set pattern so it starts with there's always one barge with some guys and then another barge is going to come in they kind of come in and waves they're jus they just don't tell you what the waves are really get ready a lot of this is just trying to manage your your salt and your ammo sometimes elizabeth will step in and throw you some and you just gotta hope it's the thing you want you also will use songbird on certain ones just to save a little bit of time it doesn't necessarily matter which one you do it on but typically when you start to learn the fight you want it to go a certain way so he's gonna mostly still utilize the rocket launcher and the polygon as usual there's also some missiles on these barges you want to make sure you take those out immediately and then the guys will normally jump down so you can just deal with them then after we deal with all of that there will be some big ships that spawn in and that's where songbird is really useful because it takes a lot of time to get up to those ones there are also some traps he'll set up these are actually for enemies that spawn in later in the fight but those traps remain there for the whole fight so it's good to just set them up early so you can refill your salt not to worry about them this is why we pick up all the salt infusions because we use a lot of salt and vigors here um we also really hope elizabeth just throws us a lot of volley on ammo if she doesn't then the fights becomes finding resources now zeppelin's come in we can deal with all these nerds it might actually be a little hard to tell but this fight is actually timed to a certain extent so in the top right you'll see a little health bar and they're actually trying to attack like the core of the whole ship and if they damage it all the way then you lose the fight and have to restart which gives a lot of people trouble in 1999 mode casually and now that he's handled all those people on the ground there are some machine gun turret ships and then he's going to deal with one of the larger ships himself while he lets songbird handle the other one for him assuming it's up in time now getting on the zeppelins here is something a lot of people don't realize casually but you can use this to sabotage them and take them down entirely but it's running on the inside and attacking the core it's always a fun thing to show off and he did set up those traps earlier and now is normally about a time when those enemies actually spawn in so here's hoping it did enough damage then it just kind of helps out a little bit uh sometimes you can actually kill them completely but that's a very lucky thing to happen and sometimes once you kill all these patriots and the enemies they'll keep spawning for whatever reason and then sometimes you'll get rocketeers that pop up so just kind of depends on what the game wants to do it looks like we're getting rockets on this one yeah so once we take care of these guys it should be over we should be fine honestly don't know if you're shooting right now it's always a weird thing to happen to when you just land like a sky box out in the void little unconsistent another death but really this doesn't do much other than lose a couple seconds look at that rocket is still on the right side here we might still have to deal with four enemies popping up yeah so normally if everything else isn't taken care of they'll just keep spawning four regular enemies um it's kind of obnoxious but once they're gone should be fine nope it's gonna spawn four more for whatever reason yeah there is actually like a sound cue uh with the music in this game you'll hear kind of a violin endnote that's why never the songbird mechanic isn't always great um so even if you click on something and hold it down it doesn't fully interact with it so i guess i just never took out the zeppelin so that's why this is not progressing uh happens a lot of times early on i try to take out one of the gunships coming in but songbird doesn't always want to actually do that so yeah we're just waiting for the second to go down i guess all the enemies are gone uh is already on the bow so that's not too bad here's someone looks like i'd be a problem i might just be waiting for that zap to fully be out of it uh nope this guy's over here give it a second it should pop up and see john elizabeth on the bow doesn't then uh oh okay that's about to say we might have actually gotten the soft walk but yeah it took a while for it to all despawn so that's the final fight that's the last bit of combat uh now we're gonna go into a whole lot of exposition and uh finishing up the story we're gonna shoot elizabeth to be able to access all of her powers to the fullest extent so she can now instead of just opening up small tears where you can bring in a couple things she can fully manipulate time and space it is what it is now that's final fight we still have you know from this point like 11 minutes of uh a story there's still some cool stuff stuff that we can do uh some skips involving the elevators small cutscene first the glitchy ones not the real ones i'm gonna take a little flashback to bioshock one ear and pop our way over through to rapture which uh if you play bioshock one this is where you get electrical a lot of connections can be made uh it's already gone and everything but we're gonna watch this because you know songbird deserves every bit of attention we can give them it's a really cool character um that feels a little wasted we never actually got to properly fight him we're just going to watch this very sad death very very tragic press f in chat you're sad i'm sorry i know i'm sad pay our respects f or burp what is this place there's a big little sister over there that's also pretty sad hey we're gonna we're gonna leave rapture because we don't need to be here anymore this nice little uh nice little flash back into here where are you going oh come on this is to kind of wrap some stuff up together in terms of uh connecting the stories about shock 1 and infinite 2 kind of gets overlooked which is sad this is a pretty great game as well why what is going on elizabeth back out i regret this you don't want to be here anymore i'll have to show you so this is part of the game where a lot of people will end up having a lot of issues with the story um and with the game overall just because it goes really hard into the multi-universe and parallel dimensions and different timelines and everything and as i've mentioned many times if you really try to think about it and explain it logically it'll never make sense because anything with multi-universe time travel it there's going to be paradoxes loopholes plot holes and stuff that just will never logically make sense but uh it's still kind of cool in the grand scheme of things we're gonna come up to the surface uh we're gonna be going through a lot of lighthouses because there's different doorways to different universes so we're gonna kind of experience some backstory which i'm not really gonna touch too much on we'll talk about a little bit but if you really want the uh the nitty-gritty i like watch a video on youtube i'm sure there's thousands of them or just look up uh like a wiki page not on the full extent of things but come on it's this way come on get out of here everything makes perfect sense uh and because this is still technically like the the same area as before oh okay so the death i took wiped away the profit cabin skip effect so we can no longer walk through elizabeth normally if you don't die you still have the effect and you can uh that's okay let's walk through that come from it's always been there the moon's also really really bright it's a good thing we're not a werewolf so that'd make it a very different game so once we go through this door we're gonna do a cool trick where we use another elevator to get up on top of a wall here we're gonna wait until it boosts us up a little bit and then we're gonna hit jump and get skyrocketed to the top yeah it's gonna get us past uh waiting through some dialogue and stuff when he's walking into that little wall he's actually not on the ground anymore which is why he's able to just kind of shoot all the way up because it's letting him get to the top of the collision area you're going to see me walk backwards through a lot of here thanks to fleet feet earlier it helps us move uh sideways and backwards a little bit faster and this part of the game slows down your forward momentum speed but not your um your side to side or your back walking so i'm gonna do another elevator there and uh walk on this invisible wall around some posts this part's kind of scary you can fall into the void here uh get past that elizabeth's floating over on the left if you see that it's kind of fun um so we're gonna walk over to one of the two lighthouses it doesn't usually matter which one you pick you go left or right uh but we're gonna attempt to break out of this one by holding back and jumping like that so you unload that cutscene for that that area uh we're gonna walk over to the other lighthouse this is going to skip a bit of dialogue and let us interact with the priest right away walk backwards here so instead of being in here normally and having to uh wait for all this dialogue to pass you can just interact with them right away here's some dialogue overlapping as well do you want to clean the slate leave behind all you were before and be born again in the blood of the lamb jesus wash this man clean father make him stone again and who elizabeth is and all this good stuff which basically this baptism is very important no keep that in mind he was here this way so we're trying to hunt down comstock so that we can go and kill him um before any of this ever happened go back to our office and there's something really really cool in this office that i love showing off every time so this game looks beautiful for the most part but look at this doorknob look at the 8k resolution on this doorknob it's like so extremely well textured i mean look at this baby it looks like a potato potato with arms and then look at this doorknob it is immaculate like every game should have doorknobs that look exactly like this baby as you can probably guess by looking at it is elizabeth turns out hey fun fact she's yours she's your baby um that you ended up giving away to the test twins who work for comstock so through different universes comstock ends up taking elizabeth as a baby and then it's your mission to essentially go and get her so if you want if you want the nitty gritty go look it up um just gonna give it an overview here the debts paid going through here is going to put us back in a boat this is very opening scene of the game oh there's water in the boat don't get worry remember this whole bleeding thing through the nose was set up way earlier that we skipped over i think it's introduced in the factory section of the game now basically if you're nosebleed that means that you're remembering something from a different timeline or something like that um so you're walking backwards against elizabeth anyways but she's only as fast as us so over now we kind of see how all of the universe stuff works so there's comstock he's a much younger man he's got the baby trying to get her back and uh it's the point where i should point out keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times so comes the pinky the reason that's important is you if you play through casually you'll know she has a little thimble on her pinky also this doorknob is now on the right side of the door uh it's explained in lore that because she exists now in two different universes you know 99 of her in one and her pinky and the other that's why she can interact with tears and manipulate these different dimensions because she's separated for us we're gonna go through one more tear um one more boat ride and we'll get to the final climax also this was addressed a long ago but the lieutenant twins are actually the same person just from different universes um they are the ones who initially found out how to traverse through the different uh timelines in the universe they know that in every universe booker never rose in this scenario they can see all that's ever happened all that will ever happen there's water in the boat again don't worry about it now now our plan is to go um as far back as we can stop comstock from coming to power but spoiler it turns out comstock and booker are the same person um that split at the point of baptism let's put this in my way here uh time's coming up once we interact with the door and then we'll we'll talk about the stuff so right there is time and then uh yeah so booker and comstock are the same person that at the point of baptism after the battle of wounded knee if he takes the baptism he becomes comstock and goes on to um all the stuff that he does in colombia and if he uh rejects it then he stays booker and as we started we will end with another [Music] that's a very brief summarization of it um there's a lot more to it a lot more you can go and go look up but the classics yeah so shout outs to uh all the other members of like the bioshock community um you know have a wonderful discord if you ever want to look into the running list if you want to find out how to get the hrh mod if you want to run it on console um and all the skips that way you can just go and check them out go to bsi i believe it is or just search by shock infinite and you can find the discord it through that we're now going to get into the credits with one little last surprise one last little easter egg let's pop um here and take a second well thank you guys for having me uh thanks for uh letting me run this once again it was a pleasure to show off and it's always fun if you like bioshock runs you can you can come check out my channel um do a lot of these run all the other ones and we go good job bt thank you all right what a run always good to see a blood thunder bioshock run i hear some donations from the end of that run that we can check out we have twenty five dollars from yabke saying always love blood thunder's runs and seeing him run one of my favorite games of all time and i had to donate thanks to everyone involved bringing this together this year we have 20 dollars from timmy saying greetings from germany love bioshock infinite got to donate when it's being run faster than songbird can fly keep up the good work we have fifteen dollars from mystery eighth saying this is my first time ever catching a gdq live and i'm just so excited to finally be able to donate to such a great cause i love gdq and how it highlights all the amazing things this community can do and how loving and generous gamers truly are keep up the good work obligatory greetings from japan and with that i am going to send you guys over to a quick ad but i'll be leaving you in the good hands of an eternal enigma take it easy everyone and see you next time all right and welcome back everybody to summer games done quick 2020 online powered by twitch i will be your host for these next two runs i am an eternal enigma and welcome to everybody welcome to back to sgdq 2020 online got a few more donations in here that came on through for bioshock we had a 69 donation from official waffles who said glad to see bioshock infinite getting some love i hope i can stay awake for its entirety good luck bt and hello jb and again a fantastic run by gdq veteran blood thunder with bioshock infinite and thank you again to egg dices for uh keeping the virtual host desk warm for me until we took over here and uh i do believe we are going to go to uh some video advertisements from our sponsors and we're gonna play those and we'll be right back [Music] [Music] uh all right welcome back to summer games done quick 2020 online coming up next we're still getting set up for our next run here that is going to be gunman clive by fc racer and we're still getting set up for that got a few more donations coming on in we had a 10 donation from joe 59 who said shout outs to all the volunteers commenters and runners for all the amazing work that you do your volunteer time and effort make a real positive change in the world can we get a train to 400 000 before the next run starts and we are very close to 400 000 we're a little less than 7 000 away from getting to 400 000. i think that is a tremendous idea and also just want to remind you if you're just now joining us that summer games done quick 2020 online is brought together to benefit doctors without borders doctors without borders or medicine frontier is an international medical humanitarian aid organization that works in over 70 countries around the world providing life-saving medical humanitarian care and speaking out about what they see in those areas their work aids people based solely on need irrespective of race religion gender or political affiliation msf is committed to safeguarding their patients right to autonomy confidentiality and informed consent ninety percent of their staff is national meaning they live locally and are from the country that they work in msf relies mainly on the generosity of individual donors with over 90 percent of msf's income coming from private donors giving small amounts
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 215,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 64, Hasty Play, Mario, Zelda, Summer Games Done Quick, SGDQ2020, Speedrun, Competitive Gaming, eSports, Speed, Mega Man, Fast Run, Legend of Zelda, Video Games, Fast Gaming
Id: fSjlXiIuT20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 58sec (7138 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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