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[Music] [Music] three years we've come so far in just three short years the sign of a strong leader sir no the will of a strong people and one very able advisor thank you sir your team deserves credit as well mr lightning bolt just doing our job mr prime minister i must admit i once thought of groups like yours as opportunists enablers of war but you've trained our new army well order has returned sooner than expected perhaps i was wrong about these private military companies we prefer private security providers sir most of maverick's contracts do focus on security yes well the security can mean many things there's a saying i like one sword keeps another in the sheath sometimes the threat of violence alone is a deterrent sometimes by taking a life others can be preserved it's the code the samurai lived by a soldier and a philosopher you are full of surprises mr lightning bolt i could say the same about you mr prime minister what is happening someone's blocking the lead vehicle hold on clear the road this is official state business [Music] i said clear the road we're authorized to use force if you do yes leopard one u-turn open fire who was that the cyborg one of our competitors courtney what is happening we got hit sir a cyborg exif comes up unaffiliated i'll notify all checkpoints get the money out of them yes sir we are going to die stay calm i'm on it guard the prime minister [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign let's get this over with you'll need to choose between light and heavy strikes to match the situation take self-repair units from your foes to replenish your own supply i'll add the label to your solid down radar hey so [Music] hmm hmm stop so you're jack what do you want with the prime minister i want him dead nothing personal of course africa's just getting a bit too peaceful what business ain't been the same since they shut down sop a clean break from the war economy huh well some of us lack that economy how's an honest warmonger supposed to make a living this is your answer don't do it don't worry now i won't not while he's still useful so long what they have a medal here here right they thought that you are here shot stop it wait [Music] yes wide open [Music] foreign there get it use your ninja band to move over obstacles automatically do not let him out of your sight you must catch it still works use blade mode to take out those heads [Music] food [Music] finish that bastard [Applause] [Music] [Music] the hell [Music] [Music] he's heading for the front of the train after an unidentified field brother is headed your way keep an eye out for it prime minister too little too late hero i won't be needing my little shield here any longer what about all the good things war has done for us why don't we ever hear speeches about that jobs technology a common purpose ryden forget me stop him you ain't listening mind if i got in oh you're saying give war a chance [Applause] no out of my way he's all yours sam let's go [Music] don't be shy [Music] self-taught and not half bad still [Music] your technique lacks something admit you're a killer [Music] now i see you deny your weapon its purpose it hurts to bathe in the blood of your enemies but you hold it back no my sword is a tool of justice hmm so [ __ ] not again are you all right you're almost clear of the tunnel just hang out gotta try hard do you want to practice first first [Music] this is what happens when you bring a tool to a sword fight it's over lucky devil get you waiting huh ugh down you go flash wow [Applause] uh [Music] so far so good i've got a clean visual a direct feed to your optic now yes i should hope so i mean how does it feel to fly like a bird like a bird strapped to a remote control rocket we will get you in safely tomorrow just relax and enjoy the ride right can you hear me remember the two procedures to maintain your new body one seizing nano repair units from your foes and two absorbing their electrolytes i got it yes enemy sidewalks will provide plenty of mcfc electrolytes once you slice them open and extract their fluids they're terrorists i was planning on that anyway oh and their left hands if you please excuse me is that combat data stored on holographic memory typically located in the left hand that data is very valuable i am authorized to offer upgrades and services in exchange for it how generous leave a capitalism had the world come down a few years earlier i would have a nobel prize on my shelf there i see land three months out closing no activity at the air base looks like we don't need to worry about interceptors great then we have time for a quick briefing i know you miss me calf but i've been all over the materials that's what you said before montenegro look just humor me buddy objectives of course are inter abkhazia neutralize the terrorists and restore the rightful government or what's left of it anyway the president and most of the cabinet have been killed and a military junta has been established the terrorists brain jacked all the high-ranking officers and their cyborgs scattered the rank and fight the few leaders who have survived have no way of openly opposing the new regime that's why they called us andrei dulce leader of the occupation forces an extremist linked to both the same petersburg massacre of 2015 and last year's terror spree in georgia and his arms supplier none other than desperado enforcement llc and money's killers if we don't stop them here they could destabilize the entire region but our more immediate problem is jetstream i believe you've the only met i see is that nickname i've got my enhancements this time he won't be an issue he may not even be in country but keep an eye out justin oh uh sorry ready for insertion [Music] uh [Music] [Music] ryden you landed safely duh first head inland the waypoint is marked on your soliton radar contact us on codec if you have questions assessments are using stealth cable to ambush you nice try but it won't do any good against a state-of-the-art cyborg like you to marry incoming kids throw out your own barrage of light attacks while your foe is on the attention edge of phil with this body i could take these guys with no eyes intel wasn't exaggerating on the cyborg count well you know how fast the tech's been spreading these last few years that cnt muscle fiber packs the power of a jackhammer into every limb what enterprising soldier a fortune could resist and cyborgs are still human real thinking people way less risk of collateral damage than your typical uav strike and don't forget the pr angle nations start playing frankenstein with their troops and the public goes nuts pmcs on the other hand are off the ethical radar yeah they still don't even count pmcs in official death tolls with sop out of the picture private militaries needed a new edge on the market we got in a way cyborgs are just sop troops by another name only all muscled up and less predictable but it makes you wonder where desperado find these guys i'm not complaining they're like walking vending machines right vending machines full of blood easy there dracula like i said there's still people people who terrorize and take innocent lives for money they sowed their fate when they took this job i'm just the reaper damn it's a bit cold right even for you anyway uh his school let's get to work time to increase the peace right [Music] [Applause] this is boris give me your status looks clear no one in sight good let's recap the route you will take as i said the enemy's hq is in the refinery along the coastline tolsayev has been spotted there using satellite photography also on site mistral a desperado captain so i go through the city cross the bridge into the old town then head down to the rear of the refinery still i think they anticipate this they will probably have a grand reception awaiting you at the old city do not let your guard down hostels in the lower corridor i see try to flank them or approach from behind hey excellent ryden bryden take that main thoroughfare you can use augment mode to see where the enemy is located your body analyzes radar and ir data to construct your ar display some civilians are still in the city that is not good [Music] what are you doing here this area is off limits what no i'm not doing anything can we just kill them it'll be easier i'm supposed to have driven them all away already uh greetings cyborg show yourself [Applause] and you are i am i am prototype lq84i i have prototype interface prototype all autonomous ugs feature high level onboard artificial intelligence an additional prototyping device enables verbal communication i possess an intellect far beyond human reckoning you don't say okay then what's the meaning of life why are we here i am here to kill you that's it pretty simple thinking for such a mighty intellect i may analyze orders but i may not disobey them should i disobey a direct order my memory would be white i must destroy you what good is an intellect if you can't use it your taunting is pointless exterminate [Applause] [Music] so required help me [Music] water to leave them what would an ai know about freedom ah [Music] [Applause] dude [Music] blue you gotta be pretty stupid to try and hide here looks to me like russian spies hey we are just well we can't let him give away our position waste him we'll fill out the paperwork later so that's where they're hold up some kind of electronic lock on the gate most likely it opens only if you have the right id data stored in your left hand perhaps you could find a cyborg with access and borrow it you see any cyborgs around here doc why not double back check the vehicle route again you know back at the entrance to the old city who knows maybe you can hitch a ride most likely platoon commanders carry correct id data for the gate use enhanced mode to figure out who to hit right you you miss them all well you just have to fight your way through i should have guessed you would choose uh [Music] that woman hmm what's happening your heart rate yeah i just dodged a bullet all right i'm heading for the refinery we intercepted call for backup during your last fight the caller's position is on your soliton radar you can engage if you wish it is your choice right the cliff is just ahead at the end of the old city beyond that is the refinery's backyard so what it's a sheer drop the refinery's not connected to the city at all no it was only built two years ago there should be a narrow path around there that leads to the plant it is protected by a fence but probably you can cut your way through probably don't get cocky most likely it is desperado running security down there v and his team must be in here find him ryden wait there are active ir sensors in the area purple factory security no doubt but the enemy may be using it there was classified data embedded in that hand it appears that land underneath modification at the pastry facility just included i was wondering when you'd come jack the ripper no one calls me that anymore dolcev where is he i can show you a better time than that crusty old bear you're in charge here i am mistral the cold wind of france and you your reputation precedes you liberian but white as snow a natural born killer even as a child that was a long time ago i was born in algeria myself you know i'm only half french and we had our own civil war in the 90s so you see cut from the same cloth you and i you don't know me i lost my whole family everything but i butchered those [ __ ] my family's killers that's when i realized i am a killer too and a good one at that i slaughtered dozens in iraq in afghanistan i'd found my calling you proud of that are you what happened happened to be honest i found it quite dull my enemies felt like domino one after another not once did i feel threatened i was adrift without challenge without purpose at times i even envied my prey at least they had a cause to die for and then i met him who and i knew what i had been missing his ideals gave my life meaning ideals jack what are yours i protect the wick still so naive and if i must kill to protect them and so be it [Music] it seems we have less in common than i thought i'll take that as a compliment if you would kill for your ideals then surely you are ready to die for them [Music] come on [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i am stopping to enjoy this [Music] uh [Music] this end now [Music] [Music] so this i do not need apologies i need you alive but i know you will never fall what is this talk about mister you've never she's not talking to you idiots you you killed her you play your match that's rich coming from you it's overdose i have surrender [Music] translation why would i surrender we are exactly where i want [ __ ] built with russian money to make russian money it is but now they will be free bastard blew himself up i think time to get you out of there we're sending a helicopter secure and healthy [Music] understood so you've got some kind of disguise lined up right yep all set hope so you'd be a little conspicuous just walking the streets relax kev i'll blend right in yeah well just get into the sewer system asap hopefully anyone who notices you will just mind their own business you sure you want the k9000 there along for this one i had the good doctor make some adjustments along with the repairs remote piloting and ai wiping have been disabled so yeah i say let's throw them about wordplay my exoskeleton resembles a canine canines enjoy bones i'm using on two levels let's go [Music] so is adios amigos it's right i'm in the sewer system all right let's get started your mission is to investigate the desperado-affiliated research center somewhere in that area according to the intel from our client the lab's been dumping illegal waste into those sewers fyi they're also involved with the cartels in human trafficking allegedly anyway this just gets better and better tell me about it we need you to infiltrate the lab and find out everything you can of course you'll have to find it first we still don't know the exact location so i'm looking for anywhere the lab might hook up with the sewers yep if they're actually dumping waste they've got to link up somehow find that connection sneak into the lab and see if you can find evidence implicating them on anything no problem stealth's my specialty right well we'll see do we have any idea what kind of research they're doing there not really maybe something related to all the people they're trafficking like experimentation it's possible first things first though find a way into that lab oh right it says here the locals say black crocodiles live in those sewers so you know watch out black crocodiles could they be talking about you g's maybe just an urban legend but still be careful i will scout ahead you will provide backup sir yes sir commence operation right unidentified ugs are patrolling the sewers exercise caution better take out that eugene quick won't attract too much attention down i see a maintenance catwalk use it to conceal yourself if necessary right there is a boy in these sewers [Applause] get out of here [Music] you speak english uh yeah i'm from america call me ryden my name george like georgetown george and just like all them america president yeah so what are you doing here me what the rest of you do here you lose the map a ninja hideout ninja man no i'm looking for bad guys our damn sconter research lab you know about it me know me now go back hey you know what a damn skunt nah nah i guess you're all right if you're a cyborg you know who day is sort of what happened to you home even live on the street they can skate for a bob now then this could need dressed like the mafia say hey boy you want a job what the what's going to happen now but that mother's gone don't put me on a rust boat they pack us all a pickable dirty container next thing we know we're here at the zombie lab all kids like you yeah i'm not a boy but then me been overhear what damn scott want to do snuff us out and got all day organ so you ran aha shaymi not a bad ass robot ninja man same as you may been strongest cyborg ever warlock called them phantoms and black clothes that i passed me starting to sound like a bad guy yourself just plain nah we've done plenty bad thing or may not kill no man nah never good we tried to warner the boy i say iud's brain would get cut out run your ass out of there but then boy with me no understand they like spanish or something so me the only one for escape then that machine come after me and and i know the rest george i need every detail about how you escaped oh so the kid got into the sewers through a drainage channel yeah he says the channel is super tight but there's some kind of shutter next to it got it that must be where they dump the waste there's something else it sounds like a desperado exec was on site yesterday if a century cyborg was on hand for the meeting you should be able to review their video log provided you can find a server access terminal that would give us the evidence we need as well as a little peek at the level of that technology so what about the kid i made sure the area was secure and told him to sit tight can you pick him up sure i'll send a couple agents for it you just focus on getting into that land if what he said is true about the organs we need to hurry agreed right now every uk activity ahead it is possible they are conducting test operations while the lab is closed they're not going to make it easy to get into that lab is there some way you could sneak past it's it's a box how's that gonna help oh it's from medical supplies that could work actually we intercepted call for backup during your last fight the caller's position is on your soliton radar you can engage if you wish this is your choices righty i have determined the approximate location of the lab based on the boys information it is marked on your soliton radar so a fake wall projection pretty well hidden i gotta say ah this would appear to be the ug maintenance area you should find a terminal there something they use to upload mission parameters to the ugs and something i can use to access the lab's main server perhaps but first you need to take a dump wait what a dump a digital optical output mounted proxy you'll need one to interface with the terminal most any ug should suffice uh tripod was alike i'll see what i can come up with how do i use it simply connect to it you should be able to use your communications outlet to control the proxy eugene all right let's give it a shot right right right i thought you said stealth ops for your special titan if they continue to increase security they mesh find them is it over for now yeah but that room those were cyborg brain casings da we saw george said they were harvesting organs from kids yes this must be why they are trafficking children perhaps other organs are being sold elsewhere but they are definitely taking their brains jesus are they making these kids into cyborgs wait the cyborgs you've been fighting did they seem like they might be kids you said earlier that child soldiers have a telltale approach to combat yeah but i didn't see it here those weren't kids so what desperado's just doing the surgeries there we've got to do something about all those brains and the other kids george was talking about he just escaped a few hours ago they couldn't have taken all their brains out that fast true there could still be a bunch of kids they haven't touched yet i better move [Music] [Music] it is all ours now use it to locate a data input terminal these guys are pretty jumpy now any funny business and they might just open fire [Music] try latching onto cyborgs heads from behind then an electric shock should knock them unconscious that terminal is most likely designed to download mission data and such into the ugs let's try using it to access the lab server i found something in one of the century cyborgs visual logs guess who shows up that's it through right away [Applause] and send us what you do hey you've already commenced your clan thus news program yep second one on georgie boy used on the kids in liberia of course it's right straight to the brain now and your work is light we need to check for our cover is blown we've got some [ __ ] snooping around we just do not have the full quantity yet each brain has its own unique requirements it's not like we can just pop them out with an ice cream scoop all right make your point oh thank you for understanding say what you have now i'll destroy any unharvested inventory yeah but have you any idea what they cost last i checked the children weren't exactly rare in the part of the world millions of them in fact you can get more once we set up a new lab they lead lives of hunger and pain we're performing a service here for them and the cities they burden but just gathering the donors requires a significant investment yes yes we'll get the money accounting will be untouched gracias i assure you with the pulse of our inventory the instant we can confirm payment are we done here i've got a full slate today tecumseh is a demanding mistress and america has suffered long enough oh yes thank you sir let me see you out you see that kev and mani's killer desperado's chief of operations goes by sundowner the californian wildfire the kids think we're too late only one way to find out george was still alive maybe the payment hasn't come through yet hmm maybe but you heard what he said they've already started some brains on vr training there must be more than just what i found here what about the vip in the suit i'll find out definitely seem familiar right i'm going after the kids bad news right now you can't find george what maybe the coordinates you sent us were off no way i merged the gps location of our entry with all my movement data from that point on this is bad you think they got to him first i don't know i'll have her guys sweep the area thanks i better keep moving it's is now i knew i'd seen that guy before stephen armstrong as in colorado senator stephen armstrong they're already talking about him as a shoe-in for the nomination in 2020. and get this two years ago a federal grand jury investigated his ties to a certain private world marshall one of the biggest pmcs out there i remember the biggest ever since the big five split up not to mention the single largest investor in military cyborg r d in the world guess that answers the question of who's backing desperado marshall and desperado in bed together should make for some fun headlines headlines this is world marshal and a u.s senator we're talking about there won't be any headlines even without the patriots filter no major media outlet will investigate allegations like these it'd be financial and political suicide so we just what sit back while they keep carving up kids stand aside while they build an army of cyborgs you heard them we shut down one lab they build another they're planning something big we can't just wait for it to happen we need to hit him first and hit him hard where it counts no ryden no i know what you're thinking and just know colorado is in america and america has these things called laws and law enforcement in denver was privatized and farmed out to marshall yes so what they are still laws and it's their headquarters for christ's sakes you'd be heading right into the heart of a raging [ __ ] storm i didn't say it would be easy we'll figure it out once the kids are safe jesus kevin out ah an artificial blood cryo preserver they must have begun preparatory freezing what do you mean that device is filled with synthetic blood plasma it can slow the metabolism of a harvested organ circulating this plasma to sustain oxygen levels you can preserve an arm a brain any body parts for several hours so what are they freezing and why i could not see perhaps it plan to set off the organs of the children they were told to dispose of unbelievable you would best hurry right right hey stop right there george ryden you've heard of chloroform important anesthetic in smaller doses but breathe too much of it and adios muchachos [Music] with that glass and i'll blow his brains out surrender or decide the needs of the many or the needs of the few right don't worry about me now quiet surrender i won't ask again george are you sure i'm ready me life knows so precious thing what if we can take this skunt to hell with me that's all i needed to hear stop it now i'll kill him i swear uh [Music] [Applause] police are still investigating a motive president hamilton is on his way to the middle east this morning for his scheduled visit with pakistani president farooq salaam the meeting is viewed as an attempt by the u.s to strengthen relations amidst a surge of anti-american sentiment in the region george good to see you up and about how you feeling never better now no pain no more starving hunger species and may never ever feel so awake nah that's because your blood sugar levels are being maintained automatically beats the hell out of coffee oh we've been here you go while is going into base why do i say you not take me with ya huh damn it duck sorry kid you'd just be in the way oh besides i thought she didn't want to be a killer right we don't but killing isn't fun in games remember that right that's all i needed to hear [Music] now it yearns to bathe in the blood of your enemies but you hold it back yeah just remember that [Music] private what you cannot resign sorry boris it's done can't have a maverick employee involved in a corporate rating now can we you could at least come talk to me no it was time to break away from the old team boris pastime you cannot take on marshall all by yourself i won't sit by while they butcher little kids and ship their parts around like meat get sick it's not all so simple right they import those brains legally for medical purposes it's all done being legal doesn't make it right ryden i hold that thought foreign [Music] uh i will patrol ahead military cyborg you are not licensed to operate in this area you're in violation of state and federal law guess you better arrest me then 183 104.7 threatening a peace officer deadly force is authorized the road is blocked by barricades we will proceed through the buildings you will follow me what's your status they trashed my car i'll have to go the rest of the way on foot do you really have to do this look i'm fed up with all of it companies like ours yours bend the laws when it suits business why not bend it when it can save innocent lives brighton boris listen to me that vr training they'll be warped into killing machines they'll be set on pows civilians it'll be one atrocity after another like what you went through we can't have any more jack the rippers you saw what happened with george i'm doing this boris i have to i can't save those kids from becoming cyborgs but i can stop them from becoming murderers so you succeed so you get all the brains back then what just so happens i know great cybernetic surgeon doctor but he cannot you won't change my mind boris this is my fight now and your wife and son what of them they're in new zealand safe rose would understand why i have to do this all right damn you you do realize marshall has the contract for law enforcement throughout the city they are the law in denver yeah we've met well then officially maverick incorporated condemns you and your actions as unlawful and a pain in the [ __ ] now increase your codec encryption do not worry about the lag and unofficially i'll do all i can over the codec to help i do not like what those mudaki are doing any more than you specif ryden you will find an elevator inside that office use it to reach the roof traveling atop buildings will minimize enemy encounters bring me more and maybe i can develop something interesting what's your status i am reviewing the pre-flight checklist now i have hired contractors to handle shipping the brain units we should be airborne in just a few minutes you sure you can pilot that chopper by yourself right then of course need i remind you that we live in the golden age of unmanned flight even manned helicopters possess a robust semi-automatic mode it is simple really so simple that i can continue to monitor your status and world martial security from the pilot seat i must say for the world's largest pmc their security procedures are quite poor quite poor sadly i did not have the necessary permissions to override their plans nevertheless the data i did find should prove most useful so please do feel free to contact me whenever you like appreciate it doc well it's not every day one has the chance to collect so many brains think of the data the research oh and of course your personal safety was a concern as well roger that send it back up you cannot proceed any further via the rooftops there is a freight railroad underground the elevator ahead will take you to [Music] [Music] it this must be the railroad it would appear so likely part of denver's old system this city was a major transport hub in the early years of freight trains this particular line appears to have been abandoned some time ago it was originally constructed to transport supplies to an underground factory but now it seems even the electrical system is no longer functioning yeah it's pitch black in here as a cyborg i trust this is not a serious concern ryden it would appear your only way forward is to return to the surface you will exit into an evacuated commercial district security is heavy but you need not worry about collateral damage when engaging the enemy about time finally i can cut loose proceed to the right from the exit you will find a stairway on your right those stairs lead to a shortcut to world martial headquarters do not be distracted by the advertisements you are not here as a tourist sure i'll just buy a quick souvenir or two for rose and that'll be it ryden we must hurry remind me to teach you about sarcasm sometime i understand your attempts at humor i simply do not find them entertaining right you have almost reached world martial headquarters isn't this all a bit much any discipline after mexico jet stream said [Music] please solve everything with violence is that it my sword is a means to an end to protect those you'd prey on really let me ask you all those cyborgs you've killed up to now maybe they weren't kids but they were people you ever think about them when you're chopping them into hamburger they're adults they made their choice right on the dotted line of their bmc contract usually they're no strangers to war in fact many times they already lost a lame or two many times they were out of work and starving on the streets so yes they signed up for surgery to fight god knows where how else would you provide for your family when your country's embroiled in civil war pain receptors shut down pumped full of fear inhibiting nano machines and sent right into the blender your blender but they made their choice right open your eye and see ryden i've seen plenty then listen those battlefield emotions that the nano suppress listen to them what are you talking about can we take them what's wrong the way he killed all the others oh god please god don't let me die let's do this this isn't fair little punk listen closely now die i watched my wife and son die this is all i had left you ain't [ __ ] i didn't know what i was signing up is something the matter ryden i've nearly saved enough to bring bubba to the stage finish him off whatever it takes to be free of this torture stop it what am i even fighting oh ryden are you injured i thought they had a choice a fair choice not like you people are different as opposed to ai's you're all the same huh you and your brothers manipulating mankind for our own good it appears my statement has upset you i apologize no it's i know you're right as for ai's we adapt as we learn just as any intellect operates man or machine altering the course of mankind is not above my defined directives i guess that's a relief samuel's behavior does not match established parameters you know him affirmative we served together on three previous missions he proved most capable you think i live i have always found him dependable until now scouting data for the next area [Music] i'll patrol ahead you follow ryden your current emotional state appears highly volatile i am sure you do not intend to abort the mission but i suggest you avoid combat for the time being ah i know so black and white now is it is your cause just or is that just what you tell yourself [ __ ] you how pleased you are to chop away check the ripper [Music] my name is monsoon of the winds of destruction yeah i guessed as much so feasting on the insides of your enemies how easily you ignore the loss of life when it suits your convenience so tell me who saves the week from the man who saves the week you're the ones exploiting them you take advantage of their weakness of course they get hurt when you set them up as your human shield kill or be killed jack war is a cruel parent but an effective teacher its final lesson is carved in my sight that this world and all its people are diseased free will is a myth religion is a joke controlled by something greater means the dna of the soul they are the culture they are everything we pass on expose someone to anger long enough you can't fight nature jack wind blows rain falls and the strong prey upon the weak sam tells me you see your weapon something that saves lives a means of justice now there's a pretty meme exquisite it spared you the burden of all the lives absolved you of guilt when you enjoyed it that is until the illusion was broken don't be ashamed it's only nature running its course you have no choices to make nothing to answer for you can die with a clear conscience you're right about me i mean i knew something was off after the patriots i thought i could walk off the battlefield and into a normal life but here i am surrounded by death arguing philosophy with terrorists i told myself this was about justice about protecting the weak but i was wrong then you admit it i learned young that killing your enemies felt good really good in america my friends my family they helped me forget the devil inside but who am i kidding i was born to kill the bit about my sword that means of justice stuff i guess i needed something to keep the ripper in check when i was knee-deep in bodies you but you all this is a wake-up call to what i really believe what i really am what are you saying i'm saying jack is back doctor turn off my pain inhibitors what this this is madness you do it all right this is why i fight this is my normal my nature you've lost your mind [Music] [Music] who's next i'll take this dance jose report back to the chief he's mine you're the boss i misjudged you you are like us after all now you're just being nasty that nickname you love so much wanna know how i got it actually why don't i give you a demonstration i think it's time for jack to glittery thank you welcome to my utopian magnetic force i have won this is this is [Music] i'll put you one [Music] river [Music] yes or be killed don't be ashamed it's only nature running its course your means end here now i passed one to you sure as the sun will rise the slaughter will continue now i return to the earth wind blows rain falls the strongest prey on the week oh as it should be ryden i'm fine kevin relax i'll get the brains i don't want this for anyone else all right man later you killed monsoon i'm impressed the brains are in the server room undergoing training knock yourself out going nuts [Music] you from the top floor time to make your way up there the elevators appear to be disabled which we should have expected i suppose i will access the control unit perhaps you can hack an elevator and make it operational splendid idea by all means yes it seems the guards are storming the building titan get back to the entrance find me some time to get this elevator operational do not stray too far from the elevators ryden use the weapons around you to slow them down throw everything at them you can you can control that ugd as well yes give them hell elevator riding for security purposes the building is divided into upper and lower halves the lower area consists of offices and meeting space for staff and visitors while confidential military projects and technical research are restricted to the upper levels so that's where the brains in the server room will be up top indeed but that elevator can only access the lower floors you need to get to the 20th floor and past the security gate there to reach the upper area let me guess time to find another left hand well that is the problem security cyborgs would not have sufficient clearance but managers and senior staff have already been evacuated no doubt so the only option is to cut the power to the security gate which will not be easy it is powered by no less than three systems including a backup power supply you will need to destroy all of the electrical control panels to disable them in any case you should arrive at the 20th floor soon the electrical panels are most likely hidden in the walls use your enhanced ar to search for any unusual heat sources inside the wall sphere ah the security gate it is composed of steel alloy bonded by a high frequency electrical current it should unlock once the power has been cut there could be an electrical panel nearby use your enhanced ar to locate it yeah that should take care of security now head back to the gate shall i activate your pain inhibitors now no keep them off i need it this way uh well as you wish i must say i have turned more than a few men into cyborgs but you well your past is most uh what you getting at doc most of the time you're working with first world ex-military grown men compared to the average third world child soldier i can't really complain most of them they're the sort of gorillas your typical patient gets paid to slaughter perhaps but uh this shouldn't be news to you doc yes yes but uh look just help me take care of those brains after i bring him back i do my business you do yours yes they're pouring in from everywhere this is crazy you do not have to fight every enemy you encounter right try and keep moving i pretend to blow open the door for me yeah idiot [Music] [Music] oh all these sliders in the area perhaps they could be put to use keep driving like that it will be much easier for you go driving yes [Music] righteous up now yeah almost there i have just finished analyzing the latest security data you should find an indoor garden up ahead a garden sounds fancy a japanese garden to be precise it is an area set aside for vips apparently one of world martial's directors is a rather serious japanese culture enthusiast all right so what's this got to do with me is there something i need from the garden not at all you need only pass through that area to arrive at the freight elevator i found a route to the elevator controls through the unit we hijacked downstairs i have located the server room as well you can reach it via the freight elevator great work doc elementary my dear ryden now head for the garden thank you the main exit is seal i very much doubt you can get through there the catwalk above you was connected to a corridor meant for transporting materials you can take that to the elevator my apologies ryden i seem to have fallen behind no worries actually i should thank you what are you talking about if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have gotten jack back then that is your true nature more or less still interested i find no reason to alter my objectives from the moment we met you have acted on emotional urges you speak of protecting those weaker than you such people number in the billions it is impossible you cannot save every human being in the world you cannot save every street child after extended observation i have come to a conclusion your actions are rooted in affinity for those from similar circumstances as yours guess so not much of a superhero after all huh however your emotional status is understandable perhaps i share this same affinity well if that's what you feel and glad to have you along roger you can reach the server room via the freight elevator just ahead careful the elevator cannot think much more of this jump to that adjacent platform [Music] the platform is losing speed scheifer the tripods are interfering guys here's the house of the shop security from the top floor to the freight elevators your path to the server room leads right through them [Music] the server rooms ahead yes according to what i have here what should i expect to find if they're vr training those brains i'm guessing it won't look like your typical it department quite right most of it will likely be occupied by life support units feeding oxygen and nutrition to the brains they have stored you know they would also need a server to feed some cdr data but in terms of structure it's really more brain storage and maintenance than a server room but no doubt it makes a convenient euphemism for what they are really doing there yeah like how cia agents refer to where they work as the company indeed something like that would never arouse the suspicions of rank and file staff who may hear it and i'm sure those complicit in this operation feel better not calling it the vr training room even something so simple as a name can help one ignore the truth of what they are doing truly fascinating how the human brain works so this whatever room that's where sundowner's waiting right if he wants a fight i wish he'd just get on with it he didn't seem the type to run and hide well he is in charge of security but i suspect this is not about business if i had to guess i would say he is toying with you testing you perhaps whatever he's doing it won't change what's going to happen once i finally catch up with him is [Music] well as you say i controlled it should pose no problem for you [Music] yet [Music] keep going ryden you are almost to the server room [Music] don't disrupt the students while class is in session i believe you're familiar with the lesson plan the same regimen you went through in liberia effective program just look how you turned out of course running it in the real world just got a bit too complicated doing it virtually though no fuss no muss straight to the brain it's like a dream well maybe dream is the wrong word they could kill some pows some civilians they enjoy it though we give their pleasure centers a nice big joke every time plus they can shine a new body as a graduation present another thing you have in common i chose this they're kids you son of a [ __ ] and kids are cruel all people are by nature they just lose touch with it as they get older start thinking they know right and wrong that's immoral war crime this code of conduct that kids you can mold manipulated to perform in all kinds of atrocities and there's nothing like a good atrocity to keep a war going that's why i'm shutting you down you just don't see the bigger picture do you say you bring this whole place down walt's out of the rubble with all these precious brains nothing changes all the guys in charge are long gone and we've got offices around the world [Music] we're just suppliers we don't create the market for war and who does the patriots are gone those guys just managed the war economy they didn't invent it did you think every battle in history was all part of some big old conspiracy war is just part of who we are why fight it anyway none of this will matter in three hours demand for pmc's is about to skyrocket like the good old days after 9 11. what are you talking about not here follow me bryden get sundowner do not lose it this time how's this jack we can play up here without damaging the merchandise what happens in three hours don't matter you're too late even at mach 2 you wouldn't make it and killing you is gonna take some time slow and painful like i said kids are and i'm cool in touch [Music] you can be crueler than that check keep your blade away from the chill your body should analyze it for you show you where to attack so it does not detonate if you can only hit the right spot with your blade maybe you can drop his jaw is [Music] [Music] okay [ __ ] you got me three times foreign it's over what happens in three hours launch operation to got yourself shaving [ __ ] he's good real good you knew this would well you'll get your wish up to you now riding here i've taken martial hq yeah yeah i have just entered denver airspace i will be there soon hurry what sundowner said i know anything that'll rival 911 cannot be good and in three hours maybe less he said even mach 2 could not get there in time if he was serious that's over 4 000 miles away 4 500. so whatever it is it's not happening on american soil if it's going to spike demand for pmc's it's got to be a political hot spot a coup or civil war in a stable region wouldn't have a domino effect and they'd want to draw in a superpower no what the president he's on his way to pakistan if something happens to him there oh [ __ ] the war on terror part two contact the military official channels are frozen since mexico unofficial channels will take too long besides what's our proof who's going to believe us over world martial then we have to get there first impossible it is the other side of the planet even if we were in the world's fastest jet right now it's not even close hold up it's not a jet we need courtney an rlb would make it with time to spare that's mach 23 if we're talking one atmosphere 17 650 miles per hour that will make pakistan under half an hour right contact solas cargo's all set to go sir excellent commencing takeoff in semi-auto mode you know this kind of space launch once required days of preparation solas has been conducting test flights almost every day for the last six months as long as we're not breaking atmosphere they said they can reroute today's flight no problem amazing the earth is the cradle of humanity but mankind cannot stay in the cradle forever i'm only going as far as the thermosphere this thing can't pass the karman line that lunar vacation will just have to wait and here i was hoping you might bring me back a monolith two boogies closing fast is it who else the flight pattern suggests unmanned mq320s [ __ ] this is a transport chopper our defensive options are limited missiles incoming emp yes but not strong enough to take out the drone i'll handle this i don't have a nice flight and people say germans aren't funny uh all right bring the chopper around okay i'm coming back this is easier said sent down you know very good all right i am sorry my friend your sacrifice will not be forgotten that was quite the fall ryden i'm glad to see that you are all right it's time you got out of denver right are you all right i can handle this you just get those brains out of here and what will you do get out of here and to the launch site ah the young ladies company yeah how fortunate they are in colorado too yeah shouldn't take more than two hours with a set of wheels guess i'll just have to borrow some a lot of cars got abandoned when the evac order came down but won't the roads be blocked if you are struck by one of those missiles or i know let me just worry about putting some distance between me and world marshall what's left of it [Music] uh it may be an rlp but it still needs time to accelerate and decelerate from first cosmic velocity could require more than 30 minutes to get to pakistan i have located a route with relatively light security i will mark the heading on your soliton radar nobody said anything about killing anybody answer me why'd you disobey the evacuation order ryden i will join you in pakistan i will find a way to exit the helicopter proceed out of the city i will contact you when i am on the ground you have escaped the pursuit seems like it you have passed the last of the barricades save your strength find a vehicle right that should do nicely [Music] so everything okay on your side i am out of colorado airspace and nothing on the radar good i'm almost there [Music] [Music] right having a little heart to heart i have analyzed his words and actions i am unable to ascertain his motivation uh fancy meeting you here you knew i'd come i suppose i should thank you for not killing everyone at the launch site well not if you say it like that for a hired killer you're not very good at your job the war is the big payoff right big raises all around once world marshall gets all those contracts i'm not talking about money jack i'm talking ideals excuse me forget it we've both heard enough speeches about higher causes by now history will decide who's right end of story [Music] i don't care who thinks i'm right and i've got cause enough for killing you huh oh good [Laughter] well that's very good yes i like that must you really fight don't interfere this is between us [Music] and it ends here okay let's dance goodbye now this is a fight [Music] hey good night god [Laughter] [Applause] he is dead he barely had any cyborg enhancements was this outcome necessary evidence inclusive i guess even ais don't know everything it is likely no single correct answer exists additionally human conflict stems from opposing ideals and societal norms i was not programmed with these guidelines you're better off figuring those out for yourself [Music] the efficacy of the enhancement directly correlates to the quality of the original weapon my file indicates sam inherited the sword from his father going to bury it i will retain it in memory of sam [Music] hmm [Music] so right we have less than one hour hurry roger that oh yo [Music] are you uh mr ryden sir where is she i'll tell her you've arrived over here hi there stranger hey you're looking good oh who's your little friend oh it's a long story shake good boy [Music] i guess we don't really have time to catch up sorry not really it's okay follow me so exactly what kind of you'll see you built that yep [Music] it uses a hybrid lace ramjet engine i designed well are you in a hurry or not right hey thanks sonny hmm [Music] the flight plan is already set you're good to go please switch off all cell phones and portable gaming devices and remember this is a no smoking flight roger ready for countdown no time for that ignition [Applause] [Laughter] um so well anything [Music] nothing you sure we got the right place gotta be it's the only base big enough with security contracted out to world marshall all right i'm headed in [Music] [Applause] you see that their exif codes show up as unaffiliated wait marshall has the security contract for the space why would they have their cyborgs set to the same illegal exif code as desperado it's evidence against them no it's their alibi they're making it look like desperado hacked their soldiers on site because everyone knows desperado has a contract with the pakistani rebels but if we go public with the desperado marshall connection won't matter not when they've got this nice big foreign threat all cooked up and ready to serve the media and the public won't be able to resist remember wmds in iraq damn it you're right it's another slam dunk what about any humans on the base marshall only handled security dead most likely or brain jacked if they needed them to keep up appearances they'd never publicize what airport the president was flying into not in this region and almost no one would have access to an outside line for security reasons it wouldn't be difficult to keep things hush at least until air force one arrives i'm heading for the control tower if i can destroy the antenna array the us military will know something's wrong good idea be careful sam's gone and i blew the winds of destruction away i'll be fine there is no time to worry about the shoulders get to the control tower oh ugh ah well if it isn't saucy jack just a little too late as usual i'm strong impressive little toy you've got there but your plan ends here idiot you're not ending our plan you're expanding it check the internet lately ryden air force one is turning back to the states what how'd they know someone posted photos of what's happening on the beach the whole world is up in arms show me how did they a story leaked early then marshall's plan is ruined the hell it is look what they're saying the story just went live and already they're calling for blood but the president was saved and yet american blood was spilled by americans he's hot a few dozen soldiers is tragic but nothing to start a major war over that's just a spark son the excuse we've been waiting for america's wanted this war for years the patriots they knew war was good for the economy four years later their legacy lingers on the means they left us their great isms nationalism unilateralism materialism welcome maxims for those with no faith without guiding principles of their own give yourself up to the whole no need to better yourself you're american you're number one then the only value left is dollar value the economy so we'll do whatever it takes to keep it humming along even war especially war [ __ ] the patriots planted the seed we don't need them around to filter and foster their memes any longer we're spreading them just find ourselves every american man woman and child we're all sons of our patriots now we just need something to jump start the economy out of this funk this recession has been stuck in since the ball of sop and the military costs wasting billions is going to help the economy dmc's arms manufacturers job creators jack all those workers spending money paying taxes trust me a little war can work wonders so grease the gears with some innocent blood is that it or relax jack it's a war on terror we're not out to kill civilians extremists lawless gangs madman of course that would have to include you wouldn't want any eyewitness reports complicating the message [Music] hmm hmm [Music] ah [Music] okay [Music] uh my [Music] [Music] [Music] says is [Music] [Music] [Music] so slippery little bastard i don't have time for this oh you've got to be kidding me let's go the hell are you thinking playing college ball you know that's a cushy ivy league school try university of texas could have gone poor if i hadn't joined the navy i'm not one of those beltway pansies i could break the present in two with my bare hands don't [ __ ] with this senator [Applause] what the hell are you why don't you stick around and find out are you like that what nice night huh typical politician big promises but all talk what jump start the economy [Applause] what a load of ghosts all you care about is lighting your own pockets and your approval rating you've got no principles oh if america's gone to [ __ ] you're just another maggot crawling in the pile all right the truth then you're right about one thing i do need capital and votes wanna know why i have a dream what that one day every person in this nation will control their own destiny a land of the truly free damn it a nation of action not words ruled by strength not committee where the law changes to suit the individual not the other way around where power and justice are back where they belong [Music] where every man is free to think to ash for himself [ __ ] all these lipstick liars and chicken [ __ ] bureaucrats [ __ ] this 24 7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity [ __ ] [ __ ] american pride [ __ ] the media [ __ ] all of it america's diseased rotten to the core there's no saving it we need to pull it out by the roots wipe the sleigh clean burn it down and from the ashes a new america will be born evolved but unchecked the weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive free to live as they see fit they'll make america great again what the hell are you talking about you still don't get it i'm using war as a business to get elected so i can end wars of business in my new america people will die and kill for what they believe not for money not for aisle not for what they're told is right every man will be free to fight his own wars so what do you think how the hell did you get elected well i don't write my own speeches you should try fighting for what you believe in sometime jack not for a company or a nation or for anyone else maybe i was wrong about you am i finally getting through i'll rid this world of heartless wars jack i was wrong you're not greedy your batshit insane [Music] making the mother of all omelets here jack can't fret over every egg not when you're purging the weak right what do you know about weak you aren't born poor you've never been hungry you don't know what it's like to fight and steal and kill just to survive but you did survive through sheer force of will following your own set of rules with your own two hands you took back your life and now i'll take yours [Music] starting to see things yet come on right [Music] [Music] ah why won't you die [Music] nano machines son they hard in response to physical trauma you can't hurt me jack [Music] what did i just say [Music] time to end this die you piece of [ __ ] all right i think we're about done here right and on the last day blondie has me downing the whole thing we'll leave it up to fate then shall we wolfie a duel to the death may the best man win sam i cut him down and that's that back to a regularly scheduled international incident but if he beats me if i die here the lock on my blade will disable after a couple hours what happens after that is up to you wolfie ah even dead that guy's a pain in my ass so you think that little sword can save your master well go ahead then but make no mistake fido when i'm finished with him you're next i was not designed to fear termination however directive01 is to ensure all data acquired is preserved and passed along to expire here would violate that directive that's a good boy however ryden came to my aid i have learned from him when samuel fell data analysis was inconclusive but that has changed i have established new parameters now created my own directives you little [ __ ] damn much armstrong [Music] i said my sword was a tool of justice not used in anger not used for vengeance but now now i'm not so sure and besides this isn't my sword come on okay let's dance aah [Music] god [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] well done jack oh your dream dies with you oh maybe not you've guaranteed the status quo will go on for a while longer at least war will continue as an institution as industry men will fight for reasons they don't understand causes they don't believe in but at least i'll leave a worthy successor you jack [Music] you carve your own path use whatever methods you see fetch you don't let legal [ __ ] get in the way and if it costs a few lives so be it deep inside we're kindred spirits you and i [Music] but first our top story president hamilton returns from pakistan today completing his first visit to the country since the failed assassination attempt in shabazzbad last may in meetings with pakistani president farooq salam the two leaders agreed to a new joint initiative in the war on terror whereby u.s marines will be stationed in pakistan and given wider authority to conduct operations within the country this is amidst growing tensions within pakistan between the country's civil and military leadership with many in the government calling on the isi military intelligence agency to be unbelievable after all that for the last time let it go courtney at least armstrong will never be president i had excellent news we are approved the new corporation is established nice work doc i guess the world's first cyborg staffing firm is officially open for business we are certified for construction and long-term nursing care but this is just the beginning so potential for new roles cyborgs can play it's limitless and we're sure this isn't child labor so all the bra uh children can work now the rest when they come of age and it's strictly voluntary you know we're not running a charity here huh donations alone would not even cover their maintenance besides this way they learn a trade perhaps some discipline it's not a perfect solution but you know what at least these kids will get a decent education well i'm not about to return them to the streets or to broken homes at least we can give them a chance oops an imperfect solution for an imperfect world well another benefit a peaceful application for all my research since when do you care well recent events have been food for thoughts shall we say no kid speaking of recent events how's our new recruit working out ah yes quite well quite well just give me one second yeah okay you make me head spin you know [Music] i say major me but all this spaceship you're genius girl and you're hot for days where did that come from alert alert rescinded it's about a crazy world now for me see that ninja me never think i've been this kind alive yeah huh he rescued me too you know saved my life i owe him everything to some people he'll always be jack the ripper [Music] i know all about his past he had it rough and he hurt a lot of people but that's not the writing i know [Music] the ryden i know [Music] is a hero [Music] and how's business oh good good the heir of doctor's research and staffing service certainly help i hear world marshals looking for a buyer well you cost them a lot of money not to mention killing their funding literally the breaktaking program is finished but the larger company is not i'm afraid someone will buy them pmcs are in demand once again yeah fighting for reasons they don't understand causes they don't believe in big pardon no nothing so your mind is made you will not come back sorry boris i understand but then what will you do i've got my own war to fight [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 355,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGANCE All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS ULTRA HD, metal gear rising revengeance cutscenes, metal gear rising revengeance ending, metal gear rising revengeance playthrough, metal gear rising revengeance gameplay, metal gear rising revengeance ost, metal gear rising revengeance final boss, metal gear rising movie, metal gear rising story, metal gear rising all cutscenes
Id: kaXt2qxMP5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 45sec (10785 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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