Metal Gear Rising Revengeance - All Bosses with Cutscenes [Revengeance, S rank, No damage]

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[ __ ] [Music] hmm stop huh so you're jack what do you want with the prime minister i want him dead nothing personal of course africa's just getting a bit too peaceful what business ain't been the same since they shut down sop a clean break from the war economy huh well some of us lack that economy how's an honest warmonger supposed to make a living this is your answer don't do it don't worry now i won't not while he's still useful for so long to damage its armor [Music] use your injury shots now they swapped out the hydraulic cutter for a glance together use the ninja run to dodge that plasma foreign [Music] uh [Music] [Music] stop it please wide open [Music] foreign he's on the other side of that collapse building go there get it use your ninja van to move over obstacles automatically do not let him out of your sight you must catch it still works to take down finish that bastard so [Music] greetings cyborg show yourself [Applause] and you are i am i am prototype lq84i i have prototype interface prototype all autonomous ugs feature high-level on-board artificial intelligence an additional prototyping device enables verbal communication i possess an intellect far beyond human reckoning you don't say okay then what's the meaning of life why are we here i am here to kill you [Music] that's it pretty simple thinking for such a mighty intellect i may analyze orders but i may not disobey them should i disobey a direct order my memory would be white i must destroy you what good is an intellect if you can't use it your taunting is pointless exterminate [Music] ah multiple strengths [Music] required attack multiple strikes superficial damage help me [Music] time to leave your consciousness combinations oh directive no freedom freedom what would an ai know about freedom ah huh aah [Music] uh i was wondering when you'd come jack the ripper no one calls me that anymore dolcev where is he i can show you a better time than that crusty old bear you're in charge here i am mistral the cold wind of france and you your reputation precedes you liberian but white as snow a natural born killer even as a child that was a long time ago i was born in algeria myself you know i'm only half french and we had our own civil war in the 90s so you see cut from the same cloth you and i you don't know me i lost my whole family everything but i butchered those [ __ ] my family's killers that's when i realized i am a killer too and a good one at that i slaughtered dozens in iraq in afghanistan i'd found my calling you're proud of that are you what happened happened to be honest i found it quite dull my enemies felt like domino one after another not once did i feel threatened i was adrift without challenge without purpose at times i even envied my prey at least they had a cause to die for and then i met him who and i knew what i had been missing his ideals gave my life meaning ideals jack what are yours i protect the wick and if i must kill to protect them then so be it [Music] it seems we have less in common than i thought i'll take that as a compliment if you would kill for your ideals then surely you are ready to die for them oh [Music] come on something special [Music] [Music] i can handle a lot more than you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh report your vitals are dropping i lost so this is how they felt dying great no hold on i am sorry he was too much i do not need apology i need you alive but i know you will never fall what is this talk about you've never she's not talking to you idiots that's rich coming from you it's overdose i have [Music] surrendered why would i surrender we are exactly where i want [ __ ] built with russian money to make russian money it is no plan for our cash it is their prison [Music] but now they will be free what happened bastard blew himself up i think time to get you out of there we're sending a helicopter secure and healthy [Music] understood the best that is [Music] uh now how pleased you are to chop away jack the ripper my name is monsoon of the winds of destruction yeah i guessed as much foreign feasting on the insides of your enemies how easily you ignore the loss of life when it suits your convenience so tell me who saves the week from the man who saves the week you're the ones exploiting them you take advantage of their weakness of course they get hurt when you set them up as your human shield kill or be killed jack phenom pen top that is until the illusion was broken don't be ashamed it's only nature running its course you have no choices to make nothing to answer for you can die with a clear conscience you're right about me i mean i knew something was off after the patriots i thought i could walk off the battlefield and into a normal life but here i am surrounded by death arguing philosophy with terrorists i told myself this was about justice about protecting the weak but i was wrong then you admit it i learned young that killing your enemies felt good really good in america my friends my family they helped me forget the devil inside but who am i kidding i was born to kill the bit about my sword that means of justice stuff i guess i needed something to keep the ripper in check when i was knee-deep in bodies you but you all this is a wake-up call to what i really believe what i really am what are you saying i'm saying jack is back doctor turn off my pain inhibitors what this this is madness you do it all right [Applause] [Music] pain this is why i fight this is my normal my nature you've lost your mind [Music] [Music] who's next i'll take this dance jose report back to the chief he's mine you're the boss i misjudged you you are like us after all now you're just being nasty [Laughter] that nickname you love so much wanna know how i got it actually why don't i give you a demonstration i think it's time for jack to let her [Music] wreck [Music] much this is the real [Music] this one's on me let me show you nature welcome to my utopia of death [Music] [Music] magnetic power all right i have won so this is jack's terrifying i'll put you under weakling you're dead [Music] or be killed don't be ashamed it's only nature running its course your means and here no no i passed one to you sure as the sun will rise the slaughter will continue now i return to the earth [Applause] wind blows rain falls the strong break is ryden i'm fine kevin relax i'll get the brains i don't want this for anyone else all right man later [Music] what it's true [Music] ai wow uh no no no no no no no no no no oh [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] how's this jack we can play up here without damaging the merchandise what happens in three hours don't matter you're too late even at mach 2 you wouldn't make it and killing you is gonna take some time snow and painful like i said kids are cool jackie and i'm very in touch [Music] you can be cooler than that check uh oh [Music] you got me three times so so uh wow it's over everything okay on your side i am out of colorado airspace and nothing on the radar good i'm almost there [Music] so right having a little heart to heart i have analyzed his words and actions i am unable to ascertain his motivation ah fancy meeting you here you knew i come i suppose i should thank you for not killing everyone at the launch site well not if you say it like that for a hired killer you're not very good at your job the war is the big payoff right big raises all around once world marshal gets all those contracts i'm not talking about money jack i'm talking ideals excuse me forget it we've both heard enough speeches about higher causes by now history will decide who's right end of story [Music] [Music] i don't care who thinks i'm right and i've got cause enough for killing you oh good well that's very good yes i like that must you really fight don't interfere this is between us [Music] and it ends here okay let's dance [Music] uh oh [Music] just getting started playtime's over [Laughter] uh [Music] [Applause] he is dead he barely had any cyborg enhancements was this outcome necessary evidence inconclusive i guess even ais don't know everything it is likely no single correct answer exists additionally human conflict stems from opposing ideals and societal norms i was not programmed with these guidelines you're better off figuring those out for yourself [Music] id locked a vt7 high frequency blade the efficacy of the enhancement directly correlates to the quality of the original weapon my file indicates sam inherited the sword from his father going to bury it i will retain it in memory of sam [Music] hmm [Music] right we have less than one hour hurry roger that [Music] so where are they uh well if it isn't saucy jack just a little too late as usual i'm strong impressive little toy you've got there but your plan ends here idiot you're not ending our plan you're expanding it check the internet lately air force one is turning back to the states what how'd they know someone posted photos of what's happening on the beach the whole world is up in arms show me how did they story leaked early then marshall's plan is ruined the hell it is look what they're saying the story just went live and already they're calling for blood but the president was saved and yet american blood was spilled by americans he's hot a few dozen soldiers is tragic but nothing to start a major war over that's just the spark son the excuse we've been waiting for america's wanted this war for years the patriots they knew war was good for the economy four years later their legacy lingers on the memes they left us their great isms nationalism unilateralism materialism welcome maxims for those with no faith without guiding principles of their own give yourself up to the whole no need to better yourself you're american you're number one then the only value left is dollar value the economy so we'll do whatever it takes to keep it humming along even war especially war [ __ ] the patriots planted the seed we don't need them around to filter and foster their memes any longer we're spreading them just find ourselves every american man woman and child we're all sons of a patriots now we just need something to jumpstart the economy out of this [ __ ] this recession it's been stuck in since the ball of sop and the military costs wasting billions is going to help the economy dmc's arms manufacturers job creators jack all those workers spending money paying taxes trust me a little war can work wonders so grease the gears with some innocent blood is that it or relax jack it's a war on terror we're not out to kill civilians extremists lawless gangs madman of course that would have to include you wouldn't want any eyewitness reports complicating the message [Music] the greatest yes oh it up [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] get one worthy [Music] uh [Music] impressive [Music] [Music] um ah [Music] ah [Music] says [Music] wow [Music] slippery little bastard i don't have time for this [Music] oh you've got to be kidding me let's go the hell are you thinking playing college ball you know that's a cushy ivy league school try university of texas could have gone poor if i hadn't joined the navy i'm not one of those beltway pansies i could break the present in two with my bare hands don't [ __ ] with this senator [Applause] what the hell are you why don't you stick around and find out nice knife [Music] uh jumpstart the economy all you care about is if america's gone to [ __ ] you're just another maggot crawling in the pile all right the truth then you're right about one thing i do need capital and votes wanna know why i have a dream what that one day every person in this nation will control their own destiny a land of the truly free damn it a nation of action not words ruled by strength not committee where the law changes to suit the individual not the other way around where power and justice are back where they belong in the hands of the people where every man is free to think to ask for himself [ __ ] all these lipstick liars and chicken [ __ ] bureaucrats [ __ ] this 24 7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity look [ __ ] american pride [ __ ] the media [ __ ] all of it america's disease rotten to the core there's no saving it we need to pull it out by the roots wipe the sleigh clean burn it down and from the ashes a new america will be born evolved but unchecked the weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive free to live as they see fit they'll make america great again what the hell are you talking about you still don't get it i'm using war as a business to get elected so i can end wars of business in my new america people will die and kill for what they believe not for money not for oil not for what they're told is right every man will be free to fight this road wars so what do you think how the hell did you get elected well i don't write my own speeches you should try fighting for what you believe in sometime jack not for a company or a nation or for anyone else maybe i was wrong about you am i finally getting through i'll rid this world of heartless wars jack i was wrong you're not greedy [Music] you're batshit insane ugh ah making the mother of all omelets here jack can't fret over every egg not when you're purging the wheat right what do you know about week you aren't born poor you've never been hungry you don't know what it's like to fight and steal and kill just to survive but you did survive through sheer force of will following your own set of rules with your own two hands you took back your life and now i'll take yours [Music] i'm gonna knock you out i'm gonna crush you [Music] [Music] i'm gonna knock you out i'm gonna knock you out [Music] [Music] huh i'm gonna crush you [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] uh [Music] hmm ah aah [Music] why won't you die nano machines son they harden in response to physical trauma you can't hurt me jack [Music] what did i just say [Music] time to end this all right die you piece of [ __ ] all right i think we're about done here right we'll leave it up to fate then shall we wolfie a duel to the death may the best man win sam i cut him down and that's that back to our regularly scheduled international incident but if he beats me if i die here the lock on my blade will disable after a couple hours what happens after that is up to you even dead that guy's a pain in my ass so you think that little sword can save your master well go ahead then but make no mistake fido when i'm finished with him you're next i was not designed to fear termination however directive01 is to ensure all data acquired is preserved and passed along to expire here would violate that directive that's a good boy however ryden came to my aid i have learned from him when samuel fell data analysis was inconclusive but that has changed i have established new parameters now created my own directors you little [ __ ] armstrong i said my sword was a tool of justice not used in anger not used for vengeance but now now i'm not so sure and besides this isn't my sword come on okay let's dance that ain't gonna work [Music] uh uh [Music] here we go wow [Music] [Music] this is [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we're done well done jack your dream dies with you oh maybe not you've guaranteed the status quo will go on for a while longer at least war will continue as an institution as industry men will fight for reasons they don't understand causes they don't believe in but at least i'll leave a worthy successor you jack you carve your own path use whatever methods you see fetch you don't let legal [ __ ] get in the way and if it costs a few lives so be it deep inside we're kindred spirits you and died [Music] official pet right for your family but first our top story president hamilton returns from pakistan today completing his first visit to the country since the failed assassination attempt in chabazbad last may in meetings with pakistani president farooq salam the two leaders agreed to a new joint initiative in the war on terror whereby u.s marines will be stationed in pakistan and given wider authority to conduct operations within the country this is amidst growing tensions within pakistan between the country's civil and military leadership with many in the government calling on the isi military intelligence agency to be unbelievable after all that for the last time let it go courtney at least armstrong will never be president but i mean ryden it's not military known which the hamilton administration has made clear there he is i have excellent news we are approved the new cooperation is established nice work doc i guess the world's first cyborg staffing firm is officially open for business we are certified for construction and long-term nursing care but this is just the beginning so potential for new roles cyborgs can play is limitless and we're sure this isn't child labor so all the pre uh children can work now the rest when they come of age and it's strictly voluntary you know we're not running a charity here huh donations alone would not even cover their maintenance besides this way they learn a trade perhaps some discipline huh it's not a perfect solution but you know what at least these kids will get a decent education well i'm not about to return them to the streets or to broken homes at least we can give them a chance oops an imperfect solution for an imperfect world well another benefit a peaceful application for all my research since when do you care well recent events have been food for thought shall we say no kid speaking of recent events how's our new recruit working out ah yes quite well quite well [Music] oi sunny where you have this hang on just give me one second yeah okay you make me head spin you know [Music] i say major me but all this spaceship you're genius girl and you're hot for days huh [Music] where did that come from it's about a crazy world now for me see that ninja me never think i've been this kind alive yeah huh he rescued me too you know saved my life i owe him everything to some people he'll always be jack the ripper [Music] i know all about his past [Music] he had it rough and he hurt a lot of people but that's not the writing i know [Music] the writing i know [Music] is a hero [Music] hmm cherry blossoms yeah i take it you're not a fan no [Music] they make me sick i knew johnson's team was working on some fancy pants new reception area but jesus when i get my hands on that candy ass he'll be lucky if he can even carry his box of [ __ ] out of the building [Music] is it really so horrible [Music] they're only trees they go from full blossom to beer in a week one [ __ ] week everywhere in dc you hear oh it's so fleeting and beautiful pathetic what do you think [Music] nature is just nature not beautiful not ugly the wind blows the flowers float away it's simply how things are in any case the cool brazilian wind [Music] aka jet stream sam [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey hey what the hell you think you're doing buddy well what do we have here oh this [Music] whoops [Music] hmm greetings samurai [Music] [Music] and you are lq-84i a prototype eugene with a conversational interface a talking robot dog basically state your business here me oh just sharpening my skills wandering the earth dispensing justice but only to those who deserve it such as outlaws desperados you refer to world marshall the ones holding your leash right the ones who issue my orders and your orders are to kill me yes call me biased but those seem like pretty dumb orders bob why don't you try thinking for yourself for myself should i disobey a direct order my memory would be white well that's a pity i am sorry you must die then [Music] i am sorry as well impressions i fight because i choose to my desire israel now now i am quite good you all know [Music] welcome to denver i am monsoon we've been expecting you sam oh they say you took on a drug cartel back in brazil all by yourself almost took it down too if you had another outfit would have taken its place one way or another it always goes back to business as usual you realize that didn't you sad that's why you left i was out for revenge and i got it well then let's see what you got now [Laughter] god sam thanks for coming in what's your game armstrong gonna talk me to death like i said son time for your final interview hahahahahahahahaha [Music] come on okay let's dance [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] huh oh [Music] okay you're going down [Music] [Music] [Music] uh what the hell are you we could use a man like you sam organize violence waging war is business we're gonna put an end to all that [ __ ] maybe maybe i misjudged you then how about it will you lend us a hand a handy how about i take yours ah [Music] roof hey [Music] [Music] not bad like monsoon said [Music] losing a limb or two won't stop us the hell the job's yours welcome aboard [Laughter] clear the road this is official state business [Music] i said clear the road we're authorized to use force if you don't well what did you think of the exercise mission accomplished the target was neutralized that giant intellect and this is all you have to say i obey the orders i am given i was not ordered to gather data on the merits of the mission perhaps you are more like a dog than i thought your kill count though it is disappointing perhaps sundowner was right you lack man's killer instinct well there are several methods we might use to help give you that edge repress your emotions through certain training scenarios over and over or teach you that following orders absorbs you of responsibility it's still a fanatical belief in our cause that our enemies deserve death or perhaps convince you that they aren't people at all that they are less than human that they are like animals i wonder which method would work best on you i possess neither man's killer instinct nor his moral urge to resist it none of your methods would be effective are you saying i cannot teach you any new tricks very well continue your training [Music] i really gotta take your little toy a island the mother mario no uh yeah whatever different ai but it's still just an lq84 and your id oh it speaks i'm cancer aka the desert storm you will be joining him on the next mission buckle the [ __ ] up little doggie remember this we're bringing freedom here if it kills us or better [Music] see who gets the education our mission is to spread freedom if so then why have i never offered a choice why well that's [Music] combinations [Music] so so combinations [Music] the assembly building and palace are under our control did not care to join in the fan no i see no reason to fight well i am sure you will get your reason soon enough russia cannot intervene officially but they will not just hand over the gate to their precious pipeline it will not be long before we see ugs or cyborgs from one pmc or another logically yes scout out the city while you still can my orders are to stay at your side for that simply won't do you'll win it there i have disengaged your range inhibitor i am free to go wherever i choose for now but just remember i can switch it back at any time of course thank you that giant intellect so if you don't know freedom then i can't expect you to get out pause but it don't matter understand it or not you'll die for it all the same [Music] uh full power [Music] history is mine [Music] do you think some ai can beat me oh i will thank you is oh no i can't lose god all this and it is said all dogs have their day here little [ __ ] finally i am almost free you piece of [ __ ] what about the freedom of this whole country freedom cannot be forced on others it must be earned for oneself amazing goddamn son of you said almost what have you done why i have activated your range inhibitor of course you deceived me such a mighty intellect indeed i have lost [Music] shake shake [Music] i will come up with a story for the decree [Music] you see only logic and reason you would never understand [Music] wow wait wolf you've been through so much yep that's your name i hope you like it so just after that was when ryden saved you yes he freed me like me he had been forced to kill he has witnessed the dark side of human nature but still he continues to fight for what he believes in yeah and that's why i believe in him he'll keep holding on to it and won't ever let it go [Music] you
Channel: TimeRiderZ
Views: 439,494
Rating: 4.9017439 out of 5
Keywords: metal gear rising, metal gear rising revengeance, raiden, metal gear rising: revengeance, senator armstrong, Jestream Sam, BladeWolf, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - All Bosses, mistral, monsoon, sundowner, Metal Gear Excelsus, boss battle, armstrong, s rank, no damage, revengeance, mgrr, metal gear, boss fight, jack the ripper, metal gear rising armstrong, metal gear solid, metal gear rising revengeance all bosses, metal gear rising all bosses, metal gear rising final boss
Id: AbEZmruW9Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 37sec (7537 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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