ENGINE TROUBLE 127 miles offshore! (Grouper Catch/Clean/Cook)

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foreign good morning 4 15 a.m We left Islamorada at three was it 2 45 we left down Morata here in Key West go official hi buddy Garrett some of his buddies we're gonna go try to catch some groupers we're trying to find the marina here Garrison bite but we're going way out pulley Ridge Gulf of Mexico run see what happens stay tuned never been there it's a bucket list trip it's over 100 miles like 130 miles or something like that so we're gonna I got three three plus hour right ahead of us we got a little bit of everything we got food we got some rebars for leads we got some bait we got Robbs we got it all we'll see you guys out there [Music] I don't know it's good luck or bad luck we got a fuel issue but he's working on it they got some bad fuel we're almost halfway there we've been running about almost two hours so 7 A.M now hopefully be there by uh 9 A.M long day of fish are coming up we've been running three and a half hours probably four hours now let's see what happens almost four hours ten miles to go to the Deep drops of spot but Mark some fish in the way out here better drop down and see what they are never gonna be some Snappers or something long way out here I think your jig got cut off really yeah yeah scooters are Kings stopping a spot on the way out here in 200 feet they're sitting down the camera kind of see they're gonna do what else is down there there's like unexplored territory out here way out Gulf of Mexico just has not been uh I've never been out here before myself they've been coming out here a little bit the last year and whatnot but uh the last you know six eight ten years getting more and more popular with these boats do not go further and come out here but a big giant grouper is my Target today but we'll take whatever we catch No Doubt got it going this morning but kept losing RPMs on it hold up the filter cleaned it from the ball multiple times get more error code so it ain't looking good yeah get a break [Music] want to make Garrett feel like he's at home so we're taping up the rebar for him we're going to try to catch a big grouper ready yep long way down 700 feet of water looking for the giant snowy there's a bite he's taken he's taken that'd be a big one instant less than a minute on bottom oh he's taking one we could use a break to after all those fuel problems [Music] bad news I think the big one got off he was pulling good came off Heartbreakers taking line down deep you know is a good one he's got at least one on up there but I'm gonna go back down to the beginning of the bite oh with the camera on it can't wait to see that footage [Music] try number two I had a big one on it was pulling really good just pulled the hug didn't get him I would like to see him but he got two nice ones up front we're doing two rods the golf in Mexico you know we're in the golfing next there's a different limit than Atlantic here's four per person actually which is crazy come we can only keep one per boat in the Atlantic when it's open and this is fourth per person back here something people don't know you could literally keep you know 16 or 20 fish which is insane so hopefully though I'm gonna find a big one he's got some really big ones here Garrett's got a good spot out here and I'd love to see a 40 plus catch more they got him on up front I still got no bikes back here [Music] [Applause] [Music] triple Hunter holy moly here they come snowy hole Yeah Peter Bubble Boy he's running with it come on get tired come on get tired get tight come on stay on there fish you know it's over 700 feet deep here we got a six pound lead on we're just grocery shopping I did bring the mini rod though if I catch one on here I'll go to the mini Rob the ridiculous head shakes this could be a big one this could be a big one just slowly gaining on them pan hooker Electric with one over 50 pound deep drop rods they're spanking up there they already got five I got zero back here I just want a big one though game's not over yet it ain't over yet right it's 30. the counter doesn't work probably 350 feet probably halfway we're getting close I think we're within 100 feet oh it looks like a big one you guys looks like a Whopper down there they might have caught five times as many up front but this one might be bigger there you go there's a nice one you guys there's a 30 pounder Big Mama scared just put us on a Whopper snowy go get one bigger he says there may be bigger there we'll take them it's a big old Sunfish Whopper giant one oh giant Sunfish Mother Mole out here Swimming by the boat you never know what you're gonna stand here there's a big snowy grouper took a few dress but I got on the third drift they've already got five up here like we said the limits in the golf are a lot different than the Atlantic four per person compared to one per boat but these are gonna be great eating we're out here 130 miles almost from Key West 700 feet of water and uh we're on the story grouper hole so we're gonna go back down try again one even bigger than that I don't know if it'll happen but that's a good one you know probably 30 pounds and we got dinner I should go with the ballad this right there they all think I'm crazy I'm going down on a mini run 10 torque 25 15 pound braid on the chicken stick over 700 feet I hope I get a bite ready on this one yeah it looks good there we go everybody's looking at me funny this is not normal we got light braid 15 pound braid one pound of one pound of lead we're going on there be fun [Music] small go back guys gotta double up I'm still not bottom yet I got less lead so I'm scoping out actually over here and all these other guys are straight down gotta be getting close though I might need a little bit more lead [Music] we're tight Ness is upon us let's try and double up cut things and that could be done oh no I just didn't want to do it [Applause] oh he's pulling now now he knows he's so we've got a fight here you guys he has doubled up over there there's so much scope out we had to get tight on him I don't want to get me in the bottom but let's see what we can do with him but he's taking line look at him running look at him running he's buried up down there don't want to come up yet he's a good one though this is him he's making my day I'm throwing that right assume at least 20 pounds so we got tangled up below the boat we got one on the front right up here on the front electric I hope he's from the back but he starts scoping that way and got hooked on one hook but we got to untangle it didn't break it was good but I'm not making much Headway I think I've gained about 20 feet maybe in five minutes seemed like a good idea at first let's hook them up I might have sliced it on there we're at full drag there and he's walking it off definitely the sign of a big grouper they're all questioning my decision to drop this little rod and light line in extremely deep water but if we catch him it'll make a memory we might not remember the multiplication electrics but I guarantee you remember this one we're gaining we're chasing them down could be a doubleheader had two hooks on there you never know here's your 500 foot update I think we got about 450 feet to go I put some fresh line on top last night it's a fresh Spider wire and the splice just came on so I'm guessing there's around 500 of that slow progress you're gonna use the shade kind of came out the clouds came out might take us like 12 hours to get home if we don't give us one motor Runner right the crew is getting nasty they're wondering why I dropped this might take up an hour of the day who knows oh great decision don't give up oh yeah good job don't give up he dropped it he dropped his goldfish cam down there and broke that first drop I said it went down to 2000 it broke in 700. [Music] we've been on the fish 17 minutes we're making some Headway now it could be Tangled Up deep down there you only want to drop to I said I'll drop all three they're marking them on the sonar there he's coming up looks like he might it's actually starting to float up I think so you may see him pop up here in the next step a minute or so we get about two feet per crank so we want to break them up after all this though this fish is going to scope up out here and float up full of air trauma oh here it comes to open up we're gonna see what we got here any second guys came out there hurry gone now look at the air coming up out of them what do we got here oh look at the air bubbles two of them it's a double header that's a big one oh it's a double header a big one's a big one now we're talking guys y'all were laughing at me all right he's craving this all the way to the boat we got double header on the mini rod you take the one the one is a big one too one on the left one's a medium one's a big one here we go double header on the mini rod unbelievable one is a big one Giants one giant one on the snowy and then the other backwards a big one too on the mini rod they're all looking at me crazy that's a big one huh yeah it's a nice one really bigger than the last one he has a 35 pound right yeah every bit every bit maybe bigger oh yeah I don't care who you are that's pretty cool that's different they're all laughing at me I wonder why I did it but that right there is where we did it no one's laughing now no one is laughing now that fish is 35 all day on the mini rod pair of snowy groupers they don't have them very often I'm out of breath we're just catching our breath we're getting our money but money's worth here that was fun of it I mean that fish there's almost as big as the mini rod pair of them unbelievable go get one the next stick baby put a pen on there some light braid about 25 minutes for that battle we got them they're going for an official weigh-in right now see what he weighs 35 36 somewhere it's bounce in between there so 35 pounds snowing grouper might be a tad more bouncing 35 36. he lost weight on the way uh on the mini run it was fun fight it was awesome double head snowys on the mini row we've got a couple jumbos now we're gonna bury him in there nice them down here in a little bit what a great day so far we had some fuel problems we may have problems going home it'll be a long boat ride home motor keeps starting with I got some bad fuel there it's the bottom of the tank to sit down here in the marina but I'm out of breath I'm gonna have a Gatorade and take a break we had it wrapped up one time there's a big one Big Snowy look at the Little Hook yeah I lost this one before he broke him up there's another hook in this fish's mouth my blue model crimp on there when'd you break them off yesterday when we had that four bang we broke the bottom one off it's greedy no I lost one the other day too on Wednesday I lost a good ones absolute monster groupies out here in the Gulf of Mexico this is the hook that came out of that grouper's mouth it opened it up and twisted it a couple days ago you can see it started corroding Twisted it and opened it all up like that but kind of crazy we're having engine problems we're just gonna fish a little bit longer than head home could be a fourth hour ride home could be 10 hours we don't know yet one or two more drops here we go there we go last drop last shot here the motor will not throttle up so we're gonna have a long ride home it's beeping that's not that's not the everything okay alarm [Music] [Music] nobody's the last trip we got a long ride ahead of us fingers crossed we get the motor going we'll see what happens it's gonna be a long ride we'll keep updated on the way but that's owning a boat things break all the time you know and she's got 1100 hours on these motors have had good luck overall but there's a fuel issue right now can't figure it out anyhow I think we got 10 or 11 snowy groupers three really big ones and got the doubleheader the mini rods that was really cool and we're gonna see you guys back on the Ray on the way home have made it seven miles so far 10 and a half or an hour still ahead of us if we don't get this motor running but this is a fuel pump now instead until they drain it maybe there's something clogging it up struck up one motor gained a little bit of that you know 112 miles to the head pain where we're going to go into Key West and it is 1 34 p.m so you're talking at this speed over 10 hours so we'll see what happens we'll keep you posted I was half an hour so it's 12 45 a.m but we still have to go half an hour past their positions the channel where it starts you want to put it in neutral turn it off I don't see anything coming out that hose though there's another screw down there what does it look like just like that all the way down there yeah yeah okay there's someone on the top but that was in it yeah the one on top didn't do it but the one on the bottom is or you just let it drain on its own right to let the fuel pump burn the cartridge filter might be a little dirty I hear the pump kick on I just can't tell if anything's coming out because I don't see any bubbles in a clear hose we'll try it a couple times and see and we'll get lucky I need some luck on our side yeah we do this may not work but if it does work that's right it's either an 11 hour trip or three hour trip either way the 15 minutes we spent here could be well worth it and it's not gonna I don't mind going fishing with you guys tomorrow on another route but we're going in on this I'm not going to my newsletter we have to do it back down yeah maybe a few times [Music] have you slow down and go again we'll go or no hold all the way back fell off again so we left this morning there was a fuel issue but we got the motor going it was running good for the first three hours the last hour and quit running they got dirty fuel yesterday you know the tanks were loaded to bring it where they filled up but it's all got some stuff but changed out the ray cores we're going to tell you got a secondary fuel filter multiple times now they're working on a fuel pump there just in case you know there's some stuff in there which probably is we get up on plane starts running I'll get to 3 000 3200 RPM follow us back down we just can't keep it running so but we got 11 10 11 hours of us so if we don't get us running so it's gonna be a really long day at night we're gonna be a bad mood though I'm gonna give it our fingers crossed a miracle happens we get this thing going try number five what let's open the back then and drop right [Music] all right we just ran a little over 20 miles and back to the head pin to get in there motor won't stay up at a high RPM you know it kind of mods down but from one another pinch pretty much 4500 the other one is going back 14 2500 3800. Mega 23. 29 miles an hour that's a lot better than doing 11 10 to 11 miles an hour so we're going to drain the uh fuel pump there again one more time for the screw up and it's hopefully whatever's in there kind of keep coming out but at least we get home in a daylight would be less safe for a lot better than getting home and you know 1 to 12 or one in the morning so we'll see we're gonna do this couple more times drain it out and see if we get some RPMs out of it keep you guys posted 410 update are the driver towards Fort Jefferson over there more cool place to go visit we still have six six little miles to go to the head pin we were making 20 to 30 miles an hour for a while [Music] about 15 miles an hour so we're hoping to get back up there 25 or 30. but ideally we'll make it back before the dark just comes upon us there trying to drain that fuel pump again there you know okay at least we got some fish in the Box in the bay Rush truck so we're happy about that but back there before too late we saw Five Guys Landon was very excited we saw Five Guys burger place called we get that to go on our way towards Alvarado good news is as Captain Ron said I know we're close because I brought just enough fuel to get there so we're out of fuel on the one motor on the one side because we have to run that one harder but there's 30 gallons of gas in there in that drum so we're gonna get that transferred in the fuel tank and then we have got how many more miles 26 more miles so we're getting closer hello uh we're almost back to the doctor getting close only got about an hour and 45 minute drive back home he's got a three and a half hour drive back up now with the boat with the boat taking help so the good is we got group work we got some good stories some boat problems until they'll get that figured out next day or two and go from there we're unloading the boat here hauling out it was a risky move going out there you know we knew we had some engine issues in the way this morning usually once you get it going there it's a fuel problem like we thought we got it through there but we did not we had some issues but we made it back I would not advise doing that again if you have no problems don't go 130 miles one way stuff but we got the two big groupers on the next stick we're gonna remember that trip so absolutely they're all impressed with the next stick it held up we're gonna pick a grouper for dinner and head on home here I think we're stopping at Five Guys Landon thought he was very excited earlier today very early this morning about 4 a.m this morning because there's a Five Guys like what do you mean Five Guys I'm just like I love Five Guys I'm like I bet you do this is the chosen one for dinner thank you Garrett thank you yep fun day oh yeah we're gonna let them clean the bigger ones tomorrow we're going home we gotta drive 80 miles they gotta drive 100 60 miles probably that first couple hours at 10 miles an hour that's pretty brutal we got dinner they're gonna clean all the rest of them tomorrow let's let them clean the big ones or remember that trip on the mini rod though The elusive Five Guys how do we get in there I don't know I'm reading out of five guys before but I know they have good burgers subiflo is very excited we're starving we need food that may be my first Five Guys experience good best thirty dollars Cheryl Lyndon very long we're gonna eat this and uh got a nice drive ahead of us but it's gonna be a good burger we'll see you tomorrow clean up that fish for dinner pretty sunset and on the bright side of Five Guys I found out they put extra french fries in the bag so it didn't make us feel as bad only 68 more miles to go to get home it's 9 30 at night we've got six miles to go it's been a long day we got that group we're the back of the truck for dinner tomorrow we just want to go home and they're Paving the road on US1 here hopefully won't be here too much longer back to Bud and berries a lot of hours later drop off a little Landing it is the next morning we all got sleep the Five Guys didn't kill us that was good we got one of the snowy groupers here and this was not one of the big ones now this is one of like the small medium ones but he's gonna be our dinner we're gonna filet him on up I'm not sure how we're gonna cook them yet but you know these deep water bottom fish are running the best eating fish we catch very good even Brooks will tell you the same thing he's eating his fish there oh yeah we'll clean up the snow and that was my first time fishing with Gary and I've been friends with him for six seven eight years but I've never actually fished together so besides the boat having a few issues it was a very good trip but we'll remember it the mini rod was definitely the Highlight professional double header and that one being the biggest of the day so that was cool but Kramer and Josh all those guys were super nice for a fun relaxing day and we made it back in one piece so that was good but just trying to get down here to the rib cage we'll probably save this group ahead and throw it for other buddies too and they can cook something up with it there you know these nice and firmities in the ice overnight in the cooler so easier to fillet a lot of times with these fish the Deep draft fish you can let them sit for a day they'll need to actually soften up and uh be even better to eat so we're just cutting over the rib bones right there so right here if you listen those are bones there if you just cut through them you just dial your knife a lot of times we just check it right over them and then when we say this head here there'll be a little meat in here there'll be cheeks in it the throat here we could do that ourselves okay maybe we'll do it ourselves I don't know yet we're just going but at least this one do one fillet here to be prime dinner the other shallow Sports in town actually Weston's family are coming down but not yet but they're coming in this afternoon so hopefully do a video and fish with them I'm gonna go feed them dinner if nothing else but knock this out here get rid of a little rib cage in here and fill his bones right there so that's bones there if you don't mind the bones you know you can kind of leave that in there and pick them out but I do not like eating fish or bones and we're gonna knock out the center bone here this is all bones in here too for the first half of it I'm gonna cut an angle get rid of that bloodline because the bloodline is what makes fish fishy we'll cut that out like that there you go so we got our grouper here off light up we'll have a couple nice flays off each side and we'll see you guys back at home welcome back to the kitchen it was a long day but we survived the Five Guys we survived the fuel problems luckily Garrett got his boat run a few days later but it took him a couple days you know they had multiple mechanics on it and uh I don't know there's a filter the VST or a different filter you know small ones hard to get to on the on the motor itself there but it was not easy but I got it going so lesson learned with the motion running good don't go 130 miles one way bad idea anyhow we got the snowy grouper head here I was gonna do the fillets but we've cooked so many fillets of fish on the channel we've got to do something different so we're gonna do the head here we're gonna take his throat there we're gonna split that in half we're gonna cut his cheeks out just do a nice little afternoon lunch here so let's go we've got a grouper head here the throat there and this is what they call the wings right here so we're gonna cut these out of here this may not be the best knife for it you want to split his throat here I'm gonna make two separate pieces we got a bone between the fins there right through there cut that bring this up there like that and this is something you know that a lot of other people do and a lot of other cultures but in America growing up down here we didn't really do much of it so once we get this cut and broken apart here that's one half there that'll be half the wing a lot of times they cook those whole but we split these in half here just takes a little bit to cut out we're gonna cut away some of this membrane there's a lot of meat there you may never get to eat that meat you know if you just throw these heads away in the water which I've thrown away a lot of them but once the groupers are big enough you know this is just a medium one this wasn't even the big one the big one's 36.8 pounds um I waited when I got back to the doctor and got a more accurate weight on it so okay so we got the two Wings here like that we're just gonna get rid of this membrane in there and this will be two big pieces of meat here and you can see that in your hand there there's a lot of meat on that just a little different texture a little different there that's the head here we're not gonna eat that but we want to get the cheeks out of here so when I cut these cheeks out that'll be like a little nugget the bigger groupers you know once they're 25 pounds plus they have really nice cheek meat this one was probably 15 pounds or so you know one of the smaller ones we thought that like a medium you'll have little nuggets in there but it's not going to be as big as you know the big giant groups of the big old heads so a little chunk there I got a shorter knife so I can have a little more leverage on it a little better control on it we don't do a ton of fish cheeks here super great at cutting it out but you can see they're just gonna go around there and you can kind of feel that soft spot what they do is they leave a little bit of skin connected there when I cut the meat here this little nugget will peel off there so I'll grab the meat like this and leave the skin attached it attached to the fish and right there you get a nice little nugget so we got two cheeks you know one on each side and then we're gonna put this in the in the oven we're gonna put in a pan get it marinating we're gonna bake it it'll probably take 20 minutes or so to cook but it'll be good it'll be snowy grouper cheeks and I didn't I mean we dropped that little mini rub down there with 15 pound braid hooked that double header that big one that's the biggest one of the biggest ones I've ever caught I've probably caught you know six or eight bigger than my whole life that were you know in the 40s but 36.8 pounds was an awesome catch a little Rod I know Garrett was looking at us funny but his buddies had a good time and I know they enjoyed it so we'll remember that trip for two reasons double header snow grouper on the mini rod two of them really well one big giant one and almost taking 12 hours to get home but thank goodness the boats are running a little better and we could go you know 15 to 25 miles an hour give or take and only a little over six hours so much better but another cheek there let's get this ready let's get in a pan get it going and uh we'll be good to go we just want to try to get some of this inner liner off here just like the white liner the stomach there the stomach cavity and all the good meat's gonna be underneath that so we're just trying to cut right on the edge of that and this will just take a few minutes but we'll get all that kind of trimmed up and this would be pure meat there that a lot of times you would never get and why don't you make a Mike's trick limes wash the fish off because it gets rid of the fishiness so just squeeze these in here do that we'll just give it a quick wash there and if there's any fishiness you know it gets rid of it wash it down like this and sometimes you can eat the skin too I didn't scale it I don't like fish skin myself but a lot of people do eat it so if you want to eat it you know you could scale this and you can't eat the skin but we're just gonna let that soak for a couple minutes so we're gonna do two separate pans here one Niche like that we're gonna do one lemon olive oil then we're gonna do one garlic olive oil and we'll see which one tastes better so just a nice generous coating on all that lemon olive oil from Olive Morata and then some garlic olive oil and this infused olive oil it has a good flavor to it so you don't really have to put a ton of seasoning on it but I want to hit this one's with some garlic salt and that one will hit with a little sunshine season from Key West here so this one here is gonna get the Florida Sunshine seasoning on top of it and we're gonna put this in the oven let's get the garlic on this other one not always a huge fan of garlic salt probably tired of it but when we had it the other day it was really yummy so we're gonna do this one just some garlic on it we're just doing the one side of the throat here you know the wing we call it because the other side's skin you're not gonna eat that and there's plenty of seasoning on each of the cheap Meats so here we go we'll give those 20 minutes or so and we'll check back so it's been about 15 minutes the cheek was a little bit small a piece of meat a little bit thinner so I know they're done so we're gonna pull those out but we're gonna let the throat here you know these Wings keep on cooking let's pull these bad boys out now groupers you know they got quite a bit of fat in them you can see some of that white stuff bubbling up there that's fat so we're gonna let this one cool off oh let this one cool off we'll do some of that cheek meat first to start this is the Florida Sunshine seasoning here you can kind of see that seasoning on top of that nice and brown let these cool off here for the next couple of minutes I'm gonna do a little taste test and see which is the best and that meat is usually a little different texture than it is on the filet like the fillets are a bit softer but this would be like a little more dense kind of like a chicken wing compared to a chicken breast so here's a cool off for one more minute and we'll try it out it's lunch time we're gonna try a bite everyone see what we think is the best so this is the cheek here and this is just the garlic olive oil garlic salt I put too much garlic salt on it but the texture the meat the consistency is very good in a very soft and that that would be on a fish head especially groupers if we do that in the water we need the cheek you'd miss out on it so if the groupers only a few pounds it's not very much meat but once they get to be 10 15 pounds or really 20 25 then you get a really nice chunk of meat this one is the sunshine seasoning kind of that Key West blend that one's better probably because I put way too much garlic on the small tree let's move to the wings now that's the throw so we split it open and you can picture your head you know these are connected together you know it looks kind of like a pair of wings when they're still connected a lot of times people fry those whole oil bacon like this too this is going to be honest we gotta be careful digging in here but just look at this meat stays super moist too like when you start opening up there you can see it's not dried out at all it's cooked all the way through it's nice and white and this is just gonna be super tender and juicy and that's a good thing when you bake fish in the oven there's a little more room for air in there like if you're cooking it on like a grill sometimes you overcooked fish and you ruin it where the oven seems that it stays a little bit more juicy a little more room for air I always feel like that's delicious the cheek was good but that's better probably because it's more moist I would say that one wasn't too salty so cheek definitely too much garlic salt that's really good the final bite we'll see which one's the best I mean look at this hunk of meat on here that would easily feed one person a meal and that would be something that some people would never even eat or look at to see the meat coming up there that's a solid piece of meat there right there we have two of them and that was only the medium grouper that big one was 36.8 pounds another one was like 35 pounds and the other one's probably 30 pounds so some really good ones and given that the boat had major problems we still get out there we got the job done and uh no super happy that Garrett invited out there the final bite good and juicy but this one with the garlic salt on that Wing would be my favorite one just the consistency the flavor and the texture so you guys want to do something different try the wings take the throat there cut the cheeks out and bake them in the oven with some olive oil put some seasoning on it you'll be in good shape so that's gonna wrap up this video hit that like button make sure to subscribe come down to Bud Mary check out and we'll see y'all down here next time
Channel: StanzFam
Views: 12,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StanzFam, Stanczyk, nick stanczyk, Islamorada, Florida Keys, Fishing, Freeman boats, freeman boatworks, bud n mary's marina, sword fish, capt nick stanczyk, freeman catamaran, yamaha outboard, islamorada fishing, florida keys fishing, swordfish, stanz fishing, fishing in islamorada, 42 Freeman, Freeman 42, Snowy Grouper, Huge Grouper, Grouper FIshing, Pulley Ridge, Long Trip, SeeVee, Freeman, DMFD, Youtube, Broken Down, Engine, Gulf of Mexico, Key west
Id: zl1DGgB0AaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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