LOST 21 Years, FOUND Metal Detecting, RETURNED 5 Days Later! + 3 Top HABITS!

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foreign 19 20. pretty deep see what this is see what the red shoes got Forest right in this hole give me something cool ah what is that this is probably what I'm after huh are you just saw are you part of a bracelet hmm interesting I don't really see any writing but he's cool I don't know I like it 11 to 14 deep this could be a nickel maybe even a buff since I got a little bit of that 11. I saw something right there there's an imprint where are you because I see your imprint you're right there oh it's on the Lesh right on even better regular nickel all right one Jefferson another solid 12 13. I'm digging all tones just so you know I don't have anything notched out oh the sun's coming out beautiful hmm there we go we got an echo Jefferson one Jefferson nickel 11 12. sounds like a good buffalo signal I would be happy with it buff especially early buff early buff would be awesome oh I see a coin see it right here whoa that one looks nice ah regular Jefferson pretty sure yep one Jefferson lots of nickels so far beautiful 12 13. might be a nickel where'd you go that push you out oh I see you right here I've got a nickel ah [Laughter] no mint mark make sure on that one yeah just a regular nickel [Laughter] seven eight nine right beside the nickel let's give it a whirl I want to find that old ring only way to do that is to dig these tones it's the only way to do it slow yep thousand of those one ring thousand to one that's the ratio [Music] huh 23-33 grab a job I'm gonna go see though last time I was that hot was that Luxor cap or makeup oh I see a coin wow we got a dime just a modern Dawn okay nice deep 11-12 I like it give me a buffalo you can do it two dated Buffs the other day it's pretty sweet rarely do you find dated buffaloes came up pinpointers acting funny but I've got a coin looks like just a regular nickel yep one nickel 11 12 13. sounds good to me I'll take another nickel I dig nickels all day you know that some days I'll only dig nickels there's so many of them out here made whole shows just taking nickels I thought I have it ought to be in there yeah I see it look we got a coin spill I see two nickels one nickel two nickel how about that oh one's a buffalo nice very nice sweet what's the others the other above two did we get two Buffs in one hole oh my no that's a regular nickel wow nice foreign buff buff yeah [Music] you know they gotta be here so many nickels man they got to be here somewhere ooh might be dated well let's get a little picture of that why not Buffalo I like buffalos we had a nickel spill No Doubt that's pretty awesome I'm gonna have to get spectacles see if we got dated back's really nice I don't see a date this one's pretty roached on the front still another Buffalo that's my 27th Buffalo in two years nickel spill Gotta Love a nickel spill man I don't know if I've had a nickel spill here before I don't think I have actually two nickels one's a buff love it let's double check make sure there's anything else since we had two nickels well it says there's more here is there three nickels oh my God there is and look oh dude man three nickel spill one's a buff one's a regular and one silver baby yeah oh y'all see that down there look yep there she is one silver nickel I see her three whole three nickel spill wow very awesome dude Triple Nickel triple nickels is there more Ah that's all she's gonna give all right well three nickels a buff a regular and a war that that is pretty trick right there that's gonna be that's gonna be video title right there man triple nickels oh yeah there's the p yes sir nice oh I love that color too look at that that's a that's a beautiful one right there yes sir Triple Nickel yes [Music] man so you're talking 19. you're talking like 1950 somebody had a pocket full of nickels playing football they got tackled and the stuff went everywhere yeah and they said man there goes my nickel collection Triple Nickel spill that is pretty awesome I like a Triple Nickel spill that's my first ever first with a Indian above I mean the Indiana buff and a regular nickel that's incredible I'm out of water too wow how awesome three nickel spill very cool that's got my morning started off right 10. give me a V nickel what is that ah pull tab 11 pull tabs a little funny but sounds Buffy foreign we got a nickel regular yeah Jefferson right beside the other one another Nicholas bill not quite a spill because it's not in the same hole but another nickel right next to it would be cool [Music] I see something oh we got a coin nickel Jefferson brilliant literally right next to the other one so this is another nickel we got three nickels in the same area once again not the same hole but right close right down there should be in there no I like the depths a lot uh oh I see it we got a nickel that one's looking like a Jefferson too yep Jefferson all right right on scoring The Echoes eight nine ten not very deep though give us some of that shiny [Music] huh well where are you [Music] here we go big old piece of foil perfect 10. oh oh he's got a smile on his face headed my way it's Gotta Be Good oh he's got a prize oh it's light too little prize what no way what dude I see it stamps inside but I have no idea if that's cosmetic if that's real oh yeah I see a stamp right in there I have no clue 925 baby he's got himself a silver ring ladies and gentlemen look at that bad boy yeah how you feel buddy feeling pretty good about that yeah all right you wanna go Diamond tested yeah let's go man I need something for fun we're gonna go to the higgles wash station we're gonna get the diamond tester see if this thing's legit it would be I'm gonna be mad if it is because it's the first one ever Eagles four station signage oh this makes the whole day worthwhile don't it yes sir you don't have to find anything but if you do this makes the day worthwhile you scrub I'm Gonna Leave This right here for the moment all right capturing you and I'm gonna get the diamond tester oh my God because that one's got a big old stone and we gotta test this one let me get the camera setup professional amount yeah it's not working out at all it's all over the place that's gonna be some worthless there we go stay that's okay there's mud all up here yeah it's over here well the first time we were here I got there by that fence and I got mad have all them signals sound yeah it is crazy by the fence that's for sure so you know what that's what I said I said I'm gonna let something like that beat me up all right she's warming up that looks beautiful dude that's gonna fit my wife too oh man and when you put that thing in the before in the ultrasonic oh my God that thing's gonna come out super shiny she's ready make sure your fingers on the back hit it I'll hold it well here put it in the camera here we go I'll hold it you hit it little fingers on it here we go oh wow oh yeah that's it in the middle okay yep nope it ain't a diamond well I would absolutely died if that was a diamond still a great find brother nice fine Brother nice find yeah good score down there fighting this is [Applause] in here probably gonna be a pull tab uh oh dude come here [Music] I see it you see it let me get a picture of that down in there first well Shane's making his way over I'll let him pull it too just for fun oh baby this one looks good dude I don't know man look oh look it's a classroom look the classroom [Laughter] let's go back oh it is a class ring oh my God it says something right there oh my gosh are you recording yeah I'm recording look at that yes that's a beautiful one too oh my God going and working on out of there yeah oh dude the next signal can you believe [Laughter] no way what year wow I don't know what is it you got it you'll you'll be able to find the owner of two thousand oh my God oh that's heavy that's gold that's 10 karat at least yeah that's gonna be 10k gold first year 2002. wow it's kind of a newer one the stone is so pretty it is beautiful look at that Booneville Hospital Bethany no Booneville right oh here's the Boonville uh-huh oh it does say Bethany we found Bethany's ring nice Bethany and the three nickels I'll be able to get this one back to her um let's see it's a Justin Bethany 2002 that shouldn't be too hard for Booneville no noonville I can't see all the marks in there oh patent okay 10K there it is nice I got gold baby gold yes dude that ring is so pretty what's tricky about it is it looks like the old designs it does that I thought it was 1950s when I saw this Stone she they they have the classic version so maybe she that's what she went with cool oh yeah oh God I love this place Bethany I've got your ring 2002. I'll look you up I'll be in touch soon wow what a beautiful ring incredible like you said look that stone is just [Music] yeah it looks tiny but I think it's bigger so Shane just scored a ring we went to the higgles water station and we came right back down and I scored a ring the very next signal and mine was the exact same tone 15 16 mid-tone wow are you excited I'm excited hi nice to meet you Brian Gray good to meet you let's get in the shade here wild 31 years that's a long time that really is a long time to do soccer practice here um and he was he was at soccer practice he wore it on a necklace and it necklace broke during soccer practice here it is how long has it been 21 years 21 years bam oh my gosh isn't that incredible oh my gosh man that brings back some memories oh man we dug it out my buddy said it says Bethany I said no it says Booneville he says no it says Bethany yes and I picked purple it's not my birthstone right but purple was my favorite color so I brought the amethyst well it's a beautiful ring oh that's so awesome ha that's so crazy so crazy that is phenomenal isn't it amazing yeah and it's my second recovery just here at this location alone so I I I'm just so Overjoyed by that yeah this is uh there must be this Gold Mine hug yeah yeah good people you're very well to me it just means so much more to get him back to the people and and they're loving it in there they're just having a ball since they gave me permission to daycare so yeah [Music] [Music] maybe a baby button just tiny whoa it's your eyeballs [Music] it's a little baby button but I see something
Channel: BHiggles Shorts
Views: 27,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 habits, game changing, improve yourself, metal detecting finds, ring return, ring recoveries
Id: 4W4qiJ3ZIgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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