18 K gold Beach, Metal, Detected

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foreign well made it down to the beach again I'm trying to different Beach today just because I checked the webcam before I came and it looked like there were some like break the waves were breaking by ashore here now the webcam's on that Pier right there so I figured you know what I'm gonna walk away from where I'm getting the gold and go check the pier maybe a mistake but uh Jordan's down at the other spot so he'll be getting some gold if there's any left might have left might not be any left and if there's nothing down here I'll just run down there we've got all morning yeah people showing up already they'll have towels on and blankets like they're gonna go swimming they're here for the beach all right uh what I saw was on the other side of the pier so I'm gonna actually start here and then just work my way down see what happens I was just looking at this picture on the camera here boy um we go the iPhone really does good and uh not very good lighting because it's just now getting light out and it looks really good somebody lost their keys already hey you guys hey guys so much you're welcome bad I need those thank you don't lose them on the beach if you lose them just call me over there and I'll find him with this all right first find of the day all right I got down here and right away there's a cut we're gonna hit that first hopefully and it looks really the beach looks really low over there so it's looking uh really good I was gonna go to that size up here but we're checking this first nice low tide still beautiful morning look at that dark cloud there all right I checked all along there nothing I'm gonna check the lower part now but we got a Target here not a very good one kind of breaking up really it's probably not even we're turning the camera on but I've had gold before do that to me believe it or not like standing on edge or something [Laughter] what the heck loud thing not a little booger see if that's it yeah that is the target I don't even know what it is we're not even gonna check we'll find out later on anyways our first Target mystery we're good another weird sound well just by the same type of stuff who knows yeah I'm down to the hard pack so but somebody's probably already hit this wow seriously there's shells and everything in there that was kind of cool digging in there foreign first ring there's a water I need to rinse it off looky there not very good sounding but we'll take it we can take what we can get there's my line I just went straight across there and then down there it's like I was directed to it is our third target 15 17 16. actually a nice clear song in one but there's nothing no that means a lot actually but you just never know what you're gonna get 17. [Music] oh no way these usually come up as 14. pull tab uh I just stopped from where I got that one walked over here got that one to the next one so we're getting targets I might just stay down here because I was gonna go back to where it's getting gold look at that ocean though check it out I haven't looked at it yet so I don't know if it's gold not looking good though usually when you eat gold you could tell right away uh sorry I'm like looking at it in real life not on the camera wow you rang up like gold it's a little man that does not look like oh man it kind of does this but once you once you found gold you know yeah I don't even see a marking yeah probably not mine back there all right we got a ring probably not gold anyways two rings within five minutes all right I just text Jordan told him two rings within five minutes and just got this signal to 11 12. for your might as well turn on the camera at this point yeah we're down to the good stuff you dig through this Top Sand and like I remember finding right down here a one carat diamond ring it was just like this when I'm losing the sound hopefully we got it yeah just a 16 I don't see how much louder it is must have been down there better not pull tab damn it is in my hand oh come on well okay now this one is Just Junk yeah maybe I should leave the camera off you're saying how different it is yeah the top sand keep going 12 13. could be our first coin nickel [Music] I think I've only found one gold ring that's actually 12. so it might not be a nickel I think I've only found one gold ring that rang up as a 13. this is junk I'm keeping the camera off I knew it dang it another one of these pull tabs all right digging the next one without the camera all right I think I got my first coin [Music] foreign just like a penny almost I saw around this what the heck okay this is crazy oh there it is geez it was hiding penny first coin we got a lot more Beach to go this isn't where I was going uh where I started it came down here then over there and then up in there then down here by the water get over there so I'm getting around I'm trying to like find the spot well there's no signals of this this seems to be it so I'm going to grid out right here all right I just dug two pennies and then I got this signal eight nine ten let's see what it is [Laughter] I'm pretty sure I have it let's just check [Laughter] uh don't tell me nothing again I'm in a different area now I don't see a ring or anything the Rings usually stand out pretty good that looks like it's a yep dang trash really bad luck when I turn the camera on look at this little pools everywhere let's go in one really soft sand so we'll see if there's anything in here but I might as well check that cold water is like good for my knee I think yeah my hopes hopefully it is I think warm water is good for it oh yeah I'm really sinking on the sand here that being said I'm gonna get out of it can't walk uh it goes all the way into the pier though so I'm gonna check around here and the spot I'm going to is right on the other side there then we might be out of here um there's up there it goes around a curve they'll check around that too tada that actually might be gold uh oops I always do that I take it out of this thing not by the water right now so I'm trying to feel this how soft it is earrings just so many times they're not real but this one has a gold pen and everything and the gold looked pretty good for what I can see it's got the right weight uh well it's going in the bag hopefully it is gold I forgot my gold holder today so everything goes in with the junk let's keep going I was about ready to give up I finally made it to the other side of the pier there's like a little cut here and then I was greeting out right here in front of the cut I was about ready to give up and then I've got that sound just to a slight sound actually look at the ocean so freaking awesome on the other side there's all the Surfers they're all over there and ripping it you guys can't really see I still have my chest mount on really beautiful though down there it's like all glossy even turned offshore for a minute anyways I'm gonna go check another Beach and see if we can get anything Jordan said it's slow where he's at but so I'm gonna go right by there not exactly where he's at go to that area though you just never know because the beach uh since the last time I checked this beach it's changed please never know it's always changing the sand is always moving oh this light is not changing there it goes anyways I didn't use my blinker so this is the pier Huntington Pier a lot of people travel here and come here for vacation I live here pretty nice it's like Florida I love to go there metal detect if they get the same thing they get all kind they get even more people going to their beaches I think I've seen pictures and the spring break and stuff Florida's packed packed up anyways uh let you know when we get down to the next Beach all right I made it to another spot reading it out already um nothing really here it's a tent stake so far see that did you hear that little noise it made that's a tent stick that's a 10 steak there's lots of them here every once in a while you'll dig one down and it'll be a coin but not too often unless it's a nice repeatable okay over and over but I'm already tired so I don't want to dig 10 Stakes then you get down here and there's no signals then you go back up there and what I'm trying to do is just get it down to like just a little up and down not too big going up and down but you never know where something's lost [Music] that's all I'm looking for just those light those have been a gold those are the golden sounds but this one might not be I think I see it this one is just a piece of metal that ring up low I think that must be what it was because it's gone now I mean there is blacks down there but those pretty repeatable sometimes when you cave in your holy like this and if it was in the side and get it sometimes check I'll turn you guys on when I get one can you see right out in front of me it's like a river uh really cool looking be a perfect place to fish right here your line would drift down that way but hey who cares not a very good sound but I'm not getting any sounds down here today Kent steaks yeah yeah I might give up on this one already sounds so bad the ground is really hard right here oh maybe we got it I think we got it but I think it's iron yeah let's see what it actually is yeah I see rest hey my pin pointer doesn't even hit that oh it's not on there yeah it hits it now we can get it out of the get it out of the surf so black fingers oh that's weird it's like went off by itself oh this Piner I need a new one course I'd rather get a fishing license so I can fish in here that's a hundred dollars Pinter that's a hundred dollars I see Jordan all right I'm gonna check down here by the water I might actually walk out in that little river yeah so actually I started walking out there and it goes deep I mean he goes real deep yeah look uh already up to my knees and my detector goes down there all the way you can't even see but it's gone deep down there so it'd be really good for fishing because just on the other side there it's shallow it's like ankle deep so between this Shoreline and there's a shoreline out there it's about uh 50 foot across that thing has got to have fish in it blue anyways he's having fun there's no targets so might as well all right I'm gonna I might go down there and check further down that way all right I'm just about out of here I just got the sound 20. supposed to Penny but this is over where I got two of my rings over here and I've been down here for a while now and I am not getting any Targets I think I would have been better off by the pier let's see it I think that's not it great that should be it oh it's another one of these bullets one that I missed anyways I guess there's still those down here jeez how many bullets are down here I have a whole pile of them so it's kind of where I found the Rings right up here I might as well keep checking down here though bleeps blips and the sand changed a little bit so I'll look around see if I find anything it's like right there is where I got the Rings right here all right I got an earring it looks like a dolphin maybe a dolphin yeah there's the part to Sticks in there got it right there you know let's just keep going well I just got one here it's like it's like right on Surface scooped it uh haven't looked at it yet see here I think it's a good one I think it's a class ring oh my gosh why does it have green on it the gold doesn't look the right color feels the right weight cleaned up like old like when you rub it with your finger some of it's not coming off though this reminds me of a ring from the wedge well we'll have to check it when we get home there's no mark on oh yeah there's a mark 10K yes huh I gotta put that one in the backpack look at all the green on there awesome no way I just can't believe that was right there I was like giving up I was like I'm just gonna dig every little thing I can find and just you know I didn't think I was going to find anything oh my gosh that's probably eight grams easy it's probably 200 bucks weird oh what if it is a class ring and I could return it says it does say something I'll look it up green and red says be our it could be ER I don't know tis T.O that's going in the backpack I don't know what happened but I just got along here and look at all these targets I've been getting and guess what I got more gold only part of the bracelet but that's probably a gram or two it feels like golf I mean this chain links I mean it's not rusted or anything so that chain link is a typical gold one I don't see any markings on it but I'm gonna throw in the backpack and well let's find some more Jordan's coming up to me we're gonna run into each other I gotta put this in my backpack so I don't know if I'm in tape anymore I got this Playboy it's like a belly button ring thing body piercing who knows it's been out on a tongue who knows probably belly button I guess I don't know I'll just keep going all right boom Another ring uh this one I can't really see it does say something in there hoping you guys can see it seven this might be 18K oh my gosh if this is 18K that'll be cool it's just a thin ring but that's it it's got the right color but I do see green on it look at there's a green right up there by the J and there's green up here I had to scrape that off oh okay all right it might be 18K we got another ring all right really lost it anyways uh trying to get out of here and I'm going along and I'm keeping these little targets oh shoot where'd it go I think I saw gold just now oh there it is uh yes looking good looking good oh it's an earring yeah that does look like gold I think it is you know it comes out of the sand and it's that clean I don't know though if it is it ain't much but we'll take it maybe not gold it really looks like old dog that's why I pulled the camera out all right I'm gonna try to make it back to my car I only have two bars left on my metal detector some reason they didn't charge last night anyways uh this is great all right I'm gonna do this wrap up as fast as I can because my iPhone's full now and I may I'll probably have to hack up this video and not show you the whole video so I'm going to take today off and uh try to fix the iPhone I'm gonna go to the eye store and see if they can res just reset it delete everything that's on there you know kind of sucks but you know I gotta put my videos out I make my living uh I don't have enough for the iCloud I can't I'm already paying for insurance on this phone and everything a month and all kinds of I just need to get I don't have a computer so I wish I could just put everything onto my computer but I don't even have that so if we would have got this gold sooner uh maybe we could have fixed it anyways I'm not being fast so we got two balls well you know a tennis ball and a ping-pong ball on the beach I don't know why they're playing ping pong got a whole bunch of little stuff a whole bunch of it uh two cups through two ten steaks I only dug two today because I knew what they were when I was hit them um I don't know what this is it's heavy though uh a few quarters we got four five six seven quarters wait a minute no not seven quarters what the heck we have five quarters five dimes two nickels a few pennies we got the skull I didn't even know because it feels like lead I just thought it was a weight threw it in my bag didn't even know until I got home it looks like there's a diamond or something a gemstone right on his head uh really strange these little tiny pieces here uh we got an earring earring um I don't know what that is a piece of jewelry there and there and a butterfly flower and then another earring here uh we also got another belly ring the Playboy belly ring and the mermaid earring I mean dolphin words just come out of my mouth I don't know what I'm saying uh here's a bracelet I found all over the beach not just in one area it was it was like all different areas I didn't test it but I'm pretty sure it's silver I did test this you guys saw this it is silver doesn't really look like it but it is that's pretty cool I tested this and I think I need to test it again but it didn't come out as gold uh dissolved at 10K and maybe I didn't put enough down there I don't know but it probably is fake a lot of those are uh we got this little piece here little diamonds on and stuff I looked at it and it just looks like copper we got this little tiny earring here looks like gold and it is it's 18 karat gold it's a nice earring um and we got this ring here look at the color of it it's also 18 karat gold very nice this actually says 18K and I think I yeah I did test that I tested those two they were gold uh this one Not Gold anyways junker it's a nice ring I mean but this is definitely 10 karat gold [Music] um I could probably return it it's worth 300 I think it's weighed 12 grams so I guessed eight on the beach I was way off oh not way off by three grams I think it's 12 or 13 I forget but it's a heavy clunker 300 dollars plus this well over 300 actually plus these two 18 carats that's 500 altogether that's a really good day for me a really good day so all this goes in the gold bucket for the past three days we got all that gold all that gold got a gold coin uh Jordan gave us this 18 karat gold but I'm not selling this one unless somebody gave me 200 for it I don't know how to weigh the gold the 18 karat gold on there and then the Buddha I don't know how to weigh that so we're just gonna keep him he's bringing me luck already um gold gold gold gold one two three four five six eight Golds it's a good way to do it probably oh yeah it's 800 and something dollars worth not counting the Buddha that's 800 worth of gold right there awesome and that's just in weight in the gold weight uh there's there's more value to some a couple of those are nice rings um this is my idea of being quick come on you're way too long Garden update uh we're gonna Harvest these I was gonna Harvest them in this video actually these potatoes but it's gonna take too long we'll just put it in the next video uh my beans they just all of a sudden started taking off I showed you guys little ones just the other day and they were like this big now they're like you know beans they're like big uh of course those are just gonna go right up to the I think touch it touching the Sun probably they're going so high and the stem on those are just like you know huge these tomatoes are getting these are supposed to be my medium-sized tomatoes so big those are full-sized tomatoes um the pond is just wonderful overgrown I actually have to take some of that stuff out now regularly this side of the pond is just covered with that stuff and that's how I discovered with that stuff but I noticed the frogs like that stuff uh I think the tadpoles are all hatched now well exclude excluding the bullfrogs um and as I'm talking to you guys just right now there's a flower starting to form on our sunflowers now I cannot see the tops of these ones but I miss I know there's one forming on that one so and I think there is on the there may be on that one too I don't know I can't see up there anyways yeah I'll just go with that for the Garden update for now uh uh anything else got my 99 cent large sugar-free vanilla iced coffee from McDonald's if you have the app uh yeah let's just I'll show you what I mean by the beans getting bigger yeah look at there's a little frog right there that's from my pond toad actually they hatch and then they leave they leave the pond and then I gotta watch my step oh see you guys in the next one hopefully I can upload this video um I have no place to save it to uh my computers you know let's jacked anyways we'll try we'll do our best this video last video you just watched took me all day and I finally got it to go through I just deleted deleted everything I could off my iPhone um finally I was able to upload it hopefully I can do the same with this one
Channel: robert ferguson
Views: 66,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tw89PTec_6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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