LIVE Beach Treasure Hunt (Reality Of The Hunt)

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I don't know how the quality is going to look but we're going to give it a go get some Karma points for the First Signal of the day a little piece of iron right down in here let's dig it out real quick it is A3 hopefully I'm even publicly streaming right now just a little bit of a test run today it's a little iron grommet of some type or a little iron washer maybe lock washer is there anybody in the building I think that I have this streamed publicly but I'm not 100 sure hey sweet you want to go check and make sure I have this public oh I think I do I think a couple people just showed up in the house here all right I think we're live out here everybody how's the quality looking foreign we are back at the beach doing a little bit of sifting in the sand today we got the big coil on the legend uh I'm kind of at the moment I'm more searching for like the surface targets just for a few minutes I might go on some deeper ones here in a minute but we let's see if we can find anything out here today everybody give me some feedback in the chat too if anybody shows up let me know how the quality is looking now there's a massive signal I'm looking for like those small uh coin sized objects out here the beach was kind of populated yesterday so I'm mostly going for fresh drops out here today let's see see if anybody said anything in the chat real quick we do have a few people in the chat bottle cap Dave what's going on man needs to get ready for work sorry I always stream at uh odd times a couple of frame drops here and there but that's fine good quality okay sounds good how's the audio sound is the audio okay it's a little bit windy down here in Florida probably like a bottle cap Maybe am I just gonna be digging up iron today that wasn't my plan I promise let's dig this one up oh I was testing though uh yesterday on the legend I have a really really small gold chain that I was messing with and actually believe it or not I might have to bring you guys along I was getting an iron reading on that tiny gold chain that I have so I'm gonna have to do some more experimenting with a couple detectors and uh see if all metal detectors read that little gold chain is iron or if it's just a legend doing it it reads maybe like a five six which is down in the uh the Iron Range you know so that is a little bit of a reason why I'm digging up a couple pieces of iron today so also I haven't gotten a good signal yet let's see if we can smack out a good signal out here everybody beautiful little day in Florida a little bit chilly where's the good signals man I got the big coil to try to cover a little bit more try to get you guys a signal before I uh you know stop again I'm running the legend right now multi-dry there's a good one our first good signal of the day right there you guys with me decent signal I guess I'd call it's a 41 . you guys want to do a little bit of a sift action with me here the Sith might not work very good with this camera I'm probably shaking you guys into Oblivion let's see successfully sift this one success the reality of the hunt everybody first decent signal is going to be a modern penny we're after the jewelry today though I'll take coins but we want some jewels what's going on 513 dig we got uh Dave sass md2 maybe from Rome Roma Talca detectors in the house good morning um also James detects Texas is in the house how's the weather where you guys is today great for us in the UK nice to hear stream down uh-oh is the stream down is the stream lagging out for you guys I got a penny but I can't tell how the quality is I'm kind of relying on you guys right now before I went live I checked the connection and it looked good but I'm not sure are we still live we might just have to revert to a normal video for today here's a 10 11. I was testing some gold yesterday too and 10 11 is common for like really really tiny pendants this is not it clean it up I guess a little piece of scrap right here yeah me and Destiny actually just drove through this spot yesterday at around 5 PM and it was absolutely packed down here so we decided we'd get up a little bit early today and come down here see if we can get any fresh drops in the dry probably move down to the wet sand too but stick to the dry for a little while make sure we're still live for you guys getting dizzy uh-oh the stream might not be up anymore the quality may be horrible I'm just gonna keep swinging though yeah if anybody's just joining me today it's kind of just a test stream I don't know how long we're going to be live I don't know if we're going to find anything but I plan to go live for like a couple hours if everything went to plan but [Music] is this a good repeatable signal [Music] yeah there's one right there everybody if there's anybody left in the house we have a successful pool right here not quite jewelry but we got us a little bit of a racer man oh boy apology is about the noise too we got somebody Leaf blowing or something there's a Hot Wheels car for you guys would you drive that might get away from this leaf blower dude blaring my earlobes off yeah I don't know if you guys can hear me right now but I was also doing some testing yesterday with multi-wet compared to multi-dry different Beach modes with the legend and actually like multi-wet I found is definitely not quite as sensitive as multi-dry is I'm running multi-dry down by the wet and it doesn't seem to be working I might have to switch it to multi-wet uh seems fine to me cold and rainy where you guys are it's a little bit chilly here in Florida today we'll see you later bottle cap Dave uh I'll have it up as long as it goes decent but uh 513 dig this is actually the large coil um is it the LG 35 it's not the elliptical big one it's just the bigger one I actually forgot what it's even called a little bit more uh ground coverage out here keeps freezing up from North Carolina all right um we will probably try to stay live for a little bit longer but if it's too poor we might just end the stream I thought I had decent quality out here today but I might be mistaken I'm gonna try to keep you guys on live though I've been experimenting trying to go live with my GoPro but I think my mobile data connection just is not strong enough the picture quality looks a lot better when I'm live streaming compared to the phone but I can't get it to successfully uh stay live it's probably some aluminum real quick is it some deep aluminum kind of a little sketchy signal right here [Music] 10 11. sounds like some scrap to me huh yeah there was this gold anchor pendant I found down here probably over a year ago now I found it with the Simplex under the volleyball nets and that thing sounded man identical to this right here sounds like it sounds not good on all the metal detectors I use I think on the Equinox it reads up like a one so if any of you guys got the Equinox or the Vanquish out there I'm sure you've dug up a couple of those signals right ones and twos 99 of the time aluminum foil but good surprise yeah yeah I would think I thought today getting ahead of uh everyone else I might have a little bit better data connection but the connection might just be poor today I'm trying not to go directly where the leaf blower guy is either you guys probably have a hard enough time hearing me [Music] I'm gonna dig this one sounds like some iron again but I'm curious today I think it's out right here is that some jewelry everybody you see that that is some jewelry right there so I don't know if you guys knew this but sometimes when you get an iron signal on the beach it can be jewelry I think this might even happen last time it's actually got a little bit of rust on there so it's probably just made out of steel but that's a little earring right there man first piece of jewelry success we got a little bit of a a positive outcome there digging up the iron good morning everybody good morning Howard good morning the Buddha we have me const Constantine greetings from Denmark nice uh the 513 is the lg30 that slightly bigger elliptical coil good morning Carl bill I hope you're doing all right at the moment I don't really have any plans of getting any other coils I got that little uh what is it the LG 24 I've been liking that one a lot maybe for the beach though I might try that other one yeah maybe here in like a half an hour an hour if the water warms up a little bit we might jump in the water for a little bit and once this guy stops Leaf blowing we can go over towards the main area somebody's massive dig hole right here fill your holes in man fill your holes in what are you doing I don't even think that was from a metal detector user sometimes out at the beach some of your biggest holes just comes from like families they'll dig freaking massive craters [Music] I have a tiny signal here I'm gonna try to Pump Up the Volume real quick tiny signal just give me a little bit of iron but bouncing up also it's landing at like 19. sounds absolutely tiny 2021 really small signal come on Little Beach debris possibly [Music] pinpointers barely picking up on it it's right here whatever it is look at this bad boy [Music] um you guys probably won't even be able to see it Legend just hit on a little it looks like a bead probably off of a bracelet little tiny circular piece of metal there had to turn the volume up on that one not too bad though right kind of towards the wet sand and I am using multi-dry right now I don't know if multi wet would have hit that all right I think the leaf blower guy is coming towards me now we might have to go towards the main area on the beach what's going on rocking Jay welcome welcome to the beach I hope the quality is looking all right for you all right we're gonna Meander over to the main area I'm gonna swing a little bit quick over there yeah if you guys are just joining me I uh I rode past this beach I was going to detect it yesterday evening but it was absolutely popping so I decided I would just hit it this morning we probably got like a couple hours before more people start showing up 11 12. little pieces some scrap foil right there [Music] so we did get us a little uh junker earring so far maybe only one or two coins but we're after the non-junker jewelry I want to find some silver or some gold out here today 10 13 probably another piece of scrap I'm digging it though today I'm pretty much in a dig dig most of it mindset 10 11. [Music] 99.9 some scrap right here where the heck is it swing back over it real quickly no [Laughter] yeah it doesn't sound very good surprise us now Littlest piece of aluminum scrap right there kind of figured let's keep on swinging it baby it's beautiful out here we got basically the whole dry sand area to ourselves at the moment so it doesn't usually take long for this area to fill up with people with chairs and beach towels so I wanted to get this spot done before the people start to show up today [Laughter] real quick I'll get this 10. I don't want to bore you guys with just aluminum foil where is it man where is it after this one we'll go up after maybe a slightly more solid signal those 10 11s like I mentioned are like they are very very likely going to be aluminum foil there is a tiny chance that you might get something significant but I think that chance is pretty small all right I think he gave up the leaf blower nice a little bit more quiet out here now I think there is a dude on the opposite end of the beach scraping right now I got one of those big machines I don't know if they just flattened the sand or uh they're actually kind of sifting the sand skip on that tiny one for now huge iron come on baby let's see if we can get a good one give us a ring signal please at least a pull tab signal I guess I do like this coil though because uh when I'm at the beach I don't usually like to walk too too slow I got a good one right here and this like bigger coil lets me walk a little bit faster without missing like all the ground [Music] there's a nice sweet one 50 51 baby we got them out I think instead of sifting them out we'll just use our pin pointer on them wait there she is I feel like I have my camera like my phone mounted on my chest right now and it's definitely not as stable as my GoPro usually is so if I go to like sift down a signal you guys are probably going to get some whiplash a quarter though first sign of some good life out here baby 25 cents say what's up again to you guys uh Constantine he says what is your opinion about using a classic metal detector like a mine lab Xterra 705 versus a more modern one uh rocking J says I think older detectors didn't have multi-frequency I think um it probably mostly to me I'm not really a professional or anything but it probably depends mostly on like the site that you're hunting I think if you're on a really good location that has good potential to find good stuff you don't really need one of the modern metal detectors you could probably find some good stuff with an old one but um here's a nice good signal too I think once you get into more like competitive areas like maybe old home sites that have a lot of iron in them that have been hunted for years and years maybe the modern metal detectors might give you a better chance at finding something good but I can't say for sure you know I haven't experimented enough with uh like the newer metal detectors versus the older ones got something right here but what I do know is like especially in like modern areas where there's not a whole lot of trash and signals are pretty close to the surface you know like at a modern park or something an older machine probably would do pretty good there's a 1997 nickel we're starting to get into the coins just a little bit where's the jewelry we got plenty of area to hunt today here though everybody so come on let's hope for something delicious all this sand is really Disturbed too so people have been all through here come on give me a nice pull tab signal yeah and if any of you guys are curious if you got any questions for me on like the settings I'm using be sure to uh you know you can leave that in the comments I'll try to get to it if I can [Music] I think something strange sounds like some iron but a little bit weird try to get them real real quick if we can some Karma points Maybe just saw him right here all right that kind of stuff's always kind of good to get off the beach right I don't know how it got out here to begin with but there's a screw not quite Rusty just yet might have come off of like some beach equipment or something all right we've got a screw now give us some uh some Karma we've cleaned the screw 15. tone doesn't sound the most solid but definitely one I'm gonna dig at the beach 15 16. [Music] 13 now yep was not very good at all scrap aluminum the tone wasn't good but those Target IDs that can definitely be gold so I don't want to be skipping up those no no what else we got baby yeah what metal detector are you guys swinging around right now you have a couple of them do you have any metal detector that one sounds pretty good I'm gonna call a toy car on this one it's really bouncy super loud and proud I'm gonna have to turn my volume down a little bit on that one 44 40 see yep looky there he popped right out man the kitties have been at play we got another one I might collect these and just leave these like above sand somewhere this is the second one I've gotten today it's an old monster truck oh boy I guess it's not too bad though there's signals out here baby that's what matters to me the potential is here there's a 15 probably some more aluminum but definitely gonna check them I'm happy to even have aluminum signals out here yep there's another one some scrap is that sad that you're happy to dig up aluminum foil good morning digging up the Carolinas you said sounds like a zipper pull that was probably a close guess the Buddha says he got the knocks 900 a few days ago how are you enjoying the knocks 900 rocking J the Vanquish 440 still holding you down huh yeah the Vanquish is still good I was just out using the Vanquish not too long ago knocks 800 in the legend knocks 800. I got the knock 600 and uh that thing has treated me well I know there is a little bit of like mine lab Equinox hate recently but I personally have never had a a problem with my Equinox 600 so I can't really speak on that holy smokes we found something right on the surface yeah you never know what you're gonna find this is something Merrell would say I found the a boot for a mouse little tiny boot there there's evidence people have been here if you guys just joined the house we've gotten a couple coins so far we've gotten a few toy cars we've got one crusty piece of jewelry but nothing too significant yet so just trying to keep on swinging here baby see what we can get thank you guys for the 12 thumbs up too I appreciate that you guys are always coming through with the support for me even though I'm only really pulling up pennies and pull tabs with this big coil though I don't think I'm missing much ground sometimes I notice like when I watch my videos back I probably do move a little bit quick when I'm metal detecting the beach like I'm swinging a little bit fast I'm moving I'm losing a lot of ground but when you have a big coil it's definitely easier to move faster and still cover the same amount of ground I think foreign little tiny just shred of aluminum foil let me see real quick though I'll show you real quick this is multi-dry on this little piece of aluminum foil 10 11. let me try to switch it to multi-wet same settings multi-wet doesn't even hit it so I think like multi-wet is maybe like dumbed down a little bit or something it might not have as much juice through it I don't really know but I was doing some testing between multi-dry and multi-wet yesterday and I found multi-dry like for me where I am works a lot better than multi-wet so sometimes even if you're down by the wet sand uh I was trying to get it to like become stable this one's a 41. and like you can actually sometimes get multi-dry to be stable down by the wet so if you don't have really mineralized ground you might want to try that out 2018 penny say what's up again to you guys Ben man says he's rocking the Simplex still the Simplex works good man it's worth to upgrade uh is it worth to upgrade from the Simplex to the legend I mostly hit schools and parks and old home sites what do you guys think anyone who's hanging out in the chat is it worth upgrading uh from the Simplex to the legend I say I say yes and no yes if you just want another metal detector you want some more options to use and you don't uh think that it's necessarily going to guarantee find you more stuff like get one if you just want another metal detector to experiment with you got a lot of different settings you can run different frequencies but don't get it if you think it's gonna definitely find you better stuff because there's no guarantee that it is the Simplex is like pretty strong in my opinion so like that's where I went wrong for a while I thought just getting the newest greatest metal detector would find me better stuff and that's just usually not how it goes so there's like a give and take to it I think I like the legend though for the price I can recommend the legend and say it's a good purchase another little piece of some aluminum little tiny Scrappy piece there man and like when you're hitting small pieces of aluminum it kind of gives you an idea of how the machine's going to do on gold like if a machine can hit paper thin aluminum like that it can probably hit on like a little thin gold chain decently it's kind of similar you know Terry says Hey the summer is coming and the replenishment of fines are just around the corner yep spring break is uh coming soon I'm excited they're actually going to have an event down here too not too long from now [Music] that one sounds big it's kind of a high conductive signal but I'm not too interested let's keep swinging here everybody see what else we can find a little more karma points here there's a four dig them out man save somebody's foot yeah ever since I started metal detecting I don't like um there's a paper clip I don't really like walking barefoot on the beach anymore I found some crazy Rusty objects in the sand Rusty razor blades a rusty roofing nails I don't know how some of this crap gets out here but I really don't have time to dig up every piece of iron so I have to save some for another day dig this one up real quick another little piece of some scrap I don't even know what it is oh that might be one of those uh electronic security devices bring that through the checkout and you start beeping up a storm swing a little bit quicker I guess try to hit on some targets see something right there everybody what is that um what is that a Ray-Ban one day silicone Hydra gel oh it's contact contact lenses huh interesting there's nothing left in there but never really seen aluminum like that some Ray-Ban aluminum yeah Vanquish does rocking J Vanquish hits on little ear studs good [Music] digging up the Carolina says we flipped out last week when I dug Spanish silver on this Plantation 10 miles from my house holy smokes congratulations on that man Spanish silver that's crazy all right this might be another one right here 22 right next to that little packet yeah somebody had their uh their Ray-Ban contact lenses in and they left their trash out here never seen those before didn't know Ray-Ban made contact lenses you learn something new every day when you're metal detecting kind of just a faint 11. hey I hope you guys are doing all right today I know it's not like the most action-packed hunt you've ever seen we're just hanging out doing a little bit more live stream testing of course you can leave me some more feedback if you want let me know if the signal is looking grainy how's the audio sound I don't know what the heck that is some type of junk we'll take with us a little bit of beach debris here's some more Beach debris big old come up with the day oh that's what that was that I just found it was the stick broken off of this net you guys ready to go fishing I got us some type of a net uh I am detecting on the west coast of Florida digging up the Carolina the West Coast of Florida I don't know really if we're gonna find any uh Spanish treasure out here very unlikely very very unlikely but you never know I guess I'm cleaning up just about all the aluminum I can today though there's a better signal I just got a piece of foil out of the ground and put it right on a decent signal 29.30 sounds decent come on baby let this be our ring right here please for you guys the 32 in the house right now is it and not quite a little bit of pull tab for you guys though you like seeing those right you guys like seeing the pull tabs right all right all right let's switch our swing pattern I think we're gonna go up and down the beach so from the wet up to the dry and then back down to the wet I was kind of just swinging on the dry get this one too Karma save someone's toe here's the golden bottle cap some trash come on somebody had to lose some jewelry out here man I found one little crusty piece of jewelry but where's the Uncrustables sounded decent but uh probably a bottle cap or something really bouncy signal Ferris meters kind of bouncing around is that what it was yep I think that's what it was right there Rusty Corona all righty then freaking Corona man what else we got quite a lot of iron actually where's the ring baby I want to find a ring oh I actually do have a couple things with me though you guys you want to check out a few things I got I'm pretty sure you've seen these not too long ago but I still got this little case with me so let me show you a real quick an example of what I could potentially be looking for the only thing is we have two small gold rings so this sample size isn't very good let me show you real quick we'll throw these in the sand at I don't know a couple Scoops down maybe see if they can hit it this is our most recent gold ring I actually found this at this location down by the wet sand maybe like two or three days ago little 10 carat guy he is really small and then this one I found over by the basketball courts this is a little 14k right here it's got like a couple little blue stones in there another little small one though just like a probably a women's ring you know so let me throw it right on the sand let's hope we don't lose this thing does the legend have the power to find this if I drop it in the sand drop it in the sand let's see what it reads up real quick so on the legend in multi-dry it's reading up a 19. that's the 14 karat small gold ring so make sure you're digging up those 19s man let's get him out real quick and I guess we'll bury the other one like a couple Scoops down and just see if it can hit on it I'm curious what do you guys think bury this thing like a scoop or two down it's a pretty small one let's see let's make sure I don't have anything in the hole right here nothing I guess let's just go one deep scoop first drop them down in there what do you guys think is it gonna hit it kind of flatten the hole there not too deep say up to the pinpointer about like here so what is that seven inches maybe not an incredible depth test here just kind of a little experimental thing drop them in the hole and let's hope we can find them let's hope we don't lose a gold ring today that would be quite underwhelming all right let's see is it gonna hit it uh oh it hits it though let me turn my volume up for you guys so you can hear it's kind of just a faint signal on it Serena 16-17 a little bit broken though so you know that that Target ID is not solid in the hole kind of sounds like a piece of foil to me 17 18. so if you guys are just joining me I just put this ring in the hole for a test don't think I'm pulling out gold live where did she go still in the hole all right so out of the hole reads up pretty much a solid 16 out of the hole so that's not much higher than those little tiny scrap pieces of foil like the smallest scrap foil you can find with this machine reads about a 10-11 so keep that in mind you know especially if you got the legend out there so let's throw this back in here make sure I didn't lose anything I got all my crusty jewelry from the last couple hunts in here too did you guys see that one sounds kind of a creepy one huh the eyeball ring we have the uh the I love you crusty teddy bear the flattened Penny got some assorted coins got this little thing which is weird but let's get back to the hunt stop screwing around let's get back to trying to find some real signals in the ground baby we got our first family down here right now playing in the water what's going on Ken I think Andy you are uh you just showed up in here too huh Andy said I have had seven Roman coins off the beaches on the Isle of right just never know what you're gonna find someone had a hammered the other day off the beach holy moly what's going on Ken Dexter yeah I might have to fetch the day I saw I don't think I brought the Deus with me today I'm experimenting with um The Legend with this bigger coil using multi-dry I was kind of messing around if you guys just joined me I was messing around with multi-dry versus multi-wet and personally I think multi-dry is a lot more powerful on the beach so if you can run multi-dry without it falsing I would probably suggest it let's find another good one huh that's definitely not it yeah there's a good one right there you guys just see what I was talking about this one is a pretty solid 16 right here is this what we're after come on this is one I would never skip up at the beach 15. and not quite the Golden Ring but to find the golden ring you must get through these it's an aluminum seal right there some junk could have been the Gould they did just recently turn on a little machine out here and I'm getting a little bit of interference through the legend what happens no matter what machine I'm using bottle cap rate on the top we'll pick it up come here buddy I'm chasing them TC I got hammered on the beach before is this bottle cap from you TC TC you left your Corona out here on the beach man I'll ship it back to you don't worry sounds like some scrappity scrap I think that's it right there yep more shredded aluminum probably bottle cap again real quick we'll try to dig them out I'm still kind of learning this machine on the beach especially since they came out with a new update with it recently so I'm just trying to make sure everything that is iron or that sounds like iron is actually iron this one's definitely no good though it's a solid two now a solid two what the heck even is it man you find some random iron out here I have no idea I have no idea some rusty stuff that's all I know come on baby there's some more obvious good ones out here I know it [Music] here's a decent signal sounds kind of small but nice consistent tone 20. good signal is that it right there the heck is that no it's uh it's like a circular piece of aluminum probably off of a bottle or something nothing too good more iron over there what do you guys think we found us a new digging tool nice add it to the pouch I guess no Siri you pick up all your tops that's good to hear TC cooking clams and getting hammered on the beach in Canada rocking Jay I don't think you're actually supposed to bring alcohol out on these beaches but Florida man does not care Florida man does what Florida man desires yeah I don't really mind people drinking out at the beach honestly they're more likely to lose the goods that's probably the case I guess though once you have a few drinks you might become a little bit more Reckless [Music] foil or the gold stud earring I think I actually found my only gold stud earring I've ever found with this machine I'm pretty sure it was like a 13 on the target ID that's really all that keeps me digging the aluminum foil and I guess just keeping our beaches clean too this is huge iron right on top what is it [Laughter] ah yes we're back in business now we can start reselling our tent Stakes again I want to show you guys something too so here's the tent stake right here normal out of the sand not too long ago I lost my bolts out of my sand scoop and take a wild guess at what I use to get it put back together I have a tent stake wrapped around there man the tent Stakes are actually useful one time I can be glad that I had a tent stake in my pouch use it as some Hardware to fix your metal detector or your equipment you know all right I'm waiting for a nice solid one here I don't know how the water's feeling but I might just jump in the water in a few see how the old Legend does in the water see if there's any signals at all to be dug I'm gonna switch it over real quick to pitch tone too let's let's uh experiment with pitch mode I was using 60 tones the big scraper guy might be coming through this area though he might plow me down I might have to move a little bit out of his way what do you guys think should I stick to the dry sand or try to head in the water for a few minutes you cast your vote right now [Music] all right there's our first little signal in pitch tones sounds loud as ever 13. nothing sounds very loud if you guys got a problem with hearing pitch tones on this machine is probably the way to go all right there's the biggest aluminum seal I found all day it's awful like some Pringles or something let's see if you guys have casted your vote yet gotta go see you later TC nice having you in here we got one for the water we got two for the water Diana says water Rockin says water we might have to get in the water I don't have my water shoes though so I'm gonna have to ditch my shoes let's switch it over to multi-wet we'll hit the wet sand real quick and then we'll hop in the water huh I'm also running seven recovery speeds so kind of a high recovery speed let's just hit this wet sand patch real quick and then I guess we will Meander around in the water for a few minutes see if we can snipe out one real quick right on the water's edge actually is where I found my last gold ring so we could getting luck down here there's usually not many signals when you're hunting right down by the water at least for me but sometimes you get that one that's oh so sweet [Music] I'm gonna make my way back to Destiny real quick so I can drop off my shoes and then I'll get in the water I know the water has been a little bit chilly here in Florida so uh I know that's usually a good time for people's fingers to shrivel up possibly lose a ring or two [Music] nothing yet by the wet but all it takes is that one yeah this one's irony dig it up real quick [Laughter] I had like a slight High squeak sometimes I'll dig up those iron signals if they give me like a little bit of a high tone on them what is that is that a piece of jewelry right there everybody um it's ring shaped sounded like iron though that might be a cheap little ring right there guys let's try to rinse them off is that a ring right there dude it might be like a key ring actually kind of looks a little bit shiny but I don't know it's ring shaped I guess we'll put it in the pouch regardless it was sounding let me throw it on the top real quick oh yeah it's mostly iron with like a high squeak in it so if it is a ring it's not anything special I don't know so far I found my best Targets in the Iron Range today though what's up with that you never know I guess Roger calborn or clay Clayborne no water save it for me he says dan what's going on Dan all right some type of an egg ring you said interesting all right I might dig up some more iron signals if they sound good like that this one could be good little faint 15 right there turn the volume up for you come on baby right here nope it's right in the bottom of the hole what is that what is that everybody you see that is it jewelry it looks like it's some jewelry baby check it out I think it was what was it reading nice that's kind of weird it's like a little puzzle piece or something it's got like a couple uh designs on it a crown is that a Q and A Heart I have no idea what that is supposed to be but I think it's a puzzle piece and it looks like some jewelry to me so I will take it Adam to the pouch that's what's up baby you guys like that puzzle piece Allison says or Alice what's going on Alice we could be in the right spot rocking J says let's keep going baby that's like kind of back to back jewelry right there so you might be right all right let's see what else we can get guys uh we might come back for that iron signal but see if we got something better we will still get in the water after I finish this little wet sand patch here right along the water oh yeah that one's actually in the water oh we might have to go in for that bad boy right there we might have to go in for that bad boy right there uh shoes though guys we might have to come back for that one let's mark off this spot that is a nice good digable repeatable signal I got an x marks the spot we'll go put our shoes away and then we'll come back for that one I guess I could just ditch them right here but I don't want that uh scraper guy to scrape over a man that was a good signal man I gotta go back for that one got to make sure there ain't another metal detector guy behind me all right let's just go ahead to Destiny real quick so we can put our shoes up and just saw somebody's sock right there anybody got any questions for me any questions about the legend we're about to uh get ready to hop in the water for a few see if the water or the legend can handle a little bit of like some salt water come on baby I got pants on too I might have to strip down do a little swinging over here in the dry for a second I guess getting some signals up here now come on now sweetie I'm about to get in the water for a few minutes sound alive uh-huh I'll try uh maybe okay I'm Gonna Leave You all the things okay I'll be right here a shoe it's getting a little toasty out here today I found a little bit of jewelry so far not too good but yeah nothing too bad either I guess yeah I might have to strip down right now hopefully I got something under these just get banned all right there you go everybody no that's what you've been waiting for all right let's head back to that good signal we left out on huh you guys have been waiting for that one that family they have like a little baby and the baby follows the dad and went under the water yeah face planted under the water all right let's hit it guys ready to head in the water with me for a few you guys ready to go back down for that one stay on that line rocking said I'll go back to that line rocking have you used the legend in the water much I haven't used it too too much in the water I've used it a few times I don't have waterproof headphones so I can't get in the water too too deep otherwise I won't be able to hear the signals but I've used it every now and again all right we're gonna hit this line that Rockin said for us to stay in until we get down to that good signal and then we're going to try but oh let me tell you the water's chilly today water's a little bit nipply all right we're running multi-wet right now three volume seven recovery speed pitch tones let's see if we can get one everybody I know we got one but let's see oh there's another one nice oh actually I don't know if that's nice [Laughter] it's kind of sitting on 47 which is different to me 47 everybody please something different a little bit squeaky there is that it what the heck is that I think that's it dude what is that what the heck is that I have no idea is that like some space like uh like a toy car but like a toy spaceship or something maybe like some Star Wars dealio I don't know interesting I'll give it that not sure what the heck that thing is you guys got any guess 47 for the win yeah that was a different one for sure I don't know what it was that's all she was though interesting one there foreign as you probably have my skid plate on the bottom of this metal detector coil but I'm guilty of not using it right now I got this big coil on and the sand like collects underneath that skid plate on the coil but without it on this thing is light iron what do you guys think dig it should I start skipping up the iron or keep digging it what do you think I still got that nice 50 down the line too I'm just making my way over to it see if we got anything else in this line before we get over there it is nice today though it's getting a little bit hot I came out here with the long sleeve shirt on but I think I might need to make some changes here soon it's getting a little bit toasty all right where's my ex at I'm ready for that nice screaming signal quiet though let me tell you like I'm not at the most mineralized beach but uh yeah this thing since they've updated it's definitely quieted down a lot on the beach they've added some good updates that helps this thing a lot so like when I'm hunting the beach especially down by the water I want my machine to be stable until there is a signal there to dig up you know like sometimes you spend so much time investigating signals that aren't even there I appreciate that 33 thumbs up you guys too you guys are always supporting the channel hooking it up with the support baby I always appreciate it I know we haven't found the craziest stuff out here today but that's the way she blows all it takes is that one juicy one all right where the heck is the X I think it's right here let's get it x marks the spot baby I marked the signal off before I put my shoes away you guys probably know what that's going to be though right 50 51 on the legend at least you'll know what it is if you're in America I think we got it there she is everybody was that your guess for a 50-51 1982 quarter you guessed the date too huh all right let's head in the water now for a few roll up the old sleeves see if we can at least get like two or three signals out here huh might take a bit but Mouse spaceship it's tripod stand maybe bracket those are some good guesses no Jason FLT what's going on Jason you gotta head out to work in a minute let's see if we can find you something before you gotta head out that water's a little bit nipply there's another nice one turn down the volume just a little bit I don't want to blare everybody out 44 45 right there I will take that every day of the week I think we got them what do you guys think can we find a ring out here in the water before we gotta head out that one is a 1970 penny I've gotten a quarter in a penny not too bad not sure if I should stick around in the shallows first or just head right out to the depths what do you guys think shallow first or about Waist Deep Mystic library and what's going on man Daryl's in the house what's going on Daryl it's almost 3 A.M in the morning what are you doing awake David I am at a little uh it's not really a big beach it's kind of like a little secret Beach down here on the West Coast of Florida not anything big just a little one foreign I'm on the west coast though a little bit over by like Clearwater area we got a few people showing up though we got a little family plan in the water across the way what's going on sleeping Collectibles it's going good just doing a little bit of swinging around in the water at the moment looking for the treasure all right let's see guys absolutely quiet as ever though I haven't even gotten one false signal I'm running at 25 sensitivity let's see if we can pump it up any higher 28 out of 30. let's just try 30. 30 is as high as it goes wow I don't think I'm getting any chatter here maybe like the slightest little tiny bit thank you yeah I might have to shut them down just a little bit I think 30 is just a little too high 25 might be comfortable [Music] now can we get another signal in the water that is the true question see you later Jason good morning Brenda we're trying to find some treasure out here I've gotten like I think I've gotten three pieces of jewelry so far two of them were pretty crusty but chances there could be something in here in the little uh shallow water area sometimes the moms will play with their kids right here like where the uh the wet sand turns to the water give us a nice signal make sure this thing's even still working swing it over the scoop yeah she's working a little iron signal in the water we'll take one scoop on it and it's not going to come out so I think we'll pass on it just an iron signal very likely like a fishing hook or some junk [Music] got the big scraper man coming through [Music] yeah sorry about the audio on that one everybody uh they got one of those big machines out here that flattens the sand I don't know if it actually like sifts stuff out of the sand too if it collects stuff maybe only a certain size but yeah we're out here still relatively early today what time is it right now even might be like 8 30 or something 8 45 possibly might even be a little later than that what's going on Moto cool water equals Clear Water yeah this water is nice it's actually not as chilly as I thought it was going to be feels pretty good I might have to get in a little deeper though I'm a little bit limited today because I got my phone on my chest I don't want to plop my phone in the water but for you guys it's worth it oh they're a little tiny like iron signal there not really much in the water though honestly [Music] at any time you guys can vote if you want me to go back up into the dry sand if we get a couple votes we can head head over back in that direction maybe even the wet line again I got a couple decent things in the wet sand line [Music] there's one that's the thing though sometimes it takes a while but it could be something good 16 17. I don't know if you guys were here earlier when I was testing the gold come on baby right here [Music] please [Music] I think we got in our first scoop come on guys are you serious there's the reality of the hunt for you piece of aluminum nice sounded great dude come on give me something it was a signal at least what's going on Aiden you guys got some snow up north huh Moto's on his 10 a.m break from Minnesota how's the weather in Minnesota what's going on Mike m oh yeah there is a clock on the ledge and you're right I think it is if my clock is right it is 9 07 A.M [Music] I think that actually is the right time too the legend came in clutch with the time [Music] yeah thanks for reminding me about that I forgot the legend even had a clock on it yeah just when we're about to move along we got an all-elusive scrap piece of aluminum to keep us in the water for a bit longer let's go a little bit up here towards the shallows thank you this is another one of those signals where it's mostly iron but I'm getting a little bit of a squeaker we'll dig it out real quick see what it is mostly iron but just a little bit of a squeaker five now probably an eh it is just the tip of a screw right there just the tip little foot piercer for you guys fill in your holes man fill in your holes that's all it was just a little piece of a screw here comes the Sandman again [Music] come on guys I want to find a ring baby stainless steel tungsten crusty I don't care any type of a ring ring pole even I'll take it [Music] I need to get Destiny out here with her Equinox to wait in the water with me well not her Equinox but with the equinox maybe I'll call over see if she wants to join me in the water real quick pretty sure we got two sand Scoops with us sweet pea you want it you want to get the Equinox out [Music] okay all right yeah she might join me Destiny might bring out the old Equinox we might hit it doubled up two times the ground coverage I got the knocks with the big coil on it too I always used to like the Equinox when I was waiting around in the water I got the waterproof earbuds for it and everything so I have pulled out some small small signals in the water with the Equinox man but I pulled out a couple small ones with the legend too I remember like one of my first couple days using the legend in the water I pulled out a tiny gold pendant like tiny I think it was sounding maybe reading like a 11 12 or something so I mean I think it's got the power if there's something out here it's gonna find it just a matter of swinging over it right [Music] a one eh oh Aiden says I'm in Florida right now right here with you hope to see you sometime I use a kind of wonky detector so maybe you could help me figure it out where are you at in Florida right now sounds like a little pull tab digs like foil though uh Aiden and Brenda you bet we should hook up this summer for sure oh are you guys close to each other sending you ring energy [Music] Still Water yeah it's really really still out here what's going on Euro we're hoping we can find some treasure today but there ain't no guarantee make sure I don't have anything in my pockets that I can get wet [Music] sorry about the sound all right we're gonna go a little bit deeper probably like pouch deep if you think about it they got to be at least somewhat deep to get their fingers wet if they're going to lose a ring so but like I mentioned sometimes right on the wet line of the water like moms will play with their kids they definitely have a potential to like lose a ring or some jewelry over there too so let's get let's get a little bit chillier though the deeper we go I don't think I'm really going to be able to submerge my control box right now though because I don't have any headphones with me but we're gonna do the best we got the best we can with what we've got sometimes all it takes is that one signal in the water man let's be hopeful ah oh I meant like if you wanted to come with me but that's okay I'll use that you guys want to see the Equinox in action [Music] did I say that I think I did say that Destiny's sister is pregnant there's the news hopefully that wasn't uh private information I mean you guys want to see some Equinox 600 in action but yeah Sandy I guess took it yesterday on her work break and that's how she tried to video chat us oh yeah yeah she's gonna let you know automatically well yes what do you guys think you guys want to just see the legend or you want to see some Equinox 600. I don't know if Destiny actually wants to detect with me but Andy says stick it in vibrate mode I can stick with the legend if you guys want legend or Equinox 600 vote in the chat it's going up fly days fly days apparently she's around maybe two months two months already you know that it's I think I was getting symptoms for for Shanny oh yeah because obviously I'm not pregnant so better not be girl mother nature already told me that last one's like now you're both both at the same time I like it treasure hunting detectors we got Knox we got legend legend you want to grab your sand scoot you don't want to get in the water huh she's not really prepared for the water she's in pants and a long sleeve no I don't know what I want to use both both at the same time Knocks I wish I could use both at the same time my little arms aren't strong enough is it her boyfriend is it her current boyfriend are you talking to somebody right now okay oh yeah no Danny Danny's always we're gonna swing The Equinox for a few minutes at least you want to hold this for me for a while appreciate you girl all right let's jump in the water for a few with the equinox I haven't used the old Equinox on the channel in a while let's give them a little bit of love uh oh he's chattering though let me see noise cancel you guys ain't seen your old friend Equinox in a while huh I don't even remember how the noise cancel this baby [Music] Beach two where we got recovery speed of three ah should we go down to two dip them in the water oh I use the old Equinox in a while baby actually feels kind of nice to swing what are you guys saying real quick before we get going I wanted to trade uh could do both in the upper sand maybe we will do that Moto when we get out of the water just to kind of test them both uh treasure hunting says I almost wanted to trade my Equinox 800 for the legend Brenda says look me up on Facebook they should make a sand scoop shoes you know rocking that might be a good idea what's going on pennies and pull tabs at least for like the small objects you could have something like right on the tip of your shoe that was just like a really fine screen so maybe when you uh when you go to sift out a bigger object and it falls through the scoop if it's like earring sized you could just hit it with the sand scoop shoe real quick you better copyright that idea you know the big boys are listening right now mind Labs listening no they're not just in two weeks you see a new announcement for mine lab new and improved sand scoop shoes get them now all right let's make sure this thing even works [Music] yeah she's beeping I'm running beach too right now see if we can get a signal with this Equinox in the water turn up the old volume ever so slightly come on baby I ain't swug around the old big old coil on the Equinox in quite a while they both feel good to swing though the equinox and the legends whoa already wait false I think that was a false signal yeah there's definitely some like iron under there I don't know if I should try to dig it should I dig it meh [Music] one scoop on it maybe nah I don't think I want to dig iron out in the water today I don't think I'm feeling all the iron in the water right now let's go after a nice good signal [Music] five days you would dig up the iron signals [Music] what's going on Katie hi from Australia finally caught alive but it's 10 p.m good luck and good night good night Katie thanks for stopping in I dig up anything if there's no signals in the water all right next time we get one we will uh if it sounds decent enough we'll dig it even if it's a piece of iron I guess a couple of the little small pieces of jewelry today were like some steel jewelry so sounded like iron on the legend said if it's the only signal on the water you dig it for funsies all right it's like there's probably some nice solid ones it's just a matter of getting over them you know so sometimes I have to think is it worth stopping for the iron uh I don't know let's see it's like there's got to be a couple good solid ones even just pennies or pull tabs or something this place has been used the last like couple weeks so treasure hunting detector says I really need help how to really understand the Equinox 800 wish you could make a video of how to set it up I actually only have The Equinox 600 but usually the way I use my Equinox 600 is basically almost just turn on and go had another false signal I guess yeah just had a little bit of a false right there huh yeah I mean if anybody uses an equinox 800 though and you have some like uh programs that you prefer you could leave it in the chat I may head up back to the dry sand man the wet is not treating me very good the wet is probably better for making a video that isn't live because there's just not a whole lot of signals in the water it's kind of like a clip to clip type area [Music] [Music] eating cereal while watching this live stream I hope that cereal is delicious I'm not even a fan of metal detecting but it's pretty chill to watch hey that's actually good to hear man I'm glad you're in here hanging out sometimes I'm curious if everyone out there who watches my videos actually metal detects themselves or they just like watching metal detecting so I know before I got into metal detecting I was always curious you'd see people out on the beaches and you'd always wonder what are they finding are they finding anything good now that you actually got one yourself you can kind of tell a little bit better foreign I might jump out of the water here in a minute it's pretty freaking slow I don't think I've gotten one good signal with the Equinox yet just now there's that guy with the uh sand like flattener he's on a big tractor out here he's like flattening out the dry so I don't really want to get in his way either come on baby get us a banger signal [Music] says I'm in illustrator this showed up in my recommended Ben whoa nothing again just a really faint something I know I can't really pump the Equinox up too high before I get shattered come on get you guys one more I'm trying to will it but there's really no Wheeling it unless you're one of those channels that plants Their fines there's no willing it and metal detecting you have to just hope eventually you'll swing over something that you can dig up [Music] try to keep the camera in frame of the detector for a minute how's that look does that look any better I'm still swinging I'm just trying to like swing my camera along with the detector just absolutely no signals flatlined [Music] any of you guys got a chance to try the old manticorn manticore Snorlax says metal detecting in the water causes quick fatigue for me yep the resistance of the water makes me worn out absolutely that's the truth but it's where a lot of the Heavies settle at how's a water temp it's warming up quite a quite a bit on the Mantic War anybody have any luck with the manticorn I really don't think that I'm I'm very very unlikely to get a manticore I don't really have any incentive right now to get a manticore the only reason I would possibly get one is just to show you guys it in use but I really don't think it's going to find me much better stuff than the other metal detectors I got right now so I don't really got a lot of incentive to get one don't get me wrong it's always fun trying out a new metal detector but the price on that machine is just too high for me to justify I'll stick with my Legend in my Equinox in my 30 other metal detectors [Music] it is crazy slow out here in the water about waist deep I wasn't getting anything let's try the uh the shallows for a second maybe even the wet sand line again might be the play let's hit the wet sand line for a minute huh Daryl says well Austin I used to watch you for ages then I thought to myself damn I'm gonna buy one now I got the Vanquish 540 never looked back Vanquish is good man yeah the price is too much on the Manticore I think the Simplex working good for you under the water that's good to hear yeah I think what I've learned now is that like um this Simplex probably works better in different conditions obviously like not all conditions are equal so this Simplex wasn't working the best for me in the salt water personally but that doesn't mean it's not going to work for you [Music] so let's swing around in this wet sand line here for a second see if we get another signal I might switch back to the legend is that chatter yeah I just started getting a little bit of chatter here I thought it was a signal but it's not see that all of a sudden weird try to noise cancel again [Music] hmm not so easy swinging right now I guess with the equinox let's try a beach one maybe [Music] maybe Beach one's a little bit better huh how do I switch back to the legend you guys got any Legend boats in the chat I don't even think I found anything yet with the equinox there's a signal baby come on First Signal with the equinox [Music] come on with it it's a one where is it it's golden color but it's not gold some golden aluminum foil all right [Music] not really sure which way to go right now Treasurer says g g in it and then manually it down to zero oh ground balance the Simplex right treasure hunting Legend says I vote for the legend I might make my way back over to Destiny [Laughter] [Music] this chatter [Laughter] I don't know I guess this is the signal three [Music] well it's a one interesting yeah I'm getting like some chatter out here right now with the Equinox it's just a little ball of foil I think I'm gonna head back over and grab the legend again Equinox is still good though it would work out here but I'm still kind of learning The Legend on the beach so that's a big reason I've been using it more than the other detectors right now if you ever see me using one metal detector a lot more than the others I'm either trying to learn it or I'm just liking it a lot better than the previous ones I've used foreign so the Equinox a big reason I'm not using it is just because I've been trying to learn the legend for a while [Music] [Music] this place is flattened out now the guy is still flattening it out let's see I don't know if that's going to be an accessible one it's a nice solid tone it might be too deep to dig out though this spot's got some really deep signals 1819 foreign truly the First repeatable Signal I've gotten with the Equinox so might be too deep to even recover nope sounds like some scrap there it is first signal with the equinox it's a play pop top and win that is probably an old aluminum bottle cap right there play pop top and win junk man junk at least it was a recoverable signal flatten this stuff back out real quick all right we're still heading over to grab the legend again The Equinox ain't working too bad now that's a big signal I feel bad I'm digging holes where this guy has just like ran his machine over I'm sure it doesn't matter that much but it looks so nice and flat [Music] all right I think I'm over the Equinox for now let's go grab the old legging [Music] I might sit down and say what's up to you guys for a minute too so if you guys got any questions or anything you want answered be sure to leave them in the comments where are we I am not done detecting though we haven't even found that much good stuff today you guys want to see a recap at the couple decent things we found if you have just joined us there's a dime I think we got a couple little pieces of Jewelry in here let's get over to our destination something to tell me like no I don't what's up sweet pea just grabbing the legend again we're we're trying to sort out our feelings about Jenny having a child yeah who are you talking to your other sister I think I called it out I think I did not too long ago didn't I we were talking about like the health issues and me saying that she went to the doctor and I think she's pregnant I think you're like yeah oh yeah she did go to the doctor they said that huh that she could be could be what's going on with Theo bearded nomad Dr otec is that the metal detector you got let's try to move out of the way a little bit I'm trying to escape from this guy who's flattening the beach but I think he wants to hang out with me I don't know just come up here for a quick second loots yeah all right what's up everybody nice cool weather in Tampa yeah I'm not too far from Tampa yeah Mystic right the beach cleaner he's following me around the Dr otech was one of your first how did it work out I think the beach might be flat [Music] all right so I guess let's uh let's just keep going at Max is now the one you use oh Brenda it's only 34 degrees in Minnesota huh that's a little nipply is that good detecting weather for you guys in Minnesota 34 degrees and rainy it's probably going to be a little while before it warms up huh all right let's keep going everybody is the quality still looking okay is it really grainy can you see my fingerprints let's get to swinging again us yeah bearded Nomad it seems like those uh the inexpensive metal detectors they usually don't do so good when you get down by the wet sand at the beach all right Beach mode Let's get back into this pitch tones for now 25 sensitivity let's see if we can get something up in the dry sand huh foreign actually let's switch it from pitch tones over to 60 tone just an adjust adjusting the settings ever so slightly I can barely hear my machine though with this guy driving around trying to make it work [Music] right under a volleyball net right now [Music] [Music] foreign might be a digable signal it's really scratchy it's both iron and jumping to like 20 something I don't know if I can get it out nah it's probably not going to be a very good one I don't even know if I can get it out of there Maybe it's probably going to be another piece of scrap let's check it though phew it's in some hard stuff down there anything [Music] straight in here it's right about in here all right underneath the volleyball court check it out slightly different I think it's brought in with some sand or something it's a bullet casing uh can you guys see what type let's try to read it off to you l u I don't know it's a crusty one man I guess let's just move on can you see it Florida man finds fill this one in that one was right underneath the volleyball on that jeez he's iron it's a little bread tie right there let's keep on swinging it it's noise canceling a legend good morning Mr metal detectorist foreign for the gold chain I guess I keep it realistic probably the aluminum small little signal though foil let's keep going down the line I think my microphone just might have gotten muted there for a second apologies about that all right let's keep going baby I'm kind of just waiting for this beach cleaner guy to be done so I can hit more of the main areas on the beach too he's kind of flattening out like the main areas you know so I didn't want to get right in his way [Music] there's another 10-11 that one's probably some nicotine gum or something a little foil packet foreign listening for those good solid ones but there's not many of them out here there's a lot of good solid iron tones out here [Music] foreign pick up the swing speed just a little bit try to hit on some fresh surface drops I don't know if any of you guys joined me but uh this beach was absolutely packed yesterday on Sunday today it's uh there's really not many people down here right now but trying to find some stuff that they could have dropped over the weekend [Music] another iron signal there we'll pass him up for a little while who are we Florida beaches everybody let me tell you there ain't been a lot to find out here I guess that's kind of the case for most beaches though I don't know if any guys watch the gig Master on YouTube I think he hunts like Virginia beaches even his videos lately he ain't been finding much and he always finds gold and silver so you know the beaches are slow the only signals that are out here are like aluminum signals Man 10 11. that's all I've got to dig there's another piece right there garbaggio I got a fishing net in here oh I don't even think I showed you that little bit of jewelry I found so far today maybe before we head out we'll pull out all the stuff we found I don't want to really leave anytime soon though I want to stay out here for a while I got energy there's a 15 right there potential gold signal that's a foil seal a little bit of some signs of Life at least a lift and pull peel and lift foreign what's going on Papa Rouse bill is in the house I hope you're doing all right I hope you've been out uh I hope you have been out and have been able to get some swinging in bill I know that Bill had uh I think he might have had some back surgery recently apologies if I don't know exactly what it was but I know recently you were out there doing a little bit of swinging so that's always good to see we got Vendetta in the house what's going on Vendetta Mr metal detector says beaches here in San Diego have been quiet I mean there's stuff out here but it is very few and far between little signal there it's a 16. a little bit higher than like small small foil tiny little signal though there is all it was I have no idea a little piece of metal right on the fingertip though there's something left out here something desirable I don't really know about that [Music] I don't know where the signals are everybody iron there's nothing but iron [Laughter] what's this one piece of some beach debris a tent a chair or who knows what definitely some junk getting a little bit of chatter right now on the machine I already noise canceled I don't know where it's coming from [Music] holy smokes guys it's dry apparently I thought we were gonna have a couple more signals to dig up iron over there let's try the wet sand line again I guess there's a nice one took me a while to find it but [Music] definitely can't skip over a signal like that sift them shake you guys into Oblivion oh yeah you love that this sound is so sweet there's a quarter I might have gotten like three quarters so far today nothing too crazy there's stuff still out here like I said though it's just like few and far between you just gotta swing over the right spot to find it let's try the wet sand again maybe yeah once you start to get down here if you're not using multi-wet then you're gonna get a little bit of chatter down by the wet so make sure you go from MD to MW a little bit of MW action there switch it over to pitch tones as well crank up the volume baby if there's a signal I want it to blare our earlobes right off straight off I found most of the little scrap pieces of jewelry right here along the wet sand so well let's try to head down the beach Mr metal detector says Austin I live your videos you never know what you say you never know what machine you're going to use and what you will find that is true yo fly days thanks for that sub dude appreciate that man welcome to the pull tab crew use the golden pull tab wisely let's keep heading down the wet sand here maybe if we're feeling spicy we'll jump back in the water but that might really bore you guys to sleep I see some little human Footprints down this way my chatter went away so let's pump up the sensitivity again 25. big old piece of iron let me tell you swinging a big coil around though is a good workout I'm feeling it in my arm you guys ready for that one guess is it a 50 on the target ID I guess gotta dig that one out still in the hole that's pitch tone sound so let's switch it back over to uh 60 tone and show you what it sounds like you guys like the 60 tone sound better or the pitch tone sound better the pitch tone is loud as ever but I might prefer a 60 tone there's another quarter right there everybody I think we might have made a dollar in quarters today we're getting rich yes we're getting rich we can get the manticorn before too long at this rate it's gonna take us a couple more years freaking manticorn there's so much drama been going around with the Manticore I guess every time a new machine or anytime anything newer releases there's always some type of drama going on about it huh I don't know I try to keep an open mind I never try to like take one side of things stay in the middle do your own researching your own testing and I don't know come to your own conclusion I think about a machine I think there's enough videos out there now that you could probably get a pretty good idea how it's going to work but it's always a good idea to really go out there and swing it yourself if you have the ability to who knows I could start swinging a manticore and I Could Fall In Love but I highly doubt that take a quick stop real quick Mr metal detectors has got a pull tab too you guys hate pull tabs he put a golden pull tab in the chat that's awesome to see hit me with some pull tabs man the SOB sarcasm what's going on 7996 more quarters for the manticorn only 20 000 more zinc pennies until we can acquire the Manticore geez Louise I think I'm still in pitch tones nothing is loud man oh so sweet though you guys like the tone on that one hello got something right there it's a coin everybody uh nothing too crazy though just a 2017 modern day Jefferson nickel just keep swinging along here yeah that pitch tones though if you have uh problems hearing the pitch zones would probably come in really handy for you pitchstones is quite loud foreign for now we've cleaned up a good amount of iron so far today something small right there everybody would you stop for a signal like that it's a 16. sounds like a little guy got some iron in the sand I see right there no still in the hole something small it's reading about 16 17. right here all right not exactly what we're after it's a little piece of cancel it could have been good kind of sounded like an earring or something but we're a little ways off hey uh let me ask you something real quick too how does the audio quality sound everybody does the audio sound okay I'm just using my phone's microphone but I did just recently order a uh a little lavalier microphone I've been trying to improve the live stream quality for you guys I don't want you to have to suffer through horrible quality filming a live stream I gotta at least do it half-assed you know what I mean so I've been trying to invest a little bit into the live streams but I guess there's no guarantee that it's going to do any better but I've been at least trying to uh get some feedback I've been doing a lot of private tests to just to test my quality and my connection and whatnot and seems to be kind of a hit and miss depending on the day and the location I'm at [Music] iron it's called a little like hairpin or something nope not a hairpin it's a little screw I've been screwed yet again audio sound is great that's good Brenda says what I don't understand is why do people get such a boner with pulling the tabs off their cans you know that is a great question Brenda with A1 I make sure we don't get bored detecting you know that that could be actually the reason why they want to make sure we got plenty of signals to dig out here at the beach freaking pull tabs let's Meander a little bit up here towards the dry not too long ago it's been probably a couple months but I did return a gold ring to somebody and they lost it right around in this little area that I'm hunting right now so this could be a little decent spot to check really nice Sugar Sand at this spot though it's like baby powder almost stuff is like fluff yeah I think in about probably a month's time we're gonna have a lot lot more signals to dig but there's one up here towards the dry sand s a little different maybe than a penny it's a 44-45 no don't tell me dude you litter bugs man you litter bugs the only targets out here trash man the pull tab is still attached we're in good hands one less signal to dig here's some type of uh thing what is that it's like a makeup brush or something probably third in the pouch man that thing sounds like a banger give me a break I was hoping at least for like a toy car or something not a top to a freaking can foreign thing though I have noticed with the legend is I have not really been getting any iron false signals like sometimes when I come out here with the Vanquish or the Equinox some of the screws the nails and the bottle caps will give me a nice squeaky tone but I don't know so far so good with the little Legend here it's not doing too bad not too bad at all usually when it's iron it'll just give me a straight iron tone sometimes though if it's a bottle cap it'll be like a little bit of a high pitched tone it's nice not having to stop for every screw or nail though you know all right the dry sand has not produced little tiny signal right in here there's some more golden foil for you just a little bit of golden foil we've been live now for like two hours so that's not too bad what are we talking about Mr metal detector it's sweet to find lost items for folks yeah you can be in the middle of the world and I'm sure there will be a pull tab waiting to be found yes [Music] I do it for free for people I love seeing their face when I hand it back to them same and they wouldn't leave me alone until they gave me the fifty dollars uh I guess you guys are talking about recovering I've done a couple recoveries I recovered a huge gold religious Pastor or pendant for a pastor before that gold is like sickening to me I think it was written like a 1819 on the Equinox that thing was the biggest gold I've ever found by far but it was just a recovery but you know it's still it's it felt nice for sure foreign I don't think they didn't really give me a reward or anything I didn't expect it you can never expect anything like that but it would have been kind of cool if they gave me like a five dollar reward or something just so I had something to show for it because let me tell you that goal that I recovered for that man was absolutely like sickening I think I still have the video it was an old video I don't know if I want to like kind of meander around in the wet again in the water let's just head in the shallow water for a quick minute just a little bit of shallow water hunting for a second see if we can score on a signal more iron in the water you saw that video Mr metal detectorist I should have uh what's going on Kath I should have gotten a better uh close-up of that pendant but that thing was sickening I dug a junk sound and it happened to be a three merry widows tin early 1920s that's cool God wins welcome did he even give you a thank you for returning it uh I got I got some appreciation they were thankful so you know and it's one of those things where I showed up just at the right time too like they were about to leave so that that's the thing like with metal detecting it wasn't a call out or anything uh like for metal detecting the beach especially you just got to be at the right place at the right time if I if I showed up 15 or 20 minutes later they probably wouldn't have been there but would I have still swung over the same spot I'm not really sure let's dig this huge iron out of the water real quick I'm getting bored not getting any signals oh my look at that oh I kind of reconsider my decision walking around out here what even is that man that is a gnarly piece of metal right there add them to the pouch I guess Geez Louise I don't know how some of this iron gets out here wait a second got something here sounds kind of decent it's bouncy it's bouncing from 17 to 22. knowing my luck it'll probably be some foil but sounds good 17 20. yeah thanks for hooking me up with the 52 likes too everybody I appreciate it all right I might have it in the scoop dude all right that's a reality of the hunt you know what that is it's a little hug wrapper some aluminum foil nothing too good oh see somebody something in the water over here foreign this is one of those mostly iron signals but kind of squeaking up high could have like a hoop earring or something here what that is weird that is really weird actually I just pulled a pull tab out of that hole that thing sounded horrible started almost like some iron huh yeah I think that's all it was too that's that's weird right there I don't know about that signal found something in the water oh my how special everybody best find of the day right there I guess we'll take it out of the water huh add it with our little yellow shovel man all right we've gotten a couple signals though foreign let's dig these ones up now that that pull tab sounded like iron that's weird um go over to our settings real quick iron filter is all the way up to eight ground stabilization at zero stabilizations at four let's turn down our stabilization a little bit see if it still runs stable in the water they also added a ground stabilization feature so [Music] I think this is probably iron but I just pulled out a pull tab that sounded like that too for some reason [Music] I think I just felt something big like what is some of this stuff dude look at that there's a massive hunk of iron right there how did it get down in here in the water I don't know one more thing to weigh us down I guess add them to the pouch what the heck there's so much iron in our water man uh Keith Keith Adkins what's going on I've been looking for to buy a boat that one for sale yeah of course all right I don't know if I can really read the chat too much when I'm in the water because my fingers are wet on my mind lab detector 800 a gold-plated 925 Silver earring or silver Garnet ring came in as a 16 to 18. yeah you just never know all right let's try to get a non-iron signal [Music] it's really calm out here today though [Music] other massive piece of some type of iron I guess we'll dig them out we're collecting some Karma points right now investigating the odd things in the water that's another good one you want to find in the water huh our Rusty screw tip all righty then [Music] there's a stupid amount of iron in this water actually I kind of don't even want to be in here freaking pierce my foot on a rusty nail or something all right back along the water line we go I guess turn on my state stability just a little bit again maybe a three sometimes when you swing the legend over salt water if you don't have your stability up it can give you a little bit of a false signal [Music] now you guys getting bored yet you want me to stay on for a little bit longer should I cut it off now I don't have any plans of stopping detecting at least for I don't know how long I don't know how much battery I got left on my phone I want to find a nice ring silver or gold please I think I found an iron ring today I found a little piece of jewelry uh in the shape of a puzzle piece what else did I get I think I got one more small piece of jewelry I forget what I even found I'm not sure if this is a signal it might be might be a deep one now is it iron might be that's strange though sounds good out of the hole now 39. there she blows everybody we scored us on an ancient penny you like it you want me to send it out to one of you guys thank you not too bad I guess just the penny but geez it's something at least it's a conductive signal I don't think that's going to be anything good we might dig it up real quick Brenda says just saw on my tracking that my LG 24 coil will be here tomorrow oh yeah you're gonna hit some snow Banks huh Snorlax perhaps you're preventing a future hospital visit maybe with some of those huge freaking pieces of iron when does the bid start on the boat Rusty Dalek was tetanus shot good to go I'm not stopping all right let's keep going I don't know if I'm getting a tiny signal here I think I might have just walked past that other one I was thinking of investigating I don't think this is going to be anything good I'm kind of just investigating those like faint ones for now wait something tiny in here come on give me an earring it's one of those things you can barely hear it's right here what is it oh lost it something small um let's see can you guys see I don't know what it is it looks actually kind of like a bead off of a bracelet I just dropped it though oh yeah it's not the most significant but I think it is like off of some crusty jewelry tiny little bead there no I'm too crazy gonna keep going for sure yeah that was a really small signal though not too bad down in the wet sand like if that was a little stud earring I'm pretty positive this machine would have hit it you know what we could do is experiment a little bit on the beach with our iron filter considering that basically all the time iron sounds like iron what I think I'm going to do is I'm going to set my iron filter a little bit different here so I think it's set default on eight but let's drop it down to like six or five and then let's see uh how the iron reacts to that setting I haven't really experimented much with the iron filter setting so but look right here on the surface I don't know what's up with this iron in this place right now but this is like sheet iron or something I don't know what the deal is look at that just right on the surface huge piece of iron what's the dealio man where's this iron coming from they might be digging some of this sand out of an older location though too because I found some bullet casings out here that I don't think are the you know the most modern could be wrong there's a nice high signal for you that's got to be something good right it's 51. right on top of some rocks though [Music] I guess it doesn't have to be good [Music] let's drop down on them everybody yeah at this location here there's like these uh I don't know if it's Limestone lime rock or what but in some areas of the beach like right here I'll show you you can't even dig down any further than this I don't know if you guys can see there in the water right there but that's exposed rock that you're just not going to be able to get through so if anything was dropped in this area it's going to be within like the first couple inches of the ground that's just a quarter right there but the quarters have been coming out surprisingly probably got a little bit over a dollar in quarters today huh what do you guys think you got any questions you got any requests for me I should probably just continue on right maybe it's coming from debris from the recent storms that could be right Keith the Adkins that's wreckage from the Spy balloon detect Arizona says I'm getting a tetanus shot every five years just for metal detecting that's probably a good idea only 7995 quarters remain until we have the Manticore unlocked let's try a little bit of this shallow water for a minute try to swing kind of quick through here then I'm gonna have you guys vote I think for the remaining of the video um you want me to stay in the water the wet sand or the dry sand cast your vote thank you we'll hang out we'll do a little bit more metal detecting I think my phone's got a little bit of time left on it but this is a two plus hour live stream so if you guys missed some of it I did get a couple pieces of jewelry today you know you might want to go back and check it out when it's over it's always a fun time hanging out with you guys though it's definitely a different experience than just coming out here with uh just the camera you know it's fun to be able to interact with the chat see what you guys are up to I can bet you're casting your boats as I swing I wonder what you'll come out with we got a wet and dry we gotta follow my instinct my instinct is kind of like a Meandering Instinct in a way jeez Louise today I guess I've had the most luck just on the wet sand line so maybe I'll just continue with the wet sand line trying to get this massive piece of iron again now what is this one this is even different holy smokes look at that point on that thing dude can you see that it's like some type of a bolt but why does it have such a sharp point oh my goodness that's like a needle point add it to the pouch man clean up some junk I don't want to be in the water with all that iron honestly I think I'll pass at least until I get my water shoes go buy gut feeling all right yeah deadly huh we'll try a little bit of the dry sand see if it's producing anything if it's not producing we'll turn around head down to the other side of the beach there's one 16-17 piece of some aluminum Some More Junk whoops it's a digable signal though 1617 this one sounds a little different too 32 34. sketchy my detector is loud though turn them down a little bit he's definitely down in that hard pack I guess we'll try to scrape him out real quick come on buddy that is some hard stuff down there dude I don't think we're getting them out you oh my goodness you oh my goodness absolutely scrap everybody some can slaw at this spot there is a lot of like can slaw down on those that rocky area that I showed you earlier so this side of the beach is a little bit more challenging honestly if you don't know if it's going to be an accessible signal just sitting right up in the dry sand or if it's going to be in those deep Rocky areas and it's not usually like the hard pack at a normal Beach like I'm fine with digging that hard pack that's kind of a hard pack you want to go after but this hard pack at this spot is like different it's kind of an impenetrable layer that usually holds nothing but junk so here's another foil seal right on top I guess if there's a little bit of trash down this way there could be something tasty whole grain goodness they were enjoying themselves down here a little tiny signal there listen to that signal though listen to the recovery speed on this holy smoke I don't know what it is a little metal ball looks like some junk might have been a crusty beet or something again but 3132 I don't know if it's in the hard pack or not [Music] I think it's going to be in the hard pack might have been some iron with it I don't think this is our signal though yeah there's a little bit more activity though that is a hair like hairpin that's the iron signal I don't think that was our original signal we went for I think our original signal is going to be too deep to get one more scoop on them let's see yeah he's not coming out no definitely not leave them alone he's in that lime rock man I've never pulled anything good out of that layer it's like myself I'm usually more of a dry sand Hunter because I find more signals up in the dry sand but you know in the off Seasons there's really not even many signals up in the dry sand meh put a scoop on this one real quick see if it's accessible it's going to be a deep one might be able to get it out though give it another scoop yeah it's out see what we got I think we've got it in the scoop is it in there what even is that I don't think that's our signal it's like some clay or something there it is not the most desirable but it is a it's a pretty deep crusty Penny right there crested old coin film in baby keeping on going down the line here foreign a warm up in Florida I got my timer on the legend it's 10 30 a.m down here in Florida what's the time at where you guys are at right now good detector doesn't have to be expensive that's true that is very true detect Arizona Manticore my ass I just bought another new Knox 800 at a reduced price with a free 15 inch coil yeah yeah I don't honestly don't really have any plans to get the Manticore but uh you know anyone who gets it I wish you luck Gregory Barr you're on the beach too which beach are you on you on this beach that I'm at it's coffee o'clock where you guys are at huh coffee o'clock all right let's keep going yeah switch it to multi-wet yeah we're just casually swinging out here today everybody if anybody new joined up apologies if it's not the most exciting live you've ever seen trying to find something I guess let's see if this is an accessible signal probably too deep yep it's in the hard pack it's but it's not a hard pack if you guys are just joining me like this stuff is impenetrable down there not coming out likely some cancel Target ID was scrap sometimes you have to uh accept there's like a small one right here 16 19 20. some freaking can slaw dude some more trash to clean up off the beach I guess trying to get into at least like a hot spot or something man I don't know if there is going to be a hot spot here all right I think we're going to turn around we're going to head back over towards the main area I'm kind of hunting towards the uh not so used area not really much down here I can bet we're not going to be able to yeah look this one there's like a half a centimeter of sand over this man you can't even dig into this spot all right let's head back towards the other side of the beach guys what do you think are you with me Gregory Barr says I am in your chat yeah you're hanging out at the Florida beach Norway it's 5 30. what else we got oh no I can't read the chat what's going on what's happening I don't meet very many other detectors in person where you detect where are you detecting that Snorlax are you detecting in Florida every other day I'm meeting a new detectors down here in Florida especially on the beaches sometimes even when I'm detecting Parks I'll get approached by people that don't have a detector with them but uh are detectorists you know so we're heading down towards the main area again seeing if we can get a couple more signals this spot over here has just been pretty dry so I'm not going to waste my time over here for much longer there could be something down this way but yeah I'm not feeling it I remember I used to detect when I first got into detecting with my Simplex see how I'm just walking in a straight line right now I would do this with the Simplex along walking paths at the park with actually decent success I wouldn't even swing my coil just move it in a straight line so if there's something within my line I'm pretty sure this thing's going to beep but I'm not necessarily looking for anything right now all right we'll swing in the wet towards uh the main area again see if we can't make it over to the main spot [Music] it's another piece of iron but it's kind of high ringing see what's up with it real quick turning a six seven alrighty then looky there I think they need to be careful where they're bringing in their sand from or something because there's too many sharp objects down here man I don't think it used to be this bad either I don't know why there's so much iron here I fill that hole in real quick all right this is kind of the main water area at this place actually there is um there's like rope up I don't know exactly you call it those floating boys or I don't know exactly what they're called but let me show you so there's actually kind of a designating switch there's like a designated swimming area at this place so um it's kind of easy to tell where people are going to be swimming if they have been swimming so that's kind of where I'm hunting right at the moment if anybody's been swimming in this little area then there could be something for us to find but I don't know the weather's been fluctuating here in Florida it's been going a little chilly to hot so I don't know how many people have actually been in the water down here all right it's almost time probably to hit up a new beach this beach just hadn't been producing too much today maybe next time we go live we'll head out to Clearwater Beach or something with you guys show you a real nice big beach where I can give you some nice scenery yeah there's not even many pull tabs out here I guess that's how you know an area is uh pretty picked clean when there's not even pull tabs to find iron all right I'm gonna hit like the towel line real quick I guess this is probably if we're gonna find anything this is the best chance we've got here's some evidence of some someone out here it's like a hair tie or something yeah gonna go back to the beach after uh spring break definitely definitely Gregory says wow that deck screw could have really hurt someone walking in the shallow water seriously there is like there's a lot of iron out here yeah Mr metal detectors some people do seem to find gold every two or three feet but I think we know most of them are uh full of it there's a couple people out here who do find gold a lot and they are real but you got to be on a really good location to do that you know I hunt Mason uh mostly like average beaches in Florida that pretty much a lot of other guys with metal detectors hunt too so I don't really hunt many exclusive spots though I have explored a few that I don't think many other people have detected I've been trying to expand the locations got a call coming through I'm gonna have to not take that right now [Music] so yeah this right here I'm hunting like I said basically the towel Line This is where everyone lays their towels out pretty close to the water there's not much trash out here even which is like a good and a bad thing I guess you know we like to see clean beaches but we do like to have targets today as well because I don't know if that scraper guy actually sifts anything off the beach or if it's just to flatten the place out but I mean that could be where some of the Signal's gone finally after 20 minutes of swinging everybody you stuck in there long enough we got a nice signal a nice digable signal [Music] I think I see it right there all right after about 20 minutes of nothing we got something a 1976 penny nice [Music] that's the thing though like if you swing long enough you're bound to find something I can bet that there's still like a couple pieces of jewelry out here somewhere but where that's always the question where on the beach is this freaking golden Doubloon I've been looking for [Music] it is nice just walk in the beach though it's beautiful today the wind's blowing there's not a whole lot of people out here so I don't have to Bob and weave through a bunch of people laying on towels [Music] the weekend though it's popping this weekend there's a bunch of people out here yesterday I couldn't even get on the beach because there were so many people out here but apparently they didn't drop a whole lot [Music] all right I'm still using multi-wed I'm gonna switch back to multi-dry a little chatter a little bit of chatter skipped over some iron there [Music] foreign out here everybody I mean that's a lie because I already did find a little piece of jewelry today but [Music] a little tiny signal wow some scrap yeah basically a day like this is like uh this is basically how it would make a normal one of my videos it would take me around three and a half hours to make you guys like a 10 or 20 minute video so basically this is just all of the hunt unfiltered and unedited 17 sounds kind of good right there nope not very good another piece of some aluminum there you got to be digging those 16 17s for sure though at least at the beach I would recommend it foreign [Music] there's a nice good signal there 41. yeah I think we know what it's going to be [Music] still in the hole what do we have all right so we are in actually like the main area and it seems like signals are coming out a little bit quicker that's just another modern day crusty penny but I need something like that some type of signs of life to show me that you know there's potential out here that's all I need [Music] [Music] I feel like there's got to be a ring out here somewhere it was another just kind of similar to the last but a nice signal nonetheless a nice fresh drop another one right there we could be in it now everybody 2022 penny come on that sun just came out bright welcome to Florida potentially good one 21 small really small signal all right not going to be very good but it's a conductive signal a little piece off some beach equipment or something definitely some scrap all right let's keep going there's a couple more people coming out here though I hear the chatter patter of Florida visitors that's a nice good signal right there everybody 26 solid I hope you're digging up those signals man should be right around in here sift them out all right we're on it everybody gotten a couple coins within this little area that one looks like it's been down there for a little while another nickel I start to get hopeful when I'm in a little patch of coins like this though probably one of the most used areas on the beach over the weekend [Music] just keep going through here kind of slow [Music] I think some foil here what do you think [Music] I don't know too small and Scrappy don't want to waste a lot of time on it the wind is starting to pick up a little bit here though is the audio still holding up another decent one right here 28. I don't see it yet all right not exactly what we're looking for but a pull tab baby we're after the pull tabs those are a good sign out here to me yeah I actually have like a little piece of uh like black foam over my microphone right now because I noticed on a couple of my streams ago the audio was absolutely windy as ever you couldn't hear anything so some scrap if I've ever heard it sounds weird though it sounds weirder than a piece of foil golden chain please I don't think so all right he ain't even gonna come out all right everybody surprised I got any uh energy left out here today massive signal iron piece to a plastic spoon some foil right here I think I wish I would have brought that little gold chain that I was testing yesterday though I might make a little video on that thing that thing's got me stumped I tested a small gold chain that was really giving me nothing but iron signals but it was like it was a petite gold chain like something that it barely reads up on the metal detector in general holy smokes 13 14 15. see something kind of shiny right there something good no another piece of just random scrap metal I don't know what it's off of probably Beach equipment be my first guess the booties are starting to come out everyone the booties are starting to show themselves on the beach all right let's just chill out here for a minute in the sand let's see what's up to the rest of the people in the chat uh all right I don't think we have a whole lot of uh people hanging out but any of you guys just recently join in let's pull out a couple of the things that I found out here today I don't think this whole pouch was from today but let's show you guys a few other things let's see rusty iron for some reason there's a lot of Rusty pieces of metal out here I don't know what's up with that we got us a bullet shell out here underneath the volleyball court interesting I think this was our first piece of jewelry on the day this is an earring right here but it was giving me an iron reading so I'm pretty sure it's just like some Junk Jewelry no I'm too crazy gotten a couple quarters a couple uh couple pennies and nickels this also was an iron signal but it kind of looks like a ring uh it might just be a key ring or a kid's ring and then check this out this is probably one of the most interesting ones on the day it's like a little puzzle piece or something it's got a crown looks like it's got a q and a heart on there kind of interesting huh nothing too great though got anything else in here uh pull tabs quarters pieces of iron scrap yeah I think that's about it for the interesting finds on the day haven't really found anything good out here yet oh wait here's one I think I found this on maybe our last hunt there's another little earring right there you see them how special need a refill on coffee be right back what's going on incognito salutations fellow treasure Hunters what's going on ban everything he just woke up uh Ronnie says the Hat are you wearing is it a cowboy hat it's um it's kind of like Straw Hat style I guess you would call it what's going on looter eight hope you're doing good I guess I got a little bit of life left in me everybody let's do a little bit more hunting [Music] see if we can find a little bit more before we head out of here today where are we throw it back in the dry I guess multi-dry let's go up and down the beach we'll go up from the dry to the wet [Music] really faint signal here 14. sounds kind of like iron now a little high squeak in it I guess [Music] no clue man tiniest piece of metal I've ever seen that's actually a lie I've seen smaller obviously in smaller pieces of scrap than that all right yeah I was thinking of even heading down heading down to a slightly bigger Beach today [Music] maybe a clear water Beast or something similar so keep your eyes peeled we might head down there later on I don't know though [Music] let's get some Karma points on this one huge iron signal nail screw or a tent stake [Laughter] uh looks like it's just the top off of a screw not too pointed there is a couple volleyball nets on the other side of the beach that might be worth checking out it would take me a while to get over there though I don't know if it's really worth it found some pretty good stuff by the volleyball courts before though running into a little bit of like Emi chatter nothing too bad I guess [Music] it sounds pretty good 2021 sounded good but again it's another foil seal these are probably the most common aluminum seals down here where I am it's a freaking fruit Barrel the little hug fruit Barrel is so so cruel slightly Higher One there too 30 31. this one sounds kind of good [Music] oh man that's the first one of those out here today it's a zipper pull jewelry is long lost cousin not quite jewelry go Austin go go go let's keep going still in your holes man always fill in your holes so they lost the foil seal in a zipper Pole they were definitely camped out right here thank you [Music] some more trash aluminum like a cigarette pack or something uh the hurricane force winds are starting to blow though I wonder if you guys can hear those now and my machine's a little bit chattery I'll hit it with another noise cancel see if it helps [Music] they have some big electronic equipment down here at this beach so I think depending on the day it just acts up it happens with all my machines even the days too and the Vanquish it just kind of depends on like how it's feeling that day I think I'm starting to feel it now though once you start trekking through this dry sand for a certain amount of time you feel it it's definitely a bit of a workout out here [Music] a little tiny piece of foil when there's not much to dig you just gotta dig it all give my chance at something you know myself a chance at something rather gold stud earring or something that somebody else didn't want to dig up any guys out there ever found a gold stud earring if so what machine did you find it with and what did it read up as [Music] I think I've only found one in my time where is this piece of aluminum I know dang sure that's what it's gonna be 99 sure at least good morning Petro sound is good still thanks RR not too much wind that's good yeah I'm living within Florida I don't know if you're talking to me but uh yeah all right let's keep swinging seems like everything's going good I like to check in now and again make sure the live isn't too grainy or the sound isn't too bad so I'm glad we're still doing good I know we're not finding the best stuff so I apologize about that but you guys know if you've been with me you know the reality of metal detecting you know it all in all it ain't all jewelry out there once in a blue moon you'll get uh you know some jewelry mixed in with the trash the heck is that oh what is it I don't know what the heck is that it's like somebody's oh it's a freaking fish dude it's a fish oh my goodness it's actually gross I thought it was somebody's glove until I started smelling something stinky let's bury him back in the hole all righty then freaking stanking old fish I don't know what happened to him bottle cap I bet you is that what it was pick up a dang stank and fish out of the Sand Dude treasure trash Incognito says everyone's throwing smell your finger you smell it Petro [Music] how the heck did that fish get up here dude I thought it was like somebody's glove or something that was like shredded apart the freaking shredded up fish this bird or something had a good time all right I guess let's try to make our way back over to Destiny might head over to the other side of the beach I don't know my optimism is slowly dropping I might have to wait like a week or two until this spot's really populated again so much iron that is not a diggable signal sounded nice and high but we are getting a severe arm workout today swinging around this big coil in the dry sand is not an easy task at least when you got a little weak arm like mine I'm glad the quality has been good for you guys though like that's the main thing with me I keep springing up these live streams because I'm trying to improve on the live stream so if they're improving a little bit I am very happy 16 17. slightly bigger piece of foil or maybe jewelry oh dude it's the tiniest zipper pull I've ever seen in my existence look at that little guy just a little thing there oh I don't know if my pinpoint is starting to die you just let off a nice high pitch squeak there so we found a couple zipper pulls today it's not too bad it's like a little stretchy elastic band there could have been some beads or something on there some junk now [Music] oh baby it's a triple probably gonna go get something uh generic and cheap to eat and drink after this I don't know what I should get sometimes it's a routine for me to go to Wendy's after I get done with the beach I don't know why I know it ain't good for me but dude where are the pull tabs man give me some pull tabs please some pennies and pull tabs please under the volleyball net oh just a little bit of chatter whoa what's going on Joe Dirt bam everything says I find a zipper pull every time I break out the Vanquish and pennies they're everywhere yeah zipper pulls give me yes Snorlax I did ask for pull tabs I'm not finding anything please give me some whole tabs I'm gonna add some pull tabs to the collection we're getting closer to the sweet pea wait I see something right there I see something what is it it's probably like one of those little water balls for when you're playing in the water how special it's absolutely flattened out by that machine that came through here though things like paper thin you about ready sweet yeah I think Destiny's probably about ready to go she's hanging out with me too so thanks for hanging out on this one everybody probably just got a couple minutes left so I hope you enjoyed the little live stream we'll definitely be out here some more with uh some more I like doing it at the park too but I don't think my connection is as good at the park so we'll try a couple more Park live streams but we might stick with the beach for the live streams I'm not sure yet can we find one more pull tab before we go so I'm sticking up over there Destiny spotted something [Music] there's just so much iron at this place yeah there's another hair tie yeah there's activity but it's not the golden activity I'm looking for all right everybody I guess we'll call it right there I had a good little session out here we got a couple pieces of jewelry so thanks for hanging out with me everybody thanks Alice who else we got Mr metal detectorist I appreciate you man [Music] oh is Katie back again Cal Callie what's going on Cali yeah if you guys uh just made it into the live stream we're about three hours in we found a couple pieces of jewelry today but nothing too too crazy so the live stream should be up after this so if you guys want to kind of go through and scroll through it you're more than welcome to do so so thanks for hanging out everybody I appreciate you guys thank you guys for the support thanks for the thumbs up thanks for just hanging out and chatting and uh yeah before too long everybody we will see you guys again soon so pretty nice day out at the beach I hope you liked it I hope you enjoyed it and uh yeah stay warm out there everybody and I will see you soon thanks for hanging out with me
Channel: Treasure Outdoors
Views: 77,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RlzpgkMlZA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 32sec (11792 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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