The Beach had GOLD & Silver | Summer Time 😱😮

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maybe a penny oh my gosh beautiful 11 right here and the scoop [Music] what is that oh it's it's a grill [Music] [Applause] good morning guys I am back to medley taking the beach today coming in here at my home Beach at Sunset Beach and uh I'm gonna be walking over to Bolsa Chica State Beach Ryan and I were doing e-bikes and scooter videos yesterday and that beach was packed okay guys I literally just came out my very first Target take a little bit of wood softly shining in the sand oh this is gonna be a joke read it's adjustable okay I hope I didn't break these okay because I I think I stepped on them I don't think they're anything great American Eagle got a pair of sunglasses I'll just slip the slide those in my back pocket I don't know if you guys can see that but I see something shiny but look at that turn that sensitivity way uh undetected just unstable [Music] isn't even metal this time no eerie is kind of squashed right that'd be an earring yeah you must have been stepped on a bunch of times I saw it shiny from the light all right I'll put that in my finance bag pocket with the junkie ring out of this hole right here maybe a dime looks like there might be more okay I originally when I dug I dug real quick because there was a few tent Stakes back there already [Music] the dime and a penny these are my first coins of the day okay all I need is a quarter and a nickel I think it's gonna be a copper penny because it's loud louder than a normal dime would be it's a ring it's a ring oh it's got the well it's the second ring I found with yin and yang on them and uh almost less than a week I don't know if that's give me any good except peeling off of it yeah I think the the gold plating that was on it's literally peeling off but it could just be the light of my eyes second ring of the day and I still only have that dime and that penny okay I got one of the best signals I've had in the morning right here heading still nice and loud and very clear nice shiny penny I like that I could spin that I just need a few thousand more to make it worth my while look how beautiful it is out here I mean this is why I love getting up early not to find pennies but you know just being on the beach I don't care if I find a thing times I'm just amazed there's stuff in the sand and other times Beach can be packed and I can't find anything yep it's sketchy doesn't sound good anymore not that it ever did Corona okay don't put that in the good part maybe another penny yeah I don't like to sift it out anymore when it's too heavy I just go ahead and dump it out and then extract the target from that pile I do that just you know because my wrist is so bad shape and they don't need to worsen it right whoa another dime I guess that last one wasn't a dime was it it was a ring this one's a dime usually when there's dimes that are this fresh there's more than just one Target around here 11 right here in the scoop [Music] who is that oh it's it's a grill right it's like teeth some light on this subject right there's something right there the stamp oh Jim you can't see anything okay unifying's bag it goes I've got somebody's teeth all right a dime and some teeth around here now let's see what else we got I don't think you guys need the headlamp on but right here a little pile of sand it looks like maybe little tiny Footprints right there see the footprints leading that way solid 78. yeah another cleaned on all right I love that this beach is Penny and diming me it's usually when there's clean dimes like that there there's more dimes in the ground because usually they get multiple dimes back and change and that's the very first thing to fall out of your pocket I don't know if you can see right in the middle another clean penny all right I love those surface Vines let's see if they lost anything else I uh walked a little bit of the wet to hear absolutely no signals sweet I got a new car all right there might be some more around here because I heard the same right here that's a weird signal too a lot of 10 Steaks around here too hmm that has a tent stick it's been a nice scoop oh no it's a one of them near thingies yeah you know been there things just the one car huh usually they come in a bunch of cars okay I think it got a good Target right here nice and Loud anyways it's a dime okay still need a quarter and a nickel with the cycle I came over here to see legs I'm gonna try to jump inside there real quick and see how it sounds all right I am inside here she hasn't been lost a phone last night yeah we're looking for that so I'm gonna help them and clean up everything else as well but this is a could that be an actual nickel I don't see a nickel [Music] I'm a quarter shot of the cycle right now and that's sweet all right boy I'm hoping I hit the cycle here nice and loud noon scoop and I did wait I got a little jewelry a couple of rings already hitting the cycle is wonderful and as busy as this place was people did a real good job of not losing stuff however a guy got a pretty drunk last night he said and he lost his phone but he found his hat and he found a few other of his items another really loud High tone right here see if I got anything I do I got a nice thin quarter I hear more stuff in the ground so here hopefully there's a lot of stuff it's really sketchy but I think I'm getting next to that metal we got another quarter [Music] okay okay I left the sea legs area and then I'm over here now I see a detectors walk up right here okay [Music] yeah that's another penny I'll take it maybe another one right here maybe not that's super loud right there at that angle oh I see the quarter is anything else in here foreign stuff all right let's see maybe a quarter that we know is in there [Music] okay [Music] all right okay so yesterday there wasn't a fire pit available to get I got another high tone right here almost to the fire pit area oh that's nice and green [Music] okay definitely interesting shape to the beach this year tried the wet already it's super quiet bottom Cappy now this ain't gonna eat really tired jump back down here I'm gonna walk around the fire pits quickly because I'm looking for surface Vines I'm not digging deep I'm discriminating I'm not in all metal which is one of those rare times that I do that look how black this corner is that's just a modern quarter but look how black it is I wonder if that was actually in the fire still smoldering in there the wood is I don't know if you guys can see that but I got a high tone right here hoping it's a good one and it is it's a quarter that's what I love to find you know I'll take a whole bunch of quarters you think that didn't confuse me I think it's a dime and a tool tab in the same scoop yeah dime full pan he was just grabbing me nuts yeah it was the biggest car of the year my goodness oh I wonder if that's another one oh my goodness is this a cell phone no it's a car too wow these are big cars I have a they have a small fines bag okay something else is in here and it's slaw yeah that's what I wanted but uh my grandsons will love these that might be a decent Target you know fire pits are so brutal I just dug a dime right before it and there is a penny Maybe nope it's another dime and people are starting to come in on this beach [Music] oh found a bouquet put that on display there we go that looks much better uh it's a pop Vape all right a lot of stuff on this beach today a lot of cancer I am discriminating by the way well I do believe that I will be turning around here pretty soon go spend the day with the family I'm debating if I should just hop down in the wet and detect away we'll just see maybe a penny oh my gosh beautiful beautiful 925 on there oh my gosh how lucky did I get just making that left turn decided uh to come down into the wet and walk back because it's just an easier walk all right and I got a Target right here found all that great of a Target but I'm thinking my tone as it is be a big pieces Boulevard stuff is thick yeah go swimming with your Vape in your pocket here's the wrap up once again I removed quite a bit of garbage off the beach and I was very well rewarded I got a few new cars and a big old truck I got eight quarters nine dimes one nickel hitting the cycle at least one time six copper pennies 15 zinc pennies 10 which are spendable I got a new pair of glasses with a lot of scratches on it I got an adjustable ring and another yin and yang ring this time it's not made of gold it's probably stainless steel or copper base I ended up with two pieces of gold today that earring is actually 10 karat gold and it will not detect on my nox I played around with it a few times so it will not detect but there is a stamp on there that says 10K right there it's gonna be too hard for me to zoom in on and this is a 14 karat gold grill maybe for the two front teeth kind of had weird staining they didn't quite think it was gold but it is gold and that is a great big old silver chain and a silver crucifix cross absolutely a fantastic day whenever you pull gold and silver from the ground Haley says it's time to select the winner in last week's would you dig it isn't that right baby girl isn't that right she's walking pretty good on those casts okay guys I got another would you dig it contest giveaway for a 75 Amazon gift card right here I mean Park one all metal mode and I got the Equinox 900 okay let's go right on over this [Laughter] all right let's go 90 degrees [Laughter] would you dig it if you would dig it comment below what you think it is and you'll have a chance to win a 75 Amazon gift card that we will select in next Thursday's video okay guys one more time foreign let's dig this one on up kids are gonna love this I was shocked to find this that's the first time I ever found a gold grill and that's a 14 karat gold grill and it's stamped right on the back 14k so guys you know I was being tricky on that one and nobody selected 14 karat gold grill so you know what that means now we have a carryover for a 100 Amazon gift card good morning you I might be trying to be a little tricky on this one too okay guys I got another would you dig a contest giveaway for a hundred dollar amazon gift card right here I am in park one all metal mode and I got the Equinox 900 so let's go right on over this all right let's go 90 degrees foreign would you dig it if you would dig it comment below what you think it is and you'll have a chance to win a 100 Amazon gift card that we will select in next Thursday's video okay one more time all right let's take this one on up would you dig it I dug it would you dig it and if you would dig it comment below what you think it is and you'll have a chance to win a 100 Amazon gift card that we will select in next Thursday's video in guys if you like this video please click like if you'd like to see more consider subscribing ringing this Bell and receive all the notifications every time I release a new video and please take a 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Channel: Fun with Jim
Views: 9,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q1puleB176Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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