married life

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hi welcome back to the Vlogs oh my god this is my first time filming or first Vlog that I'm making as a married woman [Music] wow welcome we got married and now these are married life Vlogs so strap and they're gonna be no different than the regular ones but that's so exciting um we got back from our honeymoon six days ago and we've just been like trying to get back into the swing of things and unpack and get our lives together and so and then I was like not feeling very well the last couple days I was having some stomach issues so now we're back and we're vlogging and I'm so excited and you guys have just been with me through so much oh my God I'm gonna get emotional get ready it's Friday Sam and Nat are coming into town tomorrow Nat's birthday is today and I got her this like Cherry she's a cat named pumpkin and that loves cherries and so I got her a pumpkin or a cherry shaped cat tree for her birthday so I'm gonna build it for her because I don't think it'd be nice to just give her an unbilled thing so I'm gonna build it for her right now and we're gonna get into this Vlog I've really missed you guys I'm in my office closet because that's where I'm gonna build this because I don't know I don't I don't want my cats to see it and then think it's for them and it's not for them even though I don't think they would think that much about it but okay let's build this [ __ ] oh my God this is going gonna be really cute it has a little leaf hammock that you can lay in and then these are the stems a little topper no you don't top her step one attach and screw together a long cylinder the branch [Music] and here this is like the part that I just simply do not understand yeah totally totally totally like how do they think that this is like supposed to work no but see like I shouldn't [ __ ] see this thing oh my God why why are you falling out of my [ __ ] hand every single time I turn aren't I being super Pleasant I hate this I'm on my period right now if you can't tell that nope see I'm glad I didn't just give this to her in the package because like this would be the worst [ __ ] birthday gift of all time to give to someone ah okay well I guess we'll come back I hate when I can't do this [ __ ] alone like it makes me feel like not an independent woman you know I need to breathe so we're gonna come back to the Cherry okay we did it it's a ball sack Cody had the bright idea to put it on a bunch of boxes it does look like a ball sack kind of that's cow that's birthday gift Matt it's me I just got back from Pilates a little bit ago and Cody and I are about to have some cheese sticks and also we're about to have our morning cheese sticks cheese stick time 11AM cheese stick time but while we have our morning cheese stick time we want to tell you about today's sponsor so far let's go to the table hey Cody hey so fine yeah well it's actually so fine that's so true that's so fine and I just want to thank sofa for sponsoring this next little portion of the video what is it so if I yeah oh thanks for asking it's the only one finance app it's helping you Bank borrow and invest so you can get your money right oh as you probably know we just got married if you didn't know if you didn't know we did insane and uh we also went on a honeymoon all of which were uh very expensive and so it was important that we're keeping a close eye on our finances what you can do with sofa that is very true Cody and the sofa checking and savings great for a few years Sofi is legit they comply with the strict regulatory standards of the FDIC so you can be sure your money is safe oh good okay but I've also heard you can earn more money on your money really with their up to four percent apy savings account is that true yes and that's 11 times the national savings average five weeks you you could in another big bank's savings account in a year wait does that mean that in just five weeks you can make more in a Sofi savings account than you could in a year in another big Bank savings account wow yeah crazy right yeah when you bank with Sofi they hook it up you get paid up to two days early you pay no account fees and you can cash in on up to 250 when you sign up for direct deposit wow yeah talk about hooking it up yeah seriously right that is hooking it up so what do you do if you like need help with your account oh like customer service yeah oh easy so if I have Live customer service available seven days a week wait that's seven out of eight days a week wait no there's seven days in a week so that's every day yeah and you get access to sofas financial planners wow and those financial planners are at no additional cost and these financial planners that I'm yapping about they're certified fiduciaries right Edition no but really yeah right no so no no upselling no quotas no ulterior motives well we talk so much about Sofi hooking it up how are we hooking it up with Sofi here's the exciting part you guys Sophie and I are going to give away five thousand dollars to one of you who signs up for a sofa checking and savings account right now using my link just click that link in the description or scan the QR code that's on the screen and you'll be automatically entered for a chance to win when you sign up but make sure to use my link because it's the only way you'll be entered to have a chance to win all right now back to the Vlog and now Cody and I are going on a date and I don't know why we're volunteering to leave the house in this insane rain but we are so you guys are gonna get ready with me I have this leather jacket it's raining pretty heavily outside leather jacket work it's a little bit oversized but not too oversized like I could wear a sweater with it and so I wanted to wear like a sweater with a jacket jeans boots but all of a sudden I'm hating that I would like to wear like heels but like little boot healed booties but I'm worried I'll slip and fall let's just try on the outfit first and then we'll see because I'm like really not sold on this fit that I just like the most boring fit of all time that I just created actually the way that the sweater looks with the jacket and I just really have time to play around because I'm late as always but isn't the sweater cute like off the shoulder so I think I'm gonna wear my black leather jacket and I'm gonna make that one work with this sweater another time I just need more time to think about it maybe black pants I don't know give me ideas in the comments now we have about four seconds to let's make it on because Cody has already yelled at me twice to see if I'm ready I don't know why I'm talking so quietly I'm like shy to see you guys all of a sudden this is the rare Beauty concealer brush I have just been getting so into makeup lately I think I've always like in the back of my mind wanted to but I just never knew where to begin then I took the plunge and I'm not saying I'm like a professional obviously or even like really that good at it but I I'm definitely like I can see myself getting better and it's just like so fun I love Mirror Beauty this is the Merit Beauty like bronzer Mirror Beauty blush and I love that [ __ ] I really do it's a little extra color and just do it alone let's grab a purse and a jacket and get on the road [Music] thank you [Music] hi good morning clearly didn't think it was necessary to fix my hair before filming this this is how I woke up don't sleep on the couch at like eight so you were out like I hate falling asleep on the couch because then I get ready for bed like do my skincare and then get into bed and I'm not tired anymore but now it's morning time and here we are so the attempt at the weekend Vlog that I was doing for you guys just I didn't film a single thing all weekend because it was just like it's like go go go go go and I never film and so now it's Monday so welcome back it's Monday it's gonna be a really fun week I have a lot of recording to do at Deer media and um well that's actually it but my first fun thing that I'm doing at dear media is recording my podcast with Cody what's so funny my hair oh it looks good it goes like up and then in and then I think it looks good Cody's coming on Circle time finally and we're gonna talk about the wedding and I'm excited oh it's raining until Thursday yeah good morning look what Marsh did while Cody knocked over a balloon but sorry here he is here's Marsh he decorated for us and got us a little champagne how cute we just filmed or recorded and it went really well so go listen it was really fun that was a really fun episode I knew it I knew that would be a fun hey this Vlog is so all over the place I didn't really film at all last week and I said I was going to oh no so it's a new week and we're having meatball subs yesterday is my mom's birthday and she made homemade sauce and meatballs she gave us some extras some leftovers so tonight we're having meatball subs how do you say hi hello so I'm pretty excited about our mbs's Cody is like committing a crime he's gonna put this on his meatball sub full dinner update for you guys and I'm gonna do a much better job of vlogging this week but this has been like a fun little sporadic Vlog that I kind of enjoy yeah I was just taking a little pic of it how is it a big swallow um this is so good a little more I'm talking oh my God that is so good morning Angels I'm coming home from Pilates I don't know if this is true actually I don't know if this is something I've heard one time and it's true something I heard one time and was false or something I completely made at myself so here we go you know how traffic lights have like sensors so if they think that nobody is waiting for the light to change they'll just keep it green for the other cars so if you don't go up far enough they won't Sensei there's a car there they'll stay red if that makes sense so like this car wasn't far enough up by the light and so it just was staying red for a really long time and the other light was still green I don't know if I made that theory up or if if it's true but right when he moved up it changed so [ __ ] I don't know what I ever expected taste like it's pretty good I guess it makes me feel like so healthy oh my God I just got like a really big whiff of cheese I don't know what what kind of mood we're in today folks but it's gonna be a good day I'm going to lunch with my friend Pia who I went to high school with and I really haven't seen her in like forever but we were really good friends in high school and then I never like really sorry again I guess she lives in New York but she's in town and I'm gonna go get lunch with her and I'm pretty excited honestly it's gonna be great to see her and that meatball sub put me straight to sleep last night wait you know what we watched last night we watched a man called Otto has anyone seen that with Tom Hanks oh my God I was weeping weeping it's one of those ones where you know just cry at the end you cry like a little bit throughout the whole thing hi I just got back from lunch which is a complete lie I got back from lunch like three hours ago um I'm kind of just been hanging out it was so nice to see my friend and now it's a oh now it's about to be dinner time and oh my God [Applause] it's about to be dinner time and I'm going to dinner tonight with my friend Cameron Cameron Rogers she was on my podcast so Cameron is in town she lives in New Jersey she's in town and we're going to dinner and so this is what I'm wearing right now my jeans are a gold a Goldie my shirt is from depop I don't think I'm gonna wear the pants I think I'm gonna change into like a skirt and some shoes and keep this on so we're going like day to night kind of except I'm changing half the outfit so it's not really like day to night it's kind of just like keeping the same shirt on but I'm gonna take you guys along with me so so here it is I'm wearing these like kind of like cowboyish boots I splurge on these they're from Kate and then this skirt that I got from vintage store this looks cute [Music] I don't know what it looks like from the back but that is genuinely none of my business [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey okay so that is the end of this weird ass Vlog sorry that was kind of all over the place but that's okay that's just like life sometimes I hope you guys enjoyed it um one now so I love you all and thank you for watching and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 273,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kelsey kreppel, cody ko, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen
Id: dxj0warrGGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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