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[Music] thank you [Music] do you like that peaceful opening I feel like this video hopefully will be like slightly peaceful or it will be a complete fail but we're making pottery together obviously I love a good little hand thrown item this sounds like I'm starting a brand deal but I'm not this is from pepperstone Ceramics they just sent me some cute ass mugs and and different cups they're really cute so I thought why not have a good example of what could happen with pottery and then I'll try to make something as well but hey how are we doing I found this online it's called potted so I chose the paint set that's like glitter bright glitter colors so mine will turn out looking a little brighter so we have a base coat a gloss varnish we have some paint brushes oh some shaping tools for my Pottery I don't know like the wood and texture of those we got some clay so these are nice little pieces of clay there and let's see what we're working with so knife tools and these are for cutting and slicing clay they couldn't have done these in any other texture except for wood okay needle tool for creating holes and openings also perfect for scoring surfaces before joining sure we have a blending tool for blending clay between join between for blending clay between join surfaces that's doesn't make sense for example adding a rim to a trinket dish or attaching a handle to a jug got it then we have the large coverage brush and the fine detail brush for the artist in you use this for adding the finer details okay then we have our clay and this dries through the air the Creations have to dry for one to two days so this is going to be a long process of a video but that's okay we love a long process of a video so I told my mom I'd make her something so we're gonna make her trinket dish if I like this I could start really whipping [ __ ] up you know I'm gonna write mine and I'm using it's a best mom ever roll up your sleeves okay one grab yourself two lumps of lovely clay cheers and roll into two smooth satisfying balls oh it's it is moist in here okay now split this up and then we're gonna roll it into two smooth satisfying balls two smooth satisfying balls about this size oh they're supposed to be a larger one okay I need to get a rolling pin [Applause] [Music] okay large round slab achieved now let's place a round object like a Ramekin or small bowl onto your clay slab and cut around it using your knife tool I got this little bowl okay [Music] okay roll the smaller clay ball into a long rectangular slab using a ruler or straight edge tool cut a long rectangle enjoy those sharp satisfying edges this piece will form the rim of your dish score the outside section of your circle this score is to scratch small grooves into surfaces to help them bond together this like stresses me out for whatever reason I think I'm scoring this and I'm scoring the bottom of the rim I don't see the thing is I don't know if the rim is going to be long enough add the rim to the top of your base and carefully blend the pieces together using the blending tool which one is the blending tool oh my God you guys okay so that's obviously I didn't make enough of a rim so I'm gonna have to go back to the the drawing board on this one really quick more I need to do a better rim job on this one you guys okay foreign oh [ __ ] my rim just broke okay you guys I'm really just kind of freestyling this little portion right now let's try this again this is the beauty blender of pottery [ __ ] [Music] cool broke in half that's good good good we're breaking we're breaking this is what we are currently working with um and I'm gonna try to like morph these together and make a nice rim let's do a nice little beat so far so so good it's looking really stunning blending and blending the bottom it's looking really good so far really rustic Vibe on this this sucker right here okay I see what I've done here so I actually made like like a saucer instead I think the rim was supposed to be bigger it was supposed to look like this shape and unfortunately it's more like that I might just go around see that one more time because right now that's the bowl [Music] oh [Music] geez we have a collapse we have a collapse on our hands this side is not getting enough water honestly I might be slightly making this work I think this is as good as it's gonna get just kind of looks like a poop splatter no it looks like a cupped four poop so here we have the trinket dish and now I just have to let it dry for a couple days and then I'm gonna finish it so we'll see you in a couple days say goodbye to this beautiful shrinket dish my mom's gonna be like mad at me for giving this her should I put her initials in it oh there it is [Applause] it's 7 A.M this is the only time I can film and I'm so eager to paint my beautiful Bowl let's see what our goal looks like shall we sorry our trinket dish oh okay well there it is so first step to this is applying the base coat I was like I couldn't fall asleep the other night and I was just laying in bed thinking about like what went wrong while making this I know you will all tell me in the comments but I wanted to do some really some self reflection and what I came up with was that I made the base too big like when I when it said use a small bowl to like Trace out the the circle for the base the bowl I used was like too big and then like the rim and everything after that was not big enough Pam they can't see what I'm doing if you lay right there so yeah maybe I'll do like a part two to this and we could like see how my Pottery skills improve over time all things considered this could be worse brisket is really loving this he's loving watching his mom be an artist coat is on now I have these acrylic glitter colors right at my mom's alley I'm gonna choose purple I'm gonna do purple for the outside I kind of like this like silver there's silver I think I'm gonna do silver for the inside this paint is like no that's dry the paint is dry [Music] like look it'll it's all dry that's fine the pink is actual paint so let's do the pink on the outside foreign [Music] did I make this with the skill level of like a five-year-old but now with this glitter paint this looks like something one of my preschoolers would have made back in the day that looks really stunningly beautiful now let's do the inside silver let's hope this one is not dry not dry [Applause] that looks like it's pink okay so it looks like it's pretty much the exact same color it's just a little lighter oh no that's that's gonna be more silver that's more silver once you start spreading it out although it is kind of mixing with the pink edges I like the silver [Music] truly genuinely looks like a preschooler has done this okay I like want to add more to it but at the same time I feel like adding more would just kind of [ __ ] with it so I think I'm going to leave it and let it dry let it dry just like the purple did but if it looks anything like it looks right now it's going to look really good so I'm excited I feel bad that I'm giving this to my mom I try real I actually did and I'm gonna keep trying this is not gonna be the last Pottery video you see for me mark my words hey so it's later in the day I know my dish is done now so I'm gonna show it to Cody we're going to get his first reaction on camera [Music] wow you in [ __ ] ham with that thing is this for your mom well I tried to make it for her but or for a princess what the [ __ ] paint did you even use they I chose like the neon like glitter one because I thought it would be cute but it really does look like a preschool I made it is that to hold your My Little Ponies here is the finished product I like this I like how the silver turned out nice job thank you that's structurally very sound nice work this looks like one of uh you know Seth Rogen's company where he makes Ceramics yeah yeah so there we have it there's my final product I am going to attempt this again because like I told you I think I figured out what my issues were from the last time and I'm really interested in kind of keeping this one around and then tracking my progress and seeing how good a pottery I become if you're interested in taking that Journey with me I'd be happy to have you um and there we have it well I love you guys thank you for watching this video and I'm excited for our Pottery journey together me and my potheads that's you guys all right love you see you next time okay bye
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 222,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kelsey kreppel, cody ko, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen
Id: 7_duhsq_WIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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