Byrna HD Launcher Review

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all i did was sniff around the edge got an imagine being in a target of one of those things cubby remind me not to get shot with one of those will ya i was there bowser [Music] go ahead punk make my wait a minute i might not be allowed to say that hey ron spomer here inviting you to subscribe to this channel and uh check us out on our website we're also on facebook and instagram love to have your support now today we're going to be reviewing an interesting self-defense mechanism that looks like a handgun but really isn't and why would you want one for places you can't carry a real firearm this might be legal and it might help save your life this is called the burna hd launcher now the burner launcher is essentially an air gun it comes in a little kit like this you open that flap and inside you're going to have the launcher not a handgun and you can see the co2 cartridges this is an air gun and it launches 60 caliber pellets and you can get an inert pellet that's just hard plastic and yeah good hard plastic is going to hurt this should drive that about six to seven hundred feet per second i believe so that's gonna put a hurt on somebody can you be used to dissuade but it's great for practice you can also get inert pellets that have powder inside and that'll give you an idea of what happens when you burst one of those against an assailant of any kind there's no problem with it as far as having an active ingredient this is the active ingredient one burn a max and it has a mix of tear gas essentially and uh capsaicin that's that pepper spray so i could see where this stuff would be pretty effective on most any attacker two-legged or four i'm not sure i'd want to try it against a grizzly bear but it would sure beat up a sharp stick in the eye so there's the kit it's got an instruction book in the back of course and all the things you need to get started and it's really quite simple i did not fool with this until yesterday we tried to do some filming and we had a pretty nice little show going until we realized the cameras were malfunctioning so we got that fixed and we're starting over today but the point is i want to show you how this thing works and let you decide whether you think it could be effective for your situation i can see wearing this uh during hiking out in the woods at any place where you can't carry a real firearm in case rabid skunks and raccoons coyotes possibly a bear possibly some nasty two-legged critter who might give you some trouble so the burna hd when i looked at that i thought hd what does that stand for hot dang high density boy no it's home defense makes perfect sense and burna is actually a play on words too phonetically burn uh like that capsaicin burns doesn't it right so burna but they spell it b-y-r-n-a kind of a nice way to help remember what this thing is and what it does so as you can see this looks pretty much like your standard auto loading glock style handgun but it's not a firearm so it may be legal in places where a firearm is not that's one of his major features so in keeping with the that platform we have a magazine release on the side quite familiar stuff right there you do not slide the top because that's not how it functions you need to insert that little cylinder of air co2 cylinder goes inside this underneath the barrel and that's what drives these pellets so to access that you have to open this little circle right here and you can see there's a little allen socket in there and i can turn it with my finger when it's fairly loose like this to get it out but i thought man what if it's tight turns out that they have the allen screw built right in to the base of the magazines so you put that in loosen it up and then once it starts to come out you can easily get it with your fingers and open it so we now have access to the chamber in which our power source lives i thought when i first saw this how am i going to drop that in there keep the gas in it must get punctured when i turn the cap in but it doesn't you can turn the cap in keep the cylinder inside and it won't be punctured and activated until you pull the trigger and you can either pull the trigger with it on safe or off safe he'll still puncture that and you'll be ready to roll so the idea there is that you can constantly keep a cylinder inside and be ready without losing gas over time yesterday when i put a cylinder in this morning about 20 hours after it was still active didn't seem like it had quite as much power so it was losing a little bit i don't know how many days it would last haven't had time to test that but it's good to know that you can keep a full cylinder until you pull that trigger you haven't punctured it so we have our cylinder in it says not to over tighten it but obviously you want it tight enough so you're not going to be losing the screw with vibrations and now i can pull that trigger and nothing happens why does nothing happen well i have it on safe just like in 1911 you've got a side lever safety and it's ambidextrous each side once i pull that down i have now pulled the trigger and punctured that co2 so this thing should fire so we're going to go down here i've got a little mat in the background [Music] oh yeah nothing's coming out why is that because i haven't loaded it yet so we drop our magazine out and now we'll show you how to load that i lost one of these inert plastic balls yesterday and i'm down to four but this holds five you can see this little black lever here spring loaded there's the spring one on each side so you just press down through that and when that pops up it holds the balls when i first did this i managed to do that and lost them all i'll go pick those up and we'll get back to doing it right so there is an indicator that the ball is chambered so if this is popped up that's not the sight the sights back here if that's popped up it means you have a ball in and ready to fire to remove a ball from the chamber not that it's really a chamber you just push down and it drops the ball out the bottom and there it goes so ball in and it pops up [Music] magazine out push the ball out unload unloaded so that is how you empty the chamber if you don't want to be carrying with around inside but given uh look at that it did right now it popped up down and up so that's your indicator to let you know you're loaded so keep it on safe and you should be able to carry like that and then draw and fire so i've got it punctured we've shot it anytime i need to fire all i have to do is drop that safety and you can really feel the trigger heavy not too heavy but and then it comes back and reaches the point at which you can tell is about to break and that is right there see how much pull i've got before it breaks let me get rid of that last one so i don't lose it now you can see it's down so we know we're out now i'll pull that trigger and we just release some air that's a long trigger pull there it is so you can imagine with those balls coming out of there that velocity if you have one that explodes and releases that gas it's going to be pretty distressful i've seen some videos of guys taking a hit oh man it doesn't look like fun any which way you slice it and they're out for about 20 minutes just can't breathe and obviously their eyes aren't working very well they're watering it's something terrible so i think it could be a pretty effective tool whether or not it has enough capsaicin and or tear gas in it for a grizzly bear charge i don't know but i've tried those grizzly spray canisters and man they are slow to use and they're difficult to practice with because you open it up and spray it now you've just blown 50 bucks or so and you've got to get another one and you have to keep that thing handy and it's got a safety you have to pull off and it takes two hands and it's just i don't know i mean they're they're great to have around but this would be a lot handier i should think so it comes with or it doesn't come with but you can get an optional holster of this one let me see this is a paddle style and i think it's from take it off my belt here and see what we've got army ant gear it's your typical plastic holster you can adjust the tension to hold it as hard or lightly as you want but i think it's a fairly good way to carry especially out hiking where you can keep it outside of your clothing in town if you're trying to do concealed carry with this you'd have to have a pretty good sized overcoat to do it but if you need a device like this you probably want to try that well if you like big bores this is definitely a large caliber i think it's right around 60 caliber big hole i think just staring down that board be enough to intimidate most folks on the bottom of the burner are these picatinny rail slots on which you can mount a flashlight which is pretty nice for blinding any assailant or a red dot sight a laser sight pretty handy pretty simple get a crimps and trace and clamp it on there and you're ready to go but i think a flashlight would be really handy so you have different color markers to designate which are the live rounds with the capsaicin tear gas versus the inner rounds that you can practice with red to me spells capsaicin and tear gas but let's just go over this device one more time it looks like an auto loading handgun it is not a firearm you should be able to carry it in areas where firearms are not allowed has a safety on the side much like a 1911 and several other handguns and it has the indicator let's you know there's a ball in there so the way i would carry this is in a holster or in a big pocket and if i needed it pull that baby out and keep a cartridge a seal ii cartridge in there that has not been punctured and it'll last for essentially forever so if you do need it in an emergency to stop an attack of any kind you then pull the trigger one time that punctures it every time you pull the trigger after that you launch a ball so long as you have your magazine loaded so i would carry with five in there when i pop them in the one ball would indicate right on that indicator that it's in the chamber ready to fire all it needs is the gas one trigger pull the gas is ready second trigger pull launches that ball and the next four with four more trigger pulls pretty simple and if you wanted backup you can carry additional magazines so i could have this one loaded as well drop one out shove the other one in and be ready to roll again long as that co2 lasts you're in business now let's go out to the range and do some test shooting on it see how accurate it is it's supposed to be accurate out to about 60 feet seems pretty far but we'll see what it'll do uh obviously you're gonna probably use this closer to 20 feet i don't think you want an assailant to get much closer than about 15 feet or it's going to be on you before you can even react so we'll just see how well it does and then we'll shoot some of the pellets the inert ones that raise a cloud of dust and then we might launch one or two of these pepper balls and just see what they smell like at a distance i'm not going to shoot myself or my cameraman or anybody else around here not even covey with one of those things [Music] all right i'm just going to try to shoot for accuracy and i'm going to shoot at the top of the orange at the number five because there's a nice hole in the back boy that's a trigger that takes a little practice all right shot a little bit to the left cubby's going for the kill all right looks like i've got one more left now that's down the indicator is down that should mean that i'm empty magazine is empty nothing but air left in it let's go see how we did [Music] well i'm not gonna win any international target matches but i got the assailant one two three four looks like two of them probably went through right there i can't tell for sure now that's just one hole i don't know i might have missed with one but who knows for sure still for 20 feet you're going to be hitting your target i like it well now what i'm going to do is shoot from 40 feet i'm going to take the head on the left target 40 feet let's just see how many we can keep in there see how well this does at a longer distance i would think i'd want my assailant a little closer just to prove that he's really coming after me but let's see what happens yeah i think we're running out of gas here yeah this is really pupping out route yep ran out of gas did you hear that wasn't much just a little so i'll put a fresh cartridge in and we'll shoot again at 40 feet see what we can do now obviously here's the expended one there's your puncture in the end of the co2 got a fresh co2 cartridge we'll drop it in and we'll turn it gives us a good opportunity to go over that process again because it kind of surprised me usually when you tighten the co2 you puncture it all right here's our second attempt with a full charge co2 cartridge at 40 feet let's see how well it does oh yeah [Music] that looked like it had a little more power to it well that's pretty impressive right there 40 feet looks like i hit here another one's here here uh boy i can't see all them all but i never missed a man's size target from 20 feet up to 40 feet maybe we should try a 60-footer all right now i'm at 60 feet i'm expecting quite a bit of drop so i am going to aim at the head and see what happens i'll hit someplace it's pretty consistent wow that's pretty impressive i didn't know if it would have enough energy to break those pellets and send that dust out but if that had been capsaicin and tear gas somebody was going to get a face ball that's pretty impressive 60 feet one two three four five hey i'm impressed with this little shooter right here [Music] raise some dust for sure these are three just that's pretty darn good accuracy one two three and i was shooting fairly quickly especially in the last two those must have been the last two but while you saw the burst of powder imagine if that was capsaicin or tear gas i don't think you'd feel too good if you were sucking that up you can see the powder right up here in his face and it'll come on in here and you'll see the dust i'll wipe it off ouch well fun and games are over folks it's time for the real medicine right here the tear gas capsaicin capsules and they are green and blue which kind of surprises me i would think they're going to make those red as a warning and also signifies hot but we're going to work with whatever we got here and just see how hot they really are so maybe they don't have these red because you'll confuse them with the red stop in the bottom of the magazine here so remember blue and green spell trouble you don't want to pop one of these in your pocket i wonder just how hard they are too i should probably whack them with a hammer or a board and see what it takes to break it [Music] i don't know if i want to shoot all of these but we're going to send some down there onto that plywood and just see what it smells like i think if you get that stuff in your eyes you're not going to like it all i did was sniff a little bit around the target where some of the powder had landed and it's already burning my nose and i'm sniffling and i feel a little scratchy in my throat i can't imagine getting blasted by that full charge so uh capsaicin and tear gas mixture pretty effective stuff wow well that's my review of the berna hd launcher pepper gas was pretty nifty stuff you know i like this so much that i think it would be a pretty effective training aid for regular handgun use it's not the ideal trigger but you can always adjust to a real trigger later uh the accuracy of it those suggestions you could shoot indoors in your basement with those inner pellets and the plastic balls and do pretty well a good little training aid but it's amazingly accurate out at 60 feet i haven't taken it beyond that but the way it was shooting on that last target wouldn't surprise me if it would do that well at 80. it wasn't even really dropping much at that distance so pretty impressive if you're looking for a a non-lethal defense tool this is definitely be one to consider now make sure it's going to be legal in your jurisdiction there are plenty of cities and counties and and states even that really try to limit what you can and cannot carry for self defense but you should be able to keep this in your home at least and uh remember it says it's not lethal but anything firing a projectile could prove to be lethal at some point to always use it with extreme caution i would treat this the same as any other firearm even though it is not a firearm use safety at all times i think it would be quite adequate in the field i would carry it uh openly like this out in the fields hiking and whatnot but be aware that a lot of people are going to mistake this for a real handgun so you might freak some people out you might get stopped by a lot by the police and park authorities so make sure it's legal to have one of these wherever you're using it and then i think you are going to feel quite safe practice and use those capsaicin tear gas pellets and you've got a pretty fine defense right there on your hip i'm ron spomer i'm inviting you to like this youtube channel and join us at we have a lot of in-depth articles there on guns ballistics shooting outdoors nature natural history hunting tactics anything that has to do with the outdoors you'll also find us on facebook and instagram and i'd like to remind everyone to please hunt honest and shoot straight you
Channel: Ron Spomer Outdoors
Views: 232,654
Rating: 4.9109225 out of 5
Keywords: hunting, gun, byrna, handgun basics, airsoft guns under 100 dollars, airsoft hand guns, byrna gun, byrna gun video, byrna hd max, byrna hd kinetic, byrna hd vs pepperball tcp, Byrna HD Launcher, self defense, byrna hd, self defense gadgets
Id: tXjsUmav1Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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