3M 6200 vs 3M 6800 Respirator Review Half Face and Full Face Respirators Comparison

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hi there this is my comparison video between the three m6 800 and the 6200 these are both long-term respirator masks and you buy separate filters that come with them depending on what you want to filter against the three m6 200 came in a package that was bought in a bundle so it came into the sebacic class and got the international version of the acid gas cartridge with a pretty hefty feels remains quite a lot of different gases and assists so that's the reason I got these and they've got lots of different languages on extraversion and then also got the particle extension to go onto that onto the back and these are the heat particle filters I think that 3m 5 and 11 you can see there on it 3m 5 and 11 and these basically just go on the outside of these these these acid filters that you got but the gas acid felt filters so you just kind of click the one on to be existing so got some motion already because I've just been using it to trim some carbon fibers so just as you can see still got fresh on my face so they just click on like that and that's the way it looks and these go on to the sides of the mask so I realized a lot you always look at the quick answer the start of this release so I'm going to tell you now which of these I prefer and you can probably tell from the way my face looks that I ended up using this a lot more than this one we've got a couple of these so these are brand new ones and I've tested this one out earlier and the reason why I preferred this one over the other one I do like trim work on by the trim work so so it's there's a lot of dust in the air and things like that and but what I'm constantly taking these on and off so the ease of use for this mask is just ridiculous it's just you have the double strap that going to the back and this strap goes out here whereas the a pin you can see the difference in the speed you can see the difference in the speed the time it takes to get on when you compare this one there's six eight hundred to the 1600 oh wow yes it's actually quite painful to get off because once you got it tight you've got to seal it around every single crevice around your face and yeah it's a little bit the tip the materials are more durable so you've got silicon kind of you can tell it's silicon because it's stretches to around three times its length before it starts to you know look like it's about to tear so you've got nice durable straps on and things like that it's it was quite well on your hair so you down to put your hair back but the 6100 is just so much easier because you've got a super lightweight it just goes straight over with this double strap on the back of your head like that down to your face and then clicked around the back and these these straps just fly up like that so it's really easy where is this one you have to make sure there's a proper see around the edge of like in toe pop entire edge of your face so yeah it's a bit more difficult one of the advantages that I would have thought one of the reasons why I personally got this one to try out is because I saw I don't need to wear goggles anymore but the advantage of putting this on a lot faster it's just going to security like massively outweighs the fact that you damp the wear goggles anyway and there are four valves on this one so there's a there's a valve for the filter that goes in so the filters fit on like this and then there's a another valve that goes into the mouthpiece inside and and so there's quite a lot going on here so in total this this four valves and total here and now there's also another valves for it exhale which comes which is just on the frontier so you've got another one over there so in total is five vowels you're breathing through into the mask and there's a separate face piece it which goes around your mouth which separates your the eye the kind of place where you video where your eyes are and then the the bit that goes over your mouth and that's kind of just to stop the misting misting up for this one you've got three valves there's a lot less to go wrong and I tested it and there's really really good suction against your face and the way you can test that is kind of you can put this over and you cover up cover up this exhale valve and it should bold right in your face and the better it balm has always been opposed the better the seal the more above waiting and faces the best of the seal but listen tight so it should fold away quite nicely so then if you can see that but it was bulging away from the face on this one there's a lot more to seed around so you've got your entire face see there are two to make sure that the air that you're breathing in is is actually going to be clean so the way you can see that the reason for that is because the air is coming into this internal zone here with the glasses so all of that internal zone is the area is the air that you're going to breathe in later on through the second valve here it goes into your mouth and that internal zone is completely guarded by this huge area around your face whereas this mask is just or armed or false or so got less hair getting in the way for for that seal to work properly and there's less contours to a deer to around your face so I think the seal on this one is a lot better from that point of view so I'll just show you guys now how the the actual filters fit on the mask because it was a little bit difficult first to a lot of fiddling and so you've got like a little three piece zone here that goes into the mail Peter both of these screw on clockwise they don't actually go symmetrically exactly the same position so you actually want to line this up kind of like in the say 2 o'clock position on on the left-hand side so now that's actually in the mask and then I'll show you where it goes on the other side kind of goes in the 8 o'clock position on the left-hand side so they actually both go on like that little bit confusing at first because you thought previously I thought that both of them would go on like that and then they would this one would go screw clockwise anti-clockwise down that way but it didn't obviously righty-tighty lefty-loosey say it just actually twists up like that so to tighten it it just goes on to a kind of foam like rubbery gasket they actually look pretty cool once they're on so this this piece is the long-term piece it can be keeping and these filters are the bits that you replace and often leads the path cool outside particle filters and the inside one is up at rated for different gas different gas protections but to be honest I just bought a bundle that I found online that was it was well rated for I'll show you I'll show you the link below where I got it from below the video it's rated for it says gas acid and gas cartridge and so there's another review that I've done on disposable Thursday disposable masks and so these mouthpiece noses were rated far higher than the top-end one that I was I was using previously on 30 day reusable masks so I went for it because it was a good deal and it was way over race before I wonder what I needed anyway and so I'll show you what it looks like my face got my cup of tea here leave the teabag in because we were working late so it's not bad it's pretty low profile as well so you can pick doubles on quite nicely this goes a little bit lower on your face than the actual the disposable was the disposable ones do so you can fit a really wide variety of glasses protective glasses or goggles if you're spraying so they're pretty damp masks to use and I'll probably say on the downside they are a little bit front heavy because the filters add a little bit extra weight so they do feel like they want to kind of wipe your face a little bit more than the third a disposable ones but but the the filters on these you can replace and there are a much lower cost than the actual than buying third over the 30-day or enjoyable masks and you're not chucking the whole mask away I also feel a little bit nicer that I've got my own mask because I work in a group of people so it's it's nice to have my own because I don't be breathing in other people's kind of sweats and if specially song has got a cold so it's nicer just to have your own fresh one because sometimes the third a renewable ones get mixed up but yeah I mean I so that I think that's pretty much it the these came in a bundle so I bought these this in a bundle this camera's own ah yeah this is one thing I was it's all part yeah so I I got this one and I noticed some trouble with it so I didn't actually end up using this one for trimming because I was a little bit too worried that the ll turning breathing was not going to be fresh so the actual face piece on this is separate to the the glass piece and I'll show you how that is basically twists on and off and there's a gasket here which is like a rubber foam gasket it's the same gasket that they use to actually seal the filters on if you twist it off you can see that it raises away but it goes back in and clicks in so yeah has some resistance when it's clicking back in but once it's back in position again you can see it jiggles around a bit and so that little jiggling around for me completely compromises the seal that you've got inside this internal zone and that's the earlier breathing in and if you're in a spray booth I mean this is just I would just make sure that I've checks it before before actually before using it but maybe they put the wrong gasket on this one but I would probably try and tighten that tighten that up a bit by putting some kind of material in the mechanism inside just so the gasket is fully up against this and this mask but yeah that little bit of wiggle and you can notice except at the mask on and I was I was basically breathing in and out and I could see that once I push they push this up against my fat off up against the gasket there was a lot better seal inside so therefore a new and by better seal I could see the I can see this exhale valve moving out a lot further when I was when I was breathing out and this was pushed up against the gasket I might going to try now to show you so I'll show you before and after the the gasket is pushed up against my face there's a little bit awkward to get into a sudden it doesn't look cool but I'll say that you look like you're out of some kind of video game like a no or something so it's fully sealed against my face on the other side which is nice and it does feel it feels nice on my face and there's a lot more peripheral vision so with normal goggles you're just praying or you're trimming or something if you've got safety glasses on it's so tight to your face that you and it has that little bit of an extension out from your face the safety goggles but anyway you've got better peripheral vision with this compared to normal goggles outside so that's one advantage of using these but I would say I just want to show an example of how this seal that I got a notice from the seal so if I raise this away from my face so basically they should always be very tightly fair on this gasket but I can actually play around with this a little bit and I'm going to breathe out but just with the same kind of amount of volume that I would normally and that's raised the way so now whenever put it a little bit closer and then see it against my face and I personally I personally can hear a difference in sound and I can I can see this going out a little bit a little bit more meaning than it would do when it when it's raised away this this little section here so I don't feel very comfortable and being in a spray booth or having particles in the air if I've got this a little bit loose an air can get in to this inside zone and then the second valve here which you can see opening and closing I'm going to be breathing that air in so I just want a little bit uncomfortable wearing it it's smoke rule it looks and let's go I've got good professional peripheral vision I don't need to wear goggles separately and and it also comes with a a screen protector so if you are doing spray work you can put these on and there you can keep on purchasing them and I just realize you can hear me a bit better like this yeah it comes with a screen protector so you can't keep them questioning them and if you get these all fogged up with like lacquer or whether you should renew them rather than throwing away set of goggles or whatever every time that you're doing a new set a bit of lacquer work but yeah I just I still think I prefer the the 1600 over the six eight hundred which in this one I'll show you what it looks like with the with the actual filters on I never try putting on would be at the master but it does look pretty damn cool I thank you so Sam again looks like there's justice and if you if you keep like if you try and tighten it without holding on to the market just charge your face so it's a little bit difficult the buckles are quite nice they're made out of steel buckle harness plastic so anyway just to illustrate what it looks like on your face with over the shuffle it's not that bad yeah just I would just be careful about this seal I used to have this I had this long I just take it off there in a strike and this is being at the the final exhale about my not silicon as well so these are all really easy to wash parts and yeah very durable parts to the news I won't bother click this my country's moving so yeah I think overall from 3m they're too good products and maybe I've received the wrong gasket on this so this is slightly thinner than the gaskets that go on the on the actually filter here is it slightly thicker this gasket maybe if it was if I sent it back and get it replaced I'll give them an email see what happens but yeah I wouldn't want to use this yet because I know that that I just noticed that little compromising the seal and the materials that used throughout this writes important and what's in product design before so I can I know I've got a good basic knowledge materials the the the actual mask itself this looks like a silicon kind of material it's very stretchy tear resistant and very well molded and the the actual plastic fasciae itself looks to be made from something like TPU same kind of thing you'd make ski boots out of very tear resistant durable materials they very scratch resistant as well it's pretty rigid I know this is going to last a long time and it's also pretty damn lightweight so I think this is pretty damn good design the gaskets themselves if you've ever heard of kind of like poor on material their their rubbery but also foam so like rubbery foam texture I'll show you what the gasket looks like and that allows you to have quite a lot of pressure putting on put onto the the filters themselves and also have that rubbery texture to seal it well for the air seal so that's pretty pretty nice so I think these masks are pretty well made from 3m and by unconvinced on this one I think this is a good upgrade from their disposal masks that I've had and I would I will continue to buy the filters for this and once this kind of got a bit messy in whatever I would probably replace replace this again I'm not convinced on this yet just because it's a little bit harder to put on and but I may be convinced to use it if I could get that seal working and the advantage of peripheral revision if I was doing more spray work I probably would end up using it just because the goggles that I've been finding so far not had enough kind of peripheral vision have had to look up and down quite a lot in order to kind of see what I'm doing so moving my neck rather than just looking moving my eyes so yeah so that's my review of these masks if you want any if you want to find out where I from I'll post a link in the description below I bought them in a bundle because they were there are a lot cheaper in a bundle rather than buying little parts separately and enough to pay for you actually deliver it stuff like that and it all came with the particle filter as well as the gas water so check out the links below I can I may be able to find some local information if you're in a different country so just check it below and yeah and tell me what you guys think let me know if you like this review if you if you like it I'll keep on putting out more reviews and yeah I'll see you soon
Channel: Matt Hutton
Views: 307,633
Rating: 4.6665325 out of 5
Keywords: 3M 6200 respirator review, 3M 6200 review, 3M 6800 respirator review, 3M 6800 review, 3M full face respirator review, 3M half face respirator review
Id: HsdrmOlUAks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2016
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