Messy Middle // Shut Hell Up

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man i am so excited to be with y'all today so we're in the series the messy middle have y'all loved it have y'all loved it it's so cool because i'm back on the road now y'all may be seated i'm back on the road now and um it's the funniest thing because everyone's keeping up with our series and i love it because it's changing people's lives and man we're this this this series is no no it's not it's not missing a beat today i'm going to sit in your lap say come up i just come sit in my lap sit in my lap because i'm about to wake some of you up for a second we listen i'm all up in your business but in a good way i'm in a good way because i am pastor kim my job is to equip you for everything that god's got coming in your life right and if we're not careful we will allow ourselves to allow what's going on to stop us from moving into our purpose right if we're not careful we will get used to the lack and we won't move into our destiny right we'll think the devastation that has happened in our lives some of y'all were in a painting before the pandemic you know what i'm talking about can i get amen the pandemic was actually actually all of y'all went through the pandemic for me because dear this pandemic how many of y'all like became better parents you became better men spouses you became you it gave you time to recollect and rethink some things right and so i choose to look at that y'all we have 54 people give their hearts to jesus so obviously our biggest audience our biggest church is limitless eye church and we have lots and lots of people that view from all over the world we have 54 people give their hearts to jesus last week we had 38 the the week before that and 72 i think everybody was on mother's day excursions last week but we still had we still had a great number give their hearts to jesus but before i get started today i'm titling this sermon shut hell up shut hell up because i'm telling y'all something some of y'all need just a good swift in your tail today some of y'all just need to get shake in a second that's what i'm going to do i decree over your life before i get started i'm decreeing and declaring over your life y'all listen life and death are in the power of your words and i decree open doors of opportunity are taking place in your life this week i decree and declare divine appointments from heaven are coming your way may you be in position to walk into the right places and situations that set you up for success and influence you will not miss your destiny move this week off of your feelings right nope this week i declare that closed doors of rejection shall not be your experience and the only doors that close are those god has closed and i say to the enemy he has no ability to create blockage come on somebody blockage breaker you are a blockage and a barrier breaker to the place as you are destined by god to enter and i declare you receive heavily appointed phone calls letters contacts contracts meetings assignments platforms engagements i declare and declare that you were given a god opportunity a divine appointment to speak the word of god that's going to further you into your destiny this week i called the doors of influence that you didn't even expect and i declared today that a new day of open doors rests upon you and your families you are blessed you are favored and you are chosen and every single person connected to you is walking in the same anointing just because they know you relationships are healed relationships are preserved i speak to the marriages in this house you will survive you're not just gonna survive you are gonna thrive love is your portion singles you will not you will not settle you will not settle for bozo or delilah you will wait on the one that god has for you because if they don't pray they can't stay in jesus name amen amen and amen you may be seated we all have experienced bad days in our lives right we've all experienced bad days in our lives and and we we need a framework somebody say framework from which to process how to survive and overcome in these moments and so father in this place today i pray for our online community as we get into this word that you would have your way and you would destiny and divinely coordinate our way to exactly where you want us to be in jesus name the first two weeks we have determined that in order to emulate jesus we have to what come on y'all been watching where y'all been we have to forgive thank you we have to forgive now forgiveness is a cuss word whenever you've been really badgered broken and left for dead right betrayal doesn't hurt when it's your loudmouth chunky butt neighbor right that you don't know it hurts when it comes from people that you know people that is supposed to have your back right people that are supposed to support you and ride with you to the wheels fall off anybody ever encountered family issues drop out this if you're in the news if you're in our comment right come on some of y'all have experienced some major betrayal even from spouses right you go and you have a baby with them and then all of a sudden they don't love you no more you're like you watch the whole human come out of me and you don't love me now right and so what the enemy's doing is he's trying to distract you but god's word tells us to forgive and this right here is your sermon for today if you are walking in any type of holding on to hurt and pain i found this scripture uh today right before so it's not in my notes but i thought it was a great scripture that i needed to talk to you guys about today and it goes from james this is an extra it's just just a bonus for y'all james 1 james 4 1 through 2 james 4 1-2 it's a new living's translation i got to give it to y'all because y'all think that ain't the word it says what is causing the quarrels and fights among you don't they come from the evil desires at war within you you want what you don't have so you scheme and kill to get it you are jealous of what others have but you can't get it so you fight and wage war to take it away from them yet you don't have what you want because you too busy won't what they got you ain't asking god for what's yours right you don't have what you what you want because you won't ask god for what you want because you're too busy trying to become what they are so that you can have what they have oh if i had a mic i'd drop it see when when we allow the enemy to get into our space come on somebody somebody say space when he gets into us and we start getting cloudy and we start getting petty one of the things that happens is we begin to withdraw right y'all do it in your marriages y'all do it in relationships when somebody hurts your feelings instead of going and talking to them what do we do we withdraw why because we hate confrontation and there's some of y'all that love confrontation but most people don't like confrontation so you withdraw and when you withdraw it's when one person closes out the other person physically or conversationally and you say things like forget it done it's over i'm finished talking about it then you put the snap crackle pop or you get that neck going like you don't want these hands the next thing that happens is escalation withdrawal it begins to escalate these are different situations on how do you respond escalation is when all of a sudden they ain't hearing you i'm trying to talk calmly to you and let you know that this really hurt me when you presented this to me and he's like huh i don't think you heard me and you begin to escalate and you begin to use things like you always do this it's never about me it's always about you and your voice begins to raise and your heart rises anybody anybody your heart begins to palpitate and all of a sudden you feel smoke coming out of your ears and your nose because they won't listen to you and all of a sudden you're i'm not mad i'm passionate and once you begin to escalate especially for men men are like when you begin to escalate me to think it's like you talking chinese you know what i'm saying then if that don't get to you then belittling comes in y'all know what billion is oh i'ma hurt you oh i can cut you with my words i'm about to belittling is when you begin to name call you know what what comes out of your mouth you can't catch there's sometimes in my life man i'll be like walking through something and i i'm the queen of this i'm getting you i'm getting you i'm getting those bullies those cyber bullies those cowards and i'm typing a million miles because your typing goes even quicker whenever you're mad and all of a sudden i'll get the whole sentence out like i'm about to get you and then i'm like delete and god says but you still wrote it people see your deeds but god sees your you begin to say you dumb you stupid you i knew you you shouldn't even you were an accident i thought i was going through menopause and here you came you were an accident you were supposed to be a boy and you a girl so these things see what i'm i'm layering for you is things that the enemy is doing to begin to get you stuck in the middle stuck where you can't get out then there's false belief that comes in false belief is starting to believe the lies nobody will ever love you you're never going to be loved by anybody ain't nobody going to take on you and your five kids with five different baby daddy and before you know it you believe in every single thing they said you create evidence y'all listen to this you start believing the lies thinking they don't love me anymore you start waiting until he goes to sleep at night he starts slithering out of the bed slithering on the floor over to his cell phone sliding on the floor and then you reach up the side table and you try to get his phone to see who he's really talking to cause you know he's got to be cheating on you you forget he's got a smartphone and the minute it feels a vibration it lights up the entire room and your hearts are oh my god oh my god oh my god you ain't never been that scared of jesus so you begin to believe the faults you create evidence in your life that is false and unbelief and dangerous things become and it embodies you and the only weapon that the satan can do and use against you is a l a i a lie see what we think we need i'm already in some of your life you're like oh yeah girl give me see what we often think we need i'm going to tell y'all something if you don't get free from this sermon you're going to live the rest of your life messed up in the middle in the middle when you ain't got to stay in the middle you just got to get out of your feelings and get into some healing right so what if what you feel is right you're going to get out of this and you're going to fly out of this and you're going to have some free life college out of it one thing i do know is you go make it once you get out of the middle see we often think we need so much we're like what if we often think we need is for god to change our circumstances but god is so over here saying i am far more interested in the way you're thinking than changing your circumstances if you can't handle this and you can't get your emotions together for this then how can i trust you over here with this you can't even handle the middle how can i give you a thousand what a mountain full of blessings right because you can you get attacked and you fall apart you may go you fall apart you're like oh dear god oh not you baby girl i'm so glad to see you by the way but you good because you're so pretty i had to use you for an example see we allow ourselves to start hearing and the enemy begins to magnify the things that we haven't healed from right it's the little foxes that spoil the vine right it's that rejection i remember one time there was a there was a thing in me that i was always afraid of like rejection and this story came back up the other day and i remembered it and i remember right whenever god began to open the windows of heaven over my life and real talk kim was being birthed on on all socials and all of a sudden people were recognizing me and i was like oh my god i'd be at bloomingdale still makeup and they'd be like oh my god you're a real talk kim right and i'm like oh my and i started feeling a little important you know like i should leave bloomingdale's now because people recognize me you know when i walk through i'm gonna need security up in bloomingdale's making my 13 an hour you know what i'm saying like hey are you real talking to me yeah yeah i wrote down kevin and so i was thinking i can i can leave i can leave this job and i remember god said no you can't leave because your character can't keep up with where i'm taking you well god what do you mean my character uh you over here got a whole paparazzi thinking they should be following you at bloomingdale's where nobody even hardly knows who you are and if you can't handle that and then then i got tested even further there was these people that reached out to me and they said we want to honor the up-and-coming women the women that somebody oh there's somebody and we're gonna we're gonna call it the women of excellence and we're gonna honor real talk kim at this fancy hotel and we're going to give her an award it's going to look like a grammy but a christian grammy and all of a sudden i go buy me a prom dress a powder blue grammy looking gown and i walk up into the hotel thinking i've arrived oh they're recognizing me today i walked up and i said this i'm real talk kim they said you're not on the list i said oh no i think i think you're you're looking at the wrong list maybe you're not looking at the honoree list they said oh no we're looking and your name ain't nowhere on here before i could even get into the door i started feeling the rejection of my past right why because i was my character couldn't keep up where god was taking me so he was exposing some things that did not feel good in my heart at that moment so that when i got to a place where they betrayed me the higher you go new levels new devils then i wouldn't be affected by that so finally they'd come back and they said oh yeah girl come on in come on in we found you you were on the wrong list i thought they totally wrote my wrote my name in it right so then when i get in there about i'm sending a tape on everybody's taking pictures with each other like hey girl hey tagging real talk kim yeah you important girl you important all of the other five nominees were all taking pictures and it was like a big big deal right then they said we were like all the nominees to come up on the stage oh this was a fancy hotel there was lots of people there and i walk up on that stage and they start calling the names out and they call everybody but you got it me and i'm standing on that stage with no award and my heart is sinking and god begins to speak do you want their accolades or do you want my accolades i was ignored that's what jesus is telling me i was ignored i was overlooked i wasn't even identified as the savior of the world honey and you're never honored in your own city and if you need validation from people to get you to another place you will die when they overlook you for a great for a fake phony grammy and i remember i go sit back down at the table and all of a sudden all those women that thought i was somebody wouldn't even speak to me and i remember god said number two you don't want to hang around with nobody that only likes you because of who you are and what you do i wouldn't look to their facebook because that's what we humans do they've been taking all my pictures off oh you ain't nobody we thought you were somebody you ain't nobody and i remember as god began to elevate me the more i would allow those situations because it happened a lot because people will use your name to get crowds you know what i'm saying and if you allow those things to hurt your feelings then you will stay at that place today and i want to talk about a lady that encountered what i encountered we're going to talk about mary and martha and mary and martha if you look at luke 10 38-42 now i got rejected from some mean girls that thought your name mattered but the way i rose above this thing is the way you have to rise above in order for god to take you to another level it says as jesus and the disciples continued on their way to jerusalem they came to a certain village where a woman named martha welcomed him into her home her sister mary sat at the lord's feet listening to what he taught but mary was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing mary thought the more she did the more accolades she would get she came to jesus because she got frustrated martha came to jesus and she said lord doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while i do all the work y'all like how i make the octaves higher you better tell her you better tell her to come help me but the lord said to her my dear martha you are worried and upset over all these details and there's only one thing worth being concerned about mary has discovered it and it will not be taken away from her what in your life has hurt you so bad or seemed so unfair that you've allowed it to keep you in the middle i refuse to let go i refuse i can't get healed if i get healed i won't have no attention because i like the attention being broken gets me i can't get healed i'm afraid of being healed because i've never been healed and if i really get healed then i gotta be normal and if i'm normal i don't know how i'm gonna handle anybody i've been there i was drama mama i know that shocks y'all but i was drama mama i was the one that would go on facebook and say i went to limitless church this sunday and real talk kim said i gotta stop this messy middle so i'm doing a facebook purge if you don't see me in your news feed in the morning you've been deleted cause i'm sick of the drama that was me and i remember one day my mama goes you do know you the drama because when you get healed you ain't gotta announce it and i was like oh is that how it works see when you get healed you don't go back to the blood when you get healed you are healed and a scab puts goes forth and you become out better with mess over message your scars are turned to stars in other words see when i look now and i see those women because i still see those women on there now i'm like hey girl but i don't have to allow myself to go show them nothing why because your evidence of the oil begins to show and it's called fruit your fruit is on display and everywhere you go you are changing lives everywhere you go you are giving people a dose of the holy ghost of letting them know it ain't over until god says it's over see martha that was good martha complained to jesus about mary on his very first visit to bethany mary could have been offended her own sister threw her under the bus oh killer killer with the tray but nowhere does it say that she prayed for god killed at her sister with the train nowhere does it show that mary got offended she could have gotten so offended when judas when she goes to break the alabaster box at the feet of jesus and all the disciples god's posse was like oh no it'd be like walking on the front row at church and them saying girl bye get outside you got to stay in the children's wing right because here she is walking into this place and jesus's posse was starting to talk but again mary stayed focused she didn't get off kilter she didn't even listen to what they were saying i bet she was sitting there going singing over his feet while they were running his mouth she learned how to worship instead of worry see don't make the mistake of underestimating that the pain was that was inflicted upon mary was not horrific right here you have a woman who loved her lord with all her heart and she was unfairly criticized for doing the right thing not by her enemies but once by her sister in another time about jesus's posse his disciples and mary never opened her mouth to defend herself she never opened her mouth with her actions in silence she entrusted the matter to her lord you know i can preach this sermon today because i did it i do it every day of my life i can't preach something to you that i ain't conquered with the whole world watching and people lying on me i do this you don't know the cost of the oil in my alibi box the more you raise the more he gives see the point is there will always be someone some christian some family member who will undermine your good actions if you get upset and you go off and you sulk and you nurse the grievances you will die maybe not a natural death but a spiritual death anybody ever held on to something that you couldn't change it stinks don't it it stinks when someone's hurt you and you see other people liking them after they hurt you that's the worst but because of social media now we got that you can't sit and judge somebody off of liking somebody that don't like you you can't even be bothered by it right y'all like girl that's alright i block him i block her why right it's good to block i block people too but you gotta look at the reasoning behind it you always got to look at your heart posture in the midst of why you're doing what you're doing right so i'm going to give you really quickly it's going to go by fast it's going to be like a drive-by here are some things y'all ready for this write it down here are some things that mary's teaching us to help us get out of the messy stinking middle cause you ain't stuck in the middle why because you ain't no tree you ain't no tree you only stuck in the position that you're in because you stop moving because you won't let go number one people will always whoa people gonna hurt your feelings people gonna hurt your feelings it's a little foxes to spoil the vine if if the holy spirit i mean if the enemy knows that that you get your feelings hurt off of just people's eyeballs looking you up and down y'all know when y'all walk in the room so time that girl goes and you go hmm instead you're just like she just thinks i'm really beautiful that's what i do i promise to god when someone's ugly to me i'm like she thinks i'm really beautiful oh i promise i do when people don't like me i'm like it's okay she just don't really know me she's just heard something about me she's gonna like me though eventually i promise to god i live like that people will hurt your feelings because of the fall in the garden sometimes a person acts with malicious intent desiring to hurt you because they don't like you and they've chosen to be offended by you and other times they've hurt you and don't even realize they've hurt you that's the worst when you're holding out in your heart and that person don't even know you mad that you just quit talking to them right you didn't give them a chance to fix it what if god brought that person into your life to help you get to the next level because god always uses people to get you to another level what if god brought that person i know he didn't bring that ratchet thing into my life but what if he did what if he brought that person into your life to chisel away to be sandpaper in your life so that you could handle that next level that you're going to but because of your pettiness say pettiness now you have stopped the praise that god wants to do in your life right so here we are we're looking at this they don't even know they did it or maybe they do oh well who cares i'm sure that when the disciples chimed in with judah's complaint i don't think that the disciples were trying to be mean yo i am the queen of this i am the queen of getting my little feelings hurt every once in a while because the enemy knows that the the battlefield of the mind is where everything happens you'll all of a sudden start getting tired and you'll be like man i did this and i've done this and i've given this i go to that church and they're just praising and giving me all of this i go to my church and i'm falling out of the car and before i know it i'm over here stuck because i'm allowing the lie the l.i.e to stop me from moving into that great manifestation right i'm i'm stopping some of y'all are stopping that incredible marriage god brought you the greatest wife the greatest husband but because you are mad at what your ex did to you now he's having to pay her she's having to pay for something she didn't even do right you got this new job and maybe you don't like it but god's ever saying it's just a stepping stone to keep paying your bills you got to pay your bills he's going to pay your bills for a second until i open this is not ready for you yet but when this is ready y'all this is deep ain't it deep ain't it deep ain't it you're welcome when this gets ready i'll then open the doors but you won't be behind payments and not enjoying your new job by trying to catch up with the payments because you were too busy easy like a sunday morning i'm believing in jesus he's saying no listen i need you to work while you're waiting the devil's after my lies the devil's after my car the devil's after the gnaw he's working but you ain't number two i want to be like a mic i want to drop it like a mic but i like this i don't want to break it number two number one was people hurt your feelings number two when others hurt you your spiritual maturity is revealed out out out your spiritual maturity is revealed when god takes you to another level you ain't i don't have the luxury to be a cyber bully i don't have the luxury i don't have the luxury to be in my feelings because of what god's entrusted me with right now god can entrust you and god can trust you with a lot but if your actions are not holy then your actions will sabotage what god has opened for you that's why you got to be ready for whatever he brings in your life and when honey when you are feeling anxious or anxiety or you're feeling like you're always pushing a door open and you're feeling stressed all the time you are not operating in god why because god is not a god of chaos and confusion i don't know why we want to chase the devils every day y'all want us to scream and yell at them come out come out and you're like no no no why because you don't want to clap back you want your clap back over deliverance that was a good way sometimes you don't need therapy you need deliverance get out of your feelings and get into some number three come on it's the truth i want tom hurt yo i was at this conference one time and i'm preaching and this lady starts the spirit starts coming out of her and all of a sudden somebody comes over to her and says do you want to come out do you want to come out do you want to come out i'm thinking no they're comfortable finally i looked i said get out in the name of jesus you gotta demand it same way you gotta fix your heart can't know ain't nobody gonna make your heart get right ain't nobody gonna make you get healed you know why i'm so crazy and obnoxious because i know there are billions of people in this world and i know everybody's wanting a miracle from god and so i think the crazier i am and the more nuts i am that he sees me in heaven over you i don't know it's worth a try [Music] i'm just always going more more more god more why because i've been in hell and i'll never want to go back to hell and when you got hell in your life most of the time it's cause you got comfortable in hell and you ain't come out on fire yet you gotta come out on fire that's why this pandemic was y'all this pandemic was a plan dimmick now i'm not saying it ain't real don't cut me off don't cut me off i've seen some incredible people die so i know it's real but i think it was a pandemic from the enemy because now the enemy's got people so fearful we ain't going to church we're depressed they're they're they're subscribing a xanax and ambien by azum when we serve the king of kings and the lord of lords that got up on that cross stretched his arms out wide and said for you it is finished you ain't gonna die before your time [Applause] so what did the enemy do the enemy said let me weasel my tail up in there in their lives and you're gonna either be in the revival that's happening or you're gonna stay over on the sidelines and stay pumped out it's up to you three god intends to use mistreatments he intends to use mistreatments i'm going to tell y'all that divorce was a was a pandemic that sickness was a pandemic that death was a pandemic and the enemy's trying to get you to stay wounded god intends to use mistreatments for our good think about joseph think about joseph he went to jail for doing the right thing that abuse as a child was a pandemic because there's some oil on the inside of you the enemy knew it when you came out of your mama hail her a doctor started but hell her purpose destiny a game changer a nation shifter somebody that when they walk into a room everything vibrates with the oil that's why you got to get up joseph he said when they were his brothers we're selling him he says what you intended to harm me god intended it for my good david david rose up david could have went after and killed his distractor but instead he he allowed god to be known as a sovereign god in his life right he didn't care what nobody thought he was letting god reign 8 28 romans 8 28 it says everything that comes into our lives whether good or evil first pastor of the hands of a sovereign god he didn't cause it but he for show gone use it once you make peace with god ain't nothing like it because ain't nothing affecting you after that number four christians often get offended by reading into words and actions this has happened a lot in this pandemic i meant pandemic listen this happened a lot because we've lost a lot of great friendships in this pandemic well we weren't essential to each other we were all walking through a pandemic you can't judge people off a hard season we usually it usually happens when people are over sensitive and thin-skinned and in my experience this makes up most cases in in the christian walk taking offense at another believer and never going and talking to him this cancel culture what canceling somebody that ain't got not one thing you trying to cancel them for guess what y'all you stand before god there is a heaven and there is a hell and when that when that trumpet blows you gonna stand before god if you were the leader of that cancel culture because all of those people that stopped following that person that was intended to be the one that was going to take them to jesus take me to the king i wanted to sing it but ain't gonna do my sermon now you gonna stand before god you're gonna stand before god on your mouth [Music] number five christians often get offended with the person when they believe false accusations against them again you gonna stand before god going to take an account but the good thing about god you can fall on your face and say god i'm sorry but then i believe you got to go even more to start rebuilding what you broke see wise and discerning christians who have been around the block ignore gossip the thing about the church is we are the only culture that throws their own under the bus when a pastor falls they throw him under the bus they rip him out of the platform when a deacon gets caught back up in his addiction we throw them out the door they they unqualified instead of rebuilding the world does that the world all runs and helps that's what limitless does we rebuild it's never too late for you as long as you have a pulse god's got a plan so you ignore the gossip when wise and discerning believers are concerned about someone they go straight to the person privately as jesus taught us to do asking questions rather than making allegations these are the things that keep you stuck in the middle getting in your flesh and not staying in the in the spirit i always ask myself this how would i want to be treated if someone was saying these things about me as i live remember satan is the slanderer that's what devil means slander and he uses gossip to keep us in the middle he keeps he does gossip it destroys relationships that's why the bible says that believing gossip separates close friends and that one of the seven things the lord hates is sowing seeds of discord among brethren number six what you do with the hurt is your choice what you do with the hurt is your choice if you're in the middle and you can't get out you got to ask yourself what do i need to let go of you can choose to be offended and make a friend out of your hurt you can feed it you can take it out for daily walks you can cuddle it you can protect it until it destroys you and others and it can cause a root of bitterness if you allow it will live it will defile many and prove destructive to your own spirit i don't know about y'all but it ain't worth it it ain't worth it is it i know it hurts and i know we're validated i know it just feels so good to pray for god to kill them with a train because you want them to hurt as bad as you hurt but that middle you overlooked me you overlooked me but they overlooked jesus you you weren't there you this is this wasn't all my dream board oh my dream board my ring was bigger on my dream board i had a white picket fence i wasn't living in government subsidizing housing and before you loan the enemy is ripping you apart because he knows when you come up out of that hole oh you better hold on wait a minute every time your feet hit the ground the devil is going to be staying all right i thought i had her i thought i had him i was that close to suffocating them to making them kill themselves and then that loud mouth real talk cam had to open her mouth i'm going after kim i said bring it on you can live you can stand you can live free from offense guess what you can live free from a fence period your marriage can be restored after that infidelity period your child will come home after being a prodigal period you ain't got to call miss cleo call on theo the lord why because he and i got a good thing going on i ain't staying in the middle if y'all still in the middle after this series you want to be in the middle if y'all still stuck after this series you want to stay stuck and you know what it's boring get up get out and be the change you want to see you can live free from offense this doesn't mean that you will never be hurt nor does it even mean that you will never be angry jesus got angry y'all remember do y'all remember that temple tantrum he went ratchet on his first anger but paul said be angry and sin not get out of your feelings and get into some healing hush until you heal stop breaking good stuff stop making yourself stay in the nosebleed middle section and check your motives why are you cleaning the toilets because i want to be a servant of the lord why why why are you talking about her that always is cleaning the toilet she's just trying to get seen by pastor kim well you're going you're going to sit in the back of the line because of your attitude check your motives check yourself before you wreck yourself stop putting unfair expectations on people y'all and go to work with god on this thing now i'm not at all alleviating the importance of the situation that you're in i've never been in your situation i only can go off of my own where i literally have walked through some things that i still should be in the ground crying but i chose the harder i fall the higher i bounce and when i bounce i'm bouncing out gentle i'm bouncing out kind i'm bouncing out full of love i'm bouncing i'm bouncing out of this thing oily [Applause] and my fruit will outlive your lies period why because i serve the king of kings and the lord of lords and when he says well done my good and faithful servant it don't matter what they say no way get free [Music] anger is a normal human emotion when someone abuses you or abuses someone you care about but what you do with your anger determines whether or not it is a sin sin will take you further than you want to go cost you more than you want to pay and keep you longer than you want to stay it makes you old white people we melt when you hold on to anger you're like this and all your skin is starting to melt black don't crack unless you real mad and then it starts to crack but it ain't worth it hispanics spanish what y'all got great skin in addition we should always be quick to listen slow to speak and slow to become angry this was good this was good this was good the lord has caused us to the high road of living without offense you know what keeps us stuck y'all pride pride i ain't gonna tell you i'm sorry cause you were wrong buddy you walk up in there so baby i am so sorry and inside you're thinking i ain't sorry really you did it but you still took that action you still wrapped your arms and even if you go to that person and you say you're sorry and you still don't think it's your fault even when you're saying you're sorry something happens to your heart and while you're wrapping your arms around each other god's healing you and taking you to another level it's the most beautiful thing ever when you do something that you don't feel you need to do but you do it anyway to save a relationship or to save the place you're at your life the lord has called has called us to a high road of livid without offense and he has given us both the power and the will to do his good pleasure in every area of our lives i got two we gonna be like mary up in here we gonna love the hell out of martha [Music] we gonna love the hell out of the disciples that are mean to us the christians the pharisees and we're gonna tell hell to shut up we're gonna tell that worry in this stress committee that meets inside our head every day to sit down and hush up because our paths are orchestrated by the lord and every step i take he says he's going to do exceedingly abundantly more than i could ever ask her thinking i'm going to stand on psalm 46 and 10 that says be still and know that i am god so what you gonna do this week what y'all gonna do this week what y'all gonna do this week you're gonna be contagious glory carriers game changers nation shifters when that ex calls you you're gonna be like hello he gonna be like who is this oh it's your eggs it's your eggs what can i do for you are you okay oh yeah i'm good i'm good i'm good god's changing everything in you this week i love y'all so much i'll see you next sunday give god a shout give god a sound give god a sound you
Channel: Real Talk Kim
Views: 3,062
Rating: 4.9455781 out of 5
Id: _x4qKaihuPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 56sec (3056 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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