Messy Middle // I'm a Survivor

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so we're starting today the messy middle over the next several weeks somebody say i'm getting out of the messy middle over the next several weeks we are going to learn how to live through a bad day how to live through a bad season how to live through a season where we can't hear god all of us had them you are not the only one that's been stuck in the middle you are not the only one that feels overlooked and undervalued you are not the only one that's been stuck in your feelings all of us have them and if you are honest with yourself you are in the middle of something right now whether it's a transfer into another season the thing about this pandemic man it woke a lot of people up you know i mean our whole church looks different right it's allowed some people that never wanted jesus now all of a sudden they want all of jesus right because in that middle they're they're in isolation you're like man if i ever get around people again i was at that at the airport yesterday there was a long line at the clear line and my mama looks at me and she goes well we ain't seen this in a year and i said and i embrace it i'm gonna stand right here as long as i need to why because we're getting out of the middle and we're walking into our next season see your calling is when your purpose becomes bigger than you catch that your calling is when your purpose becomes bigger than you you can't even you're like i don't even make no sense it's because you're still in the middle right you got to get to a place where you get out of the middle the messy middle because the messy middle will have you stuck worried about me me me me me me right you will become a victim in your own story and that's a messy middle you'll become offended because your pastor didn't see you or because your ex cheated on you or because the government didn't send you your stimulus check whatever it is whatever that little thing is on the inside of you that keeps causing you to stay stuck it's the little foxes that spoil the vine so you got to deal with the messy middle that's on the inside of you so that you stop your messy middle could be uh needing people approval your messy middle could be man i've been serving i've been doing i've been given i'm always the first one to get the food train going for people and my daddy died and i ain't got nobody bringing me no food train you see how the enemy starts creeping in right or i was told if i write that book everybody gonna support me when i wrote that book nobody supported me and now i'm in the messy middle now i'm the enemy is using things in my life that i never took care of like my daddy abandoned in me when i was a child now everybody that abandons me i'm like well here we go again no we got to get that messy middle heel because you only get one chance in this life and one chance in this life how many people are you touching every day who are you touching every single one of us have at least 12 people in our lives that we are assigned to well i don't yeah you do your kids might be 12. your uncle your aunt your mama your daddy right they all know that you're saved they all know that you're different than them and they all tell you all the time you're the black sheep but a fan nobody going over you you used to be swinging on a pole well now i'm swinging for jesus so watch me watch me i'm getting out of this messy middle i'm not gonna let what you say about me cause me to stay in the messy middle i'm not gonna allow you to take me back i'm not gonna allow you to keep me stuck i'm not gonna allow my feelings i'm getting out of my feelings and get into some healing i'm gonna learn to tell the worry and stress committee that meets inside of my head every day to sit down and shut up i own my peace my peace is what god gives me you ain't pulling me into your pieces i'm gonna pull you into my peace see your calling is when your purpose becomes bigger than you you can't have a purpose that's bigger than you when you allow just a small place that you're at right now to become your messy middle but here's the good news about messy middles y'all ready for this they do end well mine ended it's cause you won't let go i was preaching at an event this week and this lady stood up she said pastor kim she said i was married for 14 years she said i married somebody that was in jail for 14 years now i'm already saying lord watch my face because i knew where she was headed she said i was i married him i was in jail 14 years she said i waited for him i worked i paid all his bills i did everything that i could do to take care of him he got out of jail with one month he started cheating on me he started lying she everything he did before jail and she said i ain't mad at him i'm mad at god the messy middle when you don't look at your situation for what it really is you are blaming everybody you can except yourself god never told you to stay with somebody for 14 years that never showed you a sign of where you were supposed to go if if people are in your life and they are doing everything they can to pull you away from jesus they are keeping you in the messy middle that anger towards your father that walked out on you and went and raised a whole nother family and now you can't trust nobody because that that's the messy middle so you got to ask yourself today am i really blaming somebody that it ain't their fault even your ex your ex you blaming your ex because they cheated on you but really your ex did you a favor but instead of looking at our situation we're stuck in the messy middle because we're owning something we're mad at god because he didn't change the x when god never told you to marry him anyway so we're stuck over here in our sins and in our shame and what the world oh i'm preaching up in here we are stuck over here because we are allowing the wrong voices in our ears right why because it's a law of drugs you attract what you are and not what you want if you ain't got no accountability in your life you ain't got nobody that's accountable negativity is contagious man i showed do love y'all though i'd like to get y'all so free your therapist gonna be like thank you pastor kim because when you start realizing all it takes is one step well i ain't staying here anymore i need you lord i'm about to put all my effort that i put in you into my progress see the even better news is that bad days don't last that's not how god rolls he says oh i knew you were going to come here i knew you were going to do this before you were ever even a thought in your mother's womb i knew you were going to be here on august 29 1972 when you came out of your mama the doctor said wow but hell her purpose hell heard destiny hell heard a game changer hell knew you weren't gonna give up hell knew you were gonna walk in the limitless church in a um um in may the second and something was gonna awaken in your spirit that lets you realize that as long as you ain't dead god ain't done here's the better news over the fact that you're about to get up and i believe i can fly whoa y'all better get a seat and watch you wrote me off but here i come and god knew it and god qualified me and i'm coming out of the ashes and i ain't gonna look like what i've been through wow see here's the better news you gotta stop worrying about those people that ain't clapping for you you got to worry you got to stop worrying about it baby stop worrying about not moving quick enough i ain't where i should be you are right where you need to be god is using what you're walking through as your endorsement that's why the enemy sent social media so that you can control you could sit and scope and see everybody on there the same age as you you're sitting there the same they just say major zone she ain't married she got married five times i can't even get one her husband looks like he stepped out of gq mine looks like he stepped out of dq now now look i don't know what she did is so good she dropped out of college i got more degrees than a thermometer god's over here saying oh but you got some oil you don't need those degrees all i need is your obedience one ounce of obedience or do more for you than all the prayer in the world what am i saying get out of the middle [Music] see here's the cool news y'all ready for the good news the good news is jesus had bad days jesus had bad seasons jesus taught us how to face the adversities of life and how to overcome them no matter what that's right you don't know what i've been through it's hard raising 12 kids by myself but you were built for this you were built for this see he taught us how to face the adversity of life and overcome no matter the odds and there was a day when jesus faced loneliness jesus faced torment there was a day of lying tongues on him horrible injustice a day of brutal beating and angered tyrants a day of rejection a god-forsaken day in which god himself was killed it was a day like no other but it was also a day like a thousand of our own in certain ways you see bad days happen to everybody they come more often than we think we deserve they last much longer than what we think we can stand every believer needs to have a framework for processing bad days how's your bad days see today i'm believing by the time i'm done up here in 15 minutes that you're gonna be able to process some things that you've been stuck on you're about to get out of that place you've been allowing a season in your life to define your whole lifetime you've been allowing yourself to stay stuck in stupidville but you're gonna get up today i'm getting up today i'm getting up today i ain't staying here uh-uh kim you shouldn't stay stupid that's true anything that holds us back from walking in our excellence and our awesomeness it's stuff we're holding on to why because god is a good good father right the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy so what happens when we're laying over here in depression every day we are choosing to stay in a place that god has already given us tools to get out of well how do you do it you stop allowing yourself to settle over in the messy middle i don't know how i'm gonna do it but i'm gonna do it i don't know what it looks like but i'm gonna do it i don't know if i'm gonna fall again but i'm gonna still move because failure ain't failure unless i stay down failure actually is a good thing because failure proves that you ain't scared of nothing failure believes that you really are walking in favor that you really are walking i can do all things through christ who oh you said i couldn't get up watch me see some of y'all need to stop listening to the haters in your life and realize that they are confused fans use them as your motivators oh you said i can't do it watch me do it go on and talk about me let more people come and follow me they will see the jesus in me and revival will take wow see they came more often than we think we deserve then we start feeling sorry for ourselves but here's what god's word says in hebrews 12 and 1. someone makes some of you welcome the middle you're like yeah i was creative for this watch me i can float like a butterfly sting like a bee oh oh don't make me rhyme hebrews 12 1 because you were created with jesus juice going through your veins it says in hebrews 12 1-2 it says therefore since we are surrounded by such a huge cloud of witnesses to the life of faith let us strip off every weight that slows us down that means the messy middle that means depression that means lies that means hexes that means vexes that means word curses that means generational curses and it says let us run with endurance the race god has set before us we do this by keeping our eyes on the haters huh keeping our eyes on our mama did she clap for you when you got that degree no it says now we ain't paying attention to that we're keeping our eyes on jesus the champion of the world he's the champion of the world and you got his dna in your body that's why hell is mad at you oh i'm trying to stay calm he says we do this by keeping our eyes on jesus the champion who initiates and perfects our faith because of the joy awaiting him he endured the cross discarding his shame now he is seated in the place of honor beside god's throne somebody say i'm royalty i'm royalty you better get my autograph now cause it's gonna cost you a lot of money cause i'm royalty you let me find out who god created me to be can't touch this that oh oh oh oh [Applause] they gonna be like man i should have behaved man i should have stayed at home instead of running over i want to be a part of her party ah see jesus was the ultimate survivor guess who jesus put hate the same power that raised jesus from the dead lives on the inside of us so what does that say you are the ultimate survivor he overcame amazing odds and incredible oppositions to carry out his assignment and he did it guess what for you he did it for you and we can be overcomer survivors too walking easy like a sunday morning how do we do that by studying how he handled himself on his journey and on earth so i'm going to walk you through really fast you want to write this stuff down because whenever you get all all beside yourself you're going to need to remember what you really are created of luke 23 and 34. let's look at his bad day with fresh eyes and learn what it takes to survive and overcome in the midst of a challenging day or week or year or decade it says in luke 23 34 it says jesus said father forgive them for they know not what they're doing oh yeah they do girl they know what they doing he says forgive them for they know not what they're doing and the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice forgive this is what god's telling us now write this down forgive everyone who's trying to ruin your life [Laughter] some of y'all ready to walk outside i was sitting in your lap forgive everyone who's trying to ruin your life y'all it's so easy to let things bother us we tend to internalize way too much anybody else we often even overthink everything anybody else i wake up at three o'clock in the morning i woke up the other day at three o'clock in the morning with the woman on my eye in my eyeballs that i ain't talking to for seven years and all of a sudden i was like oh my god i bet i offended her because i used a name that she used eight years ago and i laid in that bed and i was like what am i going to do i don't want to fit because y'all i'm living the greatest life ever i don't want to do anything that's going to offend somebody you know what i'm talking about but i started overthinking something that was gonna take away the blessing of what i was staring at that's how the enemy does it he don't want you to walk into your next season even though you ain't got nothing you had to let go of everything in this last season he don't want you to enjoy the ride right so so often we overthink everything there is a tendency that as life goes on to collect stuff in our minds it's one thing to be hoarders with stuff it's another thing to be hoarders in our thoughts and actions we call this emotional baggage emotional baggage that we carry forever some people spend their whole life digging up the past and now they got this thing called facebook people can reach out and say i think your daddy was my daddy and you're like he's dead i can't go look for him i can't ask him if this was true well i'm telling you i look just like him where you been for the last 48 years right the enemy's gonna do whatever he can and some people spend their entire life digging up the past false accusations rejections abuse humiliation jesus went through the same thing all of them he went through false accusations trial remember the trial he went through rejection remember peter huh remember judas he knew he was gonna betray him he still let him hang with him man i'm learning a lot this year a lot last year a lot the year before everything i'm learning is god don't let me miss out on what i need to learn in this season he hey he even the abuse of crucifixion on the cross can you imagine how humiliating it was it was when he got put up on that cross in front of everybody with people mocking him that's why he qualifies baby to be your best friend he's your best friend he will never leave you he will never forsake you he's been through everything you could ever face so what is forgiveness first of all let's address what forgiveness is not y'all ready forgiveness is not minimizing the seriousness of the offense i'm not saying that what happened to you wasn't a big deal because it was i'm not saying that it didn't hurt because it did hurt i'm not saying that it was even a small thing because to you it was a big thing forgiveness doesn't ask you to act like it's no big deal instant restoration of trust nobody's saying that's gonna happen forgiveness listen if someone has hurt you over and over repeatedly and intentionally you still are obligated to forgive them i can't do it kim that's why you're stuck in the middle you're stuck in the middle because you can't wrap your head around why i got to forgive somebody that left me after 48 years a stay-at-home mama and you gonna get up and leave me for two 20 year olds let him die let her get fat you're obligated to forgive you are not obligated to instantly trust them again just because you forgive them doesn't mean they're not still toxic you're not even obligated to resume the relationship without change if the relationship is going to be restored the offender must do three things you ready for this repentance restitution and they must be willing to rebuild trust maybe you're the offender and maybe you're rushing the process and you're about to lose the best thing that ever happened to you because she ain't moving as quick as you think she should one day had first peter 2 23 says when jesus suffered he did not threaten to get even he left his case in the hands of god so what is forgiveness and why is it something i need to do to get out of the messy metal hebrews 2 17. let's look at it we're going to look at 17-18 it says therefore it was necessary for him to be made in every respect like us his brothers and sisters so that he could be our merciful and faithful high priest before god then he could offer a sacrifice that would take away the sins of the people since he himself has gone through suffering and testing he is able to help us when we are being tested that's how come you see people that don't move on real quickly it's because they ain't spending time with god you can always tell when people are not spending time with god because they're wanting you to be their savior and it's putting unfair expectation on you right here's another one got to forgive them this is how you're gonna get out of that messy middle you have to forgive them why because you're gonna need forgiveness you're gonna need forgiveness you understand me i have learned i listen i i have learned in this season to let it go let it go even when i'm praying for someone that is doing me wrong in my face i can still walk in the room i'm praying for you you'll never hear me talk ugly about them ever why because they are not worth my blessing i will never allow the enemy to use the stuff that's going on on my in my life on myself no weapon formed against me shall prosper and i will not pick up the weapon and use it on myself so we gotta forgive because we're going to need forgiveness it says if we're unwilling to forgive we block our own forgiveness matthew 6 15 says for if you forgive men when they have sinned against you your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive men their sins your father will not forgive your sins i ain't going to hell for nobody hell is hot i do not listen we let no no no no i'm going to 1967 graceland circle on heavenly drive i am not going to hell with you so i'm going to forgive you and pray for you right a man came to john wesley once and said a certain man had really hurt me he said a certain man has really hurt me so much i will never forgive him and wesley said then i hope you never sin if you refuse to forgive people who have hurt you you are y'all this is tweetable if you refuse to forgive people who have hurt you you are burning a bridge you must walk across to get to heaven some of y'all want to leave but you don't want to walk out right now you like i ain't forgiving them i ain't forgiving them can i you better they ain't worth it right forgive them without condition is the next one i used to lay in my bed all the time i'd be like kill him i wanted god to kill my eggs for the train because i knew if a track killed and been here couldn't bring him back to life god was like you know i can't do no would you until you forgive y'all i would lay in my bed every night honest to god and say because it wasn't an overnight thing i was like god help me forgive my ex help me and before long i realized oh my gosh it's working because i ain't praying god kill him i'm just saying god don't kill him just hurt him baby steps and now i can pray i can pray now i pray for everybody see we can't forgive with conditions god forgave us before we even ask for it while we were yet sinners he died for us ephesians 4 32 said be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as in god forgave you so here's another one forgive in advance this is the real secret be proactive with your forgiveness don't wait until you're hurt until don't don't even wait you already know when something's gonna happen that's why a lot of y'all trying to change your red flags into into into green you done fasted you don't pray you know i lost 40 pounds trying to get that joker chain right changed it lord just show me what it what ain't right god gives you a million red flags he doesn't beat you upside the head when that star's eye you're like [Music] you're praying for god to change to change the red flag to greed he said girl boy i got better you're gonna be able to eat all the steak you want with the new one forgive us our sins we also forgive everyone who sins against us what is your middle are you there too long forgive them because they are victims too girl bye i know it's so hard to forgive when someone has been so hurtful but they are victims too hurting people hurt people but healed people healed people and forgiven people forgive people ephesians 6 12 says for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil and heavenly realms everybody is the way they are for a reason now i ain't telling you to go enable them well i gotta go enable them for another 50 years you better not you're gonna be mad at god all i'm telling you is get your heart right and listen to god you got me as your pastor that is always sitting in your lap things out myself showing you the way to jesus you can stand up here and fall on the floor all you want you can have a best mentor you can go to the best therapist anointed therapist but if you don't decide today that i am letting go of the trouble i seen i'm gonna pray for you in the balcony i love you but i ain't staying here in the middle some of y'all are in the middle because you've taken god's place and trying to get somebody back there is no way you can forgive on your own power the only way is to have jesus christ in your life his love his power his forgiveness today if we're closing this thing out you over here struggling why do y'all think the world has gained 40 pounds during the pandemic because we're eating our emotions instead of dealing with them because we're over here stalking people that god is trying to remove from our lives because god ain't moving as fast as we want him to and now we're stuck like chubb now we talk all day long about the same thing that god is saying let it go let it go the whole world so many people they are prescribing ambien and xanax through a tv why because the enemy does not want you to know the value that you possess because when things are done to us we can't let go then we feel left out we feel overlooked then we're ashamed and then condemnation creeps up on us then we beat ourselves up maybe i didn't do this right maybe i didn't do this right maybe i am what my dad said maybe i am a failure and the enemy's over here having a party because he knows your future and he is mad because you are the apple of god's eye and he used to be the messy middle will have you stuck on codependency of pain you don't want to get healed because if you get healed then things get right and you don't know how to handle right so you walk around bleeding on people that didn't cut you you walk around literally listen the pain in your life may not be your fault but the healing is your responsibility god knew it before you ever got here he said i have built you for everything that you i didn't cause the bad thing to happen to you i didn't kill your husband i didn't i didn't cause this but i can tell you that i have created you with the tools and the toolbox to take a licking and keep on ticking to get up one more time when you want to lay down depression's easy giving up's easy but we at limitless don't give up we don't give up we get up we get up you know what anxiety attacks are y'all can we tell you what anxiety attacks are thinking that you are the savior of your world you know what anxiety attacks are overthinking shoulda coulda would have the what ifs are clouding your why i don't know what my why is anymore do you know why people are committing suicide because they've lost hope they closed churches down they've isolated the enemy cannot take you out so he's trying to wear you out he's trying to wear you out by looking at your checking account balance you can't see a way to start your dream or jump into your purpose broke it your god is mems on social media because you don't even believe you're worthy of god listening to you because if your earthly father walked out on you then surely your heavenly father don't give a rip about you either that's a lie from the pit of hell he says baby you are the game changer and i'm going to tell you something else some of y'all about to walk in a season that ain't gonna make no sense god is calling you to step out of the boat god is telling you to walk and here's what i'm prophesying over you don't you dare look down at the water don't you dare listen to what they're saying about you don't you know god called me he called me for this when he called me for this he didn't do it as a conference call kim kim i'm about to take you to another level it's gonna hurt like hell you're gonna feel very alone kim get up there's gonna be a whole lot of people talking about you they're gonna be lying on you but they did it to me too don't don't you get weary and well do it kim enter season you shall reap if you faith not your due season is yet now god's promises for your life are yes and amen [Music] he didn't take the call of god off for you the minute they didn't see your value the minute they walked out and thought you were going to crumble because they left kim this is about to happen it's going to cause a whole bunch of people to look at you you're gonna you're gonna have a whole lot of people not liking your stuff but pay attention to them stories your posts gonna have three likes but your story's gonna have 10 000 views [Applause] because where i'm taking you i'm taking some stuff off for you and your fruit will outlive their lives you've been stuck in the middle kill it's been messy but i need you to break out i need you to get up one more time i need you to praise your way through i need you to learn how to mourn and move i need you to stop being mad at you at me for protecting you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i need you to stop being mad at me for protecting you everybody's staying he's saying he's been whispering to you when you thought you couldn't sleep at night you turned on sister wives and you woke up mad at your husband because you dreamed he decided to get 10 more wives really when god woke you up he was caught waking you up to talk to you about where you're going but because you had so much noise going off you've been stuck in the middle you've been stuck in the middle you've been letting what you can see dictate your tomorrow but what god's been doing is he's been hiding you so you thought because the curtain had closed the production was over but god said i was closing the curtain to set up for the next scene because it's not always it's not always about becoming something it's about unbecoming what you became trying to fit into places you didn't belong in the first place freedom you getting out of that messy middle you ain't gonna feel sorry for yourself another day you are not a victim in your story you are not too old you are not unlovable you are worthy of more you just had yourself stuck in the messy middle thinking you did deserve oh yeah that's why you keep attracting the same people with different faces because you don't think you deserve anything better but i'm here to tell you walked up into limitless today and god is saying i'm setting you free i am setting you free you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy he's saying to you today i'm about to let your kids be your audience your aunt your uncle your cousins they all gonna be sitting back they got a front row seat to watch you rise there's blood hey there's life coming back in your dead dry bones all of a sudden you're starting to feel something you're starting to clank back together oh you've been dead and dry and you've been buried alive but today you start you coming back together again you're coming out of that messy middle and when you come out of that messy middle baby you're going to jump into your destiny oh honey you go surprise yourself everybody lift your hands say father i give you permission to get me out of my own thinking remove the lies that i've been overthinking then i lay in my bed at night and think forgive me for holding on to the past thinking my past was gonna be greater than my future that was the devil speaking to me because i know that you said in ephesians 3 20 that you're gonna do exceedingly come on repeat it exceedingly abundantly more than i could ever ask or think so this week god i'm walking in my exceedingly abundantly i'm walking in my due season [Music] y'all you mark my words you mark my words you mark my words this week you're gonna get phone calls you forgot you prayed for your kids are gonna start wanting to hang out with you your husband he's even gonna walk around and put his arms around you'll be like oh what happened what you do god is bringing some things into alignment that's where i hug your baby hug your baby there's men grabbing their wives right now that's what's up and all you single ladies get ready all your single ladies oh you sing your legs please stand up yeah i won't know man god gonna bring you about chicka wow wow let's go to p-a-p-r-a-r-y on you and not p-r-e-y this week your kids your prodigals i command your mind to clear up you are not confused you are not confused you will not overthink things you will not be patty caking with sin this week you ain't gonna need to drink nothing to go to sleep i break off it i break it off i break it off you you are not gonna need to induce flu every day just to go to sleep at night you're going to sleep this week better than you've ever slept in your life [Music] yo kids your spouse can be like mama i didn't know you snored well baby i ain't never slept so good in all my life i got the peace of jesus can i get an amen up in here can i get an a man up in here can i get an amen up in here i don't need your crack i don't need your pain i am walking in elevation from jesus this is my week come on somebody this is my week may is my month of breakthrough may is my mother breakthrough may is my i don't want restoration i want restitution [Music] i want seven times greater i don't want my messy stuff i lost i want seven times greater on the count of three i want you to shout so hard that your neighbor's eyebrows fall off her face if there's anything still left in you it's about to get unstuck right now some of y'all been needing to yell for a long time you've been over here you've been numb but on the count of three you about to give god a judah roar and the judah roar it could say whatever you got to do just get it out one two three hold up hold on that was a practice session some of y'all didn't know what we were going to do in fact i'll watch out y'all were like now you know what we're about to do everybody in fayetteville no there's a fire church holy ghost church a set free church y'all gonna start telling all your friends you gotta go to limitless we are limitless at limitless you wanna get set free follow me follow me y'all ready on the cat tell your neighbor just give me some room give me some room give me some room i've been stuck in the middle oh but i'm coming out i'm a torpedo i got some popeye holy ghost spinach are y'all ready come on don't be dignified come on one two three yeah i love you you
Channel: Real Talk Kim
Views: 6,842
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Id: FcG86DVS-u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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