Church Hurt // Stop Holding It

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so we're talking about in this series we're talking about things that have burned us that have hurt us and i'm going to title today stop holding it when you are putting something in the oven and your arm hits it and it gets burned you don't keep it there oh that hurt you jerk it right whenever you face something in your life and thank you musicians thank you dream team i love you all so much thank y'all media thank y'all man i got the greatest people on the planet serving here thank you thank you but a lot of times in life what we do is in the natural when something breaks us then we run from it i'm never gonna love again i ain't never gonna go to church and serve again i'm never gonna put myself out there again because in the natural it didn't really burn us to give us a reaction what it did was it hurt us over time see heartbreak betrayal is the situation if your neighbor hurts you it ain't the same as somebody at your church that you have served you have served that pastor 24 7 for 13 years that pastor kept telling you that you're going to get to go i'm gonna elevate you i'm taking you with me and they kept bringing other people in putting other people in those places y'all never had a conversation and so now you're walking through life mad and never put your gifts to work again because you're afraid that the same abandonment and betrayal that you've seen before is going to happen again or maybe you're a strong woman and your mama was strong and your mama ran off every man so now you're just like oh i ain't never i'm just i don't even like women because you know i was friends with women before and now and not knowing that that that thing in you that's making you not like women is because you've got a gift to carry women you're a woman igniter you you you need to love women because you're going to be a revolutionary uh leader for women a trailblazer for women so whatever area in your life that you don't like usually the loudest area the one you letting us know about all the time i don't need no man you want one so bad you can't stand it i don't need no friends you want friends so bad you can't stand it you're on me harmony you you got profiles on every page because you want friends so bad but it's because you can you can look behind the screen because they ain't getting close enough so you can pretend who you want to be behind the screen but in order to be face to face means i gotta let you have a piece of me that could potentially hurt me and so i'd rather never ever allow you to hurt me right so in this series this is the second week all throughout on wednesday night y'all cannot miss our unfiltered wednesday nights i'm bringing our congregation together and we're talking to people that have literally walked through church heard alexis gave a powerful word on wednesday night about walking through church hurt and how she spun that thing around and then we had our other uh leticia and we had tariq and we had eliza the week before that and this coming we got pastors talking about how the church just slips in and it's delivering people all over the world on wednesday nights don't miss it go back and watch the replays if you're working but during this series i want you to understand that many people have been burned by other churches members they've been they've been burned by leaders they've been they've been uh a has has taken over their hearts and it's confused them and what ends up happening whenever you allow something not to heal it's like these sour patch kids these sour patch kids anybody like sour patch kids in here i'm a whole child i'm two i love twizzlers i look i gained 40 pounds because of it i can't even eat this i don't even want this now god has delivered me from sugar i'm gonna i i could eat this whole in fact i had these in my pantry who knew i was going to need it as a church illustration but pain and pain makes you do crazy things pain hurt from the past makes you uh gossip it's the law of draw pain attracts pain you sit by the pain people you go eat with all the painful people right and here's the problem when all of y'all used to congregate together and then all of a sudden everybody got healed but you and then all of a sudden nobody wants to hang out with you no more because once you get healed you realize the price you paid for the peace and so now you're all alone and not understanding why you're alone it's because everybody's getting healed in your circle but you ain't and so therefore you have to leave again with church hurt because instead of getting it together you allowed it to brew and hurt and it becomes like these sour patch kids these things right here will make your mouth literally where you ain't got no taste buds left and for some reason we won't quit eating them we will sit and we it's almost like salt and vinegar chips you ever had salt and vinegar chips yes it would just keep eating them and then the next morning we're like why did you just keep eating them it's because that's what happens when you hold on to something that is not good for you it's addicting it's the same thing with liquor same thing with drugs same thing with cigarettes oh i'm just a social snake smoker and then all of a sudden you and your car by yourself smoking right anything that is not good for you the enemy cannot touch you so he starts opening those areas in you and he gravitates people into your life that will feed to those things whether it's sour patch kids or whether it's cigarettes or whether it's relationships that are toxic whatever it is and the enemy will always make sure that whatever is your weakness he will bring that many people in your life to feed the weakness let's look at ephesians 4. we're going to read ephesians 4 15 and i'm going to probably go to 32. let's start at 15. it says instead we will speak the truth in love now what ends up happening when you don't let things go is you end up hardened and then what comes out of your mouth is hard right and then if you're really a good person inside but you just caught up in the messiness you ain't no no more you messy messy anointed don't go together right oil and vinegar don't go together pitiful powerful don't go together faith fear don't go together you got to choose one right same thing here saying instead we will speak in love growing in every area every way more and more like christ who is the head of the body the church he makes the whole body fit together perfectly as each part does its own special work it helps the other parts grow that's why you got to get together because those connected to you are supposed to be growing under you as each part does its own special work it helps the other parts grow so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love verse 17 says with the lord's authority i say this live no longer as the gentiles did or as they do for they are hopelessly confused their minds are full of brokenness they wonder far from the life god gives them because they have closed their minds and hardened their hearts again against him they have no sense of shame they live for lustful pleasures and eagerly practice every kind of impurity but that isn't what you learned about christ since you have heard about jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him throw off all your old sinful nature and your formal way of life which is corrupted by lust and deception verse 23 says instead let the spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes put on your new nature created to be like god truly righteous and holy 25 says so stop telling lies stop telling lies let us tell our neighbors the truth see kim i told you i'm just telling them the truth but how you saying it what how are you saying it because delivery is everything stop telling lies let us tell our neighbors the truth but we are all parts of the same body and don't sin by letting anger control you this is me take it or leave it we all leaving it it says don't let the sun go down while you are angry for anger gives a foothold to the devil if you are a thief quit stealing if you can work and you ain't you're getting unemployment y'all ain't coming back are you y'all not coming back you getting medicaid but yet you can now i know that stuff's there for a reason if you need it you need it now ain't saying that you ain't tithing you gossiping just makes more more and we wonder why our lives are not being blessed because we're holding on to all of this stuff and it's breaking us down and the enemy is telling us you can't do it you ain't good enough there's nothing in you that's going to conquer this thing if you let go of this help then what if you get over here and this don't work out and so now all of a sudden all of our faith is gone and we're sitting here with all of these things rubbing the pit of our stomach with ulcers and and pain and and fibromyalgia and high blood pressure and high blood and sugar diabetes and we're not sleeping at night and it's making us tired and we're just getting in one relationship after the other all of them are broken everybody's broken we all fit together though because we're all broken bitter and angry we don't know any different because i refuse to let this go he says get rid of all bitterness rage anger harsh words and slander as well as all types of evil behavior instead be kind to each other tenderhearted forgiving one another just as god through christ has forgiven you that's what this pandemic has done it is literally that's what that's what a divorce does when i went through my divorce and i had to move back with my mom and daddy and i had to go get a job at belt making nine dollars an hour and i hated people i had a choice i'm gonna walk to that job and i did it every every single every every every day for a whole year until i finally figured out if i complain i'm remaining because life and death are the power of my words this is where i'm at it stinks i hate it and the only way out of this is to climb out of the pit i can stay here and barely make it for the rest of my life because that's what life will do life will give you the little bitty that you want to work for and as much as you want to just sit and settle in your pain and your brokenness life and we'll do it we will keep giving you what you need just enough to get by but god is over here saying no i made you as my counterpart the same power that raised jesus from the dead lives in you he says the king of kings that means you are a king if he's a king that means you a royal priesthood if he is royal priest said why because he lives in you he owns the cattle of them he that means when you walk into a room everything changes that means your friends are blessed cause you're blessed that means your kids might be acting trifling today but tomorrow they're coming up and they gonna come out too and you ain't even worried about the process that's good because why well he is i am he and me i and him hey hey hey hey hey that's why you ain't got to run from the devil the devil looked under his bed every night to see if you're under there but what are you doing to cultivate it see you can't cultivate what you're not spending time with that's why some of y'all's relationships go to hell when your kids move out because you ain't cultivated it right i love y'all man y'all like girl i'm leaving i promise to god if you listen to me i'm giving you tools that will make you literally go from here to here i promise you it works because it's happened in my life i never preach anything that i ain't walked out so what are we going to do today we're going to release gossip we're going to list release mature we're going to release maturity we're going to release say i'm releasing i'm not i'm gonna stop holding on to things that don't help me grow say it say it what's making you the way you are what your daddy said about you i hear you ain't never gonna amount to nothing yo ex ain't nobody gonna ever love you as much as i did good [Music] your teachers say you ain't never gonna be qualified why are you over here paying her bills now cause she's working for you you ain't crying about the doors that closed why you buying the whole dog-gone building why cause my daddy is the boss my daddy's a goat [Music] stop holding attitudes stop holding anger stop holding on to people that ain't holding on to you well what would jesus do well he told peter get thee behind me demon why because peter was saying you ain't got to do that you ain't got to do that something that you ain't got to get on that cross you ain't got to sometimes you got to tell people that are trying to talk you out of your future oh no no no no you got kids oh stay right here oh they need to see me struggling for the rest of my life ah my kids saw me broken my boys knew i was living at my mom and daddies and couldn't buy cheese with my credit my kids watched me being able to buy them anything they wanted in a 500 000 house with a mercedes at 36 years old i lost it all even my mind and i'm laying in that bed and i made a decision i can be mad at my exes i can be mad at all these preachers y'all or i can get up my boys need me to get up yo i remember at 36 years old when i had to move back in with my mom and daddy and my marriage of 18 years ended i was already going to hell on the slip and slide because you know saints are the fastest to put you in hell when something don't work out okay for 18 years man i love this man's guts he looked like my sons hubba hub hubba but because we were living in portland oregon and we were working for a mega ministry and this mega ministry was all the way in portland which was four hours by flight back to my mama and i was a mama's girl and a dance girl and this pastor calls us from orlando and says god has told me that y'all need to come back to orlando and start a church a second location and we were like that is god we didn't pray about it or nothing that is god he knew he knows my name he knows my desire [Music] we pack our u-haul and we move back to orlando florida we bring two families with us our kids we pull up in the city on a hundred oh we did it we are now moving from worship pastors to pastoring we pull into the city and call the pastor and he says what do you want i said what do you mean what do we want we're pastoring your second location i don't know what you're talking about basically he had changed his mind i watched my ex go into depression and i to this day has never walked back into a church preacher's kid preacher's kid the difference was when i moved back into my mom and daddy's house and i had no cheese i couldn't buy nothing i couldn't buy my kids even a haircut i had a decision because that woman on that front row said you are not them if you don't forgive you turn out to be who hurts you i could have held on to what they did to me or i could realize rejection's god's protection if god god was working behind the scenes the whole time because if i would have allowed if those situations would have happened i would never be traveling 50 weeks out of the year all week i'm traveling i wouldn't have the passion to get up on tuesdays and wednesdays and pray for hundreds of thousands of people i wouldn't have this passion i wouldn't have had to go get a job at bloomingdale's i wouldn't ever fell in love with people because i hated people but with those one-on-one contacts i started realizing that i would have never had any of this i would not even know who jesus is if it weren't for me losing everything now when i look at a single mama or a single daddy that's having to start back over again i can look at them i ain't got to open my mouth they're just like man there's something on that woman i want why because i was crushed at my mom and daddy's house and i had a choice i can let church take me out i can let abandonment take me out [Music] or i can let it take me over i can let it i had rejection upon rejection in that season people walked out they told me they wouldn't walk out people were talking about me and had no idea what i was walking through church people were gossiping about me and in that season i heard god say live so no one believes and i'll vindicate you i was a clapback queen i would hurt you destroy you before you hurt me built these walls in my life that were keeping out my blessing i was letting somebody that goes to the bathroom like me wakes up with bad head like me decide my future the same god that literally created 7.7 billion people in this world all of us were different fingerprints some of us were big but some of us know butts we all got different fingerprints that's broken hurt people hurt people the enemy don't want you to ever see your value limitlessness grow and you know what this pandemic has done this pandemic has gotten so many people divided this election got so many people divided the color of our skin man people are fighting just to be fighting why because pain's addicting oh i i can't go to your page cause your page makes me feel some sort of way i quit following and i just hit unfollow kim because you made me so mad telling me to get up so what did you do oh i went over here to that page bashing husband page because it made me feel better get up y'all listen to what this scripture right here says it says before i tell the scripture let me just tell you this everything that is said must be true but everything that is true must not be said when i leave i want to make sure everybody else don't like you too and because i'm messy in here i'll go over here hurt people hurt people but heal people heal people and once you get healed i can't hang around with you no more cause you're spending your presence well what would jesus do jesus he healed me it's my i can't you can't be mad at me for cutting you off when you have the same opportunity to grow with me that's why when you're married and your marriage is in trouble don't be hanging out with a bunch of disgruntled single women girl leave him talk to that girl you should give him the solid treatment she never kept nobody she ain't got nobody you're over here asking people how to swim that's drowning but why because we attract listen to this words can bring life or death in every relationship hurtful words can tear apart relationships between families friends and even an entire church god supports the person that it talks about it says in proverbs 16 28 a troublemaker plant seeds of strife gossip separates the best of friends y'all there was a whole dude named job i'm gonna do this really quick there was a whole dude named job that did nothing wrong maybe you did nothing wrong you're carrying a wound around and you didn't do nothing wrong you can't control the wound but you can't control what you do with it you can bleed on people that didn't cut you or you could let god heal every broken piece and then begin to pull people out of hell that's walking through what you walked through it says in job 19 19. all of my intimate friends this was job all of my intimate friends to test me those i love have turned against me see job was a man who served god with all of his might he was very successful in life and i'm sure people would have said that god had definitely opened the windows of heaven over his life he had friends he had family he was a richest man in his region he probably todd ate right went to the gym he had cattle sheep and abundance of everything then satan was allowed to touch him well why would you serve god like that it's the same god saying made in him i mean why would god let that happen because he was showing god was making a point see what he's doing in some that's what he did in my life that's how come every time something's happened in my life i don't go lay down i'm like dad will you ain't learned yet are you kidding me oh you're gonna do this in front of the whole world oh you're gonna make me look stupid in front of the whole world while everybody's watching oh i'm the t all over the media oh really oh you think this is what's gonna shut me up let's rumble because the harder i fall the higher i bounce that's what job was saying god knew job was going to get back up again satan was allowed to touch everything he owned but not his body can some of y'all relate to that lost everything how many times how many times then this pandemic came and you fell again right and one day he loses all of his animals his servants even his children job still did not turn against god and satan was asked to ask if he could touch his life job then all of a sudden gets covered with sores and even his wife asked him why don't you just curse god and die some of y'all the closest thing to you has even decided to try to talk you out of your destiny why don't you just curse he ain't come through for you samantha i told you he wasn't gonna come through for you i told you you were a mockery some of y'all walk in it right now and you know what why don't you curse god and die you know what job said to her you speak like a foolish woman of course job was devastated even when job reached out to his friends they also turned against him they started to judge him knowing that he must have sinned that's what hurts that when the people you thought was your right or dies that's the ones that really hurt you that's the one that still got you bitter 48 years later how dare they not know me for real how you gonna believe what they said about me y'all that's the hardest thing ever is whenever people that knows you that's eaten with you that's been there giving you flowers when you were sick they know you they know your integrity they know your character they know you they've seen you in the pit and then all of a sudden they go with the rest of the flock and believe and god is over you're saying lift so nobody believes it i'll vindicate you don't you open your mouth watch your heart oh i can't it's easier said than done job experienced unbelievable stress and loss and more than most of us ever will and in trying to cope with the bad news he invited all of these people over and it got worse it kept getting worse it kept getting worse and they kept telling him you must deserve this they gossiped about him they talked behind his back they said all sorts of bad things that job kept his faith those of us who have been hurt by unwholesome talk should take comfort in knowing this god's gonna spank them he gonna spank their bottoms that's why you ain't gotta clap back and stop your blessing god's gonna get them well i don't see them getting them you don't know they probably ain't sleeping at night they got bulls on their behind you may never see it that's why you can't worry about it that's why you shouldn't be stalking them that's why you shouldn't care what they're doing when god moves them with well i'm just waiting for them to be in my front row because god said that he's gonna put my enemies in my front seat well he ain't gonna do it as long as you waiting for him to do it he's saying you gotta keep it moving and then while you're moving while you're moving while you're healing he's putting your face on billboards right next door to their house he is opening doors that no man can shut he has given you book deals when they called you stupid your whole life he's bringing a bow ginger wow wow a man with full of hair while his ball-headed tail is over there he's bringing you a wife that'll cook for you sir that'll bless you that'll pray over you while she's over here messing somebody else's life up you gotta let it go and let god like elsa says let it go let it go [Music] hand me my bag i'm letting it go i'm letting it go i'm letting it go maybe maybe i'm letting it go i'll just hold on to this i'll just some forgiveness i deserve this because they really hurt me i'm just gonna hold this and sleep with it at night and caress this unforgiveness go up to the front and pray for god to deliver me past pascal pray for me and this can you pray for somebody at the altar yes praying but i can't let this go cause i gotta i'm allowed to have this because this hurt really bad and i can't forgive it this unforgiveness now they're talking to that person that hurt me now i have unforgiveness here and forgiving us here all of a sudden i look in there being blessed by god and i ain't blessed been married four times i can't even be married i'm mad at god now oh she's getting she got another book deal i can't even get one book deal she's so nasty i'm so much better than her [Music] oh i can't i can't i'm just gonna all this bitterness and anger and unforgiveness and hurt don't touch my balloons don't don't don't don't don't don't what if you hurt me what if you do i can't no no no don't put that up here put that up here i'll hold it i'll hold it myself you know put it on my chin i can't let it go i can't i can't that's mine that's mine too you don't know what they did to me they told me they were gonna they were gonna give me a promotion they told me that i was gonna be the next executive pastor they brought somebody else in because they look better some help and i don't want you to help me because if i let you help me you may hurt me oh it just feels so much better i felt so much lighter but what if what if what if you tell somebody what if you tell somebody what if you go tell the prayer team to pray for me and you tell them exactly what i've told you i'm gonna know if you did never gonna speak to you again okay [Music] god is bringing you people into your life that will help you unpack he's saying i got plans to bless you and not harm you give you a future and a hope you ain't got to carry your balloons see if you carry all of these balloons and then all of a sudden me and mimi come together and she's trying to help me but i won't let go of one of these balloons that i've been addicted to my whole life if she comes and we get too close then all of a sudden i'm gonna pop her balloon then we just keep popping popping popping you're so good mindy so i'm bleeding on people that didn't cut me and there's a calling of god on your life limitless stand up i mean you a hoe you should have done drama she cried and everything what is it what did your daddy do what did that old church do don't touch my balloons taking my balloons and i'm going home with my i don't share my candy and i don't share my food and never opened in my heart and you know what ends up happening y'all as you walk through this world and you don't even get to laugh it took me till i was in my 40s to finally get i am so free because if you don't get free and you got your balloons the enemy will make sure everybody on instagram is talking about you all of a sudden you'll get healed then you go right back all of a sudden you were so addicted to that man and all of a sudden that man i had somebody the other day send me an email they were like i am so mad i said why they said because my ex got married and didn't even tell me why was he supposed to tell you y'all are not married will i have his kids he still didn't have to tell you but because she never healed she's still holding a fence and that offense pops balloons you were in control of letting go of what they did to you you have to but i can't kill them then you'll go through life popping your balloon every other day and god only gives you one life you're not gonna come back as a dog i don't know about you but in this life jj i want to be a revival carrier i don't want to be guarded limitless need you you should make it a point to get up and go to church well i ain't driving your church just in egypt we are but we need you you have no idea what god's going to do in the next few months here we may move to other campuses but we need you the world needs you your job needs you what has god called you to do but you won't do it because you're fearing maybe your yes is what's gonna break the open the windows of heaven for the remainder of your life what balloons do you need to release today who's been sent to help you and you won't let them if you're in this room today and you say kim i've been holding some balloons i've been carrying some stuff around from my past that hurts maybe it's even forgiveness for yourself when you get to the right place around the right tribe they don't hold stuff against you they will let you act like you on crack one day and then glorified the next day you hear me not all churches are gonna hurt you this church right here we accept you we accept everybody and we promise you if you come in smelling like pot you can sit by me [Music] because my job is to love the hell out of you [Music] the hell you get it the hell i mean they're gonna scare the hell out of you but i'm gonna love the hell out of you you don't like to hug you're gonna be so out of comfort so uncomfortable here but before you know it you're gonna be hugging everybody that's what we do in this church god's protected this church all through the cove at everything we are blessed so if you're in this place and you feel like you've been stuck and you've lost your way and you don't know where you fit but today you're letting the balloon down you are not a misfit you are not invisible and anything the enemy's telling you that goes against god's word which says that he is he has he has made you a masterpiece that you are a genius that he's got plans to bless you and not harm you if you've got that lack mentality on you and today you say i'm done with it i'm done with it i'm letting my balloons go whatever your balloon is but you say today i'm making a commitment lift up your hand today i'm making a commitment some of y'all got balloons y'all got balloons man our first service balloons everywhere come on lift your hand up don't get your hand in your hand ain't weighing nine thousand pounds all ideas i'm letting a balloon go today if i'd have my way out and let balloons go but we got some people in our on our staff that's worried about the ozone [Music] but what is it today that you need to release your daddy your mama your ex your child the grief from death today you gotta decide god i'm gonna help you help me i'm gonna get up today and i'm gonna help you help me i'm going to move forward i'm going to stop looking behind me i'm not going to stay back here looking i'm not even going to stalk them on facebook no more i'm going to get connected to limitless i'm going to get in the inner circle i'm going to do something where i got people that are like girl put it down i'm going to be like a stove my hand touches it i'm going no no no no so if this is you today i want you to lift your hands as high as you can and say father i release it father i love you i love you so much i give you permission to move in my heart lord if there's anything that is petty that is sad that is broken i lay it at your feet what is it you're laying at his feet right now say it what is it maybe it's marriage problems maybe it's sadness brokenness what do you gotta lay it say god say it audibly what are you laying at god's feet i'm laying the worry down i'm laying the fear down god knows exactly where you are limitless what balloon are you laying down today we here at limitless are saying here i got you i got you i will hold you i will pray with you we'll go to dave and buster's together you're trying to get over that love let's go hang out i'll be a friend say father it is done it is done i'm moving forward period i'm moving forward my best days are in front of me nothing i've lost is greater than what's coming so depression flee oppression sleeplessness flee misery flee fleeing negativity flee you can't live here i don't live here anymore now when people bring up your past all you've got to do is remind them i don't live there no more i sold the whole building i don't live there no more i don't even know whose stuff that is i never owned a tweed negative couch i never had those negative shoes on my feet i never was outspoken i ain't that person no more because once i came to know jesus oh all things have passed away and he's made things new in my life come on man i like you he's made things new husbands and wives when y'all start to bring something up from each other's past wrap your arms around each other start kissing all over their face we're moving forward we're not moving behind we're moving forward i believe come on look at your neighbor say i believe in you uh but come on look at your neighbor tell them somebody needs to hear that mean it look in their eyeballs be intent look in their eyeballs say i believe in you i believe in you i believe in you i believe in your future i believe in your destiny you ain't who they say you are you're who god says you are you are a best-selling author you're gonna own your own company you're gonna live in a house you ain't gonna rent you're gonna own your kids are gonna see you break generational curses you ain't pitiful you're powerful y'all believe it do you believe it online okay hear what we're about to do come on y'all ready come on we're about to get this charge we need as we walk out and somebody gets at the light and goes real slow we just gonna pray instead of shooting a bird y'all hear me we ain't gonna fight this is the extra dose of holy ghost we need are you ready this is about to be your charge on the count of three i want you to give god a yes the yes is i'm moving forward i'm not going back i'm moving forward i ain't mad at you no more i ain't gonna drink a bottle of wine for you no more i'm moving forward y'all ready on the count of three scare your neighbor's eyebrows off her face one two three [Music] okay okay okay there's some of y'all didn't get the memo so this is your chance you don't want to miss this this is letting the devil know you lost it you should have taken me out before i tuned into this broadcast you should have taken me out before i walked up it limitless cause i'm coming back i'm coming back i want the world to know you ready it's my season it's my destiny it's my week for breakthrough it's my week for game changing anointing it's my week i'm getting up and i'm leaving everything behind me i'm gonna boss this singles mama season i'm a boss this single season i'm about to be healed from the top of my head to the souls of my feet i shall not live in lack but abundance are you ready one come on world nation changers one two three [Music] [Music] this week i'll see you next sunday i love you i'm praying for you and you've got this [Music] you
Channel: Real Talk Kim
Views: 1,103
Rating: 4.9139786 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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