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[Music] man welcome welcome welcome look at your neighbor and say man you look so good come on I just healed some marriages over here ha ha now you talk to the weak cousin you better talk to your neighbor man you look good you are Lydia you babysit your lady I am so excited online community I let you booze I got a word for you today man I got a word for somebody tell your neighbor say let go or be dragged tell y'all the neighbor let go that right there's a sermon all in his cell let go or be dragged anybody here for felt drag you ever felt trying you've been having a hard year this year I try cuz you got the wrong people in your circle about two weeks three weeks ago I preached on breaking generational curses then I preached about two weeks ago breaking soul ties today we're gonna talk about disconnecting from the wrong people Oh Kurt everybody can't go where God is taking you well what would Jesus do well there's some of you the reason you can't get no leverage is because you keep allowing people to stay longer in a season than they supposed to and you would rather have the wrong people than nobody well I must go eat by uh Olive Garden all by myself and people gonna think that I ain't got no friends no man you better enjoy your space because with what God's about to do in your life honey you gonna be wishing you had some breathe bed time because whenever he comes on the scene he starts turning the light on in your life all of a sudden you overhear like you've been a caterpillar in a Calif in a caterpillar position and you don't realize that with elevation comes separation and you've been over here being a a caterpillar you've been in that discombobulated season you've been in that season where you like a little worm and you can't you finally get into a place in the next 12 days you're like ah uh-huh because nothing changes until you start changing and it always starts right here and right here and a lot of times when you don't take inventory of what God is trying to do in the snake season I listen to me the Bible said that he's a lamp into your feet and a light into your path he didn't say I'm a strobe light he said I am a lamp unto your feet if I can't even trust you to move when you ain't got nothing how can I trust you to move with everything's going right now I need you to I need you to know how to braise in the darkness in the wilderness got about 15 days 14 days left of this year and if you don't like what you've been produced and changed what you've been sowing you don't like feeling stuck get up and move you know why you ain't a tree you ain't stuck unless you want to be stuck because as long as you got a pole Scott's got a plan he's just waiting on you to get out of silly Ville and he's waiting on you to begin to put a praise on I don't need nobody to praise for me I know how to praise myself you know why because I've gone to hell and I came out on fire did you know having the wrong circle can hold you up have you ever felt have you felt like this year that you've grown do you you can't really come if you still in the same place you were in January you in the wrong church I give you permission to go across the street at corners because you got to be in a church that pushes you to breakthrough you got to be in a church where you just no I got to get my tail up out of bed and get to church and I'm gonna walk in and I'm gonna find the loudest most obnoxious prazer on the planet and I'm to hijack some of their faith I'm a hijack some of their press hey shin-bi know debbie downer you said by somebody it's like i'd move cuz it rubs off on your negativity depression being broke ain't got no money well I don't think I'll go to church cuz I won't have no money to get my gas tank full to go to work on Monday you better stop letting stuff keep you out of church wouldn't keep you out of work on Monday because when you come up in here it's like Popeye spinach you all of a sudden got faith man you're like you got some foolish faith and everybody's going what in the world you going through hell right now what's going I just went to church of the harvest Fayetteville and by the time I walked out I felt like I could run through a troop and leap over a wall I might be going through a divorce oh but look what God is about to do I might be going through bankruptcy my car might be getting repo'd but I'm about I'm going from a hoochie to a bitly baby [Applause] SEC Aquis to seven through eight say you're ready come on are you ready y'all ready I can walk out of here about two hundred fifty pounds lighter and fifty men of the sons of the prophets went and stood to view afar off and they too stood by Jordan and Elijah took his mantle and wrapped it together and smoked the waters and they were divided his ur and thither so that they too went over on dry land Elijah and Elijah had a unique relationship Elijah saw something in Elijah that he desired he saw and respected the anointing on Elijah's life you will never receive anything from a man or a woman of God unless you respect the anointing that rest on their life you cannot learn from you cannot learn from somebody you resent you can only learn from somebody you admire you got any Elijah's in your life are you the smartest one in your circle you got people in your life that they got your back you wonder how come some people that you thought would support you in your new business you've been waiting on Hakeem I ain't never had a birthday party gives yourself a birthday party to you nobody support me what God don't want nobody to support you because he's taking you from special ed all the way to write a best-seller and he said I'm about to show off in your life oh you ran five men off with your big mouths but I'm about to bring you a bow chicka wow wow in your life is that's about to love y'all myself stop trying to give CPR to dead situations let go or be dragged let it go or be tried some of you just need to I'm walking out of this place a new warming you can walk into work tomorrow you got every reason in the world to be angry for every reason at all you listen to me your pain that you're feeling the rejection that you're feeling might not be your fault but the healing is your responsibility and you know where it starts right here a mad no mo bye Felicia I ain't mad no more leave in fact I'm will help you are you a fair-weather friend let me help you I'm about to move you from my VIP section all the way to the balcony they'll mean you a mean person it just means that our season's over baby cuz I'm about to get around some people this is better where I want to go Elijah saw something in the lie that he desired and was determined to stay in a relationship with him regardless of the cost when Elijah told Elijah to stay in Bethel he refused when it was told to stay in Jericho he refused some of y'all have been like some of y'all need to get some tenacity oh I might not be able to get close to you but I'm about to glean from ya because where your ass where I want to be I always tell y'all 2018 s been the best year of my life it should be the best year of your life too because as long as you go to my church what's on me it's gonna trickle down to you so if you ain't where I'm going and you ain't getting blessed and walk in the abundance of the favor of God you need to check and see why you've been praying for a better job but you won't even tithe on the hundred dollars you get how can God trust you with a thousand dollars if you can't even trust you with a hundred dollars because by the time you get a thousand dollars then you got to give instead of giving $10 tied to your hundred dollars then you got to give a hundred dollars to your thousand in first some reason the more money we get the harder is to let go of the baby God is advancing you you better make sure you're taking care of what he told you - you won't a better car but you can't even keep the old change in your hooptie you want a husband but you can't even can't even find your bed your clothes are everywhere he said can I trust you over here at your $9 an hour you know why I walked out of Bloomingdale's six years ago and I'm already traveling the world wrote three books in the last six years you know why because when I was at Bloomingdale's I gave up made sure that when I walked out of that place they would never find another kilm in their life I could do anything I faked it till I made it I would go Google if I didn't know how to do it and I'd walk in that place and every time I walked in those doors everybody wanted to hang around me you know I could I ain't staying here but I know with every test I got to pass this test this one some of you going around the same block over and over again it's because you ain't passed the test over here you praying for breakthrough and you won't even get through praying for doors to open with your hand on the door and off oh I'm scared what whatever I was so scared to leave Bloomingdale's cuz you know I had a whole bunch of negative Nellie's in my in my camp oh Kim you need $400 a week I'm thinking I can't even eat well you know Obamacare you better stay at that job you need insurance I ain't used in shirts in 24 years but see you're over here trying to stabilize yourself because you're afraid to have some foolish face see you've been hanging around with some chickens eagles don't hang around with chickens you as soon as that song comes on I believe I can fly oh you start getting your way Levi can touch the sky no you don't you won't even jump til your neighbor it's time to jump you ain't seen nothing yet second Kings to six says each time Elijah told Elijah to stay somewhere Elijah responded by saying as the Lord lead us liveth and as the Lord and as a soul liveth I will not leave thee since what some of you you're like Kim I ain't got no friends it's cuz you ain't a friend well I just have a bunch of haters cuz you're mean you gotta be a friend to have a friend and I'm telling you something that's why you got about 12 days 15 days ever how many days you got just a few days to start detoxing and shaking yourself free and getting you some friends in your circle I'd rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies any day I need some people around me that whenever I feel like I'm falling they won't go tell my business and they over here praying and interceding and they won't hey that's why you're making it through some stuff you didn't even know that you're making it through because God is saving you from stuff you don't even know about you know cuz you got the right people in your circle you got you some Elijah's [Applause] he's done the sons of the prophets total Aishah that the Lord was about to take away his master he told them to hold their peace Elisha was determined to stay connected to Elisha when Elisha smoked the Jordan River with his mantle and the waters parted Elisha was still there he's a rider 2nd Kings to an ASIS and Elijah took his mantle and wrapped it together and smote the waters and they were divided hither and thither so that the two went over onto dry ground the second Kings to Nate the fifty sons of the prophets viewed from afar but only Elijah crossed the Jordan River because he never went nowhere because he was there through the good bad and the ugly God was about to do something ooh in the life of Elijah but the first had to take him to a place where the crowd could not go the same is still today every time God is about to do something new in your life whether it be receiving a new anointing going to the next level of your destiny or taking you into a season a prosperity God will lead you to a place where the crowd will not be able to go and they can't touch this nayana when God was about when God was going to do something new in Moses life he called him back to the backside of the desert with every elevation comes separation see with God was going to do something new in Moses life he called him to the backside of the desert when Jacob was at the point of change in his life he found himself a long wrestle with God that's just been what God's been doing in your life he been shutting some people out and you're gonna understand in about two months why he had to do what he had to do because they couldn't go where's your God because they were gonna they were going to sabotage termites you wonder how come you can't get nowhere because you got these peoples see when the devil starts attacking you he don't use snakes to slither they call you bro and sis they call you bro and sis boo everybody will not be able to go where God it's going to take you everybody will not be able to hear what God is about to speak to you everybody will not be able to see what God is about to show you some people will not be able to handle the blessings and the prosperity that God is about to give you they are hater this is why God is taking you to a place where the crowd cannot follow that is why he is leading you to the other side of the Jordan God is trying to position you for what he is getting ready to do in your life if you're not careful people will mess you up we blame the devil for a lot of things that he has nothing to do with it is not the devil that has messed a lot of Christians up it is the people that they associate with I just want some of you ain't got no money you hating on everybody's blessings they got a new car why not get a new car I work harder than them you don't know the night that that person has been struck cuz honey all it takes is one day to make ten years worth it you understand what I'm saying you don't understand these people what they've walked through to get what they got in the minute you stop drinking haterade park right by their Bentley with your hooptie four patches all over it get out there and just spit shine your car I'm about to have me a dream car so I'm just gonna walk around yours for a minute I have a pastor friend that just bought us because his wife what kind of car did you buy her Oh y'all some Nazi beanpole you're all new you know why because if we love it when everybody else has got drama in their live we like over there get all y'all been stalking the comments he got his wife a car a very fancy car and I know this man personally and he works his whole butt off and he got his wife a car and you know the church community is bashing the heck out of him you've been around some people bashed in John grades you better get some new friends cuz you're gonna be broken in a joke baby you better get some people over here that are dreaming bigger than you are people will mess with your anointing they will stop your blessings and even keep you from reaching the next level of your destiny there are four kinds of people there are people who add to your life and there are those who subtract there are people who divide and then there are those who multiply you got to remove the people who subtract and divide you ain't hanging around with me if you're talking about people I ain't got a whole lot of time so the last thing I'm gonna be doing is hanging around what you talking about people huh I'm putting you in W you wonder how come ain't answering your phone calls no more it's because I'm sick and tired of giving you information and counsel that you ain't listening to you got to get around some that was good there are people who divide and then there are those who multiply remove the people who subtract and divide they will slow your progress and possibly even stop you from becoming who God's destined you to become it is time to reevaluate tell your neighbor reevaluation time and see if people around you can handle what God is about to do in your life you trying to jump and they said oh I wouldn't jump for you you need Obamacare how would they respond when you enter into the next level your destiny last year was one of the hardest years of my life man I had people walk up and you know what people don't just won't walk out you know what I'm saying and I a whole cluster of walk out and then they hibernate together talking about you last year man people walked out of my life I thought would be my ride-or-die I cried for about a month I'm like I got the goodbye anointing until it happened to me and then I was what am I gonna do and guy said you gonna get up and you're gonna realize in about six months why those people had to leave your life cuz birds of a feather flock together cuz you outgrew them and you don't smell like them anymore you better let them you better let them go honey because I'm - I look back now listen to me I look back now and then January the first God started opening in my life to a whole new level like I pinch myself every day I can't even believe it but if those people that are still migrating together would have stayed in my life what they carry I would have been carrying I got the best church in America they ain't nobody gossiping in this church we got so much love in this church honey I'm telling you something you hang around with me long enough I will brainwash you into believing that nobody can do what you can do cuz it's all right I look down I'm like man January 1st I'm like I get it now some of y'all gonna get it my life don't even smell the same my life don't look the same I don't even want the same I drop a pretty car huh I ain't driving no hoof - no more sitting on the side of the road overheating you know why cuz I got the negative Nellie's out of my life and the distractors out of my life see you don't know you've been distracted until you've been distracted and the reason I talk about this and preach about this all the time it's because people it's where the devil keeps your tail bound what if they don't buy my book when I ride it what if they do you ain't right in your book because you're afraid what if I jump into that minutes what if I jump into that business what if I jump and then nobody supports me what if they do what if I write my book and I don't get any likes on it and then it makes gonna be like I said all your haters so did y'all know that haters whenever I was going through my people-pleasing eyes people-pleasing man I I had an issue with it and I dress like an tailor man when I was created to be a Betsey Johnson trying to fit in these boxes and look like everybody else and God said I can't open the windows of heaven over your life until you get free of what people think about you because I'm about to put you in a lane all by yourself and when I put you in this Lane people gonna talk about you and the church world is gonna judge you and I need you to not be able to prou I don't want you to prostitute the anointing that I'm about to put on your life Real Talk Kim I'm about to give you a deliverance message that people sitting in your congregation in 45 minutes this will allow themselves to get completely unstuck in 45 minutes and if you ain't careful and you've got a problem we're needing people's approval honey listen to me if you've got a problem with people talking about you and not liking you you are not gonna succeed to where God wants you to go cuz that's where the enemy gets you miserable people they go to the bathroom pee and poop just like you wake up with morning branches like you let'em tall you know what's so cool about people talking about you it's the out of sight out of mind with me y'all like that like I got so much going on my world I ain't thinking about nobody it's vicious people that don't like me y'all over here thinking everybody's talking about you they ain't talking about you they pick out their own hell they're going through don't don't don't give yourself that much credit but I remember man I was like I was like god help me help me see myself the way the haters see me cuz there must be some doggone good about me cuz even when I eat in the room that you're still talking about me that means I got some on me and I need to see it some of you need to start praying that prayer let me see myself the way the haters in my life let me see myself the way my my negative sister sees me cuz there must be something tripping off for me that I ain't seen yet it is time to reevaluate and see if the people around you can handle what God is gonna do in your life how will they respond with your next level just because someone says they are with you today does not mean they will be with you tomorrow there's some of you that have doled your shine this year because there's people in your life that you're afraid you're gonna hurt their feelings if they you will hide your car in your garage everyday because you don't want your neighbor to see you got a brand new car cuz you know that you can't afford one you better leave that thing outside with a bow on it but we won't even walk in the blessings we let our blessings be sabotaged because we got the wrong people in our circle gods over here trying to get you to be a butterfly and you're still trying to be a caterpillar you need to get to that place where you refuse to fly men I can fly yet but I refuse to crawl there are people who may tell you they love you today but that does not mean they will not turn against you tomorrow Josef's brother had no problem with him the day he was born in fact they celebrated him but once they realized that he was their father's favorite and when their father gave him of code and many colours they got solved jealous then when he began to share his dreams with them their jealousy turned into hatred and they wanted to kill him some people have no problem with you as long as your jury as long as you don't have a dream or vision as long as you live in the world of average everything is alright but once you decide to move into the world of greatness they will rise up against you and even try to destroy you some people love being around you as long as you are not a threat to them they like you as long as they feel better and bigger than you but once God begins to bless you once your ministry begins to prosper once your business begins to flourish God blesses you at the better car or home that's when all hell breaks loose y'all know any real as I have said many times if you want everybody to like you do not go anywhere do not do anything as long as you live in a lower place than the people around you they will not have a problem with you you do not need those kind of people in your life what if it's my mama balcony have a conversation with her mama every time I'm around you I feel like I weigh a million pounds when I leave you and where I'm going I got a detox from you boo I see husbands looking at their wives going I'm trying to help you sir stop stab as long as you live in a lower place than the people around you they will not have that problem you do not need those kind of people in your life you need people in your life that celebrates you and not tolerate you you're about to walk into Christmas some of y'all got some messy family members you already trying to get yourself built up to go to the family dinner ain't nobody said you had to go over there you are whole grown person I'm protecting my peace well what if my ex we got kids together get your mama and daddy in the middle of it get the kids to your mama and daddy and let your mom and daddy go handle your hateful ex but in this season right here I'm protecting my anointing I am NOT gonna sit at that gossip table with those people anymore and my job I will go sit in Olive Garden all by myself and swim in our freighter sauce in a booth all by myself before I allow myself just sit around with people that by the time I walk back in my job I hate my husband I hate my kids I ain't got this I got that no you better get your tail in the car find you a prayer line go watch some YouTube videos and jump around and run around the garage it's your business honey but you better start helping god help you that's good because listen it's contagious negativity is contagious you know you hang around in people that ain't never their fault they can't keep a job but it's every one of the bosses fault they ain't got no friends they never have no money working three jobs what you do with your money boo see the problem is that when you hang around with critical people when you hang around with negative people when you hang around with people that won't let you go to that next level you become like them listen to me when you dance for the devil the devil you don't change the devil they change you Jesus makes it very that with prosperity comes persecution in March 10 29 through 30 and jesus answered and said verily I say unto you there is no man that hath left that that hath left house or brethren or sisters or father or mothers or wife or children or lands for my sake and the gospel but he shall receive a hundredfold exceedingly abundantly more than you could ever ask or think that's why if your marriage is going to hell you better stop hanging out with negative single people you got to get around some people that are relationship goals hash tag and you got a rubber how I want my marriage to look like this you better stop going around that that that single friend of yours that tells you every day what a loser your husband is and y'all better start holding hands instead of fighting each other with them hands and you better start building an empire together because we want to put a thousand a flight tool put ten thousand you better shut the negative stop talking to your mama every day that tells you what a loser your husband is these husbands are killing me guess I'm in love me man I'd open my conference up this year to me cuz I got as much following men as I do with me you know why because we all in the same world and we all need a little bit of real talk every once in a while it's okay baby that you've been you've been over here stuff but today you better decide I'm about to look in that mirror and I'm a look at myself and I'm gonna begin to fix some things in my life my marriages heal my children might be trifling today but I'm about to go home give me some peppermint always and annoy every door in my house devil you are about to let go of my family you are free and free indeed did y'all know that a critical spirit brings for poverty also makes you sick I don't know what depressions gotten you all year it ain't got you nothing you know what depression is we'll kill it runs in my family well my Bible said that by His stripes we are healed that even goes for depression baby honey the devil may tell you every day oh but it runs in your family you better start getting you some some strength and begin to tell the devil devil it might run in my family but it stops right here I'm about to be a generational breaker I'm about to be a game-changer I'm about to walk around my out every day putting holes in the carpet I don't need nobody to lay hands on me the Bible said that the Bible said that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives right here in you bow [Music] that right there boo I have been running around the church I'm taking it back I'm taking it back I'm taking back my joy I'm taking back my fees I'm taking back my sanity I'm taking back my money I'm taking back my sleep you better start giving it back to the people [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know when you let the wrong people in your life stuff starts to go missing in your house yo peace you'll sleep yo dignity your name everything starts me [Music] preaching some people will get angry when God begins to bless you some Christians will not celebrate your victories and blessings with you some will even become jealous and begin to falsely accuse you lies lies lies when this happens do not become sad and depressed but begin to rejoice and be glad because one of the last things that happen before promotion comes is you will encounter some enemies in your camp you've been praying for God to help you and release you from anything that's been holding you back and all of a sudden you start losing friends it's because God is exposes of people and their character some will not understand your blessings it may even walk out of your life let them go or be dragged however your reward will be much greater than the pain of their loss your destiny has never tied to anyone who can't walk away from you stop stalking people that walked out on you and block their tails because you may obviously got enough strength in you you still a little petty Crocker why are you stalking people's pages on social media that walked out of your life anyway having to go to counseling with Bertha and every time you go to counseling you still mad because I man walked out with your best friend not realizing that it was the trash took itself out and you're over here every day where Bertha paying $100 for counseling and you still stuck you still stuck from your dad molesting you at five years old you still going to birthday every single week welcome god I just need I don't know and all she's doing is say how does that make you feel because you won't get up and walk away from it that wound that pain may not be your fault but the healing is your responsibility and a wound don't heal as long as you keep picking it you didn't even like that mom along with your marriage but now every day we're friends we have a relationship no you don't you're nosy you want to know what your ex is doing and she's making sure she tells you and so you're stuck oh silly because you won't allow yourself to walk into the greater things of life not realizing the thieves don't rob empty vaults there's something on the inside of you that if you ever grab ahold of it you're gonna realize why the devil's been fighting you since you were a little kid and then you're gonna get up and walk away pain only leaves your life when you get up and walk away your destiny is never tied to anyone in my preaching your destiny is never tied to anyone who can walk away from you anybody who can walk away from you let them walk quit begging people to stay in your life quit begging people to stay your friend and care about you quit trying to force people to share your dreams of vision it does not matter how attached you may feel to a certain person it does not matter what they have done for you in the past or how much you think you have to have them in your life to succeed if they can walk away let them walk that even goes for natural father's natural mother's children that walked out of your life God said I needed you here so I use them as a seed to get you here but I didn't want you to repeat cycles so I remove them from your life you need to realize that I am your father I am your Abba Father I will never leave you you even mad at God because they walked out you're missing out on a blessing you're missing out on getting on your knees every day and just telling God I surrender Oh God right now I'm even mad at you did you know that God is a big boy he can hear you he wants you to say I'm mad at you got he's strong he's a big guy get it out it's okay to have a meltdown just stop having a meltdown every day that's why you're having panic attacks and anxiety attacks you at the hospital all the time hypochondriac had a panic attack one time took myself to the hospital show did woman a faith in power I just knew I was dying quit quit going and stalking people that are dead cuz every time you get sick you thinking you die I went to the hospital and I found much what's wrong man what's your name [Music] I'm like pushing papers off all of a sudden I'm laying over my throat was good sounds like this broad ain't moving I'm Lea she said ma'am think about the beach in a margarita I heard God say kill as long as you don't go behind him clothed them's rockin doors back there it was the emergency room as long as you don't go back there you gonna save yo tell about $10,000 because you couldn't renew your mind all of a sudden I went how long heard was $10,000 I'll wear all of a sudden I wear [Applause] I said come on mark there's been a miracle in Piedmont say [Music] while both got him you ain't get my $10,000 oh you ain't getting my money you know what I did God told me he said you do realize if you die you ain't even gonna know it ha ha ha ha ice gonna die no more Oh God I got delivered some of you need to stop concentrating on the wrong information and hanging around with people that are hot pecans react and you need to start beginning to take get your tail well both you serve a healing god stop Walker you need to you need to be the loudest one in your circle you don't know what I'm so obnoxious but y'all like hang around me you know why joints contagious just like negativities contagious there was a lady that came to our church she walk in every week I just feel it I kind of love humping her I got cancer can you pray for me Father in the name of Jesus I thank you for healing this woman's mind right now in the name of Jesus she is healed by your stripes she is here all of a sudden that next week she comes in with a cane spray she's walking in with a guy I said what you walking with a cane forces I can't sir I can't hardly move see I have to move like this and her husband was the sickest she was I pray for again father in the name of Jesus that next week that broad has the balls to walk up in this church [Applause] I woke some of your religious people love it she walked up in this church with a wheelchair and her little husband couldn't hardly walk behind her don't y'all send me no hate mail either I said what's wrong with you she said I can't move now the doctors think they dumped I'm going to the doctor tomorrow I said you ain't even going to the doctor yet you didn't giving yourself cancer like you're gonna win a reward for it she said pastor Q can you pray for me again I laid hands on her that time and I said Lord healer or killer y'all needs to people like me in your life killer or killer some y'all got cancer for the fourth time you know why cuz until you get your place where you can praise your way you gotta keep going on the same moon Kim you don't understand I do understand cuz I've been to hell but I came out on fire you know why cuz I was sick and tired of letting my mama's bad crying a river after my divorce mad at God cuz he didn't heal my marriage and then all of a sudden I realized looking back now 12 years later he's still stuck over here mad cuz of what God's doing in my life when he could have been along for the ride but see if we get mad at God because of the storms we create you got to stop giving them give CPR to that day's situation and you got to realize today today is the last day I go back and visit that I'm about to go home and I'm about to get me a playlist on YouTube a pastor came preaching my tail to sleep and pastor campus preacher my tail away and when I wake up in the morning my man my inner spirit is about to be strong my inner spirit is about to be focused i'ma walk into that job and I'm gonna get promotions I wouldn't even live [Applause] let it go or be try cuz you outgrow people just like you outgrow clothes I used to work at Bloomingdale's there was a place across the street that hadn't men and women they had the nice pleats in their suits you know you you know a good suit when it's got two vents I'd go get me a Starbucks I'd go sit my tail right in the middle hollow dream I couldn't afford the food in that place that's dreaming it's almost like hanging around with the wrong people it's like walking up in goodwill you go to Target spend a hundred dollars but she woke up in goodwill and you're like I'm not paying $5.99 for the shoes cuz it's Goodwill I'm waiting for the dollar day I've done it I've walked straight up into goodwill saw a pair of shoes I loved it's put them right back on the count on the shelf because over 599 when I'll pay couldn't pay a hundred dollars now oh but 599 and good well you know why cuz when you walk in there that's your mentality now I ain't knocking good way I love goodwill hug up and goodwill buy me a smoky smelling smoke coat go wash it and put me some paint all over it and go sell it on that see one of a kind my point is where you want to be you got a position yourself ain't staying here six years ago I was at Bloomingdale's if I wasn't prepared for what God was doing in my life see this is a problem you're praying for a huge blessing in the sky but if God gave it to you right now your character couldn't keep up with it where God wants to take you he's a new season he's a new day fresh on 19 it's flowing my way a season of power I'm all off-key y'all sitting in the chairs on this little up coming to me a hiss a new season it's a new day a fresh I know I T I'm gravity it's I'm going after man I'm going after it I'm going after him and it's a new season to me God told me to write my book I reminded him a few times do you know I was in special ed my whole life he said yeah I said I don't know where punctuation go see but the problem with me was I was hanging around with people that word II didn't even have dreams they didn't have dreams they they they were content being the estee lauder making $9 an hour for the rest of their lives not me I knew that I'm going to exceedingly abundantly when I finally got him mad at God for not healing my marriage that's when God would bring this man of God into my life right here come here baby come here he brought a man of God in my life and listen to me hold my back baby listen he brought a man of God in my life that knows how to pray for me and when I feel tired and I feel weary he pushes me he pushes me when I can't go and when he's tired I hold it I play over I promise up you better let God let go or be dragged [Music] [Applause] that's my best friend man I could have to spend the night party with my best friend every day we were eating yesterday we eat a lot I'm about to get on my back moves back cuz we need all the time and I look to him across the table how's the baby I Love You Man I love you I'm so thankful for you I get to go eat with somebody every day you know why cuz I was okay eating that Olive Garden by myself swimming in the Alfredo cuz I got content in every season in my life cuz I started putting people around me that was where I wanted to be so father I thank you right now Lord for your power in this place father i prophesy over marriages if you're married in this place I want you to put your arms around each other and don't do no Church hug either some of y'all ain't hugged and so long you need to put your arms around each other right now that's your ride or die right there you won't respect treat them with respect honor them tell them every day how good they are tell him every day he'll say well he ain't sexy no more he got a big ol big old fat belly now lillahi 9 my friend well your thick thighs are rubbing together y'all just start telling each other everything babies you are the good the most best-looking man I won't buy me again baby come on won't buy me again Oh take your shirt off that won't buy me again I tell my husband so much it now if I don't say he walks by me doll look good baby I'm like hubba hubba hubba hubba baby buddy that man walks out of that room like he can strut you know why because when you so what you want to get so father in this place if you're in this room right now and you say Kim I'm struggling lift up your hand as high as you can I'm struggling if you say Kim I'm struggling I when she lift up your hand as high as you can man I'm so proud of my church because when I go to other churches there's like 95% of the people oh not in my house some of you in this struggle season run let your hand high who cares what your neighbor things they struggling to day you say God they just scared to lift up the hands but you're about to get delivered to right now because once you can see yourself out of it you gotta see the biggest problem is when you begin to believe your own lies lift your hands as high as you can no no you got it together you put your hands down oh you got it together put your hands down the ones that are struggling put your hands as high as you can up and I won't you that have got it together to reach over and put your hand on them right now come on put your hand on them come on say you don't know how that person is struggling right now during these holidays somebody's walking through a holiday for the first time without that mirror somebody is walking through say they walking through right now hell they walking through a bankruptcy right now they walking through a bad doctor's report you better pray for them like you would pray for yourself cuz one day you might be in their shoes I need to hear you pray in I need to hear you pray in come on come on come on put a roar up in this room father in the name of Jesus healing in our minds and healing in our hearts God let go of this rejection how to let go of this pride I let go of this mask I let go of this addiction I let go of this depression I let go of those word curses come on and pray pray come on pray pray pray I need some people praying up in here well I don't know how to pray you better learn how to pray you better learn how to pray so loud that the devil can hear you because he's death let him know tonight I'm not looking under my bed to see if you're under there devil you punk I'm about to you're gonna be looking under my bed to see if I'm under there ha ha ha ha ha ha cuz you are going back to Hell where you belong freedom freedom freedom freedom grab it grab it grab it grab it baby grab it baby grab it baby you're going from the caterpillar right now to a butterfly you're about to realize it's about to make some sense come on you're about to go from a caterpillar you've been in the isolated season because with elevation comes separation come on a bribe a bee a [Music] prophesy over you right now that you ain't seen nothing yet i prophesy over you right now that you won't have the same thoughts that have been robbing you you will not have a panic attack another day in your life i prophesy over you right now that you're gonna go home and you're gonna get your block anointing on and you're about to block anything that steals your joy steals your peace some of you need to give it back to that person they gave it to you send it back send it back send it back send that insecurity back sin that insecurity oh they told you nobody would ever love you you're about to walk in a season where god's gonna give you your mark you better let it go or be dragged [Music] come grab it grab it do something that you ain't never done before that's silly get out of that box we no joke grown but honey I ain't never seen nothing before without a little bit of a Christian I need you to get it down in the bottom of your toes I need you to feel it I need you to stand in the gap for your spouse I need you to sit some of you need to lay hands on your pocketbook [Music] favor favor favor and profits a favor over you I profess a foolish favor and cancel every plot every plant every scheme that the enemy has devised against you or your family members i prophesy that it ain't over until God says it's over no weapon formed against you shall prosper the devil comes to steal kill and destroy but he can't touch you he can't touch your family [Music] Carol emotional about Kashia grab it grab it I'm seven minutes over so you can get your release come on grab it forgive get forgiveness baby walk in forgiveness come on birthday let it go let it go somebody's letting it go you know what's about to happen in this room you're about to have an experience with God and you're about to get some spiritual amnesia you ain't gonna remember that bad relationship another day in your life oh you get your dignity back you've been walking over like this you've been carrying the weight of the world like this I dare you to lift your burdens right now in the spirit realm lift the burdens off of you lift up a it's not the weight that care it it's the way that you carry it lift it off for you lift it off you lift it off for you spiritually lift it up for you let it go father in the name of Jesus there's some people that are getting so delivered in this place you're welcome you're welcome you ain't never gonna be the same you ain't never gonna be the same you ain't gonna remember to stalk them no more you're gonna see them the next time you see them your heart used to palpitate you're about to walk in their presence and be like fathers we leave this place 14 days if you walk out of here the same way you walked in it is your own fault it's your own fault cuz you ain't stuck cuz you ain't a tree you go to a church at equip she babying you hang around with me long enough I'm a brainwash you into believing that you're God's favorite apple of the his eye huh you're gonna be like I believe I can run through a true Philippe overall I'm about to walk in Bloomingdale's tomorrow and I'm gonna be touching people I'm just gonna be touching people because if I touch them they gonna get heel you got to start seeing yourself honey where's you want to go on the count of three you feel it feels good don't it ain't it crazy how we're the ones that keep ourselves in a season we let us a bad season happen in our life and we let a bad season define our whole lifetime you were letting one season become a sentence in your life you're allowing one moment to become a monument in your life because you keep regurgitating it you keep talking about it listen to me this week I dare you to try at least 24 hours saying nothing but positive I dare you to get you an accountability partner is that every time you start to be a negative Nelly or a penny Crocker's days are on the counter y'all get these together today ha ha ha go Jesus go Jesus go Jesus go Jesus go Jesus go Jesus on the count of three fifteen days more is about to happen in your life than the last 355 days you're about to see some things i prophesy over you right now on the count of three I want you right now hey never preached this long baby I'm so sorry I went over 11 minutes ha ha ha ha on the count of three you ready come on Rocky Balboa come on we're bout time we're about to get our oh oh oh oh come on come on come on on the count of three I want everybody at Corning Baptist across the street to know some people just got delivered though some people just got their courage to jump just just just adjust adjust adjust got there their courage to let go they ain't being drag no more at the bottom of your feet I want you to feel yourself harboring I want you to give kata Tjuta praise are y'all ready on the count of three scare your neighbors eyebrows off her face 1 2 3 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay just let me get that listen I'm giving all of you disobedient people a chance to listen to your pastor this time I'm gonna give you one more time see something happens when you begin us why you fight loud cuz you're passionate I'm gonna need you to scare your neighbors wig off her head scare your husband's toupee right off his head count of three y'all ready and then y'all can go I love y'all so much I'll see you Wednesday night at 7:00 are you ready you ready come on come on come on come on come on come on come on [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Real Talk Kim
Views: 15,987
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Id: ykV8kNBcSMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 37sec (3817 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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