Bible's Hidden Messages - Torah Codes (Chuck Missler)

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wow every time i do this i get goosebumps this presentation may prove damaging to the comfort of closely held presuppositions the thing you need to discover is that every number every place name every detail in those 66 books is there by deliberate design and that's something you need to discover for yourself because if once you discover that it changes your perspective in regarding the integrity of the whole not just in broad brush in a very detailed way are there hidden messages in the bible and that is mentioned several places one way is in proverbs 25 2. it's the glory of god to conceal a thing and the duty or honor of kings to find them out so i'm going to show you some of those things now enoch's an interesting guy we know quite a bit about enoch strangely enough when he was 65 years old something happened in his life which caused him from that day on to walk with god whatever that means okay what happened there something else you need to understand the flood of noah did not come as a surprise the flood of noah was preached on for four generations and enoch was told that as long as his newly born son is alive the judgment of that flood would be withheld and he that's why he named him methuselah as you analyze that word in the hebrew it comes from a root muth which means his death occurs 125 times in the old testament and the verb shallock which means to send forth to bring her sent forth the name methuselah actually means from the roots his death shall bring now what's interesting about this is when you get to genesis chapter 5 we tend to sort of skip over it genesis 1 and 2 the creation that's great stuff genesis 3 is the seed plot for the whole bible genesis 4 the murder and so forth and genesis 6 on is the flood of noah genesis 5 is one of those chapters you have a tendency to skip over i mean what is it it's just a genealogy of ten guys okay adam seth enosh keenan mahalalel yared enoch methuselah lamech and noah the problem with genesis 5 is that it's not translated for you most of us are operating from an english translation in this case those names are transliterated the meaning isn't there it's an approximation of how they pronounced it and said we we don't know how to deal with it trying to see what do names mean my legal name is charles what does that mean nobody knows it's been lost people have different conjectures but no one's quite sure many of us in this room probably have names that were just given to us by parents because it appealed to them at the time doesn't necessarily carry significance but in hebrew it's a whole other thing many of you may not realize that hebrew is the only language that's simic not just phonetic most alphabets are phonetic they they lend insight as to how you pronounce a word hebrew is unique in that the original hebrew the paleo hebrew symbolized a concept not just a sound a meaning okay so you've been with me so far we have a genealogy here then of ten people adam seth enosh keenan mahalalel yared enoch methuselah lamech and noah that's let's not transliterate transliterated let's translate it what do those names mean well adam means man seth means appointed enosh means mortal kinan means sorrow mahalalel means the blessed god yard means shall come down enoch teaching methuselah his death shall bring lamech the despairing and noah comfort arrest man's appointed mortal sorrow but the blessed god shall come down teaching that his death shall bring whose death god's death man has appointed mortal sorrow but the blessed god shall come down teaching that his death shall bring the despairing comfort of rest wow every time i do this i get goosebumps now there's no way this has several implications there's no way you'll ever convince me that a group of jewish rabbis conspired to hide a summary of the new testament christian gospel in a genealogy in the torah no way one of the kabbalists of the 16th century rabbi moses cotavero pointed out he recorded that the secrets of the torah are revealed in the skipping of the letters and this is one of the early illusions that caused scholars start looking at this where they've rediscovered things that were known to the early cabalists and one of the many different forms perhaps the least interesting of all the forms but the one that's most popular today is the equidistant letter sequence what do i mean by that well here's just a candidate sentence i've thrown on the screen to make a point rips is one of the the scientists in this area rips explained that each code is a case of adding every fourth letter to form a word now if you take every fourth letter of this sample sentence and you take every fourth letter it spells out another message read the code now this is just an example to demonstrate what a equidistant letter sequence of four could contain it's possible to con to put a message inside another message by dealing with an equidistant letter sequence and so now one of the kabbalistic discoveries that a guy by the name of weissmandel discovered after world war one between world he lived between world war one world war ii uh and he rediscovered something the capitalists had dealt with the if you the word torah is four letters in hebrew the equivalent of what we would call a t o r and h a tau v russian hay and if you go to the first tau and you count 49 letters seven squared you get to above you again count 49 letters you get to a rash and you count another 49 letters and you get a hay and that happens to spell torah bear in mind they as i say they we write backwards compared to them but you get the idea okay so um you say well gee uh that's cute could be just an accident of circumstance yes it could i suppose let's take a look at exodus same thing happens you go the first towel count 49 letters you get above count 49 letters you got a rash 49ers you get hey and again you spell torah now for it to happen twice that way starts to suggest somebody did it on purpose trying to do something like that on purpose turns out by the way be far more difficult than it looks at first well you go to exit you go to leviticus and nothing happens you feel a sense of relief probably you go to numbers the same thing happens but with a switch it is spelled backwards you go to deuteronomy the same equivalent thing happens backwards and well you take another look at leviticus and you you don't use 49 years seven you discover at intervals of seven you have the name of god the the yacht have hay now you stand back from this whole thing in exodus and genesis it goes forward in numbers and deuteronomy goes backwards and the suggestion the catalyst will tell you is that the torah always points to yahweh so the one thing you can't deny here is the evidence of design somebody designed this package and the more you study this package the more you find laced all through it are evidences of very skillful design and that's something that uh in my opinion we we owe a debt to the tablets for because they're the ones that really uh revealed this to us and why you say why 49 well of course it's the square of seven and there's the counting of the omar in the hebrew uh calendar uh the rabbi hurst said that the the uh the the jew the jews catechism is his calendar feast of first fruits first of weeks and so forth uh also there's the prophetic genealogy in the book of ruth in genesis 38 judah and tamar give birth to perez and zarak boaz descended from perez and boaz married ruth had a son named obed omaha had a son jesse and the father of david in genesis 38 this is genesis 30 in the days of moses these names are encrypted at 49 letter intervals in chronological order bear in mind in the book of ruth which is the time of the judges it mentions boaz ruth obed jesse david fine but that's not even until sam you haven't got to the monarchy yet but go back to the books of moses in genesis 38 you can find the three letters that make up the name of boaz at 49 letter intervals you you contain the 49 letter intervals you find you have ruth in 49 letter intervals continuing in that passage 49 letter intervals you have obed and then you have yeshe or jesse as we would call it and then you have at 49 letter intervals the name of david so what you have here is boaz ruth obed jesse david each encrypted with interval of 49 in chronological order now the cynics will say that's just all just an accident of statistical circumstance i don't think so and i want to talk a little bit about sevens in the bible and uh they occur in over 600 passages i probably should have said 700 some are very overt some are structural you really have to and some of them are even hidden but the the sevens are everywhere in fact there's a discovery that i want to touch on about called the heptatic structure of the the bible i want you to imagine a challenge imagine yourself being assigned in that classroom context with a blank sheet of paper and what i want you to imagine you don't have to literally do it but i want in your mind's eye to accept an assignment to create a genealogy you can do it from fiction if you like but i want the number of words that you're going to end up using to be divisible by seven in other words if you take however when you finish making your little genealogy if you count the words and divide by seven there should be no remainder not in other words i want you to have your your assignment a multiple of seven exactly how many could do that that's not hard to do especially in english you can fudge it around okay except i got another condition i want you to meet i want the number of letters that you use if you count them up to be divisible by seven exactly now that's a little tougher isn't it because you might get the words come out but you need to get the letters to come out but by fudging her out you could probably do that except i have an i want the number of vowels and the number of constants each to be a multiple of seven how many are still playing with me okay well i've got some additional rules i want your assignment to me i want the number of words that begin with a vowel to be divisible by seven i want the number of words that begin with a consonant to be divisible by seven and i have some other things i want the number of words that occur more than once to be a multiple of seven exactly and i'd like to have those that occur in more than one form to be divisible by seven and those that are in only one form divisible by seven how many are still playing okay you realize every time i impose another seven-fold rule you've got six chances of losing and one of winning just by randomness you with me okay the number of nouns should be divisible by seven only seven words won't be nouns and the number of names should be divisible as seven only seven other kinds of nouns are permitted anyone still playing okay and so what you probably some other things here the number of male names divisible by seven number of generations and you've probably guessed what i'm doing here i'm describing to you the genealogy of jesus christ in the first 11 verses of the gospel of matthew they meet all those rules now you can't imagine doing that yourself and i'm talking about greek which is rigid every greek verb has to meet five conditions it's much more structured than our english that we're used to and so the the precision the what i'm trying to get across is that we discover as you investigate the text it has properties that are not simulatable trying to do that even with the aid of a computer is a ver almost impossible task see greek also is one of the two languages that have a numerical value for every letter in their alphabet hebrew and greek have that peculiar characteristic that means that every word has a value they call it the geometrical value and we could go through this of the rest of chapter one and find it still obeys dozens of these sevenfold challenges and we'll go through them all here but almost every characteristic you measure turns out to be a number that's an exact multiple of seven now the child of christ in matthew 2. same also fits all of that and we could go on and on about this the chances of these things happening by statistical accident are phenomenally unlikely if i just have two of these if i have one rule of seven you've got six chances of losing one of winning right but if i have two rules that's one chance in 7 squared or 49 in other words you have by randomness you have one chance in 49 of it coming out the way you want it you're with me and if i have three of those it's one chance in 343 so it's always the the exponent of the number you're looking at and so if i have four it's two it's you have one chance in 2 400 of getting it by just statistical accident and so if you go down this list i've given you nine rules so far those nine rules mean that you have one chance in 40 million of having it come out right by just statistical accident once you understand the the statistical behavior the more rules are the more unlikely it is to come about by anything other than deliberate design doctor yvonne panen born in russia back in 1955 he's exiled an early age got involved in a plot against the czar immigrated to germany and then the u.s he graduated from harvard in 1882 and interestingly enough he discovered christ now every one of us in this room that has discovered christ are the result of a miracle but if you've got a phd in it from harvard that's a bigger miracle okay and so but he also discovered early in his career the the what he calls the heptatic structure of the scripture and back in 1890 actually he committed the rest of his 50 years of his life generating over 43 000 pages of discoveries very dry reading but staggering in their implications because among other things it tells you there are all kinds of properties of the torah that depend on the precise letters that you're using which tells you not only did god give moses the torah he gave it to moses letter by letter you pull one letter out of that and some of those properties start to dissipate staggering staggering implication to an information scientist and so but i want to mention just one of these that to me is the most staggering of them all the new testament consists of 27 books that means they they have a word that starts them and a word that ends them and if there's 27 books of the new testament then you've got 54 words okay and so there's a total vocabulary of those words that happen to be 28 words in the gospels and so if you go through all this arithmetic the shortest word the longest word all that sort of thing each one of those are multiple seven but here's the one that's interesting to me the vocabulary in the gospel of matthew that is unique to the gospel of matthew happens to be a multiple of seven it occurs 42 times that's 7 times 6. it has a 226 letters that's 7 times 18. and that's you the only property that these words have is that they are unique to the gospel of matthew and they come out precisely as a multiple of seven you're with me so far my question is gee that's interesting how could that have been organized let's imagine that matthew deliberately tried to make it come out that way how would you go about doing that there's only two ways you could do that one is you could have all the other authors of the new testament agree not to use those those words how many think that happened i don't think so well the other way you could use that argument linguistically to prove that matthew must have written his last that's the only way he could preserve that property right so i could use that as an argument at least that matthew wrote his document last well that's pretty interesting so gospel of matthew wrote his last except i discovered there when i look at the gospel mark it has the same property that the words that are unique to the gospel of mark are a multiple of seven exactly that proves that mark was written last well now wait a minute if i look at the gospel luke it also has that property that the words that are unique to his writing in the new testament those words there's the number of words that are unique to him are a multiple of seven exactly that proves that luke wrote his last except so did john each one of these wrote theirs last in fact so did james peter juden paul each wrote last each one of their writings the collective writings has a vocabulary unique to them staggering staggering you can't prove the bible yes you can so here are these four camps judah issachar and zebulon reuben sibi nagad he from benjamin dan asher naphtali we have their numbers if you add those numbers you will get the population of each of the four camps and we're not through yet and what do you say g-check what do i do with that well it's back up here the tabernacle is in the middle of the camp around the around the tabernacle you have the levites the kothites gershonites merorites as the three families but moses and the priests which are the core group on the east side the east side is of course the key side now i have no idea how much space they took to camp you do understand how hard the rabbis try to keep what they believe the law is saying they we often accuse them of splitting hairs but they try very hard to do what it literally says we could learn some lessons from them perhaps camp of judah was instructed to camp east of the levites that sounds simple but it's not the camp of reuben was instructed to camp south of the of the levites well no problem this if you're going to be strictly obedient to the instructions of the torah that denies you the opportunity to camp southeast of the tabernacle of the levites because if you're southeast you're not east or south you're in between and uh only the cardinal directions are ordained for the camping so you have to figure out how wide the levites are camping and stay within that range if you're going to stay east of the levites you follow me now and your length then you take proportional to whatever you need for population so here's the k here are the levites the camp of judas on the east side their symbol is the lion incidentally the lion of the tribe of judah and so they can camp as wide as the levites have staked out for themselves as long whatever that is they can as long as they're east of that they're obedient the same likewise reuben his symbol was the man incidentally so there again he they can camp as wide as the levites have staked out no wider and they take whatever depth they need for their for their people if somebody tries to camp between these two he's neither east nor south that's verboten so likewise okay we have these four zones southeast southwest northwest northeast that would be in effect prohibited ephraim is on the west side his symbol was the ox the symbol of service and then we have on the north side the tribe of dan which ultimately became the eagle was the symbol of the tribe of dan and we have the four caps of israel now we add to this the fact that we know what the populations are we don't know their absolute populations but we have relative figures in other words whatever the number going to war i think would be reasonably statistically indicative of where the total population is we have about 186 thousand in judah 151 000 in reuben camp of reuben and we have about 108 000 in the in the camp of ephraim and about 157 uh in the in the camp of dam so what we're going to do right now is we're going to embark on a magical helicopter outside i've got parked a special jet ranger and this one's a very unusual one because it's also a time machine so we're all gonna in our mind's eye get in this helicopter and as we fly over to israel we're gonna crank it back about what four thousand years and uh three thousand some and uh uh and we're going to approach the camp of israel from the east side and as we approach the camp of israel we'll see of course right in the center of it the tabernacle and the levites but as we begin to appreciate this is basically a sketch of the camp visual made to scale i'm using the tribe of the the area of the levites as my unit and whatever that is the length the proportions of the arms will be proportional to the populations the largest one is to the east 186 thousand units say the shortest one to the to the west and the other two nominally about the same and what do you see there you can't escape it can you this is probably what balaam saw from the mountains of moab when he was going to curse israel you
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Views: 104,834
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Keywords: Bible, Hidden, Meanings, Torah, Codes, Chuck Missler
Id: p8vasaxWCvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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