Death Company Lore

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[Music] [Music] the storm Raven hurtled to disguise towards its target like a lightning bolt through fields of fire flak and small arms aimed abetted most was evaded by the furious action an incredibly skilled pilot he was used to a task delivering his fallen brothers to the very center of the fray its very heart but he always kept the comms from the central section turned off on his first job you'd kept them on with a lesson and been learned oh how it had been learned we had heard what they said he heard what was being spotted them by the legendary LEM Marty's guardian of the lost and on that day he near lost the command of his faculties he nearly fell into the chasm that was the rage now he thought only on his task had to concentrate on this one moment for even the memory of those words were threatened his soul again inside the main compartment of the specially altered assault vessel the same thing was happening as it always did when it was deployed Lamarr T's was with his brothers of the death company he was whipping them into a froth of rage that would make even a coronate berserker take pause in the forces of our enemy the great betrayer awake us brothers we have but moments before we are Unleashed remember the faces of the phones you slay today remember when you strike what they have done they have betrayed the Emperor they have betrayed the crusade they have betrayed humanity these love dogs and lickspittles of Horace and his vile ilk these traitors deserve the fullest extent of our wrath the sons of the angel the sons of the Emperor these vile curse are without honor without courage without virtue without glory without any redeeming feature today the basis of all things they are vile and deserve our righteous fury they deserved a cut of our chain swords the blessing of our bonta's they deserve to be crushed underfoot and we shall give it to them for they are the most despicable thing ever to arise from the human race they are traitors they betrayed our Lord's angel they betray our master the Emperor they betray our entire race they convert their beneath the very walls of the Imperial Palace looking for a way in looking to slay and slaughter our brothers who guard that mighty and hallowed wall they look to lay their rough and unclean hands on the Emperor himself so we allow this do we permit these vast um to pray a blast out of very walls do we allow them then a farías scheme do we allow them to defile the halls of the Emperor do we allow them to hack and claw and spit on a very primal a father on sanguinis himself do we allow them to trample his image to what their boots on his wings do we allow them to defecate on his body do we allow them to then slay our Emperor do we they buckle your borders and that let thy swords and say my fury thy wrath for this day we will destroy the traitors the cabmen hummed with the whirr of chain swords as the light turned green at the hatch and it was swiftly thrown open some fifty feet beneath were densely packed a veritable say of enemies none wore the power armor of the named traitors none the emblems of chaos but to the men who jumped from the storm Raven right into their myths there was nothing but the images of the sons of Horus overlaid onto their truth his age as the death company carved a bloody path through their opposition their arms moving faster than was deemed possible by their foe wounds that would have killed even a start severed limbs broken bones did nothing but fuel at their age nothing stopped them as they carved through the madness induced illusions of what they now saw as the trait of mass forms that would soon all been dead as a wrath of the death company chewed through their ranks like were winds are unstoppable rage [Applause] welcome gentle listener I am Baltimore and I wish to introduce you to the forces fractions and important units of the Warhammer 40k universe today let us look at one of the most iconic and exciting you dementedly doomed of all of the units under the commander of the Imperium the death company the death company our unit of depth Isis starties Space Marines that is totally unique to the Ninth Legion the blood angels they are present in all of the successor chapters that were separated from the lesion on the second founding as the curse is something - not only runs through their veins but is an echo in their very souls souls that are irrevocably tied to the curse the second that the gene seed into said body and the human aspirant becomes a Space Marine of the blood angels in the near future I shall go into more detail about one of the most loved chapters in the grim darkness of the future the blood Angelus but today is not that day trust me though I shall endeavor to make this one of my most potent entries as I make no bones about being an ardent fan of this mighty and noble Legion now as this is an introduction to the death company only let us lean on existing wisdom for the heart of the matter to quote the death company the death company crashed through the enemy ranks like a black armored battering ram drawn from all ranks of the chapter they are united in their terminal ferocity shrugging off wounds that would normally slay a battle brother thrice over and reaping one last tarry of slain foes before madness or death claims them forever in order to keep the black range in check on the eve of battle the blood angels bent their thoughts to prayer and to the sacrifice of their prime mark so many centuries ago chaplains moved from man to man pressing each in turn and noting those amongst the Brotherhood whose eyes may appear little glare whose speech is slurred or overly excited some almost all overcome this ancient intrusion into their minds much of these Warriors training is directed at controlling it beating it down into the depths of their being but for some the imprint of sanguinis is too strong the memory is too loud and demanding as the chaplains chants the more practice the mass of doom the chosen ones collapse into the arms of their priests and are taken away to form a special unit called the death company the madness that overcomes seasoned unfortunates is of a very specific sort in the mind of each fallen brother the millennia for away and they find themselves embroiled in the last great battle of the Horus heresy some Bane believes they defend the walls of the emperor's palace perceiving even T renewed by Oh Horace all blade limbed to carry as traitor Legionnaires hell-bent on toppling the golden throne others may believe that they are sanguinis himself fighting to hold back the traitor tide or forging through the horrors of horses battle dodge whatever the case the battle brother's mind accommodates their surroundings and foes into this delusion casting them adrift upon tides of madness and stranding them beyond time in hope for evermore the Warriors of the death company seek only one thing death in battle and they are sent forth to their final fight with great honor each brother is arrayed in black armor blazoned with blood-red saw tears to symbolize the wounds of sanguinis during the last battle against taurus their ceramide plates are hung with Scrolls that proclaim deeds performed and honours earned before the onset of madness from the moment of battle bertha dons the sepulcro armor of the death company he is a dead man walking lost forever to his chapter but to be remembered eternally in his histories members of the death company fight with no thought for their own survival and the furious willpower lent them by the black rage renders them nine pervious to killing wounds under the watchful eye of the chapters chaplains the lost brothers of the death company no glory beyond even the Ken of their battle brothers fighting against terrible odds in one final service to their chapter many of the bad angels greatest victories have followed a shattering assault but a death company there are a few enemies who can hope to stay the onset of such maddened warriors let alone repel their assault on antics million s hauling on Armageddon and other worlds too numerous to mention the death company have more than lived up to their name and legends of their ferocity have long since paid to worlds where the bad angels have never even thought yet as with all such glories a price must be paid either on the bloody ground of the battlefield or in the freaking calm of victory those few members of the death company that survived the battle perished shortly afterwards either of their fearsome wounds was who the mercy of the Redeemer of the Lost whose Duty it is to end the suffering it is better this way for those who do survive almost always fall victim to the red cest turning into creatures no better than wild beasts Kraven flesh and blood the dread tower of Amarillo on par occurs with the howls and roars of those luckless degenerates locked away for their own safety and that of their former battle brothers better by far to die cleanly and quickly than to suffer such an ignoble fate end quote so we now see that the death company of those bloody angels who have finally succumbed to the black rage for you to understand the initial story and the realities of their fracture in time one must understand the siege of terror for this I would advise you watch the entry I performed for global goon as this contains more information as to how it all led to the siege and the situation unfolded in that time but of course it is a long entry and not for everyone so do be kind it is not to your tastes I don't never ever ever get everything right or please everyone just know that the very palace of the Emperor the master of mankind was beset by the forces of the lesions of space marines that had turned traitor in the event 10,000 years before the current setting an event known as the Horus heresy it was the blood Angell's and the Imperial fist lesion despite being outnumbered three to one that held the palace against the tide of traitor Marines and the dark demonic simulations assisted as always by he who some always forget the Great Khan but the con was outside the walls and it was the bloody jaws and imperial fists who were holding them when a battle brothers their blood 'angels for most to the black rage they believe they are reliving those dark days and that the traitor lesions are baying at the very gates another form of the black rage is the visions of sanguinis from his time on the vengeful spirit again I shall go into more detail on this as time permits but the black rage is ever-present and a constant struggle for any who are sired by the blood of the angel a curse from the demon called kabandha some say a demon directly from the blood god corn and it is a tragedy with how to compare so the legion was originally a thing of terror a thing of horror that was curbed and brought to a state of Honor by the discovery and subsequent leadership of the primarch sanguine yes he made a thing of butchery interesting of light an army of noble sacrifice and bold courage when the rage strikes it is as if all of the honour and light that was brought to the knees by the angel is burned away and the Beast Within is all that remains but it is then harnessed as we have heard for how it is harnessed that powerful orator we heard in the brief story I would again like to lean on existing wisdom for I cannot match it but also I would like us to know how the blood angels deal with this curse how it is kept from the eyes of the Inquisition and general population alike so here two will be presented the entry for Astaroth the Grimm there edema of the loss asteroth the grim Redeemer of the lost Esther Esther grim is the blood angels hi chaplain and Redeemer of the lost there is no rank within the chapter more greatly honored or more deeply loathed honored for the burden to Redeemer of the Lost bears and for the essential duty he performs loathed because the duty is stained forever with the blood of his battle brothers it is a stress calling to seek out those amongst the scions of sanguinis whose souls have been claimed by the black rage and whose mental degeneration has become so severe that even death in battle is no longer possible his quarry found Astaroth ends his lost brother's life with a single mighty blow to the neck from the ill-omened weapon known as the executioner's axe this is without doubt an act of mercy a gift to the cursed nonetheless no battle brother can ever feel entirely comfortable in a star's presence for they knows that the bite of his forbidding axe might one day be the lasting that they feel while officially bound to the blood angels astral rat's task carries him far and wide amongst the chapters successes it was long ago considered that these terrible duties were best borne by a single brother and thus far at least a single brother has been equal to the task at hand so does Astaroth tread the Stars hacking apart those enemies who would prevent him from bestowing his gift of oblivion to an observer it might perhaps seem that a star's presence fans the destructive fires of the black rage certainly it is more prevalent wherever he treads and even those blood angels who are yet sane are unmistakeably wilder in the Redeemers presence however the truth is entirely opposite Astaroth can sense the black rages degenerative onset before it becomes apparent to any other soul including its victim individual afflictions echoes through his mind in the form of doom-laden cords and grow ever stronger as other battle brothers fall into the black rage his crutches no separation of distance can serve to mute this dollar as sin a Samba Orchestra that only Astaroth can hear whether the victims are fighting on Armageddon or in Ultima Astaroth consents their plight and he must go to them as his duty requires so it is that the Redeemer of the Lost has become a true angel of death to his foes and his battle brothers are like a legend of destruction amongst the bad angels successor chapters and their enemies both wherever a star as the Grim treads the enemy's face not only his fury but the onslaught of Space Marines caught in the Twilight shadows of the black rage Asura sorrow for his doomed battle brother says only to fuel a determination that they shall pass into death having known one last great victory in this cause he fights like a man possessed resolute that his twin gifts of death and redemption shall not be denied end quote to quote Lamar T's guardian of the lost chaplain Lamar T's fell to the black rage of amidst the preparations to liberate Hadley Earth 11 unlike the other warriors of the death company who spearheaded the planet strike Lamar T survived the initial landings and seemingly unstoppable carved a bloody path through the oak defenders only when the battle was won did the chaplain finally collapse from his wounds he is brought to the field apothecary inside the now captured fortress there to await the arrival of Astaroth Redeemer after lost and received the gift of final redemption yet when astronauts arrived to deliver the chaplain into thest sim brace Lamar T's demanded to live to smite the Emperor's enemies as long as he were able such a thing was unheard of those are Marty's eyes were bloodshot and his muscles taut with fury his words were clear and cogent whilst members of the death company were often so deranged Astaroth had to best them in combat before he could take their lives never before had one challenge him in so lucid a fraction caution all dissent Astaroth ordered the chaplain placed in stasis and returned to bar until the chapters librarians and seminary priests could make a full examination of him this investigation took several months time in which Lamar T's was largely kept in the chill embrace of stasis to ensure the safety of those around him but the results seemed to reinforced a sore ass hopes Lamar T's was unquestionably in the grip of the black rage for all of the physical signs were there yet his mind was not yet room with insanity so an act of incredible willpower the chaplain appeared able to hold his madness in check several sanguinary priests argued this was but a temporary respite and that Lamar T's would succumb to the utter depths of madness once removed from stasis but asteroth was not so sure refusing to slay Lamar T's as some as the sanguinary priests wished he worked the chaplain from his enforced slumbers and offered him a way in which he could continue to serve so did Lamar T's become the guardian of the lost and wielder of the ancient blood Cruz yes he has repaid as thrust faith a thousand times over for the death company have never been so potent of force as they are under his guidance their modern glories eclipsing deeds of legend he leads his charges to ever greater renown ensuring that the dread sacrifice of the blood angels death company is never in vain at battles end Lamar T's is placed in stasis once more to slumber through the weeks and months until his bloody talents are required again for Lamar T's there is no longer any calm before the storm his life is one of constant battle for he is awoken when needed and preserved when he is not Lamar T's is surely living on borrowed time for even his formidable willpower cannot keep the black rage at bay indefinitely yet for the moment at least the chaplains iron will hold firm he is a symbol of hope to a chapter slipping into the darkness for as Lamar T's can continue to reason and serve his chapter within the dark insanity of the black rage perhaps others and do so to who end quote and who would wish either role to be a thing lost in time and awoken only to be covered in blood to lead a group of men who are displaced in time also and are stripped of all that previously made them noble impure or who would wish to have to deal so with his brothers to best them in combating them to head them time and time again and tasks without glory tasks without end no matter how necessary for the survival of the lesion the chapters and the Imperium entire grim dark indeed I hope you agree but more than this the death company are actually in my mind a perfect picture of the history and degeneration of the Imperium the death of a dream where noble Crusaders of lighter turned to things of barbarity and fury all because of the first portrayal the greatest betrayal the Horus heresy the death company are the Imperium as it is as eye primer their father sanguinis was what it should have been such heart-wrenching irony I shall leave this entry here but do please know that we shall see much much more or the blood ranges in the near future the history there are compliments their burden and their glory also it will be required to know the Blue Angels intimately as two of their number now hold more import than near any other standard or start ease alive mythos tone and Dante the regent of the dark half of the Imperium I look forward to this time with a reddish but all good things huh I have been Baltimore your faithful servant if you have enjoyed this introduction to the death company then please do consider liking and subscribing if you are a regular gentle listener and see the worth of what we do then please do consider sharing the video or even supporting us on patreon if as permit now no matter what you do today please do try to make some time for fun toodaloo
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 92,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40k Lore Death Company, Warhammer 40K Lore Blood Angels, Warhammer 40K For beginners, Blood Angels, Space Marines, Red THIRST, Black Rage, Sanguinius, Baldermort, Death Company, Blood Angels Wrath, Lemartes, Astaroth the Grim, 9th Legion, Adeptus Astartes, warhammer 40000 Blood Angels, Dante, Chainsword, Jump Pack, Horus Heresy
Id: -E3q9tfvkj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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