Ringer 1 & Ringer 2 - Individual Men Event 10 - 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games

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back-to-back events for the men events 10:00 and 11:00 ringing one and ringer too thanks for being with us here everybody I'm Sean woodland being joined by chase Ingram here on the rogue iron game we'll Mourad taking the floor here the first of two beats and more as a guy we're going to want to keep an eye on in the seat because he's dealing with what appears to be a little bit of a hamstring issue he's grabbing his hamstring yesterday after the sprint event even talked to Dave cash a little bit for went the lift yeah yesterday afternoon I mean you're looking at bike bikes really not going to affect the hamstring too much if anybody's done that it's the quads that get penalized when you go through fast but those toes too ring actually demand a lot more hamstring flexibility than people might think because the Rings you can't really move them around like you would a straight bar for toes-to-bar Matt McCloud coming off his second event win of this competition here are your overall standings as Matt Fraser is going to try and track down Noah ohlsen over these next two events he still has possibly one maybe two events remaining but he's running out of time Fraser with a 35 point deficit to make up your burn Carl gubins and he sits in third but he will have to hold off Saxon pay I'm sorry Scott panchik James Newberry Matt McLeod I'll have a chance to catch him even Jacob Hebner certainly might have something to say about the battle for the podium as well they absolutely do look what captain David's daughter just did we thought she was left for dead in fifth place and she goes and wins back-to-back events and gets 200 more so we're moving on ten and eleven thirty twenty ten assault bike cals and toes two rings the first time we've seen that at the CrossFit Games in fact any level of competition in CrossFit history moving in we'll take a short break and move to the 15 10 5 burpees to the Rings and overhead squats at 135 Shaun I was talking earlier is that this event actually isn't hard to do you know event one it's hard to do no matter how slow you go but what that means is these athletes actually have to push the pace faster than they may be prepared to five men in this first of two heats the Matt MacLeod courtesy of that event Wynn has moved up to sixth place overall as he won earlier today in the only water event that we've seen at the CrossFit Games on a Sunday that's he and Tia to me later than Australian sweet Adrian moon viola meanwhile sits a ninth place overall at 492 points he's looking to get himself possibly into the top five and Jacob Hepler currently seventh overall Jacob Hebner is one guy have my eye on that has the skill set to push these two events and set it's gonna actually end up setting the pace for he - ten seconds standby ringer one the first heat underway six minute times happened then ringer to the next challenge begins just a minute after that and we start with these thirty calories on the salt bike 120 total repetitions in this event now when you get to the bike you have to understand is that you must push the pace faster than you are prepared to do but not so fast that you end up hurting yourself for the second round because 30 takes quite a bit you don't want to fully invest into the 30 that round of 20 will be your most important round when it comes to the bike hang on to the Rings try to recover have good movement but focus on the intensity of the bike that mcleod right now through 23 now 24 of those 30 calories and remember the last time we saw an event that kind of required just pure grunt work done quickly that was the Sprint couplet he won that event and imagining the what those legs go through when you're talking about a sled push I think a lot of those apps is contested that so he definitely has this fortitude to handle a strong pace on the assault bike Matt McLeod on to the Rings first with 30 repetitions here Jacob Heppner as joined him and now here comes Saxon panchik Adrian Wyler on the right of your screen and that will more ad on the left remember that hamstring injury you can see the wrap around his left leg so here's the big difference between toes-to-bar and toes her rings look at the athletes torso as they lean back to try to bring their toes to the Rings they done actually doesn't sit back a bar but a pull-up bar won't move it's fixed so you can actually lay back press down the bar and it doesn't require as much flexibility into the hamstrings with the Rings there's torsos don't move so the demand on the core is a little greater even though it's not as much on the hand so that pulling up of the chest staying upright is what actually makes these rings harder new news Matt McCloud stays the lead he's now halfway done with this event through 60 of the 120 scored repetitions that his first ever appearance here at the CrossFit Games and he already has two event wins under his belt one of them came earlier to and now Jacob Hebner is on to the assault bike as he stays in second saxon panchik now getting to the bike upper left hand part of your screen he's in third followed by agent moon Wyler close behind him bottom right hand corner the most important round is the middle round the round of 20 in event 10 the round of 10 on event 11 is that you can't back off the pace you're going to want to your legs have had time to kind of feel the effects of what the first 30 Cal's did while they were hanging from the Rings for 30 repetitions Jacob Hebner has now moved in front of Matt McLeod through 74 of the 120 scored repetition so McLeod falling off the pace a little bit and Jacob Hepler has taken the lead when you fall off the pace on the assault bike at this level in this level of intensity you fall off a cliff in terms of pacing with the rest of field though Hebner through 80 of the 120 scored repetitions he has 20 toes to ring to complete here comes Matt McLeod who now sits in second he's a good angle but us talking about earlier is that the torso the shoulders and hips stay almost directly underneath the Rings as opposed to a toes to bar off a pull-up rig where you get to slay a little bit more and that's a challenge of the Rings Jacob Hefner is chasing Matt McLeod in the overall standings he's 37 points back [Applause] they'd remove Weiler on the right ear screen sits in fork as Jakob Hebner final ten calories on the assault bike one irreps remaining for him now this is still heat one is another heat remaining so you don't really have a time to pace office you're gonna have to push these last ten to get through them because the faster you push on the soft life you get an exponential time advantage will more ad is back in fifth places Saxon panchik is now onto the bike so more ad in fifth but it's Heppner in the lead almost done with his final bike he is now ten reps remain for Jacob hammer his best finish was third in Mary now here comes Matt McLeod [Applause] after one to go and Jacob Heppner will take heat number one for twenty seven point one three seconds Matt MacLeod we're going to take second place in this heat this is the first of two heats so McLeod is in and all these men have just bought themselves extra rest the time cap it's six minutes they get a minute reset once the time cap hits and then they get going on ring or two so will NORAD the only man left on the floor [Applause] and more advocate across the finish line that hamstring must really be bothering him I mean think about how he did and that's doing a dead race sprint and it's everything you know a little twins we don't know the extent of the injury that he has but you talk about hamstrings and you know fully functional movement at the most high intensity possible that's not an easy thing to deal with Hepler on the right side finishing first now what I'm thinking about is actually keep number two because if you're in heat number two we said earlier the advantage is knowing the time to beat what better athlete to have and heat one to really show what the pace needs to be because a lot of times you won heat one maybe it actually wasn't that good of a time based off the athlete that was doing it Hoeppner however his could have one of the best times we see today and as of right now he's picked up at least ten points on Matt McLeod kepner's and seventh McLeod is in six other athletes though in the next heat might be able to help increase that amount we're getting set for the start of ringer to the bottom half of the graphic here and now the reps have been reps have been cut in half it haven't got any easier though because we have herpes two rings and then overhead squats at 135 a very very light weight for these athletes it's actually almost insignificant in terms of weight but it is significant in terms of its enough weight with enough reps after what they just did on the assault bike that's actually gonna make it very challenging to do because of the pace they're gonna have to be going at Jacob pepper with the top time in heat number one and trying to set the top time here in the first heat of now event 11 10-cent rare too we were under way 15 10 five burpees of the Rings and overhead squats at 135 pounds we saw captain Davers David Sauter in the last event just go for it and that's what you actually can do you can't really screw up the pace of this event just burpees just overhead squats the thing to remember we just did 60 toes to rings and 60 assault bike cows those overhead squats go I said her life the cord demand on an overhead squat is way more than people think and then your legs are blown out so those squats are not going to be as easy as they may have thought they would be coming into this Jacob heckler is just ahead of Adrienne moon while ade remove either is on the right ear screen Heppner was right next to him to Wilmore add once again dealing with that hamstring injury we'll see how that affects him here on these burpees but he is in fourth place ahead of Matt in the cloud and now it's Heppner moon wire and now Saxon panting were done with our set of 15 burpees and now it's on to the overhead squat so Hector choosing to clean and jerk that blue water goes right into it we saw those two different strategies between Katrin and Sarah and it's really more of what you're comfortable with because what you need what you have to have is a good overhead position some people prefer to actually snatch that to snap them into a good position others without that confidence need to rack it to the front and then push press it overhead favor move either about a repla head Jacob Hefner moon Wyler's on the right heifer is on the left a heckler finishes before Mumbai learn now they are halfway done we go to 10 burpees the Rings happens in the lead followed by Adrian Wyler and here's where you have to go your improv the most pain you're gonna be in in the event it's not gonna get any worse but you have to push the pace on a set of 10 you can't no one's gonna really lose this in a set of 5 unless they drop the barbell heavier through 35 of the 60 repetitions hidden wire is falling off the page that's a little bit in Saxon panic sits in third Matt McLeod this is good news for Hebner he's back fourth and we'll Mourad sits in fifth man look at will moron on the left side just gutting it out I tell you what just to stick through that the whole time and to keep fighting through the event it's a lot of guts for will more add more add is on the left you can see he is favoring his right leg trying to take as much pressure off as possible of his left meanwhile Jacob Hefner is on for his second of three sets of overhead squats and here comes Adrien moon Wyler's ten repetitions here for Jacob after a Mourad just has nothing left in the tank is that hamstring you got to give him credit for being out there and gutting through this but doesn't look like he's going to be much of a factor in the rest of the competition meanwhile Jacob Hepler [Applause] for his final five burpees the rings and then five more overhead squats he's starting to open up some distance between himself and Adrian moon father who just joined him on the Rings here comes Saxon panchik Matt McLeod is towards the right of your screen in that pink top and Heppner is leaving him in his dust this is good for Jacob Heppner as he looks to move up the leaderboard [Applause] one more for Hoeppner and jacob Hepler sweeps the first heats three 29.7 three seconds adrienne moon viola will come in behind him he will finish second in the heat Saxon panic will take third a Matt McLeod who was challenging for the lead in the last heat has slowed considerably here in ring or two and you look at his move in it does not do that it overhead squats are bad for him and it's not that burpees two rings are hard but it's just overall compounding effect what event tended going into event number 11 less than a minute from Matt McLeod who's done so 10 reps remain for him and Wilmore had his rep counter has not moved I don't know if he's decided just to stop I mean there comes a certain point where it's competitive fire versus actual injury right and making something worse Jakub pepper having fun with a crowd while he waits and now Matt McLeod with 14 seconds to go he's got to her he's got five rats and the cloud of the trip but he is gonna squeak in inside that five - the time cap but Jacob Hecker will own both times to beat with one heat remaining here in these back-to-back events instead of coming in that's good for happier yeah I thought it was well suited for - back to vents just like this but this is great for the second heat coming up because they have a pretty much dead on idea of what it's gonna take to win this event and what those times are gonna look like that is a major advantage with sprint events like this going into the second Heat Jacob Hefner having some fun with the camera as he had some fun in both of these events time to beat in both rigour one and ringer two three twenty nine point seven three the top time in ringer number two the second half of these back-to-back events as we are now set for the final Heat and this is going to be a lot of fun as Matt Fraser looks to track down Noah ohlsen when you when you came into today and Fraser being 15 points out we saw that based off what the TBD schedule had been is that there was 300 points up for grabs for all these athletes to make moves the best they can the question was how is Noah going to handle that pressure going to assume event I say there's some confidence there absolutely he's a capable swimmer and paddle boarding he's done at the games before so has Matt both of them at the same time Matt didn't have a finish that I know he would want to have earlier this morning fell back further on the point scale and we thought two events were left to go matt has been given a gift in the points race within double event here in the middle of the day with events 10 and 11 just like catch and David's daughter did so this is huge for Matt to take advantage of this opportunity that has been given yeah Matt Fraser now has 35 points to make up Katherine Davis daughter a race a huge deficit and get herself on the podium no Olson oh let's give him his due he has been handling the pressure extremely well here and I don't want to jinx him but he has yet to make that big costly mistake that has kept him from reaching the potential that we think he is capable of doing and this is the event that poses the biggest threat to have that happen right of Noah right you have a salt bike which if you start too fast in the round of thirty year done there's no coming back from redlining on the assault bike oh by the way you have another event that you can lose even more points on we saw it happen to Matt McLeod Noah has shown me so far and like I said I don't want to talk about a no-hitter in the ninth inning that he is changed and grown as an athlete not just physically mentally but competitively because there's a difference there's the mental game that's a physical game and then there's your competitive game Matt Fraser has that rich Froning had that and to a level that you really can't teach Matt on the other side talking about you know Noah not making a mistake Matz Matz ready Matt's angry you know an angry and Matt Fraser is a dangerous Matt Fraser but I don't want him to lose that competitive intelligence because the same thing can happen we saw it happened to him in 2015 in the final event when he tried to chase down Ben Smith on the assault bike he ended up burying himself and retrospect he actually didn't need to go that hard so sometimes athletes the biggest strengths can be their biggest weakness is that Matt needs to be careful to not overdo it too soon and maybe lose even more yeah cuz Matt Matt can't lose more than 20 Matt Matt can't lose points Noah ohlsen in these two events he has to he has to be no I don't know about winning but he asked him right he has to start finishing ahead of him and then the best case scenario for Fraser he finishes ahead Olsen if he gets some somebody between the two of them there's also a good battle going on now for the rest of the podium bjorgen Karl rumensin currently sits and third place overall Scott panchik will be gunning for him now as panchik sits about 43 points back which in two back-to-back events when you're talking about 200 points up for grabs with 10 points between places the margin of point spread that we are working with 10 athletes makes all of this come like it's not I wonder if like it can happen it's been happening all weekend it's been happening all day on both the men in the women's side is that having this available for two back-to-back events 40 points is now nothing it used to be I don't think he can reach him you know he's gonna have to get like 10th place for his first that used to be a 40 point difference now it's first and fourth yeah James Newberry comes in in fifth place overall he is 17 points back in Scott panchik for fourth so now Patrick has to look over his shoulder and try to hold off James Newberry so back to the CrossFit world feed that they have been providing for the last four days as the athletes in the second and final heat here of events 10 and 11 take the floor and there is James Newberry I'm Sean woodland with chase Ingram and we really appreciate you being with us here today that's in the rogue iron game as we wrap up our coverage of the 2019 or Reebok CrossFit Games final day a competition started way back on Thursday with nearly 300 total individual athletes we're now down to just 20 [Music] that Fraser the last time he was in this facility he won both the events and pretty dramatic fashion I mean that's that's in that phrase who were used to seeing and now you add the fuel of being in second again behind Noah ohlsen bill here is I if no looking keep his composure that's really his only biggest issue coming in it's not any of these movements overhead squats he's fantastic strong on the bike but Matt's gonna need to take it he can't wait for Noah to make a mistake and that's gonna be the big thing I'm so excited to let go I'm trying to contain my energy right now but this type of event these two sport events how fast are going to be with so much on the line to me fireworks and we're not into the final event yet just 35 points separating Noah vosen for Matt Fraser in his yoga Karl guman Singh who's gonna try to hold off Scott panchik for that third and final spot on the podium back-to-back challenges 120 reps in the first 60 reps in the second and that's just it's you see the Rings but it's the bike the bike is this event I was talking to Paul Tremblay once the events got announced and tell me how this was like it's straight bike especially you got the big strong guys out there it favors them the Rings you just got to be able to hang on and keep that rhythm on the Rings but it's gonna come down to the bike but not so much as an athlete coming in you know what's on the line and you have to move fast but wait for the 20 to push the pace Noah ohlsen and Matt Fraser will be right next to each other and keep an eye on Matt Fraser because he will be watching Noah Olsen's display he does that all the time and events like this [Applause] Olson trying to get on the podium for the first time in his career and remember in 2017 it was an event with heavy overhead squats he imploded on that to two to three intervals of it and that's what kept him off the podium that year [Applause] second and final heat of ringer one is underway 30 calories on yourself I can look at James Newberry and urban Karl Gruber to crank away all right so you forget what I said about fully setting the first 30 count way to set see what the next 20 look like the time to be belong to Jacob Hefner for twenty seven point one three its holes into Newberry swapping the lead razors in there as well so all of these meant about on the same pace Noah and Matt do not need a look to the right don't let Newberry throw you off your game plan going into the rings James Newberry is done 34 seconds thirty calories down for Newberry that looks like Fraser is just about done a Fraser is off and he is ahead of Noah ohlsen and there are two other men there as well Newbury is your leader he's through 36 now 37 of the 120 scored repetitions Jordan guman Singh and Matt Fraser are in second and third and here comes Olson who is in fourth followed by Scott panchik it's all since about 15 to 17 seconds behind Matt Fraser currently and it doesn't matter where it's 1st or 2nd 6th or 7th if there's only two places between the two it's still 10 points regardless at 60 reps be very will move on to round 2 of he'll be halfway through this event he's through 52 now 53 of the first 60 reps in this first round human s'en and Fraser now has moved back in the third so Olson and Fraser about even here's what you need to look for for James Newberry on the left side of your screen as the pace he has getting on to the bike relative to his first set of 32 James Neary back to the bike 20 calories he's halfway through this event 120 total repetitions to strong star for Newberry and here comes Fraser lose in the second goo Madsen now in 3rd who Noah ohlsen has some ground to make up here in this event he's off the Rings and onto the bike now look at Matt phrased at the bottom right side screen this is a stronger pace than what he started with in the first set of 30 and that's what you need to see Bray's they're pushing the middle round to get him back into contention for first place meanwhile James Newberry continuing to lead here and he is almost done with his second assault by 20 calories down for the man from Australia he's moving on to the Rings 20 reps James Neary stays in the lead and now Fraser moves into second place time to beat for twenty seven point one three seconds Newbury through 84 of the 120 total repetitions it's Fraser in second and GU Matson and third and Noah ohlsen is falling off the pace Noah all sent needs to push the pace here he can't really make up time on the Rings that the problem when he reached the end of this event is that there's not enough time on the Rings to make it up it has to be done on the bike even though Noah ohlsen has just Durbin Carl Vinson between himself and Fraser we have other times the prior Heath that might affect things here in the second Heat Newberry almost done final round for him just 10 calories on the bike then 10 toaster rays Fraser is in second watch the pace on new bear on the left he's got enough energy to push but here comes Matt Fraser GU Madsen is in third Fraser slowly creeping up on James Newbury for calories behind Noah ohlsen to the bike he's in fourth place in this heat Newbery's done Fraser's done ten months ago Newbury about a repla Hannah Fraser Kumud sit on the Rings now as well five to go for Frazer Newbery's aw he's going to win the events Matt Fraser is up he takes second that'll be 90 points for Frasier now here comes rumensin rumensin will take third in the event [Applause] Noah ohlsen will get in he is in fourth so Matt Fraser in second place picks up 90 Olson picks up 70 from Matt Fraser cuts 20 points off of Noah Olsen's lead that wasn't the best structured event for Nilsson and the only loose twenty he's happy a good thing for him Scott panchik has done and Patrick will come across Patrick's fifth and they need that time will be good for six in the event so Jacob Heppner who set the early time to beat will now take fifth place in that event so one more look at the final set of toes the Rings here is James Newberry hanging on for the win and he and he went for it and that's what she got to do in the place John the leaderboard it really this there's nothing to lose for Newberry and those are the athletes that are the ones that can have the most impact on what happens on the podium and as a result James Newberry has moved into fourth place ahead of Scott panchik and he's only 40 points back of your van Karl guman Singh this is all unofficial now looks like he sits in third place still Matt Fraser 15 points back as a result of his second place finish and Noah ohlsen is still the leader but now only by 15 points as we get set for a ringer - so Fraser is gonna have to beat him with at least two people in between to get that 20 point spread and then ever you're looking at Newberry in the orphan Karl Goodman's in 40 point edge that Goodman Singh has with Newberry currently sitting in fourth outside the podium that's just a difference between first and six or a third and a ninth so it's completely possible when you have an event as fast as this something sub three minutes there's no room for error there's no room for slip-up but I think in this event in particular with the burpees to the Rings and the overhead squats is that you can really push the pace hard in that first set of 15 and be able to hang on towards the end and you saw those updated overall Santa Sunol so now just 15 points up on that man the Matt Fraser trying to chip away had no Olson's lead here and it's James Newberry who moves in the fourth place overall he has never been lower than seventh overall in this competition Olson versus Frazier and as you heard chase say if Matt wants to take the white jersey from Noah ohlsen he's got to beat him and he's got to get a little bit of help [Music] say mama can Noah ohlsen hold off Matt Fraser second and final heat of event 11 ringer 260 total reps will be started with penny-tee burpees of the Rings by Matt Fraser in the green center lane just to the right of no Olson who saw David's daughter do the same thing and just come out of the gates screaming there is no pacing in the first set of 15 because I don't think there are enough reps when you go to 10 and 5 to make up for lost time Noah ohlsen and Matt Fraser are about even now boo Matson is on the lead pace as well so 15 reps here than 15 overhead squats at 135 and who needs to be careful it's actually top left your screen is James Newberry's he is paying for that event number 10 pace Newbery's in fifth Matt Fraser leads first man to the barbell time to beat is three twenty nine point seven three seconds belongs to Jacob Hepler rumensin on the barbell and Olson getting to work as a Scott panchik but if this holds right here regardless of where they finish Matt Fraser is going to be your new overall leader Fraser with three to go before he will move on to round number two now ten burpees are the Rings for Matt Fraser who is tracking down he missed the raise out rep will not count we talked about it earlier height is an advantage here it is when you take a fixed tide of the Rings and that is a significant jump after you just went through 15 overhead squats and the 60 Cal's on the bike Matt Fraser through 35 now of the 60 scored Rev Norvin GU Batson sits in second Noah ohlsen is in third again if this holds in this event regardless of where these men finish Matt Fraser is going to take the white jersey from Noah ohlsen Fraser moving now ten reps at 1:35 rumensin still right behind him and now Scott panchik is starting to move ahead of Noah ohlsen and James Newberry paying for that effort in the first event he's in fifth Noah ohlsen is laboring back on the right side of the screen on those prayer fees the Olsens pace has slowed considerably Matt Fraser has not and Matt Fraser is zeroing in on the top of the overall leaderboard five for Peter rings from Fraser before I final five reps on the barbell Kumud sin is on the Rings this is great for Fraser five months ago for Matt Fraser time to beat three twenty nine point seven three seconds final repre Fraser give me my Jersey he is your new leader as he winds up at 11 Goodwyn cities in here comes Scott pension so now Noah Olsen's got to worry about it's falling out of the top three now he's across the finish line so Olsen will finish fifth in the event Fraser gets a hundred points Olsen will get sixty so now it's Fraser unofficially with a thirty five point lead on Olson is James Newberry who went full sended event number one is now sitting in fifth and that's exactly what I mean by people who can screw up the leaderboard he fully sent in an event ten with no regard of what his finishing place would be on event eleven and that put points between Matt and Noah just because what he did Noah ohlsen has put up a great fight here at the CrossFit Games the math Fraser has been on a mission he is now won three of the last four events inside the Coliseum at the Alliant Energy Center and in the last event he finished second [Applause] we are approaching the five at a time Captain James Newbury who won the first event is possibly going to get inside the time cap and when you see it a lead after moving like that you know that was difficult and I know I'll never try these events not at that intensity the Matt Fraser takes event 11 he picks up a possible where he picks up 190 out of a possible 200 points these back-to-back events and right now there's a new white jersey being printed with his name on it and I'll give credit to Noah this looked like nothing that he did wrong in terms of game planning and strategy that gave these finishing positions he just know now it's just better as a result Matt Fraser with yet another event win and had the exact perfect pace during Rio and and Fraser with a twenty five point lead over Noah ohlsen it's droving rumensin and third but for the first time since Friday Matt Fraser is going to be wearing the overall leader's jersey and we really want to thank all the volunteers here at the CrossFit Games as Matt Fraser set for an interview that was exactly what you needed to read take the overall leader position after those two events you came out here looking hungry for it how did you execute a plan and those two back-to-back events to get back here I want to go out of the pace that scared myself and just not give myself the choice but to hang on you know I got nothing to hold back so I'm just I'm just going for it we're sitting down he's a little beat up after that I'm sure and after getting in the water this morning man how are you feeling over the course of all these past events oh you know tired sore just like everyone else but fights not stopping me from doing anything I'm ready to do it all again Matt Fraser says he's ready to do it all over again and he just like Tia to me trying to track down some history as Matt Fraser is looking to become just the second man to ever win for CrossFit Games Championships we will step aside for a little bit we're gonna be back here inside the Rogue 10 on the rogue iron game and Annie Thorisdottir will be joining us you don't want to stick around for that as our coverage of the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games continues [Music] [Music] [Music] back out to the competition floor at the Alliant Energy Center as Dave Castro is getting set to make another announcement as he has brought 20 individual athletes back out on to the competition for that's handed over to the CrossFit world feet [Applause] [Applause] the final event of the 2009 games for the individuals is what we call the standard the standard is grace 30 clean and jerks for time with 135 95 pounds 30 muscle ups for time and then Isabelle 30 snatches for time the standard is your final event go warm up go get ready go do what you need to do for the team's you guys are doing a team variant of that two athletes one male and one female we'll finish grace then the next two athletes finish grace then you guys as a team move up to 30 muscle ups to athletes finish 30 muscle ups for time and then the next to finish and then you guys progress to the barbell to athletes finish Isabelle two athletes finish Isabelle cross the line time let's have some fun announced these athletes gonna go prepare for it that team's kicking things off at 3 p.m. the standard for the teams and the individuals we will take a break when we come back a nice or solder joining us here on the rogue iron game show of the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games
Channel: Rogue Fitness
Views: 295,266
Rating: 4.793499 out of 5
Keywords: Rogue Fitness, crossfit, rogue, made in the usa, american made, fitness
Id: Abhm1xw4tuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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