Men Try Every Flavor of Japanese Kit Kats

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often do you love chocolate love job just love it that milk chocolate goodness who doesn't I don't know communists but how do you feel about chocolate of strange oh let's try that that one too here we have it this is quite the plethora so we imported a lot of different flavors at Kit Kats from Japan yes which I didn't know was a thing Kit Kats got one flavour like they're one of the only people who don't make a billion flavours so I thought yes so we thought and we were wrong I'm excited and scared all at the same time cuz here's the thing like I love Japan I love its food one day I will go there but they also eat weird things what is this bean sandwich looks like a Nutella some of these look good but there's just some colors that shouldn't be on candy this one looks like strawberries and cream if you know what flavour we're about to try let us know in case we get it completely wrong what's pink I think weird I think we hit this one on the dot yes break me off a piece of that like the design that is I'm on in there that's so good holy yes strawberries and cold is delicious but that's a good pile wow this is a good side about this one should we try this one next yeah this one like like mid leaves looks like some sort of strange amoeba what is a wasabi look like I'm betting one of these flavors is wasabi all it has to be something green maybe mint leaves break me you monster you're a monster that's gonna ruin people what does that taste like it's conflicting cuz it's not like there's sweetness but then there's not meat okay okay I give wasabi a pass it's not great it's not bad it goes in the middle goes in the middle let's try this thing all right what's that one I don't know they have a lot of like filled cookie things it's like a like a cookie leaf with a weird purple filled cookie stuff weird biscuit thing don't smell it don't smell it but now I have to my curiosity is curling me it's like tree bark smells like dog food tree bark and doctors so the hint of hazelnut hit the betel nut and Don look at the inside of it it's like different colors on the inside - it's like an old Park not good in corn you take the corner first off what does the notifier taste like you just ate it you ever had like that old stale fart floating around you walk right into it feel like you can taste it negatory to me it goes for another greenie let's see here okay the only thing I think of is this light it's very green this little like Apple looking thing it's a red circle with a little leaf on it I'm gonna say it's gonna taste like apple jam I bet it's a green apple don't see what color it is though it's green it's like puke green the thing sorry I got moustache on this side you might want the yellow that smells like a normal kid cat it's kind of nice it tastes like a bland KitKat yeah it kind of feels like that's what it would taste like if you pull the kick cap right off a tree like a tree cat hey drink yeah a tree KitKat treat KitKat where we put I mean it's not great but it's not terrible right in the middle in the middle blue one that looks dope blueberry totally great this is this one's totally great what Dan blue grapes Oh blue grapes but again blueberries are purple so it doesn't make any sense anyways blueberries are purple didn't you ever notice they're like purpley thank blue so deep it could be called it's white it's white berry smell good does smell good but the color is ruining it for me United mean like it should inaudible but it's white it's kind of like the flavor tootsie rolls the vanilla the blue one Thank You what it smells like that's okay it's a plasticy vibe at the end yeah a little bit yay or nay ah middle so far we've only had one grade that was so good we started off delicious so good so so classic red package alright classic with gold I do like the red and gold this one looks like it's gonna have almonds in it for some reason I like almonds you know one that you like try to classy up a candy bar they always start almonds in it it's true pink but there's nothing that tells me that this should be pink for any reason this was a real good strawberry that's raspberry no okay baby this smells fantastic be sure it kind of smells like strawberry Nesquik you're right I like it Wow don't have yummy that one has a surprise punch then she's like hey taste buds play a little tiny hey yeah they're dancing on my tongue yeah Japanese little cogs nothing this one this one looks like what is that dirt coffee that's cappuccino but that looks like tomato soup tomato soup if he never sleeps coffee cream in it it's like when I look like tree bark yeah it looks like dark dirty Barbados you you this is looking good Brown like not the good kind of Braille that you want to see in your chocolate it smells like dirt for real let's get this one sounds like somebody dipped OH a stick and coffee yeah that's definitely coffee yeah it tastes like coffee smells if coffee looks weird in Japan that's actually really good I'm putting this one over here that one looks like liquid wasabi no no no this doesn't look like wasabi at all you know this looks like what are those peas that you get at sushi restaurants the ones that you bite and then you pull the edamame edamame it looks like edamame liquid edamame it's like a soup looks like a stingray to me down at least the grape flavored the Hokkaido melon oh the melon flavor it's a melon we don't know what kind of like a different color it's like a callable yeah I hope it's kind of a Debbie that smells delightful oh good it's a melon some sort of milling yes that is yeah it's a milk belongs here with its brethren wow that's fantastic that was real good I think didn't we try this no love that we're going through all the like ugly colored ones I know I'm looking down an angle colorful ones left this oh yeah our favorite color puke green this one we had to eat necro yeah that one looks disgusting he's got lots of chunks in it clear that look at chunky monkey poop hmm that was kidding when I said oh oh I feel like it stained my tongue there's like rusted metal pennies yeah okay that was a weird aftertaste Rose it didn't it's weird it's like you just wait you went her to a pier it's like a ninja oh that one's gonna be young you think I think so that one this one looks enticing because it's got all the color it's got all the right colors to make it a delicious treat it's got a fun looking little ice cream frosting tower or whatever I have no idea what flavor it is yeah either that's fantastic like pile this one's very curious it's got little baby tomatoes and almonds mothers are cranberries you never see the cranberry I've only ever seen those commercials with the dudes and the waiters usually those cranberry look Tomatoes we better enjoy this one because there's one one one of our tribe peeps just sent us a care package from Norway yeah I've got all sorts of gross stuff in it and delicious stuff delicious we're probably going to dedicate a video to that yeah so if you'd like to send us stuff from your country for us to try we box as always on the description that one's actually chocolate colored look at the top this is like specialized there's little pieces of stuff in it dark chocolate it is dark choc I just dark chocolate that is like a healthy kick cast I'm gonna sit there that's not been tended on the same page yeah what's green and gold I was smelling as a cigar like what is that taste like the bottom of a golfer's shoe he was hitting on the back nine he stepped into a pile of crane poop this one looks like apples and aspen trees oh I like that I don't know why there's Aspen's on there because apples obviously do not come from aspen trees how do you know it's an aspen look at it you can tell that by the way by the way it yeah Aspen I hope someone in the Commons good side reference yeah me too let me shuffle it flavored alright okay we're gonna we're in a positive direction here whoa whoa that is strong like I didn't have to put it up that close to my house that was wrong apple flavor smell wanna cuddle up in it yes when I think Japan that's why I think of unique flavors that are double that's yummy yes butter over there what is it though that balls in the BG Apple what is it it's a shoe Apple hmm oh wait this is Zen that read Taos is totally I think this is the red tongue because it's strumming in the bottom Oh strawberry do the strawberry I just smell use my slowly hands good it's delicious all of the pink ones are great why does America have strawberry flavored KitKat come on America we've got two flavors chocolate and white chocolate they're basically the same play three players there's orange ones too there's orange ones yeah it's down to what we think might be the best and the worst at least that's what I think yeah I'm looking at a possible ella bache blonde cheesecake is it flung and I'm pretty sure this is a bean sandwich do they have I don't know even a happy man - they have beans in Japan do they the gonna have beans have you ever had beans with your Chinese food Japanese food okay which one do we eat first get that man out of here what if this turns up your super enough I hope not like it looks like a weird chunky bean sandwich it's brown it's a normal color okay it seems that this one got a little melty all right I mean it did come here from Japan oh I can smell from here and it smells musty that smells horrendous [Music] oh I don't like it I don't like it I can't even process what that tastes like what is that oh yeah one more all right one so this one turns out to be what we think it'll be that's not you keep that the bean cake oh it's tarin cake with beef broth on top what does that tres there's no tuna flavor maybe that's what that is what does that squid Oh smells caramel e oh my gosh mmm good yes good yes that's good yes he's a yummy one that is good that one's out George my pile so moral the story is the light-colored and pink kitty cats are the best oh yeah in the comments let us know what flavors you think these are or if you know what they are let us know so we can know what we just put into our bodies please let us know that you enjoyed this video by smashing that button that says like or actually look it's just that thumbs assistive thumb don't forget to join this fun and wild try and hit that subscribe and let us know what foods you'd like to see us try next and we'll see you this Park a shark but partner shark parka shark yeah you gotta put him the shark barking can you imagine if we could link right Sharks saddle saddle it up and sound whatever and then you dock it run your eyes to the dock
Channel: Men Try Videos
Views: 233,730
Rating: 4.9675512 out of 5
Keywords: men try videos, men try, kit kat, kit kats, kitkat, kitkats, kit-kat, kit-kats, japanese kit-kats, japanese kit kats, japanese kit-kat taste test, japanese kit kats taste test, japanese kitkat taste test, taste test, taste test challenge, japanese kit kats review, kit kat flavors, japanese food, japanese taste test, mukbang, we try, people try, japanese, japan, eating, eat, try guys, flavor, flavors, every flavor, candy, foreign, food, taste, japanese kitkat
Id: etWLm7rghSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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