Ranking Every Weird Chips Ahoy Cookie Flavor! - Extreme Taste Test

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i hate chips away [Music] this morning i wrote cam and i was like hey could you stop and get some milk and he's like oh great that means we're gonna be doing another hot episode i said no no no sir no no no not today for today we're going to be doing the ultimate chips ahoy tasty oh bring them in wait so you're telling me there's 14 kinds of chips ahoy oh i'm telling you 14 kinds of chips ahoy and we're here today to find out which one oh my goodness i thought they had like two kinds bro they got 14 that i could find can i be honest with you yeah this is gonna be the raw truth it might hurt you to the core a little bit i hate chips ahoy wait i never told you that i liked them so why do you think it'll hurt me oh really you like chips ahoy i mean they're all right okay they're not my first preferred cookie like by any means no i've only really ever had the chewy chips ahoy which isn't that the regular it and i don't like it i hate it it's okay do that s'mores is looking real good this is right now that's called the brownie one i'm i'm digging these like cream-filled things light fudge like let's dive into this because i'm hungry that's right i love a good excuse for eating cookies i've never eaten them with milk neither am i interested but i wanted like the ultimate equalizer because some cookies are so much better with milk true so much fun true all right first on the list we're doing the original chips ahoy oh snap okay we're sitting the baseline here yeah i honestly don't even remember when i've last had an original chipset royale i feel like they've always been the chewy ones i apparently have never had an original so here we go get in get in there oh it's definitely hard oops cheers very dry here's the thing this already tastes better than the chewy that i always have the milk actually definitely makes this one taste better and because it's like kind of crunchy it like seeps into it you know we're having 14 of these and i was gonna limit myself to a bite of cookie but you know what i'm going ham i'm giving this a thorough testing okay okay vote wise i think it's safe to say we should probably when it gets soft it's good that is next level okay so here's the question then in our rating scale do we default it to 14 and things move up or do we start at one and things can move down see i think we defaulted at seven right in the middle right in the middle okay and then we can kind of jockey them up and down as well all right all right wow that was pretty good i love cookies for lunch now next them chewy chips chips chewy chips ahoy soft and chewy this is what i think of every time i think of chips exactly i gotta know down in the comments let us know if we're the only ones that have these is like the og yeah these are the staple here in utah and i don't know why not a fan of they are very soft i like the crunch i mean i do i do like the soft do you why i do because like i don't really do anything with the milk though not at all did nothing with the milk like rebelled it's like at the end satan that's what it's saying right now goodbye itself no milk that's terrible bites i think what it is is that when you make homemade cookies how low we go with well see that's the thing is i feel like we need to i feel like we have to start somewhere and it's almost like because like if we start here we can go well this one's not as good as this and the next one we're like well it's better than this but it's not as good as that it's in last place all right i see what you're doing there okay okay okay all right our new ratings i think the idea is that the the chewy is a little more like a fresh cookie where the crunchy is almost like it's either been cooked too long or it's been sitting out forever see i don't like it so that's why it tastes terrible i do like the original though especially i think the milk is what helped to win for me yeah the original like being able to dunk that milk inside it tastes way better that one just repels it like the dill candy blast candy blasts i would imagine like an original but instead of but it's got little candy coated chocolate chips ooh they're no batties but they're not squishy wow these are a lot thicker see maybe this is the confusion because they're not necessarily light right they're not chewy are they no they are not chewy you think chewy doing it without the milk or with the milk without first and then you're right okay okay so far i already like it more than the other two really more than the other two mm-hmm really i feel like it's in the middle i feel like it's in the middle of the two i don't think it's better than that no i mean in the middle as far as like consistency it's not chewy but it's not too crisp see i like the crisp man i like a good chunk i would put this above a chewy definitely below the original if you add this you could only buy one pack and it's this or the original oh yeah by the way the original are you not this really i like it really well a little candy coated little crunch i want to negate you i don't think it's better than the original so you think it belongs here i think it belongs there uh-huh we know that's there for sure by now what do you think harvard we can put it into is it better okay here's here's the deciding factor is it better in milk than the original i guess the original is better than that yeah it just does i don't know it does something different this one still let some in but it still repels it too you get more milk in the original okay okay thanks for agreeing with me on that one i can see that it's called a compromise red white and blue candy chips oh america so this one is pretty much the last one just mercanized i gotta say presentations a lot better good okay well i'm just going to go straight for the dunk okay milk first time last one i didn't dunk long enough if i'm gonna enjoy a cookie it needs to be dunkable you know what i mean i need that milk can't be going around having dry mouth for whatever reason this tastes worse than the last one yeah better than the chewy right you're just losing ground here bud ugly not as great kind of a letdown looks the best it does look the best but we're not here judging on looks not today anyway i'm excited for this oh s'mores flavored things are like some of my favorites it's one of the flavors that translates into a lot of different places you know what i mean i'll let you do this okay okay you know it kind of looks chewy doesn't it it does and i'm already mad a little bit but that's because it's got something in the middle okay oh look at that though a nice little cross section here we go there's the cookie [Music] i don't like the chewy i don't focus on the taste it's not chew the taste is okay it's kind of like coconut to me you know what i mean like the texture has to match the flavor coconut just sucks all the time like same with chewy chips it does dip better than the chewy 100 chewy hates milk okay okay i can see that [Laughter] i agree wholeheartedly it's okay it's got a nice little s'mores taste to it it's got a solid s'more flavor and the milk gives it that marshmallowy taste too which adds to it i'm gonna need more of that milk it's more dunkable than the chewy but it's still not the best next on the list chips ahoy brownie okay this has some potential now here's the thing oh it's chewy i love brownies but i hate chewing the chewy looks fake it does you know what i mean and it feels fake and it smells weird a cookie does not look at this like you know when you go by the base you cannot you should not be able to imprint your cookie look at that imprinting that is not if you take you know when you go to the bakery and they have the cookies and they're really puffy yeah i hate that yeah it's like a it's almost like a cupcake cookie yeah it's not right there is this thing as too fluffy of a cookie now it says you can heat them what peek for a treat would you like me to heat some for you duh yes please here's a nice little cross section of it it's got a little brownie filling there it tastes like those little clear boxes of the small round branches yeah you know i'm a snob when it comes to brownies like i will straight up no no i do not like a bad brownie i mean no one likes a bad brownie but i especially hate like it has to be a decent brownie this bad brownie so far maybe heat will do something to it let's see if milk does oh milk makes it worse coming in with the hot stuff i don't want to eat it it's going to fall apart oh a sweet treat let's see no i mean it kind of makes it better no it doesn't not even and no no i know exactly where that one's going in my book yeah that is terrible are there any your bedding are going to be your favorite i do like a nice red velvet i was thinking the same but that red velvet i do like reese's me too but i don't know if i'd like the reese's chunk i'm almost thinking i'm gonna like the reese's pieces one i don't like reese's pieces you don't don't because there's no chocolate it's all peanut butter isn't it it's got a hard chocolate candy shell it's like it's not enough it's all about the ratio all right reese's show them the product original reese's you'll love them to pieces we'll see about that chipset that's what it says on the side it says right there on the bottom okay we'll see about that nabisco remember and i'm praying this is a harder cookie because that chewy just ruins things now i'm already kind of sad because the only recent piece is like on the side yeah there's nowhere else i didn't even get one where is it oh here's the one i had to look for one that had oh this one's got some on the top it's definitely not as much as you would think but that could be a good could be we'll find out i don't want it to be too peanut buttery let's find out it's got a nice peanut like reese's taste got the crunch it's got the crunch it's not chewy i mean it kind of goes without saying but it does have that traditional peanut butter cooking flavor it does what do they call those are they just peanut butter cookies no i mean it's good it's definitely on the higher end for me i mean i do love reese's but still it doesn't fully envelop the true reese's taste and you know what milk surprisingly doesn't add to it not very much weird and we know he's down he's gonna go down too yeah he's definitely one thousand this now here's the question i think oh this is the toughest oh i think i would you think you would because it's reese's and so i'm already drawn to it before that but the flame even at flavor they're really close they both have that same crunch i'll let you decide without now i think of this i think i would almost i think i would okay yeah i think we were just live too when we were kids we always thought the chewie was the better one yeah i never ate them because because it was unique unique a lot of things unique doesn't make them good oh bummer next one next one reese's chocolate cookie but it's chili [Music] oh no i really wanted to find one that i was gonna like maybe it'll prove me wrong maybe this is the magic concoction that the chewie needs to be good i just hate that imprint they don't smell very good like any of them no they smell like they smell like they came out of a freaking factory which they did and i like them to smell like they're coming out of grandma's oven you know what i mean there's a cross section real nothing really to show but it's got some good chunks in it we'll see it also has peanut butter chips right along with this you know it's got to be the aftertaste of the chewy it just doesn't taste like [Laughter] i love that we're on the same page oh my god now here's the thing would you honestly keep that one above this one yeah really because it's got crunch it does have the crunch but i honestly enjoyed the flavor a little bit more i just i don't know all right i'll agree with you it's right there like it says you can toss it up this one to me has a little bit better flavor and this one has that much more cookie taste yeah take it with a grain of salt oh more reasons wow we're on a reese's roll here pieces reese's pieces now this one is one i'm excited for because i until recent years have not cared for reese's pieces but being married to a lovely woman who loves reese's pieces arisa's pieces connoisseur changed my mind find myself enjoying that a little bit more how am i supposed to get him out why'd you go for the side you know that's not where you go because he had a piece sticking out oh no this one's got none this one's got one there you go reese's pieces hmm now i would imagine these shouldn't have a strong peanut buttery taste like the last one leslie cookie's not peanut butter is it no now this one almost throws a wrench in the gears because it's the crunchy it's got a good flavor it's got a good peanut butter flavor but i don't taste any chocolate flavor i don't think it does i don't think it's mixed too chocolate flavored it's all butter cookie it's all peanut butter which is different against all the others absorbs the milk real well real well present i actually really like this one wow me too this one is surprisingly really good [Music] sorry bud okay agreed agreed [Music] now here's a big question number one oh i don't know if i really like the flavor of this one even though it's mostly peanut butter which i don't like peanut butter cookies usually right one's really good right i'm gonna have to say two it's very solid it could it could if it had a chocolate chip on it too it'd be a number one i don't know if chocolate chip it would add to it honestly knocks it out of the park as a peanut butter cookie it does peanut butter really well but if i'm wanting a traditional really rock solid cookie you have chocolate chip yeah it's a staple all right i think they do this in the factory taste test them if they don't i'm disappointed in them they they should have this should be how their meetings go like all right how can we improve on brownie because it sucks brownie sucks chips i hope they take this yes there you go dude in the research office watching our videos real chocolate chip cookies who are giving out fake chocolate chip cookies like why do you have to say that yeah why put real why who's giving out the fake one what is what is it what does a fake chocolate cookie look like exactly interesting okay bro this might be an upset yeah look at that that's much better than this dinky one see here hershey's let's see what you do let's do this it does have that hershey's chocolate taste that is a signature flavor you know what i mean um wow you're moving down your candy blast a lot no do we dare i dare what he goes right there really yes because it is this but better it's literally this with bigger chunks of chocolate in it and who doesn't love more chocolate and it's better chocolate you even notice the difference between the chocolate chips themselves and pieces of hershey i'm having a hard decision you know it and the milk solubility off the charts where's the original close your eyes here's the first one okay second one which one i'm glad the kind of tastes the same oh okay i think the second one had a little bit of a different flavor it has a little bit something extra i know you know what i mean and that's the one okay okay okay yes there's something more than just chocolate in there it's got a little bit of extra magic chips ahoy chunky dip for fun in your ice cream it says you know i don't trust our recommendations anymore after that one this is going to be the exact argument that you made for the previous cookie in that it has more chocolate and it's gonna have that extra i don't know will it though because it's different i feel like they've i don't know this one does a lot of chips on it this one's a little fat boy little feather he's got some hype to it you know what i mean whoa yeah is this like going from it's already long enough really trust me it's just sucking it up man i'm definitely the most absorbent cookie here's a question is there a thing as too much chocolate in a cookie i think you can dabble on the edge of a little bit too much now here's where we sit what is this little guy gonna do yeah i think so but like it can it sets up more yeah yeah i think i think it could go easily for number two if two and three are a toss-up for me one is still rock solid though i think one still can hold its place i'll let you decide because these could be interchangeable to me this one just it it just soaks up the milk yeah fantastic quality super quick super delicious ooh white fudge no kyle okay real chocolate chunk cookies again with the real [Applause] who designed that lid that is just so smart so genius okay there's like no delay you know you just rip into it it's just it's getting heavy i'm slowing down here guys all right let's power through this here we are white chocolate chunk i'm just going straight for the dunk are you did you go for the dunk no oh yeah is it good really good that white fudge gives it something extra it does i'm getting cookied out but this cookie wow that is high on the flavor you're gonna let me do the honors yes sir uh-huh wow really okay now this is where we get into hard territory did we break into the top four oh weird how did reese's pieces get to four yeah wow i would buy that before i buy recent pieces so would i would you buy it before you bought a hershey's now see i feel like what you said is true these are kind of linked i bought it before one i'd buy it before the other one too uh-huh and i do think that white chalk that white fudge is enough for me to put it above a bowl same yeah i agree okay okay does it take number one close man that number one is barely hanging on oh now this could throw things in the blender a little bit ah you like thin cookies chips ahoy thins here's why i say that when we were young oreo was the best cookie it's still still one of the number one cookies and then they came out with the double stuff oh which made it even better right exactly it made that initial one that was so incredible garbage amazing you know they took it to the next level have you ever had a thin oreo i have and they're pretty good they're amazing they're pretty good they're really good well see i might get shot for this but i will stand by it i am now a bigger fan of the golden oreos me too yes okay good yeah they're my favorite i love the vanilla yes oh my gosh i love it it's the best so i always get those the thin ones of course double stuff yeah i just have normal i get so mad when i actually buy the regular stuffed i almost don't even eat them because i'm just mad let's uh let's see if it's enough to change the number one spot there's that flavor well because again it is the origin it is the first place but just thin you know what else i love about the thin is it has that extra crunch like it's just a little bit crunchier it's kind of like it's kind of like the uh the edge of a brownie you know what i mean it's got that mmm texture and that's why i love the thinner cookies oh yeah oh yeah keep going keep going move on over okay now does it dethrone number one now think to yourself would you eat more or enjoy eating more of these than of get out of these wow van's overtaking the the gigantic number one wow again though it's the same cookie just thinner and it's got a great ratio dude and the dunking is so nice you're not waiting forever yep last one this is the one that we had high hopes for i feel like we're gonna be disappointed here it is the red velvet chips ahoy you know red velvet's just chocolate what yeah with red food coloring in it no no you're not doing that to me no is it really yes oh no i'm sad now before we try this one to see if it overtakes the number one make sure you subscribe to five's a crowd come join us on our podcast where we have a lot of fun with our other three idiot friends come be one of the crowd listen in on literal conversations that we actually have in rooms by ourselves you just put microphones in front of us and it's fantastic all right man take one with me oh is it it's it's full no remember it's full of cream cheese filling cream cheese cream cheese frosting that's always what's on red velvet okay apparently i just don't know what red velvet is all right are you sure red velvet is just chocolate for sure yes so real red velvet cake is made with cocoa powder vinegar and buttermilk the chemical reaction between these ingredients helps give the cake a deep maroon color that is often enhanced by extra food coloring that tastes way better than just regular chocolate yeah why though the chemical balance or reaction of the maroon making [Music] okay and the cream cheese you're gonna let me do the honors yes this is podium this is for podium right here wow oh but that white chocolate that white fudge did something so magical dead i gotta say for edibility i could eat more of these than i could of these these are delicious but they're so sweet and sugary it's overpowering yes you like one or two and you're solid these you could inhale yep oh my god you're like i'm proud of this rating system this is genius now here's my question to you are there any that you think we've misplaced and need and earn a higher or lower ranking now that we're all said and done i don't think so i think i'm eyeing this one you think so over the first happen i mean i could be persuaded to do one of these what about wanna ah i would still pro i would still eat that before that really but would you eat that before that seaward oh just one you don't get more than one of these three oh yeah you only get to have one there's three there's one of these on the table you haven't had any cookies you just got to the party your friends ate everything else that's all that's left you have two more friends coming i would be proud with that rating would you do that because i'd come in first i'd be like okay i believe that the next friend comes in that one's a hard one maybe they feel a little see this one's hard because it honestly is more like this yeah it's they're even one thousand percent if i'm in a really good chocolate mode going for the chunky if i'm in a peanut buttery mode i'm gonna hit up the reese's exactly by far in the field of just peanut butter cookies that one wins oh handstand hands down so if you're a peanut butter cookie lover that's the one you want that's the one you want i stand by our decisions me too but i wish we had a stamp i want to like approve this the gavel case closed there it is do you agree do you disagree with our rankings let us know down in the comments maybe we're idiots i don't know but my tongue that's how i see don't lie thanks so much for joining this tribe and we'll see you next time deuces bye fan friggingtastic see not spicy food good because i thought it would it would have wrecked us thank you waitress you'd be getting a nice tip that wasn't being weird he didn't say the tip said ah too
Channel: Men Try Videos
Views: 237,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: men try videos, men try, try, guys try, chips ahoy, every flavor, rating, taste test, chocolate chip, taste testing, mukbang, american sweets, american candies, american treats, chips ahoy cookies, cookies, cookies taste test, cookie mukbang, sweets mukbang, chocolate, red velvet, sweets, treats, american, trying, ranking, ranking every flavor, rank, ranking cookies, thins, cookie thins, chocolate cookies, chocolate sweets, chocolate candy, baking, desserts, desserts mukbang
Id: to4gVJ_mOvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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