People REALIZE They Have a ONLINE STALKER (r/LetsNotMeet)

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ah / let's not meet online stalker thinks I stole her fictional boyfriend demands friendship and payment for her suffering first things first got to rip the band-aid off and admit that from late 2001 to mid 2003 when I was a teenager I rode fanfiction and posted it online my stories weren't that great but I made friends because I posted them so I don't regret doing it even after I stopped posting stories I was still active online and instead posted fan art and dumb stuff about the roller plays I did with my buddies over on deviantART cringe cringe maybe I sound like a llama fangirl but whatever I was having fun fast forward to 2008 when I got a PM on deer that was well I really wasn't expecting online life to take such a strange turn on that particular random day but the writer Airy began her missive by informing me a complete stranger that she was seriously mentally ill she listed a wide variety of disorders including schizophrenia which had tormented her all her life she then said she was scared to write to me like this but that she had to do it so she could move on move on from what you are asked from her hatred of me of course Harry wrote that she had hated me for a long time based on the fanfiction I wrote because my store is terrified her okay now let's be clear here I wrote stories about characters from cartoons and one comic book one of the characters from that comic was a violent and terrible person and I wrote him as such but that's not what was scaring her no Harry was scared because she was in love with said violent character John and believed they were destined for each other and that he talked to her in her head and then she read my fanfiction and suddenly John stopped talking to her and she knew it was because he was talking to me instead she was absolutely certain that I had stolen her true love's from her she said that after that she developed a belief that I was the arbiter of reality more Jenn that is a direct quote I will never forget that phrase and that I was capable of reaching into her mind and not only reading but taking away her precious thoughts this caused her so much anguish and suffering however she went on deep down she also knew this was a delusion caused by her mental illness airy closed her p.m. by begging me to respond to her to confirm that I was just a normal girl so she could get past this trauma I had caused her and be happy again now I have to again rip off a band-aid of inviting judgment here by admitting that sometimes I'm a complete dumb bus I'm also a soft fitted person and the idea that someone cold been harmed by the goofy crap stories I posted years earlier made me kind of sad so I did a soft at it but ultimately done best thing and responded yes yes I was a normal teenage girl when I posted that stuff and now I'm a normal l twenties woman with no mind stealing superpowers law also I don't know you and had no idea you existed until you sent me this so how could I have singled you out to hurt you with my fan fics please don't worry about me and I thought what a kind person I am and surely that will be the end of it wrong arrey replied to me using a different upbeat and cheerful tone saying she was so glad I wrote back to her because now she knew she didn't have to fear me and we could just be friends she loved my fan fics honestly and by the way what was my real name so she could find me on Facebook um excuse me no a dumb bass I may be but I ain't that stupid I told her I didn't have a face a book a lie and was busy with school a truth so I wouldn't be on deviantART a whole lot a half-truth that I wished her good luck with her mental health recovery and hoped she would have a good life a truth I mean so far she just seemed troubled and weird but I wouldn't have which Tom on her I didn't get a response to that but a few months later I got a deviantART PM from another account I didn't know that simply asks hey [ __ ] got socks how do you get your characters to talk for you now I hadn't posted any fanfiction for years that I was still participating in fandom and talked online about writing and I honestly thought this question was about writing specifically dialog I mulled over how to respond and ended up not answering right away I went back to my PMS a few days later and saw I had another new message this one saying with a lot of exclamation points incra typing style misspellings that I had to answer and teach this stranger how to talk to my characters and that I didn't know how long this user had suffered because of me oh my goodness I wonder who it was using another recount and guess what I was still a goddamn dumb bus so I answered the first message but sort of detached ly ignoring the desperate Aeon of the second message and just kind of giving tips for how to learn a character's voice and how to write dialogue for them once again I got a very chipper reply including a confession that year it was Airy and she just loved talking to me and thought I was so nice and such a good friend to be patient with her and answer her burning questions about how to talk to my yes specifically my characters because you see she had realized she was not just in love with John but with my John from my stupid fan fiction and now she could talk to him any time because we were friends I got the idea that she was not asking to role a play and instead thought she would be able to communicate directly with this once removed fictional character now but I feigned ignorance and said something like our our peak group is kind of private and not accepting new members that I hope I answered your question and please have a good day because see I did not really want to be friends with someone who Laura seemed to believe I was somehow responsible for her mental illness slash health despite not knowing her from Adam and having only spoken to her twice and B had already told me once that she hated me and thought I could control her ability on the kinda side of things I honestly didn't think continuing to converse would be good for either of our comforts on the MENA side I just really really didn't want to interact with this person anymore and felt I had already done more than enough to help this stranger okay so he stopped responding to me and I thought this strange interlude in my life was over wrong now fast forward seven entire years to early July 2015 at which time I had moved my main online presence to tumblr I'd left a note on my deviantART account in 2011 when I moved giving my new tumblr screen name so my fandom buddies could find me easily at this point I had not posted any fanfiction for over a decade I also was not talking much at all online about John except a Revlon the occasional post someone else made about the comic he was from as you do on tumblr suddenly I received an anonymous ask and that ask said in no uncertain terms that I was the cause of the Oscars suffering because I had callously disregarded others feelings it closed with some kind of weird threat I can't remember exactly what now because I instinctively deleted the ask due to being unnerved I guess that it could be airy based on the typing style and the fact that there couldn't be two people in the world who think I make them suffer right but it had been seven years so I wasn't entirely sure and then I did yet another dumbest thing I made a post that said something along the lines of to the anon that just sent me a vaguely threatening ask sorry if anything I've posted has upset you please let me know if I contact my posts a certain way so you can block whatever content you find distressing a couple days later I got another and on ask calling me a prattling ostentatious idiot direct quotes and saying it doesn't work that way and strong emotions cannot just be blocked the message went on you stole him away from me and I have been living in turmoil since and you don't care ah definitely arey there was no question about it after all I haven't stolen anyone elses fictional boyfriend that I know of I turned off anonymous asks I also went back to mild unto shade deviantART account where I found the comment on my front page from yet a third account there that said if you still talk to him tell him that I love him and that I always will he was the first man I ever loved and it was your version of him I loved above all I have been jealous angry at you angry at myself depressed and psychotic I told myself to shreds over him and my heart aches and cries the first cut is the deepest I love you John the date on his message was June 28th 2015 just a few days before the first anon ask on tumblr I did a little internet sleuthing just a simple google of there is no new surnames and found her fear affinity account where she had posted screeds in her journal about hating anyone else who wrote or drew anything about John who economy I also discovered through this Google search that I was not completely special in triggering Arizona and that she had also gone after another person on tumblr in much the same way demanding answers to emotionally charged asks assuming friendship where there wasn't any and then stalking the person using multiple accounts and email addresses and accusing them of harming her this other person had a master collection of screenshots of Eris behavior and it was really super not good anyway I figured since I'd blocked a nun asks maybe she'd just go away wrong errors next wave of stuff began in 2016 when someone started reblogging my personal text posts with cryptic comments like you have a beautiful soul the username was nothing like Harry or any of the other account names she'd used before so I just thought someone was being socially awkward but after a few months of this I received a message from this account through tumblers chat function that let the cat out of the bag this person said something like I'm a British female creature with certs a mallet any of mental illnesses from eras first p.m. in 2008 and I'm so scared of dying alone and friendless I used to read your fan fiction and it always made me feel better I think you're an amazing woman and would like to get to know you better please I'm begging you don't leave me alone in the dark well this sure sounded a lot like Harry to me this was confirmed when I went to the person's tumblr and saw they had recently posted something passive-aggressive about that other tumblr user Arry was known to stalk and if that wasn't enough they also had a lot of weird innuendo Laden posts about John and a couple other characters including Sherlock and man I didn't recognize and who they claimed to have legally married it was at that point that I finally decided to stop being a soft that'd dumb bus I blocked the account that sent me the chat message right away without responding over the next several months Arry attempted to contact others on tumblr who it was obvious I talked to a lot my girlfriend our best friend etc she sent them chat messages like the one paraphrased above hilarious in the case of my girlfriend who never wrote any fanfiction begging for their friendship and also acknowledges casually asking what I was doing whether they could get me to talk to her that sort of thing I know my gf and BFF blocked her - after they asked me who the hell this person was and I told them the whole story I also discovered that on tumblr you can choose an option to allow chat messages only from people you follow with that account block to no one I don't follow able to send me chat messages I naively thought again that surely this weird nonsense would end WR on G see the thing about tumblr if you're not familiar with the website is that if you block someone they just can't interact with your posts or follow you a block causes someone to Auto unfollow you and they won't see your posts on their - feed they also won't be able to send you asks however they can still go to your actual blog username point tumblr point comm and see everything you if they try to interact with any of your posts on your blog reply read blog like they won't be able to which will of course tip them off that you blocked them beginning in 2018 re engaged in a whirlwind of activity she made a new account sent me an A score 15 saying things varying from please talk to me I'm harmless you don't know how hard it is to be me too I'm so scared of the darkness - humans are social animals and I'm dying without you - I guess you like slackers like John but can't handle a real psycho like me - I want to kidnap you far away in a happy ending my darling so I blocked that account immediately so she made a new account and reblogged some post I'd made a while back about John's comic book with a comment like my first love the first cut is the deepest before sending me multiple asks all saying you stole him from me so I blocked that account immediately so she made another one made some meme generator sparkly pictures of rats and spiders with texts like I just want to sit next to you and be your friend I'm not scary and posted them with that my username so this mention would show up on my Dash's Activity Feed so I block that account so she made a new account posted a quote from my favorite author well-known info I post about him frequently and sent me a couple asks saying that this author would disagree with how I was treating her by continuing to block and shun her friendship when she was harmless and just thought I was an amazing person so I blocked that account mates did you forget who called me a prattling ostentatious idiot and threatened me because I sure haven't this went on for 10 accounts one of which had the blog title in huge letters at the top hello my nickname reserved only for close friends one of which she inundated with photos of herself glaring at the camera my first looks at her face and I don't like to judge people on appearance but this girl has a really creepy glare and also looks like she has not sure in weeks a tying me in each one she only ever used one of these accounts to actually post read log and like things from other people like a seemingly normal user albeit one who made some questionable comments sometimes all the rest only existed to bother me I started trying to report her to tumblr after the third or fourth time for making multiple accounts solely to evade my blocks but if you know anything about tumblr you can guess they didn't respond with more than an automated okay we will look into this in the meantime have you tried blocking this user anyway throughout 2018 I just had to deal with the fact that anytime I saw the little red flag above my ask box icon it would probably be something creepy and either threatening or passive-aggressive from Airi that would put me on edge for a few hours and remind me that no matter what I do on tumblr she can read everything I post I haven't gotten anything from her so far in 2019 but I figure as long as she's out there there's always that chance she'll come back maybe not right away maybe not until another 10 years from now but let me just say Harry you [ __ ] weirdo I'm genuinely sorry about your mental illnesses and hope you get help for them but while they may explain some of your behavior they don't excuse it I'm not and never will be your friend because you are not harmless you made me heavily curtail my social interaction on tumblr by cutting off a couple methods of communication that cold been used to make new friends you made me worry about ever talking there about a comic I enjoy you made it so anytime I see I haven't asked my heart rate goes up because it might be more of your disturbing [ __ ] you harass my loved ones and also how the strangers who probably didn't do anything to deserve it et Cie I don't control your reality but if I did you can bet I use that power to ensure we'd never meet we were best friends granted this isn't the most insane story just something that creeped me out when I was a little girl in primary school I was really close with a group of boy we would play fight in breaks or pretend to be dragons and the group was quite solid I was friends with a lot of my class in primary but I wasn't a fan of sitting around and talking like the girls did my best friend or one of at the time was Tommy I don't remember too much about him but we had been friends since year 2 we would play fight and he would add two ideas for my dragon club I went to his house once or twice and he went to mine he called me thick once because I said in my woke six year old mind that there are no boy colors or girl colors and I could like green if I wanted and he could pink it was a pretty normal friendship then when I was in my last year year six my parents decided to move countries on one of my last days Tommy confesses his feelings for me very awkwardly like a little boy words and I played it off just as awkwardly I think in my memory I pretended to him that I thought he was talking about another girl well I moved and as expected from anyone other than me I didn't remain in contact with a lot of my class including Tommy life went on as it does I went through high school and made new friends Tommy requested me once on Facebook when I was 15 he was using a fake account which was a little weird but I didn't think much of it he sent me photos of himself telling me he was trying to get into modeling not something I expected from him that I was supportive nonetheless in fact I remember thinking he was kind of attractive and showed my friends for opinion besides that there was no more conversations with Tommy and we continued to live separate lives that is till I moved back to my home country I followed my parents back home after staying behind for two years I was 19 turning 20 and was excited to build life back home it had been so difficult by myself I had no other family in the country and had just split up with my ex of four years I was doing well I had gotten a new job entered a new relationship moved into my own place I was starting to feel established in my new life I had met up with a few old friends from primary school nothing too exciting just more of a back roads where are they now type thing I just love getting to see who all these kids had grown up to be that is till I got a message request from Tommy it was the same nonsense as before no profile pic no friends nothing on their account so I messaged back asking how their new me sure enough he said we went to primary school together conversation started normal asking how each other were and what was new then he asked me where about see you do you want to meet up there was nothing unusual about those messages but the vibe I got wasn't comfortable I said I was busy and would happily organize when things had calmed down he began to talk about how he wanted to go into working with civic crime and terrorism telling me to watch mr. robot and how realistic to his job that would be I got dizzy and stopped responding to which he said you sir name are you going to respond or what that bristled me a bit so I replied saying I didn't appreciate his tone he apologized and in the same message asked where I work and that he would like to see me my bad vibes picked up again usually I don't care about telling people where I work but this time I made sure to be as broad as possible saying just a shop in town it would be cool to catch up when I'm not busy we'll just have to check with my boyfriend that he's cool with me meeting up instantly he got defensive asking if my boyfriend was in the country telling me I'm not property so I should do what I want he sent multiple messages how it's beyond him why I would have to check since I'm not married I didn't respond to any of it the next day he apologized and said he was just jealous and depressed I pointed out it had been 10 years since I've seen him so his jealousy made no sense he said it was my loss if I didn't see him I didn't respond then it was I'm free anytime I didn't respond suddenly he messaged saying he was going hack my details and sell them on the darknet if I didn't respond to him blocked I was rather amused at the entire situation if I'm being honest but then I got a message from a random girl obviously a fake account with no friends or photos bar the one selfie that looked like it was straight off tumblr the message read you block me you dumb cow you know who this is and I will find you I laughed it often didn't respond but then he started commenting on my profile pictures callin me a slag [ __ ] or all of it then came the multiple accounts request after request popping up all called I will find you at that point I was pretty freaked out for the sake of poor timing a silver beat-up car started patrolling my street at night I live in a complex on the third floor so it's a shared driveway this car would drive into my parking stay for two minutes then drive off it did this routinely for a few days I don't by any means think it was Tommy but the timing was way too close and creeped me out even more for fear of how unstable he could be he held a crush for 10 years how about a grudge Tommy let's not meet want advice on dealing with a stalker first I'm a guy myself I won't give too many details because at this point it is just scary to be revealing information I've never talked about it because I just fear that the guy will somehow manage to approach me if he gets some info from others and considering the situation I'd have to expose myself into to get evidence to accuse him I'd rather not the situation is as it follows I went to this place regularly to do a recreational activity it was open so I was not registered and aside from my first name no one knew my full name there is this guy who goes often at times I'm at there and I after some time of seeing the same person over and over I did like usual and just give him the nod if he gave it to me a couple of times I talked with him because he asked if he could use what I was using after I finished or things like that some other times we had very small talk about basically the recreational activity some time later I suddenly receive a request on social media and a message from him I never gave him my name and we had absolutely no friends in common or anything different places in the city and everything totally not related social circle I what I consider now really big mistake just on said normally because I found it would be awkward if I didn't because I'd see him regularly in that place normal conversation he always insists on when I'm going and such not a surprise that after a couple of times of going it hours I didn't tell him I stopped going all around he was messaging me every single day even when I said bye ends after some time I just didn't open his messages it was just creepy someone who I didn't know sending multiple messages start calling by diminutives to try to appeal to a soft side of me and such after a while of constant messaging I just blocked him well with this I thought he will be off but now he created multiple accounts tried to talk to me blocked all of them couple of months ago someone close to me tells me an organization's account wants to do an interview with me so it was newly created saw the people it followed and its way of writing on its fake posts and blocked it this has occurred on like six times with the last one today when this [ __ ] created an account months ago and even made a normal post of months ago with no likes this shows me that this SIG guy has some things in mind talk to someone close to me and asked to get my number for an interview the creepiest thing was that I saw the people he had on his social media every single person on his list was people who I have on my list and no this is not the case when it could be someone who knows us these people have no connection between them a lot of them just don't know of each other the only connection they have between them is me the guy's obsessed when I saw his social media the first time recalled how he talked to me and saw the messages I realized he was gay the problem here is that he also know I'm straight he tried to talk to me through messages a couple of times asking me about girls or saying things like maybe you have plans with some hot girls and a wink or something like that I just laughed it off but it was stated one way or another that I'm not even interested in men so it creeps me even more knowing that he is obsessed nonetheless the thing is which was something I never thought about many times I wear a club attire and twice a person I knew when there and this creep saw that I talked with him and that I knew him so I guess that one see either managed to get his name or get something of him on social media and then doing some stalking on his contact list he managed to find me and well started his stalking crab I'm serious with this it is unsettling and it scares me because I'm not sure of how crazy can this guy be with the stories I've heard I have this thoughts that is a matter of time before he gets my info and finds me I'm not giving that much details because well I'm really scared and I have come to the idea that if I actually see him I'll just probably talk to him and after a couple of seconds if he doesn't leave immediately I'll beat the crap out of him I just want to know to those that have dealt with this without taking the cases of the most sick [ __ ] there can be out there how dangerous can this situation get or how far do you think someone like him can get to Shire please don't just say I'm overreacting edit I have to wake up early for work so I'll answer in the morning thanks for the advice just the support itself already helps thank you for watching don't forget to Like and subscribe
Channel: Top Reddit
Views: 7,591
Rating: 4.8802395 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: Z6EcOqa_xPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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