Men MUST NEVER Divorce - Dr. K. N. Jacob

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goodness me i love this man's breakfast wow and today i want to convince you why men must never divorce just think about this can a head of state like a president a king a prime minister whatever name they use in that country can a head of state lead citizens into the streets to protest against the government elites can a ceo or a president of a company lead employees to riot against the management he leads can a school principal lead students to riot to protest to strike against school administration which he hates can a founding pastor of a local church tell the church members guys i'm so tired of pastoring you please find another church can that really happen you know john c maxwell says everything rises and falls on leadership and most men agree with this statement exactly in marriage the agreement it comes to matters of state companies churches but they want a disclaimer in the marriage institution how do you want a disclaimer how different is a marriage institution from other organizations matters leadership that's the question i want to ask the contrast is true marriage gives you a better platform than a company than a church than a country because you did not inherit any baggage from previous leaders in a company you may you sometimes don't have a choice of the employees unless you're the founder of the company you don't have a choice i mean you have a baggage from previous administrations even when running a country but in marriage you are the one who is setting the foundation even if you are marrying a divorced person you are not picking it up from where the other guy left because you have a choice to pick that woman or any other woman you have 3.8 billion choices men must never divorce sometimes i understand when women divorce because they are protesting against your leadership but as a mantra you're protesting against who you're protesting against yourself you're protesting against your choices think about this you know some men when they hear me talk like that they tell me dark get serious some women are so bad are you listening to yourself are you reasoning logically who chose that woman for you who chose that woman for you your marriage your choice your woman your choice there are 3.8 billion women on this planet you zeroed in on this particular woman how then can you come later to complain against your own choices and others tell me you know she changed she was good when i married her that's the most senseless statement you will ever make because if she was good when you married her and she changed then deductively you changed her you planted seeds of bitterness and malice you tried to silence her into some mission until she couldn't stomach it any longer now she's protesting against your bully nature if she changed then the variable here is your leadership failed leadership let me tell you something i'm married for 18 years people tell me be real what's wrong with you guys i'm a married man how then can you tell me to be real i'm telling you right now i have said it since i got married i am a hundred percent responsible for my marriage a hundred percent my mercy is not responsible for my marriage it's my marriage not my wife mercy i am responsible for my marriage my mother is not responsible my mother-in-law is not responsible my sister is not responsible my sister-in-law is not responsible church members are not responsible the government the law marital laws are not responsible affairs are not responsible my children are not responsible i am a hundred percent responsible for my marriage i proposed to mercy i approached her it was my idea not her idea there were so many women in our university campus when i approached mercy in other words in my marriage fails blame me blame me not 50 percent a hundred percent and i'm telling you the truth if you take responsibility at that level you will never fail jesus said i will build my church and the gates of hate shall not prevail against it matthew 16 18 jesus did not entrust his church to the apostle peter or the apostle paul or to me or to you he said i will build my church and the church in the bible is also called the bride of christ so jesus was saying i will take care of my bride and guess what no one and nothing shall ever defeat my marriage jesus said and then he challenges men to follow suit ephesians 5 25 husbands love your wives as christ loved his church follow suit the church is not perfect the church has so much sin but jesus said i will build my church your woman is not perfect no woman is perfect i mean there is not a single woman who is perfect but i made up my mind my marriage cannot fail it can't i have made up my mind the church is not perfect and jesus said my church will never fail and his challenging husbands do the same commitment to your wives when i talk of that men tell me you're bragging you're big headed i'd rather be big-headed there is nothing you succeed without such a strong commitment commitment is not a word commitment is an act you live up to your commitment and when you speak your commitment they become strong a shared commitment is a strong commitment others hold you accountable to your strong statements to your strong commitments and god hates divorce so when i make such a commitment i partner with god god partners with me he's proud of me that i have made up my mind this cannot happen in my marriage if divorce rate goes to 99 i will still be in the category of one percent that will win in my marriage i'll tell you why i talk like that it's because you can't change others this is the singular truth that will set you free you can't change your wife you can't change your children you can't change the world you can't change anyone else exert yourself so the moment your portion blame and you say i am 50 responsible my wife is 50 responsible then you're saying essentially i am not in control of the variables a devil can interfere with my wife and guess what you are saying then my marriage can break at any given moment because i'm not in control of all the variables and guess what the moment you blame someone else you're seriously saying for my life to get better someone else has to get better for my marriage to change someone else has to change unfortunately you have no power to change anyone else not even your woman the only power at your disposal is to improve yourself you and you alone you can create a conducive environment to mold your children to shape them to influence your wife but their back stops with you so i'm calling men back to leadership and i'll tell you what is family leadership in five things for me what i'm calling family leadership five things one love your woman according to her definition of love find out what she likes my muscle loves being taken out she likes it at least twice a week we go out one of the times we go out to play the other one just to relax maybe over coffee over dinner we just go out he just hang out my mercy has an expensive taste not so long ago she told me she wants an apple phone i mean she has all sorts of i mean apple watch sorry apple watch she has all types of watches but i'm telling you this i didn't even understand why she needs another watch but again i thought how much money people waste in drinking why should we quarrel because of a watch a digital watch an approach that is connected to her phone where i don't have it i have this traditional watch i like it and by the way it's even more expensive than her apple watch rather than arguing with her what i thought about how much money men wasting drinking with mistresses in prostitution i said look it's pointless to argue with my wife she only asks me for a gift once or twice a year i have to invest in a half to nurture so you've got to find out your wife's definition of love a lot of men think they love their voice and they don't that's your definition of love guys that's why we came for this man's breakfast you need to find out from her ask her cuddly explicitly what do you mean by love write it down for me itemize i told you my woman loves hiking my wife likes going out she has an expensive taste trust me you don't want my message guys you don't want her she she has to drive a mercedes benz you don't want my wife you you stay with your wife guys trust me you don't want my wife and i don't mind it that's what i like i like the type of a person she is she likes shoes new shoes she likes being classic she likes high standards but god gives you what you can handle this is what god realized i can handle find out the definition of love for your wife my mercy has never stressed me to cook that's not her definition of love and by the way she loves sex it's up to you to know what your wife loves so leadership here i'm talking about her definition of love number two take initiative leadership number two take initiative this is family leadership don't wait for her to ask you honey when are you buying the house take initiative and lead your children to school take them to the university i do homework with my children take initiative we read a chapter every single day we pray every day take initiative in bed don't wait for her to initiate sex take initiative when you're visiting your parents leadership is about initiative number three influence influence the moral code of your family influence the moral standards your woman looks up to you to know the moral yet stick by which she lives if you flirt with other women don't be surprised if she flats with other men you are the trade setter in your marriage if you're hiding your phone your the passwords to your email to your facebook if if you are hiding then you are telling her let's hide from each other if you disclose your money how much you receive and how you spared you budget together transparently you are telling her this is how i want us to run our marriage you influence the values the morals by which your family operates leadership is about influence your woman should not be influenced by the world more than by you your children should not be influenced by hollywood and teachers more than you as a father you are the first inference to your son to your daughter to your wife number four leadership a man must provide if you can't provide your family you're worse than an infidel you're worse than an unbeliever and you have denied their faith first timothy 5 8 first team of the 5-8 that means if somebody robs a bank and brings money home if somebody robs a gun point and puts food on the table that's an infidel he's better than you if you're sitting on the couch watching tv all day long anyone can lose a job any business can go other but you can't afford to allow in defeat you can't keep celebrating failure you can so listen for sympathy as the man of the house you must rise up dust off move forward you're the hope of your marriage you're the hope of your family you are the primary provider of that family your wife may or may not work she doesn't have to work if she works praise be to god if she brings food on the table praise be to god but you are the primary provider the word father means provider our father at heaven our provider provides peace food resources life is the source of life that's what a father means if you can't provide you don't deserve to run a marriage no man deserves the privileges of a husband without taking the responsibilities of a husband now here's the deal there is something interesting that jesus said about his bride his wife and that's in ephesians 5 and in your devotional time i want you to check closely verse 25 26 27 and 28 jesus said look i want to work on my bride not for others to see for my own self so that when i present her to myself she'll be looking what i want your woman is a reflection of you she's a reflection of your standards she's a reflection you know a happy woman can be seen on the face it's written all over the face a harassed woman betrays the husband right on her face you can try to act in public you can pretend but it is seen all over her face that's what jesus was saying let me read again by the way verse 23 ephesians 5 for the hospital is the head of the wife as christ is the head of the church's body of which he is the savior so it's not a 50-50 you are the head of your marriage verse 25. husbands love your wives just as christ loved the church and gave himself up for her give yourself up for your wife just like christ gave up your own selfish passions for the sake of your marriage verse 26 to make her holy cleansing her by the washing with water through the word and to present her to himself as a radiant church without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish but holy and blameless hey jesus want a sweet bride radiant without staying without wrinkle who is working on his brain himself for who for himself to present to himself take your wife to the shoe shop buy the shoes take off a manicure for pedicure take her to the salon to do her hair buy a new outfit it's more important than buying pieces of love you will die and lead the lad here but your wife is more precious life is more precious than things there are husbands who accumulate money in the bank but the woman is looking horrible your priorities are wrong verse 28 in the same way you know the way jesus is decorating his bride in the same way husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies he who loves his wife loves himself love her like your own body verse 29 after all no one ever hated their own body but they feed and care for their body just as christ does to the church you feed your body you care for your body you feed you care feed your marriage care for your marriage feed your wife with the pure and the truth the inputs into your marriage you'll always have output commensurate proportional to your inputs what you feed was that for real members of his body for this reason that he won a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh one flesh you see the pharisees used to question jesus a lot about marriage and disagree with jesus about marriage to this very day pharisees are offended by my teachings about marriage jesus said there are two groups of divorce one is infidelity the other one is hardness of heart this was not about women this was about men jesus said to the pharisees who kept on asking questions about divorce moses allowed you guys to divorce your wives because your hearts were heard matthew 19 verse 8 mark 10 verse 5 hardness of heart women are dying in your hands you are inflexible you are brutal autocratic leaders so rather than coming for funeral moses decided to give a certificate of divorce so i understand when women divorce they would rather divorce rather than die in that marriage they would rather divorce than study your toxic emotions they would rather divorce rather than go through verbal or physical abuse sexual abuse spiritual abuse and financial abuse physical abuse is when you assault someone physically verbal abuser what you use to tear her down insult vulgar language emotional abuse could include your words or even just silence or actions you're doing like affairs just to tear her emotionally financial abuse is when you take advantage of um financially you manipulate her financially she can't even afford the basics like the parts they buy going to the hair salon you're manipulating a financially spiritual abuse when you can't allow her to pray to go for bible study to go to the church of our choice so long as it's a good church you're responsible as a man to ensure she fits into the right doctrines she has a reason to divorce you but a man has no reason to divorce the bible commands you not to divorce i want to read that for you first corinthians 7 10 to 11 first corinthians 7 10 to 11. to the married i give this command not i but the lord a wife must not separate from her husband but if she does she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband a woman cannot divorce if she divorces she should stay single for the rest of her life now listen verse 11 be paul tells men a the husband must not divorce his wife a husband must not divorce his wife this is the bible will you follow the bible or public opinion will you follow the bible or your misleading pastor will you follow the bible or your feelings and your cannot convictions i repeat first corinthians 7 11 a husband must not divorce his wife of course if you want to divorce you have a right but you have no right to remarry so you have to decide do you want to reconcile or to divorce jesus said you can divorce if you want because of infidelity but if you do so do not remarry if you remarry you're committing a daughter mark 10 11 to 12. this is plain language plain language you don't need a theologian to translate these words for you mark 10 11 and 12. jesus answered anyone who divorces his wife and murders another woman commits adultery against her i'm reading an iv and if she divorces her husband and murders another man she commits adultery a man who remarries when the wife is still alive commits adultery a woman who remarries when the hospital is still alive commits adultery anything else your pastor is telling you is a lie from hell this is the word of god these are the words of jesus in the new covenant this is the finality so here is the deal if there is infidelity in your marriage you have a choice to divorce or to reconcile if my wife cheated on me let me tell you the truth i'll i will reconcile with her forgive her so long as she is remorseful and then bring her to the drawing table we find out what led to the affair how can we affair prove our marriage how can we avoid this in the pa in the future maybe all we need to do is to keep this close in how we spend our time maybe we need to enhance our sex life maybe we need to enhance our problem solving skills how we resolve conflicts because perhaps we are tearing each other emotionally she is emotionally wounded she became vulnerable to a man who celebrates her why am i talking like this because jesus emphasized forgiveness much more than divorce very few scriptures tell you how to divorce very few i've come across very few scriptures but jesus emphasized forgiveness over and over again let me give you one instance luke 17 3-4 so watch yourselves if your brother or sister sins against you rebuke them in other words corrupt them and if they repent forgive them even need their sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying i repent you must forgive them you must forgive them you must forgive them even if they sin the same day and repent it doesn't matter the category of sin even if it is affairs seven times and they come and repent jesus said you must forgive them he you know jesus tied your own forgiveness to your ability to forgive others in the lord's prayer he taught forgive us our sins just as we forgave those who sin against us forgive us our sins jesus tied your own forgiveness to your ability to forgive others scripture says just as in christ god forgive us forgive others so my my own study is this when a woman sleeps out of your marriage or if you sleep outside of your marriage you have sinned but you have a right to divorce but i would rather you reconcile if you're not ready to remain single for the rest of your life i've seen couples who reconcile after infiderity i have seen couples both the man and the woman they cheated on each other they repented forgive each other embrace each other and they are premarried i know such couples i'm not telling you what i read in books i know such couples there is no seed beyond forgiveness you see marriage is a covenant you can't get into marriage casually and quit casually marriage is not like that the bible says in malachi 2 verse 14 malachi 2 verse 14 the lord is the witness between you and the wife of your youth you have been unfaithful to her though she is your partner the wife of your marriage covenant the wife of your marriage covenant forget all these other women you're meeting when you're 40s when you're in your 50s when you're in your 60s that woman you met in your early 20s the wife of your youth is the wife of your marriage covenant marriage is a covenant it's not a contract a contract can be dissolved voided by mutual consent a contract is abiding so long as both of you are alive the only thing that can set you free from your marriage contract is death first corinthians let me let me read verse 39 first corinthians chapter 7 verse 39 a woman is bowed to her husband as long as he leaves but if her husband dies she's free to marry anyone she wishes it's a choice again she should not complain about her choices but he must belong to the lord paul advises you don't go out there to marry an unbeliever here is the deal marriage is a covenant not a contract when you made those wedding vows on your wedding day do you remember what you said till death do us part so when you divorce you're literally dead and today we have so many dead men walking around you are dead till death do as part now in malachi 2 13 god says the reason he's not listening to your prayers is because you're breaking your marriage covenant with your wife in verse 15 he says the reason he wants marriage to work is so that you may raise godly offspring so that your children will have a father and a mother enjoy the love of a mother the discipline of a father verse 16 god says the man who hits and divorces his wife says the lord the god of israel does violence to the one he should protect god is challenging you you are supposed to protect this woman emotionally when you divorce her you hate her you are doing violence to the one god wants you to protect i know this is not popular when i talk like this a lot of people feel uncomfortable and told me hey come back to reality you're not in touch with reality in the u.s divorce rate right now on average is 54 percent 54 percent approximately 70 percent among african-americans and about 30 percent among white americans i don't have statistics for the hispanics among other races but the national average about 54 in simple logic more than one in every two people divorce more than half of all married people end up in divorce so this message is not comfortable especially to those who have divorced and those who are married by people who are divorced beneficiaries of divorce those two groups of people don't like this message those who have divorced and those who are married to divorcees they hate this message and there are many they are more than half they are more than half does that make it right absolutely not jesus said matthew 7 13 and 14 enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who fight it we are living in the last days few people walk the narrow and the street because the broadway has many people the mere fact that most people are doing it does not make it right i will be a soul voice if that must be the case i will speak over and over again until it is sinks in your spirit way back in 2003 when i started saying women must never be caused to submit i was people threw stones on me including pastors including women they rejected my message but i insisted submission must not be caused submission is a response to the love of a man submission is a response to his love i insisted 20 years down the line i have seen people warming up to this message all over the world and now i have made up my mind it doesn't matter how irritated you get i will drive this message home all over the world you are not supposed to divorce you are supposed to work on your marriage but because you're being encouraged by your parents by your peers by your colleagues by your spiritual leaders you think it is the truth what a lying devil you're supposed to sleep with one person till the lord takes you home that's the word of god you see you can't hear what i am saying you can't you're healing through the filter of your mind greatness is the ability to listen to this message without your natural biases without your natural predispositions the highest level of wisdom is being able to separate your situation your personal situation from the message when you are challenged don't pick rocks and draw them to the one delivering a revolutionary message ask yourself what is he saying listen objectively don't listen to reply don't listen to criticize don't listen to prove a point listen to ask yourself is there an aorta of truth in this discourse the highest form of ignorance is disagreeing with something that you do not fully understand it takes a high degree of ignorance to fight a message you did not even process and you have to separate yourself from the message you see when we go through divorce it's painful so we hardly hear the truth we listen to any message on divorce with a defense mechanism ready to defend our actions to justify our context our situation so we never learn we never learn because all we want to do is to ensure we don't feel guilty you don't you know i'm not trying to get personal on my facebook page and millions of followers i don't even know you please i don't even know you guys you must realize this is not personal i have zero interest in your marriage except the success of your marriage whether you listen to this message or not is non-consequential in my marriage what is my interest i'm not looking for your offering i'm not asking you to take to our church i'm not i am married happy married my interest is your own good and not just in this life but eternal life some of you will listen to this message rebel reject the day you close your eyes on earth you will open them in hell and you will remember my words you're not listening to this message by accident you're listening to this message by divine appointment repent your ways and repenting is not opening your mouth and saying god i repent god i repent come on repenting means you're walking south and now you're walking north i have seen men who remarried i'm not encouraging marriage but i have seen men who remarried and they succeeded in their second marriage not because they changed the woman but because they themselves changed the result i'm not going to fail again i'm not going to fail in my second marriage please don't mistake me don't quote me misquote me i am not advocating for the marriage but i'm saying things i have seen not theories i've seen people succeed in their second marriage because the result i cannot go through divorce again had they employed the same principles in their first marriage had they been cried to their first woman they would have succeeded in their first marriage they had picked the right woman from the word go but they got into this marriage casually because they were led by sex they were led by lust not principles they had wrong marriage foundations when i was dating my wife mercy we made a commitment and a half years of our dating no sex until already night there's freed our minds from being involved emotionally to engaging logically so we discussed any foreseeable sources of conflicts like in-laws money sex infidelity affairs how to resolve conflicts how many children do we want in our marriage what is the possession of children in our family we discussed any foreseeable conflict we went for primarily counseling three places with our best couple with the pastor who officiated us and with the church we were going where we used to attend mercy and myself we did everything possible we listened to marriage videos we read marriage books we decided not to get into marriage casually but if you made a mistake don't live in the past don't live in the past don't feel guilty this message is not meant to make you guilty but to resolve this will never happen again the back stops with me i told you in my marriage the back stops with me when i make such a strong commitment marcie supports me she is a partner she doesn't take advantage of my commitments no woman will take advantage of your commitment if you love her according to her definition of marriage you take initiatives in that marriage you influence the values in that marriage you learn to pray as a family every single day and you provide to your family the five things of leadership i talked about let me repeat you love her according to a definition of marriage number two you take initiatives don't wait for her to ask you when are we doing stuff when are we taking our children to school are we enrolling them in a soccer club number three influence the values in that family not hollywood in our house we don't watch hollywood staff and other useless staff on social media number three it is a question of providing to your family you are the provider and number four leading your prayer your family in prayers when a man submits to god his family submits to him if you lead your woman like that trust me she will be submissive to you because she's not submitting to you she's submitting to your love she's submitting to the love of god that comes from you let me read for you a text second timothy four three two four second timothy four three two four for the time will come when people will not put up with self-doctrine instead to suit their own desires they will gather around them a great number of teachers to see what their itching ears want to hear they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to meets this is prophetic the time you're living in when people can't put up without doctrine they want a preacher who will sanitize their dirty lifestyle they want a preacher from january 1 to december 31st who just says you're the head and not the tale i can see you prospering god is coming through for you preachers who never tell you about your responsibility preachers will never condemn the sins you're doing preachers who never rebuke you preachers who never correct your ways the word of god encourages inspires motivates but also corrects and rebukes and admonishes our father disciplines us just like we describe our own children and he is using me as his vessel to restore his original intention for fabulous in our generation i have made up my mind i will do the will of the one who called me until he takes me home if you are true child of god i request you today pray for me always speak a word in my life in my family my marriage the devil may want to take advantage please cover me with the blood of jesus with the grace of christ pray for me that god may keep me alive and for many days keep me in perfect health that i may continue being a voice in our generation i convert your prayers i plead with you to commit me to god and to commit any other preacher who is speaking the truth let me ask you man one simple question that you ought to ask yourself as a christian as a christian this is the question you must ask yourself in any situation what will jesus do if jesus were literally married to a literal woman would he divorce her what would jesus do the challenge for you is to follow in the footsteps of jesus we know what jesus would do we know because he never left the 12 disciples the bible says there that you gave me i lost none john 18 9 i'm reading you king james version we know what jesus would have done if he was married to a little woman jesus never lost any of his disciples save the son of perdition so that the scripture may not be broken so that the scriptures may be fulfilled he lost none he put up with impossible disciples and not just the two including impossible jacob and impossible you so we know jesus will not have left his wife listen at what he says in romans 8 35 38 and 39 romans 8 that five who shall separate us from the love of christ shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword verse 38 for i am persuaded i am convinced that neither dead nor life neither ages nor demons nor demons not even the devil neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither heights nor death nor anything else in our creation will be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord imagine there is nothing you can do to make god to stop loving you nothing and no one can separate you from the love of god not the devil not demons not your past sins not your future sins no single power of hell nothing the bible says can separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus nothing and god is charging husbands nothing should be able to separate your wife from your love when you say that i do god says i joined the marriage i may have used a priest or a pastor but you know what i am the one who officiated the marriage god says he says therefore what god has joined together let no man let no woman put asada not even yourself or your wife or your mother or your pastor no one can put a shadow it is god who officiated your marriage so nothing can separate us from the love of god you cannot make god to stop loving you exact one thing exact one thing if you die without exerting jesus christ as your lord and savior that time the love of god will be separated from you eternally so right now i want to pray for your marriages gentlemen i want to pray for your marriages can i have your hands like this guys let me have your hands like this father in jesus name i bless these gentlemen whether they are in their first marriage or their second marriage father i plead with you the god almighty may you bless their marriages i pray in the name above all names heal the relationships presented here and anyone who will ever listen to this video recording i speak your healing in that marriage in the name of jesus i speak your peace your knowledge your wisdom your understanding help this man and this woman to live together in peace to celebrate each other to honor you by their lives to glorify you almighty god by their marriages through their marriages may your name be glorified many many people who do not know you as lord and savior look at this couple and be drawn nigh unto your saving grace may people see jesus in the life of this woman may people see jesus in the life of this man holy father in the name of jesus i said your love i said your peace in this marriage in the name of jesus if you are not born again you have made mistakes in the past but now you want to reconcile with the lord jesus christ you want to receive him to be your lord and savior you want to be born again i give you this chance come come come to jesus jesus loves you and he wants to give you a brand new start a fresh start in your life the beautiful life massey and myself live you too can have such a beautiful marriage you too can inherit eternal life at the meantime you can enjoy your life on earth with jesus on the steering wheel of your marriage of your life of your career of your choices of your decisions let jesus be the foundation of your life pray this prayer with me lord jesus christ i invite you in my life be my lord and my savior in jesus name amen and amen if you prayed that prayer please write on this youtube live i prayed to be saved i'll reach out to you and share with you material that will help you grow in your christian work if you want further materials about marriage i have a marriage online course dubbed women in marriage i have talked about sexy marriage as a model conflicting marriage as a module love and respect in marriage as a module expectations in marriage as a module resolving conflicts in marriage as a module third parties are the laws as a module money finances budgeting as a module it's just twenty dollars this would be a lifetime investment in your marriage i'll share with you details of how you can access this online course and do every assignment i have given do this course over and over again as a couple you can pick one module per week to internalize what i'm teaching and make sure you do the assignments that i have given and finally subscribe to my youtube channel dr k and jacob to access hundreds and hundreds of inspirational videos free of church in that youtube you get videos that inspire your life inspire your marriage and guess what they are all for your church and share them with your friends with your family with your colleagues share them be a bridge of blessings to others great people are either sources of light or mirrors that reflect the light to others i love you and jesus loves you more thank you very much and god bless you hey were you inspired by this video kindly like and share with your friends family and colleagues and remember to subscribe to my youtube channel dr k and jacob and enjoy hundreds of inspirational videos free of charge
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
Views: 3,945
Rating: 4.816092 out of 5
Keywords: Motivational, talk;, Inspiration;, Preaching;, Teaching;, Personal, Growth;, Development;
Id: mkRjAU1-_NY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 53sec (3113 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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