Men Humiliate Females | Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations

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Mr cook it's about time nurse I have been waiting here for nearly a half hour I am so sorry for the delay my last surgery ran long you're a doctor Dr Jackson I'll Be Your surgeon today there has to be some kind of mixup I was told I was getting the best surgeon in the state I'm flattered whoever told you that well that was very nice listen can you just hang tight a couple more minutes my nurse will be out to get you prepped in a minute excuse me how come no one told me Dr Jackson's a woman that's not something we usually think of doing of course not cuz if you did no one would show up so instead you mislead your patients into thinking we're getting real doctors and then when we show up you give us the old bait and switch I should call the Better Business Bureau and Report you I'm not sure what you want me to say Sir what I want is for a man to perform my surgery not a woman playing dress up I'm getting my hip replaced I can't afford to have some affirmative action hire screwing it up that's not possible Mr cook all of our other orthopedic surgeons are booked until when uh the next opening with a mail doctor is in 3 months I can't wait 3 months I have a $50,000 vacation plan that is non-refundable and I can't go without a new hip let me assure you Dr Jackson is a highly accomplished surgeon you're an excellent hands excellent how can you even say that with a straight face look she's already late just like a woman so how's that supposed to reassure me sir it's only 5 minutes past your scheduled appointment the nurse will be right with you please take a seat this is ridiculous Mr cook we're ready for you now great female doctors and male nurses what is this crazy town you really a nurse for the past 8 years how' that happened happen uh 3 years of schools how that happened no I mean how did you end up doing women's work just lucky I guess now I'm going to go ahead and take your vitals great so not only do you do a woman's job you also work under a woman don't you have any self-respect well I like to think that I work with Dr Jackson but yes can't imagine how shamed your family must be a shamed um Dr Jackson is at the top of her field I'm very proud to be working with her I learned something new every day I doing a laundry uh no believe it or not I'm very grateful to be working with Dr Jackson and you should be very grateful to have her as your surgeon you can drop the platitudes man I know you got to say nice things cuz she's your boss but uh you hate working for don't you no not at all why don't you go ahead and get changed CH into your gown and now we'll go ahead and get your doctor Mr cook good to see you again this should be a very routine procedure are you excited about your new hip excited I'd feel a lot better if I didn't think you were going to screw it up well don't worry too much I've done many of these okay how can I not worry look at you what's wrong with the way I look nothing I'm I mean you're objectively an attractive woman which makes me suspect that it wasn't just good grades that got you through medical school so your vitals are looking good we should be able to get you in and out of surgery within a few hours don't rush through this now I need you to be on your absolute aame got me I promise you Mr cook I will do my very best try your best losers say they'll try their best a man would know better than to think that way sir do you have a problem with me performing your surgery yes you're a woman you have no business being a surgeon I can assure you Mr cook you are in very capable hands relax sweetheart she's your boss I know you got to say that I have performed this surgery hundreds of times I promise you you'll be very pleased with the results well right now I'm feeling pretty uncomfortable I know surgery can be scary it's not the surgery that scares me it's you I want a man to do my surgery someone who knows what they're doing okay if that's what you really want I'll see what I can do you do [Music] that Mr cook you're in luck Dr Williams here is available to perform your surgery thank goodness finally someone competent well doctor I will leave you to it thank you I can't tell you what a relief it is that you're doing my surgery doc you're a lifesaver I should be the one thanking you why would you be thanking me well if you hadn't requested a male surgeon I never would have been allowed to do this procedure on my own at least not this early in my career so you've never done this surgery before no but I've observed Dr Jackson do it a bunch of times she's really a magician in the operating room room I'm lucky to have gotten the chance to learn from her you know she's the best in the field for a reason is she really that good are you kidding there's not an orthopedic award she hasn't won in fact she pioneered several of the surgical techniques I'll be doing today but between you and me I only hope I can do them half as well as she can excuse me a woman doc [Music] mhm Dr Jackson I've reconsidered reconsidered yes I'd like you to do my surgery as a orally plan well I'm afraid I can't do that you've made it very clear how you feel about my skills as a surgeon fine I'm sorry is that what you want to hear now please stop wasting time and prepare me for surgery Mr cook do you have any idea how hard I've had to work to achieve any success in the medical field or how many times I was underestimated by patients or colleagues who thought less of me just because of my gender no of course you don't because when you looked at me you didn't see a competent Medical Professional you saw a woman playing dress up and then you had the G to accuse me of sleeping my way through medical school do you have any idea how hurtful that is I had to deal with this kind of toxic misogyny since medical school and frankly I have had enough of it okay I think the nurse slipped me some pills earlier I'm feeling really loopy and I did not mean a thing I was saying earlier I really didn't he did no such thing you meant every hateful word that you spewed but the good news is I don't have to put up with that kind of abuse not from you not from anyone now if you'll excuse me I have another surgery to prepare for please look I'm begging you okay I need you to do this surgery for me I have a very expensive vacation plan and I absolutely can't miss it well I guess you should have thought of that before thinking less of a [Music] woman can I help you yes I want Dr Jackson to do my surgery as originally scheduled I'm afraid I can't do that sure you can I'm afraid not we already changed surgeons once on your request we can't do it again besides as you just heard Dr Jackson has already booked another surgery for this morning so I'll wait a few days when is Dr Jackson available next not for another 6 months she's in high demand since she's one of our Hospital's most esteemed surgeons come on you can get me back on her schedule it's just not possible sir it's not possible or you just don't want to do it all right Bobby you pre to get prep whoa whoops sorry about that guess they don't call me Butterfinger Bend for nothing U Mr cook I need to get you prepped for your procedure are you coming I'm coming R is s welcome aboard sir what is that only Pilots are supposed to wear those not flight attendants you are correct sir however I am not a flight attendant I'm captain Julie Billings I'll be flying you to Orlando today come on stop playing around where's the real pilot I am the real pilot now if you wouldn't mind we have other passengers boarding behind you seriously a woman pilot oh that's just perfect what is this world coming to how can you just sit there being so calm what are you talking about there's an affirmative action hire flying the plane doesn't that make you a little nervous I'm sorry the Pilot's a woman can you believe it I mean women can hardly drive cars let alone operate complicated machines like airplanes yeah well I'm sure she's more than qualified no chance this is this is just the airline trying to score PR points by putting an affirmative action higher above the safety of their passengers that's a little misogynistic it's not misogyny it's self-preservation I have no desire to crash no mountain today do you wow that's just wow a you're just like the rest of these softies okay this is ridiculous we're already 10 minutes behind schedule what is she doing up there her nails [Music] how may I help you sir why are we delayed what is the pilot doing her makeup or something uh there are thunderstorms over Kansas we have to deviate around them the captain and the tower are putting together a new Flight Plan okay look I have a very important meeting to get to it's a kind of meeting that can make or break my career I cannot afford to miss it because the pilot got lost trying to find your way to Orlando you know what I'm saying don't worry Captain Billings is great I find it ways to make up time in the air just be honest with me we're just a couple of guys talking here how much do you hate flying with a woman I don't come on you and I both know you could fly this thing better than her not at all Captain Billy just is someone who only got the job because of her gender not her qualifications oh uh sorry sir another passenger needs my assistance you know what would really be helpful replacing the pilot with a man that's not possible sir possible you know who I am I'm a very frequent flyer I've been a customer of this Airline for over a decade I demand a new pilot a male pilot or I will cause a very big scene got me I understand one moment [Music] please excuse me Captain there's a J in there you yeah yeah I will thank you Mr Wilson I hear you have a problem with me flying the aircraft today is that true You're darn right I do Missy and what seems to be the problem the problem is I have a very important meeting in Orlando to get to and I don't think you're capable of getting me there because of my gender yes everyone here is thinking it I'm just not afraid to say it let me point out you've already put us behind schedule with this delay sir the delay is due to a storm every pilot is rerouting not just the female ones give me a break honey sir don't call me honey I'm a captain a rank and a title I earned earned mhm oh come off it we all know how the world works the airline hired a token woman to fly the plane so they could look good at their female customer base you didn't earn anything that's not true yes it is your only qualifications for this job is your lack of a white chromosome if that's how you feel I'll see what I can do about getting you a new pilot finally mhm that was not okay how could you say those things to her oh please I just said what we were all thinking and you know it so where's our new pilot look sir I've had to deal with men like you my entire career men who think they're better than me or men who think they know what I can or cannot do simply based on my gender it's just a fact that men are better at certain things than women flying complicated machines being one of them don't get mad at me for basic science that's the type of bigoted thinking I heard when I applied and then got accepted into the US Air Force you were in the Air Force I graduated top of my class at Colorado Springs then I aced officer training school and even after all of that it still took convincing before I was accepted into police training in flight school because that field has traditionally been dominated by men through all of school and training I've had to deal with men like you who put me down men who said I wouldn't make it because I was a woman do you know how many times I was told I should quit or a woman as pretty as me didn't belong in the cockpit we all would have been better off had you listened to them in quit I didn't have any mentors I could reach out to or anyone's career to emulate I had to chart my own path just with the love of flying and determination I had not to let people like you hold me back from achieving my dreams during the service I flew over 30 combat missions in three theaters earning medals and accolades along the way right you were in combat it's true I was over there serving our country so that you could remain as Clos minded as you wished after I served I wanted to continue flying so I took a job with the airline and for your information she's done this job so well that she was just awarded the Harmon trophy which is given to the country's top aviator you may not like that I'm a woman but I am the best pilot you will ever fly with and my aircraft is the safest in the sky well that's a very nice story and I'm sure parts of it might even be true but the fact remains I have a very important meeting with Charles Sloan and I don't want to die before I get there so get me a new pilot or I'll sue this airline in a bankruptcy what is it what are you smiling about you have a meeting with Mr Sloan of Sloan's and Waters Enterprises that's right what do you know about it oh boy this is really not your day Mr Wilson what does that mean it means that Charles Stone is my father in fact I took the shift so that I could go home for his 70th birthday hm you said your name was Billings that's my married name I see look I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot I took a lot of cold medicine today and I'm feeling a bit loopy you know really cold medicine that's the excuse you're going with it's true I didn't mean anything I was saying I'm perfectly fine with you flying the plane and thank you for your service it's too late for that would you be so kind to escort Mr Wilson off the aircraft you're kicking me off you can't do that I am simply obliging your request you said you didn't want a female pilot and I think the agents at the gate can find you a mail pilot that is uh more to your liking but I have a meeting yeah don't worry I will be sure to explain to Mr slone why you couldn't make it today um Excuse Me Miss yes sweetheart how can I help you do you think that I could be a pilot one day if I can do it so can you do you want to go see the cockpit we still have a few minutes before takeoff yes come on hi I got a call about a problem with your toilets you're I called for a plumber and you're a woman this is ridiculous I am going to call them up right now and give them a piece of my mind no need to call the shop I actually own the company you you own Joe's Plumbing yep it's actually short for Joanne I don't go out on service calls often anymore but everyone else is on a job today and it sounded like you were in a big hurry yeah well this is false advertising if I would have known this I never would have called okay that's how you feel no wait wait wait look I don't have any time for this nonsense can you please fix the toilet I have a potential buyer coming in and I need this handled right away can you do it yeah thank you so this morning all the toilets in the whole house aren't working all of them yeah I'm sure it's a quick fix I would do it myself but I just don't have time to do it today uh I'm not so sure about that when one toilet goes out no big deal easy fix but when all of them go out it's usually a sign of a bigger problem in your pipes or the sewer line itself save me the theatrics okay I'm not going to fall for it fall for what you're trying to upsell me huh look you're telling me that there's a bigger problem lurking around look I know all the tricks TOS no tricks I I'm being serious I see this all the time yep yep yep you know a man could probably pull off these uh Scare Tactics with me but you don't fool me look I don't have time for this just give get my toilets fixed as cheaply and as quickly as possible I mean I can probably get them working pretty quick but if you let this problem Fester it's only you sold me on the whole quickly part now I have to go get ready so do your business it's your house for now anyway aren't you done yet my buyer's going to be here in less than a half hour I'm going as fast as I can yeah which is probably half as fast as a man can do I bet I promise you no one can do this as fast as I can look just because your daddy financed your whole quarter life crisis doesn't mean you're actually good at your [Music] trade I just got a text from my buyer she said she's going to be here any minute are you done yet just about I'm having a hard time getting something I need to reach my M how you shown up wearing that uh I would let you work as long as you want it sir if you don't mind I'm just trying to to do the job as you asked okay sure but I'm telling you you're in the wrong business should be a model I'm happy doing what I do thanks can't blame a guy for looking though right all I'm saying is you'd be a lot more successful in life if you're taking a job show off those curves enough with the harassment okay harassment come on don't be so sensitive what a guy can't uh compliment on a woman's body anymore no you can't not while I'm here working on a job okay it's demeaning and creepy oh give me a break like it's some big burden if some guy tells you you're hot you don't have the slightest idea the kind of crap that I had to put up through to get to this point in my career from the very first day that I started my apprenticeship everyone just assumed that I couldn't do the job because I'm some attractive woman that's why I wear baggy coveralls okay to avoid all of these sexist stereotypes and these creepy comments from my customers [Laughter] will you just calm down stop getting so emotional I will not calm down from the moment I walk through this door all you've done is belittle me and objectify me despite not knowing anything about me or my life I mean you just assumed that my daddy financed my business earlier because of course how else could a woman become a plumber on her own right the truth is you don't know anything about me because I worked hard from the ground up to build my business by myself and in the 10 years that has been open our company has been placed the top business 8 years in a row whatever you have to tell yourself sweetheart sweetheart look don't start yelling because it's that time of month now if you're finished telling me how great you are I need you to pack your stuff and leave before the buyer gets here all right let's go let's go I did this job the way that you ask okay the toilets are fixed but the problem won't be fixed until you deal with the sewer line sure yeah uh-huh whatever I'm serious okay these bathrooms are a ticking time bomb and I don't want to hear a complain from you in a few days when the whole sewer system buckles don't worry about it cuz I'm going to sell this dump today all right so now when the new owners find out what the problem is that's that's their problem not mine okay that's terrible okay you need to tell the buyer about this issue oh you're a realtor now look the way I want to operate my business is my business okay thank you very much okay that is the buyers right now I need you to go out back I do not want them to see you boom bye H welcome to your new home why this is even Lovelier than the pictures now Beth would I ever lie to you sorry I just need to get this Joanne honey what are you doing here Mom gosh wait this this is the house that you're looking at why did you tell me I'm going to come with you oh honey I didn't want to bother you I know you're busy with the company of course you know Joe she is the best plumber in the city let me just tell you that your daughter does excellent work she does doesn't she I mean she threw me for a loop when she said she wanted to be a plumber but she's proven me very wrong with her big successes now and she's doing so well in fact she's buying me a house wow that seems like just the Joe that I know you know always doing something so giving you know it's funny just a few minutes ago this man was telling me that I'm too pretty to be a plumber what I was joking you're joking so were you also joking when you told me that I couldn't do the job as well as a man or when you were staring down my shirt did you think I was serious you thought I you thought I was serious I wasn't being serious I was you don't want to buy this house Mama okay there's a problem with the entire sewer line I'd estimate it's it's going to run at least 30k to fix it properly and he wasn't even going to tell you about it is that so you never mentioned anything to me about any plumbing problems I didn't know I didn't know uhhuh well if the way you do business is anything like the way you treated my daughter I'm not buying anything from you good day no no no no no no please please please don't let me just just explain o that doesn't sound good that's the sound of his $30,000 plumbing job becoming even more expensive good luck with that oh there they are so you must be the financial wizard Ben has been raving about all week uh actually Val is the one presenting to us today what uh glad you can make it in val uh we're excited to hear your ideas on how our two companies can help each other grow well thank you for the opportunity I'm excited to share my vision with both of you may I have a word with you Ben outside please uh can you give us a second sure what were you thinking Ben please why didn't you tell me this meeting was with a woman come on you know we have no time to waste on nonsense we need to find a financing partner by the end of of the day or the board will have our heads I'm sorry but I knew that if I told you about Valley you wouldn't have taken the meeting you're done right I wouldn't have and I think that would be a mistake she has great ideas can help us plus her company is new which means her rates are lower so naive Ben please there is no way a woman knows a thing about financing and let me remind you we need to find a financial partner by the end of the working day okay or the board will clean the house the board ordered us to EXP for all options but if you want me to tell them that you refuse to do that based on Val's gender all I'm asking is that you hear her out I know you'll love her pitch if you give it a chance okay Ben I will give her a chance definitely but I'm not going to go EAS in her just because she's a woman I'm not a softy like your entire generation sorry about the delay vow are you ready to present yes let's save us all some time here and cut to the chase okay before I Endure your presentation I'm going to ask you some basic knowledge questions just to bet your knowledge in the business if you get any wrong this meeting is over immediately sounds fair that's not what we talked about quiet okay I'm sure I can handle it but if I answer all the questions correctly I want you to tell everyone in this room that women are just as competent as men in business fine you get yourself a deal ready I've been ready what are the most common multiples using valuation there are several including EV assets and sales PE ratio what is IR R internal rate of return it's a popular Capital budgeting technique what is r a r o c risk adjusted return on Capital it's the most accurate way of determining A bank's profitability ility okay okay one last thing you find yourself in an emergency situation in which you're leading a group of 100 people you know for a fact if you go left 50 dies and 50 won't but if you go right there is a 50/50 chance that everyone dies or everyone survives which way would you lead him to Grayson how's that relevant well I'd have to go right nope that is wrong wait a second Ben I gave her a fair chance and she failed just like I told you she [Music] would I'm I'm sorry about that just wait here a few more moments [Music] okay Grayson Grayson wait a second that was completely unfair listen b I give her a fair chance and I'm done wasting her time you asked her a completely subjective question well the question might be sub objective but he shows that she can't make tough decisions no women can the business world is Savage it's a jungle and her answer to the question proves it look over there that's Mr Jones of capital investment his firm is a Powerhouse he's a true investment giant I don't like that little girl that you have in there okay if someone like him partner with us the board will doing back flips and we'll be set but Val's proposal is cheaper it might be the better deal in the long run Mr Jones Mr Grayson so good of you to come in today I can explain to you how much of an honor would be to have someone of your stature partner with us please follow me to my office I'm really sorry about how this worked out Val truly it's okay it's not your fault and unfortunately this isn't the first time something like this has happened I'm so sorry to hear that if it were up to me we'd be partnering with your company I really like your proposal but Grayson is a senior partner sure I understand well thanks for giving me a shot and not treating me like I'm some woman who's pretending to be in business let me walk you both out okay you have no idea idea how much I've been looking forward to meeting you sir I see real potential in a partnership between our companies if by potential you mean profits I totally agree with you oh my God if you only knew the meeting I was forced to suffer through before you arrive one of our Junior Partners had the go to bring a woman to pitch is that right can you believe that a woman telling me how to invest come on what's the world coming to I told my subordinate listen this is business okay it's the jungle here women don't belong in this area this is just too go throw for their weight temperament is that how you really feel 100% let me tell you something this one here was a real adult okay so she would have been much better off staying at home in the kitchen where she belongs you know that I believe is lack of proper guidance you know while growing up so I put the blame on their parents again sorry it didn't work out this time but if you're willing I'd really like to have you back in a few months to try again maybe Grayson will be more receptive somehow I doubt that but I'm always open to a good deal you have my info Val what are you doing here do you know her this is my daughter I was here presenting an investment opportunity to Mr Grayson's firm same as you I imagine that's my girl always had a nose for a good investment chip off the old block well apparently Mr Grayson here doesn't agree he wouldn't listen to a word I said simply because I'm a woman wait I mean I just didn't know who you were had I known you came from such a good St of course I would have gladly listened oh spare me Mr Grayson you were rude judgmental and misogynistic from the moment I stepped foot through the front door what you think I'm not tough enough to make it in this business well nothing could be further from the truth I've had to fight every single day of my career just to get men like you to see past the fact that I'm a woman sure I I could have used my father's name to cut corners but I wanted to chart my own path and create my own success do you want to know why I chose to answer your question the way I did why I chose to go right instead of left it's because I'd rather take a chance to save everyone's life or in our case make everyone money rather than choosing the easy way out and that is how I approach business and it's why my little startup is the fastest growing investment firm in the town wait a moment you got me all wrong here I firmly believe that women are as competent as men in business if not better oh please we all know you don't mean that you treated me with contempt solely based on my gender whereas Ben here looked past that and actually listened to my proposal he treated me the same way he'd treat a man and that's because he knows that a good idea can come from anywhere and anyone uh Mr Jones if you allow me to explain I think I've heard quite enough from you if B thinks this is a good investment then I am sure that she's right tell your board that I'll happily partner with your company in tandem with my daughter's company at half my normal rate but I insist that you'll be in charge of the merger thank you Mr Jones it would be an honor Mr Jones he can't do that he's too new I'm sure your board will disagree after I speak with them and don't worry I'll be certain to suggest a much needed change in senior Partners should we have lunch to celebrate sounds good to me Ben please join us yeah guys like Ty I love Ty [Applause] all
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations
Views: 149,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, self improvement, happiness, dhar mann, short film
Id: MqoiYL7CrBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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