Rude Men Get Taught Life Lessons | Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations

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this is ridiculous finally it's about time you got to be kidding me you're a delivery person yeah really sorry about the delay I I was here on time I just but but nothing my dinner is probably cold and stale by now thanks to you it it's just that I couldn't go up the steps to your door you're blaming me now no no it's not what I meant just like I thought dinner is ruined because the restaurant decided to hire a instead of a normal person well don't give me that look it's not me that you should be mad at the restaurant set you up for failure who who are you calling the restaurant but if you do that I'll get get fired that's not my problem lady uh wait please I will reimburse you for the food you don't have to make that call please I I really need this job you have no idea what it's like for a disabled person it was hard enough finding any place that would hire me to begin with and believe me I try it if I get fired I 200 bucks I don't have that much on me well then I guess you better start applying for unemployment please I'm begging you not to make that call what if you were in my shoes H how would you want to be treated but I'm not in your shoes my legs work just think about it first please okay I'll think about it yeah hi I'd like to file a complaint against one of your delivery [Music] drivers you it is way too early for this what do you want I was fired from my job oh yeah did you call and complain about me I sure did I paid for your food and you said that I said I would think about it so I thought about it and decided to call anyway how could you do that okay you might think that I'm just being mean to you but really I'm just looking out for all the other customers whose orders you were bound to screw up okay someone like you shouldn't be a delivery driver do you think I want to be a delivery driver that was the only job I could get once again that sounds a lot like a you problem not a me problem I suffered through 30 job interviews and 30 rejections before I landed that job 30 do you know how that feels to be judged for something that's completely out of your control no I don't because I thought ahead and I got a degree maybe you should have done the same I did do that I have an MBA and yet the only job I could land was was that delivery job despite my qualifications despite my drive despite my work ethic all an employer sees is my disability do you know how crushing that is I'm judged and dismissed as lesser than because I'm in a chair well you know I would love to stand here and continue listening to your Saab stories but unlike you I got a job to go to so if you could kindly get off my property did you ever hear that saying treat others the way you want to be treated oh please spare me the platitudes this is a tough world for tough people so don't go blaming me for your failures and get lost before I call the cops I'm afraid when you you fell you broke your L4 and L5 vertebrae I can't feel my legs your injuries have left you paralyzed from the waist down paralyzed I'm afraid so I know it is scary to hear that and you are going to have to make some big life changes but it could have been [Music] worse over the next year Rick's injury forces him to see the world in a whole new way even simple things like getting to work on time becomes a struggle eventually Rick even gets fired from his job despite his degree and qualifications employers just couldn't get past Rick's disability no one wanted to hide hire a man in a wheelchair almost a year after his accident Rick finally finds a place that's willing to hire [Music] him delivery for Robin's Nest you're 30 minutes late I know uh someone parked in the handicap spot the only other spot I could find was like three blocks away I don't want to hear excuses what I want is a full refund for our order but the food is still more than good if you ask for a refund they're going to blame me good maybe they should no please I can't afford to lose this job you have no idea what it's like is everything all right out here what are you doing here I'm sorry do I know you this guy is 30 minutes late with our lunch and has the nerve to try and guilt me into not complaining about it Beth it's okay it's not okay we should at least get a refund tell you what why don't you take the food into the conference room until everyone lunches here I'll handle this okay I'm so sorry about Beth and don't worry no one's calling to complain I understand what it's like trust me don't you recognize me you delivered food to my house once and I oh it's you how did you end up in a chair I had an accident slipped broke my back I'm really sorry to hear that how about you how did you end up working at such a nice place well I don't just work here I own the place see after I lost that delivery job I couldn't find another place willing to hire me because of so I figured I'd cut out the middleman and start my own company and it's going pretty well so far wow good for you really that's very impressive you know we're actually hiring and we don't discriminate against people with disabilities you would consider hiring me after what I did to you why because it's how I always wanted to be treated when I I was in your [Music] position hey watch it get out of the way Oldtimer stop it don't yell at him he looks like he needs our help our help what no no way Sydney come on we don't have time for this Matt look at him he's going to get himself hurt if we don't do something I am looking at him okay all I see is an old man who's going to make me late for class and if I'm late I can get the extra credit I need to pass think it through okay well wasn't Professor Thompson's assignment to do something selfless for others and then present the results to class yeah and I'm already doing that by giving you a right to class duh sir excuse me do you need some help yes I think I do I can't seem to figure out where I was going oh it's okay look we can help you figure it out but let's just get you out of the street first okay okay you got him out of the road now ditch the old gezer before we're late for class mat he's lost get out here and help us no chance I'm not going to be late for Thompson's class just because you want to play nurse to some geriatric all right last chance s you coming or not no I'm going to stay here with him until he's safe have it your way then enjoy failing I cannot believe he just left us he is very very rude yes he is here let me help you with this and you know don't worry we're going to find out where it was you were trying to go and make sure you get there safe safe thank you you're you're very kind there's a Ralph's about to walks that way is that where you were shopping maybe we can retrace your steps yeah yeah oh my my my cuz not only on time but early for once turning over a new Leaf Professor I would have been here earlier but I had to stop to help a lost old man oh Color Me impressed Matthew keep it [Music] up so while you're helping me I thought you were in some sort of a hurry back there it's no trouble besides I've always thought that you should help those in need I'm sure my professor will understand Professor that's what I used to do for a living oh yeah yeah did you used to teach at the City University I believe I did I believe I did Once Upon a Time anyway perfect that's where I'm headed right now how about we go there together and see if we can find someone who recognizes you sounds like a fine plan let's do it Chris Stone and Sydney Williams strange it's not like Sydney to miss class she's never been late before does anybody know where she might be yeah she ditched class today yeah I remember her saying something about having more important things to do something like that huh well that's a shame she's really going to miss out okay today you will be presenting your projects about the impact that selfness has on society a student with the best presentation will not only get extra credit but they'll have the opportunity to lead a new program that I'm starting here on campus one designed to spread kindness through positive selfless acts yes Matthew sorry Professor I'm just wondering how being assigned more work is supposed to be a reward surely the best presentation should be assigned less work well allow me to clarify this is a wellp paid position thanks in part to the generous donations by our esteemed alumni in addition to a nice paycheck this is going to look terrific on your resume it's certain to help the winning student get any job that they wanton after they graduate so good luck hi hi may I help you Yes actually I found this gentleman wandering around lost he said that he used to be a professor here so I was hoping that maybe there was someone who could help identify him and get him home safe well I don't recognize him but I'm sure I can find someone who does why don't you run off to class and let me take it from here this nice lady is going to see to it that you get home safe okay thank you for all your help the world needs more people like you and that's why kindness and selflessness have carried over throughout the history of our species so you see you should always help those in need excellent work matth you're really well done thank you guys all for the wonderful presentations I can tell you all put in a lot of effort but there can only be one winner and I think we all know who that is Professor I am so sorry someone really really needed my help and I could not ignore them Sydney I'm going to need a little bit more explanation than that okay well um I was on my way to class and well I saw an elderly man and he was wandering around lost and he was confused and well I was worried that he was going to get hurt and nobody else was stopping to help him so I did so you chose to help an old man instead of getting my class on time risking failing in the process yes sir I did I mean I knew that I was going to be late to class if I stopped to help but I could not leave him there like that not with how scared and confused he was okay well do you have your presentation ready yes uh oh well I must have left it somewhere um Professor this is ridiculous okay not only did she make up some story about an imaginary elderly man but she clearly didn't even prepare for her presentation Matt no you know that it's true you were there and you left me to deal with him by myself now she's just making stuff up that's enough I'm sorry Sydney but this is this is all just a little bit hard to believe if you don't have your presentation I'm sorry I'm G have um excuse me Professor Thompson I'm sorry to interrupt but you have a visitor well Dad I was going to cook your favorite dinner tonight but uh we're out of onions so I dad we've been over this you know you're not supposed to go out by yourself I know I know but uh I got lost and then I couldn't remember where I was going and uh but hey you know it could have been a lot worse had it not been for this young Lady's Help over here thank you for helping my father Sydney I should have known better than to not believe your story what you did for my father is exactly the essence of this new program that I'm starting new program you risked failing my class to help a stranger in need not for personal gain but because you knew it was right and for that I commend you for your selflessness and with that in mind I think that I've made my selection well sir sir think about this for a minute okay how can you trust someone to do the job well when they chose to be late arriving on time while important is not not the only thing what Sydney chose to do is exactly what I'm trying to get all of you guys to do with this assignment is to help someone in need even when it doesn't benefit you at all but you and the class you loved my presentation surely that deserves the extra credit you mentioned earlier and with this presentation happened to end with the line so you see you should always help others in need how did you know that because sir that was my essay I must have left it in Matt's car and I guess he decided to pass it off as his own Matthew is that true um I can explain okay so so it's you you were the one called me an old gezer and then drove off leaving poor Sydney behind oh he did did he I know this looks bad but I really need that extra credit well you should have thought about that before you acted so selfishly you can forget about that extra credit or about passing this class for that matter and now it is my pleasure to word the extra credit and the job to Sydney Williams is the job exactly trust me you're going to love it and you'll be great at it well thank you thank you [Applause] Professor oh there they are so you must be the financial wizard Ben has been raving about all week uh actually Val is the one presenting to us today what uh glad you can make it in val uh we're excited to hear he your ideas on how our two companies can help each other grow well thank you for the opportunity I'm excited to share my vision with both of you may I have a word with you Ben outside please uh can you give us a second sure what were you thinking Ben please why didn't you tell me this meeting was with a woman come on you know we have no time to waste on nonsense we need to find a financing partner by the end of the day or the board will have our heads I'm sorry but I knew that if I told you about Valley you wouldn't have taken the meeting you're done right I wouldn't have and I think that would be a mistake she has great ideas can help us plus her company is new which means her rates are lower you're so naive Ben please there is no way a woman knows a thing about financing and let me remind you we need to find a financial partner by the end of the working day okay or the board will clean the house the board ordered us to explore all options but if you want me to tell them that you refuse to do that based on Val's gender all I'm asking is that you hear her out I know you'll love her pitch if you give it a chance okay Ben I will give her a chance definitely but I'm not going to go easing her just because she's a woman I'm not a softy like your entire generation sorry about the delay vow are you ready to present yes let's save us all some time here and cut to the chase okay before I Endure your presentation I'm going to ask you some basic knowledge questions just to bet your knowledge in the business if you get any wrong this meeting is over immediately sounds fair that's not what we talked about quiet okay I'm sure I can handle it but if I answer all the questions correctly I want you to tell everyone in this room that women are just as competent as men in business fine you get yourself a deal ready I've been ready what are the most common multiples using valuation there are several including EV assets and sales PE ratio what is IR RR internal rate of return it's a popular Capital budgeting technique what is r a r o c risk adjusted return on Capital it's the most accurate way of determining A bank's profitability okay okay okay one last thing you find yourself in an emergency situation in which you're leading a group of 100 people you know for a fact if you go left 50 dies and 50 won't but if you go right there is a 50/50 chance that everyone dies or everyone survives which way would you lead him to Grayson how's that relevant well I'd have to go right nope that is wrong wait a second B I give her a fair chance and she failed just like I told you she [Music] would I'm I'm sorry about that just wait here a few more moments [Music] okay Grayson Grayson wait a second that was completely unfair listen Ben I gave her a fair chance and I'm done wasting her time you asked her a completely subjective question well the question might be subjective but he shows that she can't make tough decisions no women can the business world is Savage it's a jungle and her answer to the question proves it look over there that's Mr Jones of capital investment his firm is a Powerhouse he's a true investment giant I don't like that little girl that you have in there okay if someone like him partner with us the board will be doing back flip and will be set but Val's proposal is cheaper it might be the better deal in the long run Mr Jones Mr Grayson so good of you to come in today I can explain to you how much of an honor would be to have someone of your stature partner with us please follow me to my office I'm really sorry about how this worked out Val truly it's okay it's not your fault and unfortunately this isn't the first time something like this has happened I'm so sorry to hear that if it were up to me we'd be partnering with your company I really like your proposal but Grayson is a senior partner sure I understand well thanks for giving me a shot and not treating me like I'm some woman who's pretending to be in business let me walk you both out okay you have no idea how much I've been looking forward to meeting you sir I see real potential in a partnership between our companies if by potential you mean profits I totally agree with you oh my God if you only knew the meeting I was forced to suffer through before you arrive one of our Junior Partners had the go to bring a woman to pitch is that right can you believe that a woman telling me how to invest come on what's the world coming to I told my subordinate listen this is business okay it's the jungle here women don't belong in this area this is just to go throw for their weak temperament is that how you really feel 100% let me tell you something this one here was a real adult okay so she would have been much better off staying at home in the kitchen where she belongs you know that I believe is lack of proper guidance you know while growing up so I put the blame on their parents [Music] again sorry it didn't work out this time but if you're willing I'd really like to have you back in a few months to try again maybe Grayson will be more receptive somehow I doubt that but I'm always open to a good deal you have my info Val what are you doing here do you know her this is my daughter I was here presenting an investment opportunity to Mr Grayson's firm same as you I imagine that's my girl always had a no for a good investment chip off the old block well apparently Mr Grayson here doesn't agree he wouldn't listen to a word I said simply because I'm a woman wait I mean I just didn't know who you were had I known you came from such a good stock of course I would have gladly listened oh spare me Mr Grayson you were rude judgmental and misogynistic from the moment I stepped foot through the front door what you think I'm not tough enough to make it in this business well nothing could be further from the truth I've had to fight every single day of my career just to get men like you to see past the fact that I'm a woman sure I I could have used my father's name to cut corners but I wanted to chart my own path and create my own success do you want to know why I chose to answer your question the way I did why I chose to go right instead of left it's because I'd rather take a chance to save everyone's life or in our case make everyone money rather than choosing the easy way out and that is how I approach business and it's why my little startup is the fastest growing investment firm in the town wait a moment you got me all wrong here I firmly believe that women are as competent as many in business if not better oh please we all know you don't mean that you treated me with contempt solely based on my gender whereas Ben here looked past that and actually listened listened to my proposal he treated me the same way he'd treat a man and that's because he knows that a good idea can come from anywhere in anyone uh Mr Jones if you allow me to explain I think I've heard quite enough from you if B thinks this is a good investment then I am sure that she's right tell your board that I'll happily partner with your company in tandem with my daughter's company at half my normal rate but I insist that you'll be in charge of the merger oh thank you Mr Jones it would be an honor Mr Jones he can't do that he's too new I'm sure your board will disagree after I speak with them and don't worry I'll be certain to suggest a much needed change in senior Partners should we have lunch to celebrate sounds good to me Ben please join us yeah guys like tyu I love time is that what you're wearing it's my lucky suit well it's uh it's just awful can't wear that on the air it's not revealing enough but I'm an anchor and an anchor dresses dresses the way I tell them to like I know this is just the evening news but it's still show business got to give them something to look at I think the people just want the news trust me I've been doing this for 20 years when people see a beautiful woman like you reading the news they expect to see some skin I'm not sure I'm following you why do you think I hired you H I don't know my talent my educational background my experience let me make this very simple either you go change your clothes or I'll reconsider having you as an anchor on the show and I'll find some some other beat reporter who wants this opportunity where are you going to change that's my girl you are going to be so great tonight I can't believe it took them this long to promote you the whole crew has been rooting for you to get girl thanks Sydney I just hope I don't let you all [Music] down wow now that is an outfit well done wardrobe department but this what what is it no this this hair that's just that's not going to work what's wrong with my hair this is a television broadcast in Los Angeles not Uganda excuse me it just doesn't look like our demographic it's too ethnic well there's not enough time to change it now we're on air in 5 minutes minutes just just put this on what no no David I don't want to wear it no well it's not really up for debate you know and while you're at it give her some more eye makeup and Foundation what's going on here Sydney come on I have enough makeup on trust me and I like my hair the way it is okay so you can either put this wig on and do your makeup the way I just asked you or I'll go down to sports and grab Mark and he can be the anchor chair for tonight your [Music] choice excellent choice you should not have to put up with that from him you're right but he's the boss and I can't blow this opportunity besides this just puts me one step step closer to being an anchor for Channel 8 news hi good luck on your first day oh thank you guys hey we'll be watching you from home I love you honey break a leg love you Mama I love you all ready our final story is about lucenda Perez a local Doctor Who just received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Medical Association when I first started out in medicine I was constantly being told that I wasn't going to make it they told me that I I didn't look like a doctor I didn't dress like a doctor and that I didn't even speak like a doctor I stayed true to myself and now I'm being blessed and honored with such a prestigious award what an incredible story and person sadly her story is something that I can relate to we like to think that times have changed that they've improved but just today I was told that my hair my clothes and even my makeup weren't right for Broadcast [Music] [Applause] News and because I wanted this job so badly I gave in to my boss's demands that was a mistake as lucenda made clear it is more important to stay stay true to my principles and who I really am than to change just because it makes some small-minded people uncomfortable for channel 13 news I'm Amar Jones good night Los Angeles what was that huh I'm sorry David I had to be myself well I hope it felt good because you're fired when I'm to making phone calls there won't be another broadcast company in all North America who will hire you do you [Music] understand now get out of my [Music] face hey hey you did the right thing baby I'm so proud of you I know baby I know you're right but we needed that job I know I know but we will find a way through this you know maybe maybe I should just kept my mouth shut and just play by his rules mom look you're blowing up on Tik Tok I am yeah everyone's saying how cool you are look oh you've gone viral that's so cool well that is something all right oh I'll get [Music] [Applause] that may I help you Amara my name is Val I'm the station director at Channel 8 news I hope you don't mind me coming unannounced but Sydney gave me your address you know Sydney sure do in fact we just hired her to be our lead makeup artist at the station she quit after she heard that you were fired apparently a lot of the crew did as well I didn't know but that's not the reason why I'm here I'm here because I saw your segment tonight and I'd like to hire you as lead anchor for Channel 8 news really what you did took courage and that's the kind of character we're looking for at the station now not only will I double what you were making at Channel 13 but you can wear whatever you'd like on air you'll get no micromanagement from me that sounds it's fantastic I'm in okay wonderful nice to meet you hi all right well I'll send over some paperwork okay thank you great good night all right good night good night [Applause] okay oh my God what oh there she is hey Amar hey I've been trying to get a hold to you why haven't you returned my calls well that's because I don't work for you anymore David well no that's what I'm here to fix look I made a huge huge mistake letting you go but I'm here to unfire you I was just really emotional that day and I made a mistake we'd love to have you back at the station no thank you who who heyar don't be ungrateful let's not forget who gave you starting this business okay that was me yeah you did you did help me get started in this business and then you kept me as a beat reporter longer than anyone else not because I wasn't good enough to move up but because you had a problem with my gender and my ethnicity whoa whoa that is not true that is true and we both know it so thank you for apologizing David but I am quite happy here at my new job working working at Channel 8 hey amarar hey oh and the next time I see you here I'll be sure to call security have a nice [Music] life thanks for tuning in that's our broadcast for this evening but before I sign off I'd like to take a special moment to thank everyone here at Channel 8 news for giving me this opportunity and for those of you watching at home remember staying true to who you are will always be worth it good night Los [Applause] [Applause] Angeles
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations
Views: 463,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, self improvement, happiness, dhar mann, short film
Id: DkjJi14Lmh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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