Husbands That Demand A Divorce | Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations

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why are you doing this I can't do this anymore I want a divorce a divorce why why that's why I I didn't expect my life to go this way you've had cancer for 4 years you're bleeding me dry I didn't see myself going through this either but we made a promise to each other to stay for better or worse well I'm done keeping that promise come on Peter I know we have our problems but we can work things out I'm seeing someone else you're cheating on me for the past year she makes me feel alive again unlike you feel so good to say that out loud you're unbelievable you better get a good lawyer I already did sweetheart I hired the best divorce attorney in the city and I've met with every divorce lawyer in the area and legally they're not allowed to represent you my lawyer already Drew up the documents we're filing first thing tomorrow morning this is outrageous according to this agreement you're left with everything and I get nothing I am not signing that oh yes you will you will sign that paper or my lawyer will make your life a living nightmare you will be in the courts for years with a second rate lawyer by your side do you know how expensive that'll [Music] [Music] be finish packing your bags I want you out of here tonight tonight where am I supposed to go I have work in the morning I have an important client coming in tomorrow morning Ellie I don't care that paper says we are no longer married and you're no longer my problem good evening checking in yes one room [Music] please I'm sorry ma'am it says that this card has been declined oh no there must be a mistake can you run it again sure it's still not working could you give me one moment thank you did you cancel my credit cards I sure did and before you ask I changed all the passwords and PIN codes for our join account some of that money was mine and you know it what am I supposed to do now how am I supposed to get a hot sorry listen there's a cheaper Motel just down the road they have plenty of rooms and they take cash thank you no problem good [Music] luck one room please uh 80 bucks for the night for this place it's a bit steep isn't it it's a last minute booking if you do two nights I can make it a flat 100 please there must be something you can do I've had the worst night keep your story to yourself lady don't like the prices find another motel room 124 down the hall to your left okay thank [Music] you where have you been you're late I know I'm I'm so sorry you're sorry we almost lost the Anderson account because you weren't here sorry boss I promise this will not happen again oh you bet it won't you almost cost the firm one of its biggest clients I got to let you go what you don't understand last night my husband I don't want to hear your excuses you're [Music] fired just hear me out please just do I need to call [Music] security are you okay ma'am yes I'm fine I know we just met but if if you need some want to talk to I am a really good listener the truth is my whole world has fallen apart the last 48 hours my husband of 10 years left me I got kicked out of my house I got fired from my job I haven't eaten in almost 2 days and I could barely afford to even buy that sandwich this is not how I saw all my life going I am so [Music] sorry listen if it makes you feel any better I didn't picture spending my golden years in a convenience store as a minimum wage clerk but voila you still look pretty happy though well my mother always taught me that everything happens for a reason and if I have learned one thing in life it's that when one door closes another one opens and I am waiting for that door to open I appreciate the kind words I really do just don't think there are any more open doors for [Music] me yeah you should buy a lottery ticket the drawing is tonight the jackpot is over 500 million no I don't feel very lucky oh come on give it a shot your luck has got to change sooner or later it wouldn't matter anyways I'm down to my last $3 I can't afford to buy a ticket and the sandwich and as you've noticed I really need that sandwich then this ticket is on me really I insist but you hardly have anything not much my mama also taught me to spread kindness around those who need it and I always listen to what my mother told me your mother sounds like an incredible [Music] lady enjoy thank you for everything you are so welcome hope your luck changes soon [Music] thank and the winning numbers are 10 10 17 33 51 64 and 5 oh gosh I win my [Music] go Mr Jenkins you filed a motion claiming that you have a right to half of your ex-wife's lottery winnings is this correct uh that is correct your honor uh we were married for 10 years half that money is rightfully mine and she knows it and according to the record you filed for divorce one day before Miss Jenkins purchased the lottery ticket in question is that true what does that matter we're only talking about a couple of hours difference is it also true that you cancelled your ex-wife's credit cards and closed your joint banking accounts the same night the divorce papers were signed even a day before they were filed it is as I had every right to do maybe you can explain to me why you feel entitled to half of your ex-wife's lottery winnings which she purchased a day after the divorce was Final and you made made it abundantly clear that she was not entitled to any of your assets just one day before your honor let's just let's just back up for one second here here's the thing here's the thing enough Mr Jenkins you were the one that pushed for the quickie divorce and the court granted your wish that being the case you have no right to miss jenin winnings motion denied [Music] Ellie let's give it another shot not a chance it's like you said I am no longer your problem anymore [Music] remember hey look at you it's so nice to see you not crying H so did you find that open door I sure did and look what was behind that door what is this that is your check for $50 million turns out you were right when one door closes another one always opens I can't accept this this is I insist you deserve every scent of that without your advice and kindness I don't think I would have ever found that Open Door you won't have to live your golden years as a minimum wage clerk anymore I guess mama was right after all thank you those clothes make you look really fat wow your wrinkles are really bad you should use some cover up to hide those age [Music] spots you're really going to eat all of that well I was planning too what happened to you used to be so beautiful then you gained all this wait it's [Music] gross it turned blue what does that mean it means they having a baby just like we've always talked about no I never talked about wanting a baby of course you did no I didn't I'm not ready to have a baby right now I know it's scary but you're going to be a great father you need to get rid of it what we are not having that baby I am not getting rid of [Music] it what are you doing I can't do this anymore what does that mean it means I'm leaving Molly I've been trying to pretend that things are good with us for a while now but they're not and adding a baby to the mix just makes things worse you can't leave you can't leave our baby needs a father I need you then I guess you better find a new father because it won't be me please don't leave please please [Music] leave Victor leaves his family behind to start a new life he started dating a younger woman and began going out more and more but the more time he spent whining and dining his new young girlfriend the more his performance at work suffered and he eventually lost his [Music] job being unemployed and broke meant Victor could no longer afford the fancy nights out with his new girlfriend which meant soon he had no girlfriend at [Music] all then one day he runs into someone he hadn't seen in a long long time Molly Molly is that really you Victor wow you look amazing stunning actually wish I could say the same you noticed yeah well it's been a tough year since we split up you mean since you left me look I lost my job and lost my apartment but things are going to turn around for me any day now are you living in your car it's only temporary well it was nice seeing you Victor wait Molly I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I realized that I made a big mistake walking out on you and us meeting like this I mean it's just sign I want to give this another shot this what is this us you and I the happy couple oh Victor it is too late for that yeah it's never too late as long as two people really love is everything okay Molly yes everything is fine could you put the baby in the car seat I'll be right there no problem honey ah I see you had to go marry some rich guy actually that's not at all what happened I'm the bread winner in this relationship you see at first I blamed myself for what happened to our relationship I spent countless hours playing the what if game what if I had lost weight what if I had worn the clothes you preferred what if I didn't my makeup the way you wanted I was so determined to blame myself that I couldn't see the truth not until a man appreciated me for who I truly am flaws and all the truth that I wasn't the problem in this relationship Victor you were you spent so much time Tearing Me Down making me feel bad about myself and very little time building me up supporting me loving me unconditionally and despite everything you did to me I have to thank you for what for giving me the most beautiful daughter whom I adore and for showing me the kind of man I do not want in either of our lives wait at least let me meet my daughter you owe me that much A baby needs her father you're the one who said that I don't owe you anything Victor and besides my daughter already has a wonderful father it's just not you [Music] look what just came in it's the new Nike Dior it's the only pair we have and the commission on them is insane wow these look really nice if anyone's going to sell these it's going to be me no offense no offense excuse me hi are these the new Dior Nikes um this is uh $115,000 pair of shoes might be a little over your budget plus we only have a size 10 left yeah well that's actually my size would you mind if I try them on um look I'm not trying to be rude I just don't want to waste my time I mean we have a clearance you know what it's no problem at all you can absolutely try these on I'll grab some nylon socks for you okay what are you doing why would you let him try those on he clearly can't afford those appearances can be misleading you shouldn't be so quick to judge look I know who buys and who doesn't he's going to try them on take a picture for his Instagram leave like they all do just stop these are so nice by any chance you wouldn't happen to have some water my mouth is little parched no actually I don't and can you please not touch these I need to keep them clean for the next customer you know someone who can actually afford them excuse me hi how you doing uh do you have the new limited edition Dior Nikes they're the ones that just came out oh hi sir yes yes we do uh but it's only a size 10 oh that's perfect that's actually my size uh may I yeah that's that's great I mean do you want to try them on i' I'd be glad to help you no that won't be necessary I'm just going to uh by this is great uh beautiful I mean I can take these to the front for you and would you like anything you need water or something yeah water would be great uh thank you yes yes I'll take these up front and I'll box them up for you I got the socks thank you so much for waiting here you actually you won't be needing those I'm selling them to this fine gentleman right here is that right that is right and I cannot wait to put these babies on Jing sorry great I'll take these to the front and box them up for you sir next time take my advice and don't try to sell to someone who can't afford expensive things maybe then you'll actually sell some shoes I'm so sorry about that I that's okay it's not your fault uh well we do have some new shoes that we just got in that you might like would you like to see them sure that' be wonderful here's the water my man thank you these shoes are going to look great with your outfit I mean you've already got the sick threads now you got the kicks to go with it everyone's going to know exactly how much money you have exactly I mean that's the goal you know what you get it I knew I liked you here let's put it on this card get it so it's going to be 15,6 78 on the credit card so these over here are imported from Italy they are handmade I think they would look stunning on you oh by the way may I offer you some water yeah that' be great yeah sure you know um the store really needs some more nice people like you oh thank you you know I just try to treat everyone the same no matter what anyways I'll be right back all right H it didn't go through that's odd um let let me try again sometimes these meters don't work is there a problem it's still going through uh do do you have another car no it's my only car can you please try it again okay hey look I really need these shoes just want to take a picture post it on Instagram you know so people think I got money look I'm sorry but it's still not going through but don't worry don't worry you can pay with cash right there's a bank right next to no I don't have that kind of cash in my bank account I mean that's why I use the credit card what do you mean I mean you you're wearing in a mar suit you have to have the money hey look I I borrowed this from a friend just so I could take a picture in it do you still think I could try these on at least I can get a pick for the Graham super nice oh hey you're back how'd it go didn't his credit card got declined took a photo and he left I'm sorry I'll buy them oh my gosh really I mean yes of course uh let me go box everything up for you look wait no offense but if my customer's credit card didn't go through there's no way yours is going to credit card said anything about a credit card yeah I'll actually be paying cash where did you get that money well I actually own my own million dooll business I'm just coming from the gym which is why I look like this oh by the way I'll take a size 10 in these as well if that's okay yes of course please take a seat and I'll box everything up okay thank you hey remember that appearances can be misleading don't be so quick to judge maybe next time you'll sell some shoes that is my daughter you can't just take her Daddy back away sir we have a lawful warrant please back away you are scaring her back away right now sir or I'll place you under [Music] arrest [Music] [Music] K how can you do this to me they just Abby please the judge awarded me custody because you lied to them you know you know that I never laid a finger on you or her well too bad you couldn't prove that in Court you're not going to get away with this the truth always wins you know you should really be a little more concerned about getting me my child support checks otherwise I'll have that judge lock you up and the only way you'll see Abby is through plexiglass how do you think I'm going to make those payments huh I lost my job I lost my job because all those false accusations that you made H well that's not my problem is it you have one week to get me my my money oh and by the way I had my lawyer file a restraining order against you that says you not allowed within 50 ft of me or Abby can please please don't do [Music] this I got to be honest with you Mr Donovan I'm afraid it doesn't look good your wife was granted full custody and they revoked your visitation rights because of uh the accused abuse this is why I can never harm my daughter or even my wife she's she's making all this up I know I know I believe you but the judge felt that these photos were compelling enough to lean on her side unless you could prove that she's lying it's unlikely that you're going to win the feel what am I supposed to do this is my baby girl that we're talking about here all right you have 3 months for the trial you need to get a job and remain firm on your child support it'll give you some Goodwill with the judge determin to win custody of his daughter Jeff got to work looking for a new job but because of his ongoing Court battle and the accusations against him Jeff was met with rejection after [Music] rejection after rejection the only job Jeff could land was working as a night shift custodian despite his qualifications and education [Music] unfortunately even after working over 60 hours a week Jeff's minimum wage job wasn't enough to cover the child support and the [Music] bills as you can see I found and maintained a job over the last sever months despite that you were laid on three child support payments you know I'm doing everything I can to make these payments on time I'm skipping meals cutting back on utilities these payments they are eating up almost all of my take-home pay look I empathize with you I do Jeff but the judge won't we have a court date in 2 days unless you could prove your ex-wife is lying it ain't going to go well for [Music] you can we talk no we can't and unless you're here with a check you are violating a restraining order that restraining order is a bunch of [Music] bull I never touched you or Abby it doesn't matter whether you did or didn't of course it matters truth always [Music] wins look where the truth got you the only thing that matters is what the judge believes and he believes me because you lied to him well don't blame me for being smart enough to work the system so you admit it you lied of course I lied to that judge I even faked those pictures of aby's bruises using makeup it was the best way to bed you dry of every penny that you have and guess what there's not a thing you can do about any of it you are unbelievable no what is unbelievable is that you still don't get it I can admit to anything because no one will ever believe a word you say ever again after all to the rest of the world you're just a man who beats his wife and daughter now get off my property before I call the police is that dad I thought I told you to do the dishes but I want to see Dad dishes now don't make me tell you again I'll see you in court tomorrow oh and don't worry I'll be sure to tell my lawyer that you violated a restraining order and missed another child support [Music] payment [Music] All Rise thank you please be seated it's been brought to my attention that Mr Donovan has some new evidence to present before my ruling uh yes your honor we would like to submit new evidence proving my client is innocent uh may I present it go [Music] ahead look where the truth got you the only thing that matters is what the judge believes and he believes me because you lied to him well don't blame me for being smart enough to work the system so you admit it you lied of course I lied to that judge I even faked those pictures of aby's bruises using makeup it was the best way to bed you dry of every Petty that you have and guess what there's not a thing you can do about any of it your honor there's no way of knowing if this footage is real for all we know it's been manipulated actually your honor we use this hidden camera we also have uh Mrs Donovan's uh neighbors who witnessed The Exchange and our hitter testified to its authenticity this is ridiculous you you've already ruled in my favor sit down in light of the New Evidence provided the court rules in favor of Mr Donovan granting in full custody of his daughter Abby you can't do that can you do that further furthermore the court orders Mrs Donovan to play Child Support to Mr Donovan in the amount of $95 a month that is not fair your honor I'm not done Additionally the court orders Mrs Donovan in contempt of perjury bayith please take her into custody court dismissed congratulations thank you so much hey I missed you so much I'm never going to let them take you again I love you so much I love you too Daddy I'm done Jenna I'm done with you with this family I'm done with everything about it I just need more fun more excitement life is way too short and I need to feel life again you can't just leave what about Katie what's going to happen to her Katie will be fine she has you I'm out of here then what about our company we started it together what are you just going to walk out on that too art company come on Jenna get real please you know as well as I do that I'm the only one that makes this company work he just wrote my coattail that's not true the whole company is my idea maybe so but I'm the one who made it a success in fact my lawyer has Drew up these documents for you what is this you're cutting me out of my own business you can't do that read the fine print it's already done okay it's unless you want to fight that really lengthy and expensive legal battle which you will end up losing any any wa I wouldn't do it don't fight this I'm an important part of this company without me without you what Jenna come on I'm the only one that makes this company work Daddy Mommy what's going on Daddy's leaving when are you coming back I'm not sweetie sorry one day you'll did daddy leave because of [Music] me oh no baby it's not your fault I promise tomorrow I'm going to go talk some sense to him okay don't worry Mike I really think that we should work on Jenna how did you get in here hm I thought I told you to change the locks in the front door I was working on it when he pulled me in here but I'll I'll go work on that now here I was beating myself up thinking that this was somehow my fault all this time you were cheating on me with our secretary first of all she's my secretary okay second of all I don't even know what you're doing here anyway you're no longer in the company I was here trying to talk some sense into you your daughter needs her father H okay let's take care of [Music] that these are the divorce papers my attorney draft him this morning you are really going to throw away your your family for some fun you know what fine I'll sign anything good that gets me away from you the fastest but don't even think about crawling back to me when you realize the massive mistake you made Crawling Back to You you not a chance sweetheart the only mistake I've ever made was marrying you in the first place Jenna storms out of the office and Mike is finally free to be with his new girlfriend right over the next several months Mike spends more and more money on his new girlfriend but the more time and money he spents on Laura the less time and effort he spent on his [Music] company it wasn't long before his company began to struggle clients left in droves because Mike was unable or unwilling to put in the time and effort Jenna had when she was his partner with his bank accounts nearly depleted Mike was no longer able to spoil Laura with the expensive gifts trips and nights out she had become accustomed to and once his money ran out so too did Laura almost out of money Mike had no choice but to seek outside investors to rescue his company you are hemorrhaging Money Mike the only way to save the business is to bring in an investor the bank insists well what if there is no what if you have run the company into the crow now I called in in a favor and I did find an investor who might be willing to come on as a partner and bail you out okay whatever he takes I inan Mary would you send the investor in [Music] please thank you Jayla you two know each other we used to be married you're the investor but how when you left me it nearly broke me but then I remembered what I used to say to you no matter how hard life knocks us down you can always find the strength to get back up so I got back up and I got to work started my own company and it turned out that I'm pretty good at being a CEO while your business has collapsed mine has thrived so you just came here to rub it in basically no great so you're going to invest we're going to be partners again 50/50 50/50 well just last year you made it clear that I had nothing to do with this company's success oh come on honey you know that I didn't mean that you're brilliant the company couldn't work without you and besides we could perhaps give it another shot you and I oh have you even said it yourself Katie it's her father almost done in here honey Katie's worried about missing the previews honey I got remarried to a wonderful man tell Katie I'll be right there [Music] do you remember what I told you the last time we spoke no I said don't come crawling back to me tell the bank I'll happily invest in this company okay great but not with Mike as the CEO wait the bank wouldn't go for that you have got yourself a deal thank you how could you do this to me Jenna oh Mike you did this to [Music] yourself honey can you get the laundry or maybe help me with the dishes huh hey Dad can we have pancakes for breakfast yeah sure Jake just ask your mom Benny I already have so much much to do can you please make them no I can't I have to catch up on all these emails hey guys why don't you do your homework first and then your mom's going to make it does he not realize it's Saturday watch it Polly hey honey you okay I'm fine just broke a plate it was Jake's fa no it wasn't all right that's it look guys go play in the living room while your mom cleans up the kitchen let's go let's go do you think I could get some help around here when is the last time that you did the dishes or made breakfast you know cooking cleaning and taking care of the kids is a lot for one person who also has a full-time job look honey I get it okay I do and I understand I mean I know I told you when we first got married that we would have a mid and a nanny so you didn't have to do any of this stuff but honey like the way things are going I mean we just can't afford it that's not what I'm asking for this and however I am working OT as much as I can so we can have enough money at least by next year so then we can hire you know some part-time help you know okay so it's going to be okay that's not what I want I don't want you to work more I I want you to spend more time at home or at least engage when you are here Ryan are you listening I'm sorry I just got denied the time that I requested off the time you requested off for our anniversary yeah Brenda said that uh we're short staff because we keep on laying people off it seems like it's every day you know what it's going to be okay it's going to be okay cuz I'm going to request off in April oh we can only go in March that's when spring break is the kids are off school my mom and dad are going to come watch them I already got the days off Ryan it is our 15-year anniversary and it's like you don't even care I do care what do you want me to do start arguing with my boss I'm sorry but like I just always wanted to do these you know amazing trips and like travel all over the world and that's why I'm working so hard that we can afford it one day you don't understand it's not about the trips Michelle then help me understand I mean what is it are you not happy is that it ah I got to take this Dennis is that the same ex-boyfriend from high school Dennis oh yeah the guy that has the uh big uh real estate brokerage company in Beverly Hills that Dennis seriously Ryan going to take this in the bedroom keep an eye on the kids will you it wasn't the best time to call my husband was in the room with me yeah well things have been somewhat hard for us yeah I don't know if it's going to work out [Music] anymore wait time [Music] out what's wrong dad you okay yeah I'm okay are you sure did someone die no my marriage might be what it's all my fault no I we first got married I I promised your mom a better life than this I told her I would get her anything that she wanted little did I know that I would end up with this measly sales associate job an insurance company wait so are you saying that you and Mom are getting a divorce no I hope not why did she say something to you kids no not yet I think you can get out of this what you need to do is rekindle the relationship rekindle where'd you learn that from Dar man what I'm trying to say is show mom you love her and that you can't live without her yeah and Valentine's Day is coming up so maybe you can do something special for her then no it's easier said than done I I don't have any money you know do something special who said anything about money don't you know it's more valuable than that time because you can always get more money but you can never get more time I learned that on Dar man too no you're right no you're right I I I I could do something special you know romantic [Music] thanks kiddos well I hope this works time in you little great with the 10% deposit we'll keep the bracelet on hold for you until 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. you can't hold it any longer I thought I could to have it by tomorrow you know so when I get paid I'm sorry but unless it's paid in full and end of day is the max okay well you know what just put in the whole 2,000 and see if that goes through hold on a second hey honey hey I just got done work what's up quick question um my boss wanted to know if I was busy tomorrow and I wasn't sure if we were doing anything since it's Valentine's Day oh yeah of course yeah duh I got something amazing planned you're going to love it really okay that sounds great I will let them know I am busy then see you at home all right bye I love you sorry about that oh the card's getting declined it's probably because I put that deposit down for the restaurant and the airline tickets I bought okay here's a deal I'm going to see what I can do and then I'm going to call you back all right but whatever you do do not sell that bracelet can't make any promises it's our busiest time of the [Music] year you really asking me this now with everything that's going on with the company I've been working here for 10 years I'm one of your top employees I really do believe that I deserve a raise or a promotion or just an advance you have a better idea how about you're fired you're joking does it look like I'm joking should have known better to ask my boss for anything right now it was bad timing I really wanted to get your mom something special I was going to buy her this really expensive bracelet mom doesn't need an expensive bracelet she would have been perfectly happy with a handmade one like the one that you got for her when you two first met the one that said I love you on it she literally always talks about it especially after she lost it well that was a long time ago okay that wouldn't make her happy today besides it doesn't matter not only could I not get the bracelet I had to cancel the dinner plans and the tickets to Hawaii just I can't spend any more money I'm a lousy husband I'm sure you can think of something just maybe you don't tell her until after hey guys I have got some great news why is this place a disaster how come you guys didn't pick what's going on hey kids um can you give me a [Music] minute um yeah honey there's something that I need to talk to you about why you have a [Music] seat Ryan you're starting to worry me okay well first of all I want to tell you how much I love you and I want you to have all the Finer Things that life has to offer oh okay and uh I want to provide you with all of those things but as of right now it's going to take a little little longer actually much longer Ryan I don't know what you're saying [Music] what I'm trying to say is is that I lost my job and I know this is horrible timing with Valentine's and I had to cancel all of our plans now you're upset I have to take this well wait I I haven't finished what I was saying [Music] it's over it's all [Music] over no we can't let Mom and Dad get a divorce we have to do something well do you have any ideas Ryan I can't believe you what what happened is that you're so sweet sweet I can't believe you cleaned everything I did I did you even did the laundry hey yeah and um and wait till you see the kitchen oh okay a honey you did all this for me I did I sure did all for you right and this is so thoughtful cleaning the laundry the dishes and you made breakfast what's in here I don't know why don't you open it up and find out I I wouldn't get your hopes up too high but [Music] uh this is just like the one you gave me when we first met yeah I me I know I know it's not like a really fancy bracelet or anything but uh it's perfect it's honestly perfect thank you how did you think of everything I mean my original plan was to take you to a nice steakhouse dinner and then I was going to surprise you with a trip to Hawaii since uh lost my job I guess you're going to have to settle for this I'm sorry I going to do more more sweetheart this is all I've ever wanted I don't need a fancy bracelet or an expensive dinner or even a trip the only reason I was excited about the vacation was I would get to spend more time with you your time means more than any amount of money that's what I was trying to tell you [Music] wow kids were right kids what else do you have up your [Music] sleeve Ryan this is incredible oh you even got Jake and Polly figured if we couldn't take you to Hawaii why not bring Hawaii to you so oh this is the best Valentine's Day Ever yes probably won't be getting a divorce anymore divorce what divorce oh you heard that too I looked at the papers the divorce papers I know that you're talking to your ex-boyfriend Dennis so I [Laughter] figured you thought those divorce papers were for you no no I just got assigned to a high-profile celebrity case where she's separating from her husband it's a big deal at the firm so they decided to make me partner that's the great news I was trying to tell you yesterday are are you serious though I mean like I I heard you talking to your ex Dennis over the phone you said that this wasn't going to work out the trip I was talking about the trip Dennis isn't my ex-boyfriend he's our travel agent I was booking a trip to Hawaii for us for Valentine's Day but when you said you couldn't get the days off of work I had to cancel so yesterday when I found out you were fired I decided decided to take the call to tell him the trip was back on see I love you I would never think about leaving you just wish I had more time with you wow I I was worried about nothing at all thank you so much for doing that and you have no idea how much this means to me oh so you're telling me we we planned all these surprises for nothing what a waste wait a minute you planned all the surprises oh more importantly all that food's getting cold who wants pancakes panc pancakes hold on Ryan you made to tell me that you didn't participate in any of this what I don't have time for this Cameron now we have have to clean you up bring a napkin Alexander please quick yes ma'am oh here let me get that there you go better did you want me to finish feeding him for you [Music] ma' oh no it's all right you can finish the dishes I'll try it again one more time of course ma'am here we [Music] go what seriously Cameron like I mean you're not paying attention I was trying to I cannot deal with this okay I have a lot of things to do I have a nail appointment Alexander please be a deer and finish feeding him yes ma'am okay okay I got to go oh no no not now you can finish with the dishes he can wait yes ma'am what now it's probably the lawyer she better have some good news hello what what does that mean the settlement discussions aren't going well getting nothing oh no uh-uh no no they're going to pay up for the mountain of problems they caused me yeah uh-huh yeah all right fine we'll take care of it well Lydia is saying we may not be getting anything I can't believe this all right I got to go I'll be back in a few hours wait no I have to go to my physical therapy at the hospital again didn't you just go like two days ago it's fine Alexandria will take you oh I would ma'am but my car doesn't have the wheelchair ramp only yours [Music] does you know it's really annoying that I have to inconvenience myself to take care of you hurry up all right I'll drop you off at the hospital and I'll pick you up later okay yes ma'am come on here I'll feed you in the car hey Alexandria I need to talk to you about something okay what is it well since it seems like we're not getting anything from the settlement I don't know if we're going to be able to pay you next month I was banking oh let me help you thank you I wish my wife was as kind as you but as I was saying it's oh don't worry about it Cameron focus on your recovery I'll continue to work for you even if you can't pay me because I believe the way you treat people always comes back to you okay Mr Williams we're ready for [Music] you oh it's okay you just wait here as usual I could do this on my own okay you're let him there cheers to our 6month anniversary cheers although I'm not sure how much there is to Cheers given what the attorney said I'm I'm trying to put pressure on the insurance company settled too hopefully they'll listen so if there isn't any money are you going to still stay with Cameron or are you kidding I can't take another week with him it's worse than taking care of a [Music] child speak of the devil I got to go but I'll see you for dinner at [Music] 6 come on Cameron you're eating too slow [Music] I'm I thought you were going to get your nails done oh I um I couldn't find a color I liked hope I can't I can't do this anymore I'm going to be late for my dinner with Stacy Alexandra when you're done with the trash can you finish feeding him please thank you yes [Music] ma'am wow you're really dressed up for a dinner with Stacy yeah we're going to gian's everyone's dressed up what do you expect me to do H just sit at home miserable in pajamas take taking care of you I'll see you later well when are you going to be home oh let me help you here you go oh slow down take your [Music] time so um I know it's none of my business but um you don't mind me asking I was wondering what happened oh with rose yeah she wasn't always like this well maybe she was a little bit after the accident it just well no no no I mean I mean I was talking about the accident I just I never heard the story I if you don't want to talk about it I understand I no it's okay I could tell you you see 3 months ago we were coming home and Rose was driving I was sitting in the passenger seat she was arguing with me about something I can't even remember and then out of nowhere I looked up and I saw a car coming towards us I tried to warn Rose but it was too late the car swerved and ended up crashing into the passenger side of our car when I woke up I was in the hospital paralyzed neck down the doctor said that I was lucky to be alive luckily Rose and the other driver were able to get away with barely a scratch so you see that's how it happened oh my gosh that's so horrible um did it happen at night no it happened during the day why I just find it odd that she didn't see the car during the day oh you you don't mind do you no of course hello oh hey Lydia you don't say wow no that's fantastic uh great work no I'll let her know okay take care bye good news the [Music] best can you call uh rose up oh [Music] sure voicemail you know what why don't we go and surprise her I'm sure she'll be really excited about it okay but I don't have the wheelchair ramp remember ah don't worry about that we'll be fine all [Music] right here we are thank happy 6 months the only thing happy about it is that I don't have to deal with Cameron anymore starting next week cheers yeah oh my gosh you I'm going to take you back no take me to them okay it's good good [Music] choice 6 months and you you're the guy who hit us with his car so this accident wasn't a real accident what are you doing here Cameron you set this whole thing up it makes sense too because you didn't see the car coming neither of you are [Music] hurt and you've been dating way before that this whole accident happened do you mind I said what are you doing here Cameron are I just wanted to come by and give you the good news the insurance company they settled they did how much $1 million yeah but you're not going to see a dime of that what are you talking about do you know what I've been through to get this money what you've been through oh Roose you are something else I will make sure that you don't get anything I'm the one that got injured that's not going to happen because even if you try to cut me [Music] out we're married remember in California is a community property state so I'm entitled to half of it we're not married anymore no I'm done you know what you're not going to need any money where you're going no and neither are you [Music] because because I'm going to tell everyone the truth you you can move move yep yeah I'm almost at full recovery see if you would have went to my physical therapy sessions you would have known that I hid this from you because I wanted to see the way you would treat me before the settlement now I I see you're true callers why don't you enjoy the rest of your anniversary cuz the next meal he'll be having we'll be in jail no no Cameron Cameron no no you can't do this you can't you can't do this Cameron no go to jail thank you for calling the cops you're welcome I just can't believe she's so evil and that you can walk yeah well I I have another surprise for [Music] you I decided what I want to do with the rest of the settlement what is that well let's just say the way you treat people has a way of coming back to you okay I got you you little mom Jenna just kicked me I only kicked him because he thre food at me enough can we please have a nice family dinner without the two of you fighting like cats and dogs we have something we want to tell you guys something serious are you finally shipping Max off to military school cuz I can be on board with that hey guys what did Mom say no more fighting or no summer camping trip before I say anything else I want you both to know that we love you very much and what I'm about to tell you it wasn't an easy decision oh my God you always do we are getting a [Music] divorce you guys are what we talked about how we were going to handle this I know I'm sorry I just You' do this all the [Music] time what your father was trying to say is that after thinking about this long and hard we think it's better off for us and for everyone if we aren't married anymore we have decided that we are going to separate but you can't is it because of us I promise we'll stop fighting we'll do anything it has nothing to do with that we promise but this is just what we feel is best how is ripping our family apart what's best no matter matter what happens we will always be a family we don't have to be together to be that families come in all shapes and sizes don't we get a say in any of this mom and I have thought this through and we have Grown Apart we're going to be better off as friends but it's not fair Our Lives shouldn't have to be ruined because you guys can't work it out that's [Music] wait honey it's [Music] okay go away I don't want to talk to either of you it's just me you okay I can't believe they're doing this to us I know but now that I think about it they have been fighting for the last few months plus they stopped using those girl nicknames on each other and dad started sleeping in the guest room because of mom snoring that last one is kind of legit we share a wall it's like sleeping next to a jet engine I just don't get it we fight all the time it's not like we have the option of breaking up we're a family isn't being stuck with each other the entire point when Becky's parents got a divorce she said they told her they fell out of love sounds like that's what's happening to Mom and Dad maybe they should try falling in love again instead of wait a sec that's it what if we can make them fall in love again then boom the divorce goes away you're forgetting one teeny tiny problem you can't force two people to fall in love you bone head why not it can't be that hard people do it all the time yeah maybe in The Sims love is in science with a recipe you can follow no you're right it's not a recipe it's a strategy we have to figure out what made them fall in love in the first place and remind them of that we need to get inside their heads speak their Love Languages what the heck do you know about Love Languages I heard about it on darman's new podcast dad is an active service kind of guy and Mom is more into words of affirmation and gifts [Music] if we exploit their weaknesses we have a Fighting Chance our mission won't be easy they'll require work preparation and the hardest part truce between us but if we're Victorious our efforts will be rewarded in the end what do you say soldier are you with me let's get to work now get out every woman here is beautiful right that down there that's [Music] good delivery thank you have a nice day you too somebody told you you never find yourself in love and now you're bit so you cut off your head and some of your friends you're losing another another again [Music] [Music] wouldn't a million pieces you got there is someone for you out there you'll find out in [Music] time so don't you lose yourself when you're looking for your love all the C yeah everybody's going to want you so don't You Lose [Music] Yourself so don't You Lose [Music] Yourself deep in your [Music] camera you used to know just to remind you of when you had it [Music] all yeah but wouldn't you know you still feeling broke down shattered into a million pieces you got doubts but there is someone for you out there you find out in time so don't you lose yourself when you're looking for [Music] your it's been weeks and still no progress progress dad's already got his boxes packed to move into that new apartment next weekend and Mom's setting up lunch dates with some random dude named John Warick don't worry about that I blocked them even so we got to speed things up before it's too late I know I know but every campaign has unexpected setbacks it took Caesar 8 years to conquer Gaul we don't have 8 years we have 8 days what are we going to do we've been to those relationship self-help books over a million times well we have two choices we can surrender and accept the loss or we go nuclear and we use the family camping trip to do it what do you have in mind you ready please I was born ready hey we're going to run up to the bathrooms and uh fill up the water bottles real quick that's fine just hurry back as soon as I get this tent up we're going to start dinner be careful they're fine just let them be there's bears oh there are not Bears here Carl we've been over this if this doesn't work I'm going to kill you trust me this has to work [Music] [Music] for [Music] Jeff Jeff wake up Jeff Jeff wake up wake up there's bugs wake up Jeff oh there are worms e there are worms in my tent where where are you in my tent get up wake up all right all right I I'm I'm getting up I'm getting up okay okay okay I'm up go stop yelling no get go I'm up quickly find them can you maybe use the light here here thank you zippers what do you mean I mean there's is zipper is stuck let me try well what are you going to let me try is it stuck hey kids Jenna Max hey could you please open the tent from out front it's the zipper stuck no Max this is not funny I want you to open this tent right now not until you and Dad work out whatever it is you need to and get back together yeah you want our help then you're going to have have to sit and talk out whatever problems you're having the way make us do this isn't funny you open open this T right now Max Jenna open a we're not kidding around here come on we'll see you two in the morning have a good night no no no no no Max come back here right now Jenna back here and talk to us this is not funny this is not right this is not how we're too smart for our own let's talk about this wait I don't think we thought of this all the way through sleep you definitely how the heck did they do this what did they smuggle superglue in their bags they are our children I wouldn't put anything past them at this point well whatever they did I don't think we're getting out of here tonight I take taking this a lot harder than I thought they was yeah I didn't think they'd be this upset should we have tried harder for them I don't know I mean we've been fighting so much lately and I thought we were doing the right thing and then this I don't know I mean maybe we should wait it's only a few more years before Max goes off to college if Max gets into [Laughter] college when should we tell them R and shin sleepy heads anything you have to say for yourselves first of all you're both grounded for this little stunt you pulled last night with that we don't appreciate the way you went about doing things and since the divorce has obviously been so hard on you we have decided to put things on hold wait so did it work you're not getting a divorce anymore no yes oh oh I think I still have worms on me oh I need to find a shower I can't fully we pull this off we got to be the first kids in history to make their parents change their mind take that that Caesar you know when you're not annoying we actually make a pretty good team agreed but have you noticed that dad's still sleeping in the guest bedroom ever since we got back they they both kind of seemed bummed out maybe they just need time to just how many times do I have to tell you don't put the steak knives in the dishwasher well you know maybe if you would help me with the dishes once in a while or just stop nagging me I wouldn't that doesn't even make sense I wouldn't nag you if you did what I actually asked you to do I have a lot on my mind I told you how stressful it is at work God forbid I should make a mistake and maybe maybe just let things when I said we should get them back together this and you don't think I don't have stress this wasn't what I had in mind almost every day you don't think that adds to it I cannot tell you the last time I didn't want to pull my hair out and the last time I had you think we made a mistake was when you and I were talking about getting a divorce me too but we promised that we would stay together for the kids no matter how miserable it might make us stop fighting please we're sorry kids we didn't know you were there yeah your mom and I are having a little argument so why don't you guys go play outside or something so you can keep arguing that's all you've been doing since you guys go back together we're trying we know how important it is to both you kids that we stay married we don't want you guys to be miserable for us to be happy what are you saying I think we're saying that maybe you guys were right yeah like you said families come in all shapes and sizes sometimes they can stay the same but sometimes it may need to change so everyone could be happy did our kids just say that we were right about something don't get used to it okay yeah and if you insist for ruining your lives dad can you at least get an apartment that has a pool in a Jacuzzi I'll see what I can do yeah and maybe take it easy on The Dating mom this Warwick guy I don't trust him you mean my attorney who by the way I haven't been able to get in touch with for like weeks oh whoops I can fix that huh do you know what I think this calls for a family hug cringe come on come on come on see what you did Jenna my fault this is all your fault if you had been annoying stop fighting looks good come on are you kidding me ow mom Jenna just kicked me he started it sorry kids technically this trip falls on your dad's weekend I'm off Duty Max Jenna knock it off families come in all shapes and sizes some things never change I wouldn't have it any other [Music] way all right dinner is served eat [Music] up that awesome don't mess with the best oh that was great yeah really good perfect you know that I think I lik them way better when they were married and miserable at least the food was [Music] edible this is the best birthday the champagne the cake it's perfect oh you okay yeah I just felt nauseous all of a sudden I'm fine this is perfect you're perfect that's why I have another surprise for you oh I wonder what it could be did you give someone the keys to my house no I didn't I have no idea who that is it's Scott my husband what I thought I was going to come back for another week I don't know you got to hide hide behind the couch Scott surprise you're home so early I I thought you were coming home in another week well that's exactly what I wanted you to think in order for me to be able to surprise you in your birthday so here I am surprise is are for you thank you you're welcome hm H do you have company oh what me no then why do you have two slices of cake and two glasses of champagne um I was just trying to imagine what it'd be like if you were actually here oh that's very human but why are you nervous it's just really embarrassing I just can't believe you caught me doing that a it's not embarrassing it's actually adorable I love it with I missed you so much I miss no I missed you more I missed you so so so so I can't believe how did the door close I think that was just the wind it's fine let me double che check no no I'm sick I'm sick Patricia let me double Patricia Patricia Patricia are you okay Patricia what's going on I think I'm going to be sick I really I'm going to be sick so which one do you think it's better for you this one or this one sweetheart oh sorry um this one is fine um listen why don't I finish up here and you go pull up the car I know how much you hate shopping it's fine I haven't seen you in 4 months so I don't want to be apart from you at all plus you're sick so no I'm not leaving you thanks okay um then why don't I meet you at checkout and I'm just going to see if we need anything else okay I'll take this need help oh you scared me uh no I'm fine thanks actually um is there a way I can pay you cash for this like right here oh you know what I can't do that but we do have a self checkout line please it's it's just literally this one item here I don't even need the change oh um no I'm sorry I can't help you it's store policy fine thanks anyway you know what I really appreciate you we have much and it's perfect for travel oh amazing great sounds I love it thank you really so much I apprciate um excuse me just a second could I buy something here sure Patricia over here sorry I didn't see you there take care yes thank you well where is it where's what I don't know you want to buy something over there oh oh oh oh it was just a candy bar but you know I've been gaining some weight so I decided not to eat any more sweets that's not true you hav't gain a pound you look incredible uh need a bag No thank you it's okay appreciate it have a good day you too thank you okay it's everything all right okay let's have dinner then and whoa well that's weird I just literally pay for this excuse me can I see your receipt please sure [Music] what about the oh oh oh I decided I didn't need anything else have a good night wait wait wait do you mind emptying your pockets please hey my wife is not a thief I'm not saying that she is I'm just following store policy honey can you just show it to him so we can get out of here oh oops I totally forgot to pay for this Patricia is there's something you need to tell me now Look Scott I I'm sorry I've been wanting to tell you the thing is I've been keeping a secret um I I might be a dad I might be a dad best news ever oh my God we're so sorry that she forgot to pay for this put it on my card please okay thank you appreciate it wow wow I can't believe it oh my God after all these years trying I was starting to think it was me that I had a problem and that's why we couldn't have any kids no if you're pregnant with a boy can we name him after me um hi hi sweetheart what is all this oh I've got great news ever since your pregnancy test came out positive I just couldn't wait any longer to know our baby's gender so I went to see your OBGYN and she told me you went to my OBGYN mhm and I made a promise not to tell you anything because I want to be the one to surprise you okay give me a second and we are live on Instagram no no no I don't want to go live it's okay honey already told both of our families and our friends whoa we already have 43 people watching can you believe that your mom is watching and my mom how about that they're all so excited hi everybody um uh hi so what are we doing first get a little closer to the table and put this blindfold on please okay mhm perfect now I'm going to give you a set of papers and present one at a time when I tell you okay are you ready mhm oh my God this is so exciting I can't wait I can't can't wait for all of you to see this oh oh my God check this out we have over 100 people watching already oh wow this is going to be awesome so I guess we're ready to start ready Patricia okay perfect please present the first card H and the first card says eagerly waiting for a bundle of joy okay next card please this one says we will love them no matter how much they annoy Joy annoy I think I know what rhymes with those just you wait pink or blue I'll let you choose one more car next ooh the suspense is killing me oh my God the king and the queen are going to have a prince oh my God you are good hly you are awesome Pi up The Boy The Boy I want to see what everyone's saying [Music] what I was deployed Patricia having an affair pregnant with his baby not mine this isn't what you said out loud why would you do this and I'm Al I want everybody to know what you did I didn't do anything I've been a good wife well you just left no more lies Patricia please no more lies not only I know the whole truth but also the world knows about it you see when I went to visit your doctor this morning the receptionist asked me what my relationship was to the father I found that really odd but didn't dig too deep into [Music] it that is until I met with your doctor when I told her I wanted to know the gender of her baby she said she couldn't tell me and when I asked why she said Not only was too early to know but she could only let the baby's mother or father know that information not me so you see now it all makes sense the two slices of cake the two glasses of champagne the pregnancy test plus if that were my baby you would be a lot further along since the last time I came home was 4 months [Music] ago I cannot believe that you would do this me in front of all of our friendss and family on social media you are unbelievable you're trying to turn this on me aren't you my God if you hadn't been unfaithful to me with another man none of this would have happened while I was out protecting my country you were double crushing me well it's not my fault it's yours how long have have we been trying to get pregnant huh and it never happened well now that I am clearly something's wrong with you I want you gone Patricia I don't want to see you anymore fine I'd rather go live with Nate anyway have a good life and thanks a lot for humiliating me when it should be you who's humiliated can't even have kids what kind of a man are you Patricia storms out of the house leaving Scott there in silence she ends up moving in with Nate and everything seems great at first she's happy to start a new life with him and they're soon to be child but to her surprise when she goes in for a follow-up appointment with her doctor she shocked to find out that she's not really pregnant it turns out to be a false positive to make things even worse when she gets back to Nate's place she finds out that he's doing the same thing that she was doing to Scott seeing someone behind her back Patricia is devastated a couple years go by and Patricia bumps in to the person that she least suspects I'm sorry no problem Scott hey how have you been Patricia I've been well how about you how are things going with Nate um oh that was shortlived um so was my pregnancy actually turns out that test was wrong sorry to hear that take care oh uh wait before you go um I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about what happened between us I know I was really upset about that Instagram live thing but I understand why you did it honestly I've been thinking a lot about you lately maybe we could honey did you find it yes I did her favorite the one she loves T this is Patricia my ex-wife oh you're Patricia I'll just meet you in front I'll be right there s [Music] her is that your girlfriend wife we got married last year wow you sure moved on Fast um well I guess I should say congratulations you seem really happy with her and to her baby you mean my baby yours mhm I thought you couldn't Well turns out that I wasn't the one with a problem I got to [Music] go hey honey why' you put your phone away so fast oh no reason listen um my mom's not feeling well again I'm going to go spend the day with her yeah okay I'm sorry to hear that yeah but before you go I got you a little gift you got me a gift oh babe you know how much I love presents this is a Brand New Bag from Zara you got me a bag from Sara I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that cheap brand okay okay I'm sorry sorry but look as soon as I made VP of this company I'm going to be able to buy you whatever bag you want okay right Danny you have been saying that for years oh Erica one day when I get a promotion we're going to move out of this crap apartment and into a penthouse oh Erica one day I'm going to buy you whatever designer bags you want be honest it is never going to happen is it I got to go honey hey I think you forgot something is this lingerie why would you need lingerie to go to your mother's that's weird I have no idea how this got in there definitely won't be eing that you are going to your mother's right of course why would I lie to you besides if we don't have trust we don't have anything right right okay I got to go back to work I love you and please tell Mom that I hope she feels better soon okay yeah [Music] so after only 2 months of owning this place it's coming together really nice I must say I am impressed well perhaps you'll be impressed by this little something I brought for you regie you got me a gift from go she I knew I was going to like you can I ask you a question what is a pretty girl like you doing on a sugar daddy website you know there are plenty of men who would want to be with you well to be honest I do have a husband it's just he's not able to meet my needs before I left he tried to give me a bag from Zara can you believe that well no a woman like you can notot be wearing that exactly you get it I need a real man who can meet my needs like you well how about you and I go up to my place I am the penthouse you [Music] know hang on a [Music] sec hello I can't talk right now with my mom sorry about that did you say pen house you buy me designer gifts you live in the penthouse I would say you are exactly my type oh yeah yeah why don't know I change into something a little more comfortable actually before you do that I have one more surprise for you oo I love surprises is it something designer even better give me a sec so what's the [Music] surprise it's me I'm the surprise Daddy what are you doing here shouldn't you be telling me that I thought you were at your mother's I I was I mean I'm about to I had to stop by a friend enough of the lies Erica I been on to you for a very long time now you see you've been acting really strange lately always hiding your phone when you see me and saying you're going to be staying at your mom's all the time the other day I came home early to tell you some really big [Music] news only to find your phone on the bed with a text message from daddy that's when I found out you were on a dating website I was devastated I wanted to see if you'd actually cheat on me so I asked one of my friends to create a profile and message you on the site just to see how far you take it so you see Reggie isn't just some sugar daddy that you met on the internet he's my friend and I've known what you've been doing all along what did you expect Danny I want designer things I want to live somewhere nice what was I just supposed to sit around and wait for you to get some promotion oh well actually that big news that I wanted to tell you about earlier I got that promotion and not only are they offering me a rather he the salary increase turns out I get a very large bonus as well you are mhm so that means you're going to be making a lot more money yep oh and this is a gift that I got you oh but that was before I knew that you were cheating on me so probably going to take that back look let's just go home and talk about everything I'm sure we can work this all out we are home well we're at my home I got the keys last week I was going to give them to you as a bit of a gift but I don't think you're going to be needing these anymore so why don't you just go no no please give me another chance no because someone once told me if we don't have trust then we don't have anything right Danny please don't do this just go take that lingerie with you [Music] oh shoot we're going to be late let's go okay seriously you're really wearing heels Tina yeah I just B these aren't they so cute no they make you look like a giant you're already too tallest it is I don't need you look any taller just take them off but I I didn't bring any of the shoes to her this is going to be so embarrassing hey Matt it's good to see you man hey you're my new girlfriend Rosa pleasure to meet you Rosa wow you're a lucky man she's lovely do you guys have any more uh wine glasses yeah I'll get them so what's up man are you seeing anyone I don't know oh um no one special sorry can one of you help me I can't reach the wine glasses sure they are really hard to reach we might need a chair I I can help you there you go helps have long arms thanks you must be a Matt's a friend she's um my friend nice to meet you cheers to uh Matt's [Music] friend what are you trying to do embarrass me no I was only trying to help well don't unless you like people thinking you're a giant G not a giant has a ring to it doesn't it it's been a lot of hard work but it's been a lot of hard work I mean a lot of to explode B great job Gina you're next okay let's do it all right let's go Gina okay oh my God giraffe giraffe crane skyscraper giant yes yes that's it babe isn't that so funny we were just talking about that you really think this is all funny they are laughing at you not with you Matt wait hey what's going on is is everything okay of course it's not didn't you see how they were all laughing at you for being a giant I'm sorry I I didn't take it like that what if I took my heels off you still look like a giant look I really tried to make this work Gina I I told myself okay she's a little tall but so what she treats you good she cares a lot about you but but I'm sorry I I just can't t really confirmed it all for me what all of this just because of how tall I am like I can't control that well that's too bad then isn't it you know I'm such a good girlfriend to you and all you care about is my height one day you'll realize it's not what's on the outside that matters it's what's on the inside not to [Music] me take care Matt breaks up with Gina and leaves her there heartbroken before long Matt moves on and starts a relationship with a new girl things seem to be going great until he starts to notice that she doesn't treat him as good as Gina had she wouldn't pay attention to him and was always distracted and she never even wanted to be seen in public with him she made him feel like he was worthless the same way he made Gina feel Matt quickly began to miss his ex-girlfriend a couple months go by and then one day he happens to run into Gina hi reservation under the name Gina sure just give me a minute Gina wow I I can't believe it's you oh hey Matt H how have you been um I've I've been better actually my uh girlfri and I just broke up so things have been kind of hard oh no I'm I'm so sorry that's okay it was probably for the best she didn't treat me the way the way you did you know I thinking about you a lot lately do you think we could maybe try again excuse me hey you mind taking a picture for me please oh uh yeah sure just give me one a second come here babe oh is she your she's my girlfriend isn't she beautiful yeah but doesn't it bother you being with someone you know so much taller than you are you kidding me absolutely not look man for me it's not what's on the outside that matters but what's on the inside and look great things come in tall packages thank you so uh do y'all two know each other from somewhere yeah she was my friend he was he was just my friend your table's ready oh great good to see you m take care hey Dar man fam make sure to subscribe to my channels and check out this next video I know you're going to love it gosh I am so much taller than you thank you beautiful I just wish you weren't so short so I could wear heels every once in while did you want me to get a picture of YouTube no thanks that's that's okay thank you though I don't want anyone to know that I'm dating a short [Applause] [Applause] car
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations
Views: 396,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, self improvement, happiness, dhar mann, short film
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 10sec (7450 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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