Single Moms Prove Others Wrong | Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations

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oh hi Mr Anderson don't hire me your rent is laid again um no that's got to be some mistake we've never missed a payment no mistake I haven't gotten rent from you for 3 months no that can't be right my husband ex-husband said he's been well he lied to you I have no choice now but to evict you and get a paying tenant here no no no you can't do that I had no idea that he hadn't been paying please he just left me last week and doesn't it look like I want to hear your life story hm what I want to hear is when I'm going to get my money I I don't have it I I can't afford 4 months rent plus a divorce laer sh you got 2 days to find it or you are out of you got it no Mr Anderson please reconsider I have my son where where are we supposed to go that's not my problem Saturday is your last day [Music] Chia is Dad ever coming back I don't think so remember what you always tell me although things seem dark right now brighter days are ahead thank you [Music] honey [Music] [Music] h he said he paid 30,000 but I'll take whatever you think is fair I'd estimate this particular ring to be around $45 no no no it can't be he told me he got it at this high-end Boutique in Beverly Hills and that it was from I hate to break it to you but this diamond is a fake it's fake even the gold band is goldplated whoever told you that it's worth 30 grand has lied to you yeah he tends to do that you still want to sell [Music] it [Music] hey hey what do you think you're doing don't blame me you're the one parked in a No Parking zone no I am not there is no sign what are you talking about oh come on who could possibly read that even if that mattered which it doesn't you have 20 outstanding parking tickets no I don't my ex unbelievable what my ex-husband probably got those tickets I had no idea you've got to believe me no I really don't please sir just have a heart I have had a terrible day and and and I really can't afford this could you please please just let me off with the warning I could consider it for a [Music] price this is all the money I [Music] have hey hey I paid you I said I would consider it for a price so I considered it and decided not to let you off with a warning no you you can't hey are you okay no not really I know I'm just a stranger but maybe it'll help to talk about it my wife left me last week completely out of the blue I figured she' needed a few days to cool off so I gave her some space I had this big romantic plan to win her back and surprise her with favorite flowers but but when I showed up I found her with another man turns out she didn't leave me because I work too much like she said she left because she's been cheating on me for over a year oh I know a little bit about what that feels like my husband left me last month it was for another woman but it wasn't just any other woman it was my best friend that's rough yeah how have you dealt with it poorly so far now today I found out that the wedding ring he got me was fake yeah it was worth $45 and my car just got the boot sounds rough but I just keep moving forward and pressing along because I have a son at home that needs me so I have to stay strong sounds like you're an excellent mother it just feels like my whole world has been turned upside down you know here's what I'm always telling my son although it seems like the days are dark right now there are brighter days ahead so you just have to power through and just keep pressing in to get to those brighter days that's a great way to look at things I uh I've got to get back to my son now so it was really nice talking to you [Music] wait here please for being so kind not many people would have stopped and asked the stranger about their troubles I hope those brighter days come soon for [Music] you hey that's my couch what Mom I tried to stop them but they just pushed their way in it's okay it's okay I'm I'm going to handle this what is going on you said I had one more day to pay please we both know you have no chance of getting that much money in time which is why I decided to move up your eviction to today and that way I don't have to pay over time to my movers what's going on here what are you doing here I live here or I did I'm being evicted why didn't you tell me this earlier I didn't want to make your day any worse what are you doing here he is the boss owns the whole building good to see you sir I was in the area typically I don't check on evictions but I noticed it was breaking protocol by evicting early why are you evicting her she hasn't paid her rent in 3 months rul are put everything back right now what why she hasn't paid I have a question for you Mr Anderson why are you breaking our company's protocol by evicting her a day early uh like I said uh there's no way this lady can make the payment I'm trying to save you money that's where you're wrong boss she will be making her payment in full today how is she going to come up with that much money because I'm going to cover it in fact I'm not only covering her back rent but her rent for the next year boss think about what you're doing we are talking about thousands of dollars oh I am thinking about it what you should be worried about is the conversation we're going to be having later today about your decision to violate protocol this this is too much why why why are you going out of your way to help me like this someone once told me that although things might seem dark right now there are brighter days ahead I'm making sure yours starts right now thank you yikes this is bad real bad it is oh yeah I'm afraid you're going to need a new transmission what that sounds expensive won't be cheap that's for sure but I'm afraid it's necessary wait a minute hey Steve the transmission excuse me for a second um he's newe get over here what are you doing are you trying to screw this up no I'm trying to help that customer the the transmission was just shut up okay watch and learn how the auto repair industry really works sorry about that now where were we are you sure the trans transion needs to be replaced I just brought it in cuz it was making a weird clunking noise the clunking noise is a symptom of a bigger problem if you don't get it fixed the problem will only spread and before you know it your whole engine will conch out God forbid that happens while you're driving oh okay sure but don't worry about it you came to the right place I do this kind of work all the time just sit tight I'll put an estimate together and we'll get to work okay thank you thank you we'll be right back we got a real whale here I don't know about this what's the matter don't you like money yes of course but did you see the bag she's holding it cost her 5 G's easy she got money to burn all we have to do is give her the match what's with the look don't feel bad about the money she won't even miss it all her car needs is a new fan belt and you know it and yeah it may be an extra cost on labor but it should only be around $100 or $200 for repair jobs tops maybe but she doesn't know that so so it's her fault for being so ignorant like I always say it's immoral to let a sucker keep their own money this is wrong Steve it's a crime in fact oh get off your high horse will you this is how all the repair shops do it I'm just not comfortable with the idea of scamming people scamming people I'm going to fix her car aren't I I'm still providing a service she's just paying a little bit more than she needs to get up come on get up look while the big boss is on vacation I'm in charge so until Paul gets back this is how things are going to run if you can't handle that quit I'm a single father I need this job then shut up and play nice trust me this is going to work out for the both of us Paul doesn't know how to run a successful shop like I do when he gets back he'll see the spike and profits and thank us for it he might even give us a bonus think about what that would mean for your situation let's go share this sheep shall we come on sorry about [Music] that sheesh this much I know it looks like a lot but it'll get more expensive the longer you wait to fix it but I just got this car less than a year ago how could the transmission go so quick you're free to take it to another shop for a second opinion but I should warn you driving this car in its current state could be extremely dangerous can I have a few minutes to think this over this is a lot of money of course just remember there's no price on safety that's true but I'm I'm a single mom who works two jobs just to make ends meet then again I can't get to the jobs without my car if it makes any difference we offer payment plans to make it easier anything to help excuse me for a moment I need to take this what do you think me oh no no I'm I'm just the trainee here but you just made a face when your boss was talking about the quote you looked like you were going to say something I did um all right if I were you I wouldn't sign this quote okay your car doesn't need a new transmission it just needs a new fan Bell then why would he say because you're a kind woman who doesn't know much about cars and he saw your expensive bag and he thinks that he can fleece you unbelievable I'm sorry I I really am I tried to stop him why are you are you telling me this isn't he your boss technically he's just in charge until our actual Boss shows up I've only been working here for a week but if I had known the shop was going to treat its customers like this then I never would have taken up on the job in the first place then why stay I need the money I'm also a single parent and I really need this job to take care of my son I see thanks for your honesty Marco so is everything all settled here I can get started on that repair job right away once you sign that agreement just so you know if you don't decide soon I'm going to have to start charging you for taking up space in the garage we are a business after all not to worry I've made up my mind I just have to make a quick call if that's okay go right ahead see how smooth I am she's a total sucker fell for it hook line and sinker hey Dad oh getting Daddy to approve the credit card charge told you she had money to burn so uh I took my car in to the shop to get it looked at like you said and um the mechanic here is trying to scam me wait what according to the trainee my car just needs a new belt but the lead mechanic here is trying to charge me $30,000 to replace my transmission what did you tell her the truth you are so fired I hope your son enjoys being homeless oh what was that Dad you want to talk to him yeah here you go Steve what kind of crap are you trying to pull on my daughter Paul I thought I thought you were on vacation I am on on vacation and I told my little girl to bring her car into my shop to get it checked out look boss I can explain I don't want to hear it Steve you're fired now pack your things and get out of the garage you hear me but I was only trying to make you money by scamming customers that is not how I do business now get out of the garage before I call the cops bye Steve and Dad this is the trainee who is honest with me hi sir hello Marco I had a good feeling about you thank you for your integrity and for looking out for our customers yeah it's no problem at all sir I just don't like seeing people get ripped off neither do I and that's why I would like to promote you to lead mechanic and manager of the garage that way you can make sure this stuff doesn't happen while I'm not there really I I I I I don't know what to say well you can start by saying yes this new job comes with a hefty pay raise think you can handle it yes yes I absolutely can thank you so much sir I I won't let you [Music] down Miss Perez you see that's me this has to be a mistake I was told you're here to apply for a small business loan that is correct for a bakery I make the best big Goods you'll ever taste what did I tell you about screening loan applicants I did that sir and and her credit came back within the qualifying range credit check look at the way she's dressed there is no way she has a small business loan idea worth investing in waste my time let's get this over with shall we we we expect to turn a profit by the end of the first quarter and with our low overhead it's not just about numbers okay miss brez the bank only invests in businesses run by people that can trust people who know how to run a business yes that's me I've been baking for over 30 years according to your background check you've spent the last 20 years working as a cleaning lady not a baker well I bake in my spare time the bank does not want to invest in Hobby Miss Perez here just taste one then you'll see no thank you how do I know you even baked those yourself you could have bought them it sprinkles on the way over here for all I know why would I do that I've heard all kinds of hustles from people like you con artists looking to talk their way into a quick payday it's not happening today I'm not a con artist I'm just the baker trying to open my store no you're a woman trying to pull one over on the back back I promise you sir that's not what's happening here please take one of these hard pass maybe you'll have more luck with a less reputable banking [Music] establishment so how did the big meeting go did you get the loan no what no way what did they say the loan officer laughed at me and said I'm not the type of client they are looking for they actually said that did they even try the cupcakes that's fine Miha it's better this way no it's not fine it sounds like they discriminated against you the man brought a good point I don't have experience you have a ton of experience you've been baking my whole life you can't let them kill your dream like that Mom was I kidding thinking that I can open my own Bakery I don't even have the money for that we're behind on our bills already it was just a silly dream that's all do you remember what you used to tell me all the time growing up no dream is too big if you're willing to work hard to achieve it forget the bank we can do this on her own I don't know Miha how are we going to do that I'll help you no no I'm not taking this it's not much but it's enough to get us started I mean all you need is sugar flour and butter right and then I can handle the rest I can Market it on Tik Tok and we can just sell the cupcakes right from the house I'm telling you you're sitting on a gold mine a delicious choc y gold [Music] mine okay let's try this Miha inspired by her daughter's belief in her Louisa began baking up a storm While Veronica got to work on building a customer base through Tik Tok thanks to Veronica's viral marketing orders began trickling in but it was Louisa's delicious baked goods and hard work that kept people coming back for [Music] more demand for Louisa's cupcakes became so high she had to hire some extra [Music] help soon Louisa's new business was swimming in so much cash that she needed to open up a business account at the bank can I help you ma'am yes I have an appoint not her again there's no use trying to reapply I'm here to the bank has made a decision and deemed you Unworthy of investment that's not that decision is final that's not what I'm here for look where did you get that kind of cash what do you mean I earned it yeah I'm sure stealing money is not the same as earning money are you calling me a thief where else would was someone like you get that kind of cash you must have stolen it no but but but nothing you don't get out of here right now I'm calling the cops and see what they have to say about this matter excuse me what seems to be the problem here sir this woman Louisa there you are I've been expecting you I was trying to tell your employee that I have an appointment with you s sir I don't know what this woman's been telling you but she's trying to deposit stolen cash stolen yeah why would the best B this side of the Mississippi need to steal money she's here to open a platinum business account with us today she is but sir Platinum accounts are for top tier businesses and her little Bakery is a sensation the best cupcakes I've ever had ever he doesn't agree he rejected my loan application a month ago as a matter of fact is that so well what did he he happened to say something about the way I dressed I can't be sure but it felt discriminating to me really sir I was just trying to protect the bank protect the bank Yeah by missing out on a million dollar idea I assure you I will deal with him personally as soon as we are done with our [Music] meeting are you lost sweetie no I'm in the right spot I just moved to this district and my daughter's a new student here you have a 5-year-old yep her name is Tina well that's unbelievable you're much too young to have a 5-year-old daughter what are you like 18 actually I'm 22 huh how sad your poor poor child it can't be easy on her excuse me oh no offense but you're essentially a baby raising another baby who's going to be her role model who's going to teach her responsibility I don't know it sounds like such a nightmare actually okay everyone attention please let's go ahead and take our seats so we can get started shall [Music] we before we get started do any of your children have any special needs that I should be aware about as their teacher my daughter was diagnosed with ADHD this summer there's a surprise there a problem Mrs Torrance oh no there's no problem I just think it's a shame that Jennifer's daughter has this Condition it's not a condition and again maybe if Jennifer had planned her pregnancy instead of getting knocked up in high school her daughter might have turned out normal my daughter is normal thank you I'm sure she is besides there is no connection between ADHD and the age of the mother and I have everything under control she's taking medication and it seems to be helping of course she is what's that supposed to mean it means that it's no surprise that someone as irresponsible as you has her own medication she is far too young for that but you go ahead and take the easy way out so you can go out and do your little partying or whatever instead of raising your daughter it's really a shame that you think a pill can replace proper parenting and support that's not what I think at all I don't want my child playing with an ADHD kid and picking up bad habits so if you can please see to it that they are in separate playr groups I'd appreciate it let's keep it civil please ADHD is incredibly common and cannot spread to your child Mrs Torrance let's move on shall we Allen's Creek Elementary encourages parents to be as involved as possible in all aspects of your child's educational experience that's important as such we have plenty of opportunities for parents to volunteer at school activities and as like would have it our annual bake sale to raise funds for our library is next week please raise your hand if you're able to volunteer what's the matter you're too busy making Tick Tock volunteer actually I have two jobs and sadly that doesn't leave me much time to volunteer Shocker the party girl has no time for her own child no it's just that I work a lot and any free time that I do have I want to spend it with my daughter I mean does that make me a bad person or something no it does not can you imagine how tough it's going to be for her child growing up I mean there is no real support at home and her mother is constantly gone talk about a [Music] nightmare we have plenty of resources available to all our parents if you need information on educational websites books Community programs anything that will Aid in your child's development please don't hesitate I am here to help yes Jennifer I was curious where I could learn more about helping a child process grief don't worry about it sweetie excuse me all I'm saying is that no amount of research is going to help your daughter adjust to the horrible situation you already put her in and what does that mean okay this uh let's settle down it means that I hope that the father of your child is more grownup and responsible than you are otherwise your daughter is in for a bumpy ride through life I am tired of your snight and starky remarks about my age okay yes I might be a young mother but that doesn't mean that my daughter was a mistake or is somehow doomed to a lesser life okay whatever you need to tell yourself sweetie don't call me sweetie let's just all calm down a bit okay no you wanted to know about her father fine I'll tell you we'd been together since middle school and it was true love the kind of love that only comes around once if you're lucky but fortunately we both realize it despite our young age We Got Married the night of our high school graduation because we just couldn't wait to spend the rest of our lives together we were both only children who dreamed of having a big family and we didn't want to wait so we planned to have our first daughter while we were young she was going to be the first of many that is so so irresponsible teenagers having babies it's a recipe for a disaster despite what you think of young parents my husband and I worked hard to make sure that our daughter would be supported and loved and things were going great my husband graduated college within 2 years and he had a job lined up at a big engineering firm and then what he realized he could do better so he left you actually no my husband died in a car wreck last year and although I absolutely planned on being a young mother no one plans on being a widow at just [Music] 21 when my husband passed I lost my whole world everything I was dreaming of and working for it all vanished and I could have laid down and given up and believe me I wanted to but when I looked into my daughter's eyes I knew I had to be strong for her I knew I had to find a way to make it through this mess and not for me but for her and still everywhere I looked in my old town it reminded me of my husband and what I had lost I knew I needed to get a fresh start so I moved my daughter here to a new town with new opportunities and a great College where I could get my degree at night but apparently I was wrong in thinking that this town was for [Music] us wait wait please just wait why should I because I have something to say I think I've heard enough from you I know I understand but please just listen I'm sorry I was wrong to speak to you the way that I did the truth of the matter is I'm self-conscious myself and I took it out on you self-conscious about what look at me I am the oldest mother here and I've been stressed out all week leading up to this meeting Imagining the other mothers would make fun of me and then you walked in and well you were an easy Target and a way to deflect I know it's horrible and I'm sorry I had no right to judge you it's hard enough being a mother let alone someone like me making it worse can you please accept my [Music] apology thank you will you come back inside and finish up a meeting with us I don't know after the big scene that I just made in there no no one cares I promise just let us help you settle into this new town of yours and if you're up to it maybe we can schedule a play date with our kids that way they'll have each other on their first day of school that sounds nice please okay good come [Applause] on
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations
Views: 502,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, self improvement, happiness, dhar mann, short film
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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