Restaurant Employees WORST EXPERIENCES, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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welcome to whatsapp where can i get started for you yeah let me get a 12-inch veggie wait larry larry the loser from high school i i can't believe you work here how embarrassing um times have been tough so i do what i have to to put foot on the table who do you make here anyway like eight bucks an hour almost 7.50 but my goal is to be a regional manager one day anyways what are you doing nowadays well i'm a manager for darman studios meeting with the owner a little bit later today and he is going to promote me to senior manager wow hey congrats i'm really happy for you wish i could say the same to you doesn't seem like things have changed much have they larry the loser okay here's your food and that'll be 14.50 by the way nice uniform there buddy you know one day you might be able to afford a suit and tie like this yeah maybe actually do me a favor smile can you please not take pictures of me oh don't be shy i just want everyone in high school to see what a loser you still are look at larry the loser sandwich connoisseur hey your foot already has 20 likes on it you know i would stay and hang out but i've got a real job to get back to so here you go oh no i'm so sorry but i mean it is your job to clean up the floors right you know what todd you should never look down on someone because one day you might end up looking up to them isn't that ironic the sandwich artist is trying to give me life advice you know what let me do you a favor [Music] there's the tie now he's got to sell enough sandwiches to get the rest of the suit larry the loser todd walks off leaving larry behind to clean up all the mess he ends up attending the meeting with the owner so excited for the promotion except things don't go exactly as planned the owner finds out about the facebook post and fires todd on the spot for violating the company bullying policy now unemployed todd has to look for other jobs applying everywhere he can but no matter where he goes no one wants to hire him because of his bad references after months of being unemployed things get so bad that todd runs out of money having tried so many other options he decides to swallow his pride and apply at a fast food restaurant and then one day todd happens to run into larry welcome to what's up how can i help you sir um actually i wanted to see if todd larry i i barely recognized you what are you doing in a suit well two weeks ago i got promoted to senior district manager i'm now in charge of 125 locations wow that's that's incredible anyways you won the same thing as last time the 12-inch no um actually i came by to see if see if you guys were hiring oh you see times have gotten a little tough and uh sometimes you got to do what you got to do to put food on the table are you sure you'd want to work for larry the loser i'm really sorry for what i said to you you were right you should never look down at someone because one day you might be looking up to them can you ever forgive me yeah yeah of course and actually i can get you started right away come on i'll show you how to be a sandwich connoisseur go watch in a few months i'll be the head chef of this kitchen yeah i want to be head chef too but come on man it's our first day on the job give it time i don't have time i want it now [Music] jake you can't cook eggs on high heat good eggs have to be cooked slowly otherwise they'll be dry look the faster i cook these eggs the more customers i can feed common sense gordon not everything is meant to be done fast some things require patience [Music] wow kevin this tastes amazing it's got so much flavor i can tell you really took your time with it thanks gordon i can tell you really took your time with it whatever man want to see now behind oh are you serious watch where you're going i'm going to cook this all over again i'm so sorry man it's okay just clean it up and make some new eggs what no way i'm a cook not a cleaner get that server to clean it look in the beginning you have to do every test that is required you think that i didn't have to pick up any spills it took me years before i became head chef well i don't have years i'm trying to get the spread now success comes with patience jake great things take time hey it's okay i can clean it up and make some new eggs no this is something for jake to work on [Music] so are you gonna clean it [Music] i don't have time for this i'll go be the head chef at another restaurant i quit jake ends up quitting his job and starts applying at different places before long he lands a job at a new restaurant he tells himself that in no time he's going to become the head chef meanwhile kevin continues to be patient and put in the hard work gordon is so impressed with his commitment and dedication jake on the other hand wants fast results he's not willing to be patient and as soon as things get hard he immediately quits over time kevin's dedication finally pays off gordon retires and ends up making kevin the new head chef kevin's life starts to go uphill while jake's life starts to go downhill he ends up going from job to job getting hired at a new restaurant and then quickly quitting or getting fired [Music] a few years pass and then one day jake happens to run into kevin kevin jake yes how you been um not so good things really haven't panned out the way i'd hoped i actually came back looking for gordon to see if i could get a job here again oh gordon's not here anymore he retired he retired then who's the head chef you're looking at him what no way [Music] congrats man um so do you think i could get a job here as a cook again [Music] actually cody's the new cook here he just got promoted but if you want we do have an opening for a server [Music] sure why not now i realize that success does require patience and great things really do take time i'm glad you realize that why don't we get you started all right so how's it been all right that'll be 250. i thought i had more let me check all right i only have 1.50 i'm so sorry wait don't worry about it okay i got you oh wow really yeah thank you so much what are you doing sammy i'm just helping this man yeah give me that we're in the business of selling food not giving it away now you can come back when you have the exact 250. but sir i'm trying to feed my son please he hasn't eaten in days please yeah right you probably don't even have a son but no one get out of here get out of here before i call the police i was just in my tip money let me ask you something is this your hot dog stan no it's mine and it costs a lot of money to open up one of these and i don't need homeless people lined up begging for free handouts because sammy the samaritan works here [Music] all right i'll be back when i take out the trash take this with you but this is so much food what do you want me to do man business has been slow and we can't sell day-old hot dogs what if we gave these to some homeless people you know you're not too bright are you kid you know if people found out that we were giving away old food they're not going to buy any of our new food all right so stop asking dumb questions and throw it away [Music] excuse me sir could you please help me feed my son please we haven't eaten anything yet please help us out i'm so sorry i don't have anything on me dad so hungry don't worry baby we'll eat soon i promise hey look i know your son's hungry so and you can take one for yourself too okay my goodness god bless you you have no idea what this means to us look mom that guy from david's dogs has given them some food [Music] hi would you like a hot dog too yes thank you so much yeah of course hey sammy what are you doing i told you to throw those things away i'm sorry i just felt bad these aren't your hot dogs these are mine and i get to decide what i want to do with them i know but look doesn't it make you feel good knowing that you fed some hungry people instead of just throwing them away no that's good for them what does it do for me well i've always believed that the good you put out into the world always finds a way of getting back to you you see when i was a kid my mom and i were homeless we were so poor that a lot of days we didn't even have any food to eat but whenever things would get really bad we knew we could always count on a kind restaurant owner to help us he always gave us food whenever we were really hungry [Music] and because that kind man helped so many people word quickly spread and customers came in droves to support him the kindness he put out into the world came back to him so you see it's always good to be kind to people just trust me trust you you can't even follow simple instructions how can i possibly trust you look sir i do you own this hot dog stand sammy no but you know what it is a dream of mine to one they have my own hot to extend so that i can feed other people wow and how are you magically gonna make that happen it costs 25 grand to even start one how are you gonna put enough money together when you love to give everything away for free you're right i'm sorry sorry he's not gonna cut it now you can come in tomorrow and you can pick up your last check because you are fired no please sir you don't understand i need this how am i supposed to pay my bills maybe you'll think twice about disobeying your boss and don't think that i'm not gonna deduct those hot dogs from your pay please now throw it away and you are the david as in david's dogs correct yes i am and this is my company hey here you go bud thanks let me get some change keep the change the work you're doing is really incredible well thank you man i appreciate that so was it your idea to use leftover hot dogs to feed the homeless i oh hang on i just got news that a gofundme has been set up and a lot of money has already been donated a lot of money yes so this was all your idea then yes of course this was all my idea i mean i really enjoy helping people you see it's yo that's the homeless dad and son from the video how did it feel having david help you and your son david he didn't help me he yelled at me what are you talking about didn't this man feed you are you kidding me he fired his employee for feeding us is that true sammy hey sammy sammy boy i was like oh come on you crazy guy just tell him about this little misunderstanding he's the one who really helped us what is going on well someone uploaded a video of you on tick tock feeding the homeless and it's already gotten over three million views people absolutely love the work you and your company are doing i don't have a company anymore i got fired yesterday what you fired him why would you do that it was a joke come on you little rascal you don't get my sense of humor yesterday you were yelling at me because i was giving away free hot dogs instead of throwing them into the trash and then you fired me oh i am so not supporting you where are you going i don't bleed [Music] you're just gonna leave like that well that was interesting this is caitlin kurick signing off gut that was crazy seriously and i thought i'd seen it all good luck take care hey mom there he is it's you know you my son's the one that uploaded the video of you helping all those people yesterday yeah what you did was awesome thank you i really appreciate it still didn't stop me from getting fired though you got fired no that's not fair i'm so sorry what are you going to do now i don't know i do want to get my own hot dog stand but just i don't have enough money i'll figure it out see you later wait wait uh what about the gofundme marcus oh yeah hold on you have 30 thousand dollars wait what are you talking about people from all around the world saw what you did and they've been donating money to you wait wait are you serious i have thirty thousand dollars well to be exact hundred and 30 dollars i can't believe it you don't understand how much this is going to change my life thank you both [Music] so you got your job back huh actually i bought the hot dog stand yeah it's now sammy sausages wow i love it [Music] two dollars 50 cents this time i have enough here just keep it this one is on the house okay here's one for you too you have a real heart of gold thank you hey what do you say thank you of course well if this story teaches us anything it's the good you put out into the world always has a way of coming back to you and gut okay what should we do for lunch i don't know how about a hot dog [Music] oh my gosh brett okay here's your suit oh it's it's totally okay it's it's fine are you joking i'm so so sorry really i didn't mean to what are you doing that soup is really hot what are you trying to do burn her so she ends up looking like you [Music] i can't believe you brought me roses so tell me what this is all about sorry babe you're just gonna have to wait and find out hello my name is sam are we celebrating something special whoa what's up with you i'm not sure this whole date is a surprise wow how exciting i i can't even remember the last time i was on a date anyways here's a menu for you and a menu for you too look i'm sorry but is it possible to get another server um i'm actually the only server working is everything okay well i don't want to be mean but your scars are kind of hard to look at brett it's fine honestly i get this all the time you see i was in a house fire when i was a child and you can spare us the details just bring me a caesar salad sure thing and for you man i think i'll just start with the soup please perfect one soup and one salad i'll be right back do you see that guy's face no wonder he hasn't been on a date in a long time who would ever want to be with someone who looks like that don't say that it doesn't matter what's on the outside it's what's on the inside that counts good one well luckily you're as beautiful as ever which is why i brought you here today eileen getting to know you these past few months has been amazing and i've never felt this way about anyone before will you be my girlfriend oh my gosh brett okay here's your soup oh it's it's totally okay it's it's fine are you joking i'm so so sorry really i didn't mean to what are you doing that soup is really hot what are you trying to do burn her so she ends up looking like you right hey it's okay it was an accident and there is nothing wrong with the way that you look elaine why are you being nice this man after what he just did i am not gonna sit here and let you treat him this way anymore well it's not my fault he looks the way he does well if you're gonna treat him this way then you should probably treat me the same way what are you talking about why would i do that because i also have burns brett and i know how it feels to be treated this way you see when i was really young my house caught on fire i don't remember much all i know is that i barely survived i ended up in the hospital with bandages all over my body when the nurse finally took them off it turned out half of my body was covered in burns the fire burned me bad but do you know what burned me the most it was how other people would stop and stare at me they'd laugh and point at me like i was some sort of monster so you see i have spent much of my life crying because of how people treated me [Music] i won't let you treat sam that same way oh my god eileen i'm so sorry i had no idea well now you know so i'm sure you're going to treat me the same way you treated him no no no no i won't i was wrong it's not about what's on the outside it's what's inside that counts i still really want to be your boyfriend i don't think things will work out what no eileen please come on don't do this i've already made up my mind and sam i'm really sorry for the way that brett's treated you thanks eileen i really appreciate that and um sorry for everything that you went through too you know if you're ever interested i'd really love to go out on a date with you sometime really oh my god i'm off tomorrow i should about that other purse too honey you got a lot of nice things which reminds me i need my credit card back oh of course here you go actually i think i'm gonna hang on to it in case i need to buy some more stuff okay hi welcome in sorry for the um wait your water it's about time talk about bad service beverly what no no you're right i am so sorry i'm the only one working today so we just been a bit backed up it's perfectly fine we understand i'll take the mandarin crunch salad excellent choice and for you just get me the same but hurry it up we don't have all day you got it here you go thank you that wasn't nice who cares she's just a waitress i mean how hard can that job be well you wouldn't know would you you've never worked a day in your life whatever so my friends and i were thinking about going to hawaii next month is that okay how much is that gonna cost i don't know i was planning on using your credit card uh all right here is your salad thank you so much of course enjoy wait a second are there sunflower seeds in here uh yes they come with the salad you ordered are you trying to kill me i'm allergic to sunflower seeds oh my gosh i i am so sorry i had no idea um uh maybe you should have asked i mean you have a minimum wage paying job how hard can that be beverly's top it's not her fault i should have never let you order the salad i just spaced out her job is hard enough besides you didn't eat any you're fine don't make excuses for her mom [Music] bring me another salad and i expect you to remove this from the bill for the inconvenience absolutely right away i'm so sorry how could you treat her like that you wouldn't want anybody to treat you like that would you oh please she should know how to do her job it's not rocket science that was good here's your change thank you so much for coming in and again i truly truly apologize for the mix up don't even worry about it it wasn't a problem and all of this is for you wow really thank you so much i i really appreciate it oh what no she took forever with our order and then tried to poison me beverly give that back fine you want a tipper then here and you should be thankful that's a lot more than you even deserve beverly what no no um it's okay it's totally fine [Music] she couldn't even do her simple job right you know being a waitress isn't easy you never know how hard someone's job is until you do it yourself oh yeah and how would you know because i used to be one before i started my business how do you think we were paying the bills by me waiting tables that's how really ew well it's a good thing you have money now so i'll never have to worry about doing that and that is the problem i am taking my credit card back how am i supposed to pay for things by getting a job it's the only way you're going to learn the value of hard work are you serious mom no you can't do this to me i am serious you put the money back and let's go beverly can't believe what just happened and follows her mom out now that beverly can't use her mom's credit card anymore she has no choice but to look for a job [Music] she ends up getting hired as a waitress at a new restaurant that just opened up [Music] everything seems to be going fine that is until she has to take on multiple tables at once and gets yelled at by angry customers for taking too long with their orders no matter how hard she works customers just expect more and more out of her and she can't seem to do anything right beverly starts to get really stressed out after working so hard and taking care of all of her customers she hardly has even anything to show for it she now understands how hard being a waitress really is and then a few months later she happens to run into her old waitress so my friends and i decided not to go to hawaii it's so expensive well it's a lot different when you have to pay for things yourself isn't it yeah hi welcome to oh um i know you didn't like my service last time want me to get someone else no please i'm actually really sorry for how i treated you before you are yeah wow thank you would you like the same salads as last time yeah that would be amazing oh but please don't forget i know no sunflower seeds yes thank you for remembering i'll be sure to leave you an extra big tip this time wow honey i am so proud of you you know what i'm gonna let you have my credit card back really oh my gosh actually it's okay mom it actually feels really good working for everything that i have thank you though not raise some baby well it's either me or this baby i'm not giving up on our baby i have a divorce paper sent to you [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations
Views: 1,016,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, self improvement, happiness, dhar mann, short film
Id: sdnt-l2HxbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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