Gold Diggers Shamed Other People | Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations

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um hey would it maybe be okay if I join you for a drink would it may be okay if I join for a drink please we are so far out of your Le we're playing different sports actually why don't you take a seat next to me seriously Aon no what are you doing why not he's totally my type I'm Aaron I'm Dan I was actually hoping you'd noticed me we need to go to the lady's room like right now now don't go disappearing on us never why did you ask that nerd to sit with us he's so and you called him your type gross he is my type rich and helpless how can you tell didn't you see his watch that's a $100,000 Rolex at least he's loaded and desperate the perfect combination combination for what I'm going to get him nice and drunk flirt with him until he doesn't know up from down and then before we know it he'll be paying for our entire tab so order up ladies and I'm talking top shelf booze none of that cheap stuff you like to order Becky you think he'll fall for that do you see how good I look tonight he'll be sing over me in no time just watch [Music] there he is our handsome man hope we didn't keep you waiting too long oh no no no no not at all can I get you anything well I think this calls for a celebration don't you um why are we celebrating us meeting of course uh absolutely we should uh celebrate that we'll take two bottles of poy vanwinkle oh that's our most expensive bourbon I know and like we said we're celebrating right J how expensive exactly a single bottle runs $3,000 W okay uh are you sure about that order we're sure are we splitting the bell of course of course right ladies yeah H then sure uh whatever the lady wants okay then so Jan what do you do well I started out in Tech big surprise I know I know I know but but recently I've been more focused on Angel Investing I knew I was right about you see like when our eyes met you just felt this connection like like real chemistry don't you agree Dan I sure do let's go I will be right back I'm just going to touch up my makeup all right you don't move I may move a little oh my gosh we hit the an angel investor this guy is loaded totally in love with me it's almost too easy we should keep this up all night bleed and dry do you think you'll go to another club with us of course he will but not before we order another bottle or two they so bad I need to tell you something before those girls come back and normally I stay out of things like this but you seem like a good guy and I can't in good conscience let them take advantage of you what are you talking about they're not taking advantage of me trust me they are I was in the bathroom earlier and I heard them talking about how they're going to run a huge Tab and stick you with it oh that makes more sense than thinking Aaron really liked me I mean look at me and then look at her it's not your fault okay those girls are horrible I see them all the time here still I should have known I mean why else would anyone want to be with me if not for my money stop that can you talk to the wrong girl at a bar that's all you're not a badl looking guy you better get going before they come back what about the bill well I will take the Heat and make up a story to my boss I think he'll buy it all right why are you going out of your way to help me because what they're doing isn't right okay no one deserves that you don't deserve deserve that thank you so much wait I think I know how I can get even and cover the tap so you don't get in trouble with your boss you want to help might be fun Danny you are so funny and so cute look at that face man this stuff is so good should we get more we'll take two more bottles of the papy please Dan you are so good to us he really is and then we'll take the chip such a sucker that too easy I will never doubt you again what's so funny oh they were just making fun of me for raving about your amazing eyes I'm just such a hopeless romantic so am I hey aren't you Dan Rosen uh yes I am but I can't explain what did we tell you last time about coming in here what's going on this bum has been banned from this establishment on what wait no it's not what you think wait for me here's your order and here's your check I'm sorry I can't let you leave without settling the bill but that's not our bill it was his actually I heard them all agree earlier to split the bill you can't expect us to pay for this this is all your fault Aaron I knew we shouldn't have listened to her can we at least return those two bottles they're not even opened yet oh I'm sorry we can't take back anything after it's left the bar take care of it no dude no I don't want it no no wait for me this is good thanks for all your help Sam oh no problem I've seen those girls play other guys before it's about time they got some payback take it easy and thank you for the warning not to mention everything else yeah you're welcome um you wouldn't mind getting a drink with me after your show tonight would you you know what I'd like that OMG is that really May what has it been 10 years yeah you look interesting hi Taylor how have you been thriving oh and a shopping spree is always good for the soul did you hear I got married did you yeah con congratulations is he a nice guy is he nice I hit the jackpot May with my husband he is a very successful CEO and he loves to spoil me what about you oh I am happily married too is that your wedding ring it is uh well I still have some stores to hit before I meet my husband so I was just so happy to here that you finally got rid of that loser you were dating remember what was his name uh Steve Steve Steve gold right what a disaster that guy was actually Steve is my husband now could you even imagine oh I can and it's pretty great oh you're serious what does he do for work he's a custodian I a chanted her gross well at least now your wardrobe makes sense shopping on a budget can't be very much fun not that I know anything about that I didn't marry Steve for money clearly I married him because he's the kindest person I know he loves me and I love him and that's all that really matters in the end don't you agree mhm sure it is all right I am going to go have have fun on your shopping Stree look who's shopping in the discount aisle my little Bargain Hunter there's a lot of cute tops here don't you think please like I'd ever let that cheap fabric touch this skin excuse me can you point me in the direction of the designer dresses I have a very exclusive exclusive black TI event I have to go to next week oh yes all right your total is going to be $45.99 and that comes to $1,599 199 M well it's a good thing my husband lets me spin whatever I want because there is no substitute designer labels designer just isn't my style oh honey it's sweet that you think you have style I just mean I would rather be comfortable and stylish thank you you're welcome G no wonder these are on sale they all just hideous you're back well I got a new dress so I needed new shoes to go with it but none of these grotesque things no excuse me what's your most expensive shoes in stock that would be the dolin gavana pumps they are $4,000 I'll take them a size six please don't you want to try them on first no need I mean they're just four grand if they don't fit who cares it's basically Pocket Change MH uh excuse me how much are these those are on sale for $140 okay a little too pricey for you may they are they're just shoes after all no worries oh look who it is we just keep running into one another funny how that keeps happening oh such an adorable little ring so quaint I'd like this clean do be careful my husband spent $125,000 on that diamond how much did Steve spend on that ring or did he find it in a trash can he was emptying actually it was his grandmother's ring ah I see he was too cheap to buy you a new one that's really embarrassing I don't think so I like the history behind it makes it a little more special here you go Miss and the uh ring cleaning it's on the house because it's so small and no real effort right thank you I appreciate it give me [Applause] that you know you're not better than me I never said I was please don't give me that all day long you've been reub rubing in my face how much better your life is I've been rubbing it in you've been following me around I don't know what's wrong Taylor but clearly something is bothering you and it's not me otherwise you wouldn't have spent your entire day trying to get a rise out of me nothing bothers me that's my point my life is amazing I mean look at me I am married to a very wealthy man who gets me whatever I want whenever I want it so despite what you think of me I am doing amazing well then I'm glad you're doing so great what you don't believe me I never said that well I know I'm doing better than you after all you married a janitor that's enough look I don't know what's going on with you Taylor but clearly you are insecure about something and looking to take it out on me what do I have to be insecure about gee I don't know maybe because I'm happy with my life despite not having a lot of money meanwhile you are miserable with your life despite having more money than you know what to do that I mean that would sting wouldn't it oh you think I'm unhappy well I'm not the one who married a broke guy Steve may not make a lot of money but that's not what matters what matters is how much he cares how he treats me those are things that matter in a marriage not how much money you have in a checking account oh well that sounds like a long-winded way of saying you're okay with being poor hey honey hi wow look at you you look amazing look at you come here oh here let me carry these oh my gosh thank you yeah you ready to go yeah let me just say bye to Taylor sure Hey Taylor I'm right out front let's e the car okay how can you be seen in public with that man look at how he's dressed ever since high school you have looked for the wrong thing in a man not everything is about money tailor um money cannot create happiness love does did you get that off of a greeting card or something give me a break look at me don't I look happy where have you been Taylor oh hi hi my love don't give me that okay you told me you were going to be going for a few minutes look at the time what were you going to just keep me waiting all day I'm sorry I was I was just catching up and look at this how how much did you spend this time huh this is really getting out of hand Taylor really getting out of hand if you continue on your Reckless spending I'm going to have to cancel all your credit cards honey it's not it's a no no no no no this is not a conversation it's my money and my rules you got that I need you in the car in the next 5 minutes or else got it yes maybe it's time to reconsider your life decisions Taylor money can't replace love in a marriage I hope you figure that out one day this doesn't work out you know what I'm so this is what you meant when you were working late huh what what are you doing here I can't believe you throw away our marriage like this what are you saying this marriage is over I'm sorry I'm so late my boss put an urgent assignment on my desk just as I was walking out the door you had to stay late huh yeah it was a crazy last minute thing that's funny because I called your office and they told me you left hours ago yeah I um I had to to pitch a client across town H forget it you know forget it I uh I'm going out don't stay up CH [Music] what hey it's me I think he knows maybe we should call this off no you're right right no you're right there's no way he could know I'm sorry I'm just being paranoid I'll see you tomorrow bye and then she lied right to my face reminds me of my first wife whatever happened with her same thing is happening to you started coming home real late she always had an excuse about where she was at that's when I found that she was cheating jeez I'm so sorry don't be I mean yeah it hurt at the time but I'm happy I found out I don't know I don't know I just I just can't imagine Danica cheating you two been fighting recently now that you mentioned it we have mhm I guess I guess when we started talking about having kids I mean before that we used to never fight oh she's trying to pressure you to have a kid been there buddy no no no I'm the one who wants but for whatever reason she doesn't seem to every time I bring it up she changes the subject I mean though now I'm starting to think the real reason she doesn't want to start a family is because because you found someone else look my advice whatever's going on figure it out quick if she's cheating on you you're better off without her how am I supposed to know that I mean there's no way of of proving sure there is I are a private investigator have him follow her around that's what I did with exwife number one wait that actually works yes sir if Tanica is hiding something he'll find it call him well as requested I followed your wife for the past few days and um mostly she sticks to her own routine I did see her meeting a few times with this man does he look familiar no no I don't recognize him he's definitely not from her work either who is he not sure I can't believe she's actually cheating on me how could she to be clear I didn't observe any romantic interaction between them but but what according to your wife's credit card statement she booked an Airbnb for tonight wait what what's the address in for the Airbnb 7928 Overlook Avenue what are you doing catching her in the [Music] act [Music] this nice yep ah how's that perfect right Perfection yeah I love that looking pretty good okay right I will burn your house down doesn't work out you know what [Music] I'm so this this is what you meant when you were working late huh Jack what are you doing here what am I doing here what what what are you doing here I can't believe you throw away our marriage like this no it's not what you think is this your husband I was her husband what are you saying this marriage is over oh wait wait wait no there's been a huge misunderstanding no there's no misunderstanding I can't believe you do this to me Danica Jack Jack just wait wait Jack let me explain there's nothing to explain this was all for you what do you mean this was all for me let me explain you see we've been fighting more and more lately I just didn't know what to do so I looked online for [Music] help that's when I found Matthew he's a relationship coach for the past month he's been trying to find a way to get us back to being us I was going to have you meet me tonight for a surprise romantic [Music] weekend so you see that's why we're here I wanted to surprise you with a secret getaway I'm so sorry babe I mean I I can't believe I was accusing you of cheating on me when all this time you were just trying to find a way to save our marriage jeez and I'm so sorry that I ruined the surprise I mean I I feel terrible really I do you didn't ruin the surprise I [Music] did you're pregnant 3 months pregnant to be exact oh my God wait wait why didn't why didn't you tell me sooner they say you have to wait 3 months to be able to confirm it and that's why I kept changing the subject every time you brought it up I wanted to tell you so badly I just couldn't I'm sorry no don't be don't be sorry I love you so much happy yes that'll be 2750 wow really that much it's okay I don't need anything no no no no it's it's uh it's our anniversary um come on already let's go I'm sorry just um just one second that'll be 2015 right sorry can you believe this guy if you can't afford it get out of the line there are people waiting who actually have money okay um you're still a125 short oh sorry um come on already let's go you know what uh we'll just take this thanks thank you have a good night you too excuse me don't worry unlike some people actually have the money to pay for these literally eating children they taste great I mean they're pretty delicious um excuse me sorry ex excuse me oh sorry I so excited for this movie yeah I mean the the trailer looked great what's good is this popcorn and the fact that I could afford it hey babe I'll be right back I just uh I got to use the bathroom okay hurry back though you don't want to miss the previews so what's going on there is it like pity date or something what why would you think that why else would you be going out with a guy who couldn't even afford to buy you snacks at a movie um we're actually celebrating our 2-year anniversary girl what are you doing with a guy like him what do you mean if my boyfriend couldn't afford to buy me popcorn on her 2-year anniversary I dump him so fast fast you need a real man with real money I've always believed that money isn't everything he has a huge heart he always makes me laugh he's incredibly loving and I'm lucky to be with him lucky okay we have two different definitions of that word see lucky to me is my boyfriend he's Rich successful incredibly handsome just last week he took me to Paris we flew first class fourstar Hotel incredible food it was amazing does your man take you on expensive trips well no not anything expensive but that's so sad you know you should really dump him he obviously doesn't care about you if your man is so great why isn't he here tonight oh he'll be here don't worry it's our anniversary too he even got me this ring what' your man get you oh wait he couldn't even afford the popcorn so probably nothing look what I found what babe I thought you didn't have a mouth well I I didn't so I went back to my car and I duck through the seats found some extra change and voila how pathetic you really did that for me of course you once told me that popcorn makes the movie I can't believe you remember that that was on our first date yeah yeah the sweetest don't you mean the [Music] brokest you know what I think this could use a little bit more butter yeah yeah have no fear I will fix this you know I'm really getting tired of your snide comments about my boyfriend oh honey I'm just looking out for you you know women supporting women looking out for me you don't know anything about me or my man I know that he's poor like really poor is there really much else for me to know yeah there is you see Tom may not take me on expensive vacations but he makes every moment feel like a vacation watching movies and eating popcorn it's all I need to be happy and Tom may not have a lot of money for fancy gifts and restaurants but he still puts in the effort to make sure I always feel special so you see he may not make a lot of money but he spends time with me and always makes me feel special and to me that's what's important I'm not sure that's his room romantic as you think it is that actually sounds miserable he's a broke loser honey you deserve so much better you know I get where you're trying to come from look who it is my boyfriend watch and learn sweetie hey baby the movie's about to start and I got all your favorite snacks about that um I'm not going to be able to make it what why we've been planning this all week look just can't do it we got clients coming in from Japan I got to take them to dinner but it's our anniversary what do you want me to say hey babe you're missing dinner who is she and why is she calling you babe and what what H that's just my assistant Rachel we're just working it doesn't look like you're working Chris what is going on H look I didn't want this to happen this way but I can't do this anymore it's over Katie what do you mean I mean I'm with Rachel now okay sorry you're dump me on our anniversary babe please just next time you might want to pick a man who actually cares about you look now I'm just looking out for you women helping women hey what Miss um nothing at all oh this is perfect thanks babe you're the [Applause] [Applause] sweetest
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations
Views: 807,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, self improvement, happiness, dhar mann, short film
Id: onsy3uwK0l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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