Cabbage Casserole

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welcome to Terry's Kitchen where we talk food Faith and family today I am making a cabbage casserole this is a really good dish really easy and but before we get started with that I'd like to read out of John 4 7 through 13 out of the NIV Bible Jesus talks with the Samaritan woman when a Samaritan woman came to draw water Jesus said to her will you give me a drink his disciples had gone to town to buy food the Samaritan woman said to him you are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman how can you ask me for a drink Jesus answered her if you knew the gift of God and who it is that ask you for a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water sir the woman said you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep where can you get this living water are you greater than our father Jacob who gave us the well and drank from it himself as did also his sons and his flocks and herds Jesus answered everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst again indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life and actually that was to 14 not 13. so but 7 through 14. that was in our devotions uh yesterday and it really spoke to Ron and I so I wanted to share that with you all definitely father gracious Lord Lord this is such a beautiful summer day Lord we thank you Father for the son that is shining we thank you Lord that you are shining brightly on us we thank you Lord for your blessing all on those that are watching this video their families any struggle they may be experiencing Lord give them comfort and strength that only you can give I thank you Lord for being in our lives and keeping us safe as we go out and about thank you Lord for this day that you have granted to us and we ask this in your precious name amen thank you for letting me do that I'm going to wash my hands and we'll get started foreign [Music] cabbage casserole I do not remember having this growing up however we had this Ron and I went to visit our friend Noel and Ken in Atlanta and we stopped at a restaurant um in Tennessee we went to this oh it was just delicious and they're special for their vegetable special was this cabbage casserole and we said well we've never had that before and they she said it is one of our uh your most popular dish and so we had it both of us loved it and but it wasn't until recently that I found the recipe for it and have made it a couple times so super easy so I'm going to divide um this up into a smaller dish for me because I can't have the cheese and so normally you would put this in a 9x13 casserole dish so this is a little bit smaller because I'm going to divide it up up but um I'll share the um the ingredients and what's on um in the comments for the actual recipe is for a 9x13. I have the oven preheating to 350 degrees so I have taken one head of cabbage and I've cut it right thin and so just shred it so I'm going to put that down in the dish the Cabbage will as you bake it it will get smaller but we're gonna kind of fill it up here so just put all that in there so I took this recently to a family gathering and it was it was a success gonna I'm making it tonight we're having um our friend Peg over for dinner I thought boy that would taste good um and so that's the reason I was like we're gonna have it again so I'm going to put my little smaller dish here fill that up cabbage is so good for you so and most of this besides maybe your cream of chicken soup you have probably in your pantry it wasn't this upright over heaping here so I may not use a little bit of that because I don't want to maybe I can get a little bit in there just work with that yeah don't want to waste any of that okay so this is a large onion that I have just cut in half and in like a Half Moon Slices so you're just going to put that on top sprinkle that around like I said with me dividing it up here but in your 9x13 you should be able to get all of this in here just fine and it will bake down okay So to that I'm going to I have in the recipe a teaspoon of salt so I'm going to divide it a little bit through both of these okay so that's a teaspoon of salt spoon of black pepper okay so what I have here I have a half of a stick of butter that I've melted and what we're going to do is just put a little bit over that one but then so that whole half stick will just go over your cabbage okay so now what we're going to do I have one cup of mayonnaise and I've opened up a can of creamed chicken soup so I'm just gonna put the mayonnaise in here and I when I was looking at this recipe and I thought mayonnaise and soup so but it is delicious pepper back so I don't get anything in that so but when we went to this trip in uh Tennessee oh that was just beautiful the mountains were gorgeous and then driving into Atlanta it was a beautiful beautiful trip great memories with our friends okay so that's all mixed well I'm just gonna dab that over my smaller container and that'll go right down in there put the rest just move it around this may also be called a scalloped our scalloped cabbage a Groton cabbage because we are putting the cheese but I just call it cabbage casserole got all that good stuff in there you could certainly make this up um the night before go ahead and bake it and then just reheat it or if you wanted to get all your ingredients ready I have it in the refrigerator so you come home from work you can just open it up and put everything together and it bakes for an hour all the stuff here we're going to have with ours tonight we're going to have some glazed carrots and we're gonna put some fish sticks in the airfryer and then we're going to have the casserole here I'm gonna take this I don't want to miss any of that wonderful stuff there clean this off here a bit I should have got another spoon that's okay so next what we're going to do so we have this ready to go so I have a stick and a half of melted butter and I have already crushed a half a sleeve of Ritz crackers so I'm going to crush this half I mean this whole sleeve so basically we wanted a little more crust um crunchy stuff on top so we like a sleeve and a half but however you wanna crush your Ritz crackers put it in another bag I'm afraid to crack it too much or I'm going to crush it here with this package because I don't want it to go spilling all over the place now there we go so just Crush that up okay all right that's a nice crunchy pieces here now I'm going to put the butter um in normally I would put the cheese in and mix that up and then add the butter but because I'm only doing the Ritz crackers and the butter I'm going to mix the cheese last that way I can put it over mine and then the other one will have all that good cheese so just mix the butter and the Ritz crackers foreign 's going to give you that nice crunchy topping I'm gonna put that over the top of mine making myself a little bit more crunch since I'm missing out on the cheese okay so now I have a cup of grated this is extra sharp cheese and I grated it versus using a package I just like the the flavor and of that a little bit better but for you if you want to make it quick and convenient go ahead and use that package of um you're a shredded shark cheese and like I said use a cup of that so I'm just going to mix this all around put all that together you gotta start putting that over the top here and the Cabbage like I said will shrink down there while it's baking does that not look delicious we'll go good with our our fish sticks every now and then we like fish sticks and uh I thought well let's do up but normally I do parsley potatoes and stewed tomatoes if I'm doing that but decided to change it up a little bit okay all here just kind of push that around and down okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put this in the oven at 350 degrees I'm going to bake it for an hour and then I'll bring it out and we'll have a taste test all right the cabbage casserole has finished baking it smells really really good I just asked Ron I said should I sample yours and he said No don't touch mine so I'm gonna try it on here they're really piping hot so there's a nice that extra Ritz crackers is good it's nice and creamy let's see if I can taste this now this has baked for an hour the cabbage is not falling apart but it's done so let me maybe very hot so um very good so it didn't take too much to put it together it it's delicious great white way to use cabbage so I hope you would consider making this for your family I think you will enjoy it thank you so much for watching our videos sharing liking and subscribing we do appreciate it blessings
Channel: Terri's Kitchen
Views: 16,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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