Six-foot Tall Pixie Stix!

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in today's video we are super sizing yet another nostalgic candy can we make a six-foot-tall pixie stick guys we're back in the kitchen and once again we're trying to make a giant version of candy we've done this three or four times before and it's fun every time so we're doing it again this time we're gonna try and tackle Pixy Stix here's the basic idea we have some Pixy Stix we have some kool-aid and we have 50 pounds of sugar can we turn this into the world's largest Pixy stick if you're not familiar with Pixy sticks this is a little paper tube and you tear open the paper tube and inside is colored flavored candy powder about that much of it it's like a teaspoon [Music] hmm that's quite a bit of color to your tongue just a little bit of tartness a little tang to it and so we we think we can go ahead and make our own the goal is to be proportional as much as we can it's got a paper tube on the outside that's all it is is just paper it seems to be glued together crimped at the top and bottom sort of a white stripe where the paper's glued together light stripe we're not gonna put the serial number in here because this is a made out plant and best by December of 2020 we've got a while unless you're watching this in the future and it's past December of 2020 in which case this pixie stick is now expired here's what we're thinking we've got paper because we need a paper wrapper and we are thinking that it would be nice if we can just wrap it around PVC we're not going to put the candy in here this is basically just a measurement guide and I took some measurements with calipers and the diameter of this pipe here is approximately 10 times the diameter of one of these little paper straws how do you want to start you want to just start by making a paper tube and then except the sugar afterward I was maybe a bubble oh how you do this right the recipe that I found online to make this taste as we close to a pixie stick as possible is wonderful pack of kool-aid powder - 1/2 cup of sugar I have over 60 packets of kool-aid here so technically I could do 30 cups of sugar when you did the estimate you said that this dick knees have roughly 5 pounds of sugar so yeah we we came up with a size change of approximately 10 times the diameter 10 times the length and 10 times the depth which is just the diameter again because it's a tube 10 times 10 times 10 that's a thousand so we are going for approximately a 1,000 times volume we measured out some of these Pixy sticks onto our scale here and it's not 100% accurate because this isn't that accurate of scale but it seemed that three Pixy Stix seemed to be almost exactly 7 grams that gives us two point three three-digit history repeating grams per Pixy stick and if you multiply that times a thousand and then convert it into pounds because we're in America then you end up with just over five pounds like five point one five pounds about something in my math might be weird or the density of this powder might not be the same as the density of our sugar mixed up but that was the result I was getting I think just to be safe we should probably try and do like 10 pounds and then if we have extra then we have extra that's fine so I got 50 pounds of sugar you did that's probably more than we need I'm going to just buy weight I'm gonna put this on our scale I'm just gonna dump in sugar until I have 10 pounds and then I'm going to measure out how many cups that is because for every cup I need two packets of kool-aid so want to make sure that we get that ratio right also as far as flavor goes I don't think that just kool-aid is gonna be correct because most big sistex have a little tiny bit of tartness oh there's one other thing that I want to add that you introduced me to and that is citric acid we're gonna go two pounds all right let's see how many cups of sugar this will be well 1 cups almost half a pound so okay so 10 pounds is just barely over 22 cups so that means I need 44 packets of cool in this pod I got so many [Music] these pieces of paper are just a little over six feet and make the roll and then we'll trim down afterward I think now we do want this to look like actual Pixy Stix so we went ahead and print it off a nice label for it [Music] whoo look at that alignment you what that means it means I did my math right means I know how to multiply things by PI it's really not very complicated I just like to celebrate little things would you like 44 packets of kool-aid huh yeah I would have thought it would make more but that is 44 packets bully most I'm just surprised by the color right I thought you were saying it was just gonna be too white but it's purplish but it is going to get diluted quite a bit just gonna dump all this in here I am making some pretty big assumptions about the strength of this tube I just wrap paper around it a few times and we're just gonna hope that it'll hold full of sugar well see it might still just be to why it won't be oh but it is overwhelmingly cherry smelling Wow I thought that your adhesive spray was a too strong smell but this is impressive we're gonna try something just add a little bit more red color yeah I'm just gonna spritz the top with a food-safe color mist and see what happens it might be food safe but I don't think the propellant is the thing is about these Pixy Stix the color isn't intensely vibrant like yes it will stain your tongue but it's a very pale pink so I may have just made our homemade Pixy stick mix much brighter let's see not exactly the same but that's okay I think I like it more larger grains of sugar makes the stick his ground superfine I'm adding a few more packs just to make sure that flavor really comes through the [ __ ] packet to do have citric acid in them but to give it again just a little bit more of a kick or ten pounds of sugar a couple tablespoons I'll start with like a tablespoon see what that does I think we want to try blending not all of it but some of it just to see what that does to the texture and I think it would be good to have some really fine powder mixed in with our larger grains of sugar those would probably have a blending sugar option oh wow does that work well we're making homemade powdered sugar here guys just ooh look at that compare that in color yes okay that's pretty perfect it looks like they use what's probably a rolling machine to crimp everything together and we're not going to have that exactly but I think we can just take a little bit of glue crimp down one end until it's just good and glued shut and that'll give us a pretty similar result just to make sure this is really tightly bound together I am actually just gonna go put it in the clamp in the desk vise that might give us a little bit of crimped lines on it I think we have a giant pixie stick here and we need to fill it with sugar [Music] that's pretty darn close it looks fantastic in my opinion okay let's see if I can get the whole thing to balance on the scale at once there we go eight point four five pounds so almost eight and a half pounds so mixing up ten pounds of sugar was a fantastic call right in between the prediction and the actual I would say we definitely have a difference in sugar density they're so little in here that it's not really compacting anything down at the bottom it's very fluffy yeah and it's and as we saw it's like a very blended fine sugar whereas this is horse racing I love it and I think it's perfect and the greatest giant Pixy stick that anyone's ever made I'm very happy with how our universe Pixy Stix turned out this is amazing I'm not really sure if the singular is supposed to be a Pixy Stix because it says that but it sounds like it's a plural so yeah this is a Pixy Stix I suppose there's really only one thing left to do see if I can tear this open oh boy oh there it is oh boy I don't see this ending well in any capacity hmm [Music] it's pretty similar flavor your Deaver so red oh thank you yeah that's like 100 Pixy Stix fat worth powder right there I mean I think I'm good on my sugar for the day yeah so I used to just break these open into my mouth as a kid so let's see we're gonna see if we're just we're gonna try and fold it in half and see if it breaks it does that work great yeah yeah you're losing sugar from both over there it's like 2025 Hey hey that's really cool you're just still watching this guy's that's not all you know we've always got more for you to see put that box up at the top to check out our most recent video we'll see you next one Jackie then [Music]
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Views: 1,357,990
Rating: 4.9065938 out of 5
Keywords: pixy stix, pixy stix kool aid, how to make pixy stix, 90s candy, 90s nostalgia, sugar rush, giant candy, giant candy vs small candy, giant candy collins key, giant candy bars, giant candy props, how to make giant candy, giant skittles, giant nik-l-nip, giant wax bottle, tkor, thekingofrandom, nate, calli, grant thompson, pixy stix recipe, how to make pixy sticks, pixie sticks, random happens
Id: j3spbPuU04U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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