Melissa McCarthy Takes a Lie Detector Test | Vanity Fair

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so if you can pick your arms up for me sure okay perfect it's a real Lube Smasher guys are you Melissa McCarthy yes I don't know has done okay oh it talked to you are you 47 years old yes are you about to take a polygraph exam yes I know I am taking is it's not a trick question thing I'm sure are you nervous about this interview suddenly yes in the last minute and a half I'm nervous okay so if you don't know how this machine works it basically monitors a series of functions for nervousness okay okay can I just try I'm a hundred years old I'm a man I'm a hundred-year-old man um that's not how it works first up comedy do you think you're funny yes can you tell me a joke Oh what do you call a pile of kittens I don't know I'm me Outen I just think I love that joke it's not mine but I love it every time it gets me o cats Quigley I don't know what that means okay who's the funniest person you've ever met can it be three Kristen Wiig my husband Ben Maya Rudolph those three had a baby comedy comedy powerhouse when do you feel funniest whenever I try to be do you ever have trouble not cracking up when you're on set with your husband yes yes because they know when he's starting to go and then it makes me have to dig my nails into my hands photo please that nameless man have you tried stand-up yes were you any good at it no I was blissfully ignorant I didn't know that I was probably bad at it so I just continued talking kind of like no oh did you mean to fall here in the that was written into the script what about here that one was not written in that was a that was a spur-of-the-moment I wanted to see if I could clear the couch and they could just not attractively David would you say political correctness is killing comedy [Music] someone hmm depends that's a tricky one to answer dependent depends on who's talking answered that one he's there Oh a reason you wanted to look cuz I it gave a vague answer then I felt in trouble and then that one just as I looked at it spiked really hard next up career is there a favorite role that you've played now I like too many of them are you sure it wasn't this one one of them certainly one of them oh she isn't really posing in front of a picture of him posing in front of a picture of myself you sure are um one of them how about this one mm-hmm I liked her she seems sweet I kind of love all of I mean I fell a little bit in love with all of them but I liked her a lot like to take a car ride with her do you still hang out with co-stars from past projects yes not enough I think we should have kids you don't see people that watch but I do yeah is this one of the people yes but not enough no not enough but yeah what they do and what about her oh yes also not enough but I do look at her in yellow that lady wonderful have you ever tried method acting for a role in just acting school pound I got probably supposed to be a chain-smoking alcoholic and it was right when I started acting school and so I drank an incredible amount of very low quality red wine and smoked pall malls all night and then I threw up in class it which my teacher said won't you try acting I said great point do you watch your own movies yeah yes at once no no I like watch it and then if it's on sometimes you're like oh it's kind of like oh like a photo album but no not like every night I'm like well let's get to it do you think comedies should be considered more for Best Picture yes for everything is it true that you worked as a customer for a dance company I did Colorado have you ever read your own Wikipedia page no it seems weird now that I say it I never have or have I or have I do you remember the first audition you went on I don't know if it's my very first do you remember up the end results I was told I was not the neighbor type I don't even think there were lines I think I was just supposed to be like visible in a bush or something and I literally didn't get it I was like I am a neighbor would you call yourself the life of the party no I would not she looks like she's falling seems like a bit of a pattern here's pop culture do you know the name of cardi B's new album no if you had to take a kiss cardi B who's your favorite character on friends Oh Oh miss Anderson right mmm-hmm have you ever taken a BuzzFeed quiz I think so like uh like online or no are you more of a Beyonce or Rihanna Beyonce do the words true and stormy mean anything to you um for me now I just think of stormy Daniel so yes true True Grit do you think Khloe should stay with Tristan sure I don't know sure why not are they good for each other they good for each other shouldn't Selena get back with Justin no have you ever googled yourself yes the real shame spiral do you think you're a good driver yes do you ever get road rage I have and a lot I've thrown some signs yeah David in the movies you're often singing in your car do you sing in your car in real life yes I do quite a bit in college did you rush a sorority no have you ever gone streaking no have you ever done a keg stand no are you any good at beer pong yes oh did you ever cheat on a test yes did you have a fake ID yes yes okay let's get into philosophy do you believe in an afterlife yes do you think we have free will yes could you prove it no that's kind of a plan I just proved it I mean I could prove it it was more of a bit than a true answer sorry I'm I don't know if they're moving and they're not moving oh oh I don't know what that means that one really there's one that's really against me okay the machine doesn't judge Melissa do you believe in aliens yes what about the Illuminati [Music] some version of yes okay you have a moral dilemma man has robbed a bank but instead of keeping it for himself he donates it to poor children so they can be fed and clothed if you go to the authorities with this information there's a good chance the money will be returned to the bank leaving a lot of kids in need what do you do keep my trap shut I wouldn't say a word [Music] okay last question Oh God at any point in this interview did you lie and we didn't catch you know unless it's now you
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 3,760,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: melissa mccarthy, melissa mccarthy 2018, melissa mccarthy lie detector, lie detector, lie detector test, polygraph, polygraph exam, melissa mccarthy life of the party, life of the party, lie detector exam, the lie detector test, funny lie detector, lie detector melissa mccarthy, polygraph expert, polygraph tests, polygraph test, the polygraph, melissa mccarthy interview, melissa mccarthy lie, mccarthy, vanity fair
Id: wBor9KB2zQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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