Nina Dobrev Takes a Lie Detector Test with Luke Bracey | Vanity Fair

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Nina Luke we brought you here today to take a lie detector test one of you will be hooked up to the machine while the other ask questions and then you'll switch who wants to be in the hot seat first suza paper Rock scissor paper rock rock paper scissors no I miss is Abed wrong I mean it's not correct but we could do that if you like okay damn it you should have everything to worry about okay it's a very serious matter is your full name Nikolina constantan over Dobrev oh no that is my mom's maiden name Rus and Wikipedia is wrong well do you believe everything you read on the accolade well you did I always would you born in Bulgaria yes we raised in Canada yes let's get started was that the truth perfect okay you were raised in Canada do you consider yourself Canadian yes would you say Canadians are nicer than Australians absolutely and a Canadians and Australians both nicer than Americans absolutely your workout videos on YouTube have millions of views do you think that I'd be able to keep up with you in the gym no she's telling the truth you kind of know any heart okay next question on reddit there is an entire channel dedicated to praising you do you ever check it I don't even know what reddit is okay now that you know about it will you check it I mean I'll definitely save it for a rainy day if I'm like feeling bad about myself let's see what they're saying on reddit its lucky to have something like that isn't have you ever googled yourself in the past month yes were you happy with the results oh gosh I'm hearing that thing I think I haven't only googled myself once so there was time I was a few of the times we're positive there was yes the positive and a negative oh gosh I think I think we don't really the Machine do we there was a one where I was happy and then there was another time where I wasn't dude likes and followers matter to you sometimes do you know how many Instagram followers you have off the top of your head yes how much 18 million point six like around like give or take do you know how many I have I did look recently I don't remember but yeah no no I think we're it we're close we're we're kind of close provide I remember how disgusted you were when you saw my Instagram account for the first time I still in yeah no it's you know what you could you could do so you could you could work on me I could anything anything more than I'm doing now he's more every anything would be crazy I think the problem is that nothing happens on your Instagram yeah you once said that you have an obsession with trying things for the first time would you ever try ayahuasca I'm actually very excited to try ayahuasca what about joining a nudist colony not interested how about Vegemite you wouldn't want to try it for the first time China didn't like it yeah it's an acquired taste to understand I don't understand it's the saltiness you know high in vitamin B that's what's isn't JA everything you read on jars do you ever say no to fans who asked you for selfies I have if I was late for something yes okay so it's not because you think you're better than your improvising a little bit I'm not that's a little improv over there okay check that sheet later have you ever pretended you want Nana Dogra yes fantastic now I'm just gonna preface this with I did not write this question but it's here do you think that I thought Kipnis thank you for this man please say oh my god I mean not not I could see you becoming this guy I can actually see you aging like him for sure but you don't currently have a white beard yeah thanks it's a very strange thing to ask someone isn't it do you think I look like Brad Pitt it's ridiculous I mean I think I'd be flattered if I'm absolutely flattered but I feel like it I know can I say with wanker I feel like a wanker you're an avid yogi correct yes would you say that in general you are pretty Zen yeah I like it that's nice that's good honesty so we're looking for here so you've never yelled at a PA on set I have you have okay do you think I'd make a good tandem yoga partner that's strange I found out recently have you heard of yoga yeah I have and I'm dying to do it what do you mean dinah don't have a kid to go to on your back it's ridiculous totally it'd be so cute wouldn't hurt they got hooves I think it's a baby goat first of all still hooves hey go off you played Elena on the Vampire Diaries would you ever say yes to a reboot probably not for a while yeah it's only been three years diplomatic it's only been three years since the show ended I think that you know what actually I don't think I don't think we could do a reboot because the whole premises that were vampires and whether I like it or not time is not in my favor and I will never die my age because you're a vampire exactly has anyone ever asked you to roleplay being a vampire in the bedroom No well I mean it just depends cuz like have they asked or have I bitten anyone those are two different questions that I've ever asked you to roleplay being a vampire in digit then the answer still remains no is doing a French accent harder than playing a vampire yes did you lie at any point in this and we didn't catch you okay I'm so excited I'm so excited to put these on you okay Luke Nino is that in fact your name it is is your last name Bracy or is that a stage name that's my last name are you Australian I am strong are you thirty years old no not yet oh my god I'm older than you alright let's get started your first role was on a soap opera home and away did you prepare by watching my work on my soap opera Degrassi I have never seen Degrassi sorry I'm getting the folks at for Christmas so your character Trey was a bad boy mmm were you a bad boy in high school no would you say that you're a good boy yeah that's true she kind of did oh so you know that's a spectrum never sneak out at night to meet a girl yes did you hear 30 do you really think that videos is that now did you win any superlatives in high school like Awards yes yes I wore I won some sporting awards and I won some like Citizenship Awards in school like just being a good bloke kind of thing did you win most smoldering award I didn't believe we had that in my high school did you win Brad Pitt look-alike do you think that we would have been friends in high school yeah I do actually I feel like we're like a real married couple very characters and I'm like taking these to heart like I was like if he says no I swear to God good okay are there things that you miss about Australia yes would you say pizza shapes are better than chicken crimpy piece of shape set what is a pizza shape shapes are like a little chip crisp and pizza-flavored VIN do you know how of course the pizza it is anyone's guess but they are fantastic chicken and grumpy chicken cream be I'm not sure I think it's like the chicken flavor of the shapes I'm guessing I prefer pizza shapes to the chicken strips are these chips yeah they like it at Christmas present in the Vegemite category know that you'd like in my the Vegemite for sure they're easy is your stance that Sydney is superior to Melbourne yes do you think Ozzy hoodie is better than American football was two different things if you're talking like Australian rules football which is a different sport to rugby league or Rugby Union I guess I'd still say it's a better game than American football so again I guess or no question don't you think Ozzy funny is better than American football soda okay you almost became a rugby player instead of an actor right did you make the right decision sticking to acting it's much easier pretending to be a tough guy than actually being one that's good he is telling the truth yeah for a living do you think I could beat you at a game of rugby absolutely not we're having a you know that because you've been Canada and you're like you there's no way you've played again where I've been and what I've done and who I've done it with I do neither I would absolutely annihilate you was it intimidating acting alongside Vince Vaughn in hacksaw reg yes was it intimidating acting alongside me in lucky day it was more fun do you think that you've broken more hearts than him Vince Vaughn what No you've walked many red carpets would you consider yourself fashion-forward what does that mean exactly do you consider yourself fashion-forward fashionable yes I mean people put me in some nice clothes but I don't really push the boundaries fashion was I'm pretty conservative I would say I like being comfortable in looking nice but I wouldn't say I'm fashion-forward would you say that your fashion backward sometimes look breezy mm-hmm our flip-flops an acceptable red-carpet attire I mean I call them something different I call them thongs that's a whole different thing I know that's a cultural thing I mean it would be really really weird to show up on a red carpet just wearing thongs I wouldn't recommend it personally I wouldn't do it to myself are they appropriate red carpet attire yes I wear my thongs flip-flops everywhere but maybe I think a red carpet I mean you probably have to wear a suit and some shoes I think it's nice to wear some clothes toe foot where do you get manicures no can you explain this oh right it's me right foot folks there are thongs I mean yes me wearing thongs I guess I see this wasn't exactly a premiere it was more just a carpet okay okay well you know you got me there I guess that I do think they're appropriate you know it was a funny day actually I'm gonna tell you about that day after this who's behind you is that Leo yeah I think I was in Sydney I took my mice to screening at the wolf of Wall Street in Sydney cuz I got some free tickets and me and my friends wanted to go and watch the movie and I guess I'd just come from the beach or something like that do you think that Leo can kind of get away with anything I don't think anyone can get away with anything do you think that Leo specifically thinks that he can get away with anything I cannot answer that question philia well guys the only reason I was asking there's a reason is because you were standing right next to Leo in this photo so maybe you thought that if you were sitting next to him wearing flip-flops that it's fine it makes it okay quietly hi comet doing this tell the truth it's easiest law to tell is the truth yeah I'm having like too much fun doing this like I might have to get one of these things for my okay how much of these how much does a lot of things together thousands it might be worth it cuz like I mean if you lived in with your friends the other big big party and just do a lot of tech to party like you know you date people for like years at their horrible like you can say me and heartache if you just invested in them any um next have you ever been mistaken for one of the Hemsworth's yes would you say that you're better-looking than them no have you seen their eyes God bluer than a santorini sunset those are really tall and athletic handsome buggies both Chris and Liam auditioned for Thor did you also edition no do you think that you would make a better Thor nah he's telling the truth is it true that you know how to play the bagpipes I do know how to play the bagpipes Wow yes I did the man knows how to blow and you've done this in a kilt oh yeah number of times a lot of people go commando in a kilt is it safe to say that you've blown wild commando the correct term when wearing a kilt is regimental yes you once said that actors have to be automatically narcissistic to be in front of the camera all day so do you think that I am narcissistic we're all narcissistic so then are you saying that I am narcissistic yeah we're gonna talk about this man did you light any point during this lie-detector test and we didn't catch you casually oh this is easy now no questions this guy I'm a Z nobody pause this I should be a spy
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 1,225,845
Rating: 4.9758053 out of 5
Keywords: lie detector, nina dobrev, vanity fair lie detector, luke bracey, nina dobrev takes a lie detector, nina dobrev tells the truth, nina dobrev and luke bracey, nina dobrev vanity fair, luke bracey vanity fair, nina dobrev lucky day, nina dobrev polygraph, lie detector test, dobrev, nina dobrev takes a lie detector test, nina dobrev interview, vanity fair, vanity fair lie detector test, nina dobrev funny, nina dobrev vanity fair interview, nina dobrev lies, nina
Id: LdJbBWpa9DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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