Melissa McCarthy & Kristen Bell Answer The Web’s Most Searched Questions | WIRED

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wait what? Demian Dillers?!


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/solidwowkmon 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2017 🗫︎ replies
hi I'm Kristen Bell and I'm Melissa McCarthy and we are here to do a google autocorrect interview bring in a card is Melissa McCarthy vegan just ask the steak I ate last night is Melissa McCarthy related to Paul McCarthy very good question I'm related to Paul McCarthy I'm not related to Paul McCartney this McCarthy left-handed left hand hand of the devil except that left hand you're referring to raised by nuns sorry is Melissa McCarthy Australian good night mate you caught me down under I could be though we don't know is Kristen Bell naturally blonde let's find out very good well carpet matches the drapes y'all is Kristen Bell really singing in frozen singing my heart out him frozen I gave it all I had is Kristen Bell vegetarian ding ding ding yes I am is Kristen Bell in a sorority perfectly no but thank you for asking my god let's do another one what is Melissa McCarthy like in real life a monster yeah that's very accurate a mom and I had goo I actually googled that before I started working with her what is Melissa McCarthy's Twitter I believe it has a couple of M's in it what is Melissa McCarthy's first job I worked in a nursing home and I loved it I love all people I love old people too there was really gravitate toward I really gravitate towards the elderly sure we do this in the week visitors like Lyle so many times many things because it look like Dex I saw what is up you know these are two cabbages you're not even let's go to Kristen Bell and her bosoms what is Kristen Bell's favorite color ah teal so many shoes yeah oh oh what I knew it what is Kristen Bell's vocal range well I'll do the exact same note Oh what is Kristen Bell on Instagram Kristen Annabelle oh oh there's more guys don't worry does Melissa McCarthy have piercing Wow above or below I have two and they're in my hearing holes does Melissa McCarthy have a book I own many books does Melissa McCarthy have an Instagram it's at Melissa McCarthy or something very similar to that mmm yes Melissa McCarthy have a clothing line why yes I do and I'm wearing it I was very cute cleansing till oil swirl coming to you and fall does most McCarthy wear glasses yes I do and I prefer 80's sunglasses because I have an enormous head that's a bonus fact huge noggin let's take it back to Google here just Kristen Bell have oh my god that says pets cuz I for a second did not think it said paths just Kristen Bell have pets yes I do I'm down to one dog cuz man when they get old the drop like flies um yes does Kristen Bell have tattoos I've always wanted a tattoo but my husband does not like girls with tattoos I think it intimidates him cuz he's got a lot as you know what's weird fun fact Dax has a huge tattoo of me on his lower back that I'm I'm his tramps fan yeah which is why I was so excited to work with you because I didn't staring at your face for so many years does Kristen Bell have a Twitter I do does Kristen Bell speak another language no um I spoke Brazilian a very long time ago Portuguese really but I don't remember much of anything still impressive does Kristen Bell have allergies oh let's get into it guys yes number one to band-aid adhesive what a timely question are you getting that what happened was this is a splatter from the stove it's a little oil and then I put band-aid over it and as it turns out I am more allergic to the adhesive than I was to the grease burn by band-aid do you mean really duct tape yes isn't it what everybody's using critics thank you for joining us thank you and thanks google for finally asking what we've all been wondering yeah and thanks to my grandmother for sending in most of those questions us hope to see you soon Anna
Channel: WIRED
Views: 18,366,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kristen bell, melissa mccarthy, google autocomplete, google, interview, google interview, autocomplete interview, melissa mccarthy kristen bell, google autocomplete interview, wired autocomplete, kristen bell interview, melissa mccarthy interview, the good place, most searched, searched questions, google questions, kirsten bell, kristin bell, melissa mcarthy, web's most asked, autocomplete, kristen bell answers questions, bell, wired
Id: CXa1vN_XmTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2016
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