Mega Man Dies At The End - Season 1

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[Music] got you now you mechanical menace where is she the girls in a cage where she belongs any last words dick home just one rush now [Music] [Music] [Music] Mega Man I haven't heard that name in years my employer has a proposition for a man with your unique ability Mega Man you got the wrong guy it's just man now well if you see him tell him he'll be handsomely rewarded for one last job maybe you didn't hear me you got the wrong guy ever your way oh and one last thing if you see Mega Man tell him we know where she is roll hey tell your boss he'll do it okay but I'm really supposed to hear from him it's me I'm Megaman yeah yeah I was doing a thing got you leave the cash [Music] little boy blue has lost his shoe I'm told you know where to find it you uh you must be Mega Man [Music] little boy blue has lost his shoe I'm told you know where to find it you uh you must be Megaman ah so you recognize me now the boss told me to be on the lookout for I'm an idiot and your boss is that's none of your business you're taking your orders from me now I don't take orders from anyone I'm a lone wolf loose cannon I'm a short fuse and a house of candles you're taking my orders fair enough so who's the mark what are we looking for we haven't started yet there's three abilities that you're gonna need to pull this job off and nobody's gonna just hand them over to you you're gonna meet me in these locations for more information so get used to seeing my ugly mug kid hey I wasn't gonna say anything oh yeah you say come work we know Ohio bartender let me get a Shirley Temple splash of lime slow down he doesn't like you I'm sorry I don't like you either I like you this one's not worth the effort Wow you think you might have overreacted a little there yeah what you call prior convictions so I'm gonna have to get out of here I'll see you next week oh wait but she was like $4,000 worth of drinks first thanks buddy let me just grab my wallets out of my car [Music] oh look who it is you're late actually I'm 10 minutes early no what no well it was daylight savings like two months ago requires some expensive toys [Music] [Music] you left me at the bar the other day with a pretty big bill I'll get back to you after I take out this balloon you know what my favorite season is [Music] hey close one right man it got pretty a pretty crazy badger rush now bad dog I'm ready to go what are you driving today tanks take so good no no no thanks you're doing this one solo really no tanks I said no tanks this is the Hangout of the bomber man's right hand toads pimple and rash you need to take them down and find out where the bomber man is and where do I find these skin challenge toads and that smelly garbage cave over there well the diapers mm-hmm I think I should probably use the jet to order I'm gonna crush you with this hey oh sorry buddy fresh out yeah you ever notice how yellow toads always kicking like toes always rush now bad dog yo blue guy we see your ass in there huh the dog you can have the dog out of the bushes all right I didn't want to interrupt this is well I like one of those comedy jam things right yeah nice try fool no no no I can understand the mistake I was on fire back there yeah but I mean people you real funny and conversation and stuff but going pro man that's like a whole other thing you don't think I can do it thing is you spoil trust farm baby you know you just dogging cuz you drive too slow in your wife don't give it up don't you go talking about my wife [ __ ] so everybody knows she got warts talking about my dry stuff oh [ __ ] just got real where's the bomber man if I tell you you let me go right spit it out he's through the tunnels you can take those cars straight to him great one last thing here toast toast muhfucka said totes man hey bad I give you that data back yeah what the hell instantly regret doing that gross tonight you're all going to be part of a social experiment your vessels have been rigged to blow sky-high if anyone tries to escape you all die up the other boat should you decide what's the fastest time yet well well it appears I have a visitor and who might you be my little blue friend I'm the guy come on girl you little fool oh I said I'm coming for you well I hope you don't plan to drop below 80 km/h unless you like exploding kilometers I prefer the metric system you madman to Lulu you blue [ __ ] yeah we're just a no-good damn it I had a good one excuse me is Lincoln Street coming up soon well how did you get here I can't stop if I go under 80 kilometers this madman will kill us all he prefers the metric system that's sick bastard I'm on that mission that you gave me you're still doing that nice listen guts man listen very carefully uh-huh yeah hey have you ever YouTube funny catch three focus I need you to get in close and take this innocent woman to safety hey so I've uh priors I gotta get out of here because uh because of the priors [Music] down boy down bad dog bad em so we meet again Bomberman I'm sorry we've never met sure we have you were one of Wylie's a master robots that conquered your stage order pizza I was wondering if you wanted anything and if you'd pay for it hey mega M long time no see buddy do I know you it's me bum hands ago and now we're totally cool hmm not ringing any bells come on those are the first game cut man you've aged horribly enough move even 2.54 centimeters and you'll find that my forgettable friend here is also quite handy with bombs sayonara rematch nice of you if you still order the pizza get it give me pepperoni this just mean you mano y mano deadly robot deadly the salmon steaks I've done it this time like my diarrhea that was pretty explosive Oh Oh God your breath smells terrible and we're not friends it's different because we uh no no we're we're friends we're uh pretty good friends yeah best friends why are you in my house your next target was spotted at the bar just a few minutes ago this might be our only chance to nab them and your bestest friend in the whole wide world guts man I know go get him nice to meet you no it can't be Rach you came back for me Cindy you know I still have that flower you gave me don't try to talk it bloom just as the Sun rose lighting up the space pirate corpse as we left on Tallinn five you said our love was the flower in the darkest of crapples what happened Rock I would have only disappointed you I'm no good for you Cindy I was thinking the same thing [Music] [Music] [Music] this is it Megha let's find out why I'm here this is it Megaman the big job are you ready to roll rock we're no longer friends no you why exactly am I here what am I gonna find in this place I don't know buddy my mission was to get you this far what about role after the job Sam did you really mean what you said about not being friends cos cuz I got us one of those friendship rings you know I say this one's mine and this one's yours say cuz cuz we're buddy is the kick butt alright oh you gotta go that's yeah you can just thinking of later that that's cool [Music] gross what was that hey I just met chickens Tony buck said he couldn't eat a whole jar mustard he's going for it we can't miss this this is it mega let's find out why I'm here no no no it can't be end of the road now my god Mega Man is trying to rescue wily Luke that psychic is having sex with a blue hamster nuh-uh we're breaking out yeah we're breaking out first I'm good at six oh so that's the plan how do we get out of here we're not going anywhere I need answers so can I at least get my lucky I don't just kill you here is this about the whole me trying to enslave the world with robust sting grow up man that was usable you're sure about this this guy might be a little crazy but he'll get the job done that's the spirit come on man slow down I'm like a hundred we got to work together why would I need it impotent old Wrigley douchebag that's no good for anything covered and get it and fellow evil genius I have hideouts all over the place that's tempting but come on Wiley I bet you and love that megaman wily together rivals now we're having good times boosting off my powers no she'll catch me for sure do you know what happens in the showers of that hellhole I'd rather you didn't tell me make you use bar soap that crap dries up my skin like crazy well it doesn't sound so bad if I'm going to get raped on a daily basis at least give me some moisturizer you know religions would be an exercise in futility joy in valleys world now Megan and the sir where are we this is a sewer I like to think of them as getaway tubes so you're saying that when I went through 64 Master robots to get you you were hanging out in this way I'm sick of your stink old man tell me what you do with raw cool blonko okay okay sorry to break this to you man but she's she's dead I said I kidnapped her just to [ __ ] with you no yeah you should've seen your face what happened to her my guys found her outside one of my badass skull castles do you think she was trying to help and just got in over her head poor roll I need to find the guy who set me up if you want to get around without alerting the five-o you'll need my help I'd also like to meet my liberator fine but let's hurry smells like mac and cheese and cat [ __ ] in here give me that back hey guts man hey man how's the mission going buddy you son of a [ __ ] you set me up what I would never do that Carl then why is the entire police force after me I don't know any more than you do hello guts man Wylie hey meanne the other master robots we've tried to break yeah you don't have to lie and stay outta my getaway tubes why should I trust you you kidding me we're bug buddies I'll take you to the boss myself Rick when can we leave looks like Supercop is after us [ __ ] out here follow me I know these tunnels like the underside of [Music] ah what is the best of wait thought you knew where we were going not right there the both of you you mean the three of us damn it it wasn't me it was the Fernanda man hey over here look look where I'm pointing hey I'm innocent I don't care you were coming with see I've always wanted to use that thing that was close not cool man I can't be seen with a couple of fugitives I never thought I'd say this but while he's got us covered let's go home ah home sweet home huh this castle is less badass than I remember you just came from the sewers ah home sweet huh what's all this [ __ ] gonna be a record club Columbia record Club Columbia hey this one has a peel on it holy Sh I didn't see these for a penny my ass hey we've really gotta get going all right I've been locked up for 15 years man just let me check my electronic mail on Z AOL if it is gonna be all like you've got man you've got man you've got man you've got man mega man mega man you gotta see this what the hell is this I think it makes soup soup I go for soup most fire this baby up it's gonna take the one look at all this crap Time Machine Time Machine sex robot Time Machine this place is literally riddled with time machines it split a single P it didn't even cut halfway through please insert next P not one [ __ ] email hey are you guys making soup we don't have time for this we need to get going mmm my show was about to start we're gonna have some fun show you how it's done tgd ah we need to get going shut up it's starting and now back to nine and a half mom's followed by too many babies this is supposed to be on right now I've got some bad news for you my TGIF no tell me Oracle is doing okay sorry man huh it's okay at least I still have Sinbad [Music] [Music] stand back Oh guts you'll take care of this one [ __ ] should I knock her ring the doorbell what if he's sleeping you'll wake him up yeah and pounding on the door wouldn't I'm ringing the bell yes we're here to see the boss no the boss cool [Music] you're alive hang in there buddy you're gonna make it take my power Megaman it's the only way you're gonna win I'm losing the battle robot blood you mean oil yeah whatever listen friend I know you're gonna make it friend good friendship [Music] it's not even bold approved amateur it never pays to get stoned on the job yeah tell me about it remember plant man that's what was not good nice [Music] oh my god oh my god roll you're alive but how couch you how could I what finally exact my revenge on you dick you're a dick you dick what you must be delirious from the fight don't you remember how you used to treat me I'll leave right away doctor light another mission I'm programmed to do a lot more than clean and I've been training to mega watch this ha I'd love to take you but I just couldn't bear to see you get hurt Oh oh we're out of beer I'm sorry roll the the toilets o'clock to you and then you pushed my last button Mega Man wait we never talk anymore Oh even I think that was cold and you you left me to die in a sewer cage it took me 12 years to chew through the bars you said she was dead you should've seen your face I'll be honest I'm not totally sure I remember this broad she's a vacuum or something right she's not just a vacuum she can do all sorts of things like laundry vacuuming washing clothes cleaning the floor come on roll let's go home I've got 15 years of soil then he's waiting for you at my cabin what do you say kiddo I hate you so much right now come on kill but don't quit on me now finally got the two [ __ ] I've been waiting for that's why you hired me to pick up Wiley to get revenge on the both of us it wasn't too fond of that guts man either Wow you built this huh I'm impressed where do you keep the washing machine on this thing there's no washing machine whew that was close didn't look like it crush me she's getting away rush now what do you say mega will you cut your little sister some slack and let me go sorry roll a bill for justice but with a good attorney and a few calls from yours truly I know the system will go more than easy on you [Music] [Music] I'm glad everything's finally back to normal not really I still want the fugitives right and your best friend is dead and that I feel like I'm forgetting something this time we'll go peacefully just lower the gun [Music] hey this is like the lowbrow thanks so much for watching our video if you feel like liking or subscribing I'd say go for it why not right and you can check us out on Facebook Twitter and Instagram for some funny drawings and behind-the-scenes stuff don't forget to clean your room and we're out of bread [Music]
Channel: Lowbrow Studios
Views: 523,177
Rating: 4.8933558 out of 5
Keywords: mega man, evolution of mega man, mega man 11, Mega Man dies, dies at the end, sonic, nintendo, sonic for hire, Low brow, Low Brow Studios, nintendo switch, mega man x, season 1, animation, cartoon, funny, spoof, comedy, pixel animation, pixel, mega man x ost, mega man 2 theme
Id: 2XPggxladR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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