Player Haters - The Complete Series

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[Music] realm of battle prepare for battle huzzah you'll have just arisen to the ranks of batter red oval or death dinner time it's neat oh hello is he gone yet I think so yeah thank God my arm was killing me all right guys Elex left you can come out now what's up losers oh you guys bring that shiny rock thing you mean the magic crystal yeah I got it but we haven't had a chance to test it out yet for all we know this thing could turn us on Olli freaks like chunder here Oh crows so what is this so-called shiny rock do anyway legend has it that the programmers of our stupid game hid the crystal deep within the game's code so where'd you find it near my couch hey you didn't happen to see my sunglasses in there did you know damn well supposedly this crystal lets you leave the game and travel all over the Internet can you imagine the power that come on Thunder I just cleaned up the place don't look at me blame my horse have I have no control over what happens back there yeah that's fascinating all right hurry up and use that shiny rock before Alex comes back and starts ripping hot and meatloaf farts all night okay here goes nothing name whoa this is the Internet I was really hoping to be a lot more porno around here I was just about to say that let's cool if I pee in the Internet right well please don't I am just video game character I've been waiting a long time for you and I thought you were Italian no it's not real it's simple character I play for instance see what I mean it's it's acting my real name is Yuri blue sleeveless what was that last part phosphorus anyway you must embark on quest what are you talking about we're crystals it can free all of us from monotony of living inside video game eh you really shouldn't be peeing in here yeah whatever you say moustache anyway each one of these window leads to different video game you need to enter each game in free its characters it will be very dangerous but Yuri will be here to help his new friends along their dangerous journey ok guys let's go save our video game pouch the hell did that happen though this quest is off to a good start we'll clean it up later come on let's get going [Music] it doesn't seem so bad [Music] step aside pansies take care okay I suggest we run for our lives this donkey is clearly indestructible you know totally he's not a donkey he's a gorilla I heard it was supposed to be monkey Kong but when it got transferred I heard that's all just a myth and it's really - okay we'll talk about it later I know I know okay that guy is super pissed we should be safe up here but just to make sure whoops how's a bit much can we go home now no not until we get the princess out of the game you hear that princess we're here to save you princess you hear me I know I know princess you're listening hold on a second sir Shona whatever so save me already and get my bags while you're at it and don't even think about scuffing them you dumb shits why aren't you a charming one all right let me just get this crystal working and we can get the hell out of here look at the size of that diamond he's mine oh it's so nice it sure this isn't a diamond fake buy fake diamond I only touch real diamonds that's great no how are we supposed to get out of here well I know how to fix this and then I'll taste of the old electro you don't touch a princess okay I am a princess now why don't you make yourself useful and get another mojito mojito please you know that monkey doesn't seem so bad now I know what we can do I'll summon my spirit beast majus or he can swoop in defeat this monster and bring us back home Magister oh mighty spirit least come to me are so many who have been waiting all week for this oh come on matters all how long does it usually take for him to show up gonna be too long it's time to depends if it's traffic well we've got time that coked-up monkey can't get us all the way yes very much where does he keep getting those we don't have much time where the hell's Manchus or what I can't find this place anywhere excuse me sir sir yeah can you help me out for a second I'm trying to find Donkey Kong land I don't even know if I'm saying it right do you know where that is Donkey Kong land ah can you lose it on the map poor dick to the know where it is on them if I knew where it was on the map I wasn't on the mask to it what's the address I don't know there's no address it's just Donkey Kong land I don't it's not an address or you know what yeah I'll find it myself thanks for nothing all right you're welcome bye hello look I can't sit up here all day waiting for you retards to save me either think of something fast or I'm gonna start screaming and you don't want me to start screaming any suggestions before I kill myself I have an idea it's a little unorthodox but hear me out yeah that probably wasn't good finally thank God what I've been trying to shut that [ __ ] up for years but the game programmed me to kill anyone who got near now that she's dead I'm finally free and chunder you figured this all out and that's why you killed her uh yeah sure whatever so what are we supposed to do with Grape Ape down there sell him to the circus I think there's a job back home that'll be just perfect for him use the next load of cakes I think I liked it better back in the game [Music] I think I recognize this place yep we're in ultimate terror this game is freaky as [ __ ] you guys stay here and make sure nobody steals oh hey while you're at it why don't you go run out and pick up some cupcakes and tampons you know for a warlord made out of ghost worms you're a pretty big pansy whatever warlords have feelings too you know and the correct term is ghost snakes okay [Music] so why do we need cupcakes and tampons I was trying to say those are things that girls would like and Lord OU's was acting like a girl it back me up minx wait wait where's minx she found out she's getting a new powerup today so she wanted to stay close to home man I love power update you get a brand-new power girls start notice of you it's like puberty but instead of all hair you get a kick-ass battle axe all right yeah whatever it's like we gotta save these things let's go I don't want to save these slo-mo sexuals well beer forever besides I don't even think they can hear us hey zombie you in there do you want to be rescued hmm okay girls we're out here let's just burn down the mansion click the insurance money and call it a day what the hell Oh my body uh haha you smell Magister ha ha ha can we keep him Kenny okay we know having a mutant zombie dog is a lot of responsibility Oh fine whatever grab zombie lassie let's get the hell out of here I'm gonna call him Cerberus guardian to the gates of Hell or snow those may be snuggles yeah yeah what the hell is he doing now he's molting off his rotting flesh they're so cute at that age I think if I go snakes to stir up I can't wait to get my new power it's gonna be so awesome they'll probably give me my own video game action figure horrible tasting soda bow nine you know I don't think I've ever seen you use any of your powers I mean Lord is has his electoral blasts I've got my ultimate man strengths and genders half horse but I don't know what yours is my powers suck they only give girls stuff like deadly kisses or rocket boobs hmm just once I'd like to feel normal and shoot love out of my fist oh come on it can't be that bad no it's really stupid I don't let you so your special power is turning into inanimate objects pretty much yeah you aren't kidding that was awful what's up with all those lamps okay this is it wish me luck break a leg so how'd it go what's the new power oh you want to see my new power huh well get ready for this wardrobe upgrade sorry makes tough break oh no but that's not all check this out custom head design that's not gonna help this go through the visual air that was keep going Tom Selleck next Lincoln pass stop there it is freaking awesome let's go to the tavern I need a drink so would you end up doing with that Doug thing Oh snuggles he's fine I left him at the tavern with majus or little guy has probably taken a Napper chasing butterflies or something stance is a killing machine the hell happened here do something else okay just give me one second week uh I hate my life I think snuggles is choking on mixes lamb burger [Music] well minks it looks like your powers weren't so useless after all yes they were I agree totally useless oh yeah I guess you're right they're still useless what the hell's going on here oh by the looks of it that floating model face runs around hiding drugs while being chased around by those ghosts seems simple enough hey yellow guy get over here whoa whoa who the hell are you guys are you guys here to take my pellets you can't take my pellets these are my pellets I know my pellet right and you're gonna give me the pail important to think these pellets stop saying pellets look we're here to get you out of the game no no no I don't want to leave you can't make me leave I love it here pellets okay let's go follow me I know the way out of here whoo we're totally safe now [Music] [Music] Oh God help you if you flush my goddamn pellets he's peeing all over himself that's disgusting what are you talking about chunder you're constantly pissing look you're pissing on a magic elf right now yeah but I'm not rolling around in it it's totally different dude don't move I'm not done yet so what's the big deal with these things anyway No wow these things are amazing I suddenly feel so significant I think I just electro blasted in my pants give me more we gotta get ready this guy I know and pac-man - all right Chum - keep an eye on these two retards minx and I are gonna go see if we can exchange the yellow Menace here for one of those ghosts preferably a lady ghost some of these taste like pee no we don't want that [ __ ] back here after all these years we're finally able to grow our crops and base crops what are you guys growing wheat or something cuz uh I'll take a dime bag no we sell fruit and pretzels every morning we fill this place up with our fertilizer and it grows our cherries and bananas and pretzels which we then sell at the local markets to help build schools and hospitals what that yellow I so used to constantly fly around here and eat up all of our fertilizer like crack rocks so all these pellets are ghost [ __ ] Hardee's is not gonna like that look we just want to get rid of the guy he's trash in our world what else can we do well there's one other person you can try oh no you keep that son of a [ __ ] away from me friggin deadbeat hasn't had a job since the 80s and never paid a dime in child support you tell him I hope he drops dead but I hope he's that extra lives - OH unbelievable I know did you see that one kid that was like half pac-man half ghost scandalous let's go so how was adventures in babysitting oh just fantastic pac-man ran out of pellets got depressed and tried to kill himself it's not gonna work beach ball you don't have a neck yeah I figured that out well our mission was a total failure nobody wants this jerk back so our only hope is to put this [ __ ] through rehab and try to get him back together with mrs. pac-man rehab that's a long arduous process you sure you're ready for that no I'm not but I figure we can keep him in this bowling ball bag for a couple weeks until he's cured hit me what about who's here you've been chasing that pellet dragons pretty hard I'll handle this who's you've been eating ghost [ __ ] and I'm cured get here you wants to go to Taco Bell you're gonna take the garbage out any time soon in a minute or at a montanus it takes two seconds just take out the garbage you said it a minute let me watch the end of this goddamn show I'll do it myself no-good lazy yellow [ __ ] throw yourself out while you're at it I hate my life yeah so one time alex is using me in the game right and he suddenly hits pause and starts watching internet porn for like six hours ridiculous by the way the kids got a real thing for girls and horses gross me likey one time I saw Brett Favre - a horse with a football uh can we help you hey I recognize you you're John Madden from how those football games what are you doing here I don't know Pat Summerall one minute I'm taking a dump and the announcers both and boom I'm talking to you freaks so do you want us to take you back to your game or what the key to winning football games is to score more points and your opponent bright so man Thor back to the horse porn we need details graphic details [Music] so why do I have to babysit this old guy look alex is about to start the game and I got to make sure I'm there so just look after I browse here until we can figure out what to do with them and I'm really not comfortable with this you're the best yeah so you uh you know it's not a drinker is this ace what ace hardware this is the place yeah yes you're in a hardware store this is a riding mower I'm a pile of rakes oh I want to make you into a turducken yeah what what's a turducken well tell you what Al Michaels you'd make a fine turducken it's a chicken inside of a duck inside of a turkey you're gonna be delicious I am gonna kill man Thor looks like we defeated the pathetic Lord Jews once again I wish just once that he would die with honor instead of covering himself with his own feces look this is ridiculous hey folks this place is like the frozen tundra did I ever tell you about the time that Brett Favre made love to a dead horse with a football what the hell's this get him out of here he's gonna ruin the game oh no it's evil mad den man yeah if someone only had an electro blast we could defeat him I said if someone had an electoral blast we can defeat him hey man I'm sick of this game where's the telestrator user electro blast fine take this electro past [ __ ] my hat game op whoo that was close game over now you can stop playing goodbye let's go let's go let's go what the hell happened imagine he looks slightly worse than he usually does well magic so we're supposed to keep an eye on him but he just showed up in the middle of Alex's game way to drop the ball majus or hey whatever that crazy old bastard wanted to fill me with birds cook me and serve me at a romantic dinner with some guy named Troy Aikman well that's the least of our problems check this out I did a little investigating and it turns out someone decided to put our little magic crystal in the microwave looks like it opened up a big portal for Madden and all these videogame characters to come here who's an idiot that did that I wanted to see if we would spark like tinfoil so what so what so if Alex sees all these characters roaming around while he's playing he's gonna think the game is busted and throw us all away oh that's no good looks like you need some tough actin tinactin we are all screwed previously on player haters you're Jen Madden from how those football games what are you doing here turns out someone decided to put our little magic crystal in the microwave looks like it opened up a big portal for Madden and all these videogame characters to come here looks like you need some tough actin tinactin no the super mega warp speed conclusion that doesn't make sense I don't want to say that one [Music] [Music] all right we gotta stop these things from coming in whose hurry up and take that goddamn crystal out of the microwave hey yeah yeah I want to see if their tomb raider chick shows up Oh fine babies I don't see what the big deal here happy now holy crap what the hell happened to you wait what what are you talking about oh just perfect Hey Oh are you kidding me now she shows up kind of a [ __ ] wait this means the characters are still coming what the hell we gonna do it's killing time I'm Way ahead yeah what's going on what kind of sound effect is this race it's still kind of works okay I think that's all of them would you stop punching me in the face yeah good work mattress or that was us great I guess everything's back to normal then yeah absolutely everything is back to normal oh right yeah we'll just throw a sheet on your something else won't know now what maybe we get to kill some more people oh it's just the Internet no well I might as well take a leak while I'm here no car still here huh you electro blast at her face off right hey I usually save that for the third day hey get it nope hey I get it this guy doesn't get it why did we get sent back here congratulation for you have completed first stage of quest Mario I mean Yuri no I am his brother Luigi my real name is vlad yuri is dead you murder him remember yeah that was my bad on that one it would be nice if you could return his body so my family could give him proper burial yeah that's not important right now tell us more about the quest I miss him more and more each day hey pizza pie focus start talking about the quest you really shouldn't be doing that but whatever anyway now it is time to move on to next stage your missions will become much more challenging but don't worry I will be giving you all amazing new powers so everybody get ready now ready okay Vlad we're ready whenever you are now son of a [ __ ] [Music] I'll find the ones that did this to you and destroy them once and for hey this is Mike from lowbrow thanks for watching our video be sure to hit the like and subscribe button and we'll keep making funny videos for you I put funny in quotes because it's not funny that was also in quotes
Channel: Lowbrow Studios
Views: 105,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Player Haters, player, haters, animation, roleplaying, nintendo, video games, video, games, lowbrow, lowbrow studios, zelda, funny, comedy, spoof, sketch, cartoon
Id: fVUTZi6gjMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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