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[Applause] let's start it up just a human any better cards and very big no what the heck dude I I agree with you son I agree wholeheartedly I'm about to john-boy [ __ ] all right I'm about to go John wick come in here [Applause] [Music] yikes [Music] yeah are you actually kidding me I was so close [ __ ] yeah I got a lucky spawn who's the kid yeah ball here you guys ready let's not do done game but let's do it okay so you grab the you grab the bomb right they'll see you have the bomb in your hand so do you see that you see the number on the top left of the bomb in the top left corner son son could you click on me could you click on me and make me the leader of the lobby so that I can make this destroy hey I'm swagger swagger soles damnit [ __ ] there we go party bus party boys hi I got it down I just want to come into the u.s. I need this hi oh my I don't have a knife you might as well give it to you how old you get six oh wow he's pretty good at it for saying I can't wait to have a kid and give them real guns and then shoot real people in Afghanistan you teaching them gun safety and everything right yeah there's always pointed towards your head and if you're not sure if it's loaded pull the trigger okay I'm thinking going okay not doctors but I guess we're going to do all right shotgun all right who's got bomb bot bot mark yeah come on over here yeah what the [ __ ] oh that was some suicide bomber oh one down Oh two down come on kill me quality here hold up hold on but you have like battle buddies we have a buddy system all right okay shush for I can do tactics all right I've done tactics my entire life I know when to be quiet and when to be loud all right don't don't even worry they won't even hear us coming we're silent we're stealthy we're sleek we're ninjas essentially essentially ninjas okay no in there no we're not got him do people's duel bagels oh don't mind if I do man you sound like you have like some kind of radio voice and this week gotten this week on killing the commies we got to desert eagles in only one method of which to use them which is your shooting commies [ __ ] forward trying to sneak what are you [ __ ] you opening your back Jesus Christ guy all right I just like to point out that we would have one man had I not been stabbed back yes please yes yes chained get shanked by my own teammate oh [ __ ] I'm sorry I didn't know started I'm sorry oh good job miss your second shade you're wrong if you put the [ __ ] knife down dude put down the knife I just what's down the knife thank you alright let's just [ __ ] go pretty funky tickle for in this game of Pavlov er we have the top frame orchid ten kills for death and OH 24 points in general this man is really at his peak performance here just slightly overshadowing swagger souls the sexiest hunk of man in the entire goddamn [ __ ] off being quite honest with you three kills doesn't make a goddamn difference when they have an eight inch penis thank you appreciate it gonna pull out his pistol and shoot himself in the head no you're [ __ ] Navy SEAL on his day off i'ma show you how to go all right show me how it's done well not at all how you got it give me a cue suppose it can the ground take that out ak's gang-du did too much recoil you've done good hey don't say that about my mom I'm a Navy SEAL [Applause] [Music] I'll get kingdoms there [Music] [Music]
Channel: SwaggerSouls
Views: 5,313,453
Rating: 4.9626775 out of 5
Keywords: Funny, fun, game, gaming, gameplay, comedy, hilarious, moments, swagger, SwaggerSouls, souls, Pavlov, Pavlov VR, CS:GO, CSGO, CS:GO VR, CSGO VR, CS VR, HTC, HTC VIVE, VIVE, virtual reality, VR
Id: husHXBsRelo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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