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oh hey didn't see you there I was just getting some of my daily epic gaming moments out of the way in fact I think 2019 is going to be an epic gaming year because today's video sponsor master op hit me up with a fresh gaming headset the Sennheiser PC 37 X is just [ __ ] gangsta homies these headphones fit me like a magnum XL condom fits me snugly and comfortably there's no heat making my ears drip with sweat because of the open back design but it still allows me to hear everything from footsteps to my teammates sniffing in their microphone like it's ASMR which gives me an edge in competitive games Sennheiser's been making high-quality audio products for as long as your Grandpa's been getting puts the microphone equipped to the headset is above and beyond any dollar true your best buy microphone if you're an absolute loser with a cheap microphone which sounds like you're standing on top of a NASA centrifuge when you speak look into getting an upgrade with this amazing headset here's the test yeat yeet only cheese inmate on keto that's the only [ __ ] that I can eat you won't be the only one to get an upgrade because over 10,000 people have already caught this sick product and many more have attested to its absolute gangsterism so check out that link in the description for a one-way ticket to becoming a true blue epic gamer was that epic I'm not sure that's gangster yeah anything okay gangsters cooler right yeah your black [ __ ] you are blank my kids on her face is one of the worst things rappers have started a new nickname baby face you grind on my dick like I'm pepper she hide in the forest like sasquatch Emily Dickinson half bro holy [ __ ] totally different line I got a Louie belt and her poopy spelt that as with the blue e bell that's when I knew that a poopy smell which needs to go on a diet cuz that ass ain't quiet quiet [ __ ] goes off like a Glock that's when she shat on my [ __ ] what's the difference between yogurt and go-gurt once the [ __ ] lies I mean four kids not [ __ ] kids but perfect [ __ ] hit for kids I remember one kid my grade school class used to take those gogurts the tubes and then just [ __ ] punch them they would just so they would just fly out one side it's the kind of young talent we needed Isis when you ride with your homies in the do-rag just ain't tight enough just gangster things when you're home he gets shot early in the street just gangster when we need to do a drive-by on the op but you kill a seven-year-old girl instead just when you have abandonment issues just gangster things too far when you're on a horse like my [ __ ] fits in her [ __ ] alright we need to play smart here we're gonna lose a round okay when you say I can't hear whose oh my god this is an epic prank call do you want to fix your [ __ ] microphone so we can watch the carnage is lovin if you see my book of political jokes I don't know where I left it Oh greatest here nice I'm so bit binge appear over this next meme I love tumblr and then after they removed all the porn absolutely reason I went on the excite but what porn ain't talking about there chief okay alright I shouldn't really be talking about the dancer worries very hot [ __ ] with big tits at night helmets alright it's just a kink alright something about a [ __ ] and a helmet really gets me rock hard you know like yeah you're gonna [ __ ] you get a crusade for the Pope you little [ __ ] [ __ ] you know I watch Benchwarmers recently so much kick-ass recently I wish bust the ages I'm a backdoor [ __ ] seven men myself I'm an anal acrobats fourteen kind of guy thank repents it's real swag would you suck a dick for $10,000 where the [ __ ] is who's coming from yeah sure that's fine you say no homo before you start sucking the dick and then no home will have to get the 10k man assault G homey and then no homo when you spend over a tank has a porn so mi name is Fitz and I'm here to say that doing drugs is my beat went away [ __ ] so the way my friend I hide the graveyard man we get this win ok I'm sorry sir oh my god stop talking man shut up I'm sorry I try get women but [ __ ] man you [ __ ] me off bro [ __ ] god I love this game it's so much fun I love getting burned by mo teammates Molly's it's a [ __ ] on a special day that people shitty birthday it's your birthday overshadowed by national tragedy isn't that crazy look at it but yeah I mean it means that themed birthday parties are way easier but I see what you some great content going on in Sharla why were the people in the Twin Towers upset because it's my dad's birthday Jude does play tic-tac-toe prove it how bad I am ready yeah all right I'll be I'll be two dots ok ok I'll be K dot you know what Lexi you've you've done enough you have you have done enough you have done enough [Laughter] [Music] all right that everyone here is black we need a chicken to buy you're gonna need a lot of chicken for that party too and black so it's rather rude everyone here is got bad taste it's almost as though they're not from that race it's down to me Shawna it's like the French Sheldon logo what's your favorite amber chick I personally prefer some good old solve in vinegar oh you know it's funny about that I didn't even like mean to say the n-word I just was like finishing your sentence you actually got me you actually [ __ ] taught me yeah hi I'm Vince I say rocky stuff on video not racist that's comedy whoa but he did say the n-word before I said he won and spices time to show us how he really shines he's got a deep and he's got to - he's there [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: SwaggerSouls
Views: 5,043,561
Rating: 4.9599714 out of 5
Keywords: Funny, fun, game, gaming, gameplay, comedy, hilarious, moments, swag, yeet, swagger, SwaggerSouls, souls, CS, CS:GO, CSGO, Counter Strike, Fitz, TobyOnTheTele, Smii7y, Byze, BYZE, gangsta, epic, Misfits
Id: 8y1Os5Q8kY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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