Meet the WEIRDEST YouTuber (STOP HIM!)

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I love YouTube because There aren’t that many weird youtubers.. after making this video, I changed. Now I know that there are weird Youtubers basically everywhere.. let me explain what happened, and why I changed.. it was August 2nd. I was sitting in my room, and I just uploaded my “gross side of YouTube” video. I felt great because in that video, we watched all of the gross videos on YouTube.. right at that moment I saw a comment that was nothing like any of the other ones. “You missed a few gross videos.. but I’m not sure if you should watch this cuz you might just get sick.. Looking at that mysterious link, I thought of 2 things.. either this was a Troll or it was a scam link, but I realized I was being a baby, so i decided to click on it, because I was so curious.. I had no idea what I was going to see, but this was the last thing I expected.. After seeing that, I realized that there were SO MANY weird videos on YouTube, so I decided to FIND THEM.. This episode is going to be nuts.., we go on an adventure and find the weirdest youtubers ever.. on my channel, we try to clean up the bad and weird content on YouTube. if you want to help me make youtube a better place, click subscribe. if you don’t want to subscribe, that’s completely fine. just sit back and enjoy my videos! There was one thing that I didn’t even notice.. After I clicked on that link and watched that video, I realized that This video was made “Charli damelio is dying today” I realized at that moment that this is probably a grown man that’s in love with this 17 year old girl. I mean, almost EVERY video on his channel is about her.. isn’t that weird? I was on the edge of my seat about to throw up just looking at the titles and thumbnails until I realized.. I have to watch these videos and suffer to see how bad they really are.. I decided to click on a video that I thought was just so weird.. why DOES EVERY SINGLE BAD YOUTUBER PLAY THIS STUPID LITTLE TRUCK JUMPING GAME??? The title of this weird video says “Charli Damelio Kisses Addison Rae. MUST WATCH” but look at this Anthony and who??? I thought this video was about Charli damelio and Addison Rae?? Finally after 10 minutes, this is the part we were all waiting for.. Oboat says they are at a carnival playing games, and then they kiss.. this dude makes vvideos that make kids want to watch it, and then he just throws random clips into it?? After watching that video, I wanted to find out who this OBOAT dude was, but there was no way to find out.. I felt sad because there was nothing I could do.. and decided to move on with my day.. I didn’t really want to make a video about oboat because I didn’t know what to say about him.. he’s just a RANDOM person who uploads weird videos, and NOBODY KNOWS who he is! I decided to just look over his channel one last time and MAYBE try to find something, and then I recognized 1 thing .. His channel description said, “OBoat does not own this channel, it is owned by his dad” I saw that on doals channel, and on Joel Fortnites channel! Could this be one of these peoples 2nd YOUTUBE CHANNEL? I hoped it was, because then I could talk about it in my video but, i was pretty sure it was just another YouTuber saying their dad owned the channel.. I still don’t know why people do that. I also saw a mysterious email in the channel description that said “” but didn’t notice anything weird about it.. I decided to go on with my life, and forget about oboat forever.. I had the video about him, but I threw it away because I failed.. It was August 4th, I was out playing football with my friends, and once that was done, I had to go home to start working on a new VIDEO.. remember, I threw away the video about oboat, so I was making a new video. At this point though, it was 2 days since I watched his videos, and I completely forgot about oboat. I loaded up YouTube to check on some comments, and see what you guys wanted me to do, and what do you know.. Oboats video was right there smack dab in the middle of my recommended… The video said “my girlfriend forgot to end her stream” with a thumbnail of… I’m not even gonna say it.. I failed when I was making a video on him, and now youtube was shoving his channel into my face trying to make me upset!!! Wait… hold up… this isn’t oboats channel… this is its Owen.. making the same type of content as oboat.. I clicked on its Owens channel and looked around at all the weird content.. EW.. these videos are just like oboats. While I was looking, I got to the channel description.. and my jaw dropped.. “It’s Owen does not own this channel, it is owned by his dad” “” the SAME EMAIL as OBOATS channel…. I needed to watch one of its Owens videos just to make sure I wasn’t going crazy.. their channel description was exactly the same.. AND they had the same email.. Could they be the same person?? I only watched 3 seconds of that video and I could tell that this was oboat.. I couldn’t believe that oboat and it’s owen are the same person. Remember, I was going to make a video on oboat but I decided to throw it all away when I didn’t really have anything to say about him. after I figured out he was ITS OWEN, I was determined to make a video on him.. but there was 1 thing I HAD TO DO.. I needed to figure out if he had ANY other channels.. he has 2 channels with millions of braindead kid subscribers, so he could easily have more.. And that was when I started to dive deep.. I was searching ALL over YouTube. Like, I mean it, ALL OVER YOUTUBE.. And I’ll be honest.. I didn’t find another channel by him.. I found ALOT of channels by other people. And it seems like EVERYBODY is doing this.. Here’s what happened when I was searching.. I was looking for another one of his channels and then I saw Best Trends… At that moment I figured out that BEST TRENDS AND WYATT ARE THE SAME PERSON… After I looked at over 100 horrible channels.. I just needed a break. I got off my computer and plopped onto my bed… I needed some rest after looking at that stuff.. OH MY GOSH that notification SCARED the crap out of me It was a comment on one of my videos and it wasn’t anything weird.. they just commented, “Clewfix is my favorite YouTuber” it was probably just a kid who likes fake Fortnite videos.. If you don’t know, clewfix is a YouTuber that I exposed a couple months ago in a video And he posted the WEIRDEST Fortnite content ever.. Like IM SERIOUS… I decided to go check on him and see what he was doing with his channel now because why not? I didn’t think anything weird was going to happen by just checking his channel, but I was wrong.. his content wasn’t that bad actually. most of the time he was just making videos about Fortnite accounts and skins.. I clicked on one and watched it for about 10 seconds until I noticed something in the corner of my screen that RIPPED my eye right to it. There was a video recommended to me, and I looked at the thumbnail and just stared at it.. Not in a weird way of course you weirdo…. I was just surprised that something like this was on YouTube.. and then I read the title.. “my Fortnite girlfriend wanted to sma… ” DUDE WHAT? I don’t know what it is with these Fortnite kids, they are different breeds I swear.. And that’s when I found the 2nd weirdest YouTuber for this video.. I took a deep breath, made sure my mom wasn’t in my room, and clicked on this weird video.. Agghhhhhhhhhhhhh I never knew YouTube videos would get this weird.. in all my years of cleaning up YouTube I’ve never seen this.. I know this sounds weird but, after I watched that.. I couldn’t just stop.. I felt like I needed to see the rest of this video.. don’t call me weird. I know you agree they landed at tilted towers, broke a wall, and called it a house.. I am embarrassed for this dude.. just watch this How can you sit in front of a TV, you got your headphones on, controller in your hand, and you’re like, hey baby it’s okay let’s go to your Fortnite house.. I hope your parents never find your channel bro OH no bro oh no.. Maybe that was a joke video.. let me look at emilies channel really fast to see if maybe they post good content.. OH MY ITS EVERYWHERE.. This Fortnite stuff that emiliee was posting was THE WORST Fortnite videos I’ve ever watched.. I thought about it, and I almost just crowned this channel the WEIRDEST CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE and ended the video because I thought there would be no way I ever found another YouTuber as bad as emilee.. I spent all day looking for the next weird video to show you and it got to the point where it was too much. I didn’t think I would ever find another weird YouTuber.. I looked for days and days and all I found were Oboat clones… Until august 13th.. 9 WHOLE Days passed since I watched those nasty Fortnite videos, and I was still looking for one more weird YouTuber, but I had no luck.. And You won’t believe me, but right at that moment I got an email from a random person that said, “I found the worst video ever” It had a link to a YouTube video, and Obviously I was going to click on it. I was searching for days and days to find one last weird YouTuber, and think I finally found him.. I was smiling, ready to laugh at this youtuber, and I clicked on the link.. that was rude :(( I really thought that that was the video I needed.. but nope, just another fartherless child.. This might sound like cap.. but a few minutes after I got trolled. I found a YouTuber that could be worse than emilies Fortnite videos.. this you tuber does the same type of “my Fortnite girlfriend wants to do stuff with me” type videos…. While using a Facecam.. yeah. I’m not kidding at all.. When I found imzarz channel, I thought it was just gonna be another copy of the last channel we looked at, but jeez… showing your face while talking to a little kid using a girl voice on Fortnite? This video says “gamer girl calls me DADDY after she got drunk” so this dude told a little kid to join his lobby, start talking like a girl, and to act drunk? He better be paying these kids a lot of money to do this. oh my gosh this little boy is calling him Daddy.. that is sus.. And now this kid who’s acting like a girl was like okay and then said another dudes name.. and this is how ImZarz reacted.. he was like are you cheating on me?? So does that mean they are DATING?? THIS DUDE IS DATING A LITTLE KID ACTING LIKE A GIRL ON FORTNITE??? So son.. you got any girls?! I mean…. yeah… I do OK!! I see you!!! What does she look like doe??? Here look at this Now I know a few people who design Fortnite thumbnails for people… for example.. this one! But I’ve never seen thumbnails like this.. I just want to know if he makes them by himself… or if he is PAYING people to make these BECAUSE WHO WOULD EVEN DO THAT? Once I was done watching that weird video, I turned off my computer, laid down on my bed, and knew I had to do one last thing.. I needed to decide who was the weirdest YouTuber that I found on my adventure.. Remember i was on my bed laying down, andI wanted to figure out who was the weirdest but I was tired, so fell asleep.. and in my dream, I was at a contest.. the WEIRDEST YOUTUBER CONTEST.. and guess who won? a three headed monster called OWBOEMILYZARZ… So.. I guess they’re ALL the weirdest youtubers… *BOOM* OMG hes dea- !!!!!!!!!
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 2,827,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meet the weirdest YouTuber ever, Weirdest YouTuber, Weird YouTuber, Weird, YouTube videos, Meet the YouTubers, Dj cook, Dj cook meet the YouTubers, Dj cook meet the weirdest YouTuber ever
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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