Meet the MOST HATED YouTuber EVER..

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yo what's up youtube isn't all sunshine and cat videos there's been tons of people on youtube that were bad like really bad in my meet the youtubers series i've covered about 100 of these different bad youtubers but who cares about my dumb series this video isn't about me this video is about the bad youtubers the most hated ones of all here's what's gonna happen all i have to do is answer one question who is the most hated youtuber of all time it seems easy but you're gonna realize it's a lot deeper than that there's four youtubers in this folder each of them are bad but one of them is a lot worse than the others we're gonna search all over the internet we're gonna read their comment sections and we're gonna actually talk to some of these youtubers to figure this question out it's about to get crazy get ready to find out who the most hated youtuber really is on my channel we try to clean up the bad content on youtube if you want to help me make youtube a better place click subscribe and if you don't want to subscribe that's completely fine just sit back and enjoy my videos i also have a second channel where i post every other day oh you don't want to subscribe to that channel okay that's fine let's go so i haven't seen any of the youtubers in the file just yet so it's going to be a surprise to both of us the first youtuber is daddyo5 that that seems familiar who is that oh i remember him i talked about this channel in my worst family on youtube video and this channel was bad if you don't know about him let me just explain it so he had five kids right and he treated his kids super nicely he was the best dad ever but two out of those five kids he wasn't nice to apparently he used to bully his son cody and cody's sister the videos that daddyo5 posted was always super weird like this one was when cody got expelled from school and his dad was being so mean to him what does eggnog taste like milk it tastes like shut the hell up oh would you look at that it was [ __ ] cody wait who did it who did it cody cody did it get back at the goddamn table hey shut up now you can get up because cody was rude this one they left cody alone in a mall so they all agreed that when cody went to the bathroom everybody would hide and make him scared i can't believe this family agreed to this i remember one time i was in walmart and i went to go grab some food and then bam i turned around and i couldn't find my parents and i was just so scared so imagine what this six-year-old felt it's even weirder because he doesn't do those prank videos with any of the other kids he just did it to cody and cody's sister he would record them in their faces while they cried and he'd scream at them for no reason on camera but how many people truly hate this guy to figure this out i was gonna go check his youtube comments to see if people were hating on him but i realized his channel got to do this a long time ago um what do i do now uh how about this i went to youtube to see how many videos have been made about the daddy 05 situation and like how many people were hating on him and it shocked me i saw almost 20 videos 20 different videos that had 500 000 views or more and like five or six of those videos had millions upon millions of views these people are famous for all the wrong reasons since we can't really look at the comments on daniel 5's channel let's look at the comments on these videos to see if people are expressing how much they hate daddy 05 i need to figure this out someone called them disgusting somebody else said he's a horrible father and he should be in jail it seems like people really hate daddy 05 but are they the most hated people ever to touch youtube the second youtuber in this file is that vegan oh no she can't be in this video i have a full video on her coming soon well since the second youtuber in the file wasn't supposed to be here i went to my youtube story and i asked you for someone that you hate so i could put them in this file there was like 2 000 comments but there was one name that i kept seeing over and over and over lisa gaming roblox who is this who is lisa i went to her channel and she had some crazy views like 3 million views on her video dang let's watch one of these videos and then we can try to find out why people hate her so much uh i've been watching these videos they're just a roblox character sitting on a couch with text coming out of the top of them why do people hate her i see a video that says deleting people's houses on bloxburg oh this might be why people hate her i watched this video and she asked people if she can help them with their house and then deletes the whole house wow that's actually kind of messed up everybody in the comments is saying she's messed up in the head and she's super rude but i don't really see how you can hate her by this video you might dislike her but if she just deleted people's houses on bloxburg you can't really hate her can you i didn't really understand why everybody hated this girl so i watched a few videos that explained why everybody hated her and i never would have expected this she seems all nice on the outside like a nice little roblox girl but she's crazy apparently this lisa gaming roblox weirdo girl has been caught saying racial words that shouldn't be said she called people bombers just because they said they were indian and it gets even worse this roblox girl and her friends were sharing bad pictures of young people um and they were sending that to a bunch of kids um what but the whole point of this video is not to talk about these bad youtubers and what they're doing i want to find out how many people hate these people so i can decide who the most hated youtuber is so i went to her comment section to see if it's even worse than those comments that people were talking about daddyo5 and on the last video she posted there's over a hundred and five 000 comments what you know what i want to do something fun and something new i want to sit here for hours and scroll until i find a comment that's actually supporting lisa gaming roblox it might take a while i don't know why i thought this would be fun i'm still scrolling but i just have to mention this i've seen like probably like 150 comments on her video that say thank god lisa hasn't posted in eight months let's keep it that way i don't think i'm ever gonna find a good comment about her and right when i thought about that i found one it says don't listen to the haters just love your videos keep making it is it her dad is it her mom is that her second account or is it a random guy who likes roblox girls uh i don't know why but i have a weird feeling about the next youtuber in this file i kind of like feel sick to my stomach let's let's just see what it is nicoto needs to eat more avocados are you serious i do not want to watch this nikocado dude ever again why do i have to watch his content so basically this guy is a youtuber who eats yep that's about it he just eats and eats and eats and eats i haven't seen his videos in a long time and i don't really want to see them again but what i remember from before is that he would just eat a bunch of food on camera complain about how fat he is and that's about it let's see if that's still the case oh my gosh i went to his channel and he's still posting these type of videos like is his whole life just eating food let's look at this video that he made four years ago okay look at how he looks look at his face taking all his details right now look at his most recent video he looks completely different but hey it's been three months since he posted his last video maybe he's changing maybe he's finally gonna quit these videos maybe he's gonna become healthy now oh he has eight other channels a second channel a third channel a more channel a shorts channel and a noodle king channel what he needs a weight loss channel pow i went to his second channel just to make sure and it's been four months since his last video on there so i was right he probably is actually quitting he's finally gonna become healthy oh he posted three days ago on his third channel and he looks way different and no he doesn't look better it's getting worse i had a diabetes attack a few hours ago hey maybe this video is him explaining that he's gonna quit eating so much because he had a diabetes attack i'm having a mental breakdown day okay eating the same thing as yesterday but nothing else is open at midnight and i don't feel like having fast food so i had a diabetes attack but i'm gonna record myself eating wings two pizzas and i might drink a sprite you're not gonna believe this this video says i had a heart attack huh i wonder why you had a heart attack basically i lost breathing capabilities which has definitely been happening these past couple months so he's talking about how he had a heart attack and almost died but he's eating a full meal like 2 000 calories from taco bell and if you think it can't get any worse just just watch this then my body is really feeling it oh did that dude really just do that on camera i think the reason that people hate him is because he's like crying for help in these videos saying i don't know what's going on but he doesn't seem to understand that he's the problem he's eating himself away i decided to look at his other channels just for fun and i saw that two days ago he posted i might have cancer bro what in that video he talks about all his symptoms and says he doesn't know what's going on bro just stop eating you will be fine but how many people truly hate him is he the most hated youtuber i went to the video where he was talking about how he might have cancer and somebody commented nobody gives a sh wow he does not care and then i read some comments that said he's lying about possibly having cancer and he's making a joke about cancer wow people are gonna hate this dude and i don't really understand his content just look at the thumbnails each video is just him stacking a bunch of that food in his mouth nicodeau needs some more avocados has so many people that hate him but is he more hated than the next youtuber the fourth youtuber in this file is jstation what i know he used to make those like 3am videos and people didn't like him for that but he's not as bad as these other people in the video right i guess let's just dive deeper into him let's just see why people hate him so much because i don't really understand it so i was looking online just trying to find something and i saw this it said jstation made a video where he was crying on camera kinda and he said that his girlfriend died just for views there was another video of him buying a girl off the dark web what excuse me okay maybe this dude just made a mistake maybe he's like a good guy and people just misunderstood him and he made like two bad videos this video says buying a slate a slave off the dark web what the this dark web website is called slavery palace and it says all slaves are ten thousand dollars each slave is guaranteed to follow every one of your orders whether you beat them or not and bro you're really gonna pay ten thousand dollars for one of these i did not know j station was that bad i have to talk to him about this now i've talked with jstation before on instagram so i went over to my instagram and i sent him a message i said do you think you're one of the most hated youtubers ever i wanted to see if he thought he was and a full day went by and i still didn't hear from him and then i got a message at 3 00 am i thought his channel was deleted why was he up at 3 am messaging me does he have a secret channel we don't know about he answered me and he said that he definitely is one of the most hated youtubers so i asked him what was the video that you made that really started to make people hate you and he said when he did a ouija board on xxxtentacion yeah i'm pretty sure that made a lot of people mad and then that's when i had to ask about this video i said what were the comments like on that video where you bought a person and he told me that people were so mad in the comments and then he told me that he's gotten so many death threats like people have told him that he needs to be dead and that made my video so much harder you know i thought the most hated youtuber was definitely daddy 05 but after hearing that people have told jstation to be dead this is hard to make a decision and then i thought of a plan i went online i searched up jstation and i searched up daddyo5 and i tried to find the most recent thing about those two people but i still couldn't decide who was the most hated youtuber and then i just sat down i thought about a little bit more and then it kind of became obvious to me who it really was j station made those fake videos right and people hated him for the fake videos daddy 05's videos were all real real life abuse two kids on camera with all those videos made on daddy 05 and the fact that him and his wife got convicted it just definitely shows that daddy 05 is definitely the most hated youtuber of all time on the screen right now you can watch a video that i made about the whole daddy 05 situation i went deeper in depth into all of it and i showed more clips and then on the left of the screen you can see my meet the youtubers playlist where you can continue to watch these awesome videos where we just expose people alright see
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 2,167,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dj cook, meet the youtubers, dj cook meet, dj cook meet the youtubers, meet the most hated youtuber, most hated youtuber, who is the most hated youtuber, most hated, hated youtubers
Id: Y5XXop_HPqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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