I Explored The GROSS Side of YouTube (it’s NASTY)

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When you think of YouTube you probably think of, gaming, music, dream, BLEH🤮 . STUFF LIKE THAT. I guarantee you don’t think of this… Or this… or this! in this video we’re going to say BYE to all the normal videos, and say HELLO to the gross videos. We are traveling to the gross side of youtube. Most of the time when you get onto youtube, you watch your normal videos, and then get off. What most people don’t know though, is that there are super gross videos if you investigate hard enough. and that’s exactly what i did. i actually found the gross side of youtube and me and you are going to explore the whole thing IN THIS episode.. Welcome, and thanks for entering the Gross side of youtube.. “You are now Entering the Gross side of youtube. if you have any Hand sanitizer, face masks, or soap with you. Please leave it in the elevator. We don’t allow that here. Welcome, to the gross side of youtube..” hey, i’m glad you made it! I know it’s super gross down here but this is going to be super fun. what did you expect when you clicked on the gross side of youtube video? A super clean place?? There's a ton of videos & youtubers hanging around here that we can watch together. there’s also a bunch of weird youtubers down here that We all know… yeah, so welcome to the gross side of youtube! I talked to the person at the front desk, and they told me they needed help with something. They wanted us to explore every single gross video and gross youtuber down here. And once we get done with that, we need to decide who was the grossest…once we do that, they are going to give all of the YouTubers down here a prize… i wonder what it’s going to be… I hope you’re ready for this.. Let’s start exploring the gross side of YouTube. on my channel, we try to clean up the bad and weird content on YouTube. if you want to help me make youtube a better place, click subscribe. if you don’t want to subscribe, that’s completely fine. just sit back and enjoy my videos! And if you want more videos from me, I have a second channel where it’s ALL ABOUT YOU! YOU TELL ME WHAT VIDEOS TO MAKE, SO GO SUBSCRIBE AND ILL SEE YOU THERE! So let’s start exploring.. so I think there are alot of youtubers in this room that we need to Clean up, and also their videos are here too. OH YEAH, and this is what the person at the front desk gave me.. they gave me a piece of paper that says “please please please help me get rid of these youtubers that are down here and help me clean this place up.. all you have to do is watch their videos that are scattered around the room and then decide who the grossest is.. and then they all will be given a prize. Once that’s done, you will see what happens. It will make everybody happy..” Okay, seems easy enough. i wonder what’s going to Happen.. Let’s choose this video… it seems like it’s in the grossest part of the room so why not get this one over with? But The person at the front desk told me to be careful with this video. I’m not sure why.. It’s so dirty that I have to scrub this video off to see what it is… it says.. “If you say I LOVE YOU you have to remove clothing challenge” WHAT THE F Right at that moment, I realized something that would change this whole video… I realized that that girl does not look that old.. why is SHE making videos like THIS? That was when I realized that there was something going on down here in the gross side of youtube that needed to be stopped.. So, I did what I thought was best, and decided to watch the video.. And it got Pretty bad… Wait.. so you’re telling me There’s MULTIPLE COUPLES DOING THIS CHALLENGE?? this is even worse than I thought. No wonder the person at the front desk told me to be careful with this video!! This is where it gets weird… How hard is it to not say I love you??? Literally all they have to do is not say that and they win the game.. The whole video, they are just saying I love you left and right.. this is so staged.. The whole video is just a bunch of screaming kids.. it’s straight cringe,, And can we talk about the thumbnail for a second?? This is gross.. But That isn’t even her worst video.. “MY BOYFRIEND WALKED IN ON ME” that last clip was the goofiest thing I’ve ever seen.. Where are this girls parents? Just imagine what she says to her relatives at the family reunions.. HI GRANDPA HEY SWEETIE YOU GOT A JOB YET YEAH GRANDPA I MAKE VIDEOS ONLINE OHH LIKE WHAT? HERE HAVE A LOOK! “DISTRACTING MY BOYFRIEND WHILE HE WORKS OUT” Welp, it looks like we are done with the video. And the person at the front desk wants us to come over there. “Hey, good job.. there’s only a few more videos for you guys to watch and then you will see what happens.. it’s gonna be awesome.. go watch that video in the corner next.. But don’t throw up.. I don’t need this place to stink more than it already does” Why did he tell us not to throw up?? It can’t be THAT BAD. It says “EATING ALIVE OC TO.. pus…” R U SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?? THIS IS ON YOUTUBE? SQUIDWARD ON THE RIGHT SAID “FLUFF this IM OUTTA HERE!” She then dips squidward's brother into this RED SAUCE.. and then this happens it doesn’t help that her MICROPHONE IS SO CRISPY AND LOUD.. I can hear every detail from the crunching of her teeth to the screaming of the octopus.. this video is GROSS.. At that moment I realized that that wasn’t all.. There were even more videos like this, but worse.. WHY ARE U SMILING AT ME LIKE THAT BRO? YOURE STUFFING YOUR FACE WITH A XXL CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE BURGER.. CHILLOUT!! Bro… You literally dropped 3 takis into your drink.. Oh- Never mind.. I guess hes the only person on earth that does that nasty stuff.. he literally turned that water into a spicy blue Gatorade .. Filled with a load of germs from his hands.. and then DRANK IT!! If he didn’t already have diabetes he definitely has it now! I just heard the dumbest thing ever.. Wow.. Watch this He literally said that as he’s eating 50 pounds of takis.. Dude was holding up his water filled with takis and his hand was literally shaking.. But your doctor said you’re healthy right?? My boy must be going to doc mcstuffins cuz there is no way.. You know how this guy was making some spicy blue gatorade out of his water? Well he made red Gatorade too… he was like MMM? There was no way that tasted good. The person at The front desk gave us the thumbs up… I think he’s surprised that we didn’t throw up😂😂 There’s only one more thing to look at.. after we watch these final videos, we have to decide what was the grossest of them all, and then something will happen.. I have no idea what.. but I really wanna know, so let’s watch these.. and by the way, The dude at the front desk told me that he thinks this is the grossest thing down here.. let’s see what it is.. Ahhh, my arm is hurting doing all this… thankfully we are almost done! This video says “abusing my Pregnant wife prank” I have no words, the guy at the front desk has no words, and you have no words either.. this is just plain bad.. I’m just ready to explore this last corner of the gross side of YouTube, and then see what happens when we are done! It better be cool.. Let’s watch this Super awesome funny prank!! WHY IS HE PLAYING THIS MUSIC?? I’m about to hit her, BUT HERES THIS LIT INTRO FOR YALL!! IM GONNA BEAT HER!!!! AYYYYY she brought out the frying pans WHAT IN THE WORLD!? That whole video was just all of them Goofing around. at certain points in the video, you can see people smiling.. Why would you be smiling if someone was being hit?? This is fake.. oh what’s this?? “Falling down the stairs prank on boyfriend *CUTE REACTION*” How could he have a cute reaction to that??? Wait, this next video is random.. The past couple videos we saw were pranks.. this one says. “What for noob scanner Minecraft” WHAT!!??? that makes no sense and why is there a Minecraft girl on the screen that looks like that?? what is wrong with people? The top comment on this video is a kid saying wow with heart eyes.. This is so gross.. Hold on, the dude at the front desk just told me to look at the channel… wow.. GIRL, GIRL, GIRL!! every single video on this channel is about a Minecraft girl!!! “NOOB IS SPYING ON CUTE AMONG US GIRL ON THE TOILET IN THE BATHROOM” BLEHHHHHHHHHH. Okay first off how is this among us girl even cute? Why is this dude spying on video game characters in the bathroom? And Is she freakin pregnant or are those her bo... you know what? Im gonna stop.. We have completed everything. we watched every single video in this room, and now we have to decide what was the GROSSEST Part.. The person at the front desk is waiting, and I really wonder what’s going to happen. so let’s get this over with.. Do you think piper rockells videos ARE the grossest? I mean, her thumbnails were NOT right and considering how old she is, she should NOT be making that content.. BUT IS THAT AS GROSS AS the FOOD videos we saw over there?? We saw people eat LIVE things, as well as stuff their face with 40 pounds of chips… but is that as bad as the horrible pranks that people do? HITTING MY WIFE PRANK? SERIOUSLY? Falling down the stairs prank?? Or is the final thing we looked at the worst? The gross Minecraft animations and thumbnails made specifically for kids?? I really don’t want to choose the wrong choice here.. I want to see what happens with the person at the front desk… He gave me this paper, and I have to write down the grossest thing we witnessed today.. I had a hard time watching a lot of these videos, most of them were cringe, most of them were gross, and most of them were just plain dumb.. But the videos that really made me grossed out and just confused, we’re the eating videos by Nikado needs to eat more Avacados.. Just the fact that he sat there dipping his takis into his drink and shoved them down his throat is enough for me to say that was the GROSSEST.. IM ready to submit my paper, and see what happens.. I hope I don’t ruin this video!!! Oh my.. what’s going on?? Piper rockelle?? Nikado avacado? The prince family? What is everyone doing here?? “nobody has ever been brave enough to watch every video on the gross side of YouTube, except for you..”
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 3,978,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gross side of youtube, the gross side of youtube, dj cook sides of youtube, sides of youtube, gross youtubers, dj cook, dj cook gross, gross youtube videos, weird youtube videos
Id: nOQiBq5wvkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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