Meet The Staff Of India's Most Luxurious Hotel | Hotel India E1 | Our Stories

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[Music] the biggest city in india [Music] endlessly rich in culture and in contradictions it's home to one of the oldest and grandest hotels in the world the taj mahal palace it's beyond just luxury you know this is this little mirage in the middle of this city it has over 500 rooms and 1500 staff i never feel that i am 61 i feel that i am 16 taj has built me very strongly it's famed for being meticulous where no detail is too small or demand too great anything that's possible why can't i get your pink elephant i'll try with an army of staff striving for flawless service this is india and we frankly don't say no to anything it's where the super rich of today come to live like the maharajas of india's past sometimes i close my eyes and i pretend that all of india is like this [Music] standing on the edge of the arabian sea the taj mahal palace hotel has been a landmark in mumbai for over a hundred years [Music] favored by rock stars and royalty billionaire businessmen and stars of hollywood and bollywood it was the first luxury hotel in india for the last five years executive housekeeper indrani has been keeping the hotel in a manner fit for kings deeply all the canopies they have to be more stuck towards the ceiling because a little wire showing on them huh and there's little that escapes their attention hi boys good morning it has to be nicely vacuumed okay put your hand inside once you're vacuumed please put your hand inside the entire corners and see that everything is clean okay these are the blankets these are the blankets which has already come after disinfection from the laundry but since it is all touched by human beings you can have a lint and i don't want anything over there so sometimes eyes can default so i'm checking with also with a torch if i missed out on anything okay this is clean show me the other one okay the kayak [Music] at nine thousand pounds a night the tata suite is the most exclusive in the hotel named after the hotel's founder the suite has 15 rooms including its own private spa and gym this is what i was talking about can you see that it is having little bubbles all right there should not be any bubbles it's seen dignitaries and celebrities from tom cruise to barack obama passed through its doors which one have you done it already huh it's not clean can you be very very careful while you're doing it with the next guest and his entourage arriving in a few days time indrani wants to check everything all right so i want complete a tight bunch of pink roses they're coming to india for the first time so ensure that we have a little indian touch to it it gives us a lot of excitement and we must have seen all the photographs of the people who have stayed here and though i see that every day but i don't hesitate every day when i look at it i feel immense proud oh my god i have been able to you know do something for this guest who have done so much for the world [Music] i'm looking at the finishing below the underbase [Music] why are you looking there the finishing and the cleanliness under the basin because this is an area which is neglected people generally feel lazy to sit down so we ensure that when we are checking the room we always sit down and look up because when the guest is lying in the bathtub he's actually at this height and he can see this you can't see the guest can see this like this so we have to ensure that everything is perfect [Music] see the indian philosophy dictates that anybody who comes to your house is not a guest but he's god [Music] so we treat every every every guest who comes and comes and stays with us okay as close to god as possible for many general managers running a hotel like the taj is the pinnacle of their career every city has its own monument which people very strongly relate to okay so this is the place in bombay which people relate to very very strongly gurov has been in charge for the last three years a blink of an eye in a hotel which everyone in mumbai has grown up with you know to a large section of society in bombay they've seen this hotel for the last 100 odd years so their parents have seen this their grandparents have seen this a lot of them have got married here their parents have gotten married they call it the people starch this is unlike any other hotel that i've run before when you come here you realize and feel the history of about 110 years the taj was the first hotel in india to have electricity and the first to have a licensed bar built in 1903 over 40 years before the end of the british raj it was a regular retreat for the indian maharajas and throughout its history has welcomed vips from all over the world [Music] every client who comes and stays with us is a vip okay to a large extent we wouldn't like to distinguish between the real vips and the vips but if you really want to have a culture of top-class service being given to every resident guest you need to treat every one of them as vip's before all major visits gaurav holds a meeting with the hotel's heads of department to scrutinize every detail the position that you had chosen for them to stand for oprah winfrey's visit as well as for president sarkozy was the correct position no point in time should we forget that anybody who comes and stays in this hotel is paying through his pocket and needs to be treated in that particular manner another thing i want is and i want everybody's opinion on that do you want somebody playing traditional indian music the whole idea is when they walk in they hear something which is very traditional indian and soft [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not just the guests who stay in the tata suite who are given five star treatment hello it's nice to be back duran hey mrs welcome back hello dr anil sinan has been visiting up to five times a year for over a decade [Music] i always do a lawyer from london he stays at the hotel whenever he visits the city my love affair with mumbai is purely because of bollywood and i try i buy every single cd which is released every dvd and i also go to nondescript stores in really far places that's my mission to buy um lp records i go out and i like mingling with what they call the masses ordinary people and they look at the charge and oh not envy and because i come i've traveled globally and from the caribbean i find that really strange because often people look at you if you come out of let's say the hilton in trinidad and they just say rich bastard and they want to beat you up and kidnap you but in mumbai they just see that as like wow well done you for being a guest because one of the maxims of indian life or maybe hinduism i don't know guess this god so i'm a guest someone calling when a guest is booked into the tata suite gaurav checks everything personally before they arrive i can't shake this habit off i have to come at the last minute and i have to see personally for myself i know whether it gives me a sense of a bit of control also allows me to sleep better i think i'm a natural critique by nature and the more i intervene in terms of doing repeated rounds the most seriously everybody else actually takes their job so you know it works that way this lamp is okay i want this to be individual as well as the mainland both of them are crooked so just get that address you can do that later on as far as the sitting room is concerned the entire room has been painted and polished much before in time will not find any fragrance or any kind of smell over there the room has been completely sanitized pest controlled and disinfected i don't want any painter polisher now coming into the street from now on i don't want the smell to change absolutely absolutely okay on that particular day i just want to feel the flowers smell and nothing else when is uh is butler coming so half an hour before his arrival on eight okay what i want you to do is after the first day okay i'm not talking about the eighth night when he comes in ninth try to get in touch with his butler okay your battle team is gonna be here yes sir please ensure there's a lady in that team that's last time spoken about two butlers and a lady in the team ask what is his preference as far as the single malt is concerned yes okay when he comes the first day he's going to be in the hotel at about nine o'clock i don't know whether he's going to ask for dinner so for us to be able to understand what his requirements are going to be is going to be an issue in the sense so i have made a booking for him in all my restaurants all of them i really don't want to take a chance so anything which is expressed during the course of the stay you know we really don't want to be in a position to say no this is india i mean we frankly don't say no to anything if it means that i have to ask somebody to stay back in the hotel because the services may be asked outside the working hours we will ensure that we deliver i mean otherwise how do you explain 1500 people [Music] [Music] many have migrated from the villages of their birth to work in mumbai they're all coming from a humble background there are many boys who are not so highly educated they have just done the schooling they have not seen or experienced what we are expecting them to deliver appreciation of luxury understanding the finer details is what they have been taught every day morning evening good morning each morning after prayers indrani's exacting standards start with the boys themselves okay boys first and foremost is he looking fresh ready to take on the world okay obviously he has to smell good in the sense he should smell fresh hello samoa hair is not cut the times when we are being strict with them there are times when they are nice with them they went and time we are like elder sister to their problems through their issues it's like a whole family working together towards a common goal sharad come here your trouser is very long can you wear it around your waist length pull it up pull it up and your shoes are also not polished so many of them with their own little issues we know each one of them how their family is what they are you know who the childrens are what issues they're having what family problems they're having sometimes we do try to sort this out so it's like a it's not just only professional relationship turn return i want cut down here shaved over here i don't want all this uh trickling now i'm all told haircut santosh haircut where is your nails cut okay all of you wearing black socks who is not [Music] for the fortunate few who get a job at the hotel it can change the course of their lives [Music] mr chaska has worked here for 42 years during that time 16 members of his family have also been employed by the hotel private bus service these days mr chaska is in charge of the minibars [Music] private part mad coming i really enjoying my job very much i never feel that i'm 61 i feel that i'm 16 because i'm still young i have maintained people asking me how you don't have stomach how you are not fat i said taj has built me very strongly and that is what the wonderful things people listen to me [Music] working taj is the happiness not only me but my family because this is the super deluxe five-star hotel which is number one in all over india and that is why it's a proud and the pride to me and my family also it's a it's a dream come in the truth enjoyable life we are living here private past service [Music] show the smile smile shows that comfortable smile shows that understanding smiles tales that really successful a smile says that caring and smile says that race i am very happy [Music] private bus service very good morning sir morning very nice to you through a newspaper yes please uh and do you require some replenishment to take coffee would you would it be possible for you to make me some coffee from the yes from this yes i do that sir thank you oh yeah allow me to allow me to make your coffee please thank you very much sir do you require a nescafe sir black coffee [Music] enjoy your coffee have a nice day please and stay sir i suppose i do like being called sir i don't know but yes i i think it's like being treated with um kindness and respect um i hope it doesn't go to my head or maybe that's why i keep coming back i've come from a very humble background both my parents um were largely illiterate and children of indented immigrants from india to the west indies i literally had to get myself to university get a job in london and i started literally with nothing so why not enjoy it now thank you i suppose that's why i appreciate it i suspect if i was born into it i would have probably taken it for granted my favorite bit of the hotel is sitting exactly around the pool side i like this sort of protected environment the oasis of calm where you can get away from the hustle and bustle of the urban jungle sometimes i close my eyes and i pretend that all of india is like this that this is the real india [Music] in the real mumbai the average person lives in less than five meters of space [Music] built on a peninsula the city has nowhere left to expand but the population has doubled in the last 25 years [Music] alongside its hundreds of millionaires more than half the population lives in slums [Music] many live and work on the streets outside the hotel [Music] la lita seresh and their family have lived by the hotel for most of their lives they make money selling strings of jasmine to passes by foreign [Music] foreign it [Music] i came when i was very young actually i came to india about my 20s and 2022 [Music] and of course i was a very leftist woman at that time and my first husband we were fiance at that time he was coming from a very rich family then i used to take him to hippie's palace hippies places and he said okay half half half a time we'll go to the hippies places and one or two nights at least we come to the taj and when i came here and i saw that i said no that is for rich people for bourgeois i'm not coming and we stayed there and i was very happy to stay there i found it gorgeous fabulous that was ages ago the best memory i have here is with the my second husband which was the greatest love of my life we used to to have a great time talking with the people being in a in a way like we were in a family there is something about this hotel which is really uh very particular you stay there and you you get back to the history of uh a big part of the history of of india and also a part of history of the world sometimes i live with the with the old people that they have been passed by the last shaft iran as well as john lennon and so many other people and i i feel them i feel the spirit there [Music] serving the world's elite requires the utmost discretion when john lennon and yoko ono stayed for five days no one not even a cleaner was allowed in their suite so you've said the sweet yesterday yes ma'am you had a round with mr pocreal yes [Music] let's open up [Music] before the next guest checks into the tata suite the head of each department wants to make sure everything in their area is faultless let's start with the living room maher is in charge of food and beverages okay you've got the pims take the band rolls off no band rolls on any of them please i'm not quite liking the shine of this and if you leave it here it's going to get more tarnished so just take this off polish it put it back martini extra dry yes okay gardens gordon's there man yeah no no no bacardi fine absolutely not please upgrade captain morgan spice gold i come back uh actually multiple times this is the uh probably the third one i'm already making there's a watermark on this glass yeah see here yes by afternoon you'll find you know that whatever i've already highlighted right now uh will get addressed and i will make another round around uh evening just to make sure it's all corrected no please fresh piece or get it cleaned checks upon checks upon checks endless checks till he actually checks in so that's how it is the tata suite comes with 13 staff [Music] rooms have been dedicated to all the guest's needs [Music] okay this is the vip room yes ma'am including one for ironing get a couple of laundry baskets placed here certainly ask mr mahel to make a round of this room fine because i don't think this is everything they need but ask him to still check okay fine come [Music] there are many a times that vips vip movements involve only their own butler coming into contact with the vip and our butlers only become further butlers to their butler so it can be a butler to a butler to a butler you could end up with four butlers in the room and also you could end up with three butlers that have very little to do because their butler is already taking care of most of the preferences but we go with that [Music] little bit to the left out away from you yes glass also both glass and bottle okay the philosophy of the hotel is the same as the philosophy of the country fourth one again little bit away from you guest is god in india and uh you know we live and breathe that philosophy you have no provision to actually lay an extra chair so what i want you to do is pull it here still here okay okay so that if i have to add an extra in emergency and keep an extra chair somewhere here sure okay the way the sweet is originally in running needs to be turned around very very quickly after the morning meeting okay i will not have time to come back again to have a look at this done okay all right thank you thank you for us everything we do is keeping in mind that guest is god when he walks in and whatever we do is centered around that idea please realize all these people have stayed in the best hotels in the world okay there are certain things they take for granted and there are certain things that they really like to be surprised with the ability of a hotel to surprise on those small finer aspects of luxury is what is going to set you apart from other luxury hotels you know i'm slightly restless by nature hence my management style is also dictated by that i'm a bit aggressive at work in the sense when i want to do something i want to do it then and there if you're extremely passionate about what you're doing it certain sense of that tends to get also rubbed down to people who work with you plus they also understand that there is always somebody who's keeping an eye and there is always somebody who's really concerned about how the hotel is faring and sometimes over a period of time people understand that the final solution in a hotel tends to lie with the general manager which is rather unfortunate because uh you know for every solution people actually look up to the general manager for the final solution okay so once you get engaged so heavily with something like this the sense of responsibility actually changes from just being responsible for your job you suddenly realize that you're also responsible for 1500 people for its most exclusive guests the hotel rolls out the red carpet [Music] so right now this part which is not laid will be just done 10 minutes before the arrival so that because a lot of people who are stepping onto it we don't want it to be spoiled so you put cordon stands but i personally love this look from him you know red and orange things and this will be maintained in the day he checks out how are you going to keep the people off of the crowd you saw me doing this now personally squatting and telling them this is not the way the other way is the official route but we have been doing this for not many times so we are well practiced [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] despite reserving a place in each of their eight restaurants the hotel still doesn't know what the guest is doing about dinner chef oberoy is the hotel's grand executive chef he spent 40 years cooking for presidents kings and celebrities [Music] is hoping tonight's guest will want an authentic indian dining experience we don't know what they will have it should be indian i think that's what we expect him to eat the first meal in the country and especially in this city that's where we got the mumbai tiffin ready and a person when he orders a tiffin he gets the flavors of mumbai for high profile guests the hotel often arranges for a musician to play the traditional indian instrument the jjal terrain a set of bowls tuned with water okay so this is how the magic begins why is this been chosen as the music oh you know it's very very typical of the city so we want to get the give the vip an absolute you know sit welcome to the city and give him a slight flavor of mumbai he's testing it now [Music] was a bit concerned about what the musician would be wearing i've got it he told me that he should be wearing an indian kurta the color should be matching the color of the sari which is being owned by the front office gres so i managed to get it [Music] [Music] [Music] as anticipated he was very interested in understanding what jaltarang was all about so just told him what it was all about and why it is so why is it done in india because you know it tends to send out positive vibes and energy and things like that so really no there's always another day another challenge sir [Laughter] with eight restaurants in the hotel on standby the tata suite guest decided to eat in his room [Music] as soon as a guest checks out indrani's team begins again preparing the tata suite for the next arrival good afternoon everybody we have gathered over here we'll start from 6 49 basically go with the vacuum cleaner and you can start doing the vacuuming and extra furniture which is there like mirror is there i'll be just telling you this is furniture just start removing them and start keeping them in the lift landing area so let's start here we have a guest who is paying almost as much as their salary may be per day so obviously there's a difference ah but that will be in any kind of hoteliering industry the difference will always stay about whom they are servicing and how they are people who have spent more years have become more they feel more attached to this place it's like it's like their home you know roomboy harshat has cleaned the bath in the tata suite for the last two years [Music] earns more than three times the average income in india um um foreign foreign [Music] for a select few a short stay in the hotel is not enough [Music] maria moores is one of three resident guests an american oil heiress with a property in rome she likes to escape the european winter [Music] you live here don't you yes i do yeah in the winter in the summer in greece i'm very lucky so how long are you here i'm here this time for six months i've done two it gets a little time drags here i don't have many friends do you mind me asking how old you are i'm in my 80s what does that mean exactly 83 exactly and before i used to lie about my age now it's a sort of triumph to make it this far when you look in the mirror these days what do you what do you think sometimes i think well that's not bad and other times i think oh my god especially when when the hair starts to grow out and you realize i'm not this smashing blonde after all i've known older people old people in fact that after 50 they just sort of slump into an easy chair and stay there you know and i've never been happy with that you want some more adventures well yes of course that's the whole point of staying alive no i need um i need this in her twenties maria married an italian opera singer they had three children but later divorced i was with a greek man for many years and then unfortunately he prematurely dropped dead but he saved himself nothing he'd done everything liquor drugs but he was great fun you had a good time i had a good time with him yes and uh how long ago was that oh let's see must be now eight years ago eight years ago yes eight or nine years ago so you were in your seventies yeah a love affair in your seventies of course why not if they don't mind and they didn't seem to and he did say you know maria i'd like to marry you if you weren't so old and how old was he he was much younger he died at 44 prematurely because he saved himself nothing you you you caught a man who was 30 years younger than actually he caught me picked me up in church it was easter and i love the greek easter so how long were you together we were together almost 11 years it was obviously an important relationship yeah it was it was and i was shattered when he died [Music] tasked with making the hotel a home for guests is the team of 35 butlers in weekly role playing sessions they're schooled in the correct ways to serve what we are doing today we are doing our in-room dining training we'll do a mock audit in the sense uh one of you or two of you will be coming with the trolley with this order and we'll be delivering it to the guest try to make him comfortable talking to him try to understand the guest requirements or his preferences and then ask questions accordingly so be confident and don't forget that you have to smile a lot everybody is very tense at this moment so don't be tense smile oh yeah please come come how are you prakash good good how was the meeting with you today today oh it was lovely thank you very much for asking all right so like to taste the wine perfect [Music] wow it's a lovely wine thank you so you can just leave it on the center on the on the table itself thank you [Music] [Music] in the two thousand pounds a night neptune suite melville the butler manager is welcoming back one of his most regular guests captain bassin i mean i've been here in this particular department uh past three years i've been always taking care of him the relationship is actually very very special because he actually calls me for every single request whatever he has he'll always pick up the phone and say tell melville to call me in my room or tell melville to come to my room i would like to give him something the captain has been coming to the hotel for 50 years i'm an oil trader and i travel practically all over the world the americas europe uk the far east the china korea singapore thailand australia india bangladesh sometimes south africa east africa i've been staying here for a very very long time and i enjoy it's like home for me it's like home i've got all the facilities that i look for in the street they make sure that you are as comfortable as you can be nothing no tarnished plate should be clean the butlers are preparing for one of his regular dinner parties which will be attended by a number of mumbai's millionaires it's basically 12 to 15 people at the max that usually comes and he's staying in one of a very beautiful suite that overlooks the ocean that has the space and the capacity to accommodate that many amount of guests he's lived in luxury for many years of his life he knows standards he knows everything if you're going to be putting a glass on a staple it has to go with a cocktail napkin and a coaster a stirrer stick if it's a mixed drink so on and so forth so there's everything that's important with regards to the details captain bassine looks into captain just mentioned to me in the lounge earlier that he's going to be having a special lend of his nuts which he gets from the gulf he's going to give it to us and we need to place it around the room uh so that it's going to be very convenient for people as in when they drink there will be uh you know they can just uh stretch out their hands and uh grab on some nuts these are important guests for him you just already also mentioned that to me so we have to flaw the guests we have to make captain bassem look really really good in front of his guests okay everything that the last final details should be nicely planned okay stir sticks coasters cocktail napkins lime juice sugar syrup salt everything none of his guest should be having to wait for more than two minutes for a drink i bring with me various kinds of nuts that we get in dubai it's a very special shop which does nuts in different flavors they are in hermetically sealed bags very fresh and they are open when the guests are here and they put in little serving bowls around here [Music] [Music] last week when i had this friends of mine one lady pointed out to the other lady who was here i didn't hear it that these nuts are not good and she called melville the butler and he was told that you know these nuts are bad you know you should taste them and try them before you served the guests because if it happens next time we're going to report to the hotel management he profusely apologized that i'm very sorry ma'am it will not never happen again we will make sure that next time the nuts are fresh nuts she didn't know that these were my nuts [Music] on that evening he saved he saved me i mean uh he could have said sorry ma'am these are not my nuts the sir has brought this and so it would have been a very embarrassing situation before they could say cheers we have placed [Music] anisha [Music] [Music] good morning good morning say good morning good morning this is dave very good night good morning sir good morning good morning [Music] has been striving to please guests at the hotel his entire working life [Music] i have about 200 odd people who've done more than 35 years of service active service i mean some of them have worked here for as long as as close to what my age is anybody who's worked in this hotel for 10 years plus actually is extremely thankful of the fact that he's got a job at the taj [Music] it's difficult for people who worked here for a very long time because they know no other way of living actually i think this hotel has been everything to them i mean they've got married here they've had their children their children have gone ahead and got a job and made a career for themselves in their lives and fathers have continued working in this hotel let's uh check the roommates [Music] from down just one more time and your shoes goes to be polished again i think there's uh yeah the polish is coming out so just polish the toes yes and the sides right yes always perfectly groomed thank you you should take the example of mr tasker and the grooming standards yes the shoes can be more shiny you can i'll do this thank you very much thank you very much in a few months mr chaska will be retiring 42 years after first seeing an advert for a job at the hotel there was ad in the newspaper i just sent application and i got a call later from the indian hotels company limited on dated 5th july 1972 and i had an interview you kept that for 40 years yes man around about 42 years of pass this later has been given by management you are appointed in the stewarding department i was so happy and entire my family my village was so happy that one of our students from the high school has got a top most highest the taj mahal hotel palace mumbai a job in that tajima hotel in mumbai and my entire relatives was so happy and this is the certificate of service of 35 years the long service award was given by our boss this certificate i got from them so 35 years of service now you've done 42 and you're about to retire you're looking after the guests yes yes and that that is a very big history for me because it's an alive it's a live experience each and every guest comes to mind comes in my dream who is mr dalal who is mr mehta who is with who is madame so all the guests are here they are good related to me like my family because i spend my more of the hours in taj mahal hotel than my family so i'm very closer to my company closer to my hotel that which i am related like blood relation you to miss the talk i will miss a lot [Music] yes the tears are here in my heart [Music] today across india hindus are celebrating the festival of diwali [Music] all of you welcome to my house happy diwali of course my family is welcoming you at the main gate of my building will you please come follow me thank you very much please careful yes mr chasker lives two hours away from the hotel with his wife son and daughter-in-law you're welcome welcome welcome to my house this is my wife who always who always cook the food very delicious okay i'm very happy with my family they never trouble me and they also knows at this age also i'm working hard at my place but i never show my tiredness to my family at all i always go smiling to the work i always come smiling with my family and that is why i keep increasing their happiness and they also do the same at the same time [Music] typically businessmen and you know even households and families would do a lakshmi puja to invite goddess lakshmi to their homes to bring in success prosperity wealth etc at the hotel we do this every year same room same time because it's something everyone feels very connected to and what i just did was actually bring our sales books across we do this every year we print a new set of books for diwali the priest will come in shortly and the puja will happen after that he will bless my books so it's so to speak that after invoking the goddess he brings her blessings and he bestows them on my books and that will bring me great sales so that's pretty much what it is all about [Music] [Music] 20 to 25 of my time actually spent on ensuring that certain traditions which are part of this hotel are carried on with the same amount of spirit that they were handled with in the past a lot of functions which we do for employees every year as a matter of tradition sometimes you don't even know why they are done you know there have been functions where i've tried to find out why do we do a certain thing in a certain manner and have not been able to get a clear answer but today i think it's more important to carry on doing these as long as they they provide a lot of benefit to the employees i think these are certain traditions that we need to keep intact as part of this hotel okay in order to differentiate this hotel from any other hotel in the country foreign [Music] it is changing and it's going to change more and more because people are not going to spend 40 years of their productive life working in hotels or for a single hotel so that's changing you will get to hear comments and remarks in the hotel but you know there used to be people who used to know me the expectation of clients in terms of them being recognized and them them being pampered the way it used to happen in the past is also going to change i think the kind of luxury which people in india expected of five-star hotels in the past is no longer going to be there in the future you're not going to come back and you're not going to see 50 employees who recognized you for the last 30 years to be around that's not going to happen [Music] you
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 794,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Stories, Documentary, Observational Documentary, Real Stories, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Full Documentary, Fly On The Wall, Yearbook, Real Life, Documentaries, Real Lives, Behind The Scenes, hotel india, taj mahal palace, taj mahal, taj mahal palace hotel, taj mahal hotel, luxury hotel, working in a hotel, most luxurious hotel, finest hotels, best hotels, grandest hotels, life in india, india hotels, mumbai hotels, hotel documentary
Id: 9UIvjhSk1GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 41sec (3461 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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