$1000 Taj Mahal Palace | The Best Luxury Hotel in India 🇮🇳

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good morning y'all we're in a nice little local area right now I walked through it   yesterday as I was on my way to my Cafe and I realized I want to come back here and try some breakfast here main thing is when I went to Delhi I went to Taj Mahal hotel   and everybody said oh man you got to do it in Mumbai so that's what we're doing today we're gonna head it to Mumbai not only that  but I booked it for a thousand dollars so it was crazy expensive I'm looking forward to it but first we gotta get some local breakfast this is one spot I saw yesterday I saw people lined up here so I think they have some good breakfast but it's almost like a nice little.. I think most people are from the southern part of India here just kind of noticed by the.. I don't know it just kind of seems like it's got that type of vibe to it yeah a lot of people right here lined up for some breakfast   namaste what is this Vada? *inaudible sorry? breakfast I see food let's see if we can order something oh Puri Puri okay we got the okay looks like he's got some rice here people are just lined up I just follow the locals   yes you see they can like fry up little.. I don't know if you call them like so I don't know if you would call that like a kachori or puri or what you would call it but I think he's got Pongal so yeah this is a southern Indian dish we're gonna have a little Southern Indian breakfast in Mumbai   look at it they put it they put all the the fried bread around it and they roll it up Namaste Oh, it looks like halwa down here I guess I'll just get the pongal oh he got a lot Yes sir? namaste pongal? 10 rupees 15 rupees 20 rupees okay Can I do 20? 20 for you From which country? America America yes What is this? what? Your.. your photo? I'm just doing uh yeah a video for breakfast Breakfast this is South Indian breakfast yes okay is this Pongal This is.. vegetable potato veg potato okay And is this puri or kachori puri puri puri it looked very good Good I saw many people coming here so I want to try it yeah yeah  yeah they're taking for breakfast morning right and you're frying what It's Sabudana vada can I do can I do 10 this and try that Ah yes yes okay for 20 total You want that also? Yeah, I want to try that You taste Okay yes, I taste so maybe 10 and then I'll get some of that wow that looks good Oh, looks hot One minute ah yeah yeah no problem one second no problem I'm no hurry so they're flattening bread everything here   look at big big big big bread too I think they're about to fry it up oh she gonna cut it out And she's frying it That's the puri so we gotta wait for more puri Photo, photo Photo? you know yesterday I walked past here I see so many people eating here yeah so today I said okay I'm eating breakfast here You taste, you know Tasty, tasty yeah very tasty yeah tasty That's why they come yeah how long you sell here how many years now 30 40 years man my pleasure   I'm looking forward to it Oh What a find great guy we're gonna try some new stuff I can't believe him he looks too young I've never had this one before yeah you want these also yes I want to try this just a little taste This is sweet here sweet yes okay perfect I'll do a little bit of everything And there.. This is pua Oh it's pua Try little? yeah I'll just try a little Puffed rice I'll just try everything    Almost finished Take more Okay okay okay okay no you give me so much no no that's more than 20 rupees yes You want to eat now? yes I'll eat here Sit anywhere okay I'll sit over here I'll get out of everybody's way   thank you sir wow nice guy thank you man wow what a breakfast Breakfast of champions here Take a seat.. yes I will sit here no problem no problem oh they put the newspaper down and everything too friendly man   so this is fun I didn't see anything like this when I was in Chennai so that's kind of the fun part about getting the other side of the country to get different type of breakfast look at that that vibrant yellow color looks delicious  oh so much good stuff here freshly fried up puri I'm just gonna get it here that potato mixture fold it a little bit try it out Keep the plate down oh it's okay thank y'all They give me a plate too nice that is delicious green chili mustard seed the puri not too heavy fried    just light airy crispy almost light like a little honey puri like that type that's delicious and then we get the sweet here I guess you can eat the sweet with the Puri as well oh wow that sweet one's perfect for breakfast it's not too sweet doesn't even start sweet but then you get a lot of cardamom and then you get like this not like a maybe more like a honey jaggery it's a jaggery sweetness coming through it The texture of that It's soft It's beautiful Kind of like.. halwa but it's not more more like a almost like a couscous texture   and here's a type of rice mixture so I'm actually going to use the potato right   you see all that green chili in that potato mixture one and that green chili curry leaf   is prominent mustard kind of used a potato to hold on to the rice here this is one of the best breakfasts I've had in Mumbai and then check out this one just break it   check out that inside what is this   I'm clueless for what this could be but it's fried you can see all the cilantro stems and leaves in here oh yeah oh yeah is this tapioca like tapioca balls there's peanut in there there's coriander   the ball's got like a little bit of chew bounced them but then you get that fried crunch that is a textural overload it's like chewy gummy   crunchy excuse me Yes sir? You want tea? okay I'll take tea I'll take tea okay I'll take tea with y'all man this is one of the best breakfast I had in India Uh for you You just tasting now okay we'll do tea we gotta eat some breakfast because we got some tea coming this is all delicious I don't think you could go wrong with anything I kind of like like in my own is this a pani puri well we can't we ain't got the honey we ain't got the water maybe this is a little bit different look at that just stuff it make it and go after it yeah I just use that potato  just look at all the spices coming out here green chilies have been fried in there   man turmeric mustard seed green chili beautiful beautiful breakfast it just feels nutritious healthy and delicious thank you bhai hot hot hot hot no problem I now have Indian hands homemade chai everything   just here on my legs enjoying breakfast just need my sweet for my morning breakfast chai man I'll get a chai here if I could too rich of ginger kind of fatty but man it is a ginger heavy chai this is where you want to eat local markets people and I mean this local life this is what you want to enjoy in India stuff like this man too good bhai that was literally one of the best breakfasts I've I've had in a while I don't even know how you're gonna find this spot no sign   next to the Laughing Cow Cheese right here  hole in the wall wouldn't have it any other way man one of the best breakfasts I've had it was so good wow I will come back every time Mumbai I'll come back here okay sir thank you all so much bye-bye God bless you uh huh bye bye wow so good uh and that's why I came down the market   for that right there that was so good oh the whole atmosphere was perfect like you get into the local neighborhoods and people are just too friendly  all that flavor that Puri the potato mixture   it all just hit the spot hello they wanted me to video him anyways um I wasn't going to show you the hotel I'm staying at now even though it's an Airbnb but since we're going to the Taj Mahal let's go ahead and head back if I see something we'll stop I'd probably get a coffee I'll show you my room and we'll keep it keep the day moving just keep keep it keep enjoying so this is the area I'm staying in nice little local area but we gotta walk back up in here   I will make a quick tour of my Airbnb seventy dollars a night I wasn't going to show you but I probably need to I need to show you all the ranges of stuff you can get in Mumbai so   you said just like a little local neighborhood we're back up in here nice little cool little Jeep   I'm right here to the left here I am   that's me up there so it's kind of kind of a funny little situation here isn't it head on up I think there's somebody lives well there's definitely people live down here I hear them at night time climb up the steps we go so welcome I guess you've seen this if you've seen the other video but can be nice little sitting area here wow   strong enough to hold me even after all the Indian food I've had oh no where's my key there we go so welcome now the hardest part I had about this place   was the lights so these oh oh my gosh  well actually turn on lights back there pretty dark in here now so let's get some lights going that is bathroom there's that one sorry my it's a mess I'm getting ready to pack and go to the next place so I'm sorry oh yeah these lights are those don't do anything crazy so this is it big space right   okay couch sitting area water they have more water here I mean tons of water then they got chilled water for you I mean they're really gonna make sure you're good on the water side of it Uh.. another little.. Sitting room so two little like couch sitting areas a nice little desk where you can sit   um coffee milk and sugar sorry tea milk and sugar if you want it I guess I didn't use any of this I didn't even look in here I don't know if I want to okay it's okay it's kind of like it's a pretty charming little place honestly I like the character and detail to it by far the best parts for the AC the AC was strong and the Wi-Fi was fast   I'll show you the Wi-Fi uh the downside was the pillows so they look fine   as long as you don't like open them up one of these is gross I think I put it   it's probably the one I was using a little a little dirty little brown those were the okay ones there's one of these was really bad yeah just ewww yeah I don't know   that's okay you got the covers on it um got all my stuff packed ready to go to the Taj but I just want to show you uh all kinds of stuff you want to cook in here do anything like that   and then a big place to shower the the top this was a little weak I couldn't use this too much so it is more of a bucket you got to throw the bucket and shower with the bucket but they give you all the beauty supplies you need let's check the wifi out real quick turn that AC on and we'll get on to the Taj I was not kidding crazy numbers   better in fancy hotels it may be Taj we will find out but we'll catch you in the taxi on the way okay perfect thanks boss okay I think we're safe grab my stuff here I think you got the Gate of India right here across oh look at that Blazer and shoes so here we go Taj? yes yes turn off video it's not allowed okay no problem perfect thank you okay I gotta find reception and check in ah it's this way is check in here or is checking okay perfect thank you hello how are you I'm fine checking in okay perfect   beautiful we're gonna get a nice traditional welcome as well That's tradition okay Namaste Good afternoon sir yes Welcome to Taj Mahal Palace I would like to welcome you Welcome to Taj Mahal okay May I.. yes yes of course Welcome to Taj Mahal thank you so much Have a nice stay with us thank you so much that was nice thank you Oh, so you have.. We have given you an upgrade to our larger.. okay Perfect Larger suite to room prime We upgrade it to Primrose suite okay I've given you okay so So, you have been upgraded to the which Suite Uh, it's the Primrose Prime Prime Prime suite okay it's a Primrose Oh, private? The suite name is Primrose prim- okay sorry sir please yes thank you sir thank you this way yes and your name is Aabhishek nice to meet you man  are you from Mumbai I'm based in Mumbai oh nice I do you have happened to have a channel yes that's me I stay with Taj in uh in Delhi   and so everybody tell me no no you've not been to Taj until you do it in Mumbai it's the best you know from the last two years we've been building the strongest brand in terms of tales and this is the flagship property 118 years old institution first five star hotel in the country right in first total of the Taj group okay it has a lot of you know emotional value also to it right well I'm excited man very excited save the best for last man it just goes on forever pool fitness center okay so pool fitness center also here This is the primrose primrose That's how you say it okay We have 10 Tata suites This is one of them okay perfect Gorgeous I need to take off my shoes oh wow Pretty amazing Thank you This is your key okay Anything you need I am Aabhishek okay I will be at the reception.. I will call you to the room to tell you what your card included okay perfect Enjoy your stay sir Hold on Don't go yet Don't go yet No, thank you man Dude, it’s going to be fun Take for you, brother Thank you have a good day oh my gosh I guess let me put some things down and then we'll get this started oh no way okay things are going down fast I'm excited   okay I guess we'll start with the bathroom here what is all marble   oh this is freaking gorgeous this is the most gorgeous Hotel I've ever been to oh marble I like the they keep the marble going but it's a different style different color different feel   oh my gosh everything's so nice butter soap aloe vera and neem I don't know what neem is even amenities body lotion I mean this is a sleek and sexy looking toilet   that's nice oh oh no oh mind blown that's like four and a half that's maybe like a four seven five that's about the best toilet paper you're gonna get y'all this is the toilet paper I've been looking for it's almost it's like a little damp it's a little wet wipe that is four seven five final thing I'm going right there that is the toilet paper I've been looking for reason enough to spend a thousand dollars the toilet paper we got the Primrose suite look at all this I feel like I'm walking through a museum right now it's like the mixture between royalty and a museum   you got this is just the working this is the working office this is all this is okay okay okay gotta gotta check out how's it gonna be  how's it gonna be What's it gonna look like oh that is the latest Air Design Technology it perfect height the feet go under   do I look like I actually have a serious job now probably not but anyways look at this   legs can go under nicely so much shiny cool stuff in here what is this oh it's the menu and everything it smells amazing in here   I think you can learn all about the Taj oh no it's like a magazine oh my gosh too many sexy women  can't get demonetized too many sexy ladies   I just like the book oh see just like beautiful art books so much you can learn about in here I just love again typical Indian style always things to read much needed   I may Jack this pin because I'm a cheap person kind of like a tiny tiny tiny window   but the view is cool because I can almost see I think it's a gate of India over here   no way not I don't know what it is massive Hotel look I'm literally in a museum now here's my like tea dining area  they didn't offer a welcome drink which I thought was interesting but that's okay massive TV ready to go   Primrose A flower celebrated by the British colonialists And all that it stands for as a characteristic specimen of the English countryside, finds it symbolic architectural equivalent in the primrose suite okay now I know what a primrose is  not much of Farm Boy am I don't know what all the stuff is you know there's some things that weren't really I mean we were too busy talking about my channel but I'm gonna assume all this is extra you don't really need a mini bar   because you have like there's like nine restaurants in this hotel so you never got thirsty or hungry   probably pretty easy just to order something  another one this is gonna be all the coffee and everything dang they even got French press coffee unreal every glass wine cork you need fancy water eco-friendly water Cause it’s in one of these it's gonna bother me this is just gorgeous absolutely Divine is there anything in here chances are something in here   95 percent uh raisins almonds and number three cashews I'll take a seat for a cashew salty Indian cashews people aren't talking about them enough there's still so much more to go here I'd take a break getting tired already but check it out it's another room dining room good luck trying to keep up with these for which room does what   look how gorgeous this is a big circle it's just a circle it's like hanging off   I did have a beautiful view we were just down here earlier now we're up here the colors this this green color it may not be showing up on film too well but it is very gorgeous intricate art isn't it intricate woodwork got some fruit here now oh have the seed I always forget that balcony or bedroom balcony okay look got a screen here for insects or everything but   I forgot how hot it was today it's perfect temperature in the room look at the views is that crazy sit out here with a morning coffee or tea just watch the bay it's a little little overcast today I guess you call that overcast and then finally the bedroom I mean I really don't have to say anything   pretty nice very spacious my favorite piece maybe this right here something like this with the petals on top of the water and this even looks like a flower I like things like this I mean you're paying for the space you know I think the bedroom looks maybe a little underwhelming but the space is much needed I mean I'm gonna sleep here I'll enjoy spending my time in here like the office over there is where I would go spend my time   I'm kind of kind of gross but sorry I think this got in the film I'm kind of gross but it's actually a firm it's like a firm uh a firm soft it's not like a soft soft it's like a firm soft okay I like him me likey good bed perfect for me slight firmness with a little give   this must be the main bathroom closet closet on closet there's got to be an ironing board something in here somewhere safe laundry window key   window key okay it's so funny it's like so sophisticated and this is so ancient lots of good stuff more TV I don't know why I spent a thousand dollars in a room just to watch TV dear Lord so yeah here's the ironing board y'all do you see how thick and just squishy this is you know those like you know those blankets your parents give you when you're like a kid they've made a robe out of one of those but it's thicker and more plush and more high quality than you've ever thought they could make that's exactly what this is wow it just tastes like taste it feels like I'm hugging a lamb a baby lamb a very woolly sheep a baby sheep is a lamb right it feels like I'm just hugging it or maybe it's hugging me wow I'm putting that on soon and then for the I guess it's the master bath   again same style as the one before double amenity for you and the loved one or it could be like me   and be lonely toilet bidet lots of room in here for your throne I can't believe that other bathroom is for the guest and a tub  very nice tub but let's try it with me in here One max length one perfect max length I guess I should lay in it the correct way should not shower gels hair conditioner butter soap again all about the butter the ghee   and the butter it's all about the big and ghee and butter more ghee more butter more love and finally Master shower all the same amenities every nozzle   thing you would need this one does not move this one is detachable   another door to the bedroom if you want to maybe you miss your loved one you're like baby   baby how do I get out of here   baby look at me shower okay maybe not go around  so yeah other than that it's all the same this is probably too long I've been a review for you   I feel like it was just about right seriously seriously though look how big this bed is one one half one one-half Max rolls okay now what I think I'm gonna rest here just for a second get my stuff under control um look at this oh just a Chinese City I thought this was like outside   and more Chinese barges at the embassy preparing to pass under bridge okay thought it would have been related to out here anyways I'm gonna relax eat just a few more cashews and we'll get going we got tea time here I may need to bring out my so with my Amex card by American Express I get a lot of   benefits so I'll run you through the benefits  I forgot to even look at the chandeliers   oh wow okay um I had dinner booked but I will do cocktail hour or sorry I will do uh tea time oh man that would be lovely thank you so much okay Where is the cocktail hour? Okay, Palace Lounge go it's tea cocktail all is there bye-bye oh let me go hang this wireless phone up this is the bedroom one I'm in the living room   isn't it kind of weird that in an age where we have cell phones I was really impressed by the wireless phone in the hotel but anyways they are so nice here I'm just here for a night clearly   um but I don't leave my flight's not till like 11 p.m so with my Amex card I get tea time cocktail hour cognac tasting but he said I have dinner tonight I have to go to dinner so I'm gonna miss a lot of it he said man you can go tomorrow too yes so we'll get to show you everything here sir Max? yes Go on go for it man Masala chai for you sir yes Thank you Vijendra are you from Mumbai I'm from Mumbai okay Mumbai local Sugar? sure and uh just a little  little sugar yeah because I got all the cashews and fruits and everything to eat with it This will be fine sir? perfect Here's your tea please awesome thank you so much   thank you brother Welcome to Taj thank you have a great day man You too sir just give us a call once you've done I'll be there for the clearance hey I'm easy man we're gonna have fun have a good one   cool the Butler Service here Taj Mahal hotels  is how it's supposed to be they do it right all the service here is incredible let me let me get something I want to show y'all so yeah whatever not paid or anything but when I use my AmEx card   I get extra benefits right so I got early check-in 12 p.m I got late check out 4 P.M   um and you get some other cool things too like breakfast everywhere is a little different this is part of the fine hotels and resorts by American Express in Taj Mahal Taj Mahal hotel now   what's cool and what I like about here is they tell you about it you know what I mean so like some hotels you'll do it and they're very secretive about you they won't tell you anything but here they've called me they've told me don't forget you have this this and this you can find it here you get this benefit let's set this up make sure you get this it's just presented so well and again another little card just stating everything I have got to make sure like if I sign up for something to get the benefits of it then I get it this is the service you'll want somewhere and  I'm I'm the more I have my time in India the more I see why everybody says you got to go to Taj Taj Taj on another level here pretty good all right so one thing about these hotels is you have to be smart casual when you go to dining so we're about to go to high tea so I just kind of dressed it up a little bit   nice little Coca-Cola watch here that I bought dress pants and the reason I travel with a black shirt not the nicest black shirt but it's comfy   and it's so easy to dress up a black shirt right  and then I got my shoes which if you saw the other videos then you know how I got these so throw them on and we will head down for some high tea I didn't get to show you all this last time but pretty amazing isn't it I don't know if I like looking down  so there's two places that have high tea it's included in the packages okay yeah well they told me to go to the Palace oh this is the palace okay so how do I go oh this way perfect thank you so much   ah see semi-formal attire only Palace Lounge is what I was looking for oh it's like gentleman's club in here oh hello you're over here how are you I came for high tea   yes sir please your good name sir Max room number five six one five six one yeah perfect   so just pick a place okay thank you lots of people over here so I'll sit over here real gentlemen's club feeling here chandeliers it's kind of dark old men having meetings and this is it hmm pepper prawns hello how are you doing well uh putting them out now Thyme cheese   and vegetable turnover oh that's what I love though the sweets plates oh they're under here I do not need a big plate is there anything you recommend   it's like a must anything anything that's a must We have the steak sir uh huh You want a bigger plate? I have just a little plate just a little right now so would you like to try I don't know what do you think what do you recommend All is equally good We have some vegetarian also, okay Tomato, cucumber Avocado patty That's really very nice okay The smoked cheese It's really.. really, really good okay perfect that's all I need to know I will try a couple of these thank you The only thing I would recommend is that you have a bigger plate, you will just love it well I'm trying not to eat too much you got to save room for dinner chicken Pate uh Chatpata Chatpata tuna I don't even know what that is Currimbhoy maybe like my eighth one today I've had a lot perfect thank you so much and that's what we're rolling with got some sandwiches got some cake   the second time I went over there for cake I picked the wrong Fork   oh felt bad for that lady I think I'm causing her more trouble than I'm worth   Anyways, some masala tea let's try it out so I was like really intrigued because there's two places that you can enjoy high tea here so I was like kind of my mind blown so I got my package the palace   but there's another place too I don't know we're all veg though avocado   I forgot and like a cucumber and tomato salad  just like white bread soft white bread on avocado That is some buttery avocado though That is nice oh yeah I was not expecting that at all that was really nice   she said they were good she's got the recommendation on point and this one I forgot what it was it's got to be veg though I took it from the veg side so Smoky and delicate these do not look like   I think to me like the presentation at the Taj Mahal in Delhi I could have been that person so at least I wasn't that person who dropped everything it's so awkward sometimes um the Taj Mahal in Delhi man like the presentation it was like on next level but here   little deceiving a little deceiving with the snacks they don't look crazy   but it tastes really good it's actually good I was hungry too   I just wanted to welcome you thank you so much Enjoy yes so now just a little sweet the chocolate cake looks divine I'm super excited for the chocolate cake like a little fruit tart and then whatever this is that need sugar I forgot to add sugar typical like Taj    service though I mean they're just trying to make sure it'perfect out there I got here as soon as they opened I didn't want to take any extra time I think first of all we need some cake it's almost got a little more of like a brownie texture going to it I'm curious what this is going to taste like oh no it's like this molasses molasses molasses date fruit nut cake yeah Not quite what I wanted Beauty masala chai though when you get something you don't want   you just drink some masala chai and everything's new that fruit tart is worth going back to get another one for them that crumbly   shell almost like a shortbread buttery not as buttery as you think and then the tartness and the crispness from the Apple the little I think there was like a Blackberry on there   a tartness mixed with the sweetness and the butteriness beautiful dessert my only complaint   I need it bigger I understand it's kind of free though the last thing we got Divine chocolate cake oh yeah so look at this they have like a ganache on top that shiny layer right there gives it that Sheen but then there's also like this icing filling in the middle as well the fruit tart and the chocolate cake are enough reason to come down here you know I always respect the locals so much because Indian people have such a love and desire for a good dessert and I'm the same way so we can get along there   masala chai chocolate cake Masala chai that should be on your to-do list when you come to India you may not think about it that's your afternoon snack right there yeah so I just got back from Masala Library I walked to this room in the dark right but I saw something was placed down so I went to turn the light on and I saw it And I laughed when I saw it oh my gosh the detail and then this is something here I don't know This is amazing I'll open this in a second but look it's not just that but they came and left me dessert as well that is like honestly I went to a nice dinner   I wish I would have never left I love it here man try all these cakes out   oh my gosh rule number one when you come to the Taj don't ever leave Baklava this is better presentation and better than what I ate at the fine dining I went to   oh it's all divine but let's figure out what's in here now this is going to take a minute Oh Aabhishek Aabhishek man   that dude is like take Taj Mahal service and he is pushing it good guy oh my gosh more chocolates beautiful patisserie chocolates I will save these I may find him tomorrow and share these actually but I'm about to pass out we'll catch you in the morning good morning for breakfast now I want to show you this real quick so as you walk the halls of the Taj there are these just incredibly fancy outlets right here where you can buy anything in their jewelry there's wedding gowns there's   I mean High fashion there's La Patisserie which is what Aabhishek brought us last night he must have come down here and got us some stuff of course Louis Vuitton so I just wanted to show you this quick little real quick  but we're going to breakfast and I'm going the wrong way I think I get lost in here so easily it's not even that hard to get lost and and yes smart casual for breakfast as well  just one more thing this is kind of like a   reception area this is a pool we'll go get in the pool after we eat I want to get some breakfast in me actually just before it gets too crowded so I don't know where I'm going I think it's in here I hear breakfast stuff   I'm kind of glad I came this way I haven't showed y'all so Grand this is the sea Lounge I could not find it how are you room 561   how are you this morning I'm good how are you I'm gonna try to eat some breakfast Just for one? yes is that too lonely one person perfect thank you so much oh I see why they call it the sea Lounge look at that view morning how are you how are you doing well Your name is.. Aniel Aniel Nice to meet you Aniel Nice to meet you Start with some tea, coffee, for you? Oh, can I do a coffee please? Capuchino latte Black coffee Just do a latte Certainly I'm.. I'm easy man Hot latte please Anyone join with you? ah no I mean I probably get some local stuff I will use my hand I will be fine yeah We have the.. back side we have the international signature oh no man we're in India we gotta eat Indian food it's the good stuff   and then there's juice and everything up there I can look at Yeah, buffet sir Served over there okay and this is the can order okay thank you brother I'll go look real quick We have all, the fruits, Cereals Cold cuts perfect Hot food, bakeries, is there okay I will go look real quick oh man Paratha, idli, dosa Uttapam Puri bhaji oh Puri bhaji I don't like that they have the calories I don't guys in calories don't count when you're in India if you didn't know it's a beautiful place very beachy vibe so check it out got all juices here cereals like he was saying   and then kind of stuff like I'm not interested in this like I don't really want salad for breakfast   bread butters jams I'm gonna get some of this but I think the Indian breakfast is what sounds best to me oh Samosa I'm by the beach so you gotta have a samosa   yeah let me just dish up a plate and I'll meet you back at my table   oh fresh fish anybody Donuts everything oh my gosh there's actually they went and took this from the bees they stole it from the bees they put it in here and they have a cheese wheel I need to ask you a question do you recommend the paratha or the Dosa   Dosa Dosa okay let me just do a plain or let me do a masala dosa certainly perfect anything else no I'll get some more stuff from up there so I'll just do that thank you so much this is mine I forgot and look at the beauty of this latte right here some of the best latte art seen so far so I'm keeping it simple it's got some juice got some Aloo shaak and a samosa and a coffee I ordered the Dosa masala Dosa it'll come here later but I don't want to eat too much here   because I still think the best food in India  is out there International selection is so boring it's like quinoa porridge almond milk Oatmilk porridge chia seed pancakes You get eggs Oh I should get some eggs you're really paying for the view though aren't you look at it it's better it's better off camera trust me hello please Thank you Hot plate sir Hot plate oh Don’t touch okay I'm sorry y'all have to be a lot closer to me because like my microphone died   so I'm trying to figure out how to do this  I just got like a little samosa because why not and then I want to wait for my chutney here use my coconut chutney for the samosa that's actually pretty good Samosa and then I got an Aloo shaak here as well I thought you know more more gravy more potato and Samosa can never be bad together okay mic is definitely dead now so check it out got the Dosa here nice and crispy this is how I want it it's crispy pretty plain but that's how I want it I want with that potato mixture I want that fermented batter light thin crispy sambar green Chutney here let's get an edge piece don't get too much of the potato right away so I just want to make a boat and dip into that sambar oh that is a creamy sambar I'm sorry it's just something about like sambar in the morning when you get that   tomato spicy drumstick earthy sweet vegetable and goes down your throat hits your throat just takes away the sickness and everything clears it up get you feeling good and ready to go now so you got all the curry leaves here and everything just get it in that Chutney oh that's gorgeous yeah so normal countries like you don't really eat Hotel food right   because I think the best foods in the street I just forget I'm in India that is a superb dosa I mean it is a little bit fermented it's crunchy it's a flavorful curry spice potato mixture on the inside that Chutney though that refreshing coconut chutney is so fatty so high quality and that touch of mustard seed in it I really like your coconut little chutney here you like it yeah I like it I eat it every day this one's really good though nice crunchy still got a nice potatoes right kind of my whole thing I nailed here we're just talking about like   you know local breakfast and you see the smile develop on his face and we get to talking finally you know open them up you open a mouth you open a mind you open a heart remember that yeah right here the thing that wins it for me right here though is that right there I can't get enough of it just go ahead and give me a gallon bucket of that to go back home I still love the experience of street food but you can't skip that dosa I think Buffet stuff's okay here the stuff you order is really special like Dosa  I'm really thinking I'm like do I get another one   do I do two or three more that's how I'm feeling I wasn't even that that hungry when I woke up and let's go for a swim morning how are you I guess you can dine out here as well I should have taken breakfast out here this would have been nice this is   gorgeous area never even thought about taking breakfast out here this is the place   I should have had breakfast I should have had breakfast right here like these people on the water I don't think this is taken taken from me   I lost my sunglasses again  that's why I can't have nice things my towel oh you can really see the beauty of the Taj here when you get out here to the pool of this area it's like you know Aces  kinda except the water we got a big ocean right over here but I hope y'all enjoyed it I'm gonna go for a quick little swim   try to work up more of an appetite because it's my last day in Mumbai so I have a little bit more come from Taj but it's gonna be next video I think this was long enough to Max come on check me out one more day Mumbai you gotta check it out I don't know what we're gonna get into we're gonna be here south side we're just gonna roam around and see where the the flow the people and the city take me to be fair water's freezing
Channel: Daily Max
Views: 2,929,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CHrhZvT6kJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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