The Ritz Afternoon Tea | Inside London's Most Luxury Hotel

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I wouldn't really say you get much chutney do you want me to be honest fresh scones freshly baked we finally have a booking for afternoon tea at the Ritz you do have to book like three months in advance as I can tell the Red Bus is going past yes we are in Central London I'm excited Nat my sister is here she is going to be camera lady she's helping me out today so I booked this literally five weeks ago and we're in the middle of the week I think this was a cancellation so if you're interested you're gonna have to book this at least three months in advance I've given up on trying to get a Christmas slot even though it's afternoon tea it is 11 30 as our slot there's a few slots 11 30 1 30 I think 4 30 and 7 30. if you watch my vlogmas we did go in and check out the Christmas tree I don't know is there a gift store we're going to go and have a look I'm not sure if this is in the ballroom but it's advertised as the Palm Court which looks absolutely stunning but yeah I'm hungry are you hungry Nat yes okay let's head on in oh it looks weird without the Christmas tree I'll film in 0.5 so you get a bit of a wider lens oh my gosh yeah we'll see if there's an actual store maybe this is like just people getting deliveries to their room but they have got a little Ritz bear a big one and a little one oh I wonder if they come in that cute box I actually looking at tea sets Nat's already gone shopping this couldn't resist Fortnum and Masons yeah gifts oh those are cute oh they're very fortnum and mason colors so it looks like there is a yeah Ritz Cigar Bar in there and it looks like they have got a little calendar yes it is February when we're here oh if you have seen my Harrod's afternoon tea Hollie had a little bear didn't she I'll link below there's a playlist We have got some other afternoon teas yeah let's have a look we'll have a look for the knickknacks oh that would be a good gift that bottle stopper oh look at the little display I wonder if you can buy that ready for service service even can't talk little baggage strap I like the little bear like his little his little bow around his his neck candles Nat candles yeah I'm guessing so I will have a look guys at the end and see after and yeah you can probably buy I mean who doesn't need a gold door store with an acorn on look at the wall the painting is absolutely stunning so if you're coming in guys do you come in maybe a little bit early just have a look oh they remind me of like Beauty and the Beast yeah and yeah make sure you've got enough time to like have a look around they obviously don't mind you having a little bit of a nose but look at this lobby area the carpet's beautiful as well it's like a really nice I think pinky color right pretty looks quite red on camera look at the flowers and as you come through from the lobby there is this beautiful area as nat's taking her scarf off it was a lot warmer in here isn't it it's nice and we will show you what other people are wearing as well because I know some people will probably be watching this just to like know what is acceptable because it does have a strict dress code and but yeah so there's obviously like a loungy area here it looks like oh walking to table and that did just say you can probably come in and like have a drink I think this is classed as like one of the bars so you can see glass of champers and some prices there like a tradditional Lobby bar yeah yeah and then all the beautiful mirrors you would have seen in a previous shot seems to be quite a key part of the design the kind of paneled window-esque obviously there are chandeliers everywhere as we head on in so yeah we're at 11 30 there's quite a lot of people that have come in and I don't think I've been to one where there's clear sittings and again we've got all the jewellery like I said well look try and see if there's a store I think there must be oh it's cute oh yeah we'll go to the cloak room perfect so there is obviously some seating says that one's reserved but this would be like a chill place to come and Nat would be good people watching wouldn't it oh yeah just dropping the our coats look at the stairs all the pianists starting but yeah so we can So say yeah you'll get like a little thing you don't have to pay for it and people will ask that but we are actually gonna quickly just go to The Powder Room someone told me to film the toilet so guys you're getting the full experience today look at this oh look at her or him I feel like a standard thing with afternoon tea is to film the bathroom they're quite pretty but yes very quickly actually because of the lighting in here well as nat is sorting her bag out sorry what are we wearing so I'm wearing a dress from where's this from self-portrait which I really like and I like this this detail Ill try not to touch the microphone too much sorry guys kind of flat brogie shoes I don't really own like nice flat shoes like I need to go shopping and get some nice flat shoes comfy ones ok I get why people told me to look in here it's really pretty with all the paintings right what are you wearing that just so people know what you're wearing dress sleeveless knit dress belt and smart shoes Comfy comfy because you don't want to be really uncomfy in these places because I would say coming for afternoon tea you don't want to be uncomfortable like too many carbs to be wearing anything uncomfortable but it says that men have to wear jackets they do so we'll see no sportswear and no jeans I think although we've seen a couple of jeans already going all the way around okay thank you so much so we are at our little table we're next to each other we're saying it's like sitting on a train but as you can see there's not loads of tables in here actually like yeah one of the reasons it would get booked up so quickly I think the maximum table size is four maybe five people and I did see in someone's video actually there was eight of them and they were across two tables so just something to bear in mind that yeah you're not going to get like a massive table of people so this is the setup this will be quite good now because we'll have loads of room for all the food and cakes but let me show you the menu so we have got the tea selections as you can see hopefully you can hear me okay I think there is one I'm assuming the Ritz Royal English that is exclusive I'm gonna assume I'm sure they'll tell us I did notice as well you can swap for a coffee if you want a lot of places do offer that so if you're not a tea drinker get yourself a coffee 12 and a half percent is pretty standard I would say for the UK now I know there'll be lots of Americans watching this and they always say like 12 and a half isn't much because we yeah we don't it's just different here yeah so yes this afternoon tea is 70 pounds we will review at the end if we think it is worth it this is not a paid advert we will be honest so as you can see lots of different sandwiches scones and pastries scones scones you can have a little bit of champagne and something I haven't noticed in other places they have a non-alcoholic drink which is pretty nice yeah pearlescent paper we like we like the menu because some of them usually come in like a leather bound folder so this is quite nice oh yeah it is a bit and you can continue your journey you can buy the Ritz tin for 15 pounds and a little cookbook for 30 pounds my understanding there is a gluten-free option they did ask if there were any allergies but they haven't asked if there's a vegetarian one but looking at this yeah some of the items do have vegetarian but I think you can just ask and get more veggie stuff I think we're both going to be very traditional know and get English the Royal English even though we are not having a glass of champagne you can see that it is Ritz branded it's struggling to focus but the plates are really cute we've got the little leaf loose leaf strainer oh yeah and lots of little details so already I can see that some of the stuff is a little bit more elevated but yeah it's quite nice sitting on this oval shaped table and you can see some people have already got the food we came 11 35 because I was too busy filming I have a feeling this angle is not going to be very attractive for me to Vlog when I'm trying to be subtle I don't want to ruin the experience for anyone else we just noticed that the serviettes the napkins are Ritz branded I bet I bet a few of them get pinched don't you I am not encouraging you to steal but I'm just saying it's like Jamie Oliver remember when Jamie Oliver like his restaurant it was like a restaurant in the UK a chain and yeah it was on the news because they kept having to rebuy all of the napkins because everyone kept pinching them they're probably not worth anything now yeah I was like virgin with the little salt and pepper things I'm sure they don't plan for people to take them right let's eat I will be honest I couldn't really hear anything that they were saying could you no it's it is it is very loud in here just re looked at the menu this is cheese with Chutney although I wouldn't really say you get much chutney well barely any there isn't any really and they're a little bit crunchy but let's see sorry keep having to film it filming 0.5 because it's what's wrong with the light but yeah that was nice like cheese one we've got a smoked salmon and nat was saying yeah quite a lot of smoked salmon and it was like a lemon something butter how is it was it nice it's nice and next up we have ham with some mustard yeah some mustard stuff on a brioche bread and it's very nice thank you yummy so yeah they bring the scones out when you've had a couple of sandwiches and then they'll make room for strawberry jam amazing thank you Cornish cream the proper cream so you do get a fresh plate which is quite nice actually I haven't seen that in any other places and as they reach over we've got a chicken and mayo basically sandwich on a I'm not sure what that bread is malt bread malt bread do you want me to be honest it's giving Tesco meal deal I'm just saying that one it doesn't taste of anything it needs a bit of pizaz very Bland so it's okay I think there's almost like too much mustard mayo whatever it is in it it's like one extreme to the other that's either really dry or a bit soggy but you like that one you like that one that I do like it's okay it's okay so let's go wild it was like that Harrods though wasn't it because they said health and safety I'm gonna multitask you get like a proper cake Fork so just go for it nat go for it its going to squish oh oh solid I like that so there's another tray of cake coming we are struggling a little bit as usual we're not like massive eaters in one go but hopefully we're hoping we can maybe take the scones home and what I mean is Nat and I are the types of people we'd rather have like five meals a day we love food we love food but yeah also very quickly refills refills refills refills yes so someone did say Hannah can you let us know so they've said to us like three times if we want more sandwiches if we want I think we can probably get more cakes so yeah you can you kind of get I was gonna say your money's worth however you look at it but yeah come hungry oh my God yeah oh my gosh you guys okay I've positioned you now nats having to go with me guys and that's how I'm going we've been like it wasn't on the menu that there was another trade a trolley coming with cake but it didn't say so yeah you get all the sandwiches the scones three like specialty cakes two of them are Citrus though oh did I show them the cakes you were complaining at the beginning saying oh you only get three little plates each well you've got a whole trolley coming now yeah there you go because they did look on TripAdvisor and people were moaning that you only get three types of cake well you can have five types if you really want to and that looks like look they look rich as well don't they we'll have to get one right yeah we're gonna have to try aren't we maybe we can take some of this home I don't know we'll let you know so that one is like banana custard oh my gosh jiggle jiggle hazelnut loaf oh my gosh that's like a Kinder Bueno like Ferrero Rocher guys I'm so full so we've got the cakes and you can take them with you did I already say that and here's the debate oh here we go what do you put first cream cream first only because it's heavier and it's easier to spread the jam on I think I always think it's about 50 50 in the comments so guys comment below do you put Jam first and cream first yeah as you can hear there's a Pianist but I did look and during the weekend it's a harpist so yeah if you're coming you might not get The Pianist and they had a seating at 7 30 and it did say online from 7 30. it's like a trio band I don't know whatever that is so I guess it's a bit more of a party vibe in the evening you were just saying 7 30 feels really late for afternoon tea but something that I did know now through till the end of March this is being filmed in February 2023 by the way guys because some people will be watching these like in like a year's time it wasn't really advertised on the website but going through some of the block banners on the afternoon tea page they have 15 percent off the 730 slots it was like limited availability and I didn't see that when I was booking we wouldn't have come at 7 30 but so if you're looking for a slightly better deal I think it worked out it was like 59 pounds something whatever 15 is so yeah and you've got to pay obviously 12 and a half percent interest service charge on top same thing we're getting there but our full dingers have almost gone ding but I did want to say looking at some other people's videos so this is the Palm Court as I said at the beginning and actually the Christmas just gone at the end of 2022 a lot of people were having afternoon tea downstairs in the ballroom so it did get moved so it is back I guess in the Palm Court maybe they had events or they were renovating I'm not sure but yeah it is as per the website the bill has arrived they do box it for you so you can't take the sandwiches or I did just throw these cakes in it's fine so yeah we've got a few things to go and it comes in a little branded box and they give you a little carrier bag it's a slightly grubby one right hold your hold your horses guys this little stand looks like a Wes anderson movie reminds me of was it mendels in the Grand Budapest Hotel yeah there was these beautiful kind of Pinky Hue mirrors as I probably shown you quite a few times it is beautiful in here guys although loud it is beautiful we're gonna just have a little bit of a mooch we love a mooch and just see what's down this ends so yeah you can come in and I think as you can see there's a few reserved tables but there's all these cool mirrors private rooms room staff room probably yeah so I think if you wanted to come in and book oh look at those curtains oh it looks so yellow on camera this iPhone is not it but yeah you do not you can't use a proper camera filming these places guys I'm gonna assume these are real yeah I think they're not gonna have plastic flowers or the Ritz yeah it's so nice very cozy and there's obviously loads of really beautiful details lots of gold trimmings I did show you this at Christmas if anyone saw get two of the blue ones one for nat and yeah one for me but it's all pretty reasonably priced we've got it wrong yeah like so yeah I don't know I'm hoping the audio so these were like oh wait how much are we paying 28 28 pounds 25 which is really reasonable and the bottle stopper as well was like 25 but I'm gonna get a candle instead so 28 pounds you get this you do have to ask they don't have like a price list so don't be scared yeah that's so nice we found a comfy sofa oh the lighting isn't too great but we thought we'd do like a little bit of a review so yeah we're just in that Lounge area we're going to rank it into like different categories so let's start with overall the room the room as you saw the Palm Court was absolutely stunning I'm gonna sound a little bit Petty and if you've been you might know what I'm talking about and I don't think I showed it but the tables you can't really put your legs under the table so if you want if you're a monk I'm only five foot four how tall are you at five six but yeah and so it's not the most comfortable I think because of the seating and that's I think that might just be oh it's the same as these tables we'll show you in a second for some reason yeah they've got tables where there's another tier underneath it anyway that kind of is a bit uncomfortable but the chairs are really comfy it was yeah it just obviously is quite loud if you're okay with that then it's all good I would say the room nine out of ten because it's very beautiful another food right what do we start with sandwiches the sandwiches they were not it they were hit and miss like the chicken was not it i mean you would have seen all the clips already so I think the sandwiches were really mediocre there's nothing wrong with them guys and this is what I'm trying to say we're trying to give you the review based on it being 70 pounds per person so yeah I would say the food the sandwiches were like for me like a five out of ten yeah but then some of them are loved and then there are some sandwiches in which they were 70 pounds you want them to be a little bit special but then the cakes as you saw there was that other trolley which is just ridiculous it's kind of unnecessary but hey whatever but then the cakes I would say were like you know 10 out of 10 the scones were nice I think if I would like them to be warm and then kept in something I don't know but I think each afternoon tea is different so yeah I would agree the scones yeah the scone was good it wasn't it was the best scone I've ever had it wasn't awkward they're not awkward about you wanting a goodie bag which I know a lot of people will be interested in it didn't feel strange they were more than happy to put everything in the goodie bag just not the sandwiches yeah they're not allowed to give you the sandwiches because of health and safety but everything else we've got scones cakes they're happy to just package it up and as you saw we said yes to cakes probably knowing that we weren't going to eat them they don't care so yeah so I'd give that yeah I think overall food what did I say maybe like an an eight because it bumps it up with the cake maybe seven seven eight also just to know a lot of people always comment on high tea high tea is usually when you get another Savory course I think that's what I did as the Savoy there isn't the option here and like I said I think there is a gluten-free menu but there wasn't a specific vegetarian one but I think like I said you just have to ask the other thing was also it was you get to choose one tea at the start and then that's it that was it we weren't offered anything else we didn't ask for anything else it might been nice to the microphone thing yeah hi it might have been nice to have had more than one tea we were also slightly confused at the starts when we pour our own tea I know oh my gosh who do we think we are we I was like do we pour our own tea or do we wait for it to brew so yeah so the experience with Loose leaf tea though no exactly make sure you do the strainer well we do see the dress code okay so we're in like dresses you're in a knitted dress looking fab as always I feel really bad for the for the men who have to wear a jacket most of the men are in jackets and ties and obviously yeah a lot of people are in suits I would say on the other side of things it really varies on the ladies like some people there was a couple of people in like black jeans and it does say no jeans look honestly I personally don't care but I think when there's a dress code it's always a bit tricky you could totally wear chinos guys chinos a casual Oxford shirt and like a jacket over the top I don't think you have to wear a tie it might specify that if you're comfortable guys like you can take your tie off the bathrooms are right here I wouldn't I would expect on the evening one at 7 30 people go smarter yeah I reckon it's smarter in the evening we're in there for around an hour and 10 or 15 minutes maximum yeah we probably could have dragged it out a little bit longer but they're clearing the tables yeah by the time we were finishing people were starting to leave so it's quick so if you're if you are thinking of coming as a special occasion and you want a longer experience this is not this is probably not the one unless unless you want to have a drink in the bar afterwards there's quite a few people it costs money I know it doesn't I know but if you're I know it's great though but yeah we went in at 11 35 because I was faffing about getting content for you guys and yeah it's like 10 to 10 to 1 now and most like I'd say half the room had gone by that point yeah it doesn't feel rushed but yeah it's not a sit back and relax for a couple of hours but I guess they've got a turnaround to do and they're trying to get people in yeah it's not the biggest room as you saw so I I don't know I don't have an issue with it I think our preference just a personal preferences I think we like places are a little bit more cozy with like carpet I think the hard floor and obviously is quite loud so we will come into a vlog at some point go to claridges I went to the savoy a few years ago I will link that and I did I think I mentioned earlier I have a playlist with some other afternoon teas oh my God we've been yakking for about six minutes now would I recommend it 100 percent I think it's lovely but I think it's a certain type of afternoon tea that you want value for money so it's 70 pounds each we didn't have champagne or anything no do you know what was 70 pounds in the consideration and what else you get elsewhere I would say a solid seven and a half I don't think it quite gets an eight just because it's just too quick it's just too quick for 70 pounds it's basically it's a pound a minute yeah if you look at it that way but if your slot is at say half 11 come 10 minutes earlier like there were people already full-on seated yeah definitely come early I mean we're the next lot is not till half one so we're sat here and they're obviously doing the tables there's loads of people waiting to go in yeah what would you rate it out of ten yeah I'd probably go for a seven again yeah it's just really quick maybe we're just a bit too Riff Raff we just like to be comfortable but we just like to relax natter go at a slower pace it's just one coming out for lunch we're just we are wanting to just chill for a bit I want a solid hour and a half at least this almost feels like a business lunch kind of timings like you want to eat the food straight out yeah I guess they've got a job to do yeah so up to you is it worth 70 pounds honestly I can't tell you guys it's totally up to you yeah add it to your list I think something else I wanted to mention is there obviously a Christmas version of this I think for Christmas this would be really special I think it might be even more than 70 pounds you can get a booking get a booking yeah I'm not sure if I meant to hold them but anyway yeah add to your list and yeah feel quite full actually a little bit sick actually let's go for a little walk around the block we're gonna go for a walk right I feel like we're probably shown you enough but I'm very happy to get some sparkling water we've got drinks on the way we've got half an hour until nat has to go and pick up the kids so this is quite a good idea if you have kids top them off at school coming to London and then Dash back back home but yes I hope you enjoyed this and hopefully the review I'm sure we've waffled on for about 10 minutes but it gave you a bit of insight into our personal opinion of it but comment below what other afternoon teas or restaurants have you really enjoyed maybe if you visited London and basically we should go make sure you are subscribed please do I'd really appreciate it and I will see you next Friday at 6pm bye
Channel: Hannah Ricketts
Views: 367,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things to do in london, free things to do in london, london, london tourist, london guide, london tour, london parks, london tips, travel guide london, tourist, london vlog, anglophenia, anglophile, travel vlog, travel day, uk food, uk vlog, London 4k, London travel, London street, moving to london, London walking tour, uk vlogs, London walk, London vlog, vlog, travel 2023, vlog 2023, London 2023, luxury, shopping vlog, shopping haul, lifestyle vlog, English, learn english
Id: 3vvvbq-H3TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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